It's my house. At the start of the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, my buddy who was a beer rep for a company that rep'ed Dos Equis showed up at my place with 45 cases of Dos and Sol. So, we made my apartment "Mexico House" (There was Irish House, Canada House, Holland House... so we went Mexico)
Ever since then, I only allow Mexican beer in my fridge to stay loyal to the brand that made my Olympics awesome in 2010.
Here was a couple pic. We drank more than 1,400 bottles of beer in my place in 2 weeks.
I bumped into these cards when I'm looking for something in Amazon. Here's the Link.
Buskers: The On-the-Streets, In-the-Trains, Off-the-Grid Memoir of Two New York City Street Musicians. It follows my rise from suburban stoner to NYC musician dirt bag.
No idea if this is any good but I found the Dry Vanilla Bean Soda on Amazon if anyone is interested
Vanilla Bean DRY Soda, 12 Ounce Cans (Pack of 12)
That's it
Here: Bormioli Rocco Selecta 7-Piece Whiskey Gift Set
Edit: lol Amazon raised the price to $20. Wonder if this post is making it get more attention.
Last weekend I've discovered this great drinking game. It just released and it's looking really good at the moment. Devs are really active and are constantly updating the game, so its a game to keep an eye on!
For those who had no idea what he's talking about:
>Irish Goodbye - Leaving quietly out the side door of a party or bar without saying goodbye to anyone.
Actually, might be this one. Basically the same, but the stripes on the cat are slightly different and this one matches OP's better (specifically the neck). This one also looks like the cat is higher quality (less plasticy because it's more detailed).
I don't know what's wrong with you (or if there os actually anything wrong with you), but I think you could do with some help... go and see ur gp, if nothing else they should be able to refer you to someone who can help. Aulternatively there are various help lines available in most countries.
I would suggest not drinking when you are depress too, it is a depressant.
This might help:
Hope you find the help you need! Pm me if you are from NZ, I'm more familiar with the services available there.
we used this recipe, which suggests you soak them longer (our gummy bears turned out way bigger), and they also recommend adding juice concentrate with the vodka. They were awesome and people loved them so much that they got stolen within an hour.
I think that Three Sheets is not as popular as we hope. Fortunately all episodes are available on Hulu. Watch and enjoy! Personally, I love all of the tropical destination episodes as I would KILL to be there. Literally... call me... let's make a deal...
For being drunk, I love scary games. You should give [SCP Containment Breach]<> a run for you money. And since it's free, that should be a lot of run.
Edit: I don't know who changed the rules on how links work, but he did NOT inform me. Have your malformed satan spawn non-link.
Yes, in fact they already have a bar in London that uses a similar method.
EDIT: Read the article again since I first saw it a while back. Apparently it was a temporary thing. What a shame.
It's not on Facebook itself, but it can block social websites while you're drinking. I think it has you solve something to disable.
Holy shit, /r/drunk, I just realized I have a great place to share my beautiful Family Guy Power Hour! I made it years ago, but I still go back to it every once in awhile. It was too big to put on youtube, but does this dropbox link work?
>You’ve gotta ask where they got that wine stopper - it’s amazing!
Edit: Might actually be this one instead as the stripes on the cat better match OP's. The cat also looks higher quality. Not sure if there is any other difference besides it being $6 more. Fakespot gives it a much lower grade, though, so I'll probably just go with the first (and cheaper) one.
Screw needing to have kids two when searching "sippy cups" on Amazon.
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. That's my altruistic book to better everyone. If I was basing it on pure joy, the Ender's series by Orson Scott Card was fucking rad. That and ASOIAF by GRRM. EDIT: How the fuck did I forget all of Tolkien's awesomeness
Just finished off my rum, so here are my rum thoughts: What you have to do is drink at the library. Hid your alcohol of choice in a copy of "The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt" by Edmund Morris, but don't you dare cut our the pages in the shape of a liquor bottle like in prison, Teddy is th egreatest man to ever live.
Once you get into the library, rent yourself a VHS of a '90's Discovery Channel episode on dinosaurs. Once you pop that bad boy in the VCR, start your drinking. The knowledge you gain from the guy who seemed to voice every fucking program for the discovery channel before Mike Rower will dilute the alchol smell while still gicing you the great drunk mindset and feeling. Be careful thought, too much dinosaur facts can be dangerous. That's how Chris Farley died RIP.
Had a quick drunk look see at your profile, and saw you have an interest in Steven King. Reason is I just finished this podcast . You may have heard it already but I enjoyed it :)
Sorry link is shit, story is called Strawberry Spring
I'm 50 and I notice my hangover tolerance tends to fluctuate. I go with vodka or light rum for a while then switch back to Whiskey I don't know haven't figured it out either. Found this though.
Congeners give many types of alcoholic beverages their flavor and can contribute to hangovers or worsen their severity.Congeners are found in larger amounts in dark liquors, such as brandy, bourbon, darker beer and red wine, than they are in clear liquors, such as vodka, gin and lighter beers.
Never said it was. It's just a potential side effect of being excessively drunk.
I only know this because I had an experience with it once. It's another variant of whiskey dick. Instead of not being able to get it up, I couldn't get off. It took over 2 hours and I think the girl was almost ready to give up before I finally got off.
Okay I can’t help myself. Are you okay this morning? I just saw this or I would have commented last night. It is possible to hurt yourself by drinking too much water. Long story short is it’s a dangerous thing to do. Can actually kill you. I don’t know if your interpretation of the 3.2K votes was one drop of water per vote or a big sip.
Please read this:
Yeah, I know. WebMD. But they’re not wrong.
I’m going to be thinking about you. I hope you respond.
I know from my MIL (now passed) that being low on blood sodium is a very dangerous state to be in. She was hospitalized and they VERY VERY SLOWLY brought it back to normal.
No shit , I put in 5 drinks in two hours and it says I should have a BAC of .23 ...
it seems like it errs way on the side of caution in its estimate. But thn again, I am not a doctor.
Example. It puts me at a 0.07%, and it wants me to wait a half hour until I'm a 0.08%, even though I'm clearly under it?
Under further review, it seems to want me to get under a 0.06% before driving
Trust me, yes it is.
It's less than two beers an hour. Basically it's the rate of casual drinking, just for longer.
Those guys are drinking standard strength 5% beer (says so in description). They will eventually get pretty good and drunk, but this is no feat.
> The line "Paul is a real estate novelist" is about a real estate broker who was a regular at the bar who always claimed to be working on a book. Joel figured Paul would never finish because he was always in the bar.
I don't really know their names. I listen to free internet radio at They have a bunch of different styles of house. You could listen around and see what you like. For example, some styles offered are Deep House, Vocal House, Summer Chill House, Tech House, Electro House, Big Room House, 2000s Club Hits, Oldschool House, Funky House, and others. Those are the names of the different channels you can listen to. Each channel plays only that style of house. Great way to explore the genre
That's how I felt when I woke up, but then this happened. Upvote anyway, 'cause I'm drinkin' a Fat Tire right now.
I have made some sweet purchases while drunk. One time my sister thanked me for the "random gifts". Look at my orders and apparently I bought her these two things:
That looks way too relaxing! One thing to look into, get a plastic stopper for the top drain so you can fill it even more. Like this
Helium: and nitrogen: on Amazon, too. Have fun, whatever the hell you're up to!
You're welcome. I found some, but they aren't on amazon... But these bad boys are. $55!!
Take my hungover upvote.
Purchasable here but seems a bit overpriced. I don't remember what I paid, but I'd be suspicious of shipping perishable stuff via amazon regardless.
My local super market has a pretty shitty collection. This one? Is that a good price of would amazon rip me off?
Edit: Is this the same?
Its kinda weird actually. We have all white walls in our appt so we lined the top of the walls with led strips to give our living room more lighting. Super cheap on Amazon and great for partys!
Too drunk to find non waterproof ones but you get the drift
You can just buy them on Amazon. I use them for bottling my homebrew in plastic bottles. Cheaper and easier than glass, and I don't keep them long enough to matter.
I highly recommend this for anyone that wants to get white girl wasted. Mixed my drinks and still didn't have a hang over. Seriously worth every penny! If you just want to try one they sell them at Sprouts farmers market.
I got it from Amazon. I've enjoyed it. (and once some vodka got spilled on it and it survived after 1 day of evaporation)
I hate linking to amazon, but I could not find a better example.
I heard during prohibition that they made huge flasks for people sneaking alcohol to a party.
I use a powder called Waterboy. It replenishes the nutrients that booze makes you pee out. No hangover, no groggy feeling, and I get my vitamins. I pair this with an animal pak in the morning if it was a heavy night of drinking.
I totally did lmao This is the link I meant to post.
It's one of those peel and stick ones but I love the look of it
Don't you have a gf or wife who can do your hair? I do my husband's hair. Or you can get one of these type of mirrors and do it yourself. Guys haircuts are real easy to do just start out slow and careful in the beginning, you gain experience over time and it gets easier and faster. You get an eye for what works without second guessing yourself. I also love doing my husband's hair bc I make it look sexy.
If Romney suggests that Obama is 'godless,' take a shot of water. It'll turn into wine in your stomach. Have faith.
If Romney's tax returns are mentioned, demand 10 drinks from the party host. If you are the host, withhold the drinks.
If Obama mentions Osama bin Laden, take two quick shots...preferably administered by a Navy SEAL.
I pulled this rules from here:
Uplifting Only with Ori Uplift. The best radio show ever. The most uplifting trance ever.
Yes. The original line is from the movie version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... the original (and better) movie.
Here's a link:
the same week i decide to binge on vodka, i also decide to brush up on my math at:
i'm trying to relearn forgotten algebra so i can get a higher score on an ASVAB (military recruitment) test. and it does seem like i have better mental clarity and concentration a few hours after drinking. like my ADHA fucks off for a while.
I'm not the only 4loko drinker on the threads that's dope. I had 2 cans last night. Amazon Basics 500-Watt Ceramic Small Space Personal Mini Heater - Black
Night Light Projector with Remote Control, Eicaus 2 in 1 Star Projector with LED Nebula Cloud/Moving Ocean Wave Projector for Kid Baby, Built-in Music Speaker, Voice Control, Multifunctional (Black)
Did they clamp you or burn you? For me they burned/scarred the tube on the vas deferens side, and left the testicle side open. Apparently they used to clamp/burn the testicle side and guys would get blue balls lol. I remember my doctor being extremely close to my balls to the point that I wondered if he was enjoying it and the incredibly hot nurse holding my sack and shaft while staring up at the ceiling with the smell of burnt rice in the air :)
Congrats on your new found sterility though. Hopefully you find joy in not having to pull out or wear a condom, etc lol
I thankfully read this craigslist posting about a vasectomy AFTER having it done :) still enjoyable though...
I just Googled it. Guy snorts salt, takes tequila shot, jams sliced limes (or lemons?) with the open side in to his eyes.
It's honestly the stupidest shit ever.
Not funniest exactly, but I found it fairly amusing. Hang in there man.
I'm drinking Hornitos Plata right now. I'm usually a beer drinker, but I've been watching too much Three Sheets (Mexico episode). It's a good price, 100% avage, and goes down super smooth!
It's less than that at Simple:
I use them because their customer service is amazing, and they have a pretty decent network of ATMs in my area.
Dungeondraft! It's in early access right now, but it's got a very active development.
If you are more interested in overworld stuff check out Wonderdraft.
They both have subreddits as well. r/dungeondraft and r/wonderdraft.
There's a discord as well that caters to both. You can find the link on the subreddits.
WELL CUrRREntly i'm listening to this
and dude you better click that link because I went through the trouble of posting it!!you don't have to listen to all of it though.
I think it's actually much more complicated...
If you look at Miller Lite 96 4.20% vs Budweiser 145 5.00%
You're getting much more out of that budweiser even though the calories are higher.
Ahem. If you visit this link you will notice college is the second definition on the list. Working on my Spanish, so thanks for trying to correct me though. ;)
don't usually leave notes to myself, but i did have to install a facebook chat logging extension for firefox. Best decision ever.
Gonna take u/Baffledboobies’ advice and play a Never Have I Ever video on YouTube:
I got it off Amazon! It's a Simple Modern insulated tumbler... this particular one is the 32oz which was $23, but I bought the 22oz as well (I was replacing a cheapo one that was 26oz and wasn't sure which one I'd use more) which was $19. I LOVE this thing. It says to hand wash, and I usually do, but it's been through the dishwasher a couple of times just fine. Like most dupes, it's not QUITE a Yeti (I have a 20oz that my hubs stole for coffee, lol), but it's damn close. And at the price point, certainly worth the purchase.
Drinking whiskey use whiskey glasses Old Fashioned Whiskey Glasses set of 6,Crystal Bar Glasses Tumblers 10OZ Drinking Glassware Home Bar Gifts for Drinking Scotch/Bourbon/Cocktail glasses/Bar Whiskey Glasses/ Two styles (Premium)
I get electrolyte shots from whole foods because adding too much liquid to my stomach after drinking will make me throw up. They're super salty but they work.
Nah. He just got it from amazon
But nice work getting it through. Cruise lines are fully aware of these cracking down.
The Mug insulated double walled! It's made for camping, I use it for drinking - keeps ice/drinks much colder.
...I mean, I also use it for camping. Yes...
They’re polish pottery! Not sure where we got them originally but amazon and other vendors have great options: Polish Pottery Plate 6.5 Inch From Zaklady Ceramiczne Boleslawiec #Gu-818-166a Floral Peacock Traditional Pattern, 6.5 Inch Diameter
They’re a little pricy but beautiful and have held up really well over the years.
Preemptively, the bottle in the background is my girlfriend's melatonin. We don't live together, she just stays over a lot and wants to live together after my lease is up. We've been dating for over a year, and when my lease is over, it's going to be almost 2 years. the desk is some chinesium crap that is actually really good for under $100. The chair is also probably chinesium crap, but it's the Amazon basics chair featured by Louis Rossmann in "141 W 27th st Anthony 😁" l, link to product here, so it's also pretty good. No, I don't live in new York, I'm just passionate about right to repair, board repair, something that rhymes with repair, and software freedom. Yes, I over research anything and everything when drunk, but I was a fan of Louis Rossmann ever since I came across him around the 2018 debacle about the 2018 imac pro when he was mentioned in an ltt video. Yea I'm a huge tech guy that has a computer science degree but no programming job. Yea, I'm available as a freelancer programmer but I'm also considering registering as a DBA and calling myself the lead programmer. PM with app ideas, I promise I'll be mostly sober when writing code, also I leave really good documentation so you have options when you want to do a revision. I freely expose a lot about myself when drunk
First Focus on yourself maybe with some counseling to help with getting out of a cult. It is emotionally draining. Then once you have your plan and have healed then focus on finding a girlfriend.
This excellent book was written by an exjw who became a therapist:
This wicked red knife with a skull in a headdress:
try this book
my guess is you dont know how to play the game.
That's it right there. It's a beast for the price.. only game I've been unable to run at high/ultra while maintaining 60fps+ is Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
anything by Poets of the Fall but especially War, my tastes are all personal I dunno groups sorry.
Rum Runners done in a booze fountain(
Oh don't worry about it. Run some Draino down there, the foaming kind, let it do its thing for like 15 minutes and then you flush it with warm water. No risk at all really.
I'd be surprised to hear that pet safe drain cleaner even exists. And if it does it is probably overpriced and ineffective.
Good luck with your drain!
Edit: I'll be darned, it does exist. The reviews don't sound very promising though.
cats are amazing, should i get you [this]???(
I like math books and beer
Have you tried ribbon dancing?
4M Dance Ribbon Gym Rhythmic Art Gymnastic Ballet Streamer Twirling Rod Multicolour
Takes a few weeks to get there but order several and give them as gifts. Seriously. These are a fucking riot.
Hey man, wishing you the best, and letting you know a random stranger loves ya and cares for ya!
My dad was a pretty bad alcoholic and I felt pretty alone most of my life. Something that has helped me is reading and I just wanted to share this book with you because it's really powerful and helped me personally overcome and recognize buried emotional pain and other guilt and fear within myself.
Wishing you the best.
You can also get it for free on audible if you download the app and get this book as your first free trial.
Hope you have a great life!
life straw, 200ft of paracord (2 -100 ft lengths), rappelling thingy, machete, another big knife, multi tool, 24 servings of MREs, many ways to make fire [matches, lighters, magnesium striker thing, 9v battery & steel wool (all wrapped individually in cling wrap)], mess kit, 2 nalgene bottles, roll of duct tape, AR-15 (+10 -30 round mags ^'merica), sleeping bag, 11'x17' tarp (x2)
a bunch of that stuff is hanging outside the bag with carabiners rated for climbing
also, i made sure my vehicles are capable of getting me home to get to the bag so both my truck and jeep has a glock
also, all the water purification tabs ive found have a very short shelf life so i didnt add them
I liked this one best because it had different sizes to choose from (we went with the 12x18 which was a good size for where we intend to put it) and the metal was a good thickness but if you type in "absolutely no alcohol beyond this point" there are several to choose from.
Absolutely No Alcohol Beyond This Point Aluminum METAL Sign
Already ordered a Christmas sweater I think I'll enjoy here. And I have one of two fucking phones to use the usb-c charger, so I have too many of those already lol
This is why i invested in onea these.
Ive woken up on the couch to cold pizza in the morning a few times, but thats better than being woken up by the smoke alarm in the middle of the night.
I agree with what has already been posted. I tend to drink Jack and Cokes so I use the 3oz tinted travel containers. I put in my cologne and deodorant and fill the rest with jack filled containers. After I clear TSA I hit up a store and buy i couple of sodas. I then empty out a bit from each and fill with the appropriate amount of Jack and drink them as any other person with a soda would.
Corks are there to make it easier for cheap winos like me to pretend we're classy while we're drinking cheap wine. Corks are fancy! Also, get a rabbit corkscrew to make it easier to remove corks and also feel more fancy and classy while doing it.
Are you talking about the decanter set or the globe minibar? Both come from Amazon.
Decanter set (with glasses):
Globe Minibar:
I found something similar, yet it's 1.5 liters.
They started making it again and selling it on amazon less than a year ago
edit: though shit, it might have been limited time only, it looks like it's only available through resellers now :(
They're nothing excited. I broke up with my live-in boyfriend in March and let him keep most of the shit since he was staying in the apartment so I just needed something. I settled on these since I have a cat and she likes to investigate every cup I have. It's easy to knock over wine glasses with stems.
I found this really cool webpage that looks like they have a few.
But seriously, did you even check Amazon? They have everything.
I'm opening one of the lagers right now so cheers! My night is just beginning so I'm gonna have to tell you later hah. And the thing I'm most excited about right now is this.
Just bought it and I love it, look at the illustrations on it!
What about you friend?
Can you use objects to help you?
If so, you should get this.
Holy crap!
There's a sort of easy way to read these 24 hour clocks. The number of minutes remains the same, but if you want to know the hour, you just look at the clock, and see what number the little hand points to. It's almost like reading a digital clock, in that you look at a number at some point. (You may have done this the first few times you looked at a 12-hour analog.) We have a couple 24 hour analog clocks where I work. Throws you off for a second when you look at them in the middle of the day, but checks out when you notice that there is a number there for your reference.
Check out this smooth baby.
America already has flip-flops with bottle openers on the underside. They're a terrible idea though, because you really don't want to open a bottle with the dirtiest part of your shoe.
This is my favorite newer shot glass. I've collected them over the years and am fond of the nudie shot glasses I have too. It's really hard to pick a favorite.
A packet of this. 16oz of water or so, shot or three of vodka. 120mg of caffeine and a bit of B12. I don't care that the back of the box looks like a tampon commercial. 3bucks a box at wal-mart, so about 30c per packet.
Heads Up! is fun a game to play while drinking, but not necessarily a drinking game. However, you could definitely add some house rules to the game modes to give them a more drinking feel. For example, you have to drink every time your teammate skips a question or the losers of the round have to chug.