> co-writer
In order for me to pass any judgement, I'll need to know what percent of writing he is credited for. I'll also need to know the details of the contract he has with the label. I suppose I'll need to know if he was paid upfront for his work, too.
These stories of musicians feeling like they are entitled to more $ than they receive, are often missing key facts that would help the public understand where the money is really going.
EDIT: From allmusic.com; "Composed by Kevin Kadish / Meghan Trainor"
I've been in this rut myself for the last six months now, but then came across this website to kinda help with that.
Everynoise basically compiles a list of artists based upon Spotify's genres and gives you samples for each, and similar musicians within that genre.
So I didn't think this would go anywhere, but it kinda did. I gotta give credit to u/IntolerableFish as they're the one who posted it in a thread a few days ago about Tibetan Throat Singing. Were it not for them, I wouldn't have came across it.
Have you read the Art of War? it's actually a wonderful book for creating peace, and its concepts do not need to be applied militarily.
To be quite frank, I've been to counseling and The Art of War has done a much better job of creating harmony than counseling has.
SUCCESS! > Jobel A: Hi Brian! I understand your issue about Drake's promotion. I can help check this for you. > > Brian: I thought a subscription implied an "ad-free" experience? > > Jobel A: Thank you for your feedback regarding your Browse section. Please note that what you're seeing are not ads but rather covers of Spotify curated-playlists with Drake as our featured artist in line with his new album, Scorpion. > > Rest assured that this won't affect your listening experience and your Browse section will return to normal very soon. > > Once again thank you for your continuous support for Spotify and our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you. > > Brian: many of those playlists with drakes face on them don't even feature his songs > Brian: as for continuous support, Ill likely go back to google play if these shenanigans are how you do business > > Jobel A: I understand your frustration on this issue. As one time courtesy, I'll add a month of Premium to your account. > Jobel A: Please let me know if you'd like to proceed. > > Brian: thanks, hopefully this is a one time deal.. I like spotify but not drake lol > Brian: yes please > > Jobel A: I’ve gone ahead and added 1 month of Premium to your account. Enjoy! > > You can keep tabs on your subscription status and next billing date over at: https://www.spotify.com/account/subscription/. > > Jobel A: Is there anything else I can help you with? > > Brian: nope thanks for your help > > Jobel A: Alright, take care Brian! > > Info: Thank you for chatting with us! You know where to find us the next time you need help.
There should be a kickstarter to buy this album so then we can release it on thepiratebay.
Edit: /u/whypinto made an IndieGogo campaign, link here, if any of you guys are interested.
For the curious:
>N-n-n-now, my flow
>Is in the pocket like wallets, I got the bounce like hydraulics
>I can't call it, I got the swerve like alcoholics
>My freshman year I was going through hella problems
>'Til I, built up the nerve to drop my ass up out of college
>My teacher said I'se a loser, I told her why don't you kill me
>I give a fuck if you fail me, I'm gonna follow
It's noteworthy that Bandcamp had reached $100m in payment to artists in 2015 and is generating $3.5m for artists every month.
Pretty awesome.
That being said, I fucking love that album and I really want the time traveling Jeff Mangum theory to be real.
Hey Dexter, I'm a huge fan and it's really awesome that you're reaching out. I know you're really busy but, I'd like to humbly suggest giving /u/RRmuttonchop's friend a call. I realize that he's in a coma but, as someone who's had a little experience with the subject, I wanted to point out that a lot of people report hearing & remembering what goes on when they are and even being responsive to familiar stimuli. As a piece of anecdotal evidence, I'd like to present the fact that, when he was in a coma, Mel Blanc was mostly unresponsive until a doctor had the idea to come in and ask: "Bugs Bunny, how are you doing today?".
Thanks for being awesome and for all of the great music!
Here's the clip on Hulu and here's a non-Hulu mirror for international friends.
EDIT: YouTube down.
EDIT 2: Vimeo down, but Hulu should keep it up.
Everyone in Nashville knew this. Dude got arrested 20 years ago looking for some strange dick in a park.
Not so much a "mistake" as a happy accident - Merry Clayton's voice crack in Rolling Stone's "Gimme Shelter" is pretty significant. Story
Also, the mastering of RHCP's "Californication" is way too loud and causes clipping / distortion.
Boy, did she. She was in curlers, as she remembers it, and also silk pajamas, a mink coat, and a Chanel scarf. Pregnant and getting ready for bed before she got the call from producer Jack Nitzsche, Clayton, who had no idea who the Stones were, almost refused until her husband said “Honey, you know, you really should go and do this date.” It was fate. “Clayton sang with such emotional force that her voice cracked,” notes Mike Springer in our previous post. “In the isolated track above, you can hear the others in the studio shouting in amazement.”
And in the recollection almost forty years later, Clayton and Jagger still shake their heads in amazement. Asked if she wanted to do a second take, she remembers, “I said to myself, I’m gonna do another one… blow them out of this room.” Unspoken in her remembrance is what the effort may have cost her. “Despite giving what would become the most famous performance of her career,” writes Springer, “it turned out to be a tragic night for Clayton. Shortly after leaving the studio, she lost her baby in a miscarriage…. For many years Clayton found the song too painful to hear, let alone sing.”
have you actually seen the post and has it been deleted? If you got to her Instagram now, there's this post:
> Go check out my brother @kendricklamar song "Black Friday" gift to you guys its definitely some 🔥 as usual! But go listen to it you won't regret it! Be on the look out for the collab as well it's going to be HOT! 👀🎶🔥 and I also did a very small part in it at the end, you have to start somewhere right. 🙌🏾😅 #kendricklamar #JCole #Blackfriday
Because KISS are a highly influential heavy metal band.
To downvotesr: Heavy metal is a sub genre of rock. Yes, KISS are a rock band, but some of their music is definitely heavy metal: http://www.allmusic.com/artist/kiss-mn0000084209
This is one of the two songs in the game to be rerecorded due to the master track not being found. The other song being Anarchy in the U.K.
This is according to the Wikia and according to the original press info kit.
According to SongFacts, "Living Colour re-recorded this song for the video game Guitar Hero 3 with a faster guitar solo."
But like anything on the internet, find multiple independent sources before deciding if it's true or not.
Here's a link to a photo my father took of Waits before he was anything. My dad was out back of the show Tom was opening for, and was smoking a cig. My dad snapped his photo, not knowing what the young guy would become.
Beat sampled from an Arabic record by Hit-Boy. It had such a classic hip hop feel from a modern producer.
Carbon copy is probably the wrong term for it but self-referential material is hardly a pop-music crime. In this case it's entirely possible that this was written after it was decided that "All About That Bass" was to be released as a single. And if she's writing her own songs (stories have indicated as much but her AllMusic profile for the record is pretty intense. I mean, who really claps on their own album? http://www.allmusic.com/album/title-mw0002769775/credits) she's already a step or two above the rest.
Harmless and pop. And as said by another poster, "let's twist again like we did last Summer."
I just defended Meghan Trainor. I think I need a shower.
If you purchased with a credit card, consider a chargeback.
Sidebar, always check the reviews of any online merchant before ordering.
Right now, about 0.35% of words in rap are 'nigga'. In comparison, 'the' is a little bit more than 10 times as common. There's a 'nigga' for approximately every 10 'the's in rap.
I thought this sketch from last week was just as good for similar reasons, Abby Elliot impersonating Zooey Deschanel while Zooey Deschanel impersonated Mary-Kate Olsen. When Kristen Wiig showed up as Bjork I lost it.
P.S. - Sorry about the hulu link, couldn't find it on youtube.
Outside of his immensely successful career as a solo artist, he was a touring/session musician in his early days. Credits, perhaps, too long to list here. Most notably, he played guitar on one of my favorite albums, Pet Sounds.
Also, check out his documentary, I'll Be Me, covering his legacy, as well as his Alzheimer's diagnosis and final tour:
Can you imagine the reaction he would've gotten from his critics if he'd picked King Kunta? The vultures who run Fox News would've had a collective orgasm.
Anyone know what the weather was like at the time?
edit: I forgot we live in a world where you can just look this kind of thing up. There was a little over a mm apparently. Not exactly a storm, but enough to say it rained when he died.
I'm not prepared to decipher if you're being sarcastic or not so I'll leave this here for you just in case you're not. I'd come up with my own list but it's busy at work here today and this one covers it well enough.
I'd like to direct everyone towards
It's a user-submitted site where you can enter an artist (or a song title) and it'll give you results using YouTube telling you where you might have heard a song before. Really interesting!
I definitely agree, these would make horrible storage devices. We actually went out of our way to make sure the drives were 128 MB, and this was not an easy feat considering it's not 1996! But the goal of these tapes is to mimic the original mixtape by forcing the maker to really think about each song that goes on it. Giving someone you care about 15 or so hand selected songs means a lot more than dumping 20 GB of music onto a flash drive for them.
Edit: Holy cow! I invited a girl over to watch a movie last night and she didn't respond to my text so I put this post up instead. I was not expecting this response. Whether you absolutely hate this or love it, we really appreciate your input. I've read through every single post here and it's really nice to hear candid comments and suggestions!
And holy crap, we're on TechCrunch: http://techcrunch.com/2012/08/23/milktape-15-for-128mb-usb-drive-disguised-as-a-cassette-tape/
I should've probably given some context. I remembered his name from a Beastie Boys song: http://genius.com/4275870
Cey City in the house, what'cha gonna do?
Home-one, what'cha gonna do?
Captain Pissy in the house… what'cha gonna do?
Dust Brothers in the house, what'cha gonna do?
Mike G in the house, what'cha gonna do?
Mookie in the house, what'cha gonna do?
Hollis Crew... what'cha gonna do?
Jarvis in the house, what'cha gonna do?
When Killa Cutty in the house, what'cha gonna do?
Jazzy Jay in the house, Bad Brains in the house
Original Concept in the house!
Yo, good night Amsterdam
I think he even paid money to scrub. he is GONE except for this: https://disqus.com/by/disqus_CH3Uwzrz53/
I do think he was absolutely out of line...but damn, he's fucked now. And for what? I hope it gives him an incentive for less celeb worship at the very least.
Such a terrible event all around. Can't believe the EXTREME lack of safety...like WTF? people couldn't breathe nor leave..they were in a large open air cage panicking. Heads must roll and lessons must be learned.
edit: Im NOT trying to doxx...i looked up his name and found one thing only
Kanye referenced him in the College Dropout, lol
I feel like there are way too many people that underestimate how influential Beck is.
Before you graduate from high school, be sure to learn that with some songs, careful analysis of lyrics can yield more fruitful and poignant meaning. I only say this because (as a huge fan of The Who) I assume that when you say "Teenage Wasteland", you are referring to the song "Baba Oriley." If this is indeed the case, there is an incredibly detailed and intriguing backstory to it. Feel free to read up...or just gloss over it again, if you like...
I've since lost the links from when I dug around ages ago, I'll see if I can find anything now.
elevator music plays
edit- okay, this should be enough for anyone else to find more about him:
He also went by the name "Big Cheez" and "Benjamin Feltes", he was also part of a group called "fishrocks", you might hear some familiar songs here:
http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=374428&content=music (uploaded here in 2005, Jenkees opened his Youtube channel in 2006)
'hold tha phone' is the same as the Ronald Jenkees song 'Derty'
'one day at a time' is Ronald's track 'Neptune'
'remix to a christian' is Ronald's track 'Remix To A Remix'
'I still believe' ~~should also be familiar to anyone who has heard his songs, but I can't quite remember what Ronald called that track~~ is Ronald's track 'Loui', thank's /u/pyreon
I ran across this site the other day that might be another good resource for these types of associations.
>Gnod is a self-adapting system that learns about the outer world by asking its visitors what they like and what they don't like. In this instance of Gnod all is about music. Gnod is kind of a search engine for music you don't know about. It will ask you what music you like and then think about what you might like too. When I set Gnod online its database was completely empty. Now it contains thousands of bands and quite some knowledge about who likes what. And Gnod learns more every day. Enjoy :o)
Bo Burnham
artist pic
> Bo Burnham (born August 21, 1990 in Hamilton, Massachusetts, United States) is a comedian, musician and singer/songwriter. Burnham originally found fame through YouTube before being signed to Comedy Central Records in 2008.
> Burnham has released three studio albums and an EP: "Bo Fo Sho - EP" (2008), "Bo Burnham" (2009), "Words Words Words" (2010), and "what." (2013).
> Burnham's March 2009 "Comedy Central Presents" special made him the youngest comedian to have appeared on the program. Read more on Last.fm.
last.fm: 69,369 listeners, 2,437,043 plays
tags: comedy, acoustic, piano, youtube, Comedy Rock
^^Please ^^downvote ^^if ^^incorrect! ^^Self-deletes ^^if ^^score ^^is ^^0.
They did take the notes for sure, but it was played live.
" The bass line on this song was played live by a 17-year-old named Chip Shearin, who got the gig for the session because his friend knew the studio owner, Sylvia Robinson. Shearin was paid $70 to re-create the bass line from the song "Good Times" for 15 minutes. He recorded the part with a live drummer, which formed the rhythm track for the song. When he asked Robinson what she was going to use it for, she replied: "'I've got these kids who are going to talk real fast over it."
Sheerin ended up playing some live gigs with the band and became a successful studio musician and composer of jingles"
This guy needs to play him in a movie. Plus he can sing.
Yep. The most ignorant shit I've ever heard. And we used to BUMP to it too. I was in high school when the song came out. That entire album is smooth g music at it's finest.
The start of verse 4: http://genius.com/Warren-g-whats-next-lyrics
You're joking right? Kanye's a giant music dork, I mean look at the list of artists he's sampled - http://www.whosampled.com/Kanye-West/samples/ . Sure most of it is rap and R and B, but there's also the likes of Can, Bon Iver, King Crimson, and plenty of others on there. Guarantee he would know who Beck is, it's not like he's some underground struggling musician.
Here's a great example of good mixing - Daft Punk's Something About Us with Adele's Set Fire To The Rain - https://soundcloud.com/serranocarlos/adele-vs-daft-punk-something-about-the-fire-carlos-serrano-mix
For those interested, here's Carlos Serrano's channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/CarlosSerranoMusic/videos?flow=grid&view=0
Or you could mod a Staples Easy Button into a one button keyboard that you could then map to a play key using AutoHotKey.
I wanted to sort this out for myself so I did a google search. I am more confused now. > Less is also used with numbers when they are on their own and with expressions of measurement or time, e.g.:
> His weight fell from 18 stone to less than 12.
> Their marriage lasted less than two years.
> Heath Square is less than four miles away from Dublin city centre.
There's a really good companion book to the film that goes into a lot more detail. It's got some great photos and lots more stories about sessions with Frank, Nancy, Dean, Phil Spector, Brian Wilson, etc. It's really a great read and is the kinda book that's fun to look through every now and again if you're a fan of the music or music history.
Full disclosure- I know the director's brother and cousin, met Denny a few times as well. The Tedescos worked really hard for years to get this film released, so glad to see it coming up so often. I got the book during one of their funding drives.
Entroducing was a long time ago and his sound has changed significantly since. I would not go to a shadow show excepting a lot of stuff like it. His new show is called "all basses covered" and you can listen to the set he would've played that night on his soundcloud. I'm on my phone right now so I can't link to it but I will later if I remember.
Edit: https://soundcloud.com/djshadow/all-basses-covered-the
This is the correct answer :) Assuming you have a desire to find common interests, there are loads of country bands that are just as much rock bands so if you love something with a little bit more "kick" and she only likes stuff that has a little more "twang", find music that has both!
For years I thought I hated country music aside from a few timeless Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson tunes. Turns out I only thought I hated country music as a genre because I had mainly just heard one particular type of country music--boring radio country pop. I was always more of a rock fan but if all I'd ever heard of rock was Jack Johnson and Maroon 5 I'd have thought I hated rock too!
I think it can be hard to get into different kinds of music because you may have negative associations with certain aspects of it and other parts are just unfamiliar so they don't have any positive associations. It's like learning another language and finding what you like.
At some point I'd been listening to some Old 97's and Supersuckers and I had an older Wilco album and realized that hey...these rock bands are also a bit country. Stuff like Fallout: New Vegas gave me good associations with some of the old western music and stations like Bootliquor just added to the mix. Now I still don't really like pop country but not because it's country, but because (to me) it's boring and unoriginal and overproduced. That's still a bias I haven't been able to get past and I dunno if I'll ever be able to find what's good in that really manufactured-sounding music but I guess anything's possible.
Also, this discussion reminds me of an article I read recently:
Slightly related fun fact: Queens of the Stone Age's sound guy used to dj dances for deaf people where they would hold balloons and stand next to the sub-woofers.
Also, in their album 'Songs for the Deaf', there is a hidden track, "Real Song for the Deaf", consisting of a pattern of low-frequency bass.
one of the best DOOM songs ever, imo. So on point lyrically and the production is fantastic. The sample used in this song is amazing as well.
That's the point. The rich don't riot, because they already get what they want. The middle class doesn't riot, because what they could get through rioting they likely already have, and they'd have a lot to lose. The poor riot because they have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Put another way, just because you don't comprehend why you're doing something, doesn't mean that there's no reason for your actions, or that someone who does comprehend those actions is wrong because you don't comprehend the reason for your actions.
>Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defence of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all. > -Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations
I'm seriously just happy I had another excuse to post the album--when I actually did the work, there was no one left checking the thread out to even see it! I don't do stuff like this for internet points (quite the opposite...I tend to put in lots of time into trivial things no one ever sees), but I'm always glad to see others enjoy the fruits of my labor.
It was mostly just tedious rather than difficult or a result of encyclopedic knowledge, I'm afraid--although I'd be interested to see that thing with the tank! Only thing that comes to mind is that infamous (and also NSFW) "I recognize that bulge" 4chan thread, but that's a bit different...
First, I extracted the frames for that section and cropped them to just the art. Then, I stuck them into the wonderful resource that is the purpose-built anime/manga art search engine SauceNAO, and if that didn't work, I went to the general purpose Google/TinEye. Most were found easily using that basic toolchain, but there were about half a dozen that required some serious sleuthing. I'm glad I didn't give up on 'em, though, 'cause it would have been less satisfying with a few missing.
An entire chapter of John Seabrook's book The Song Machine: Inside the Hit Factory is dedicated to Kelly' Clarkson's hit/controversial second album (which is what is being discussed here) and basically says, through multiple first hand accounts, including her own that they told her she was a bad writer, they threw everything out she wrote because it was awful, told her she was bad, lots of times and the producers had to do it all themselves.
Then she had freak out(s) that none of the producers knew anything and were being mean (they weren't, they just were being professional and blunt), so they told her to relax, she freaked out more... then the songs she hated the most ended up being hits (just literally exactly as the producers told her it would) She then tried to claim credit for them immediately afterwards... because of course she did. Then retracted the claims after getting called out on it.
Basically, yes she was in the room, but it was more her sitting there and them telling her to stop talking and sit down and let the professionals do their work. In these cases, its pretty rare for the artists to get credit... generally because they were not actually involved (though often they will be given credit for business/marketing reasons, not because they actually contributed, that is very common, but she's not claiming that)
I know my way when it comes to Funk, R&B and Jazz. But this Isley Brothers track is a classic so if you were around in the 70's you'd probably know it.
PS if you are looking for what samples where used in a track, there's also a site dedicated to that whosampled
Freewill by Rush. According to this, "the time signature alternates 6/4, 7/4, 6/4, 7/4, 6/4, 8/4 and repeats during the first verse."
Haven't lived in Albania in a long time but I'll give it a try.
The city glows tonight.
The neon lights are turning on.
Your face glows too,
as soon as we meet each other.
Laalalalaaa lalalalalaa (lol)
Here again.
The park glows,
for our meeting.
The time draws near.
Your beauty shines.
It is love that gives it life.
And when the moon looks at this glow.
It widens its eyes full of daze/wonder.
And starts to think to itself.
That the sun was born/has risen again.
So turn on the lights.
And light our park up.
Here every night,
we will come again.
We won't hide our love.
And when the moon looks at this glow.
It widens its eyes full of daze/wonder.
And starts to think to itself.
That the sun was born/has risen again.
So turn on the lights.
And light our park up.
Here every night,
we will come again.
We won't hide our love.
tl;dr stuff like this was pretty rebel back then.
edit: ~~no idea how to format this.~~ got it. :D
edit2: uploaded to soundcloud for downloading purposes (I hope this is okay.)
In theory, yes, but real data isn't that nice! I mentioned overtones (or harmonics, but harmonics have a different meaning in the context of guitars) because they're just one thing that can mess up an algorithm like this. Each note on a guitar produces a peak at the fundamental frequency (say 440 Hz), but also produces peaks at 880Hz, and so on. These tend to overlap and can confuse a peak picking algorithm.
Look at this image, which is a typical spectrogram of a guitar playing. The notes themselves aren't clear, and chord transition points aren't necessarily clear either.
I did a lot of music information retrieval work for my MS, and automatic transcription, even for one real instrument, is really, really hard (full ensemble transcription is considered the "holy grail" of music DSP). Peak picking might work for a very clean, simple sample, but once you start playing songs you'll run into trouble.
If the OP truly got this working in the sense that you just play your guitar into your phone and it gives you tabs, it would be really impressive! Apparently Melodyne works pretty well, but their algorithm is proprietary.
Not sure about the 2010, but my previous car (02 Taurus) had a tape deck. A CD player, or if you were really rich, a 6-CD changer were options. I ended up buying a bluetooth cassette adapter which worked OK.
The big bearded guy's name was Charles "Big Chick" Huntsberry, Prince's legendary first personal bodyguard. He's in Purple Rain, the movie, too. He died in 1990 (and didn't have any life insurance - so Prince played a tribute concert to collect money for the family it seems -> http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/11468421.html ). There's also a "Big Chick" Facebook fanpage -> https://www.facebook.com/pages/Charles-Big-Chick-Huntsberry/107330209302440
Drunk part is probable because it happened at a pool party, but this
Some of those "nonsense" words are Jamaican slangs. Not defending the song; was just genuinely interesting how the song actually had some story.
I found this Debussy plays Debussy, captured from a piano roll.
Some more interesting info: > A century ago, the great French composer Claude Debussy sat down at a contraption called a Welte-Mignon reproducing piano and recorded a series of performances for posterity. The machine was designed to encode the nuances of a pianist's playing, including pedaling and dynamics, onto piano rolls for later reproduction, like the one above.
>Debussy recorded 14 pieces onto six rolls in Paris on or before November 1, 1913. According to Debussy enthusiast Steve Bryson's Web site, the composer was delighted with the reproduction quality, saying in a letter to Edwin Welte: "It is impossible to attain a greater perfection of reproduction than that of the Welte apparatus. I am happy to assure you in these lines of my astonishment and admiration of what I heard. I am, Dear Sir, Yours Faithfully, Claude Debussy."
All this TFB love makes me so happy. Best band ever. (sorry MB, I love you guys too) Edit: To anyone who sees this if you need any of TFB's old unreleased stuff thats kind of harder to find with a good download let me know. And no its not illegal, I asked Brian and he said spread it where ever I can
I should have done this in the first place https://www.mediafire.com/folder/9tuoiac0yl48l/The_Front_Bottoms
Yeah. He sampled the string-heavy Wes Montgomery cover of Eleanor Rigby.
I wonder if Sisqo had to pay Wes Montgomery or Lennon & McCartney.
The real answer, the lyrics are Bajan Patois (a Patois of Barbados). Like most Patois, the words sound similar, but you don't quite understand. For more details of the song's story and meaning:
The song is ultimately about sex.
>Singer Joe Strummer told an interesting story to Musician magazine in 1988 about how he proved that popular 1980s group Tears for Fears stole a line from "Charlie Don't Surf" for the title of their hit "Everybody Wants To Rule The World." He was apparently in a restaurant and saw Roland Orzabal, lead songwriter for Tears for Fears, and told him that "you owe me a fiver," explaining that the name of their hit song was an exact lift of the first line of the middle eight in "Charlie Don't Surf." According to Strummer, Orzabal simply reached into his pocket and gave him a five pound note, effectively admitting that this had been the case. Source
My Discover Weekly is usually on point. Sometimes I forget to star or move a track over to a saved playlist. I now have a IFTTT script that saves all tracks to a playlist so I don’t miss a beat.
Edit: Since some may be interested the IFTTT Applet
They'll regret this when people start using iTunes to make biological weapons.
Last sentence of the 2nd to last paragraph.
"You also agree that you will not use these products for any purposes prohibited by United States law, including, without limitation, the development, design, manufacture or production of nuclear, missiles, or chemical or biological weapons."
Oh my god, not all nude photos are porn. You can find the actual list of evidence easily. I see you copied another redditor without the actual source, so I suggest you look it up. As an example, this is one of the "books with pictures of nude children' you're talking about: https://www.amazon.com/Cronos-Pere-Formiguera/dp/8495273349
That song is actually a protest song against male circumcision in South Africa, :
"It turns out (in a nutshell), this song is about the transition from 'boy' to 'man'. There is a common practice in S. Africa where to become a man, you must to have a circumcision. The ceremony is held a few years after a boy hits puberty. These are done out in the bush where many of these 'boys' die from infection or AIDS from the tools used. 'Boys' who refuse to have their penis circumcised are said to be 'evil' or 'gay' and banished. If they come back, it's been said that they kill the 'boys'. (I couldn't find an article to support that last sentence, but that's what I was told.)"
Source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/nikoguy1/die-antwoord-evil-boy-explicit-versio-5xy <-- NSFL - SEVERED PENISES!
I usually get really annoyed by censorship in covers, but it really didn't bother me too much in this case. I thought it worked well.
As a complete aside, while trying to learn when the word 'fuck' started to be used in it's modern meaning I came across this wonderful little gem of etymology:
>Flying fuck originally meant "have sex on horseback" and is first attested c.1800 in broadside ballad "New Feats of Horsemanship."
OK Markhitz, here's what I know...
The name of the band is Red Carpet. The song "Dirtywhat.mp3" is actually called "Single Cell". Coudn't find anything on "TeaBag4All.mp3". They're a Japanese band (2004 - 2007) and "Single Cell" is on album called "Hello, SICK" (put out in '06 to the tune of 3,000 copies).
Sadly, the band members have all moved on with different projects. You can find a couple of the members in a band called NightengeiL.
Hope that helps...
You farm those out to human captcha solvers from India. Pay them 5 cents a captcha. Think it's tough to setup? Nope. Services already exist for this:
The reason behind this stunt is incredibly stupid.
The statement that younger listeners feel "entitled" to music is probably the most hypocritical, stupid reason to stop this album being released to the public.
The foundations of Hip-Hop are based upon remixing, sampling and transforming old music into new contemporary forms. In fact everything from music, movies and even technology is just a remix of everything that came before it.
How can a group so influential in Hip-Hop culture be so blind in condemning the so called "entitled" listeners of today, when they themselves would have been considered the "entitled" listeners and entitled artist during their epoch.
Here is a site which shows you all the samples that the Wu-tang used in their tracks. The artists who they borrowed from would probably feel that the Wu-tang were entitled. Having written no musical scores themselves they simply chopped bits of other artists music, called them samples and added some drums and lyrics. If you ask me who was "entitled" then, it was definitely the Wu-tang !
In 88 years even anyone even remember this album, and listens to it, all they will hear is Hip-hop. You make the music but the fans make you. Entitled or not, without the ears of even the most entitled fans, you are nothing.
Instructions with pictures! :)
While I know it's a pain to have to install them this way, but I think it's for the greater good. If you've ever had to help friends or family with their computers, you'll know that they all manage to successfully manage to install all the spyware and malware extensions out there. Hopefully this new process for installing non-Chrome store extensions will prevent a majority of these infections.
Bloody wonderful.
I had this site open at the time (it has nice sounds to relax to). Anyways, one slider was at Beach - 100%, another for Seagulls - 5%, and lastly, one at Thunder - 50%... the combined effect of all three and the song was amazing, for me at least.
It felt very powerful. Like how I think of this song.
> spleeter
It’s an open source project built by Deezer: https://github.com/deezer/spleeter
Pretty impressive stuff - it uses ML models so that’s why it can work on mono and oddly mixed recordings, since it’s actually “recognizing” the instruments and vocals. Looks like there’s an ableton plugin too.
You buy it here http://tidal.com/us/store/album/57273408
Edit: and now it's broken and is available here for $20 what is happening http://kanyewest.tidal.com
(but yeah, it's at least an option to take your money?)
I agree that Spotify should build this into the app.
In the meantime, I have used Sleep Timer on my Android and it works just as expected.
David Byrne of the Talking Heads has a TED talk about how architecture influences music production and actually uses U2 as an example: http://www.ted.com/talks/david_byrne_how_architecture_helped_music_evolve.html
From the description on TED's site: As his career grew, David Byrne went from playing CBGB to Carnegie Hall. He asks: Does the venue make the music? From outdoor drumming to Wagnerian operas to arena rock, he explores how context has pushed musical innovation.
I, too, find that musicians who use laptops are often misrepresented on novelty joke t-shirts.
Joke t-shirts are very serious business, and I'm glad someone is speaking out against them.
First off, he ALLEGEDLY stabbed himself in the heart. His cause of death was ruled inconclusive. There were two people present when he was stabbed - Elliott and his girlfriend. She still hasn't talked to the police about it, but she has sued his family for millions of dollars, and changed her story multiple times. There is an effort to get the LAPD to get off their asses and do something, but hey, it's the LAPD.
Second, Elliott wrote sad and happy songs about life. He was brilliant, and as many brilliant people do, he struggled with depression, alcoholism, and drug use. Yet the people who were close to him remember a funny, introspective man, who was always joking, loved life and loved playing music.
Third, he was clean when he died. He had kicked the drugs, was happy about his life, and ready to mix his new album. He finished two songs the day before - ironically enough, about "feeling stronger every day" and how "everybody's trying to turn me into a suicide machine."
Fourth, if you're interested in learning about Elliott's life, check out http://alphabettown.freeforums.org/ or r/ElliottSmith. There's also a great book by Autumn DeWilde. Unfortunately the newest book about him - Torment Saint - is filled with inaccuracies and outright fallacies. The fact that the title is a misquoted lyric sets the bar.
Fifth, here's a ton of unreleased Elliott music and other goodies for you. Enjoy. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/888gtxlefkeho/Elliott%20Smith
TL;DR Elliott Smith wasn't the sad sack he's made out to be, and his cause of death was inconclusive.
That was no rumor it was very much a fact of the case. A lot of people listened to this guy for some reason. One dude who was there with his family just pushed him out of the way and went out that door. IIRC he later suffered from survivors guilt over not getting more people out via that exit.
This book is pretty good since it was written by the lawyer who represented the victims and laid out all of the established facts of the case. The last 50 or so pages gets a little "legalese" but its still a great read just compiling all of the things that went wrong and their origin stories.
For example the brothers who owned the club wanted to play nice with an abutting neighbor who was very much against the club and the nose it generated. He had called in numerous noise complaints over the year to the West Warwick PD. The previous owners had let the brothers know of the problem during the sale.
The solution the owners came up? Well this neighbor happened to be employed by a foam mfg. company so they bought a bunch of low grade foam soundproofing from his company (neighbor I believe got a commission from the sale). They might as well just have filled the walls with full gas tanks since it had the same effect when the pyro hit in the foam.
There is literally an official Youtube app called "Youtube Music"
They certainly didn't brand themselves as it but they accepted and embraced people using it for that.
My Top 10:
Death Grips - Year of the Snitch
Czarface & MF DOOM - Czarface Meets Metal Face
Gorillaz - The Now Now
Jack White - Boarding House Reach
John Coltrane - Both Directions at Once: The Lost Album
Ghost - Prequelle
Nine Inch Nails - Bad Witch
Deszcz - III
Vein - Errorzone
Edit: fixed spelling
This is by far my biggest gripe with the Kanye hate. Chris Brown is a perfect example of someone who flawlessly fits your description of violent celebrities, but he was quickly forgiven and people went right back to buying/listening to his music as if nothing happened.
However, when it comes to Kanye, society will forever denounce him and his "cockiness". Sure, he may not be the most humble person, but he is the most honest. If people actually listened to his songs, they'd find that he is his biggest critic. He is incredibly self aware and constantly pointing out his own flaws (e.g. the entirety of Runaway). So why shouldn't he be allowed to point out his strengths?
But for some reason, the fact Kanye loves himself is a grave sin and warrants constant condemnation.
Gah, that mentality really annoys me.
I'm 100% certain that this is marketing to try and get another Beats style product: a product with extraordinary claims of audio quality that, in truth, is just targeted advertising toward youths with no knowledge of audio formats.
Why the Kickstarter? Then it seems super hip! Come on guys, let's do this! Make a difference in music!
And when it hits stores? Dude, Neil Young sponsored this thing! The guys from Crosby, Stills, & Nash sponsored this thing! We need to get it!
It's nothing new, nothing fresh. If anything it is worse because of the design of use: toblerone-style, with a small touch screen. I hope it flops because it deserves it; Zunes were better than this thing and I'm sure as HELL that this is better than the Pono player.
By the way, check out the song titles in the 4th picture or so of the Kickstarter page; don't know how stupid they could be to let that slide.
I can confirm: grown men in costumes, great music. Will be up till at least 1am CET+1
EDIT: They are on Mixcloud if you wanna check some of the sets they did recently. HIGHLY recommended xD https://www.mixcloud.com/DieH%C3%BCbschen/
Ah, a good troll review perfect for copypasting.
(it was posted on RYM and HAS to be a troll review. Why not check out mine instead?)
I haven't found an album I haven't loved by him. Absolute genius.
Check out his TED "talk" (more of a performance really).
Reddit is most certainly a 'thing', in fact Reddit is the 7th most popular website in the US according to Alexa. This puts it ahead of other things like Twitter, LinkedIn, Netflix, and Instagram.
Check out that entire album. There are plenty of sweet parable-like gems. But, really, you should at least read the lyrics of their new album. It is insanely good. Like, literary quality poetry. Bob Dylan quality. It almost hurts that they aren't getting more attention for it.
Same here. But be shure to use dev version fom this link: https://github.com/YePpHa/YouTubeCenter/raw/master/dist/YouTubeCenter.user.js
Main version from their home page link is outdated with lots of bugs.
> Closing Time by Semisonic
Songwriter Dan Wilson explains that the song isn't about getting bounced from a bar, but getting bounced from the womb: https://youtu.be/niz9FtJIB2Y?t=3m44s
EDIT: You can also explore the lyrics on genius: http://genius.com/Semisonic-closing-time-lyrics
Some might be familar with them from a video that was around years ago, from a Pokemon AMV, with their song 'Bitches'. Sadly, it's not youtube, so I'm going to link the myspace version. Well worth watching.
e: Note, I found the original mpeg, which is about 20 meg, from August, 2004. NSFW for language.
Also, supposedly a reference to a film studies teacher Black Francis had at UMASS. "The Pixies met and formed while students at UMASS Amherst. Frank Black wrote debaser after watching Un Chien Andalou in Film Studies Professor Don Levine's Avant Garde Film class. The Bunuel film is a staple in the long running course. Levine is famous among his students for giving away the endings and memorable momments in all of the class's films. It is rumored among the Film Studies Department at UMASS that debaser is actually about Levine being the debaser and spoiling all of the films including Un Chien Andalou and more specifically the slicing of the eyeball." source
The truth of this song is equally bone chilling Maynard is an incredible artist I can't find the original article where he talks about it... (Read it in a tool tribute series of magazine) but here is a link where it is talked about http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=6301