Literally everyday. Probably your charging port is full of dirt. Use a piece of plastic or a tiny screwdriver to clean it. It'll fix it temporarily. Next phone I'll have I'll just buy a magnetic charger, that plugs in the port and doesn't need to pull out Everytime. Like this one:
Here is a comparison of the two phones.
Pros of Galaxy A50:
Pros of Galaxy S8:
You can click on the link for a more detailed comparison, I just tried to summarize it above. Hope this helps :)
So the process was a little strange. I had to:
I emailed the dev. He asked that I put this information on reddit:
>many thanks for your report. we are fixing everything as fast as we can. Story is that samsung is constantly trying to stop package disabler to push in bloatware. They have put a block on package disabler package from disabling anything so we now have to use a supporting package called PDP engine This app is on play store some bugs such as web view status display issues got introduced in the making of the urgent update. we have managed to fix almost all of them in version 9.3 that is now live on play store. can you please put this information on reditt
Gentle Alarm has not been updated in several years and the developer is no longer responding to support requests by email or his web forum (He was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident and out of contact for many months, came back for a few weeks and has been gone since). I began having a few issues with the app in Oreo and found AMdroid is a good replacement with an active developer
The gorgeous music notification.
Edit: For those who don't know, Material Notification Shade is a great replacement app for the system notification shade. And it has this nice-looking media notification feature too. You guys could experience this on Nougat.
I use Inbox for my Google account, and Nine Mail for Outlook/Office 365 work stuff. IMO, Nine is the best app for Exchange/Office 365 email. It does cost $9.99 (on time fee), but it is worth it.
Pocketcasts is probably the best podcast app for Android. It has pretty much every podcast you can think of. You won't be disappointed.
Yeah there's quite a few apps for it now & its not even out
I installed this to all the demo units at bestbuy haha should've remapped them to pornhub or this sub
It's $1.49 but one of the screenshots has an option for sports scores. I've never tried it but it looks like the best you're gonna get.
EDIT: doesn't work on S8. Assuming from the responses it looks like someone posted the same thing but deleted it. Keeping it up though.
App: Edge Gestures.
Hide the navbar with the tweak here to get real estate and prevent anti-burn-in in that area while also making the long screen look like it should, and then use an interface-less swiping system instead of the nav bar!
It makes the edge not pointless, and MASSIVELY helps one-handed use.
Install Naptime and give it adb permisison, then you'll see the magic.
I was facing exactly the same issue, during midnight me device will lose about 22%, after I installed naptime and give it the permission, the device will go to deep sleep now.
Check out Automate.
It's an app which allows you to automate some functions. "Samsung volume notification fix" will remove this warning dialog.
Just search for that title in the Community tab.
It's Rainpaper.
Full disclosure: I made this app.
Edit: There will be a big 2.0 update in the next two weeks with RAM usage improvements, parallax scrolling, and the option to cycle through multiple on-device images.
> heart rate monitor
It is also a pulse oximeter! Also, download Galaxy Sensors or similar, and get access to barometric, humidity, altitude, temperature, lumen sensors.
Here's mine. Linked it here before, but sharing again.
Nova and KLWP. Background is a random picture from /r/earthporn.
I can't take all the credit, the animations are taken from Dream Worlds for KLWP, but it required a lot of customization to get it where it is now.
Terrarium TV does not stream from torrents. It streams from streaming websites. You'll need to install it from APK Mirror.
Another good thing to know about is APK Mirror. It is a safe place to download apps from. Apps where either the updates are taking a while to roll out through the Play Store, to sideload apps not available in the Play Store and to get around geo-restrictions etc.
I saw a greyed option for Ethernet under More connection settings, so I thought... "hey, I've got a ThinkPad USB 3.0 Ethernet LAN adapter, I wonder if it works natively?"
With the Samsung-supplied USB-C to USB-A adapter, I plugged it altogether and boom, got activity on the LED lights and an IP address, and the Ethernet option opened up to offer enable/disable, DHCP or Static IP options. An active Ethernet symbol and a system notification with icon shows up as well.
Sorry if I seem excited for this feature. I couldn't get this to work on previous Android smartphones and tablets I tried my adapter on. If Wi-Fi is out and you have no cellular service, it's nice to know there's still this option.
For anyone interested, I believe this may be the same adapter on Amazon. Mine says Model PN: RTL8153, ASM: SC10H30171, FRU: 03X6903.
For podcasts Pocket Casts:
Reddit - Sync for Reddit:
Marvel Unlimited is available on Android as well
I'm not sure for Craigslist, but I'm sure there are some apps.
Camera app -> you can touch and drag the white round button around the screen, which acts as a secondary button to take picture. It certainly helps when you are in an awkward holding position taking a selfie.
For regions which doesn't have Good Lock, you can install Nice Lock from the Play Store and follow the instructions from there.
No, but there are ways to achieve that:
Easiest one is through Samsung's official theme store and pick out a Pixel or AOSP theme. But you have to upgrade to Oreo first for the theme store to support changing the navbar.
A more complicated -- but IMO better solution -- is to get Substratum and it's companion app (sungstratum for S8 or Nougat or Andromeda for S8 on Oreo). It's a little tricky to set up, but it's worth it. Once you got it set up, get the StatusBar Icons for Samsung or yoru. themes, my personal favourites to get that Pixel/AOSP look. But don't forget that sungstratum and Andromeda are paid apps, so I suggest to upgrade to Oreo first then purchase Andromeda rather than purchasing both.
All of the items have more red than black except for the S8. I would put a nice red matte case on the galaxy S8. other than that, nice job Op :)
I use this app to help me narrow down what is taking up space and where. Much easier than trying to search around with a file explorer.
Stupid questions are encouraged here. Also that's not a stupid question, it is however a frequently asked question. So there's this neat little app on the google play store called "Screener". It's full of neat minimalist phone templates, for you to overlay your screenshots.
It's super easy to re-map that button. There are free apps in the play store that can do it. I've been using BxActions and it works great.
Welcome to the land of open-sourced software, amigos.
The Pixel 3a is OLED instead of SuperAmoled, Has a resolution similar to the A50 (slightly smaller but denser) and as Always on Display like the S8 (unlike the A50)
This can block any notification that contains any word from any app, useful for permanent notifications that cannot be disabled.
there's your problem: you're using every trashy app from Facebook that are causing havoc to your phone. uninstall Facebook (completely or disable FB related packages) and Messenger and use these alternatives:
I had a 6P. I actually wouldn't go back to stock Android now. TouchWiz/Grace UX/whatever they want to call it this week has come a really, really long way in the last 3 generations or so.
Knox, and everything that it enables, has really become a key feature for me. The only thing I really missed was having SystemUI Tuner, but there's an app for that now and it doesn't require root.
You can buy the DAC itself from Amazon:
I've it running with bot .flac files and spotify and it's a very good quality and volume boost over the built in DAC.
The USB C connector is easily the most rigid and well built cables I've ever owned. It's an extremely tight and good fit in the phone. It's also an extremely tight fit on the headphone jack so you won't be unplugging anything by accident.
The whole thing is made of weaved cable and metal, I've not felt or seen ANY plastic at all. This is truly well built. The quality of sound is just as good as the build.
The app is Android System Webview:
Here is the description from the Google Play Store: "Android WebView is a system component powered by Chrome that allows Android apps to display web content. This component is pre-installed on your device and should be kept up to date to be sure that you have the latest security updates and other bug fixes."
For years (before I rooted), I used SMS backup and Restore.
It backs up all your SMS to a file and can restore them to your new phone. It also does call logs, which can be handy to copy across.
It can backup to SD card, or even Google Drive etc.
If I wasn't rooted, I'd still be using this.
Weather Timeline is hands down my favorite
And I also use Blitzortung Lightning Monitor if the storm coming posses a threat to training (I coach, and dont like WeatherBug detector)
All if these are fair complaints, although the official reddit app (which you complained about force closing) isn't your only option for a reddit app. I personally recommend Relay for reddit, it looks great, it's buttery smooth on my S7 so it will be just as good on the S8 and it's simple and easy to use.
Play store link: Relay for reddit
Not s8 specific but if you use Nova Launcher and would like to swipe right for Google now...
I can really recommend PowerAmp, been using for 5 years. Curently they are working on redesign, so if you don't like the normal look (which I believe is what you are looking for) you can enable beta testing on Google Play page and you can try that new fresh and modern look
There's a substratum add on called Samsung system mods that lets you hide it.
There's a theme in it called "0pt navbar" that you run and then turn on immersive mode in this app.
This lets you completely hide the navbar but keep the AOD home button and the hard press to go home
Just got mine all setup
Really hope these navbars still move around to prevent burn in.
Signal is amazing. It has an AMOLED Black Theme, gifs, is completely secure and privacy friendly, fast, and if you can convince others to get it, all of those things get better.
Check out their website.
TL; DW: Install this app.
That's literally it. The video then just shows it in action, which you can see in the screenshots on the play store.
OP: if this is your channel, which it seems like it is based off of your username, you're not doing yourself any favors by using videos like this to promote yourself. This video is not helpful in any way, and gives off a bad impression of your channel as a whole. It's a video of you installing an app, it's not even galaxy s8 specific other than the fact that used an s8 in the video.
~~What app is that?I use Space Sniffer on windows and would love a similar program for Android.~~
Edit: Disk Usage
Also Samsung+ isn't supriaing me here. Samsung has come a long way with their software, but they still need to take a look at their resource management.
If I'm not mistaken, most of the standalone Icon Packs that're on google play are for alternate launchers such as Nova, which is an entire different level of customization. It's been fairly popular with Samsung users because very few people liked touchwiz, which is/was Samsungs default launcher.
Edge gestures lets you swipe up/down/left on the left and right sides as well, which expands the amount of gestures you can do with just the sides
The JOIN app is a great superior alternative to Push Bullet
> Join allows you to easily do stuff remotely on your Android and PC devices like SMS, notifications, clipboard, and much more!
Join feels more reliable and easy to use, and has a great helpful mod /u/joaomgcd
Plus it has a super Chrome extension
Check it out:
After the recent post on here about poor battery life I took someone's advice and disabled background usage for Google Play Services and Samsung Cloud.
My battery had been draining quite quickly for the last few weeks even on battery saving mode.
Pleased to say these last 4-5hrs have seen a huge improvement. I have even turned AOD back on.
Most of the ones on amazon are all riddled with fake reviews. The only goods that are tempered is the whitestone one but installation is difficult and it's very pricey. I bought this one and it should be here wednesday. I'll see how it is.
Samsung makes their own also. It's REALLY similar to Apple's Silicone Case. It's actually one of my favorite cases and the one I use the most. Here is the link (Samsung Galaxy S8+ Silicone Protective Cover, Dark Grey to the one I bought from Amazon. There is also an Alcantara case as well from Samsung that I bought from Amazon.
EDIT: Correction
Copied from the website:
This is the themeGalaxy app that is referenced :
Alternatively System UI Tuner appears to have this function built in.
System UI Tuner is a great tool for many different modifications I use.
Disclaimer: I'm not too tech savvy. That being said I used Substratum for a few weeks and found it to be a pain in the ass. You also have to pay for like two apps for everything to work properly, if I'm not mistaking.
Recently I found this.
It's based on Swift Substratum Themes. Much easier to use but customization is limited. Haven't noticed any lag or battery drain. hope this helps until the experts decide to help you :)
Yeah, I used Square Launcher 2. It took a while to get the hang of. A little bit more of a learning curve than Nova Launcher.
PowerAmp is an abandonware at this point. look into Blackplayer but i suggest using Samsung Music, a nice looking player with plenty of (basic) features and best sound quality on S8 as it's optimized for Samsung hardware. it doesn't have the feature from OP, however (yet).
I've seen that message before. You might have a rooted phone. You can check by going to
Settings -> About Phone -> Status
Scroll down to the bottom and you should see "Device Status". If it says "Custom" then you probably have a rooted device.
You can also grab an app like Root Checker ( to see if your phone is rooted.
If it is rooted, you have a couple of options...
You can use it rooted, but some things like Android Pay or Samsung Pay won't work
You can try to re-image it back to stock ROMs (a Google search will take you to the right place)
You can try to return it and get a refund depending on where and how you got it.
Edit: I've seen the first message before when I rooted my phone. It would not go away until I reloaded the stock ROMs. I haven't seen the second message though...
> The annoying persistent "Running in the Background" notification. (thankfully this can be fixed by downloading this app:
Have you fed back about this? Im going to do it right now because as you say its annoying you can't dismiss it.
it's free and open source
db is locally stored
you can store db on Google Drive, Dropbox etc.
fingerprint unlock
it's cross platform (linux, windows, osx...)
Google Voice.
Make an account, get a free Google phone number. Look up how to make ATT fwd your calls when you do not answer.
Edit: Got bored. Here's the ATT support for call forwarding.
Choose the "Forward when unanswered" option.
When you open the Google voice app tell it to not use the Google voice number for anything. Then turn on do not disturb. Do not forget the do not disturb, or your Google voice number will ring just as long as the ATT number meaning the callers would have like a minute of ringing.
Bam, free VVM with automatic transcription done by Google. You can listen to/read the mail on any computer/tablet that has access to Google as well.
I highly recommend Solid Explorer. It's a really clean looking file explorer app that is super easy to use. Super helpful even if you aren't usually that savvy with files and stuff.
Willx Icon Pack:
The clock is a modified version of a widget from "Min for Zooper":
The Samsung protective cover. So slim it almost feels like there is no case on it. Also, if you use the FPS the separate cut out makes a huge difference. You can find it in t-mobile stores and of course Amazon.
I also have the ringke slim and it's pretty good. Almost as slim as the Samsung case above with better grip.
I just got this from Amazon today. I thought it was a nice deal and it's Samsung branded. It has a dual port and can fast charge two phones at once. It comes with a USB-C and Micro-USB cables.
I've used and HIGHLY recommend the Anker PowerCore+ 20100 (20,100mAh). It has a USB-C charging port and a 6A output. It's $66 on Amazon. Another commenter on this thread recommended it.
If you want to spend a little less for (basically) the same product without many trade-offs, you can go with the Anker PowerCore 20100 (20,100mAh). It doesn't have USB-C. It has a 4.8A output. It's basically the same product minus the USB-C port and a little less Amp output. It's $40 on Amazon but Walmart also sells it so you can get them to price match it
I've used both of them and they pack major heat
I think that you can download that app/feature on Google Play Store.
Is this what you are looking for?
You can download bxActions on the Play Store to be able to fully remap it. You can remap to single, double, long, double press and long actions and are very customizable. To take full advantage of the button you'll have to do the following:
Step 1 is enough to remap the button but the actions might not take place immediately and you'll have limited functionality.
Call Recorder - ACR is a call recording app that works pefecty for me, no limitations I've found, well worth it's small price. It can auto upload recordings to Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and more. There is no tone played when recording to let the other party know you are recording. It's also updated very regularly.
is an official Samsung B2B partner and an established company. No comparison with someone who pulled an app, came back (with no way to verify his identity), uploaded the app again closed source this time.
Alarm bells.
Assuming you wanted to ask if you can hide it, I don't think there's any native way; the deprioritization that you've already done is the most you can do.
I haven't tried it, but I believe you can use AutoNotification in conjunction with Tasker to intercept the notification.
It lets you do some minor tweaks like disabling max volume warning, disabling max brightness warning, and changing nav bar to black. You can download it from the XDA thread or Playstore. You can accomplish all these tweaks with ADB and other apps, but it's a nice app for those who want an easy way to do it.
Automate has a flow for this. I use one to disable the popup for airplane mode, and another to disable the popup for high volume warning.
Check out this app edge gestures - I have it set up on my S8+ so I can swipe up for home, swipe in from the left edge to go back, hold left edge for recent apps, and a few others.
Also you not sure about face unlock on the S8 as I've never set it up, but you can use iris unlock and fingerprint lock at the same time and unlock using whichever is more convenient at the time.
Mine is set up exactly as you asked - swipe up from bottom for home, swipe from left for back and swipe from right for recept apps.
The Oreo update will let you change it back to horizontal. It will also have some other designs to choose from. The update should be released before the end of February.
A work around for the time-being would be to have a permanent notification. This app lets you create them.
Reinstall "Android System Webview" if it is missing. Everything was Force Closing and then I remembered that I had this issue before. Not sure why it happens.
My current homescreen and app drawer
Nova Launcher Prime
KWGT + Pixly's widget
Completely removed my navbar using a 0pt navbar APK and am using All In One Gestures for edge gestures to replace back home and recent buttons.
Can't troubleshoot with just that screen shot.
get these two apps:
battery drain is when the phone can't deep sleep. figure out which app is keeping it up.
To add to this: if this is something you're concerned about, Accubattery is an awesome app to have. It'll guide you on minimizing battery degradation.
BixBye - This one doesn't launch Bixby and then launch an app over it. It just goes straight to the assigned app with no issues or lag.
I have mapped mine to Google Now. I just like having the ability to Google things at a whim no matter what part of the phone I'm actually using.
I'm here!
The icon pack is Aurora Square. I use Nova launcher. My clock widget is "Nexus launcher 1" which can be found on Trident
That was a separate promotion from my understanding that required you to physically go into a T-Mobile store (or spoof it) and activate it.
Here you go, it has some options when you are recording also ex can write on screen,
here's mine yesterday. i have almost 5 hrs and I'm still at 50%. I feel like people in this sub either get really amazing battery life or really crappy, not much in between.
Looks that it's by Samsung
See this
It's part of the ClockFace app that was launched alongside Good Lock. You don't need Good Lock to run it, though.
Can confirm. Internet and internet beta didn't work. But I updated Internet to 7.0 via APK Mirror 7.0 and it worked.
Another guy meant to show you this:
tl;dr. It's supposed to stop apps from running in background to not consume too much power. When you are not using your phone.
Bixbi Button Remapper - bxActions
Pay the few bucks for the Pro version. You can now use this button for a number of things, back button, to pull up the power menu (like long holding the power button), etc. you can alos configure the Bixbi button for Single press, double press, long press, and double press & hold. So you can set up 4 different action on that one button.
not OP but did a quick google
elago website ->
amazon link ->
Go to Amazon
search for the cable you want, make sure you search within the electronics department, which allows you to set prices if you scroll down on the right side I believe.
Set your price limits
click the cable you like
look if the product description says it can do fast charging.
then the final important bit: check the reviews to see if people say it works for fast charging.
If people say it works and reviews are mostly good, buy it.
A few people will probably say it doesn't work for them but if most do, go for it. Amazon is excellent with returns, if its defective, aka doesn't do what it says it will, you can return it with free shipping and you usually get a month or more to make the return. You honestly shouldn't pay more than 10 bucks for a 2 pack of any length and you definitely don't need a brand name one.
I got this excellent braided cable with fast charging, a 2 pack, for 9.99 but it's 6 feet:
I also got a pair of 6 inch cables, perfect for charging from a brick on the go, for 5.99
This gets asked quite a bit. I gave up on tempered glass protectors and got one of those wet application protectors. Go on amazon and search. I have the Spigen protector and like it quite a bit and its only $8 for a two pack.
some people just go without a protector and seem to be okay with it. Personally, I can't stand scratches but at the end of the day its all about one thing: preference.
While I love Amazon and even use their credit card to order through the website I've found a lot of products lately are cheap knock-offs. I bought one of the wireless charging pads a while back and spent a lot of time on recent reviews to make sure I got a real one.
It arrived, I opened it and it looked 100% legit - seals, packaging and all. I tried to register it and nope... not a real serial number.
It works but Samsung doesn't recognize it as real.
I'd suggest you don't take too much credit in Amazon reviews when you're buying from a different vendor (like the cell provider these are coming from).
I just used this, seems to work well
I use Private Internet Access (PIA). They're pretty good, but occasionally I've had a slow connection on my laptop. No issues really on my S8+. I'd recommend them even with the occasionally slow speeds.
How many sessions have you done in Accubattery? I've done over 160, and Accubattery matches both the file I looked up in ES files(3228mah and 3232mah respectively) and also this app, which matched it to 92.2%(3227mah).
I think everyone that says Accubattery doesn't work, haven't given it a chance to get multiple sessions in or just haven't read how to correctly use the app.
All three methods have been consistent to one another.
The functionality is there in Google Pay, but it's entirely up to third parties to implement it in their sites/apps.
Alternatively, if you have access to the PKPASS file (i.e., what Apple Wallet uses), you can try using apps like this.
I think it is this one. There are subtle differences but they are so close that it must just be an updated version.
EDIT: Watch out though, it appears that the Samsung Messages app is missing a skin, while I was searching I found Darkmatter which has similar black outlines and colors. Not sure if it has the stock icons skinned or not.
Goto the Play Store:
Buy it, it works! (you spend more than this on coffee)
I have nothing to do with the software, but I was tired of playing around and trying things that should have worked, but didn't...
You have to download an app to record calls. The one I use is ACR. Here's the link for the one I use
Just make sure any app you download works on your phone before you pay for it.