This app was mentioned in 39 comments, with an average of 3.87 upvotes
Fun Fact: it did. The Milkdrop visualization still exists and is updated as ProjectM.
it works great on Android and even has Android TV and Chromecast support.
projectM and projectM Pro are modern Android rewrites of Milkdrop.
There is a rewrite for Android named ProjectM I installed this weekend. You can use it as a wallpaper, lockscreen wallpaper, screen saver, or just keep it as a music visualizer. It listens to your phone microphone when you're not playing music. $0.00 for a crappy, ad-ridden trial and $2.99 for one that doesn't punish you for using it.
Pro version installed 318 preset visuals automatically for me.
Real battery killer. Watch out. Probably eats bandwidth, too.
Milkdrop for Android is called ProjectM. Works with any audio your phone is playing or hearing if you want it to use the mic. I have one of the presets set as my phone's background and lock screen. I love it.
This is the function of projectM: projectM Music Visualizer
define feature:
on part of it: build something in/into something
This reminds me of the plugin Milkdrop for winamp. In addition to touch inputs it reacts beautifully with music and sound. And an Android implementation called project M.
No solutions but may be interesting:
There is also ProjectM in the playstore which has also milkdrop presets.
And there is an unofficial Spotify add-on for Kodi. If it still works, no idea.
Not sure about VR but in 2d space ProjectM is a very capable Milkdrop clone for Android.
I connect my Samsung phone to my 4k TV and run it on DeX. Will use external or internal audio.
So it seems it can't visualize audio from other music apps like YTMusic or PowerAmp. Too bad it can only play local audio files or grab input from the mic and nothing else.
This visualizer could have been a worthy competitor to ProjectM.
Guess it depends how big. You could always go the raspberry pi route, but if you want a 7+ inch screen you could use a cheap android tablet for ~$50 new and any audio visualization app.
So I'm not sure about the PrjM/Classic Pack
directory, since my phone doesn't have that folder, but I did recreate the situation with the /android/data/com.psperl.projectM/files/presets_dir
. I pulled the APK for ProjectM Pro from my phone and opened it up, and confirmed that the presets in that folder are part of the apk. It appears just removing them from the filesystem won't do anything, as you found, they'll just be replaced when you relaunch the app.
I was able to go into the app, open the "All Presets" playlist, and remove presets, and that seemed to be permanent, even though the files still existed in the filesystem. I'm not sure this is working as intended. I wouldn't think you should be able to remove presets from the "All Presets" playlist...
The solution you probably need is to set up customized playlists, but I just found this comment response to a review on the free version's play store page:
> Sperl Heavy Industries September 5, 2020
> The playlist stuff is broken. I'm sorry. I need to rebuild all of it.
Looks like we're waiting for a fix. :-/
There's an app out there called project m that has a lot of the old milkdrop visualizations.
Sadly I couldn't really get it to integrate well, it can respond to music playing or through a local player but it can't run within streaming services like Spotify.
I looked into this extensive a few years ago and the best solution was to use a port of Milkdrop. Milkdrop was one of the best winamp plugins that supported literally thousands of presets. You can use a plugin called ProjectM (formerly morphyre). This will allow you to use Milkdrop presets. A quick google for free Milkdrop presets will give you everything you need.
No need to side load this either, as its available via the play store:
Good luck!
You can't. In fact, before this post I totally forgot about this app. I'm going to sideload it and run it from within Oculus TV ��������
Hijacking the top comment to say that Android has Project M, which is milkdrop for your phone. Works really well. (I'm not affiliated...just really like it)
There's an app called projectM which displays moving live patterns based on sounds it can hear through the microphone. It looks like the old windows media player visualisations Edit: Link
project m music visualizer or astral 3d fx music visualizer.
I've not found any Desktop vizualisers for chromecast, but there are Android apps that will output viz to chromecast from any running music program:
Edit: I just remembered something I used to do long before spotify...if you can find an old copy of Winamp, it's vizualiser plugins can run off of your computers 'line-in' or 'stereo mix' inputs, and can output to a second display, which can then be cast:
Everybody has known about this for over a decade I suspect. What you may not know is that there now exists an Android port: Project M.
Free on Android. Use any media player you like, including Spotify.
Yes, I wrote it.
Free on Android. Use any media player you like.
Yes, I wrote it.
Looks like they are from project M. Name matches up.
Free on Android. Use any media player you like.
Yes, I wrote it.
Free on Android. Use any media player you like.
Yes, I wrote it.
Bam... Project M
Try out projectM, it's based on Milkdrop which used to ship with Winamp.
Looks like ProjectM for Android or Milkdrop visual for Winamp in Windows.
check out Project M
Milkdrop for Android!
Project M is quite nice. It is a port of Milkdrop (the Winamp visualizer.)
This is a milkdrop implementation for Android that reacts to the music you're playing.
Free on Android. Use any media player you like.
Yes, I wrote it.
Project M, here's the free version
how about projectM? It's a visualizer but in a dark enough room it would create a lovely hue.
Try the free version first:
Basically a cardboard version of this