Archer (animated spy/sex comedy)
Sterling Archer (codename: Duchess) is a Secret Agent working for ISIS, a spy agency headed by his domineering mother. He works with his ex-girlfriend, her clingy new boyfriend, and an array of slightly sexually peculiar co-workers. Sexcapades galore! Fans of "Frisky Dingo", "Arrested Development" and possibly "Dr. Katz" should check it out.
>Some of the greatest inventions, discoveries, wars, explorations, artwork, etc would have never happened because the men who did them would have been too busy chasing after pussy.
I disagree. All civilization is just an effort to impress the opposite sex...
and sometimes the same sex.
That's good, but a random, hidden gem would be better I think. I'd like reddit to be known for something like that rather than a political video about a TV rivalry.
We need to use this opportunity to find something awesome that no one knows about. Not a video that is <em>already the most popular video on the entire site.</em>
Stop circlejerking around a video putting down Fox that everyone has already seen anyway and let's find an amazing/hysterical video that no one would ever see if it hadn't been for us. (I mean.. that is what we constantly do on this site for the entire internet, but still.)
Alton Brown. Goodness, I love that man.
Edit: Figured I should add a specific video. I choose The Waffle Truth episode of Good Eats because I love waffles almost as much as I love Alton.
Here's the clip on Hulu and here's a non-Hulu mirror for international friends.
EDIT: YouTube down.
EDIT 2: Vimeo down, but Hulu should keep it up.
I disagree that "gansta" rap is the cause of this. In fact it's more likely a result.
The documentary Crips and Bloods: Made in America has a pretty good perspective on this. Their explanation involves a combination of segregation and other socio-economic factors including job outsourcing.
They have a similar show in England called Misfits. A friend told me about it and it's amazing. The first two seasons are on Hulu for free. The first episode is a little whatever so give it until the end of the second to decide if you like it.
I live in NYC and had a group of friends (men and women) in town visiting that wanted to get cupcakes at Magnolia Bakery. It's getting late, but the line for these goddamn cupcakes is still down the block. Whatever, we get in line. This cute girl is in line in front of us by herself, and in less than 5 seconds, my two guy friends are chatting her up. She's very sweet and funny, talks with them (and us) for the entire wait until we get inside (about 20 minutes). Just as we're leaving, one of my guy friends asks if she wants to come out with us. She raises her box of cupcakes and says no, she has to bring these to her boyfriend; it's his birthday. With that she disappears. Fast forward a little while later, I'm watching SNL with a few of those friends when that very first digital short came on, with Andy Samberg and Chris Parnell, Lazy Sunday. We laughed about the Magnolia reference, but didn't get the McAdams/Gosling reference. We looked it up online and, yup, that was the chick in line in front of us. Rachel McAdams. And, I'm assuming, the boyfriend in question was Ryan Gosling. There were many phonecalls made and many "holy shit!" moments had.
EDIT: Andy, not Adam.
~~Did anyone try actually looking at the episode? This is a hoax.~~
See below. They really did this, but later went back and posted a non-edited version. - you can see the woman in the lower right in green with her hands over her head, but she's not cloned. Don't take my word for it though -
The image in question is about 5 seconds in.
No, you misunderstand, he as being serious. What you have to do is use subtle sarcasm, snickering at the deer if it has an "accident." Like dogs, deer have a finely tuned sense of irony.
I was on a show (Keys to the VIP) where I competed with another dude by trying to pick up women in a nightclub. Links below .. I'm Slavic Thunder!
Sorry rest of the world!
I thought this sketch from last week was just as good for similar reasons, Abby Elliot impersonating Zooey Deschanel while Zooey Deschanel impersonated Mary-Kate Olsen. When Kristen Wiig showed up as Bjork I lost it.
P.S. - Sorry about the hulu link, couldn't find it on youtube.
Stuff like this is why red bull is my favorite company, I think.
They run TWO formula 1 teams, do awesome shit like this, stuff like the air racing championship, or last rider standing, or Crashed Ice, or even the flugtag.
They just do cool shit. That's like their MO. "Invest profits into 'cool shit'"
Oh and they are fucking GOOD at it too. Last year they won both Formula 1 world championships, beating the GIANTS of the sport like Ferrari and McLaren.
Love that company.
“Adopting Haiti” is a documentary by filmmaker Timothy Wolfer about the struggle of the Maison des Enfants de Dieu orphanage and the 135 children who called it home"
Because I am a Criterion loving douchebag....
Orson Welles - F is for Fake.
Orson Welles embarks on a dizzying cinematic journey that simultaneously exposes and revels in fakery and fakers of all stripes—not the least of whom is Welles himself.
Or if you don't want to/can't watch the video:
>We just always wanted to name that character Taco
>It's such a basic non-name name. It's just an item. No one would ever be named Taco. It was always Taco.
If you watch Dunn and Steve O on Minute to Win It Charity Edition, you get a glimpse of the real Ryan Dunn.
Episode tl;dr: He's just a normal guy who gets nervous in high pressure situations and cares a lot about helping kids.
The movie turned out great. And now it's free to watch!
EDIT: The filmmakers have posted more info:
I can confirm this is indeed true. Here's another frame and the url:
6 years ago in summer school, the class ended one day and I was going to the library on my bike. I stopped at an intersection and saw a car going 90 on a 35/mph street towards a red light. There were two cars stopped at the red light already waiting for the light to turn green, and the speeding car flipped one car over and pushed the other car into the other side of the intersection.
Then the ambulance came and pulled three people out of the flipped car (two of them already died at the scene, I learned later) and the woman driving the speeding car.
Later on I learned that was the first murder case in my city for a very long time, and it has its own Wikipedia article and Snapped did an episode on it.
Your mommy and daddy give you ten dollars to open up a lemonade stand. So you go out and you buy cups and you buy lemons and you buy sugar. And now you find out that it only costs you nine dollars. So you can give that dollar back to mommy and daddy, but guess what?
Next summer you ask them for money, they're gonna give you nine dollars. 'Cause that's what they think it costs to run the stand. So what you want to do is spend that dollar on something now, so that your parents think it costs ten dollars to run the lemonade stand.
alls it takes is the first step my man, im down 120lb, message me if you ever want some advice on how to do it, make sure your doing it for yourself though, not anyone else, or it will never work.
first step though, put away the sodas, and become good friends with the race of chickens, and by good friends, i mean, start eating them, and their eggs, it helps
I can't watch...getting a Adobe Flash/Javascript error. I just updated Adobe flash and Javascript is on. Oh Well.
If you have a problem with ads, why did you subscribe in the first place?
No where does it say that Hulu Plus removes ads (except for some movies), so why would you think otherwise?
Some context in this clip (note Mr. Robinson was also a character Eddie used to do on SNL).
Lesson 1: Don't Buy Stuff You Can't Afford.
Lesson 2: See Lesson 1.
(thanks, SNL).
Edited to add SNL clip from Hulu (sorry non-USA folks).
The SNL skit where he plays a high school coach who doesn't molest children had me laughing for a really long time.
EDIT: Link here
I was wondering when this was going to surface. This was a great episode btw.. and totally convinced me that the last season should take place with the kids grown up and with Homer and Marge older. Here's the link to the episode:
I still crack up every time I see this.
> Is not the "George Lucas and Disney are rich, therefore all copyright law is suspect" a huge fucking logical fallacy?
Not at all. I think you missed the point.
If the point was: "the purpose of copyright is to make authors rich." then the statement, "these authors are rich therefore copyright law is suspect" would indeed be fallacious.
However, the actual point is: "the purpose of copyright is to encourage publication." And the point of the video was, "although this has made a few people very rich, it's actually preventing a lot more people from publishing derivative works"
And that is a perfectly logical argument against copyright.
A much better explanation of this issue can be found in this movie:
Please watch it.
Another compelling reason, if there wasn't enough with this, the aggressive pink marketing and $1 mil spent on going after other NFPs, would be Founder Nancy Brinker's display on MSNBC. It made me more disgusted and horrified about this whole matter. She is being misleading and/or avoiding the subject of several issues. One of the more intolerable interviews I have ever seen. Warning: Hard to watch for the sheer amount of bullshit
The thing that makes some scientists change their minds about that is whether or not the ape or monkey understands syntax. There are bonobos that can understand the difference between "You tickle me" and "me tickle you" and there are animals (non-primate) that can come up with unique communication. Such as the African grey parrot trying cake for the first time, he didn't know what cake was but was able to come up with a description using two words he did know "yummy bread". If you all are interested you should watch the Nova special about animal intelligence. It's so interesting! On netflix: On hulu:
Most fashion models don't actually make terribly much money. And if you hate architects too; their industry is worth billions and most of the leading edge of architectural design isn't livable. That being said, if people didn't push the envelope in their various fields we would still be wearing togas and living in waddle-and-daub huts. Fashion at its highest level is as much an art form as painting or sculpting, and it has a much more profound effect on your day to day life than either. Also, I'm out of the country so I can't actually view it but I believe this link is to a relevant video:
I think that negative stigma you receive for being affiliated with Girls With Low Self Esteem is completely warranted. I wouldn't want that shit on my resumé that's for sure.
You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find that clip. Searching "Girls with low self-esteem arrested development" on youtube? YOU CAN'T FIND THAT SHIT. All of those words are associate with actual girls with low self esteem self help videos for girls who have had actual arrested development.
Wonderfalls - It breaks mt heart that this show didn't ever catch on.
Better off Ted *I was just informed that BoT lasted for two seasons...But I still feel it was a travesty that it was cancelled.
First time I saw her was from an SNL clip and honestly thought it was a spoof so I loved it. Once it dawned on me that she was taking herself seriously I got really scared.
Noam Chomsky. Modern and extremely relevant. Manufacturing Consent (Google Video | Hulu) is probably a good introduction. He has a lot of great books out and even did an IAMA on reddit last year.
The clouds you see forming are the result of the shock wave from the explosion altering the density of the air as it passes. The air is initially bunched together at the front of the shock, and as it passes there is a pressure void. The decrease in pressure and the corresponding decrease in temperature results in the condensation of water vapor into clouds. After the shock wave passes, the air density initially returns to baseline and the clouds dissipate. The temperature of the fireball doesn't really have anything to do with it.
The clouds appear to be arranged in layers because the atmosphere itself is arranged that way. There are layers of air of different temperature, density and humidity sitting on top of one another. One layer may be more prone to cloud formation than the next, so the clouds are stratified.
Edit: Of course WP has a whole section on these effects.
>Also, what would need to be real world conditions for this to happen irl, on earth, no human intervention? I know the probability is close to zero but everything is technically possible, if not likely.
Not sure what you're asking. What are the chances that a nuclear explosion would just happen by itself on Earth's surface? Er, none. Zero.
If you mean the clouds, well, all the time. The same sort of principles apply to normal cloud formation, although usually at a much slower pace.
>Never watched a full video like this. Absolutely amazing. Cannot comprehend magnitude and power.
Look for the movie <em>Trinity and Beyond</em>. It's on Hulu!
Also this guy is attempting to watch every Criterion Movie and is a fairly good writer.
There sure is! But NBC is pretty strict about their stuff on YouTube. You might have luck finding it on Hulu or in the seedier corners of the interweb! I shall look... Hey I found it!
In an interview with Erin and Angela they mentioned that for the 2nd season Kelly refused to come back dressed like that. Ever since then they made her character more "fashionable"
The interview is on HULU Sorry for those outside the US
Beck rationalizes this unfunny bullshit with "comedy is comedy".
Video link is him and Dr. Keith Ablow on the today show.
What a couple of douche bags, pushing their self help book, all fake earnest and shit.
I keep expecting him to tell you to buy gold.
Ablow's 15 minutes are up and he is glomming on to Beck to push his self help book because no one would listen otherwise.
Beck needs to soften his image in the wake of the Arizona shootings so he gloms onto Ablow.
They are such a shitty pair of pitiful parasites.
Did anyone else see Adam Sandler's Daily Show interview? I don't think he was even happy with the movie, he looked miserable.
Hey there bud we've all been there. I got your back though. I lost 20 pounds and then went through a crappy spell and gained 10 back. I wanted to punch myself in the damn face. Here's the thing: quitting won't help. What will help is redoubling your efforts. Scour every bit of everything you eat checking for carbs. If it tastes sweet at all don't eat it. Are you exercising? If not start walking a bit every night while you listen to music. Just start with 15 minutes! If you are working out make sure it's more cardio then weightlifting.(just for now) Make sure you drinking enough water. Double what you're drinking. Remember water flushes the fat out. Are you pooping? Gross I know, but I gotta ask. Get enough fiber and water to stay regular and if you're still not get some fiber con laxitives they gently do the trick for me.
THIS IS NOT THE LIFE THAT WAS MEANT FOR US. We were meant to be fit and agile like our caveman ancestors and the way to achieve this absolutely IS through keto. I believe in you and I believe in myself. Together through the power of keto we can do this! Still not convinced? Watch this. Good luck and feel free to message me if you ever need any more encouragement!
It's based on a bit of build-up over a few shows prior but I'll do my best to keep this brief:
Another character in the show, Pierce (played by Chevy Chase) feels left out of the activities of the rest of the show's characters. In this episode he is in the hospital and pretends that he is dying. He uses his fake death to give everyone a "bequeathment" (to use his words) to fuck with them.
For Troy, shown here, Pierce "bequeathed" LeVar Burton in person. All Troy wanted was a signed picture, which he specifically mentioned to Pierce (they're living together out of convenience). LeVar is his idol and Troy is afraid that he will disappoint LeVar as he so eloquently explains in this scene:
Hulu (so NBC knows people are interested, the show isn't doing as well as it should)
Youtube for those that can't watch it on Hulu.
Hulu link/mirror since the video seems to be down
~~Even the Canadian site isn't working~~
Correction - might just be that I'm in the US, ads play, but the main video does not.
Have you asked your mom to sit down and watch an episode of Cosmos together? Free and legal to watch on Hulu! Or an episode of Richard Dawkins' "Growing Up In The Universe" free and legal to watch on YouTube,
You can watch that as your pick and then allow her to choose a movie, even if it's a super religious movie. Maybe that will help open her up.
I dunno dude. Four Fight of the Nights, two Fight of the Years(Guida Vs Sanchez), and two submission of the nights. His record is 29-11. Only 9 went to a decision.
Granted his last fight against Pettis was a little 'safe', for lack of a better term(call it whatever you want I'm calling it safe), but ugly wins are better than a loss when you're looking for a title shot in the UFC lightweight division and pushing 30. He's now on a four fight win streak in what is undoubtedly the toughest weight class in the UFC right now. He will be 30 in December and considering Jim Miller went on a 7 fight streak without a title shot and Gray Maynard was 10-0 before he had a chance...
Maybe it's all preference. I like a good take down just as much as a nice jab. (shrug)
Related: A couple weeks ago someone asked "You only have one chance to get a friend into UFC, which fight do you show him?". This was my choice. Clay Guida Vs. Tyson Griffin (sorry it's Hulu)
TL;DR : I disagree.
I first learned that she spoke Russian during an episode of Punk'd. They staged a scenario where a distraught Russian mother and daughter plead with people to help rescue their dog, which is stuck in a storm drain. Ashton knew that Mila would try to help translate since she grew up in the Ukraine and spoke Russian. You can watch the video here: Punk'd (Note: The audio is pretty awful. So, you might want to turn down your speakers.) The entire episode is also on Hulu.
And of course that episode is Season 4, episode 5.
And it's mostly funny because Tracy didn't request anything. Kenneth just knew.
Aaand clip:
Your comment made me unsure of my memory, so I checked and he did say that. Here is a link to the monologue:
Here is what was said; sorry if it is imperfect...I'm typing this while listening to the video at work and trying to be clandestine about it:
"But before we start the show, there's a little matter I want to clear up. There was a little incident last week on the show: Sinead O'Connor tore up a picture of the pope, and I thought that was wrong. So I asked somebody to paste it back together..."
He shows the audience the fixed picture.
The audience applauds and cheers.
" I think thats a lot better, thank you. Okay, case closed. I mean, why should I let it bother me, right? It wasn't my show, it was Tim Robbins's show. But I'll tell you one thing, she was very lucky it wasn't my show...because if it was MY show, I would have gave her such a smack."
He says this as he makes a face-smacking gesture. The audience laughs and cheers and applauds.
"I would have grabbed her by her..."
Here, he gestures towards the top of the head, implying "hair."
"...her eyebrows. I would have..." and then he makes another lazy smacking gesture before ending it all saying that she's just a kid and why is he making himself so crazy and the pope has probably forgiven her already.
I have used that line maybe twice as a joke with a few girls I have met before so they knew I was kidding. But it is always meant in jest.
To see it used perfectly see Community
Say what you will, his show can be pretty entertaining at times.
All of his musical impressions are genius and his show is pretty damned original at times.
See:THIS with Zach Galifianakis
First time I saw it I laughed my ass off. I mean seriously, wtf is going on? Its so weird
Some of his audience games are entertaining as hell.
I'd also suggest this clip with Eddie Vedder
Sexy Coffee Talk with Linda Richman. Big hair, big round earrings, loads of necklaces, big sunglasses, maybe even press-on nails, then gaudy leggings and a big sparkley sweater, cropped or with strategic holes. The real key is the accent. No pretending to be Jersey Shore, you have to go deep NY for that voice.
I have a feeling this will only work for those over 21, simply because the younger kids might not understand and think you're not in costume at all. I hope I'm wrong about that
Ok, the difference between fruit and other carbohydrates (wheat, etc.) is what is known as the Glycemic Index. The Glycemic index of a food determines to what degree that consumption raises a persons blood sugar. The higher the glycemic index, the higher/faster your blood sugar raises after eating something.
High blood sugar is bad and high blood sugar will lead to heart disease as well as weight gain. So in essence, you want to AVOID all food with a high glycemic index.
Now, the reason fruit carbs are ok, and wheat carbs are bad, is because most fruit has a low glycemic index, whereas nearly all wheat products have a high glycemic index. Certain breads even have a higher glycemic index than even straight table sugar!
Fat Head is a good introduction documentary that talks about problems with the modern nutrition system, and has a VERY good explanation on Glycemic index at the end. [WARNING: The person doing the documentary comes across as very smug and sarcastic, but if you sit through the whole movie, you will find a lot of very good information.]
>He says that he would never hurt me, and that he wouldn't go gay.
You can't GO someplace you already ARE, and if he's 21 and has never done anything besides making out with a girl, and he's had sex with men and loves sucking cock, that suggests he's most likely gay.
It IS possible he's bi, but it really sounds like he's in denial about his homosexuality, and is using you to help him rationalize that, because "gay dudes don't have girlfriends, right?" and "it's not gay if it's in a 3-way."
All of this would be fine if he weren't being emotionally manipulative.
Dump this jackass and find a guy that likes vagina. There are plenty of us out there.
I hope you're trolling, but if not... COMMUNITY! Watch it! Also Childish Gambino. And writing for 30 rock.
I'm pretty sure that you're joking, but I love community too much to pass up a chance for a plug.
Interestingly enough, Carell was still the voice of Gary for the Ambiguously Gay Duo on SNL alongside Stephen Colbert after losing out. If Carell became a cast member, one wonders if he would have been the lead in the Office. Probably not.
The Dresden Files, a show that aired on Sci-Fi in 2007 that was based on a some solid modern fantasy books.
Not the greatest show, but was an interesting and unique premise that was well balanced.
I'd like to answer this one in a style I call "Suddenly, Kool-Aid."
You've got a serious problem on your hands. I would be extremely concerned if my younger brother were watching women convert to Christianity. He might have an acute case of cowardly-lionism, theism, or worst of all, he might be a Rick Santorum supporter.
There are only a few ways to solve this problem. The first, and the one I'd recommend, is by showing him Ron Paul's glorious light. He can find out more about Ron Paul on his most excellent website.
The second way is to have him smoke up to a [10] and watch the entirity of Carl deGrasse Tyson-Sagan's "Cosmos" which he can watch for free on Hulu. Make sure he's at a [10] though, or else it's kind of a shitty show.
Thirdly, he can go on Facebook and look at all the hilarious / retarded shit people say, like "bless you" and "thank God." Then he can mock those fucking morons for being so god damn retarded and backwards, and complain about being friend-zoned and forever alone.
Lastly, he can... is that... Hey! Kool-Aid!
>Also, the simpsons never (I mean seasons 1-10) ever employed the ags you are talking about. I can't think of a single solitary instance during those years before Family Guy came out that they used a cut-away for more than 4 or 5 seconds. >
Off the top of my head I thought of Homer in the Land of Chocolate. Turns out that sequence was from an episode in Season 3. It goes on for a LONG time, almost 45 seconds purely on the cutaway. And it is exactly the type of cutaway gag that Family Guy would go on to (over)use.
Van down by the river. It was so funny the cast couldn't help but laugh, those are the best. Chris Farley was great at physical humor. Plus Phil Hartman.
There's a really good National Geographic doc on how the White House evolved to serve different purposes on Hulu, fagotron. Narrated by Morgan Freeman.
Spaced, season 1 episode 3 - hulu
> After accepting some cheap speed from some violently friendly Scottish blokes, Tim has spent all night fighting zombies (or, more accurately, hallucinating while playing Resident Evil 2) and Brian has an invitation to a new art show by "Vulva", his former partner and non-gender-specific-ex-chaste-heterosexual-lover... Brian's much-practiced air of indifference fails to impress Vulva, and Tim's Twiglets allergy and hallucinations of zombies leads to Vulva getting a much-deserved punch in the face.
What's not to love? Go, watch!
I had a couple of "I need to pause this because I'm laughing so hard" moments with tonight's episode:
I also had a good laugh going from "WHAT MARKET ARE YOU SHOPPING AT?!" but didn't need to pause for that one. Hehe.
As an IT person, I can say that there are plenty of people in my field who are complete douchebags to users and go all Nick Burns on them.
I do this with most of my plants. A lot of people are putting googly eyes on their plants these days. You need to know where you stand with them at all times - the only way to know where you stand with someone is to look into their eyes.
Normally plants don't have eyes, so it's hard for me to trust them. Hence, googly eyes.
/Don't turn your back on a cactus
No, not a troll.
If you notice, you took a screen cap after "" was typed out.
"YouPorn" wouldn't show up once you type the "t" in "YouTube" and the browser has a second to update the auto-fill.
Try again.
Edit: There are even comments on the video about it.
think about what YOU want.
if you're fine with the way your teeth are now don't let your dentist (or anyone else) convince you that you need them. in addition to being mouth doctors dentists are salesmen that MAKE MONEY from convincing people that they need/should have braces.
if you think you'd be happier with different teeth then go for it and don't worry about being "the kid with braces" in college. you'll adjust and later they'll be off.
Note: i'm 25 and had the opportunity at 15 to get braces. the dentist said my teeth would end up a horrible mangled mess that poked out from my mouth if i didn't get braces. i didn't get them b/c i just didn't want all that junk in my mouth and my teeth are no worse than they were at 15.
I still trying to figure out why want can't call yourself a Christian anymore. It seems like you have a problem with the fundamentalist of each camp, not with Christianity itself.
I suggest you watch this: Lord, Save us From Your Followers
Any links to a video that isn't a videos of the video? (with the guy giggling in the background and jiggling the camera)
Edit: ahh, here we go
This is what I think of every time I hear the words, "Highlands Ranch". Playing the Elfman score in my head helps keep my mood up when driving through the sprawling dystopia...I mean neighborhood.
Hipsters get a bad rap around reddit, but the best aspects of hipster culture are still good qualities. Now the word is associated with an obsession with looking cool, sneering at anything too many people like, and the need to feel always ahead of cultural trends.
But if you look at the qualities it has in common with the beat generation (who, interestingly enough, were maligned the same way hipsters are now), it's incredibly compelling.
It's the cultural equivalent of the cerulean sweater from the Devil Wears Prada. The cultural conventions (literary, musical, film related) that eventually find themselves in everyday works are those that start in the indie subcultures.
In short- snide and dismissive, not good. Creative and forward thinking- great.
If you want to stay inside:
If you want to go outside:
You may be interested in Chronologically LOST, a re-edited version where all events are portrayed in order. The first 10 or so episodes are especially great, though admittedly I haven't finished it myself.
EDIT: If you enjoyed Lost, check out "Booth at the End". It's short, mysterious, and awesome.
Misfits. First 2 seasons on Hulu.
You're probably American, so you've probably never heard of it. Basically, a group of young British criminals get superpowers and have to deal with all the shenanigans that inevitably ensue from bunches of random people getting superpowers. It's most commonly described as "Like Season 1 of Heroes, only it British and doesn't go to shit" and "Skins with superpowers". Great show.
PBS Did a great documentary on this: T-Shirt Travels
Watchable here:
On Hulu here:
Came here for this. Source and much shorter source for the rest of the world
Probably gonna get downvoted...but HempFest is terrible. I got stuck there this weekend when I was cycling on the Elliott Bay trail. I thought I could just walk though, but that was a big mistake. 2 miles of people asking why I didn't want to take a bong rip in the middle of my ride. 3 stages of really, really shitty music. Like Kottomnmouth Kings bad. I expected some stoners and hippies, but half of the crowd was wanna-be thugs. I feel like this pretty accurately described HempFest
I don't smoke and I fully support the ending of Prohibition, but HempFest does more harm to the cause than good. Also, closing down 2 miles of bike lane with no way around isn't the greatest way to help the environment. Coming back, I had to deal with the fucking idiots leaving HempFest stoned out of their minds and getting behind the wheel. I saw 2 people almost get into an accident and was almost sure I'd be killed by one of these stoner assholes. Let's just say HempFest did not raise my opinion of Ents.
Wolf 359 gets around. I will always remember it as an <em>Outer Limits</em> episode.
Jesse Schell has a word for this: Gamepocalypse.
short version:
long version (well worth the watch):
You should definitely watch AND catch up on Quite Interesting, generally known just as QI. It's presented by Stephen Fry, and is eleven kinds of wonderful.
Not available "legally" in the US, but…I'm sure that's not a big problem.
That Mitchell and Webb Look:
Peep Show:
Its not quite the same but Farley used to make EVERYONE break on camera. Throughout the Matt Foley "Van Down by the River" sketch, Spade can hardly keep it together (partially because they never rehearsed Farley falling down and breaking the coffee table, he just did that in the moment). Sandler also had a difficult time not busting out laughing any time he was on with Farley. Example
These are approximations of coarse, but yes Krieger is the tallest person in the office, at somewhere around 6' 2'' (that is how tall the staff member is who usually poses for him, who can be seen here.)
Archer is the second tallest, right around 6 foot.
Lana (with the heels that she never takes off) is slightly shorter, and is about the same height as Cyril.
Pam, Malory and Cheryl are all about the same height.
It took place right after the debate at the same table.
Here is a hulu link which is in better quality but with ads:
Live in the US? Hulu
Don't live in the US? Buy the DVDs! (If you're in the UK, the boxset's under £20)
Don't live in a country where there's DVDs/too poor? Torrent it!
Too dumb to learn how to torrent? Watch on a crappy stream site in flv quality. I'm not linking you, though.
(Not all are entirely recent) but I love watching the America's Game series from NFL network, they showcase a team throughout a (winning) season. Also Greatest Games. I hope they're available in your country through Hulu, otherwise I feel like a jerk for suggesting them.
You shoud see the "Born Rich" documentary Basically a fear of not being valued as a person but being valued for your money and a fear of being taken advantage of. It's also bred in by parents who isolate their kids to prevent them from being taken advantage of.
He's asked something along the lines of: How did the Industrial Revolution change the modern novel?
His answer is this really long-winded explanation about how it relates to the story "How the Puppy Lost its Way" (I think), which was a book that he heard in his Kindergarten class earlier in the movie.
another few questions:
is the show faked at all? favorite experience?
also, you can watch a few commentary videos on hulu where the director, i think, talks about some behind the scenes stuff:
if you live in a country that hulu works in, you might consider checking out edgar wright's tv series "spaced" to see what "shaun of the dead" and "hot fuzz" are like. . .
Can Brits watch Hulu? If so, the 2007 Fiesta Bowl was a highly entertaining college football game between Boise St. & Oklahoma.
Watched this documentary in an environmental sciences class a few semesters ago. These two guys plant a small crop of corn and follow the process of where it goes, how it's processed, etc. - Extremely interesting.
Actually, according to Fat Head: the documentary, Spurlock is totally full of shit.
I was rather shocked, because until I saw this, I had been a fan of Spurlock.
Peep Show. British sitcom. Entire series is on Hulu here.
I extremely recommend it. If you've ever watched a Mitchel and Webb series, you'd understand why you should be excited.