This app was mentioned in 518 comments, with an average of 2.04 upvotes
As a workaround, you can recreate a far better and far more visually pleasing Spotify widget for your homescreen using KWGT pro and whatever skin you want.
KWGT Kustom Widget Maker
KLWP Kustom Live Wallpaper
Hard to learn how to use with too few resources outside of dull youtube videos. But just start with KWGT and just put one kustom widget on your phone...
That's what I did. I could never make it look nice or how I wanted it to. So I would just fiddle with the confusing ass settings and I learned more and more and more...
And I learned so much that widgets became limitting. So I saw I could do a litte more with KLWP. More confusion at first but I pretty quickly dropped most of my widgets and put them as my wallpaper.
I spent so much time tinkering and fiddling with these two apps that I had to set limits. I now just have a plain, lightly textured, scrolling wallpaper with 1 clock and weather widget. I had so much fun with these though, truly.
If you haven't already, definitely check out /r/androidthemes for some inspiration.
And also check out KWGT, made by the guy who made Kustom Live Wallpaper, now for widgets!
It's KWGT. It's not a launcher per se, but an app that lets you customize widgets and put them in your launcher. It's commonly used with Nova Launcher:
There's another alternative called Zooper Widgets, with similar results.
There're tutorials about how to use and configure this tool in XDA-Developers and or /g/ (Technology, in 4chan), or even in their website.
Hello all. I have finally released the Watch_Dogs 2 theme I had on my phone that I showcased a few months back. I will update the file/images accordingly with people's suggestions/critique. Here are directions on how to get these to your cellphone. Or I should say "here is how I did it". First off I transferred the images using a program called air droid, which is compatible for both android and apple OS. Once all the files are on your phones, then you can start the process of changing your app icons. Unfortunately I do not know anything about customizing apple's UI, that will have to be up to you if you have one. I used a 3rd party launcher for when I changed the app icon looks. Nova Launcher Prime was what I used as it is very user friendly when it comes to complete customization like what was created in WD2 in game phone UI. There are plenty of tutorials for just about any 3rd party launcher for smart phones if you get stuck. If you have questions, I should be able to answer them. The followers bar which I actually used as a battery bar on my phone was completely done with a android app program called (KWGT)[] I did not included the followers bar as that is something you will have to create yourself. However, I did include the 3 little skulls the sit on top of that bar. 2 versions, one clean and one more pixelated. I am not going to be able to get the game, so I will not be able to do any updates of what the games in game UI phone has unless I catch it on a youtube video, or something points me to images/links, whatever - etc. Any chance I get the game will probably be in like 4 years when target has it for 20 dollars or less.
Thank you all and I apologize for the long wait.
I'm working on figuring that part out. I'm using KWGT to do it and you need the pro version to customize. I'll post an update when I figure out how to add this to the Play Store.
Here's the app
It takes some practice and a little bit of coding skill if you want to work beyond the preset components (basic clocks, date displays, battery percentage bars, etc.) but I really enjoy using it!
You need this
Then, there are a lot of packs for it in the play store you can download that come with different widgets. In this case OP is using a widget from the Timeless Kwgt pack which you can search for it on the play store.
Your next step would be pulling up a YouTube video on how too customize the widgets. You can virtually change size, colors and even make the widget open any application you want depending on where you click on it. On my widgets I always have it open things that make sense, for example touch clock opens my clock app, touching weather opens my weather app, etc. And I always have a some section on the widget that when I touch it opens reddit for fast access since it's what I use the most on my phone, super cool and one more reason why I love android.
I tried looking for something similar a long time ago and unfortunately couldn't find anything. An Alternative method I found was using KWGT widget and making your own widget that displays both Celsius and Fahrenheit. It is straightforward and you can customize it to display all sorts of weather data and plenty of custom templates you can start from.
The other alternative I found is using a shortcut link (or bookmark) to my city data on . It was the only site I could find that displays both C and F simultaneously. You could add this as a shortcut on your home screen.
Hopefully there may be an app that does this since I haven't looked in a while but you could use these methods to display the data you require
It's not exactly what you're hoping for but there are ways, depending on what home devices and services you use, to make a good unified widget. KWGT combined with IFTTT and/or Tasker let me get a lot of home control onto my homescreen. In fact, I'd find smart home control too frustrating to be useful without it.
It's made with KWGT. I took a theme from Ghosty KWGT and made some adjustments to it. Hope that helps!
You certainly can, you're going to need a icon pack and a custom widget such as kwgt or Zooper widget, I haven't used them in a while and not sure of Zooper is still available since I couldn't find it, but you can do pretty great widgets with kwgt.
KLWP and Zooper do different things.
KLWP creates a live wallpaper that can have interactive parts, but everything is changed within the app instead of your launcher.
Zooper creates widgets that can be used and moved around in any launcher. I've heard that development on it has ceased and apparently the dev is recommending that people use KWGT instead.
KWGT from the KLWP people and serves the same function (creates widgets) as Zooper.
I would recommend KWGT, brought to you by the same people who made KLWP. It's basically KLWP but for widgets instead of live wallpapers.
> This is not a standalone app. You need KWGT and KWGT Pro to use it!
Then the description provides no information about what KWGT is, why I would want it, or how I would get it.
I searched more apps from the same developer, and it just looks like more plug-ins or widgets for KWGT. I tried searching the Play Store for KWGT, and I just got a bunch of other widgets.
I don't know how this would be useful to me, either.
Edit: Apparently, I didn't search hard enough. You can get KWGT from the Play Store. The point stands that if it's this difficult to even figure out what I'm looking at, the description needs work.
Widget: KWGT
Toggle: Power Toggles (Weird, can't find it in store)
Wallpaper: Here you go.(Someone posted the link under a theme post awhile back)
It's made with KWGT. I took a theme from Ghosty KWGT and made some tweaks and adjustments
This app allows you to load custom widget packs. Once you have that, the widgets I'm using are from Andromeda Kwgt and huk KWGT on the Play Store.
Sorry I should have specified, I used Kustom Widget Maker.
If there's interest I'd be happy to upload them (I think you can do that), but they are pretty easy to make
For the "5 secs" delay you need to email Action Launcher dev and ask him to implement what's described in this post, Nova and Lightning Launcher already support that feature.
Empty desktops are also supported only by Nova and LL, if you want to stick with Action other than emailing the author asking also this you can either use an empty KWGT (just download the free version and add a transparent KWGT as a place holder, this will not use any battery), or use "empty widget" (search it on the store) which does the same.
at what point am I supposed to stop fiddling with KWGT
now the battery indicator that shows when you're charging or low has a toggle to show battery percentage all the time; "50 percent remaining" if there'd normally not be anything, or the usual alert plus "(50%)"
People use Kustom Widgets for custom widgets. It's a bit complicated but once you get the hang of it it's pretty easy. (They also have a subreddit if you want to check that out, r/kustom )
There's also icon packs that change the looks of your icons. Whicons is a good one if you're looking for a minimalistic look. But there are lots of icon packs that you can choose if you want something else.
I don't know any app with that functionality out of the box, but you could make a widget with KWGT. It may take some time to learn and to set up, but at least it's possible there. But I'd still recommend searching more for another app for this first. Let's hope someone else comes with a suggestion :)
I used kwgt for all the widgets.
The background image was edited to have the bottom blur. The right image is a music player called blackplayer ex.
Thanks! KWGT is a widget app. You can use it to create your own clock, weather, music or really any kind of widget you want. You can also search the Play store for KWGT and you'll get a ton of pre-made ones you can use or edit. They all require the base app I linked in this post to work though. For this one I used an Odisea (linked in another post) plugin app with KWGT to make the clock/date/battery thing. I altered it slightly but it's basically pre-made.
Also welcome to Android! Apples great for some stuff, but for customizing and playing around there are a lot of great options for Android. Have fun messing around!
You can do it with a different Home app like Nova. Or use something like KWGT. That can make an astonishing number of home screens with weather, battery, all sorts of stuff
you could use free version of KWGT and quickly whip it up yourself. create a new widget, add a new text field, use $df(d)$/$df(M)$/$df(y)$
as the formula in the text field and then set any size and colour you want.
As far as widgets on the homescreen,
if you're down for a little diy design, (or maybe it'll just have what you want), try KWGT
also, Messenger Lite is a much cleaner version of Facebook messenger if you can handle losing a few features
Download this KWGT. A widget maker. You can then add a area on your desktop where you can putt custom widgets. Then download this Widget pack i used. And pick what you want.
I use KWGT added a crypto-currency ticker widget USING the cryptow4tch api. Here's what mine looks like
If you are interested in making your own widgets or wallpapers, check out Kustom:
Widget creator: Live wallpaper creator:
But generally speaking, in android - you can just download a widget and drag and drop directly on your home screen. Nice and easy.
Icons : Lines Free
Launcher : Nova
KWGT for the widgets customized to my liking [music widget included in files not used as I created my own] (credits to u/newone757 for this pack)
Yeah, I could really find a widget that I liked. All the toggles were really dated looking so I made this one in KWGT
Also turns blue and highlights when clicked and bluetooth is turned on
Hey dude, I came back to find this thread again. I actually tried out a different "make your own widget" app and it supports having both temp scales on the same widget, so maybe that one will work better for you.
The time/date is part of the base pack that comes installed on KWGT by default. Don't even need the premium version to get it.
Had to dig deep for the file. It's a widget using KWGT. Here it is.
The favorite button isn't functional, but you can change its state if you wish. The playlist button takes you to Spotify or the music player of your choosing (you can change the destination to whatever) as well as tapping the artist name, song name, and album art. The progress bar is just for show (doesn't go back or forward when you swipe) and updates every few seconds. The player controls are fully functional. You can skip, rewind, and play/pause. You can change the highlight color to whatever you want too. It's fully customizable. You need the pro version of KWGT to use it though :(
The "aesthetic" bit is done on Zooper with a black rectangle and typing a e s t h e t i c with a monospace font.
Why not try KWGDT and create any clock you like, or use themes from play store and customize them to your liking?
Widget is from Kustom dev team, well known for their Kustom live wallpaper, you can customize litteraly anything, what do you want to be on your clock, how the clock will look, do you want to have weather, sys info, or gazillion of other infos, it even has tasker compatibility for various actions, trust me it'll be your one stop widget for everything, from clock to music players, calendars, notes, anything, you just have to either learn to use it from scratch or use skins from play store which i mentioned before.
If you have premium version of KWGT, you can just download the widget and open it up on KWGT
You can also change the font. I used a mix of both Product Sans bold and Product Sans regular for this.
No. It's possible I couldn't get your question right. You want to edit widgets right like their background, colour, etc. Here you go
You have purchased the pro key for the KWGT app.
This is the KWGT app:
Is this incompatible with your phone?
You need to install it for the key to work.
I wouldn't consider myself an expert in Tasker, so someone else could very well know how to do it. But I have some other ideas that would have a similar effect to what you are looking for.
You could maybe make your own widget with something like KWGT. I don't know how powerful custom widget programs are now, but they may do the job.
Or maybe try something like Wolf Widget for Reddit. The screenshots on the store page look similar to the ones for Boost.
I use this on my OnePlus 6T....
And I use this widget set although there are loads of them
An app called KWGT its lets you create your own wigets
The music one is from an app called Adio Wiget
You can install a new 'launcher' which will allow medium to high level customisation depending on your needs. Check out the play store for options.
Nova Launcher is popular.
You can also try KWGT widget creator:
This app allows highly customised widgets. A basic knowledge of programming is helpful, not essential though, more fun if you do though.
Wallpapers and widgets by me. You can download wallpapers, widget and fonts in a .zip file[here].
Disclaimer: Fonts are not mine, and they are licensed for personal use only.
You'll gonna need KWGT Premium to use this widget.
Copy the widget file in this path: kustom/widgets Copy all three fonts in this path: kustom/fonts
Recommended icon pack: Cavion
That's the beginning of a journey, my friend!
Btw, if you are only interested in the widgets part you should absolutely check out KWGT (there are tons of kwgt pack out there); there is also KLWP, you can take a look on r/kustom if you have any questions (or r/androidthemes & r/NovaLauncher for some inspiration on setup)
That's a widget made with KWGT And more specifically with a widget pack named Magma Widgets
KWGT Kustom Widget Maker | 4.2 ⭐️ | Free with IAP | 25MB | ▶️
> Make your Android Launcher or Lockscreen look unique with Kustom the most powerful Widget creator ever! Use its awesome WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor to create you own designs and display ...
^(Legend: |🏠: Family Library| ▶️: Play Pass|)
With kwgt you can create one widget using multiple komponents (multiple widgets) or how you said: one widget with multiple functions and layouts, but with kwgt you can chose those other functions and layouts to suit your needs..
You can do it with kwgt free and here is a material komponents pack that's free also..
There's also a kwlp app that makes custom live wallpapers. It has animations and some other things you can't do with kwgt..
I feel the same way, I've had my 1st gen fold since April last year got quite a few scratches on the inner display cos of my "adventerous" lifestyle which at first bothered me and made me consider replacing the screen but now after getting used to it I love how I am now a living example of how robust the device actually is. I've gone offroading, camping, exploring and other activities the fold should definitely not be involved in but the fact that it survives this lifestyle is constantly rekindling the love I have for this device.
when it comes to bugs got to do with UI, it's annoying to see such a premium device to be treated like it doesn't even exist.
To make myself fall in love with this device again I downloaded good ol Nova and gave my phone a complete overhaul. I then customise the phone bi-weekly (or however long it takes me to get bored). Nova is a bit buggy overall but honestly the feeling of completing changing my homescreen and even the UI in some elements where it let's you, makes me fall in love with it all over.
I highly recommend checking out these 2 apps below that really made a difference with Nova, also any icon pack that you would like for yourself. I recommend just searching "icon" on the playstore and seeing from there since this is completely subjective and guides will throw you off to recommend payed ones which I dont mind paying for but there are some pretty good free ones out there just saying.
kwgt let's yiu create your own custom widgets and modify pre existing ones the possibilities with this one are endless. You can't use this with Samsung OneUI unfortunately.
Vectorify(create your own wallpapers from a decent collection of vector images) trust me you need to try this one out.
If you want the same setup as me yes , but if you want to create one you have many free KWGT widgets on the play store .
KWGT is basically used for creating custom widgets for your homescreen , there is a free version but you can't add widgets to it . The Pro version costs 6 dollars .
Once you have it , you can add as many custom widgets as you want .
And if you want my setup , you need to buy Evoque KWGT which cost only 1 dollar .
[Zedge black wallpaper]( ) Kwgt I just used shapes to create the speaker took me ages .
You have to install KWGT and also buy the pro key. From KWGT editor you'll have to import the widget files...I'd suggest you check r/kustom for further guidance.
Check out /r/kustom
The widget app (KWGT in the app store) will let you build a button widget super easy, and attach to a press event to do whatever work you want. It's been a couple years since I've used it, but that sub was pretty helpful.
Depending on how you have your services set up, you can use a http in node to open up a web path. Make a call to that, and make nodered respond back with an empty response + kick off your flow. Should be basically instant. Even can open up a few other endpoints to report back status, and get super fancy with your widget
try KWGT. You should be able to replicate the Advanced Clock Widget
things that still annoy me:
Those examples in gif are just a hardcoded random data to have something to test with.
The plan is to build something similar to this android app - but with much better UX and being as simple as possible.
[Apps] KWGT -->
[Iconpack] Cryten - Icon Pack -->
[Wallpaper] @wallsbyivo (creator's telegram channel)
I used KWGT for customization it you will need a Pro key for that too.. Then i used Shadow KWGT as my base widgets
Yeah... You're right. Have you tried using yet? That has Tasker integration and seems very powerful :)
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I really like the Tasker Links. You can use it for example to handle clicks on widgets with KWGT Kustom Widget Maker. Very useful and convenient. Thanks a lot.
I tried, but the "kustom" app only has so much usability. Couldn't get it to darken the meter properly as the battery drained.
Here's a link to the Android app I used to create this if you'd like a whack at it This is the widget builder. is the icon pack. This is the icon pack. The JustNewDesigns guy has a lot of cool options.
This is not a stand alone app
What you need:
KWGT playstore
Pro key playstore
✔ Custom launcher like a Nova launcher (Recommended)
How to install:
✔ Download WGT PRO application
✔ Long tap on your homescreen and choose Widget
✔ Choose KWGT Widget
✔ Tap on the widget and choose installed widget
✔ Choose widget which you like.
✔ Enjoy!
Launcher: Stock Pixel Launcher
Wallpaper: Edit I made for this
Widgets: KWGT
(Everything in the widget is custom except for the Spotify logo, I'll share a preset if I can figure out how to do that sorry lol)
Launcher: Stock Pixel Launcher
Wallpaper: Edit I made for this
Widgets: KWGT
(Everything in the widget is custom except for the Spotify logo, I'll share a preset if I can figure out how to do that sorry lol)
Yes! It's amazing what you can kode with it! r/androidthemes is basicaly the same thing but more of an artistic focused reddit using Kustom KLWP & the companion KWGT Kustom Widget Maker App. This is how all phones should look-even iPhones!
Thank you! I made it in Zooper Widget, which was sadly discontinued (you may be able to find an APK file online). But I'm certain you could make something similar with KWGT! Making widgets with it is fairly easy thanks to YouTube tutorials
Then I got a music progress widget deletes the other parts and changed it from music progress to battery percent and yes it allows you to pick your collar of the bar
Made it in KWGT from the play store. Here's my kit that includes kwgt files I slapped together and other stuff :)
Shown in screenshot: Odyssey_Clock__Battery.kwgt
and Odyssey_Notifications.kwgt
Once is about widgets. You can put your own widgets or download presets from website for example from Reddit or Google play. Second is live wallpaper. Lots of animation and features.
This is not a standalone app.
What you need:
✔ KWGT PRO App KWGT Pro key
✔ Custom launcher like a Nova launcher (Recommended)
How to install:
✔ Download Frizzy and KWGT PRO application ✔ Long tap on your homescreen and choose Widget ✔ Choose KWGT Widget ✔ Tap on the widget and choose installed Frizzy ✔ Choose widget which you like. ✔ Enjoy!
70+ High Quality and well Designed widget pack in one pack... more will come soon on regular updates.
I use kwgt and customize my home screen icons through the widget.
As for all of the icons on my device, I use themes through Samsung's Galaxy themes
• KWGT Kustom Widget Maker
It's a real headache to fidget with but once you start to understand the formulas and various values you'll get something unique to your liking.
>Change the number of columns and rows for icons (aside from being able to choose 3, 4, or 5 columns and icon size from small, medium, and large)
3rd party launcher like Nova launcher
>Completely modify the clock and other such widgets with intricate levels of detail/layers/colors/whatever with lots of advanced functions to choose from, almost "programming" a custom widget
Thank you for the positive feedback. I'm a novice to all of this so I will explain to the best of my ability.
That was done with KWGT Pro using Odisea (widget 13).
Once you have both installed, adjustments to color, font, size, etc. can all be adjusted to your liking. Hope this helps.
It's this app called kwgt i learned this on this sub too btw. It does need some experimenting tho. The widget you see on my homescreen was originally grey and square. I turned it to circle and black and reduced the opacity which fits well with the filtered wallpaper
\Template by Masaoka Taro
\Wallpaper on Unsplash
[Taken by Danny Strutt on $2018-01-10](
You can give Zooper only the permissions you want however it's on its last legs and I would switch to KWGT.
It still requests a whole host of permissions as it can do so much more if you want it to.
KWGT Kustom Widget Maker Free/paid. Like the Live Wallpaper Maker, but for widgets. I didn't like the fact that I could see the live wallpaper elements through the lock screen and the recent apps menu. Widgets only show up when you are actually on the home screen. KWGT also makes it easier to change my wallpaper.
NewPipe Free. In the F-Droid repository (not Play Store). Allows me to play YouTube videos while the screen is off. Along with the music player built into Solid Explorer File Manager, this is perfect for streaming to my Bluetooth speaker.
Termux Free. Insane terminal emulater with a pretty extensive Linux package collection. Has its own apt repository for crying out loud. I've installed freaking Python on my freaking phone. Has pinch-to-zoom too. The 1337 level is through the roof on this one. Has some pretty cool (but paid) add-ons too.
Override DNS Paid. I use Google's DNS servers because my own ISP blocks a few sites I need to visit. I've found this app to be very reliable and the developer to be very helpful and responsive. It has WiFi whitelist/blacklist if you need it.
Gravity Screen Free/paid. For years this has been the first app I install on every device I get, or every time I do a factory reset. I never use my power button. I just put my phone in my pocket and the screen turns off. Take it out and my screen turns on. If the phone is on a table, I just swipe my finger over the proximity sensor to wake it up. If you don't set this app up to your liking, you probably won't like it. But if you do, you'll love it. People who complain about battery usage need to disable "Turn Screen ON by Motion". Without this enabled, the app uses well below 1% battery - in fact it never makes my list of battery usage.
Arts & Culture Free. Really impressive app by Google. People are in awe, when I show them what the app is capable of. Still a bit slow on my Nexus 6, but I hope Google is going to do some optimizations in the future.
Snap - Widget Drawer Free? A widget drawer for widgets, like the notification drawer you have for notifications. I actually don't use the app myself, because I don't need it at the moment. But like Custom Quick Settings before it, this is one of those apps that push the limit of what I thought was possible with Android.
phh's SuperUser Koush's Superuser app has been revived along with the open source su solutions developed by phhusson and doitright (both link to XDA threads). This is a very exciting project, (partly) brought on by Chainfire's decision to sell his closed source SuperSU to CCMT. The project is in a very early stage, but I'm using doitright's boot image and apk on my Nexus 6 with no problems. I can't get phhusson's boot image to boot for some reason.
Bip Bop here's your Link
Details: I downloaded the icons, the rathian gif, the rathalos gif and the background All the other things I made it with GIMP The widget sows batery life (green bar) and the ram used (yellow bar), the clock showld show the real time but its not finished, i made it with KWGT, i get the pro version in a free ofert. The launcher its NOVA and the livewallpaper app its LoopWall
EDIT: i uploaded the files, search for the comment with link, its easy if you search for "Mega"
Many thanks to u/TheShoxter for making the TØP Unofficial Media Kit , without which this wouldn't be possible.
You'll need to get the fonts yourself (i can't upload them because of copyright). They are:
Icon Pack Studio doesn't allow redistributing icons, but it should be pretty easy to make.
KWGT is a fun tool that you might want to play around with if you have the time to set up customized widgets.
So I decided to take one of my favorite Spidey covers and make it into an Android theme! I started by taking the original cover and making into a phone wallpaper format. Then I used the app KWGT to add things like the clock date, weather, etc. I also made the icons on the bottom row, which are supposed to be: (Kraven spears, Sandman fist, Doc Ock Claw, [Spidey Symbol], Mysterio's head, Vulture wings, and an Electro bolt. If you want, I can provide these icons, but just know that I do not have any actual photoshop experience. I can also try to provide the widgets or fonts, and also if you have any suggestions let me know!
Download Kwgt and take you pick or make your own
This setup is made using Kwgt
Wallpaper - Here
Icons - Worst icon pack
Widgets - Modern UI kwgt (Card 101 & 106)
Hey everybody, I figured out how to export things. Here's what you need:
KWGT app for Android (and you will need the Pro Key to utilize the APK). (Also, home setups vary, so you may have to do some tinkering to get it to be exact).
KWGTimberwolves APK and wallpapers download folder
This is my first time trying this, so if anyone does set it up and runs into any issues, please let me know.
Things used:
Clock: KWGT
Nav bar: Outline (Substratum)
Icons: Glyphsy
Launcher: Nova
Framing: Screener
KWGT app for time/date its one of the installed presets, easy to find
Wallpaper & widget:
For the widget, you'll need the kwgt app on your phone from the Playstore: This also requires the pro version as you'll be importing my widget.
After you made a widget, resize it to fit the width of your screen. Then tap it, it'll take you to the app. Select import from the left hamburger menu and select my widget. Resize if needed and you're done!
Icon pack:
Use any launcher you like that supports icon packs.
If this wasn't clear yet, this is Android only.
Eu uso o KWGT com o pacote Achromatic
I decided to share for you my public folder with my creations. I decide to share it for free. I post my paypal account for the ones who want to support me and help me to increase my dropbox storage or just buy me a coffee at work.
All the files need to be used with KWGT.
Here is my Dropbox folder.
Here is my PayPal account for those who want to support me.
Hope you guys enjoy my work.
Please note that Zooper is dead so you might considering to use KWGT
Widget Wallpaper source Nova launcher, prime. icon pack
It is KWGT and the widget pack is 70+ Time - KWGT Pack.
I decided to share for you my public folder with my creations. I decide to share it for free. I post my paypal account for the ones who want to support me and help me to increase my dropbox storage or just buy me a coffee at work.
All the files need to be used with KWGT.
Here is my Dropbox folder.
Here is my PayPal account for those who want to support me.
Hope you guys enjoy my work.
Full details: is the clock widget. The launcher is nova. I use powerline for my battery, wifi/4g signal, and used System UI Tuner to hide as many buttons from the global notifications/status bar as possible, then turned off the whole bar for the home screen too. I also have the dock hidden but reveal it by double tapping the home screen.
Worth mentioning though is that the same dev made KWGT, which is a widget.
KWGT so I can get it how I like it (and change it up a little, when I feel like it).
I use KWGT app to create my widgets which is the same developer. Not sure what the difference is.
My dude, KWGT is the way forward. Here KWGT Example
Widget: Custom made, KWGT
Icon: JUGO
I use KWGT for custom widgets.
Okay so first you need two things - other than your phone :)
- The assets which I have posted here:
- And KWGT (an app that allows us to make widgets for your phone):
Please note that I am not sure if KWGT is available on iOS if not please reply to this with an alternative.
Now we have both of these on your phone:
Set your Icon layout and size to 4 x 3 (So we can keep the aspect ratio) I can also recommend hiding your app dock)
I can recommend Nova Launcher if you are unable to do this by base.
Hold down on your home screen and press Add Widgets, find KWGT 1x1 this should then launch the app widget editor from here import the image by pressing the + in the top corner > Image. This will create an image view now press on that > pick image and then find the Icons you just downloaded from my imgur. Now it looks nice the functionality:
Open the touch tab and click the + creating an on touch event. This can do almost anything on your device but for us now lets just select Launch app then select what you think goes well with it.
Repeat this until you have all the icons you want, then set the background also found on my imgur as your background and you are done!
You can also make a small clock widget if you wish!
Probably something you could do with KWGT and Nova Launcher. Just prepare yourself for some tinkering.
This setup is made by using kwgt
Resources: Wallpaper:- wall
Top widget- minimo-02 kwgt
Middle widget- instinct kwgt
Bottom widget- moon kwgt
Give KWGT a try.
You should be able to get what you want with the free version.
Widget Maker: KWGT
Widgets: HUK
Icon Pack: Limeline
Wallpaper: Link credits to u/IamRed1999 for inspiration and wallpaper.
Blur Lock-Screen: Blurone
Launcher: Nova Launcher
Also, if you want an easy route, pretty pop-up, you could create a widget using something like KWGT and then pop it up on demand using something like Overlays or Popup Widget.
If you take the time to learn how it works KWGT could be a solution?
Link: KWGT custom widget for android basically rainmeter for android
I had the exact need. Love this widget. Customize big time + lots of 3rd party options for this engine.
It will take a tiny bit of customization, but this app/widget will do exactly what you want.
KWGT Kustom Widget Maker
<strong>Post from yesterday</strong>
<strong>Wallpaper</strong> (from this post)
Widget made using KWGT Pro
<strong>Post from yesterday</strong>
<strong>Wallpaper</strong> (from this post)
Widget made using KWGT Pro I got u fam. Kustom lets you design just about any UI element you can think of for a smartphone desktop/lockscreen.
I'm not familiar with the playstation theme you mention, so you'll have to link me that so I can figure something out. In terms of applying my theme (you'll need the pro version of whichever app you choose):
Make sure you've downloaded both of the preset files (iOS_Notifications.kwgt
and iOS_Notifications_2
) and placed them in sdcard/kustom/widgets
In Nova (or your preferred launcher, but I suggest Nova because I made it in Nova), set your desktop grid size to 7 tall * 4 wide. Add one 4*1 widget, and resize it so that it is 4*1.5 (halfway between the dots). Click outside of the widget area to set the size, then long press on it again and click on padding. This should make the widget touch the bounds of the screen.
Add another widget that fills the rest of your desktop. Once again, disable padding so that your entire desktop is covered by these two widgets.
Click the bottom widget to open the editor. For this widget, choose the iOS Notifications
preset (it's wide and short). When it finishes loading, click the save icon and go back to your desktop.
Click the top widget to open the editor. For this widget, choose the iOS Notifications 2
preset (it's taller than it is wide). When it's done loading, click the save icon and go back to your desktop. You're done!
Make sure you've downloaded the preset file (iOS_Notifications.klwp
) and placed it in sdcard/kustom/wallpapers
In klwp, open the hamburger menu. Click on Load Preset
. Then, navigate to the exported
tab, and click on the iOS Notifications
preset. When it's done loading, click the save icon and go back to your desktop.
You're done!
Any colour customization you wish to make can be done in the globals
tab. In addition, you can set custom corner radius values, and toggle night/amoled mode.
Any ideas on what the widget should do? You could probably make your own with KWGT.
This might help KWGT, but I'm not sure
KWGT Kustom Widget Maker | 4.2 ⭐️ | Free with IAP | 25MB | ▶️
KLWP Live Wallpaper Maker | 4.2 ⭐️ | Free with IAP | 23MB | ▶️
🏠: Eligble for Family Library
▶️: Available in Play Pass
^(Wrong game/app? Reply to my comment with !remove and I will delete this comment)
^(Only comment author can do this)
To summon me, use linkme: appname1, appname2
^(Use the feedback button below if you want me to be enabled on your subreddit.)
^(I currently support Google Play Store, iOS App Store & Steam requests.)
Icon pack:
Info for Clement KWGT:
Current price (USD): $0.99 was $1.49
Developer: Sagar Salve
Rating: 0.0/5
Installs: 0+
Size: 28M
Last updated: February 11, 2021
Contains IAPs: No
Contains Ads: No
Permissions: Read/Modify Storage, View Wi-Fi Info
Short description:
>This is not a standalone app. Clement KWGT require KWGT Pro application [PAID APP].
>Clement KWGT - Translucent based Widgets with blur strokes adjusted to suite the home screen perfectly!!
>• 40 Awesome widgets (initial release)
>• 1 Status bar komponent
>• Promised Weekly Updates. Always something new
>How To Set It Up ?
>#1 KWGT PRO App
If this deal has expired, please reply to this comment with "expired". ^^^Abuse ^^^will ^^^result ^^^in ^^^a ^^^ban.
^^^Source ^^^| ^^^Suggestions?
•Widget: heavily modified KWGT Nebbia Pro 112
•Wallpaper: Miui 12 Super Wallpaper [Mars]
•Icon Pack: Pixel Pie
Made it by using kwgt
Wallpaper:- it's here
Widgets:- hipster kwgt edited
Icon pack:- icon pack studio
Wallpaper: Wallpaper Here
Instinct KWGT: Instinct KWGT . "Bottom widget Number 45"
Lucent KWGT: Lucent KWGT "Top Widget Number 341"
Icon pack: Icon pack
Kwgt- Huk kwgt- Enix icon pack
Launcher: Lawnchair
Widget: KWGT and Ornate KWGT
Icons: Viola
Wallpaper: Ocean Waves Drive
Grid: 8x5
A lot of the people in this sub love KWGT but I don't have enough knowledge about how it works to make anything decent.
Wallpaper : inverted colors of Woodland Glow Toadstool House
KWGT icon: ReMix KWGT 78 and Music Control (personal made)
Thanks! It's KWGT
Thanks all. Also, I blanked out the location next to the weather. :) The widgets are made using KWGT with some addons: Weather: Komponent Weather Class.
The Day Date (which I have since changed to white :) is Mini-ism for kwgt.
Also, I add "Touch"es to them. The Date/Day opens my calendar. Weather opens my weather app.
Tons of other addons you can use with KWGT at Enjoy
Info for Ansari KWGT:
Current price (USD): Free was $0.99
Developer: Ahmad Ansari
Rating: 4.9/5
Installs: 1,000+
Size: 57M
Last updated: August 13, 2018
Contains IAPs: No
Contains Ads: No
Permissions: Read/Modify Storage, Location Access, View Wi-Fi Info
Short description:
>This is not stand-alone app, you need the app "KWGT",
>& "Launcher" Like Nova launcher,
>Flick launcher Apex launcher Etc.
>to use it.
>Hi I'm AhMad Ansari this is me
>G+ profile, follow me for More Updates
>Here is My Twitter Account link
If this deal has expired, please reply to this comment with "expired". ^^^Abuse ^^^will ^^^result ^^^in ^^^a ^^^ban.
^^^Source ^^^| ^^^Suggestions?
A simple layout that I thought flowed really well with the iJUK icon pack I just started using. Enjoy :)
Just create your own using KWGT
Here's my "All in One Panel" for KWGT.
It shows a greeting at the top, date (time as well if you're into that), next alarm (if set) automatic dark mode that will switch with day and night, manual dark mode which can be activated from the top right of the panel, agenda, calendar, weather and media controls when playing.
Unlocked, for your pleasure.
Agenda | Calendar | Media Controls | Dark Mode
KWGT - for the awesomeness that makes this all possible.
Kustom Media Colors - for more reliable media colour extraction.
Use this app for your clock and date
Sure. The music and clock widgets are from KWGT Kustom Widget Maker but you need the pro version to actually install widgets once you have pro installed, the music widget is from Andromeda for KWGT and it's widget number 22 the clock is from huk kwgt and it's widget number 42 KWGT can be intimidating to new users, but there are tutorials on Youtube for it. The icons are a mix of Rad Pack and The Grid and the wallpaper -
Kustom widget app. And this is one of the base pack widgets modified a little bit.
Wallpaper: Widget: KWGT Odisea KWGT Icon Pack: Nimbbi Launcher: Nova Launcher Prime
Unfortunately it isn't just a download and go theme. I made this using Nova launcher for the icons in the dock and KWGT for everything above the dock. wallpaper triforce Ruby 1 Ruby 2 Ruby 3 Ruby 4
You also have to download a Zelda font and copy it into the fonts folder in kustom KWGT. Everything above the dock at the bottom besides the wallpaper is it's own widget in KWGT
Wallpaper: Honestly can't find it. If I do I'll post it here
Icons: Murdered Out - Black Icon Pack (Free Version)
Launcher: Nova Launcher
Nova Launcher Prime, custom clock and date widget made with KGWT Kustom Widget Maker, Weather Timeline pixel widget, Delta - Icon Pack.
You'll need KWGT
It's called KWGT
I believe KWGT is the new hotness, but Zooper and Zoom and Minimalistic Text still work just fine.
Hishoot template S8 Note by Robert Chandler of G+
Music widget made by Marcus B. Of G+
Lock screen template by Suraj Hodi of G+
Clock widget is self made using KWGT Widget Maker
There are clock-only skins on KWGT.
> I want to create something like this
KWGT widget maker is what you need. Patience is required to master this tool but eventually you'll be able to create any widget you desire. I bet that the widgets on screenshot are made with KWGT. This or Zooper, though I recommend the former. Good luck.
Edit: r/kustom and documentation will help.
You could use Kustom Widget to make your own one?
For example I just made this in about 5 minutes - obviously you might want to change the size, colour, typeface, etc, but it's pretty simple and you can do lots of cool stuff.
One thing though, for some reason the seconds aren't updating every second as you'd hope, instead they seem to update every 10 seconds or so. However that may be an issue with my phone, it sometimes goes a bit janky.
EDIT - looks like it's not just me. That's a bit of a pain, if you really want the seconds to be displayed.
Play around with this widget maker for a while. Download different packs and make a clock or music widget.
KWGT Once you learn it, it's super customizable. It can make clocks, weather widgets, countdowns, shortcuts, etc.
KWGT is an app for creating your own widgets, so the HP bar and rad meter etc., are all widget I created in this app. is the clock widget. The launcher is nova. I use powerline for my battery, wifi/4g signal, and used System UI Tuner to hide as many buttons from the global notifications/status bar as possible, then turned off the whole bar for the home screen too. I also have the dock hidden but reveal it by double tapping the home screen.
Shame Zooper is abandoned ... no update in over 2 years ... I use Kustom now ...
Areas with invisible buttons (taken from last time):
I used KWGT to create the invisible buttons, the Battery line underneath the date, as well as the custom Date, Time and Weather widgets.
Background is from my hometown, Thessaloniki, using Weatherback for the starry night and other weather effects
The reason I reposted was to show the transition from Zooper to KWGT and from AnimGif to Weatherback!
KWGT or Ubiquity Music Widget might work for you.
It's a Kustom widget -
You can make one yourself with KWGT. You can use any font you want as well (kwgt has a font folder you can drop custom fonts in)
Well, that's an iPhone setup, you could probably accomplish the same using KWGT, but would have to customize them accordingly.
It's not included with Nova (they usually only add stock Android features/designs) but you could make it in KWGT. Or download this guy's S8 style KWGT creations on Google +. His post was the first Google result for me when I searched "Galaxy S8 KWGT". I think that KWGT Pro Key is still required to load other people's presets, but it's worth the couple dollars.
Or this app might have (or get an update with) something similar: , if you want something easier to set up.
I'm sure you'll find something somewhere; S8 style setups are becoming very popular.
This is the widget I used: It's one of the standard ones and I adore it.
This is why I make all my own widgets with KWGT
KWGT would be another option. Not sure if free or not for touch action capability.
i got inspired by some of the minimal themes over at /r/iOSthemes, so i decided to make this low key theme.
wallpaper: included in imgur album. i decreased the brightness -70 in snapseed to dim the wallpaper.
icons: Glyphs by Tokems, original theme on iOS, ported to android over at XDA
launcher: nova. tweaked some grid settings (unread notification counter, grid size, etc.)
clock widget: one of the preinstalled KWGT themes
Here ya go
You cannot find KWGT ???
It's an amazing app to make your own widgets.
But for people who are less capable at using phones (Your attitude suggests to me that you may be one of those people), I would recommend skipping KWGT and trying a different widget app that will take less effort and brain power.
Link to KWGT:
Simpler widget apps: Or just search Clock widgets into playstore.
Also check r/kustom and r/kwgt for good widgets
Hiya! I'm new to this subreddit, so I hope it'll be fun :). I have a small passion for this game and wanted to share this with y'all!
For those who would like to replicate something like this or add your own twist, here's a list of things I used/did.
Warning ⚠️: This is for Android!! I can't help for those on iPhone!!
Apps I used: • KWGT -
• Total Launcher
• Simple Photo Widget
• Bitmaps for Weather -
For the Icons, I remade 4, 11 that I had to edit it to better quality, 2 were from an amazing person that I'm having hard time finding again, if you can find it, comment it below! And the rest were other apps with new icons!
4 Remakes: • Leaderboard • SongSneak • Ubisoft Club • Ubisoft Club Challenge
11 Enhanced: • Nudle Maps • Dedsec App • ./Research • Car on Demand • App Shop • Media Player • Gallery • Driver SF • Camera • Know-it-all • Game Options
The Apps: • Nudle Maps = (any web app) • Dedsec App = (link to any app/web) • Car on Demand = Amazon Shopping • App Shop = Play Store • Media Player = Musicolet • Leaderboard = Link to the Watch Dogs • Leaderboard • ScoutX = Snapchat • Director's Cut = Snapseed • SongSneak = Shazam • Gallery = (gallery) • Driver SF = (any food delivery service or Uber) • Ubisoft Club = Link to Ubisoft Club • Ubisoft Club Challenge = Link to Ubisoft Club Challenges • Camera = (camera) • Know-it-all = Chrome • Multiplayer = Contacts • Game Options = (Settings) • Nudle-Net = Google Go • AudioLize = Easy Voice Recorder • Cyber Track = ViMisic • NewPipe Legacy = (NewPipe Legacy) • Retr0Tube = YouTube • Tech.Data = personalDNSfilter • AIDungeon = (AIDungeon) • Weatherly = (Weatherly)
All apps are on the Play Store except 3 (NewPipe Legacy, ViMusic, personalDNSfilter). For those, you're gonna need an app called F-droid, which is also not on there. Here's a link to get it
For how the widgets work:
Weather is self-explanatory.
Follower Bar (with the amount) acts as a battery bar, and the Skill Points acts as a notification counter!
The Image widget is as simple as taking photos of what I took and saved it.
Music widget is also self-explanatory.
(Another warning: I CAN'T send a link to said widgets because I still am learning KWGT ;w;)
The wallpaper was created by myself, as with this whole theme! I hope y'all like it! :3 (I also hope I got everything lmao)
Hiya! I'm new to this subreddit, so I hope it'll be fun :). I have a small passion for this game and wanted to share this with y'all!
For those who would like to replicate something like this or add your own twist, here's a list of things I used/did.
Warning ⚠️: This is for Android!! I can't help for those on iPhone!!
Apps I used: • KWGT -
• Total Launcher
• Simple Photo Widget
• Bitmaps for Weather -
For the Icons, I remade 4, 11 that I had to edit it to better quality, 2 were from an amazing person that I'm having hard time finding again, if you can find it, comment it below! And the rest were other apps with new icons!
4 Remakes: • Leaderboard • SongSneak • Ubisoft Club • Ubisoft Club Challenge
11 Enhanced: • Nudle Maps • Dedsec App • ./Research • Car on Demand • App Shop • Media Player • Gallery • Driver SF • Camera • Know-it-all • Game Options
The Apps: • Nudle Maps = (any web app) • Dedsec App = (link to any app/web) • Car on Demand = Amazon Shopping • App Shop = Play Store • Media Player = Musicolet • Leaderboard = Link to the Watch Dogs • Leaderboard • ScoutX = Snapchat • Director's Cut = Snapseed • SongSneak = Shazam • Gallery = (gallery) • Driver SF = (any food delivery service or Uber) • Ubisoft Club = Link to Ubisoft Club • Ubisoft Club Challenge = Link to Ubisoft Club Challenges • Camera = (camera) • Know-it-all = Chrome • Multiplayer = Contacts • Game Options = (Settings) • Nudle-Net = Google Go • AudioLize = Easy Voice Recorder • Cyber Track = ViMisic • NewPipe Legacy = (NewPipe Legacy) • Retr0Tube = YouTube • Tech.Data = personalDNSfilter • AIDungeon = (AIDungeon) • Weatherly = (Weatherly)
All apps are on the Play Store except 3 (NewPipe Legacy, ViMusic, personalDNSfilter). For those, you're gonna need an app called F-droid, which is also not on there. Here's a link to get it
For how the widgets work:
Weather is self-explanatory.
Follower Bar (with the amount) acts as a battery bar, and the Skill Points acts as a notification counter!
The Image widget is as simple as taking photos of what I took and saved it.
Music widget is also self-explanatory.
(Another warning: I CAN'T send a link to said widgets because I still am learning KWGT ;w;)
The wallpaper was created by myself, as with this whole theme! I hope y'all like it! :3 (I also hope I got everything lmao)
Hiya! I'm new to this subreddit, so I hope it'll be fun :). I have a small passion for this game and wanted to share this with y'all!
For those who would like to replicate something like this or add your own twist, here's a list of things I used/did.
Warning ⚠️: This is for Android!! I can't help for those on iPhone!!
Apps I used: • KWGT -
• Total Launcher
• Simple Photo Widget
• Bitmaps for Weather -
For the Icons, I remade 4, 11 that I had to edit it to better quality, 2 were from an amazing person that I'm having hard time finding again, if you can find it, comment it below! And the rest were other apps with new icons!
4 Remakes: • Leaderboard • SongSneak • Ubisoft Club • Ubisoft Club Challenge
11 Enhanced: • Nudle Maps • Dedsec App • ./Research • Car on Demand • App Shop • Media Player • Gallery • Driver SF • Camera • Know-it-all • Game Options
The Apps: • Nudle Maps = (any web app) • Dedsec App = (link to any app/web) • Car on Demand = Amazon Shopping • App Shop = Play Store • Media Player = Musicolet • Leaderboard = Link to the Watch Dogs • Leaderboard • ScoutX = Snapchat • Director's Cut = Snapseed • SongSneak = Shazam • Gallery = (gallery) • Driver SF = (any food delivery service or Uber) • Ubisoft Club = Link to Ubisoft Club • Ubisoft Club Challenge = Link to Ubisoft Club Challenges • Camera = (camera) • Know-it-all = Chrome • Multiplayer = Contacts • Game Options = (Settings) • Nudle-Net = Google Go • AudioLize = Easy Voice Recorder • Cyber Track = ViMisic • NewPipe Legacy = (NewPipe Legacy) • Retr0Tube = YouTube • Tech.Data = personalDNSfilter • AIDungeon = (AIDungeon) • Weatherly = (Weatherly)
All apps are on the Play Store except 3 (NewPipe Legacy, ViMusic, personalDNSfilter). For those, you're gonna need an app called F-droid, which is also not on there. Here's a link to get it
For how the widgets work:
Weather is self-explanatory.
Follower Bar (with the amount) acts as a battery bar, and the Skill Points acts as a notification counter!
The Image widget is as simple as taking photos of what I took and saved it.
Music widget is also self-explanatory.
(Another warning: I CAN'T send a link to said widgets because I still am learning KWGT ;w;)
The wallpaper was created by myself, as with this whole theme! I hope y'all like it! :3 (I also hope I got everything lmao)
Downgraded my daily driver from Samsung a52 5G to a Nokia x100 5G and have never been happier. Samsung is way too bad with their screens kept getting burned in because i use my phone alot for work and home. Anyway this is my Samsung A52 5G now being only used as a home phone
Wallpaper = Gorou From Genshin Impact
Widgets = Full Screen Custom Made
Font = SegoeUI
Weather Icon = Icons = Fluent
Launcher = Nova7 (6 Was Better) With Prime
Made by using KWGT.
Mini Music KWGT [Mini Music 060]
Saturn KWGT [Saturn 092]
>To set your Nova launcher for this setup first turn off dock then set your grid size to 9x11. Turn off icon labels & set your icon size to 70. Lastly turn on hide status bar.
Made by using KWGT.
Minimal KWGT [Widget Name: thirty four]
>To set your Nova launcher for this setup first turn off the dock then set your grid size to 9x7. Turn off icon labels & set your icon size to 85. Lastly turn on hide status bar.
Widget used: (kustom #31)
Icons used:
Launcher: I used Microsoft launcher, but you can use nova launcher too
Inspired in: u/axienoobhelpme
That might help you but it takes almost Tasker level setup so fun or not depending on you.
It does everything
Made by using KWGT.
Blend KWGT [Widget No. 00_02]
>To set your lawnchair launcher for this setup first turn off the dock then set your grid size to 11x7. Turn off icon labels & set your icon size to 75. Lastly turn on hide status bar.
Made by using KWGT.
Blend KWGT [Widget No. 00_15]
>To set your lawnchair launcher for this setup first turn off the dock then set your grid size to 11x6. Turn off icon labels & set your icon size to 90. Lastly turn on hide status bar & your done!!
Made by me using KWGT.
Check this out:
Widgets on steroids.
Widget used:
Icons used:
Launcher: Nova Launcher
It's in the post text here's the link for the Google play store version tho
Widget is made by me using KWGT.
Nova Launcher
Twelve Pack:
Custom widget:
Inspired by /u/Zatchmo137
Wallpaper: Cover for Thrawn Ascendency Greater Good. Edited to fit screen
Widget Pack: Wolfie for KWGT. Imported the font lettering
Icons: Icon Pack Studio
Inspired by /u/Zatchmo137
Wallpaper: Cover for Thrawn Ascendency Greater Good. Edited to fit screen
Widget Pack: Wolfie for KWGT. Imported the font lettering
Icons: Icon Pack Studio
Thanks. You will need
Kustom widget pro (maker and key)
Cream kwgt (cream 121)
Audio widget pack for music
Icon pack studio for the icons.
You can get the wallpaper from creative app.
Shade: Notification Shade
I don't care much about devices or brands...I customize OS's (Linux, Windows and Android) and occasionally applications/softwares/interfaces/html etc. In this case it is the Nova Launcher, the android notification shade, the android volume control panel, the android Lockscreen and Kustom KWGT widget.
I've offered the KWGT widget for free here
The comment above had recommended KWGT but since it was 5 years ago, I can't remember if it had worked.
Yeah, you can do it as I (kinda vaguely) described.
KWGT to make your own widget(s).
Tasker to make something happen when the widget is tapped.
MQTT Client as an interface between Tasker and your MQTT server.
Keep in mind that MQTT Client hasn't been updated for quite a while. It still works fine for me, but occasionally the Tasker plugin doesn't see my already set up subscriptions when I'm adding or editing a plugin action in Tasker.
You'll have to spend some time getting to know the apps. Let me know if you have questions.
Thanks man! I'm really happy to hear this. I'm using KWGT as Widget Handler and Verrone KWGT for the weather widget. For the app icons I used Material Components . Then I made a bit of customization (for example that the colors are using the material you colors and change with the background). After a bit try out it is quite easy to understand. If you need any help you can just ask me here or via pm.
Kwgt widget link: Lines icon pack: Smart launcher 6 link:
Using KWGT + Smart Launcher + Diffuse
Using KWGT + Smart Launcher + Diffuse
Although may not be the best solution, KWGT Custom Widget Pro can be customized to your objective.
Widget: custom made KWGT Launcher: Lawnchair 12 Alpha 5 Icon Pack: edited Ghost Icon Pack using Icon Pack Studio
*Additional Note: I used Tasker to get the colors for the widget.
Uses KWGT and Linebit Light icon pack.
Wallpaper Icon Pack Studio only let's me share my icons like this lol (the pack is wallpaper based) Player Widget and weather widget from KWGT (specifically this pack) Feel free to DM for some help regarding those (if you don't like paying for them) The clock is from the Google Clock app and the search bar is from the Google app The earbud widget is from Samsung Wearables
For reference, here is KWGT
with a guide from 2019 here:
I should add I've not used it yet, just am looking at what it can do, so have just added a few quick links to save other people searching ;)
KWGT. This is my favorite widget maker. There are tons of paid and free add-ons.
Yep it's Kwidget
Lawnchair app
Lawnchair app Widgets:
Icon Pack Studio:
Live Video Wallpaper:
Nova Launcher:
Android 12 Clock Widget-
Android 12 Widget Pack-
Sorry was sleeping.
So basically you need Kustom Widget Maker with the Timeless KGWT widget pack (~160 cool time, weather and other widgets.)
Timeless KGWT's dev says you need the KGWT PRO key so you might have to buy it. Try them out and refund if it's not to your taste.
Kustom Widget Maker:
Kustom Widget Maker Pro Key:
Timeless KGWT:
Sorry guys. Just woke up.
So basically you need Kustom Widget Maker with the Timeless KGWT widget pack (~160 cool time, weather and other widgets.)
Timeless KGWT's dev says you need the KGWT PRO key so you might have to buy it. Try them out and refund if it's not to your taste.
Kustom Widget Maker:
Kustom Widget Maker Pro Key:
Timeless KGWT:
I turned this into a KWGT widget
To use this, you need KGWT and KWGT Pro, or the ad-supported version (click the AOSP link)
There's just one small issue: the second ring doesn't smoothly transition from one position to the next. This is because KWGT doesn't have an option to get the current time in milliseconds
You need kwgt from playstore:
Wallpaper :
Phone : S21 Ultra using One UI - No 3rd party launcher
Two Widgets : Homemade on KWGT -
Two Tiny Google Home & Assistant icons - made using Shortcut Maker -
Indicators are for new text messages (blue), battery charging (green), battery low (red), using cell data (purple).
Tapping the weather portion of widget opens Today Weather app
Tapping the date or agenda portions of widget opens Google Calendar app
Tapping crypto portion opens Binance app
There is a "hidden" app folder on the bottom center of page for other commonly used apps
Background of weather icon changes color with the time of day
Calendar icon displays correct date
Theme: Nova launcher
Icons: Downloaded from flaticon
Widgets: kwgt
Font: azuki font
Wallpaper: from MyImgStock
Widget: IKWOO2 from KWGT (Base Pack)
Icon pack: Flight Lite
And Lawnchair with status bar hidden.
Wallpaper: from MyImgStock
Widget: IKWOO2 from KWGT (Base Pack)
Icon pack: Flight Lite
And Lawnchair with status bar hidden.
A Clean Theme with Animated App Drawer for Total Launcher. You'll get kwgt Widget & The whole theme in my given Link. Battery consumption is ultra lite as theme is only 190kb size.
Backup File for Total Launcher & Kwgt -
Kwgt Link -
Total Launcher Link -
Gruvy Icon Pack -
My own kustom made theme with inspiration from this sub <3.
Launcher: Nova launcher
Widgets: KWGT - custom widgets
Icons: Delta
Nova Launcher
Clock Cut KWGT
N&F OC (N takes you to Spotify, F takes you to messages)
Music player Sun & Sea for KWGT S&S 018 The actual apk The pro key, for unlocking pro features
Huh? If you mean KWGT app this is it
both widget - made by myself via
icon on dock -
walls -
KWGT Kustom Widget Maker | 4.1 rating | Free with IAP | 1,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> Make your Android Launcher or Lockscreen look unique with Kustom the most powerful Widget creator ever! Use its awesome WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor to create you own designs and display ...
Info for Flamingo KWGT:
Current price (USD): Free was $1.49
Developer: RajArya
Rating: 4.7/5
Installs: 500+
Size: 98M
Last updated: August 25, 2019
Contains IAPs: No
Contains Ads: No
Permissions: Read/Modify Storage, View Wi-Fi Info
Short description:
>This is not a stand alone app. Flamingo widgets require KWGT PRO application ( not free version of this app)
>What you need:
>Pro key
>✔ Custom launcher like a Nova launcher (Recommended)
>How to install:
>✔ Download Flamingo and KWGT PRO application
>✔ Long tap on your homescreen and choose Widget
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Thanks I found it here
KWGT... I would effluents buyingg the pro key, it is well with it.
Resource List:
I'd recommend checking out KWGT and Popup Widget
Apps used -
For analog clock -
Top widget -
Icon pack -
Wallpaper -
Hey! Thanks for your post, below are the details regarding the info requested.
Widget was created by me using KWGT (Pro version):
>Tasker only sets up a shortcut
Sorry, the confusion arose as you gave the impression that you were familiar with Tasker which turns out not to be the case.
There's lots of apps/plugins to create simple or powerful widgets via Tasker from KWGT to UCCW through to Zoom and several others- like I mentioned, there are no limitations.
There's also several other ways to easily create suitable widgets without Tasker- which you're sure to discover with few searches.
Shortcut Maker for icons
For icons and widget images- Pinterest:
NookPhone icons
okpng icons
I'm building myself a status panel with and for system information and control, and I need some ideas on how to improve it. This is a KWGT widget displayed with Popup Widget 3 and triggered by Fluid Navigation Gestures when sliding from the left edge. The buttons on the left are actually workign and triggering shortcuts in Tasker.
Especially the text on the bars is a problem, as it is hard to read. I could choose some different colors for the progressbars, but I'd like to have a strong contrast here to be able to determine the rough percentage at a glance. Which, of course, is a slight problem regarding the text color. I was actually looking for something like "absolute invert" which either chooses black or white depending on the background, but I guess that's not working. I could also amke the bars smaller and put the text on the background, but I like that aesthetic.
The NFC information is also not readily available in KWGT, and I need to hook it up with Tasker to get some information as far as I could find out. But something that can be done. use theme park to create your own theme. Don't know exactly what you want to do with the widgets but the iOS ones have already been recreated. There was a sub in here or the android one with a user that made them with this app if I can remember correctly.
iOS widgets there'll be loads of others by now though
Just make your own with kwgt
Info for ReMix KWGT:
Current price (USD): Free was Free (can't get price in USD)
Developer: Ahmad Ansari
Rating: 4.3/5
Installs: 5,000+
Size: 72M
Last updated: September 15, 2018
Contains IAPs: No
Contains Ads: No
Permissions: Read/Modify Storage, View Wi-Fi Info
Short description:
>This is not stand-alone app, you need the app "KWGT",
>& "Launcher" Like Nova launcher,
>Flick launcher Apex launcher Etc.
>to use it.
>Hi I'm AhMad Ansari this is me
>G+ profile, follow me for More Updates
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Resources used
[Collections wallpaper app]
Thanks! I've switched out the bottom section now as you can see here I made this widget myself that shows network and battery data. If you're interested, the readings are for:
KWGT (May need to get Pro) This is required for a lot of the theme to work. The bottom parts are using KWGT:
Nova Launcher (Paid version) is what I use for my layout so you will need this.
Boost for reddit is what I use for the second page widgets. There are lots of customisation and transparency options to get it looking nice.
YKP3 is what is used for the animated weather at the top as seen here - I just changed the colours and some of the cloud shapes to be less dramatic. Note - This requires KLWP in order to work.
AIX Weather Widget is for the weather type graph seen towards the bottom.
Lines Free is used for the icons
Hope this helps - let me know if you need anything else.
You need to install KWGT and download some presests or make your own widgets.
There you go!
Some of them are paid, but you can always find them for free.
Info for Fiction REBORN:
Current price (USD): $0.99 was $1.49
Developer: RajArya
Rating: 5.0/5
Installs: 100+
Size: 94M
Last updated: June 12, 2020
Contains IAPs: No
Contains Ads: No
Permissions: Read/Modify Storage, View Wi-Fi Info
Short description:
>This is not a stand alone app. Fiction REBORN widgets require KWGT PRO application ( not free version of this app)
>What you need:
>Pro key
>✔ Custom launcher like a Nova launcher (Recommended)
>How to install:
>✔ Download Fiction REBORN and KWGT PRO application
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Info for Flawless KWGT:
Current price (USD): $0.99 was $1.49
Developer: RajArya
Rating: 4.6/5
Installs: 500+
Size: 87M
Last updated: July 21, 2020
Contains IAPs: No
Contains Ads: No
Permissions: Read/Modify Storage, View Wi-Fi Info
Short description:
>This is not a stand alone app. Flawless widgets require KWGT PRO application ( not free version of this app
>What you need:
>Pro key
>✔ Custom launcher like a Nova launcher (Recommended)
>How to install:
>✔ Download Flawless and KWGT PRO application
>✔ Long tap on your homescreen and choose Widget
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^^^Source ^^^| ^^^Suggestions?
Info for Frizzy KWGT:
Current price (USD): $0.99 was $1.49
Developer: RajArya
Rating: 4.9/5
Installs: 500+
Size: 98M
Last updated: April 30, 2020
Contains IAPs: No
Contains Ads: No
Permissions: Read/Modify Storage, View Wi-Fi Info
Short description:
>This is not a stand alone app. Frizzy widgets require KWGT PRO application ( not free version of this app)
>What you need:
>Pro key
>✔ Custom launcher like a Nova launcher (Recommended)
>How to install:
>✔ Download Frizzy and KWGT PRO application
>✔ Long tap on your homescreen and choose Widget
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^^^Source ^^^| ^^^Suggestions?
Made by using kwgt
wallpaper:- it's here
Bottom Widget - unity kwgt
Icon pack:- kecil icons(edited) Icon packs are edited in icon pack studio
Top Widget- made in kwgt
Made by using kwgt
Resources:- wallpaper:-Zedge
Widget - unity kwgt
Icon pack:- icon pack studio (kecil Icon pack edited)
Resources Used: - KWGT Pro (For Widgets)
Fonts from Dafont
Slightly modified widgets from Sun and Sea
Resources Used: - KWGT Pro (For Widgets)
Fonts from Dafont
Slightly modified widgets from Sun and Sea
Setup made using KWGT in Nova Launcher Prime
Wallpaper : From the collection by u/anhedonia36
Icon Pack : LineX White
OC Widget : Drive Link
Font (in the widget): Poppins 600
To use kwgt app it is mandatory to have nova launcher
Kwgt free:
Few preset app for kwgt:
Idea came from this post by u/MHcharLEE
This setup is made by using Kwgt
Wallpaper by bis (wall name: supercell)
Nebbia pro kwgt (pro 78)
On the money with anti-iphone. I'm not against Apple in any way but I don't see myself touching their products anytime soon. Definitely love custom tuning everything that I can and making it my own while being true to the original. Don't think I'm too cynical, but a decent conversationalist. Haven't listened to podcasts in a hot minute due to quarantine, but they're good commute fodder. I am more of a music guy now, but I do have a few fave podcasts.
As for trying to get this home screen, everything was built by me in Kustom, and these icons are from here. I use Nova Launcher as well.
This setup is made by using Kwgt
Pixurr wallpaper (pattern 01)
Waffle kwgt (Hundred forty five) (Edited)
Lucent kwgt (325)
Made by using kwgt
Wallpaper- here
Top widget- 420 for kwgt
Music widget-duos for kwgt
Icon pack- icon pack studio
Top widget is edited bcoz in tht widget I added time info...all dot icons are folders....and music widget is also edited... Made by using kwgt
Wallpaper- it's here
Top widget- rainbow kwgt
Icon pack- cavion icon pack
Music widget- duos widget
Made by using kwgt
Wallpaper- it's here
Top widget- rainbow kwgt
Icon pack- cavion icon pack
Music widget- duos widget
This setup is made by using Kwgt
Stylish minimal kwgt (this widget pack is only available at stylish minimal's telegram)
Made by using kwgt
Launcher- Nova
Wallpaper- it's here
Icon pack- cavion
Top widget- Wolfie for kwgt
Music widget- Exquigets for kwgt
Clock Widget: (KWGT)
Then install Rainbow KWGT: Widget#: RB009
Icons preset: BeachoverviewUX (From Samsung icone store)
Wallpaper from Unsplash:
Equaliser Visualisation: Muviz Edge
Widgets Made w/ KWGT:
Weather Component:
Background is Material Islands:
I modified some of the existing ones and added my own spin to everything.
This setup is made by using kwgt
Wallpaper:- here
Top widget- clear kwgt
Music widget- fuchsia kwgt
Icon pack is made of "icon pack studio"
This setup is made by using kwgt
Wallpaper:- here
Top widget- clear kwgt
Time widget- hipster kwgt
Icon packs are made by "icon pack studio"
A simple setup.
This setup is made using Kwgt
Wallpaper - Here
Icons - Worst icon pack
Widgets - Nebbia pro (pro 45 & 52)
Got this beautiful icon pack in a giveaway yesterday & decided to make a setup with it.
This setup is made by me using Kwgt
Wallpaper - Found in crayon icon pack
Icons - Crayon icon pack
Self-made wigdets - Here
Font - Abee Zee Regular
Font - Abee Zee Italic
°KWGT - KUSTOM Widget Maker yo will need pro key too for editing KUSTOM Pro Key °Widgets - Shadow KWGT °Wallpaper - It's in the Shadow KWGT app °Icons - Made by editing Shadow Widget 044
You need kwgt app to open widget just click this link nd dwnldkwgt
Are you referring to this? If so, please edit OP accordingly. Also, further description could help.
This is KWGT which needs a key to unlock the pro version and this is One4KWGT Pro. You can find tutorials on how to setup KWGT on youtube, it isn't hard to do. This one is pretty solid.
This setup is made by me using KWGT
Elements For kwgt (Widget 08)
Dynamic Komponents (Style 02)
Template by Sreeragag
This setup is made by me using KWGT
Elements For kwgt (Widget 38, 43, 101)
Dynamic Komponents (Status bar)
Template by Yogesh gosavi
The weather widget is from KWGT ^
Linex Icon Pack:
Ghosty Kwgt :
Samsung! You don't need to use the Samsung Themes app, just get a ~~pirated~~ legal-ish copy of KWGT, and Lawnchair Launcher + some icon packs and get to it!
Weird tho, I just searched for KWGT, and it was the first thing to come up in the search results. But anyways, here is the link:
Some people have made some amazing customizations using KWGT.
Tasker can give you some custom functionality.
Nova Prime is a very customizable launcher that will give your phone a custom look and feel.
Thanks. The widget comes KWGT
Contents are
Contents are
Contents are
Contents are
Contents are used in this setup-
Contents are
Content used in this theme:-
KWGT : Nova launcher: Icon pack:(viral) Widget for KWGT:(MINI-ISM) Wallpaper:
Info for Grinst KWGT:
Current price (USD): Free was $0.99
Rating: 4.5/5
Installs: 1,000+
Size: 8.9M
Last updated: July 29, 2019
Contains IAPs: No
Contains Ads: No
Permissions: Read/Modify Storage, View Wi-Fi Info
Short description:
>Just up your homescreen with minimal beautiful widget from Grinst KWGT.
>This is not stand alone app. It requeres:
>• KWGT :
>• KWGT Pro Key :
>How to use it:
>1. Download Grinst KWGT along with KWGT and KWGT Pro
>2. Long tap on your homescreen and click on widget
>3. Choose a KWGT Widget
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Maybe you could create one App i made it in ⬆️
I made it using Nova Launcher, here is the list of the resources I used!
Wallpaper: Cover for Thrawn Ascendancy Chaos Rising (edited of course, I will upload the clean version)
Widget Pack: Wolfie for KWGT. Imported the font lettering
Icons: Mellow Dark Icon Pack
Wallpaper: (edited of course, I will upload the clean version)
You will need
⚪ KWGT Pro - Link (Play Store)
⚪ Nova Launcher - Link (Play Store)
⚪ Gruvy Icon Pack - Link (Play Store)
Nova Settings
🔵 Desktop Grid 7 x 5
🔵 Dock icons 5
🔵 Indicator color #474747
Made some refinements.. still using the same stuff
Widgets: KWGT Kustom Widget
KWGT Pro key
Velvet pack for KWGT
Icons: Phosphor Krypton Icon Pack
Info for Frizzy KWGT:
Current price (USD): $0.99 was $1.49
Developer: RajArya
Rating: 5.0/5
Installs: 50+
Size: 49M
Last updated: October 24, 2019
Contains IAPs: No
Contains Ads: No
Permissions: Read/Modify Storage, View Wi-Fi Info
Short description:
>This is not a stand alone app. Frizzy widgets require KWGT PRO application ( not free version of this app)
>What you need:
>Pro key
>✔ Custom launcher like a Nova launcher (Recommended)
>How to install:
>✔ Download Frizzy and KWGT PRO application
>✔ Long tap on your homescreen and choose Widget
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Made with KWGT because KLWP keeps reducing the image quality of my wallpapers 😡
Let me know what you think!
If you end up not finding any digital clock widget u like, make your own with KWGT
Found my old setup screenshot. I thought I would share.
Modified Sun & Sea widget pack for Kwgt (buy it! It's great!)
Quotes made with Word Swag -
Icons Darkmatte
Just finished reading Neuromancer and felt like my Oneplus One could use a new home screen.
Design is inspired by the "Hitachi pocket computers" from said book as well as this sticker (based on another device from the same universe).
Everything was made from scratch using only KWGT. (Also the reason why the clocks differ one minute.)
The texts on the lower half of the screen each launches their respective app when touched.
Font used is Barlow Condensed (Regular).
You should have the KWGT app. You will need the PRO version. Then just import the file linked at the above comment.
You'll need KWGT, and it's pro key. Pro key is needed to use pre-made layouts. Then, download Outline for KWGT. There you'll find the widgets I used. But I modified them a bit for my taste.
KWGT has a steep learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, you can do pretty much anything with your widgets. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. ��
Hey, guys. So this is my first time theming in over two years and I think it is my absolute best work to date. Hope you like it!
>• Zooper Pro (Used for the blue backgrounds - not available on the Play Store anymore, unfortunately)
>• Custom KWGT (All other widgets - music player, app dots, time/date, etc.)
>• Included in Nova Launcher.
You can try KWGT
There's a lot of Widget packs for it
Resplash for Background Image (I don't have the direct link)
All can be downloaded from Google Drive
Specifically the filed named "Spinning_Album_Cover", "Simple_Material_Clock", and "Material_Media_Player"
EDIT: Forgot font files.
EDIT 2: Added File Names for KLWP/KWGT Files
Please suggest if you have some ideas for improvements.
If you want a pretty pop-up, you could make a widget using KWGT and then pop it up through Tasker using something like Overlays (or Popup Widget.) You could also use a Tasker Scene.
Because AutoTools is invaluable, I would start with trying the Bubble preset.
As there may be a cleaner way to do it, what are your current actions achieving?
Nova settings:
Please suggest if you have some ideas for improvements.
Thank you so much. All the widgets were done with KWGT Pro.
Date, Time, Weather (Alliance_28):
Apps (Magic07):
Media Player (Ornate KWGT- Widget51):
Google Search Bar (Odisea KWGT- Widget 13):
Once each pack is installed, you can make the adjustments to your liking. Let me know if you need more info and I'll do my best to assist.
•Most widgets and live wallpaper: Made in KWGT and KLWP ( and
•Wallpaper Image: Pip-Tec 11 from "Pip-Tec Free" by Nate Wren Design (
•Vault Boy Widget: "Crippled: Battery Widget" by Nate Wren Design (
•Icons: Made in Icon Pack Studio (
•Font: Monofonto from DaFont (
Here's my "All in One Panel" for KWGT.
It shows a greeting at the top, date (time as well if you're into that), next alarm (if set) automatic dark mode that will switch with day and night, manual dark mode which can be activated from the top right of the panel, agenda, calendar, weather and media controls when playing.
Unlocked, for your pleasure.
Agenda | Calendar | Media Controls | Dark Mode
KWGT - for the awesomeness that makes this all possible.
Kustom Media Colors - for more reliable media colour extraction.
It's all KWGT Kustom Widget Maker.
Many thanks to u/TheShoxter for making the TØP Unofficial Media Kit , without which this wouldn't be possible.
You'll need to get the fonts yourself (i can't upload them because of copyright). They are:
Icon Pack Studio doesn't allow redistributing icons, but it should be pretty easy to make.
KWGT Buddy ��
Here's a link to the playstore app...
I use KWGT ( and edited one of the templates in Achromatic pack ( to change the colours and add a timer icon when my alarm is set.
Is these the apps you are referring to:
It is KWGT with the Pixel 2 V30 widget. Awesome widget maker solution, I would urge you to buy the Pro.
Good luck.
Including link to add-in pack for Pixel 2
You can find a variety of clock and weather widgets on the Google play store for free, but if you are interested in being able to really customize widgets then I suggest purchasing KWGT widget maker and then do a Play Store search for KWGT packs. Some are free, and some are a buck or two. Later after you get the swing of KWGT, the next level up is KWLP, which is a little more difficult to learn but gives you even more tools for widget customization.
Widget: KWGT
Icons: Pixel Icon Pack
Wall: r/amoledbackgrounds
KWGT Kustom Widget Maker
I took the template from this addon
The whole interface consists of two pretty heavily modified KWGT widgets from the Pixxy Widget Pack. I don't want to upload them since it's a paid pack, and you should definately support the dev by buying it. It's also pretty unlikely that your use case is identical to mine. :p
Here's the wallpaper too, even though it's barely visible.
strange. I don't see Good Lock 2018 in the play store any more. Not sure where I got it but was pretty sure that's where I found it. It's on the sammobile site, as well. Here are the other progs for you
just for your own info bro, zooper is no longer being developed. If it works you hey that's awesome! but moving on to KWGT has been the thing to do for a while now, either way great setup!
Wallpaper: Honestly can't find it. If I do I'll post it here
Icons: Murdered Out - Black Icon Pack (Free Version)
Launcher: Nova Launcher
Looks pretty Kustom to me.
These are apps to make your own widgets and such. For example
Tweaks etc used:
OpenSans Font
In case it's not just a bug or messed up setting...
I really liked that widget, but switched back to Nova Launcher bc Pixel's dumb google bar at the bottom was a deal breaker.
I managed to recreate it with a custom widget app. It's not user friendly, but it's pretty similar to Zooper and some of the other widget builders and not horrible to figure out. This particular widget doesn't require much detailed customization anyway; the widget in the last link below does most everything for you, though you may have to dive in to customize.
Yes, it's 4 downloads for 1 widget. No ragrets:
I installed KWGT Kustom Widget Maker and the Unity KWGT widget pack. Whicons are also available in the Play store.
I was inspired by /u/Gaastrax and their Simply Nature theme, to add a custom clock widget with KWGT. It is pretty simple design, but does add a little extra flair.
Rather than make a whole new post, I uploaded it here since it is nearly identical.
Edit: Just realized I made a mistake with it. I'll update the link in a moment, when I fix it.
Edit 2: Fixed it. :)
If you have KWGT, then you can use Matomet KWGT widget to launch Google Assistant.
KWGT Kustom Widget Maker. Google Play link
You could build your own with KWGT. It's not that hard and should work for every player..
You might also need to download kustom widget maker, this. I have the pro version.
Look into KWGT for creating your own widgets (you would create your own search bar from shapes and text then set the click event to launch a DDG activity)
KWGT is all you need.
I use a custom made KWGT widget but you need KWGT Pro to import other widgets. For the free version, you can make it yourself as I did. I was an avid Zooper user and I much prefer KWGT.
Yes, finally!
Download this app.
Place its widget on your homescreen.
Resize it according to your need. Click on it.
Select the option Load Preset from the side menu and you'll see a bunch of pre-installed widgets over there.
Select this one from there or any other your like and you're done!
It's a KWGT widget. Download KWGT from the app store then install the Minimalist set. It's called "Unity 01."
Zooper was abandoned years ago by the devs. I think the weather api has been nonfunctional for a while too. I use KWGT, much more customizable than Zooper.
First you'll need an app called KWGT. KWGT is a custom widget maker by the people who make KLWP (an app to make custom live wallpapers. Check out r/kustom to see what KWGT/KWLP can do.)
Second, you'll need to unlock the Pro version of KWGT to unlock the ability to import widgets.
Next, you'll need to download the widget from here.
Next, add the KWGT widget like you would any other widget (usually by tapping and holding on your home screen for a few seconds.) Once it's added, resize it to approximately how big you want the clock to be (you can adjust the size later, so don't worry about making it perfect.) Once that's done, give the widget a tap.
You should see this screen. click the folder in the upper right and go to where you downloaded the widget. Select it and you should see this screen. When you're done, just click save in the top right.
As for the wallpaper, you can download that here. Set that as you would any other wallpaper and voila! Your very own Spidey theme that would make any webslinger proud!
<strong>Post from yesterday</strong>
<strong>Wallpaper</strong> (from this post)
Widget made using KWGT Pro
<strong>Post from yesterday</strong>
<strong>Wallpaper</strong> (from this post)
Widget made using KWGT Pro
Top music widget is made in KWGT. The bottom bar is a progress bar, and the beige notch shows song progress.
Bottom section of the screen is all one big Zooper Widget. The letters at the bottom all launch certain apps. I used rectangles behind a letter, and set both to launch an app on touch. There is probably an easier way to achieve this, but this worked out well in the end in my opinion.
Top music widget is made in KWGT. The bottom bar is a progress bar, and the beige notch shows song progress.
Bottom section of the screen is all one big Zooper Widget. The letters at the bottom all launch certain apps. I used rectangles behind a letter, and set both to launch an app on touch. There is probably an easier way to achieve this, but this worked out well in the end in my opinion.
I made the widgets myself with KWGT
Thanks :) With KWGT I have customized Pokmon 62 for date+weather and Clock-MIN for calendar
Lines free:
Nova Prime:
KWGT widgets:
Time as numbers/text, current temperature
Current weekday (dots under time, currently wednesday)
Battery level (dark brown dot inside "the sun" with tail, semicircular progress bar: left/100% --> right/0%)
Current solar position (larger yellow dot following "the sun's" edge: left/sunrise --> right/sunset)
Haha, that's Ok, one of the best ways to get started is to JUST DO IT! Take a look at the sidebar, it has some good links. Also, just download apps like KWGT or Nova Launcher and just mess with them, and become familiar with them! Honestly, I used to see these themes and be to lazy to actually make something, but trust me, once you get started, it can be fun and seeing the finished results is very satisfying.
KWGT might be what you're looking for
Main screen:
I'd suggest using KWGT if you love the KLWP editor and are used to it, because apart from the widget/wallpaper distinction they're exactly the same.
Main screen:
Made using the free version of KWGT Kustom Widget Maker
Also using:
Nova Launcher Prime (Free version)
Full background (where I got the bear head from as well)
Yeah you can do a lot of cool stuff with it. There's also a widget version.
I used KWGT and modified one of the widgets from Unity KWGT.
I am running Nova Launcher with the Persistent Search Bar enabled, it allows you to change the colour of the Google Now search bar.
I'm not using a weather widget, but the clock is one of the preset clocks on the KWGT widget maker
The fonts you're seeing on my homescreen are done through KWGT widgets. I haven't changed my fonts system wide.
Edit: If you'd like to change your font throughout your phone is done in settings--> display--> font
I strictly use KWGT
it updated regularly, the Dev (Frank) is Super nice and helpful and quick.
r/kustom is a good place to go for questions and seeing how things work. its pretty awesome, but a bit overwhelming out of the box.
best bet is to check out some pre-made examples and "reverse engineer" them to figure out how things work.
also, feel free to send me some messages. I've been with KWGT for a while now, and I know it really well. I can most likely help you, and do it quickly.
I like the one you already have best. You seem to have a good eye, why not try Kustom Widget Maker and make your own widget.
It's this widget. Just place it on the homescreen and you can edit it with the app afterwards. The change of wallpaper is done with Tasker.
Hey, not a dumb question at all. Firstly you need to install KWGT from the play store here.
To use the widget I linked, you'll have to buy the pro key for KWGT. Its a bit pricier than your usual playstore apps, but if you're into customizing your phone and using widgets, its worth it. Once you buy the pro key, you'll be able to import the widget I linked into KWGT and then place it on your homescreen.
I didn't get very custom with it though, it's one of the base pack widgets (IKW002) ��
>Unlimited Widget tweak
What is this and where can I find it. I tried to google it but only came up with some results for iPhone.
If you go with the custom widget option, which I think is your best bet to achieve what you want, you might want to look into KWGT.
If you can't find one that suits your needs, I can recommend KWGT to make one yourself
KWGT is the new kid in town. Personally, I haven't needed custom widgets lately. One I had some time ago monitored the bandwidth usage on my DSL modem, so I could see when people were hogging it (dual T1 effective download). Currently have around 150 Mbps instead of the DSL 3 Mbps, and this "cable modem" isn't giving the info.
Laucher is Nova
Grid size is 11x5
Icon pack is Min
Clock widget is something I made in 10 minutes in KWGT. Link
Edit: "The Bay" in the wallpaper is the Chesapeake
Edit2: Realized Glyphs is a better choice for icons. Glyphsy. Homescreen.
KWGT Kustom Widget is out now!
WHAT? KWGT is KLWP little brother, if you do not want animations and per second updates or just need a widget, than, this is it! Same great customization, global properties, layers, effects, complex objects, live maps and a LOT of data, weather, astronomy, world clock, rss, you name it! And you can copy objects from KLWP too!
We have UCCW and Zooper, why this is better? Well, on top of being MUCH MORE battery efficient with KWGT you can:
Have Komponents, so reusable items inside the editor. So for example you can create a clock and redistribute it as a module for KWGT, users will just add your clock and change the options you expose (like colors and font), there are many examples online already
Download content directly from HTTP, so you can have a Google Map with the city you are in directly in the widget background if you want, or use Street View, or you can have a Komponent that does that for you like this, you can add it with one click
Have global variables, so you can set a color once and then use it whenever you like, then, when you want to change it you just change the global and it will change the color everywhere in one click
Have containers, so you can group items inside an object
Have built in music support, so music will work without any additional tool
Have more effects, like long shadows, morphable text, blur images and so on
Use formulas on any property you like
Much more functions, you can download text from http, you can extract color from bitmaps or music covers and much more
And off course copy and share things with KLWP, its Live Wallpaper counterpart
A great community on G+ and
I use KWGT for custom widgets. Let's you set up some nice looking things if you know what you're doing. If you want the exact thing is have here is the file you can export into the app
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Made by kwgt
Wallpaper- it's here
Top widget- clear kwgt
Music widget- clear kwgt (edited)
Icon pack- icon pack studio