>When you create a setup on SL5, do you use icons from different icon packs? Do you find alternatives of the icons inside the same pack?
Yes. Sometimes it is useful to try different icon packs for a coherent and consistent (shape) experience.
>Do you usually use the suggested icons or you find them inside the icon packs / your files?
Suggested icons sometimes help know what icon packs might have an icon for an app, but they don't always help (e.g. different versions of an app).
>What logic do you follow when you try to modify some single icons?
Look around in icon packs to find the prettiest icon that looks like the original or could fit as a replacement.
>What do you find frustrating in the actual design?
>There are some unsatisfied need from you in the actual design?
Universal search is badly needed, I want to search all my icon packs for the same phrase. Right now I'm using an app called Iconzy for that (try it out on FAB > Search icons).
Also I would want more flexibility for adaptive icons:
Theme info:
Widgets and background (except battery bar):
Apple For KWGT https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appleforkwgt.kustom.pack
Gladient icons https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.maxghani.gladient
Nova Launcher Prime
KLCK Lockscreen, custom theme based on Android 12
Please note, build 040 is alpha (if you want to manage your enrollment you can use the link here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ginlemon.flowerfree).
Anyway, thank you for your detailed report. We will immediately start working on a fix!
That's you, personally. There are folks who use the Cyrillic alphabet, and others.I find the alphabetical arrangement easiest to deal with.
Muscle memory can be retrained. I moved from a QWERTY keyboard to MessagEase (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.exideas.mekb). More than 50 years after first learning to touch type.
Thanks! Been having some fun passing some time lol. It's one of the widgets from Todoist. Obviously with all the settings messed around with. It's a great app if you've never used it!
Here you go : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.todoist
1st one is Transparent Calendar Widget. Notes widget is 4Note. They're all pretty great and customizable apps/widgets.
Don't know what our devs' plans are, but you might check out this app, which gives you a single icon up in the corner that you can launch from any page and that has a number of applets, including calculator, note pad and calendar: Overlays - Floating Apps Launcher - Apps on Google Play
"Is it Android 11? There's an issue with Android 11 where native gestures don't work with 3rd party launchers. I think there might be a patch upstream, but if there is, it hasn't made its way to MIUI yet. A workaround is to use either Fluid Navigation Gestures or Infinity Gestures. Enable the app, disable battery optimization for the app, set it to autostart, then change navigation in your system settings from 3-button navigation to full screen gestures (to hide the navigation buttons). "
This is what they replied to my when i first asked about this bug, here you can find the link for the gesture apps ☺️
The weather is: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apalon.weatherlive
First widget is modified from flow kwgt
It would be great if SL would allow random wallpaper from a set folder on the phone. It does random wallpaper, but from a list of online services which I'm not into. It seems they already have the code to allow randomness, it just needs to be built out.
For now I use Wallshow which lets you select a folder and have settings to randomize it at various intervals.
You could try icon pack studio? From sl devs? Gives you some room to do stuff, retouch any icon packs? 😘 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ginlemon.iconpackstudio Then you don't have to figure things out. 😂😘🙏🏻
Is it Android 11? There's an issue with Android 11 where native gestures don't work with 3rd party launchers. I think there might be a patch upstream, but if there is, it hasn't made its way to MIUI yet. A workaround is to use either Fluid Navigation Gestures or Infinity Gestures. Enable the app, disable battery optimization for the app, set it to autostart, then change navigation in your system settings from 3-button navigation to full screen gestures (to hide the navigation buttons).
It's an Android 11 problem, and unfortunately, there's no telling when it will be fixed. There's a workaround to sort of get gestures on Android 11 with 3rd party launchers. You'll need this app: Fluid Navigation Gestures. The app is no longer being maintained, unfortunately, but it works fine (I'm actually using it right now). You'll need to configure FNG and grant the appropriate permissions, then enable it. Then turn off MIUI battery optimization for this app and also turn on autostart. Next, in order to hide the navigation buttons, you'll need to switch to full screen gestures.
Not really. Almost all SL themes available in the Play Store were created for SL 3, and haven't kept up with the changes that have been made since then. That said, you can use Icon Pack Studio to create red-and-black icons, and you can get partway there with Stamped Red theme (black background, red app labels and category icons, although the category icon selection is limited--I'd recommend downloading a different set of red icons for the categories): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=forte2.sltheme.stampedred
I'm using KWGT pro and it lets you create widgets to show information you like. There are widget packs that show different styles to present that info, in this case I'm using Instinct KWGT.
Instinct KWGT - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=instinctkwgt.kustom.pack
Thank you soo much. Here's the wallpaper https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jeq-k7HgxrzILt_ahOcoebuP1S49-DHn/view?usp=drivesdk And the icon pack is , Moxy icons. I ll attach the link below https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.maxpatchs.moxy
Icon pack - RedLine icon pack https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jndapp.redline.linex.iconpack Widget - Mini-ism for kwgt (Minimal 131) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=minimalistforkwgt.kustom.pack
Many (most/nearly all) themes add a dark overlay (some darker than others) to the app portion of the app drawer--probably for increased visibity. If you want absolutely NO overlay, download and install Full Transparent Theme for Smart Launcher (link below).
Note that, in addition to having no overlay in the app drawer, Full Transparent makes your SL navigation buttons (bottom buttons on pages, if you use them, and the "search by index, Play Store, and hamburger menu" at the top of the app page) entirely transparent. (They're still there, and they still work, but you can't see them.)
My #SmartLauncher
Icon pack: Crayon IconPack https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jndapp.cartoon.crayon.iconpack Widget: Google https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
Try removing Apps on your homescreen by adding double tap actions for a cleaner look.
Also, check out this icon pack. I think it will go well with your wallpaper:
NYON - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lknninex.nyon
We looked into it and seems like at the moment there isn't a way to fix this.Try opening any play store link from your mobile, you will notice the share icon is not there :(
Maybe we could consider adding a share button somewhere... u/Piemontesegio
➪ Icon - Nothing White by hexoline - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hexoline.nothingwhite
➪ KWGT - Just Nothing KWGT - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=justnothing.ace.kwgt
➪ Wallpaper - Sench 022 (Twitter)
Wallpaper - downloaded from the Telegram App (Wallpaper is 2nd image in Post)
Icons - Transparent White - Icon Pack
Widgets - Clock/Weather Widget- Feast KWGT (widget 014 - modified)
Music Widget - Smart Launcher Music Widget
[Outline Icons Play Store and OhRetroHolic [Galaxy Store]
Wallpaper: downloaded from the Pinterest App (Wallpaper is 2nd image in Post)
Icons: Mermaid Icon Pack
Widgets: Clement KWGT (widgets: CL059, CL13_7, CM012- modified)
The widget was part of a kwgt pack, which I'll link for you. And those top-flight icons were just part of the Share your homescreen pic.
Wallpaper - downloaded from the Telegram App (Wallpaper is 2nd image in Post)
Icons- Aline White-linear icon pack
Widget- Fiction KWGT ( widget F127)
Wallpaper - downloaded from the Telegram App (Wallpaper is 2nd image in Post)
Icons- Blackdiant Yellow - Icon Pack (color modified with Icon Pack Studio)
Widgets: Fusion for KWGT (widgets 00001, 00007, 00016 - modified)
Wallpaper (Don't remember download source)
Icons- Made with Icon Pack Studio
Widgets- Fluffy KWGT (016, 062, 067- modified)
Wallpaper- downloaded from the Telegram app (Wallpaper is 2nd image in Post)
Icons- Black Green-Icon Pack (Icons modified with Icon Pack Studio)
Widgets- Desaturate kwgt (widgets C4 & H8- modified)
Smart Launcher can only control its own items and nothing else. For everything else that uses the Monet Theme engine (Material You), you can use an app called Repainter .
It's an OEM issue--not something that Smart Launcher can address. Some folks have recommended an app--I think, Fluid Navigation Gestures (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fb.fluid), that they say helps; maybe someone who has tried it can report on the experience.
Wallpaper- downloaded from Walpy - Wallpapers app (Wallpaper 2nd image in Post)
Icons_- Glass Pack Pro - Transparent Theme
Widgets: Clock/Weather & Music - Smart Launcher Widgets
Maybe it's just one of the payment options, as far as I know KWGT has a key that unlocks all the functions with a single payment. Also KWGT only works with 3rd party launchers, that includes most launchers in the Play Store not just Nova.
I tried it and it works nicely, thanks for the instructions! Made me take a closer look to an app I got, Panels with which you can create panels that slide out from 9 different places (top/middle/bottom left side, t/m/b right side and t/m/b bottom side). The panels slide out by moving your finger in a direction on the edge of the screen but you can also use a shortcut to a specific panel. So I defined the double tap to slide out my music panel. Works great. Your suggestion made me think of trying this out, so thanks!
Just search notification shade on the play store. There are a number of apps. My favorite ones are mi control center and power shade.
The reddit flare is "show" homescreen but i did provide the details on previous comments 😊
I can't share the widgets as they are paid apps. Anyways, you can get details from pallete app or the link below
Star Saber by Sibes 06: https://plte.link/509
Pallete app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ald.devs47.sam.beckman.palettesetups
Wallpaper downloaded from r/EarthPorn on Reddit (2nd image in post)
Icons: Transparent-Icon Pack by GomoTheGom
Battery/Search Bar Background/Clock & Weather Widgets made with KWGT
This app is super old, and most likely it won't work for current Android versions, but maybe it's worth giving it a try:
This is the function of projectM: projectM Music Visualizer
define feature: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/de/worterbuch/englisch/feature
on part of it: build something in/into something
True, that an app is downloaded from the Play Store doesn't mean that it's completely safe or legitimate. However what I mean is that if SL was downloaded from the official Smart Launcher Team channel in the store, there shouldn't be any risk:
Wallpaper, Icons, and Clock/Battery/Weather Widget are from the BeeLine Red Icon Pack by AphaOne
Music Widget made with KWGT
Wallpaper from Walli-4K Wallpapers/ Wallpaper Name- "Ombre x Garden"/I slightly modified it/ (Included wallpaper images in post)
Icons, and Clock, Weather, Battery, and Music Widgets- I made with KWGT
Wallpaper- Included images in post (I downloaded it a while back, don't remember source)
Icons- Lines Pro-Icon Pack by Nate Wren Design
Clock/Weather Widget- I made with KWGT app
Music Widget- Smart Launcher Music Player Widget
Wallpaper, Icon Pack, Battery and Clock Widgets are all from Glass Pack Pro-Transparent Theme by Nate Wren Design (Wallpaper is Glass Pack #37- 2nd image in my post)
Music Widget - Smart Launcher Music Player Widget
I just experimented with a few wallpaper application in playstore and i found out that the gradient walls looks absolutely stunning with all those cool new widgets in Smart Launcher
I am using Shader
You can download it from the link
I suggest the developer to let us control the blur and an automatic option to create a gradient wallpaper ok home screen as inbuilt feature
Wallpaper: Nubia Magic Red 7 Pro from the STOKiE app Icons: Flat Evo
*It's something I remember happening with KWGT, but SL's music widget doesn't detect when Google Podcast is playing. And with Deezer the play/pause button doesn't work (it's greyed out). I have the same crash when trying to open the notes widget that someone already mentioned. Except for those little details I love the new widgets :D 👌🏻
Wallpaper by u/TRK88PL https://www.reddit.com/r/androidthemes/comments/vgsztd
Icons- Black and Blue Icon Pack https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ronald.black.and.blue.iconpack
Clock/Weather Widget- I made with KWGT
Thanks man. It's not optimus. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kubix.creative
That phone is s21. It's a mockup i'm using a note 10. You may check creative app for mockups, homescreen setups and wallpapers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kubix.creative
Hello, sorry i just post them in rush. I better put details in next time.
Things i used for this setup are
Smart launcher 6
icon pack studio pro https://share.iconpackstudio.com/feed/vrGb
Kwgt pro: Music widget: shadow kwgt 074 Date/time/weather: unity #04
Wallpapers from pinterest (star saber)
You may also check creative app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kubix.creative
On my main home screen, I use a clock and weather widget (current conditions) that also includes my next alarm that I made with KWGT app (I like being able to change the font to whatever I want)
I use Business Calendar 2 Planner- Agenda widget https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appgenix.bizcal
I use Notes Widget Reminder (I like that you're able to add your notes to this widget directly on your screen without having to open an app) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sk.mildev84.noteswidgetreminder
(I also have one of my screens completely dedicated to weather widgets that I made with KWGT app, these include detailed current conditions, daily forecast, hourly forecast, sunrise, sunset, etc..)
Thanks you can get the walllaper, backup, icon pack from my drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15WootJsQR2HjEvTljWvIBn-GFjYOw0tH. Here's the music widget https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.widgets.music
If you use icon group widgets, elevation is an available option, if "Fine positioning." Elevation is not available for icons placed directly on the grid, instead of using an icon group widget, but you can create an icon group widget that contains only one icon, place that where you want to, and make use of the elevation option for that single icon.
If you want to save battery by having no wallpaper, go to the Play Store and install Pitch Black: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tecdrop.pitchblackwallpaper
I was using this Minimal White & edited in icon pack studio.
Walls here
They are from Kombine KWGT. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.theveloper.kombine.app
Icon pack was made by me on Icon Pack Studio Material You Pastel https://share.iconpackstudio.com/feed/BkNM
It's not actually a dock but a shape from this widget
Wallpaper: I included the wallpaper in my post, 2nd image (Don't remember where I downloaded the wallpaper from)
Icons: Tha_Black - icon pack by An_ Arj_Art
Widgets: I made them with the KWGT app
No, I do not believe so. I think that the only options Smart Launcher offers is to change and apply random wallpapers periodically. I occasionally use an app that I downloaded from the Google Play store to do what you're asking. It lets you choose a specific folder from your files and set a specific time of when to change the wallpaper. Here is a link to that app in case you're interested.
I use mine:
Left swipe (1 finger): switch visibility of home page icons (SL action)
Left swipe (2 fingers): ExpressVPN
Right swipe (1 finger): Neobook (bookmark app)
Right swipe (2 finger): SL Preferences (SL action)
Up swipe (1 finger): Rinsuke (quick-dial app)
Up swipe (2 finger): calculator
Down swipe (1 finger): show extra home pages (SL action)
Down swipe (2 fingers): Standard Notes
Long-press back key: Car Dashdroid (driving app)
Double-tap home key: ToggleBlue (bluetooth on-off toggle)
Double-tap home screen: turn off screen (SL action]
That's a widget made with KWGT And more specifically with a widget pack named Magma Widgets
I make most of my clock and weather widgets with KWGT. There is an app called Digital Clock and Weather Widget, it is pretty good.
You could also try the Today Weather app, it has some pretty good widgets as well.
Thanks, maybe I'll tinker with the sizes. I had to redo all of it after the bug. Should have backed it up :D
Good point regarding the resources!
For the icons I used "Lines" The wallpaper I sadly don't remember as I've had for quite a while..
I have Xiaomi phone and I can set (without any other app) video as wallpaper in my phone settings, but in my opinion You can do it also with app like this one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.koncius.video.wallpaper
· Smart launcher: 7 columns x 16 rows
· Icons: Reev Pro (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.reevpro.grabsterstudios)
· Wallpaper: Beeline icon pack's own wallpaper (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alphaone.beeline.iconpack)
· Widgets: Desaturate Pro KWGT - B172 modified
· Blue accent color: #FF85FFF0
I'm using the ones that come with the Google apps, except for the Google Search bar that is this app. And then I use the fine positioning feature to overlap them.
I launch apps with Easy Drawer tied to edge gesture (via Samsung One Hand Operation, or alternatively, Vivid NG). It lets you launch apps from anywhere without going to Home screen first.
Not going to bother with reinstall until an update is released, but wondering what's going to happen after a reboot when the phone wants to show the Home screen.
Same here, just happened. Luckily I can use Easy Drawer tied to edge gesture. (via Samsung One Hand Operation, or alternatively, Vivid NG). It lets launch apps from anywhere without going to Home screen first..
SL6 doesn't render my Month widget properly on my Z Flip 3. It only shows two rows (weeks). Please send me a link to the previous version until this bug is fixed. Link to widget app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.candl.chronos
I used the guide of this YouTube Video to help me achieved the coloring and the creation of the dock.
Widgets are from a pack called: Uzuri KWGT
The apps are just the SL Icon Group widget, you just select the grid option when you add it.
The widget are from this pack called: Uzuri KWGT
Hi, thanks! I adjusted the color of the icons with Icon Pack Studio, the weather widget is Another Widget, and the clock is from the Android 12 Clock Widgets
It's a remix of Crispy icons, made with Icon Pack Studio:
A Crispy Remix Glossy Sqrcl made with Icon Pack Studio https://share.iconpackstudio.com/feed/JZbj
Crispy icons: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crispy.icons.flatedge.iconpack
A few of the icons come with the Nightmare theme, itself.
It's part of this SL theme. Once you've installed it on your phone, the wallpaper should be available in SL's wallpaper picker, under "Themes."
Thanks I'm already running the beta of SL5, I can't see an SL6 beta in the play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ginlemon.flowerfree
I've upgraded Android on the same phone, I would expect that to work unless you do a system reset and clear the user storage inc. the backups.
This is between two phones. When we upgrade iPhones pretty much everything gets migrated via iCould. No idea how this is supposed to work on Android?
Hi! I did it with an app called Blurone. The effect is applied directly to the wallpaper,so if you have a scrolling background it won't look very good, in my case I have no problem because I use blur effect on the side screens without scrolling.
This is the app:
It's probably the operating system of your phone preventing the option to turn off the screen from being used by a third-party launcher (if I'm not mistaken, Realme is a variant of ColorOS that's made by Oppo).
To test if this is the case, you can use an app called "One Click Lock screen", it's easy to configure the app and its only function is to turn off the screen. If this app doesn't help you to turn off the screen either, most likely Realme prevents other apps outside its system from turning off the screen.
Smart Launcher (general release) is at version 5.5: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ginlemon.flowerfree
Is that the one you're installing?
Try reinstall the launcher, download this app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ginlemon.smartlauncher.extratool And restart your phone
I got the same problem and after doing this is working
I used Simple Gallery Pro for a long time when I was using Motorola phones because Moto stopped offering a gallery. I think it costs like a dollar but then you have no ads and 2xtra features. I liked it because it was so straightforward. It doesn't have any uploading options, but there's apps like Foldersync that could take care of that. It had a nice, simple editor built in too. Actually Simple Mobile Tools, the dev, has a bunch of good apps.
I too had same doubts and that's why didn't purchase SL6. I love the Clock UI, but also need 2-3 time zones for work.
I use GLOBE: World clock and widget for other time zones and added to widget page.
Install the old pro apk, it unlocks stuff for you. If you buy premium you can uninstall it.
Aline Pink - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=one4studio.pixelperfect.iconpack.alinepink
inspire kwgt - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=inspire.kustom.pack
Wallpaper from Walli app
Sorry mate, I didn't use Linex, it was Limeline icon pack. I firstly edited to whole icon pack turning white to black then using that design I edited each icon individually just adjusting the hue.
LimeLine - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jndapp.limeline.linex.iconpack
They are yes. I did change the color my self to fit though.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.natewren.flight is the one I use. Also available in black. Several Gold/ white and maybe green i think
Same author got several, but needs to be pro version.
The one I use, is the only set without capital letters.
Else you can try any icon pack from theme store just make sure it has icon mask for unthemed icons.
After doing above procedure you'll get the results. Smart launcher is adapting default Galaxy Theme Masked Icons for Custom Icon Pack Masked icons.
It's not the issue of Galaxy Theme store icon pack, it's the launcher which is adapting the default shape of icons for custom icon pack masked icons. And this is happening only in One Ui because i had tried in my other device Xiaomi and the launcher is working fine. I don't why in samsung it's adapting the Galaxy theme store icon pack mask for custom icon packs.
Some light color wallpapers would do the trick.
Check some artists like Dcoarts, Vincent Trinidad, Handsoffmydinosaur, Triagus and the like on Walli app.
You can try Your Calendar widget: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.mash.android.calendar There are other widgets available on the play store as well, which you can try to find the most suitable for your taste.
It's called Web Widget and it's here:
It displays a web page as widget. I tried with several ones, including the default page (which is Reddit), but I could never resize it horizontally.
Otus Square, I've had to custom adapt some icons to make them fit, I'd say this pack had 80~84% of my icons by default, another probably 10% where in there but I had to find them, the rest I made in an icon studio app.
Wallpaper from Walli app by Vincent Trinidad ¦ Aries Colors KWGT ¦ Savitenx icons edited on Icon Pack Studio
Savitenx - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.illusioniz.team.savitenx.icons
ARIES COLORS KWGT - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ariescolorskwgt.kustom.pack
Just fyi, but your wallpaper is actually from Backgrops. Maybe Backgrounds HD copied it without permission, but the original source is from Backdrops.
Anyway, nice and clean setup, I like it!
Wallpaper: From Backdrops - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.backdrops.wallpapers
Icon Pack: Vera - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cs14.pixelperfect.iconpack.vera
Widget: Made by me using KWGT
You can download the Full Transparent theme ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fusio.sltheme.fulltransparent ) That will make the Index, Play Store, and Menu icon invisible (although they'll still be functional, if you tap the space where they'd be). I don't know that you can get rid of the category name, though.
That widget is from Huk KWGT (Free 81); https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hukkwgt.kustom.pack
Please correct the typo in battery though 😉
Download icon pack https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ginlemon.iconpackstudio and tweak all of em if you like it just got updated recently luckily I had snatched it off the play store it's better then the adapticon app by a long shot check it out...
Sorry, I never saw your message. I found the wallpaper in the Retrowave Wallpaper app. It's full of 80's inspired walls. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.superwallpaper4k.retrowavewallpaper.app002&hl=en_US
My #SmartLauncher
Icon pack: Icon Pack Studio https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ginlemon.iconpackstudio Widget: Kustom Widget https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widget
Leve - Adaptive Icon Pack
FEATURES: - 835+ Icons - 100+ icons added every 2 weeks - Icons at 432x432 - Adaptive Masking for Unthemed Icons - Cloud-Based HD Wallpapers. - Cloud Based Icon Requesting tool. - Dashboard for easy use. - Dynamic Calendar support - Alternative Icons ( Coming Soon) - Regular Updates.