I think you'll be pleasantly surprised if you get one. I have both the Vive and Rift and find myself using the GO more than the others due to the portability, clarity and ease of use. It's really an amazing device for the price.
It really shines as a personal theater for watching side loaded videos and Netflix. I use it almost every day for that. If you travel or drive family members shopping or any other times you have to wait for a while it's great. I also enjoy watching Netflix in bed when winding down at the end of the day.
You'll want to get an external battery pack but you can pick up 20,000ma for about $20 on Amazon. Here's the one I use and it's worked great for me.
As far as games go most of them are designed and play like your typical mobile phone games and probably won't hold your attention very long despite some being visually impressive because they're in VR. The one I find myself coming back to the most is Pinball FX2. That said I think the hardware seems pretty powerful. There's potential there for a good RPG or other game to be made that could provide 40+ hours of gameplay. I just haven't seen one on there yet.
Well I just looked at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oculus.twilight and it says 50,000+ installs (it said 10k+ just a week or two or so ago). I think that's a pretty good number to get a general sense of the popularity and growth. I'm wondering how long it'll take to reach 100k, 500k and 1 million, for example. Doesn't include Apple, but at least it's an official metric
Funny thing... I wanted a VR RDP client so bad I started looking at porting the open source FreeRDP http://www.freerdp.com to Oculus SDK. Just to play around with the idea. I wonder how many other devs think a VR RDP client is a useful idea.
If you are on the store on the Go or in the partner Oculus app, you are only looking at supported experiences.
There are two different mobile apps, one for the Go from the Play Store, one for GearVR that is is automatically downloaded when you put your phone in a GearVR. If you happen to have a GearVR and have both apps, the Go version has a square app icon, the GearVR version is round and clearly says GearVR when it is launched.
If are on the web store you just need to make sure you are specifically in the Go section.
Note that they changed the website and while you still start at https://www.oculus.com/experiences/go/, when you are looking at specific experiences, they may or may not have /go/ in the URL.
This is a worthwhile topic. Everyone should have the right to have control of what software is installed on their device.
Even without root access there are multiple angles to approach this.
Here are just a few:
(1) Disable OTA Update service via System Settings
(2) Delete OTA Update file before it can be installed
(3) Block IP of OTA Update download server
(1) Try the following adb command: >adb shell monkey -p com.android.settings -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1
Then navigate to App Settings if it exists. You could also sideload an app such as https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.appteam.freeze and at the very least identify the services currently running, if not disable those related to OTA Updates.
(2) The OTA Update file may download and then notify you to install, or only download after you agree to the Update. A second step is usually required - install and reboot. Sideload a file explorer utility and delete the file before it can be installed. You might even be able to install some sort of scripting system on the headset to automate this.
(3) The IP address of the OTA Update server could be identified either at router level, PC level (wifi-sharing or proxy server) or on the headset itself by sideloading a network monitor. When checking for OTA Updates - an IP address would be exposed, and also when downloading the OTA Update file.
As regards the consequences of not accepting updates; I expect even if at some point you cannot even access Oculus Store (hypothetical example, you need to be running firmware v3.0 or newer) - sideloading apks (from Oculus Store) will always exist as an option.
>End Space and Overflight .... seriously approaches .... CV1 immersion.
Nooooo! That simply can't be true! Everybody knows SoCs aren't capable of "real" VR .... /s lol
Great to hear you really enjoy "Overflight", as I have high hopes for that one myself!
I just ordered this "XBOX Wireless Controller" from Amazon.
I searched for the XBOX One S wireless controller, but this is what kept coming up.
Would the one I just ordered work too, or should I cancel the order? Thanks!
I use Quick Shortcut Maker from inside Oculus TV to directly access the Developer menu!! :)https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sika524.android.quickshortcut&hl=en
You can do many things with that, like disabling system updates :)
I'd pick up one of these or one like it... Oculus Go Hard Case
It's hardly any bigger than the device, it's relatively cheap, and it'll definitely save it from wear and tear.
What a good idea. I've thought about this but only now did I try it. I just sideloaded Twilight and it works PERFECTLY!!! I have it installed on my phone and on my Android TV device. Installed it on here and works, even when playing games :)
EDIT:Oh I see you're already using Twilight on your tablet. Just sideload it on the Go works WONDERFULLY! :)
I was about to buy it as well, but then I remembered I have loads of storage on my phone. I installed BubbleUPnP and copied some files over. Tested it out by setting my phone in flight mode and streamed an episode over tethered wifi (used an app called WiFi automatic to start tethering while in flight mode). It drained about 3-4% of my phone battery during that half hour, so I've now transferred lots of movies and episodes to my phone. :-)
Really wish to know if Shadow gaming (shadow.tech) is working. Last time I tried before unsubscribing from their service I couldn't get past the Windows login (shadow.tech provides a full dedicated Windows, not only a game service).
> so what you end up seeing is a binocular view
The distortion isn't that bad and I found especially on PC binocular view useful because you see everything they see in VR not only from one eye which is nice when they are describing stuff from the periphery.
Vysor is functioning rather nicely an alternative would be scrcpy works the same way via ADB but it works wirelessly for free as well. Also, you can install APKs by just dragging and dropping them on the mirror window.
Wow, nice job! I got a hard case off Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N6N3J8D/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
still sold in china under the Mi brand as they are the OEM
In case anybody needs it, you can do this from a Mac, too, with the über-reliable
"Android File Transfer". I use it all the time to put the ROMs
from games that I already own in my ShieldTV emus using a MacBook.
I don't think BBC has the right to broadcast the World Cup outside of the UK:
So probably you will need something like a VPN, in which case probably the speed will take a hit and you might not have enough bandwidth available for the best possible image. Or maybe a DNS service will work, in which case there shouldn't be a reduction in your Internet speed.
Yes, Mkvtoolnix is your friend. Simply drop in the mkv file and srt subtitle file, output and Bob's your uncle. Can also be used for alternate audio tracks, either to add or take away.
$8 HDMI Headless Ghost. Now you can set the resolution for that screen what ever you like and configure to your hearts content. Description says 1080 but the case shows 4K and I’ve got mine set to 4K.
We have very different definitions of cheap.
This one is much more my speed. I would not trust any of them if Amazon did not have such a good return policy.
Yup, it's up on the UK amazon for preorder 9 November for £35. I don't really use a case but might be good to keep the work one safe in transit.
Oculus GO Carry Case https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07JDPW5MN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_wDE1BbC107A8E
Accessories like this usually takes time to roll out after a product does. They don't want to have a ton of accessories for a product that might flop. So I think this is a good sign that the Go is selling good (which I didn't have any doubt on anyway - This just confirms it even more), and hopefully we see more and more accessories released.
As for this case, I still recommend the one I bought over this to anyone looking, though. If we go by the German Alternate.de site and the UK Amazon site listed in other comments, it's around $45 for this case. The one I got is only $17, and holds more. Not only can I put the headset and Go controller in the case, I can also fit an Xbox controller, battery pack, mini wifi router, recharger, and all the cables in my case, which the pictures for the "official" case doesn't look like it can handle.
It’s $12.99 on Amazon. It goes on sale occasionally for $9.99. I think I got mine at best buy. The xbox one controller sits where the hump is and there’s a small pocket on inside top that holds power supply and cable. The go fits perfectly in the cut out area for the psvr. And it’s a hard shell case.
> Would this work OK if I upgraded to an 802.11ac router?
Your chance of success would certainly be a lot better. I can stream 4864x2432 30-40Mbit 60fps h.264 content to my Go using a 5GHz ac router without any major problems, though I'm usually in the same room when I do it. Line of sight and interference are the main things to worry about. There's generally less interference on the 5GHz band of course though for the best results you'll still want to use a Wi-Fi scanner app (like Wifi Analyzer or whatever) to make sure your router is using an uncrowded channel. In fact it's worth investigating this with your current solution to see if you can improve things at all.
Hi!! You can use REMODROID for both operations. Stream oculus to android phone and Stream android Phone to oculus go too.
Link to the app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.im.RemoDroid
Sideload the apk to oculus go, and then Install the apk into your android Phone.
You have to use the package name to uninstall apps, not the APK name (which could be anything).
You can usually track down the package name using Google Play since it's in the URL. For example: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.xbmc.kodi
So the package name for Kodi is org.xbmc.kodi
Thus: adb uninstall org.xbmc.kodi
If you can't find it that way, or via some similar method, you can issue the following command over ADB to retrieve a list of all the packages you've installed:
adb shell pm list packages -3
You'll have to scan the output and try to figure it out. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not.
If all else fails you can find it in AndroidManifest.xml inside the APK, or just ask here :)
(alternatively you could try installing a file manager that has APK management functions)
Thanks for the info and the video. That might make a great sales pitch for the Go if we can do all that in Minecraft VR 3D.
@rookan. I use the MyAppSharer app to find my phone's existing Gear VR APKs. I can then save them to the computer and use adb.exe to sideload them from the computer to the Go. The nightmare of the Sig files is over.
My router is an Asus RT-AC68U running custom Merlin firmware. You can often find sales on them for around $50. This one's expired but here is an example. https://slickdeals.net/share/android_app/fp/399175
Another option is sideload launcher. Here's a link to the APK. I haven't used it, but it has good reviews on the play store.
Well, I know about "Stadia" of course. I listen to <strong>the podcast</strong>, for goodness sake. lol
Plus, I mean it in this topic's first comment.
My point is thst this is: "'Stadia' For Retro".
"Stadia" is for current PC & console games, while "AntStream" is for retro stuff. 👍🏻
These seem to work better:
Google Play Services
Google Play Store
EDIT: no luck with Google Services Framework and Google Account Manager; installing the latter stops the app from loading.
You install it via adb like any other apk.
The launcher is just a tool to start another app that you have already sideloaded. You need to obtain and install the apks for those other apps first (like Netflix: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/netflix-inc/netflix/netflix-6-5-2-build-28341-release/netflix-6-5-2-build-28341-android-apk-download/)
i found it here https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/samsung-electronics-co-ltd/samsung-internet-vr/
its pretty good...screen size can get bigger and the default environment in the background is actually animated and pretty nice. it looks like somehow there is the ability to add extensions like an adblocker but will have to figure out how to do that on the go
I don't know about "Spotify", but you can listen to <strong>"TuneIn Radio"</strong> which is just as good.
And free. I use it all the time!
Once the song you want is playing, you can open as many other tabs as you want in the browser, and the music will keep playing! 😀👍🏻
Here is the latest available Android apk: https://apkpure.com/bbc-sport-vr-fifa-world-cup-russia-2018™/uk.co.bbc.sport.vrfifa18.mobile/download/20180614-APK?from=versions%2Fversion
Perhaps it's the same apk used for Oculus Go.
Hi, Bigscreen developer here. Can you email us with your debug logs and explain this issue/link to this reddit thread?
In the email, attach your debug logs which are found here: http://bigscreenvr.com/debug
> 1) How do I install APK file of the game I own? For example I tried GTA III which I own. I used APK Extractor to get APK file from my phone. Installed it on OGO and adb reported that game is installed. It didn't work. Do I need to do anything with APK file before I try to install it? Is file protected from copying? I am thinking I probably have to sign it somehow.
You don't need to sign it. What happens when you try to run it?
> 2) I installed GTA III. In Oculus TV game shows as square, in Unknown Sources. There is no name under box (where thumbnail should be). How can I uninstall this? Doesn't even have name? Is there any app that can do uninstalls?
It's just adb uninstall packagename
The package name is distinct from the APK name, which for GTA III is com.rockstar.gta3, so it would be adb uninstall com.rockstar.gta3
There are a number of ways to find out the package name. Here are a some of the easier methods:
Or, sure, you can sideload an app that has APK management capabilities. There are lots to choose from. I'm partial to Total Commander.
Don't be afraid of ADB. You don't need root (which we don't have anyway), and without root you can't really mess anything up that a factory reset wouldn't fix. And that's not to say that it's even all that easy to accidentally mess up in a way that would require a factory reset. And there are are numerous advantages:
If you're even remotely tech savvy, or are willing to become so, I would encourage you to run in developer mode and get ADB working so you can get more out of your Go experience.
Try this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusGo/wiki/sideloading
Then you'll be able to bring up the Android settings panel to see if the underlying Android OS thinks Trains VR is installed or not (and if so you can do a clear data operation and uninstall it to start fresh), or you could install an app like Total Commander (or whatever) that has it's own APK management tools and run it inside Oculus TV to see if you can deal with the problem that way.
You can feel free to ask questions if you have any trouble getting started :)
scrcpy can do this, and it's open source so you can modify it if you need to, or borrow something.
Some useful information here in the "Input events injection" section: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/blob/master/DEVELOP.md
I just published scrcpy 1.3 including a crop feature: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/releases/tag/v1.3
The syntax is: scrcpy -c width:height:x:y
For instance, for keeping only the left eye (with the black borders): scrcpy -c 1224:1440:0:0
When you plug in is it detected as a device in windows?
Does it prompt you to allow USB debugging inside Go?
It's for screen mirroring but it works thru ADB and included ADB executable that works for me so you might want to check out:
Ah, OK. Well, since you said it hasn't even shipped yet,
maybe you can still cancel the Oculus order and get one from Amazon?
It's here if you decide to go [haha] that way: AMAZON-"Oculus Go"
Good luck!
Man that controller being packed in lens-side gives me unneeded anxiety haha. I was browsing Amazon last night and found this one, but im not sure if it is something that was quickly thrown together or if its fully legit as there is no pictures of the inside
The Power A psvr case works great. Headset fits perfect and room for controller and charger. Bestbuy and Amazon have it on sale often for $10. And it’s a hard case.
Right, if you don't have a gamepad, you can't even get into the arcade room itself.
So I ordered the 2nd gen XBOX One S wireless controller from Amazon.
Yep. I got my Go on May 4th and waited until July 3rd before I got my gamepad. BlazeRush is the main game I've played with the pad so far.
I got this one from Amazon but it's a little cheaper in black.
I have two, one from IKEA, one from Amazon, they both work well.
I have tested the Bluebyte Bluetooth 4.0LE keyboard and it is able to pair via the Oculus app on my iPhone to the Oculus Go. It was supposed to also come with a 2.4GHz dongle for use with computers that can't pair with the keyboard but it was missing in the shipment. I complained and they gave me a partial refund on my order. I could have gotten a full refund and replacement but I'm going on a trip and needed the keyboard. The keyboard worked great in the Virtual Desktop app.
I also ordered a BT4.0LE mouse and will test when I get it.
The keyboard on Amazon: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B073JCX3NH/
Here's the Relief Band at Amazon, you may be able to find them elsewhere like Bay used. Reliefband 1.5 for Motion & Morning Sickness - Fast, Drug-Free Relief from Nausea, Retching, Vomiting https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PG4NUOS/
You can do that with the SMB and FTP feature, ES File Explorer supports streaming. You just have to put in the time to actually understand how this works, so you can do it. Hence the video link. On the other hand DNLA on the phone works with almost every media server app there is. So if it's just streaming you are after, use something like this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=es.mediaserver
You can set up a media server on your phone. There are lots of options but Plain UPnP - UPnP / DLNA server and browser is light, ad-free and pretty easy to get started with.
If you have issues for whatever reason (in my experience running a media server on a phone is a hit or miss sort of affair when it comes to reliability) try something else.
Sideload SWIFI https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.seah0rse.swififree
& HALauncher https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.i.akihiro.halauncher
Youll posiblly need HALauncher to access native android settings on GO to give permissions necessary for swifi to work.
With SWIFI you can prioritise 5Ghz traffic when connecting to networks.
It also works nice on the gearvr (after building it from source for an S7 in Android Studio). Will it be available officially from the store?
If not could you take a look at why the Gear VR Injector app cant inject the oculus signature (required in the .apk only on gearvr) into the GO's apk? It generates a 8mb .apk instead of ~50.
The injector app is here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zgsbrgr.gearvr.injector
It worked with other apks such as the QuakeGVR apk.
I can assist you with more info if you need, feel free to contact me. (Im developing opengles2 apps for android with the NDK)
> To get a more reliable result you have to do a speed test locally.
Using this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pzolee.android.localwifispeedtester
With the server installed on a host PC connected to a 5GHz ac router via Gigabit Ethernet, with the Go connected to the 5GHz access point, the app running inside Oculus TV, with the CPU/GPU level forced to 4/4 via ADB (since speeds were lower at 2/2), I get the following:
Download: ~248 Mbit/s
Upload: ~163 Mbit/s
But it varies quite considerably with swings of ~50 Mbit/s or so. My guess is that because the CPU and GPU level make a difference that the overheads associated with running the test inside Oculus TV are making a difference. Time to try to get Oculus TV out of the mix then I guess.
By using VNC for Raspian (installed by default). A couple downsides: No audio streaming, and controlling with the Go controller is wonky, so you'll probably still want a mouse and keyboard directly attached. The idea is you're just using the Go as the display.
Enable VNC, set the password, and enable "experimental direct capture mode.". In the advanced options, you can also configure the framerate. I believe it's 20 by default.
Sideload VNC viewer for android and launch it in Oculus TV:
You should see your RPI in the list, and then connect.
Gamepads are officially supported. That's why there is a "Pair Gamepad" function. As such a number of one-handed controllers are supported too, such as the MOCUTE - 52 and others like it (though controllers such as these don't have enough inputs for some of the more involved gamepad titles).
It's up to the developer to support gamepad input in their titles.
That said the platform would have benefited if a gamepad had been bundled from the very beginning, and by the very beginning I mean starting right back in the Gear VR days. Carmack argued for this but was overruled. Oculus need to listen to him more about mobile gaming I think.
> My issue is only when using the magnetic charging cable. The time it takes to charge with that cable decreases as long as I supply a higher 2.5A than when I charge it with the 1A on my external battery. But when charging using the USB 3.0 ports on a desktop from the front, it seems to take longer.
The USB ports on a desktop computer aren't dedicated charging ports, they are data ports, so while they can supply power they wont supply as much as you need.
That aside if the magnetic cable you're using can't charge as fast as the standard bundled cable from a 2A or greater power supply, then your magnetic cable either isn't rated for high current, or something else is wrong with it.
There are some cool and inexpensive little gadgets that can shed some light on what's going on with your own USB equipment so far as power delivery is concerned. For example: https://www.amazon.com/Voltage-Precision-Monitors-Current-Chargers/dp/B01K4EQEZG/
They can add some resistance themselves but in my experience it's pretty negligible and doesn't obfuscate the overall picture. And they're fun of course :)
This screen stream app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=info.dvkr.screenstream&hl=en_US&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dscreen+stream+over+http&pcampaignid=APPU_1_OH2kW8nnEMWQ5gLm5KDYAg works great for me mirroring android to my go and dont need to sideload anything just visit the link in go's browser. Only thing is no sound but you'll still have the sound from your phone nearby.
Thanks :) The risks were clear while starting this project out.. figured I'd give it a shot and finish it nevertheless.
The resemblance to an endless runner is probably skin-deep I'd say. It's definitely not endless (finite levels), it's quite hard in difficulty (not casual gaming), no coins to collect, very fast movement, and old-school arcade (not mobile casual).
I appreciate your comment though, and appreciate your stepping up to write it :) I'll try to learn what I can to make better games.
Fwiw, incase someone's considering playing it, the Daydream port has had good reviews (not fake, really): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.cmdr2.speedsurfer&hl=en
You can fix that in the device manager: https://imgur.com/6gXsHPw
Just run NETSH WLAN start hostednetwork again afterwards.
You can use a tool like this to verify that it's only broadcasting at 5GHz.
This is the one you need, plus it matches the Oculus Go. https://www.amazon.com/Xbox-Wireless-Controller-Grey-Green-one/dp/B074FBKCMB/ref=sr_1_7?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1535972218&sr=1-7&keywords=xbox%2Bone%2Bs%2Bcontroller&th=1
You could try manually installing the Gear VR app on the S5, you only need to get to the store. https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/oculus-vr/oculus/oculus-3-60-0-21-0-release/oculus-3-60-0-21-0-android-apk-download/download/
is that what you"re looking for?
I don't think it will be that much of an issue. First reports are that it's more than serviceable. Considering how usable the Steam Link, NVidia GameStream and Parsec are at 1080p 60fps I think you'd be justified in giving VD or BS a shot.
Hell, Big Screen is cheaper than an HDMI cable, as it's free... https://store.steampowered.com/app/457550/Bigscreen_Beta/
Honestly, there are so many VR-related Discords already that the community is fractured enough. I don't see any value in continually reinventing the wheel here. Specialization is fine, but there is already a Discord devoted to mobile VR specifically, and a massive general VR Discord with separate channels for different headsets, among other things.
(there are actually a lot more than that, but who wants to keep track of them all...)
A few weeks ago Google Store slashed prices on their Daydream viewer to 50% off ($49). I was thinking they were clearing inventory for a 2018 Daydream refresh to correspond with the new Google Pixel 3 phone announcement in Oct, but it looks like the sale has ended... Now, I'm thinking there probably won't be a Daydream hardware refresh and I missed out an opportunity.
EDIT: Google Store sale has ended, but there's a Groupon for 50% off. Appears to be the most recent (2017) Daydream model, as it notes compatibility with the Galaxy S9.
I know this is old but if you never found anything then try Splash player. You'll need to change some stuff in the settings before it interpolates to 60 FPS but its a nice player, just not really supported by the devs. Hope this helps you :)
I have an iphone 4 too my dad let me use his phone so maybe you could try borrowing a phone you'll only need it for the setup after that most things can be done from the headset the only thing i can think of that requires the phone is pairing a controller and turning on dev mode
EDIT: Another thing you could try is getting the oculus app on the kindle basically what you'll do here is sideload the google play store onto the device and download it from there here's a good guide for doing this: https://lifehacker.com/how-to-get-google-play-on-a-kindle-fire-and-install-any-1790706649 if that doesn't work another thing you can try is using that older android device if google play says its not supported try installing the oculus app apk
I don't actually have a splitter cable, just this OTG charging hub. I had been tentatively planning to semi-permanently attach it to the Go somehow, but I'm not sure that I'm going to need to charge and use a USB drive at the same time very often, if at all, so I've sort of abandoned the idea.
As for magnetic cables, you could just leave the splitter cable or the charging hub connected all the time and put the magnetic pin in the charging port. The only problem I personally encountered with that is that the Micro USB charging port on my hub is loose enough that the cable keeps pulling the pin out if I'm not careful. Though that could probably be fixed, and it probably isn't a universal issue anyway.
I've figured that for DRM videos, such as Crackle, last working Google Chrome build is 61.0.3163.98 (316309802) (armeabi-v7a), I think x64 seems like pointless for TV view.
The problem of newer builds that they present DRM videos directly to screen, bypassing WebView and video field just black with working sound, therefore no way to see it inside virtual screen (I see a piece with my left eye as overlay).
I was only speculating which version of Google Play Services to use. You may have to systematically try them all.
Edit: Could you please use YouTube for Android TV as the test app.
Middle value (Y) would be limited to following:
>1 for armeabi
>3 for armeabi-v7a
>4 for arm64-v8a
The following adb command should identify the actual CPU type / OS variant used in Oculus Go:
>adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abilist
If it is normal YouTube version or AndroidTV version
> Thought i unlock my oculus go developer mode for first time so I can side load this app would be worth it :/
Try it. Make sure you have a gamepad paired before you run it in case you have to get past a full screen prompt (there seems to be less chance of that if you launch it from Sideload Launcher or AppStarter or the SideQuest launcher).
You'll probably need to create an account on the website first rather than try to do it inside the headset.
No guarantees of course. I would try it myself but I'm not in a supported region and skirting geoblocks is not going to do anything for latency.
The possibility of corruption when exceeding 4K is only a possibility, not a certainty. The degree to which it will manifest, or if it will to any noticeable degree at all, depends on the clip in question. So you might be able to get away with not worrying about it in a lot of cases (when I was investigating this problem myself it actually took me a while to generate a problematic encode).
If you do encounter the issue then after exporting in the highest quality possible you could run it through something like Handbrake if you don't want to use ffmpeg directly.
This is not an Oculus Go feature, it's a VRidge feature, and it only works with the Riftcat platform which streams PCVR content to your headset. It's requires a VR-capable host PC and pretty low expectations.
yeah, it was added in 2.1.0, however I'm not sure if it works on the Go, or GearVR or both.Quote from changelog (https://github.com/polygraphene/ALVR/releases)
>USB tethering support.
>ALVR client now send the broadcast to all network interfaces except for mobile network.
yeah, it was added in 2.1.0, however I'm not sure if it works on the Go, or GearVR or both.
Quote from changelog (https://github.com/polygraphene/ALVR/releases)
> USB tethering support.
>ALVR client now send the broadcast to all network interfaces except for mobile network.
Thanks for the suggestion! I sideloaded "Easy Android Panel" apk from here https://www.appsapk.com/easy-android-panel/ then I opened it from Appstarter, went to menu > applications > minecraft, cleared data and cache. Then rebooted the Go. Unfortunately, when I launch Minecraft I still get black screen then back home. :-/ But thanks for helping!
I just looked at the blog and as far as I know, what it says is still true ..
>" <em>Hoppin’</em> is the world’s first Multi-User VR SaaS solution that allows businesses, organizations and experience providers to teleport their prospects and clients/users directly into their location/experience using 360° videos (pre-recorded or live)"
When I have time I'll test it again and this time with other people in the video. Many apps allow people as avatars to watch 2D videos. But that's different from meeting inside a 360 video as Hoppin does. I thought that capability was pretty impressive long ago when Vtime allowed people to meet inside a 360 Photo.
Since the Hoppin blog post says you can meet inside a live video, that suggest that people could meet as avatars at live (not pre-recorded) locations. That would be impressive for me since I haven't seen that happen. Apps like Oculus Venues let people meet in a 360 environment but that environment is not a 360 video.
Here's a Hoppin 5-star rating at the Oculus store ..
> Can't believe it! - I can go into the app and visit cool places with my other oculus go friends. This is the closest thing I've seen to group teleportation at this point"
And another reviewer at G2 describing their favorite feature ..
>"hearing the voices of the avatars in the video with me. I've never experienced that before. It was like entering a video game but with other players that are not computerized or just a voice you hear in a headset."
People seem to love meeting in VR and meeting in a 360 video (or live location) takes the experience up a level. Later I'll search to see info about live streaming. Theoretically it sounds like a group of people as avatars could meet in someone's back yard (the person who's streaming live 360 video).
I don't understand why this matters. I'm in Australia and I'm using this APK and everything is working just fine. I didn't have to find some special AU version of the app and I don't think there even is one.
I've had some partial success, I'm still learning the ropes but I think I have the hang of it.
I sideloaded a few rdp clients to test, my favorite "rd client" wouldn't connect and when it finally did it was at totally the wrong res.
the best one I found that connected every time, and kept the correct resolution was https://apkpure.com/rdp-remote-desktop-connection/com.thinstuff.rdc This installed but wouldn;t show up on the oculus tv, so I had to install appstarter to launch the app, once launched though it works very well. I couldn't figure out how to get the menu up for onscreen keyboard etc but I'm sure I'll figure it out.
File manager+ will let you setup cloud storage (one drive, dropbox, etc), works great to wirelessly move files (can even stream videos this way too). https://apkpure.com/file-manager/com.alphainventor.filemanager You could also just use the native dropbox support.
I think the collections are the same ones in Google's Street View Gallery.
Compare those collections to the ones in Wander and you'll see they match.
If that's the case and Wander simply shows us that gallery, it may be up to Google to update its gallery. But I can't rule out that Wander may also get some gallery tours from -- I don't know where.
There are lots of good places not in the gallery since the Earth is a big place. Say "Mount Everest," for instance, and you wind up there. Then, zoom in on the map and you'll see dozens of blue dots. Those represent 360 photos that users have taken at places around Mount Everest. You can click those dots to visit those places. You an do the same thing with a place like "Central Park." When you get there, zoom in on the map and you'll see blue dots you can visit.
I know I'm asking dumb questions, but ...
Are you using "Android File Transfer" [AFT] ?
If so, do you run AFT first before plugging your GO into your Mac? It, unfortunately, makes a difference.
I don't believe that's on their roadmap. Workaround would be to stream it from your phone to your pc (using software like this https://www.apowersoft.com/phone-mirror ) and then just use Bigscreen like usual.
But I am curious to know what you would use such a feature for actually...
What's up r/OculusGo! I'm one of the developers of Bigscreen.
I posted here last year because Bigscreen Beta was a launch title for Oculus Go. Since then, we have been quietly working to overhaul Bigscreen with some massive new features that will be rolling out in a series of updates in the next 3 months.
In 2 weeks, we will be launching the Bigscreen Beta 2019 Update on PC (Rift, Vive, WinMR, etc.) and Android (Gear/Go) simultaneously. The biggest problems, bugs, frustrations you have had with Bigscreen Beta have been fixed in this update, along with some beautiful new features (some of which you can see in this video teaser above!)
I don't want to spill the beans just yet on the details of this update because it's too exciting...but I need your help! Please join our Discord and help us test this new Bigscreen Beta update. We plan to spend the next week or two testing this before releasing it to the whole world.
And in case you're not familiar with Bigscreen Beta, it's one of the most popular VR apps with hundreds of thousands of users. It lets you use your Windows desktop in VR, to watch movies in a virtual IMAX theater or play your fav Steam games in a virtual campfire. Bigscreen is also well known as a social VR app that lets you watch movies with your friends or have a virtual LAN party. Bigscreen is totally free and available on Oculus & Steam, with support for all the major VR headsets.
^(p.s. Bigscreen is now 4 years old :O)
Yeah I tried sideloading the Mubi Android app, it runs fine but the videos just show a black screen.
Since typing this I've also tried sideloading the Chrome and Dolphin Android apps but neither of them work at mubi.com. I just get told my browser is not compatible/out of date.
It's hard to offer any advice since you didn't actually specify what your problem is.
Both the Go and Quest have always been able to play up to 5.7K video. Nothing has changed in this regard.
Streaming video from a PC is easy. You need to install a DLNA server. I use the one that comes built-in to Kodi. Just add your media folders to Kodi's library and turn on the DLNA server in the Service settings. Your PC will automatically show up as a media source in Oculus Gallery.
I have noticed, though, that a lot of producers of adult content use ludicrously high bitrates for their videos for no good reason, and this can make them difficult to stream from a local media server if your wireless is crap. My router struggles to deliver the 30mbps+ that a lot of these videos use, even over 5 GHz. I've been re-encoding some of these videos to 10-bit H.265 with x265 CRF 26 at medium speed to make them streamable on my network, and early results are promising. Buffering issues are gone, and I can't see a visual difference. So just in case you or someone else runs into this issue, re-encoding could help.
My router has a DLNA server sharing content on an attached USB storage device.
I also use Kodi. System > Service Settings > UPnP / DLNA > Share my libraries. I use Kodi because it can easily share whatever other content sources you have configured.
I'm running Plex Media Server these days too solely for use with Plex VR, though I do have the DLNA option enabled as well just to provide another route.
If I could only run one it would probably be Kodi, because it's simple, and versatile. You can't launch it in a persistent headless server only mode, but that's not really important to me. I'm happy to just leave it open.
Can you install custom apps on the cloud computer? If it’s possible, someone could install the Virtual Desktop Streamer and connect to the computer remotely. Shadow.Tech supports this but it is 30$ a month. Cheers!
My iPad Mini 4 can't download from MEGA 'cause it needs the app.
I'm opposed to Dotcom, so I refuse to give him my custom.
Perhaps, it it isn't too much bother, could you put it <strong>here</strong>, please? Thank you! 😀👍🏻
Yes it is possible. With vysor you can mirror your screen. I've tried it and you will see two pictures, the left and the right eye separated. The quality sucks in the free version. It's much better with the paid one and you can also share the live stream over web.
Yes, you can do this using the command-line tool Scrcpy, which allows you to to screen mirror over USB or wirelessly over your network and without installing anything on the Android device, and you can have multiple instances so that you can stream from multiple devices simultaneously. You'll need a Windows, Linux or Mac OS device, so this isn't possible from an Android or iOS tablet. Just ask if you need any help with it.
If you're looking to create videos from the Oculus GO for YouTube or whatever, there still not a proper easy way to record afaik with high quality video and audio.
Here is how to do it currently without casting or Facebook streaming + download as both of those have varied results and compress the teeth out of the video/audio.
Cables you'll need:
3.5mm Aux splitter cable with 2 female ends and 1 male end [don't get a CTIA-Y cable]
3.5mm Aux cable with 2 stereo male ends
Equip you'll need:
A pair of headphones
An audio recorder, or a PC with audio recording software
What to do:
Plug everything in like in the pic
In Oculus GO menu, on the sharing tab, click the Record button to start recording video
Hit record on your audio recorder or in your PC's audio recording software like Audacity or OBS
Export the separate video and audio files in to video editing software like Windows movie maker, Sony Vegas, or Premiere pro
Sync up the audio and video files and export your finished video file
Also, can use Scrcpy to record the video instead for more customisation options:
That's it.
Actually if you have a PC you can use try this: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy
It will allow you to control your phone from you PC and most importantly it will pass through keyboard input.
> kept getting error when using wireless
What error?
It seems that on OcolusGo, you have to disconnect USB before connecting to adb over TCP: https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/issues/189#issuecomment-403342103
I think you're right. I mean I have some videos I've posted on how to do things on the Go that no one else had posted, then a month later another creator posts the same video but all spiffy looking, and much less detail on the how-to aspect. Seems like some creators just rip off others. When I see those posts however I do comment with the link to my original postings. As far as the wireless method being added, whenever I read ANYTHING that says to use adb, in my mind that INCLUDES adb over tcpip. In fact in that original article that I linked to wireless is how I was using it primarily so I could show others how it looked. I actually had it on a 3D display and set the display to SBS, although the display rendered it as SBS-HALF, thus squashing the image, it was still rather cool as they were able to see in almost real time what I was seeing in 3D.
SCRCPY found here
does exactly the same thing as far as showing your screen and streaming it very well. Only thing is if you want to record with it, you just need to use screen capture software on your PC as it doesn't have a "recording" feature built-in. It works connected over adb, so whatever you have connected to adb it will try to work with. Therefore it works both over USB or Wireless.
Nox the emulator running on the PC doesn't reveal too many folders. Hence it's running on a PC emulating a phone so right now I don't see any recognizable folders. That may be why my import didn't work when I tried to import a profile. Maybe Tasker tried to look for its folder and couldn't find it on my computer running Nox. From that Reddit post, it seems like the user is saying if we root Nox itself, files and folders may become visible that look like what we'd see on a phone.
Nox has a "Shake" button that can emulate a phone shaking. This info about Nox as a development tool also says to root Nox ..
That article is about connecting Nox to Android Studio, which I don't need for this.
If there's no quick solution I'll run Tasker on my phone and use SideSync to send the phone's screen to the computer. The last resort will be learning Tasker entirely in Oculus TV using the controller to type on the virtual keyboard.
You can log into Gmail on the Go and send/receive emails.
http://collabedit.com/ might work. It's a shared web-based notepad that has a chat window. When you visit you get a unique url, such as
Tell your friends to visit that URL and you all can type into the same document and you can chat in the chat window. It's text based so you have to type using the Go's virtual keyboard until Oculus supports Bluetooth and USB keyboards. I've gotten the sideloaded Samsung Internet Browser to work with a wireless keyboard via an OTG plug, so maybe that might work if you test it -- assuming you'd rather try to type using a computer keyboard.
Ideally, voice recognition arrives so you can speak in all apps instead of typing in Go VR. You can speak on the Gear VR.
Regardless of what you do, your friends are going to have to enter a URL into a Go browser. You could search for another online shared notebook that has a shorter name than collabedit.