This app was mentioned in 395 comments, with an average of 1.79 upvotes
There's one easy way to screen out fakes: If the seller won't install THIS APP and let you see the results, walk away. When you reply to the ad, tell them this is your intention. When you meet, have them let you install the app yourself from the play store. If they won't let you do this, walk away. Check what processor is listed. If the processor isn't an Exynos 7420 SoC (often it's a MediaTek MT6782), you're holding a fake. Walk away.
There are lots of other ways to check the authenticity, but this is the most reliable, and it has the advantage of you being able to tell the scammer ahead of time what's going to happen, so they have the opportunity to bail right away, saving you a lot of time and potential hassle of meeting, inspecting, etc. Just to be extra sure, it's also not a bad idea to tell your potential scammer that you'll be bringing a friend's S6 with you to compare the physical device.
Probabilmente hanno installato una rom di un altro paese/operatore, installa quest'app e verifica il codice csc attivo della rom
Se tra i disponibili ce n'è anche uno Italiano ti consiglio di rifare la formattazione con la SIM inserita, dovrebbe attivarsi il codice oppurtuno. Il codice csc definisce nei Samsung la variante della rom e attiva alcune features a seconda del paese o operatore (tipo la scritta 4g o lte)
This is the second time in recent days I've seen a reference to this "Samsung phone info" app, with no link. Searching for "Samsung phone info" in the Play Store yields no exact matches, no apps from Samsung, with the closest match being "Phone INFO *Samsung*" by vndnguyen. Is this what you're referring to?
Install this,
It's a Samsung phone info application, press the hamburger menu and select "refurbishment check". It'll let you know if it's original device or if it had been repaired.
The first picture is from the full bug report in the developer options in the settings. You need to run the report and then share it when the notification pops up, I shared it with myself in Google drive. More on how to do that can be found here.
The second picture is from the Samsung info app which let's you see the number of battery cycles among other things.
The third picture is from AccuBattery which is interesting to see the difference between the estimate in the report the android system generated and the AccuBattery estimate.
I'm going to suggest something different from AccuBattery because I've never had good results from it.
Get Phone Info:
It will tell you when your phone was manufactured and how many discharge cycles are in the battery. This gives you some idea the age/health of the battery.
My Note 8 is from Nov 2017, I bought it second hand and it has around 560 discharge cycles and I can get 9-10 hrs of medium-heavy use out of it. YouTube, Reddit, and general internet browsing. Usually it's 4-6hrs SOT. But this is a but subjective to what you think is heavy use. Games are really hard on your battery so if you are going to game do it plugged in.
Things I have done to make the battery life better. * Remove everything Bixby relalted with ADB. There are tutorials out there. * Also removed some of the other bloatware with ADB * Removed the Facebook app that comes on the phone with ADB and now use the Lite version of both messager and the regular app. * I use the built in dark themes of every app possible. This is debated as to whether it actually saves battery but I prefer the dark themes anyway. * I run with the battery optimized mode on all the time. * Auto screen brightness * WiFi, Bluetooth, Location are always on * My phone is also usually always plugged in over night.
Some screenshots of my battery use over the last few months. The 30hr ones are from the holidays where I wasn't traveling for work as much so I was using my laptop/computer most of the time and there are nights in the middle were I was sleeping. I was trying for those times.
How many sessions have you done in Accubattery? I've done over 160, and Accubattery matches both the file I looked up in ES files(3228mah and 3232mah respectively) and also this app, which matched it to 92.2%(3227mah).
I think everyone that says Accubattery doesn't work, haven't given it a chance to get multiple sessions in or just haven't read how to correctly use the app.
All three methods have been consistent to one another.
This app from Google Play may help:
It tells you everything about a Samsung phone and even it may tell you if it was refurbished. Check it out when the phone arrives to you.
Download an app from the playstore called Phone Info Samsung.
It's this app:
The "personal" tab will read what your phone estimates it's battery health to be, given as a %.
The phone is now over 2.5 years old, and dropping down to around 65% of max capacity is not unheard of at this point. Anyway, I've seen people say they've been able to get their battery replaced for $25 so it's not the end of the world, you'll have still likely made some sort of saving.
only certain region phones have the update majority of regions has no recieved the update
you can check all your phone stuff, the csc code using this app
On the sticker on the box mine says made in China and under the glass (can barely see it through the glass)on the lower portion of the back it says made in china
Edit: this app says where it was made also:
I suspect they mean this one. You have to manually enter your phone serial number, but it worked on mine and confirmed it's not a reconditioned unit 👍
You can download this app and use the refurbishment check to know if the phone is original or not and also check how many times the phone has been connected/disconnected from a charger. You can also check the connection info in the Personal tab of the app.
I doubt it has been long enough for the seal to be compromised. You can check this though:
Check the screen for the burn-in, water resistance, knox and manufacturing date with battery (the older is the phone, the shorter is it's lifespan obviously) To test the first two: dial #0# and check if you see anything but the colour in RED, GREEN, BLUE and LED(it shows complete white so you might be able to see minor burn ins there) To test water resistance: open SENSOR and slide down to barometer sensor value. Apply force to the center of the screen and see if the value changes when you press on the screen (example of how values change on my phone: ) To check knox and release date download this app: This app can show you knox status (if it's not tripped it's going to be 0x0), manufacturing date is on the same page. Slide around tabs to personal and check battery health(although I think it's lying a lot, it might still show you if it's bad or good) I'd also check for common things like fingerprint, 3d home button and charging port. I hope you will buy a good one!
This app will give you the internal battery health % for Samsung devices
My phone is from June 2016 and my battery health is 82.13% after 365 discharge cycles.
I know you've said you haven't rooted it, but it's worth checking to make sure it wasn't pre-rooted in some way and that Knox hasn't been tripped. Some apps won't work in these situations.
This app will let you know if Knox has been tripped:
In the future you can try checking out
In the options somewhere it shows you the Battery's Remaining Capacity as reported by the OS.
My S8+ is like 14 months old and it reports 97.9% capacity remaining. Samsung claimed after 2 years these phones would have 95% remaining and I have to say so far I believe them.
They made the claim starting with the S8 and every flagship after it (Note 8, S9, Note 9 etc)
It's called "Phone INFO Samsung".
It's specific for Samsung phones and tells a surprising amount of info including the charge cycles and battery capacity like I mentioned. I recommend anyone interested to check it out.
Install this app. It reads directly from what Samsung's hidden diagnostic tools say on your phone for battery capacity remaining.
Use a file manager (like Solid Explorer) and open the file
Multiply the value by 2. This is your current battery capacity.
Don't rely on AccuBattery's estimates...
Edit: you can also use Phone Info (contains ads) to look up your current capacity. It reads the same system values.
If it's really that bad you should get a new battery...
they release based on your CSC code.
you can always flash your phone to another region like BTU UK which typically get the update first.
I hope so.
A quick check, although I have the vague feeling you may have to buy the app (around £5), is to install Phone Info which will indicate an officially refurbished phone (also the date of manufacture) and other stuff.
Use the refurbishment check option. (Only applies to Samsung EDIT:refurbished - not some random company).
which region firmware is the phone on?
can check using this app and looking for the CSC code
could just be some regions are on much older firmware, i'm dbt with the may update and do not have this issue on my g930fd
Yes it's a two-stage process however. First flash a CSC which is NOT part of the multi CSC, then flash the CSC you want.
My phone originally had an XEU CSC and I wanted to change it to BTU so I could get the nougat OTA earlier.
I flashed it the following route:
In each of the two flashes I made sure re-partition was ticked in Odin!
Edit: Remember to backup your files!
Also check if your firmwares CSC and active CSC match after you're done to see if it worked. Take a look using this app.
download this app and check you CSC country code to see what region your phone is currently and after flashing.
update schedule depends completely on the region code your phone is currently on.
you can check your csc code using this app
your csc code i think is ZTO which is the brazil region. F model phones though can be flashed to any region. the UK (code BTU) is usually the first to get updates so you could flash your phone over to this region.
United Arab Emirates unlocked should be XSG. Unlikely but it could be XSI, XSS, XST, XSW as well.
You can check your CSC code with this app:
there is a permanent efuse in samsung phones they label KNOX. if you ever root the phone or install a custom firmware and its detected it will trip that knox flag.
that knox flag will prevent samsung pay from ever working again. its a security measure so that samsung knows that you have or havent tampered with the phone. i think it also voids your warranty.
you can check if your knox flag has been tripped or not if you download "phone info samsung"
Phones tend to ship at 50% so the batteries can sustain a good condition after being stored away on shelves for a long time. I don't really have a real explanation for the seal, but Exynos models ship with a black sticker seal. You can use this app to see if your phone is refurbished or if it has been used.
This app, spam the usage history text in the personal tab. If on a device that supports 45W charging double the percentage shown.
Try downloading phone info sam and look at the battery discharge cycles in the personal tab. Idk if it can be reset but it might help. But if the front screen protector is missing I HIGHLY doubt it's new.
Download this app on your phone and check it:
Just making sure - you're talking about "Phone Info SAM" right - this one?
There are a lot of apps with similar names, including one named "Phone Info" that doesn't appear to be what y'all are using.
Download that. It should tell you everything you need.
G9755U1 makes no sense. G975U1 does. It could be same as mine, a Verizon phone, which is factory unlocked, that someone flashed U1 firmware on
Oh mate, then let me introduce you to this app,
Phone Info reads the data from the motherboard (apparently) and gives you detailed info about the phone, like when and where it was manufactured, battery data like wear level and number of cycles, general usage counters and most important, a refurbishment check!
Give it a go if you're curious. Let me know if you do! I'm curious to know if these online shops are trustworthy or not.
Good health doesn't mean anything on there. Unless your battery is overheating it won't change the "good" indicator. I don't know how it is not reading cycles. Try and scroll to personal tab, and then scroll to "battery discharge cycles". The cycles thing might not be available, now that I think of it, in DevCheck. This second app should definitely be able to read it no matter what.
Like other people have said accubattery isn't accurate with health, at least on our phone.
I started using which seems more accurate and consistent with Samsung claim
Phone INFO Sam - Go to the Hardware tab then scroll down to the bottom and click on Sensors, the barometer readout will be at the top. You have to keep in mind that even if the value rises but then falls again while you're still pressing that still indicates a leak and your phone most likely isn't still waterproof.
Phone Info SAM app can also show you the updates available for your particular model. It will be in the firmware tab. If your phone has the latest update, it will show some text like "latest". Otherwise, it will show a version number which is the latest release from Samsung. Clicking on that will show more details.
Once you get it installed, swipe over to the "Personal" tab and it'll give you the total discharge cycles and current capacity of your battery.
For reference, I've had my Note 9 since launch in August and I'm showing 128 discharge cycles and 94.2% battery capacity.
you can check your currently installed csc for you build using this app , and downlad the latest accordingly.
this app :
Download this app from Google Store and you can see what CSC code you have. For example I am from Romania, and my CSC code is Portugal (TPH)
Try this app:
I'm not sure if it works on custom roms (I believe it does) but it has a CSC tab. So you should be able to find your region there.
Just in case if you are not sure and to avoid potential problems in the future. Get this app and check the firmware tab from time to time. If your region didn't receive Pie officially you should still see Oreo build identifier in Latest firmware row. If your country gets exactly the same firmware officially it will change to "Yes". If you get Pie build identifier (it ends with DS**) it means your region got something else. In that case OTA won't work anymore, you have to get this build from SamFirm (just put your country CSC in Region field and download it), then flash it with Odin as described. After that OTA will be fixed.
Battery health info is no longer visible from the app "Phone Info Samsung" ever since updating to Pie. Will this be fixable from the app dev's side, or did Samsung remove the surfacing of that info?
I have been using both Accubattery and "Phone Info Samsung", and would like to continue to observe and compare both figures to determine battery health.
EDIT: Found another issue. LED customisation via 3rd party app no longer works. Been using Light Manager and no matter what I do, control of LED does not get passed to LM. Installed and reinstalled, no bueno.
Newer Samsung phones are designed with battery longevity in mind. For example, after two year of use a typical S8 can be expected to have over 95% capacity remaining. Most will have more than 95%. It's not as though they've ignored it, the problem has been addressed.
You can view with this app for Samsung phones:
It's a firmware profile that's set by carriers... It stands for consumer software... Forgot what the other C stands for... For example cause android is so open at&t for example have their own CSC so they can control all the updates your Samsung phone gets and what pre loaded apps you get... Like mine was EVR, which belongs to the UK carrier EE and they included their own apps and apps they're partnered it where as XEU says the phone came from UK Samsung directly. You can download a multi CSC firmware and flash that to be up to date. Use samfirm to download and install the firmware using Odin.
Download phone info to see what's your CSC
these are all the USA CSC available
Sorry for the long reply, if you need help let me know
In app: HARDWARE: Platform / Chip
If you have snapdragon you need to download a different version of this app (possibly, I haven't tried)
AFAIK, O2 CSC codes aren't eligible. Only factory unlocked/Samsung direct XEU or BTU, but you may get lucky
What's your CSC code, check with the Samsung phone info app
Go to CSC code then should say under active CSC code
By far the most accurate showing of the battery's condition.
if there's a firmware for your model that is from AT&T/T-Mobile, sure, go ahead. Remember to follow the steps, and afterwards install this app to check your CSC:
It's three after F but I'm guessing it says OXA. OXA is a so-called multi-CSC that includes CSC from multiple regions/countries. To find out which CSC is active on your phone, you need to install Phone Info Samsung. It should display the active CSC on the CSC tab. I think Belgian phones use XEF though.
What CSC do you have? (You can check this by installing Phone Info from the Play Store.
Where did you buy your phone? Did you buy it new or used?
You can upgrade without rooting but you may have to do a factory reset in the process.
Check this:
Make sure to remove the app after seeing, it reqeusts for some weird permissions and looks suspicious.
Btw, im from india and most here have got the Oreo Update!
What is the exact model number on the sticker under the battery: SGH-I747 or SGH-I747M for example. image
Using the free app Phone INFO Samsung what is your bootloader & baseband version? Can you see your IMEI number? (don't post it)
Check CSC Code :)
You can also head on over to Sammobile's Firmware database to see your phone's previous updates based on that CSC code.
Have you actually been there when it is "overheating".. Any idea what gauge they are using to determine it is "overheating"
You can have them install this app and check the temps when they think it is "overheating"
other than that, without knowing more about their usage it could be anything.
Do they have some constricting case that is not allowing the phone to dissipate heat.
Are they playing a CPU/Video intensive game that is heating the phone up.
Are they leaving the screen on full brightness for extended periods of time.
Do they have some high process apps/system app that is running CPU at full 100% of the time?
If you boot in recover mode, it says multi-csc applied XEU. Does yours say BTU? It seems that XEU is a multi-csc an it might not be easy to change it. I'm just researching now.
Also use this:
To me it shows Active CSC as XEU.
you can double check your CSC using this app
verify that you're on BTU and you should receive OTA updates on the BTU schedule.
Yea I'm suspecting krzyztof may be right. Have you done anything invasive with your device?
That will display the status of your Knox efuse.
theres no point in checking for updates. unless you are on BTU you wont get an update until they start to roll it out on other regions.
you can check your phone's region by downloading this app then looking at "active csc code"
well theres a couple factors. if your phone is already from a certain region (DBT, XSG, BTU, XSA, etc) you may already be able to side load samsung pay. you can check the csc code by downloading this app
then after that your bank or credit card provider needs to support it. samsung/android pay doesnt actually use your physical card it makes a virtual card that the bank generates.
It depends on the region you're in. Sometimes it'll skip a month.
You can check the latest firmware for your region with an app: phone info. Swipe from the left and select firmware browser.
My seller was Wireless Everything so different there. Yeah and btw when they said to check the charger count & headphone plug in count with Phone Info it will save regardless of restart so check and if you think its correct to the amount of times you've plugged it in then it's most likely not used.
Edit: oh nevermind I see you already did that lol
Edit 2: It shows for me without the paid version but mine is rooted. But it works on my GS6 Edge + which is not rooted. locked bootloader :(
I believe you can freely switch between regions as long as the model number is the same. Just don't flash a different model firmware or your device won't be very happy.
The Samsung Info program should be able to show your current region though:
If it came from EE then it's probably the EVR (EE) variant firmware. You can check with this app which CSC your phone has. If the phone has EVR installed then it won't auto-update until EE release the firmware.
If you are on EVR then there's no reason to wait for EE's update, I'd go ahead and flash BTU if/when it's available.
As long as you use the official and unmodified firmwares from Samsung you're perfectly fine and knox won't be tripped. Apps and such things should not be overwritten.
"But", I would recommend a factory reset after doing it because usually the CSC Code doesn't change completely until the factory reset. So if you don't do it you much likely won't get OTA updates again. I would recommend this free app to check the csc codes
First, is your phone a G925F (F being an unlocked / international model)?
Next, is your phone a BTU firmware unit?
Use the "Phone Info" app to check. You'll need BTU firmware on your G925F to enroll on the beta. If you do have a G925F, then there is a chance you can flash BTU FW on your phone and then factory reset before being able to get on the beta.
Check in settings about baseband version and install and check CSC code then look it up on to see what software versions are available. Mine was also stuck on 4.3 i think because of an early firmware but was on BTU CSC so I updated it via kies to a more recent firmware and then I was able to receive ota updates. Or just take it to local phone service and have them update it for you. But no more than 4.4 if you want to get root with knox 0, then update with mobile odin pro to lollipop.
Sounds like the temperature sensor in the phone is broken, either through hardware or software. Can you install apps on it? If you install this app and swipe across to "monitor" you'll be able to see which temperature sensor is reading very high.
If a factory reset doesn't work, take it in and get it fixed under warranty.
Alternatively, you can plug the phone to a PC where you have installed Samsung's Smart Switch. Then, under "Emergency software recovery and initalization" you will find that info. Just be careful there not to reset your device by mistake!
Did you use this app? If so, also check the effective battery capacity. A new phone should be extremely close to 4500mAH (100%), anything less could be pre-owned or a refurb.
With such a late production date I'd highly doubt it's not brand new. Most likely some sloppy work with the finishing touches at the factory, or perhaps the seller opened it for inspection and then re-sealed the box.
In case you missed this edit:
Also, install this app from the Play Store:
It can check refurbishment status on Samsung devices as well as give detailed info.
Also, the fact that the Freedom Mobile CSC installed & your phone number is displayed is a good sign that the device is detecting the SIM card, so as long as it's not blacklisted, hopefully it's just the SIM card itself.
For manufacture date, please refer to this guide:
either decode the serial number, or search the IMEI online.
You can check battery discharge cycles, max capacity and health with the Phone INFO app:
As far as I know, all N960U and N960U1 models should have the model name and IMEI number in the bottom center of the back piece.
Do the remote button functions of the S-Pen (like taking a phone, starting the stopwatch, flipping through the photo gallery) work?
You can also check out the Phone Info app for Samsung phones that may give you some useful information.
Yes, looks like this is the updated app. It gives you detailed info on the phone including country of origin, battery cycles, very useful.\_US&gl=US
>^(I think ill get the s10 for 200$, if i decide to meet the person, is there ways i can see if the battery is degraded alot or if there is any hardware issues?)
You can test the device through Samsung's integrated diagnostics by typing *#0*#
into its dialer.
Additionally, there's an app called Phone INFO ★SAM★ that is specifically designed for Samsung devices; it has an check for refurbishment as well as how many battery cycles the device has been through in its lifetime.
That happens on unlocking the bootloader. I'd still be cautious, but a few days ago, I installed the beta downloaded by a fellow jn Germany for his phone which has the region (csc) set to Germany. And my Knox is not tripped, since I'm able to use secure folder, Samsung pay and Samsung health. I would flash the Indian firmware once it's available just in case, but that's what you need to check. Changing the CSC. It should be set to INU for the Indian model, which would have to be changed to one used for the French models. Install phone info SAM to find which CSC is applicable for your device.
Use this app Personal tab and click usage history repeatedly It's should be around 93%, Samsung limit the charging capacity to 93% of its capacity, it says so in the kernal data over on xda.
Just tried it with my realme 7 pro.
It seems to be pretty accurate.. It's in line with my accubattery estimate
How many battery charge cycles do you have?
This app can tell ya-
After fully charging/discharging then fully charging again, im seeing 6-7 hours SOT from accubattery as an estimate, and the drain rate seems to confirm that so far.
Install this app:
It'll tell you the CSC info. The CSC is important because each official ROM is keyed to only support a specific CSC; it's preferable to keep your current CSC if possible.
Sammobile is an independent website and not actually an official Samsung website.
You do not need to use the manual mode, auto is fine.
You know the model number, that is "SM-G950F", now all you need is the CSC code to download the correct FW.
Install the following app, open it and navigate to the "CSC" tab and check the active CSC code:
Once you know the active CSC code, launch Frija, input the model "SM-G950F" and the CSC code you just retrieved in the respective entries. Then make sure to select "Auto" mode and check for the update.
The tool will fetch the latest FW for your model and corresponding CSC. Then just hit the download button and let it finish.
When Frija has finished downloading the FW, it will decrypt it to a regular .zip package. This ZIP package will be the stock firmware and include the respective AP, BL, CP, and CSC FW binaries inside it. These files are then to be flashed to your phone via Odin.
thanks dude, what firmware update was it?
A) What software version are you running and what region please?
B) Would you mind installing this app and checking what exact date it was manufactured? Apparently the phones showing problems were manufactured before the 15th of December, maybe yours is from 15th DEC onwards?
C) Please dial *#2222# and check the revision your phone is from, apparently the phones affected are revision 1.0 and 1.1, maybe yours is 1.2+ or something?
Thanks for the info, I have had 3 of these phones (128gb version) and I agree with you the touchscreen after the November update is definitely better, almost perfect in real world use if you only use up to 2 fingers in games too, if you do weird claw fingers with 3 or 4 fingers then it gets confused and ghost touches, etc. (which is not my use case).
Could you provide the below details?
A) What software version are you running and what region?
B) Would you mind installing this app and checking what exact date it was manufactured? Apparently the phones showing problems were manufactured before the 15th of October, maybe yours is from 15th oct onwards?
C) Dial *#2222# and check the revision your phone is from, apparently the phones affected are revision 1.0 and 1.1, maybe yours is 1.2+ or something?
Please let us know these 3 points, this is valuable info for the community of S20 FE :)
So that last CSC is Sprint.
Ok, use this app:, to see what's the active one (it'll also show all the CSC on that particular image/build).
Csc means country specific code.
Apparently there's none for Egypt, for the s10e at least.
I would check this app to get your current code, and update it.
No, please try to install this app.
My note9 haven't rooted, but charge cycle count is displayed by this app.
But, charger connected count is root needed.
And this app is not displayed charge cycle count on my S9+ Exynos model.
And if you'll buy the note9, I'll recommend 8Gb RAM 512Gb ROM model.
If You'll install other custom roms, Exynos model, if not, Snapdragon model.
You can see the manufacture date with this app
This is the scrolling issue I'm talking about Happens when you scroll, stop, then release your finger you get shaking up or down
Use this app and go to the personal tab, it shows the battery discharge cycles. If the number you see is super high (greater than 850-900), then there's definitely nothing you can do other than replacing. If it's not that high (600-800), maybe a factory reset and lowering down to FHD from WQHD might do the trick.
All we need now is to determine the hardware details of the new phone. Using the android app Phone INFO ★SAM★ found here in the Google Play store, could you please post the region, variant (4G or 5G), SOC (Snapdragon or Exynos) and the country of origin with manufacturing date?
I'm waiting to re-purchase once the new hardware version/manufacturing date is confirmed. Thank you u/Single_Database5138.
You can check your firmware model with this app and also download the correct one. . Just transfer it to a PC and download Odin.
This app has a screenshoot of the 3 CSC codes. The third one is the active CSC code, which is Verizon.
Phone info (Samsung) APK used to give that information (link here :
But it doesn't give the charge cycle information anymore. This happened after the one UI 2 update. But there is an app called Accu battery which gives u the battery health and not the charge cycles. You can try that and see but it's not that accurate.
I've never thought Accubattery to be very accurate. I replaced the battery on my S7 years ago and it still said the battery was garbage even after clearing the cache and what not.
I use Phone Info Sam to check the total number of discharge cycles to gauge the battery state.
For reference, My Note 8 now has 705 cycles, and I usually get ~10+ hrs on my phone during an average day.
This will probably get buried but maybe someone will find it useful:
Edit: This post is now too long. For an update list of which CSCs have Oreo updates check here.
Samsung and OTA updates
Unlike other phone manufacturers, Samsung uses a very complex system of localised firmwares. Each firmware is assigned a three letter/digit CSC code that is a unique to a specific network provider, country or region.
Updates are released by CSC so it is your phone’s active CSC that will decide when/if an update is available. In other words, your current geographic location, network provider or where you bought you phone are all utimately irrelevant when it comes to receiving an update. When an update is released for your specific CSC, you will receive it wherever in the world you are right now and regardless of what network provider you’re currently using (with the exception of the US AT&T G930A/G935A which require an active AT&T SIM card to receive updates).
In some cases, Samsung also uses what are known as multi-CSC firmwares. These firmwares are used by multiple active CSCs and have their own unique CSC. However, it is still the active CSC that decides when/if you will receive an update.
How do I check my CSC?
A quick CSC-check can be performed by dialling *#1234# in the stock phone app. On the third line, your current CSC will be listed. The important part is the first three letters/digits after the model number. For example, my current CSC is listed as G935FNEE2ERE8. The important part is NEE which indicates that I’m using the CSC for the Nordic countries.
When it comes to multi-CSCs however, the same code will only list the multi-CSC code, and not the phone’s active CSC. For example, a branded Vodafone Germany phone will return G935FVFG2ERE9 with VFG as its CSC. This doesn’t tell us anything about the active CSC (unless, of course, you’re completely sure that you’re using a Vodafone Germany phone). To check the active CSC with multi-CSC firmwares, you will need to install Phone Info Samsung from the Play Store and locate the active CSC on the CSC tab.
What does my CSC mean?
As far as I’m aware, there is no single comprehensive list that includes all S7 models and all S7 CSCs and multi-CSCs so finding out which CSC is which normally requires hopping between different websites. This list contains the vast majority (if not all) active CSCs as well as information on a limited number of multi-CSCs. Phone Info Samsung can also be a source of information on active CSCs and where they come from as well as going through the firmware database on SamMobile or similar websites. Information regarding what CSCs are included as part of multi-CSCs on the G930F/G935F can be found here or by going to the firmware list for your specific model on SamMobile and using your browser's search function (not the website's!) to search for that multi-CSC. Unfortunately you'll need to check each firmware individually to find out what active CSC it uses so it's not particularly straightforward.
To save some time, I've compiled a list of all CSCs that have received Oreo so far. I'll do my best to keep it updated. Please read the notes at the bottom.
Some additions are based on the fact that I can download the Oreo firmware, or at least can query them, from Samsung's servers rather than having found confirmed updates in the wild. The updates should, however, be available OTA or at least they're on their way. It may be the case that the update is not available via OTA but available through Samsung's Smart Switch software so check there too. Just be patient if it hasn't landed on your phone yet - it's coming!
When it comes to the international models, I've divided them by the single SIM and dual SIM models. This is largely based on how the various firmware databases divide up the firmware and because in many markets, only one or the other version was sold. As the firmware for both models is identical, it's possible that you may be using a single SIM CSC on a dual SIM device or vice versa so make sure to check both lists for availability! Even if you're using the other model, the firmware should be available for your device anyway!
Link to play store This app will tell you.
Thanks to u/Azuil
Install this and look under personal tab.
FIRST, check your battery health with this app:
If that says your battery is healthy (close to 100%), consider doing a factory reset to improve your battery life rather than paying to fix it.
If you take it to a random shop it will not be waterproof. If it's Samsung or an authorized repair shop like UbreakiFix, it will maintain water resistance. Check Samsung's website for authorized locations:
Google says it will cost you 50 bucks at a Samsung store, I assume the price will be similar at any authorized shop. Seems like a decent deal to me assuming your battery is actually faulty.
I think it may be this app:
Check your firmware csc. Use frija to download the firmware with your device model and csc and flash with odin
Samsung Info on the play store can tell you if your KNOX bit is tripped/warranty voided.
Download This app for refurbishment check.
You can download Phone Info SAM to check Battery Discharge Cycles.
I inderstand that Phone Info gives a reliable estimate of battery health.
Use Phone info samsung it will show you your active csc that should be the carrier you're locked to right now.
need to download this app to determine the phone's region code and other specifics for which firmware is installed.
Try downloading an app called Phone Info Samsung. Look at the CSC info.
>I googled this question first. The answer said to just check under settings, the "about phone" section to determine which processor I have.
You can get the model number and search it, it will display the chipset used. Example
>The article claimed that it should be visible to me under that menu. Unfortunately, it is not
Ive own previous android and samsung phone, and it was never written there
The easiest and accurate is to download an app like phoneinfo or benchmarking app to check the chipset
You can find out with the Samsung phone info app:
no issues whatsoever? no "N" or anything on this test are you sure?
A) What software version are you running and what region please?
B) Would you mind installing this app and checking what exact date it was manufactured? Apparently the phones showing problems were manufactured before the 15th of October, maybe yours is from 15th oct onwards?
C) Please dial *#2222# and check the revision your phone is from, apparently the phones affected are revision 1.0 and 1.1, maybe yours is 1.2+ or something?
Please let us know these 3 points, this is valuable info for the community of S20 FE :)
It's in the hardware tab in this app.
>Are you saying I can flash one of those modem/bootloaders and the fingerprint reader might work?
Yes they work & can be flashed via Odin3 regardless of the OS you are currently running.
The linked package for the S5 SM-G900F was made & is hosted by haggert himself who is the maintainer of LineageOS S5 klte + variants & one of the 9 LineageOS Project directors so it's guaranteed 100%.
It can only fix things including maybe better cellular, Wifi, Bluetooth, GPS reception & fingerprint sensor.
>...I can't see any Bootloader field in Devcheck->System.
That's weird. Look at the screenshot attachment in S5 Odin Flashable Modem & Bootloader or use Phone INFO Samsung > Firmware or AIDA64 > Android panel to see Baseband & Bootloader. Also neat is it's > 3-dots > Send Report in E-Mail to yourself so you can copy/paste the data w/o having to type everything.
I just checked all 3 apps on my S5 G900M LineageOS 16.0 klte build 2019-10-10 & they all work. Note that Phone INFO trows an error when trying to see the camera info.
What does this app say about your CPU?
You can look up your battery capacity:
It's under the Personal tab
Used Phone INFO and with 494 cycles my battery is still at 97.49%.
How can I check mine?
Found it, I'm on 93% after 544 cycles. (13 months)
This should give a fair bit of idea. Considering that I got mine of 580$ in a third world country, 600$ don't sound that fishy.
The app suggested by OP. . You could check your battery degradation estimates.
Use this app to check if it was refurbished and if Knox was tripped.
I believe the phone info app has a refurbishment check section :
No problem. I also don't have my original box on hand, I used the app Phone INFO to pull the manufacture date.
The easiest way is to use this app: look for Active CSC code
There is an app on the play store called phone info, it will show you what version you have. Link:
I think it only works with Samsung phones
Thank you everyone. Installed PhoneInfo and found the following info. Is that legitimate or the software cheating on me? LOL
Please take a look below and let me know and top of it ran the Mfg date finder based on SN and it shows the below information .
Serial Number: RF8G213xxxx
Division: Mobile Phone (HHP)
Manufacture Line: 8-Line
Production Date: February 2015
Phone Age: 1 Year(s), 7 Month(s), 22 Day(s)
Factory Warranty Coverage: March 31, 2017
GENERAL INFO from PhoneInfo
Manufacturer: samsung
Brand: Samsung
Phone Model: SM-N910T
Device Type: trltetmo
Product Name: trltetmo
Country of Origin: MADE IN VIETNAM (STICKER says MADE IN CHINA) - comments on this
Manufacturing Date: 2015.02.12
Knox Warranty Void: 0x0
Colour: Black
Internal Storage: 32 GB .
Product Code: SM2N910TZKETMB
Original CSC Code:
Firmware's CSC Code: TMB
Active CSC Code: TMB
Available CSC Codes:
CSC Country: USA
CSC Country ISO: US
Mobile Operator: 310260
Bootloader Version: N910TUVS2EPG2
PDA Version: N910TUVS2EPG2
CSC Version: N910TTMB2EPG2
Baseband Version: N910TUVS2EPG2
Latest Firmware: Yes
Kernel Version: 3.10.40-7804088 dpi@SWDD5602 #1 32-bit
Java Virtual Machine: ART 2.1.0
Root Existence: No
Android Version: 6.0.1
Build Number: MMB29M.N910TUVS2EPG2 (N910TUVS2EPG2)
Build Fingerprint: samsung/trltetmo/trltetmo:6.0.1/MMB29M/N910TUVS2EPG2:user/release-keys
Build Description: trltetmo-user 6.0.1 MMB29M N910TUVS2EPG2 release-keys
Build Date: Thu Jul 7 22:33:23 KST 2016
Changelist: 7804088
Hardware: qcom
Board: APQ8084 [32-bit]
Platform: apq8084
Chip: APQ8084
GPU: Qualcomm Adreno 420
Modem Board: MDM9225M
Hardware Revision: REV1.1
Total RAM: 2.71 GB
Screen: 5.71 inches, 1440 × 2560 pixels, 512 ppi, 640 dpi
Sound Card: apq8084-tomtom
Rear: 15.9MP / LSI_S5K2P2XX
Front: 3.7MP / S5K6D1YX
Battery: Li-ion 3220 mAh, Health: Good .
Android Serial Number: f485XXXXX
Samsung Serial Number: RF8G213XXXX
Last saved on: 23-Sep-2016 14:29:19
This is the app that will tell you the manufacture date.
Install the free app samsung phone info ( and then check the csc code
Here is a direct link to the app that does it for you:
Assuming this is the app
Phone info app in google store.\_CA&gl=US
Use this app to check battery charge times I think if cycle number more than 500, change the battery is worthy
This app has it on the "personal" page
Use this app
This is the app I use for info on Samsung devices:
Install the SAM Info app:
Find out your active CSC. Then use Frija:
Input your phone's model (SM-G950F) and CSC and download the latest FW.
Flash the FW first through Odin. This will ensure that you're on the latest FW and it will then be the same FW you'd use for rooting. download this app and see the knox status and tell me the numbers
none whatsoever? no "N" or anything on this test are you sure?
A) What software version are you running and what region please?
B) Would you mind installing this app and checking what exact date it was manufactured? Apparently the phones showing problems were manufactured before the 15th of October, maybe yours is from 15th oct onwards?
C) Please dial *#2222# and check the revision your phone is from, apparently the phones affected are revision 1.0 and 1.1, maybe yours is 1.2+ or something?
Please let us know these 3 points, this is valuable info for the community of S20 FE :)
none whatsoever? no N or anything doing this test are you sure? the test needs to be done like on the YouTube video!
A) What software version are you running and what region please?
B) Would you mind installing this app and checking what exact date it was manufactured? Apparently the phones showing problems were manufactured before the 15th of October, maybe yours is from 15th oct onwards?
C) Please dial *#2222# and check the revision your phone is from, apparently the phones affected are revision 1.0 and 1.1, maybe yours is 1.2+ or something?
Please let us know these 3 points, this is valuable info for the community of S20 FE :)
Check for ghost touches if the N shows on test
A) What software version are you running and what region
B) Would you mind installing this app and checking what exact date it was manufactured? Apparently the phones showing problems were manufactured before the 15th of October, maybe yours is from 15th oct onwards?
C) Please dial *#2222# and check the revision your phone is from, apparently the phones affected are revision 1.0 and 1.1, maybe yours is 1.2+ or something?
Please let us know these 3 points, this is valuable info for the community of S20 FE :)
Can you tell me when your unit was manufactured? You can get the date from saminfo
Can you install saminfo on google store and tell me when yours was manufactured? Mine is having some touchscreen issues.
By using this app
Right as you open the app, there should be manufacturing date on the general tab.
Then get this app and it'll tell you the hw revision
What is your battery health percentage? Also, do you use AlexisROM with a custom kernel?
edit: app to check percentage
Phone Info for Samsung on the Play Store
I had the same question and after some digging found the following app for samsung:
It is still possible to see it with the Phone Info app by going to the Personal tab and tapping on 'Usage history".
You this app to know about your battery capacity
Install that app and go to the hardware tab. What is the platform / chip?
Download this app, open it, go to personal section and tap usage info.
Also have you installed the app Samsung phone info? I always tend to do that with a new phone just to see what I received and what I'm dealing with.
This app, probably. Switch to the tab called "Personal" and multi tap "usage history" and it will show the calculated battery health. Might be inaccurate though so take that statistic with a grain of salt.
I'll write one for you =P
By the way, before we start, you need to know that you will lose your data. Make a backup of important data. However, at the end, I don't recommend that you restore a backup because the backup might have the corrupted files too.
Step 1: Download the "[Phone Info SAMSUNG](" app from the Google Play Store.
Step 2: Open the app and choose "CSC" and "General" and take a note or screenshot of the "original CSC code" and "Phone Model". Also take screenshots of every section and upload it to somewhere safe, just in case.
Step 3: Download Frija from [here]( Unzip and open it.
Step 4: Enter the CSC from the ["original CSC code"]( section of the Samsung Info App into the ["CSC"]( field in Frija.
Step 5: Enter the phone model (something like SM-N975U1) from the [phone model]( section of the Samsung Info App into the ["Model"]( field into Frija.
Step 6: In Frija, click "check update" and the download button. Wait for a while, it also needs to decrypt the firmware.
Step 7: After it's done, go to the downloaded path and unzip the firmware. Now you should see about five files that include but are not limited to BL_sdfkjsldfjselifjszlxdf8.md5 and AP_lwksfjeoidjslfijseldifj.md5 and CSC_sldkfjseoi8jefoeifsl.md5.
Step 8: Download Odin "Odin3" from [here]( and open it.
Step 9: In Odin, click the [buttons]( in odin and select the files that have the prefix, all 4 of them (for CSC, use the file that begins with CSC; DO NOT USE HOMECSC)
Step 10: Put the phone in download mode by first putting it in recovery mode by pressing and holding the power and volume up buttons until you see the recovery mode screen. Then use the volume keys to navigate the recovery menu until you have selected the "boot to bootloader", then press the power key.
Step 11: Connect the phone to the PC with a USB Type-C Cable.
Step 12: In Odin, make sure the phone appears at the top. It should say something like "COM1"
Step 13: Click the start button to start flashing. DO NOT disconnect the cable until the phone has finished and is showing the setup screen!
Step 14: Set up the phone as normal but do not restore a backup. Hopefully the problem will be gone.
If the problem is not gone, you can try to follow [this]( guide for an even deeper flash, or just send it to a Samsung service centre.
Hope this helps =)
Install Phone Info and check whether you got SD or Exynos variant.
Look at your bootloader version and PDA version, make sure both have the same codes at the beginning "G950FXX"
In case if they do have the same codes at the beginning, it might be related to csc. Take a look at csc selection and install your country's csc. There is a CSC CODE tab in Phone Info. It might help
Why use an old apk from a potentially sketchy site when the version on Google Play has the same metric?
I used phone info SAM. You may have to find an older version because the newest doesn't seem to show battery health, but it shows recharge cycles too
Use this app to check if its new refurbished and get more details about any Samsung phone u buy. Phone info Samsung
I need csc code :( You cand find with this app PhoneInfo+ You find Csc code here (exemple )
IDK if this one is good but give it a shot: Phone Info app
Swipe to "Personal" and tap on "usage history" it should tell you the battery health. Note: if it doesn't show tap on "usage history" multiple times.
Yeh, bummer man. I can only speak to my experience with my phone in Australia, but if the device is less than two years old - even if you buy it second hand - Samsung respect the warranty (assuming it hasn't been rooted - then you might have a fight).
You can use this app to see the manufacture date and see if it's less than 2yrs:
Download this app
Go to the hardware tab and it shows you the equipment in the phone
My hardware board is qcom/kona Which is the code word for the Snapdragon 865
If you have the exynos version it'll say something different.
you can get a hint by looking at battery charging cycles and manufacturing date through following app. Would also tell if phone's refurb or is modified.
This app gives manufactured date!
Download this app and check:
Phone Info ⭐SAM⭐, I learned about it on this sub, not sure if I am allowed to link but .. ,
can use the following app to check the battery's actual health percentage and charge cycles. batteries are pretty fickle if someone were to stay between 20-80% it would actually last an extremely long time. but if the previous owner would keep the battery charged to full then let it die continuously and let it be out of charge for long periods of time then the battery would degrade faster.
This one is Samsung
Go to play store and download This app it will tell you many interesting things about the specs of your phone.
But to you most interesting part would be "Knox warranty void" this is a physical fuse in the phone that gets triggered if the phone has been rooted and/or has had custom recovery installed on it.
As i said this is physical fuse and so without having it been taken back to Samsung, there is no way to restore that value back to the default state.
Default untampered state of it is 0x0, if it is that then it might work with Pokémon go after factory restore.
But if that knox warranty void value is 0x1, then i would just return the phone back to store as "defective" or at least have them arrange for it to be serviced by Samsung.
TLDR:knox warranty void 0x0 good 👍
Knox warranty void 0x1 bad 👎
Thats your firmware region, you can see it with this app.
I don't think you can check that for yourself. Warranty information can be accessed using IMEI number of your device or through Samsung account if the device has already been registered with one. So, if you don't have the original Samsung Account, you will have to ask Samsung to give you warranty details.
However, for other information, you can check out this app on Play store. Also note, that Knox Warranty is not same as Device Warranty, it just tells whether phone had been rooted or not. ACCURATE if you must have a reading.
Last month, I submitted this 342 Battery Charge Cycles - 93.8% Health
So we can see the app is all over the place but at least it is within a margin of error. I will check this each month on the 19th as long as I have the phone.
I have no battery problems to report yet.
> vndnguyen (Developer) December 19, 2019
> Hi, Due to the instability of the battery health info on some device's types, we decided to hide it until we find a more reliable way. And as it's just hidden, you can still view it by tapping 03 times on the USAGE HISTORY item. Hope that helps. Thank you for using our apps.
By developer: vndnguyen
What's the model code? (It starts with SM-G9XXX)
Can you describe your entire package in detail. Describe word for word what type of packing, plastic wrap, shrink wrap, plastic bag on top of the case?
Just to confirm, was there only just that 1 sticker on the side of your phone?
Besides that, you can confirm your phone to see if it's brand new or refurb using this app:
Visto che è Samsung
I recently went through buyers hell on eBay after buying 7 Note 8's from five different sellers and all of them were either stolen, counterfeit, or just flat out garbage so here is my advice.
First of all, use the Samsung Phone INFO app ( to make sure that the phone is not counterfeit (or refurbished if the listing does not say it's refurbished). If it is, file an incident report with the police and request a refund from the seller.
Make sure you REFUSE to return the phone to the seller in exchange for a refund. They will just try to scam someone else if you do. Keep the phone and use it if you can or trash it if you cannot, but NEVER return it to the seller no matter what. This is what I had to do do and I saved over $370 by doing so.
If the phone is not counterfeit, then check it over cosmetically to make sure it's EXACTLY how the seller described in the listing. If it is not EXACTLY as they described, then request a partial refund to make up the difference. How much you request depends on how different the condition is then what they described in the listing. If you cannot come to an agreement, then simply return the phone for a full refund and make them pay for the return shipping.
Good luck. You will need it.
I am using this app. This app shows the date of production and activation of the device. You can also check the battery life. And there is no plastic wrap covering on Korean devices.
app download Link (Google play) :
I used this app:
And I charge my phone almost every night as you can see. Not that I needed to but I like to make sure if something comes up, my phone has a decent charge This app displays a supposed battery health % under the personal tab I've been using accubattery for 3 months now and it's estimated battery health (based on my charging and discharging) is within 1% of what this app is showing.
download Phone INFO SAM from Play Store and it should tell you what color your phone originally is.
Fair enough then there's probably something wrong. I would get and check your battery health in it because it could just be some app using it all up.
S9 Exynos, 406 cycles, I'm using this app I dont know how accurate it is
They probably sent you a pre-used phone, maybe returned. Could be bad, could be acceptable if you're okay with it.
I'd check the battery charging cycles if it has been charged several times.
You can do so with this app:
Under ''Personal'' check ''Battery Discharge Cycles'' amd ''Battery Health''
Se hai un samsung usa questa app:
This app seems to be the fastest way to check, pretty straight forward.
A new phone should have around 2 cycles from factory testing.
yeah on samsung at least we can use "phone info" to view the real battery health
Ah that might bit far to travel then!
Here is the app
Try with the Samsung Info app. You can see your battery capacity under the personal tab. Link:
That's a lot. I'd just maybe let it drain all the way down to zero and then charge up to 100% without using it. Then use it again to zero and charge up. I'd also download this app to see what your battery health is. Worth looking into.
You can check this with an app called phone info.
This will tell you the location that your device was manufactured. It is probably Vietnam if I had to take a guess.
Use this app. Apparently it pulls out the health value from the firmware. You should be able to see it in the personal tab.
Disclaimer: Non/Older flagships may show charge cycles instead of health but for S10 series it shows battery health.
Install this app:, on the Personal tab the battery health is accurate. That number is read from system files. (This is specific to samsung, other android phones don't have this number)
My phone is at 95%, and it's a year old. I charge daily.
thats what i use, but there are others.
Install this, should tell you what your battery health and cycle count are. I imagine its gonna confirm a new battery is needed.
There is one more app. Samsung phone info, it provides battery info but I am not sure about its accuracy. My battery health after 10 months of use is showing up as 94.9% Accubattery is showing 91%
There is an app called Phone Info SAM in the play store. It would be interesting to know what your battery health is at - I got mine around Decemebr 2017 and its still at 91% health. I religiously charge it each night, and if i am driving long distances or I am near my computer for a long time I will plug it in so its not discharging off the battery.
UPC seems to real (UPC lookup matches a product in Mexico) but Bestbuy has the same UPC so idk. Model number alao doesn't match anything even internationally. I would call Samsung and tell them you bought it from Amszon and think it's a fake and see if the can look up the serial or IMEI number on their database.
Or you can use this, its accurate, but if it's a good fake it might actually pass the test.
U S8 seriju su ugradili mnogo bolju bateriju.
>Where most batteries hold about 80 percent of their charge after two years, this battery should be capable of 95 percent of its original capacity," said Oh Boo-keun, vice president of Samsung's mobile R&D team.
Yeah sure, just install the correct firmware for your version:
Install this application and you can find the region CSC also in the tab firmware you can download the correct one. You can't go wrong.
im always suspicious of battery replacements since you can't be sure of the quality of the replacement, waterproofing is probably gone, high labor cost, and battery longevity is probably impacted by all the updates that are bloating the OS/apps that are the source of the drain.
you can check the actual battery info using this app.
I followed this tutorial to manually update from Oct 2018 patch to latest. It was straight forward and easy.
Also found the PhoneInfo app useful. It has a 'firmware' tab that will show available updates for your model. Search for 'phoneinfo' in the above linked post.
Only thing I am not 100% sure is how safe is the firmware downloaded using the SamFirm tool. I noticed it attempting to connect to the same URL smartswitch uses. But not sure where it downloaded the file from.
If you download Phone Info from the play store and go to the CSC code section, it will tell you your firmware's CSC code and that can guide you as to which one you want/need. However, BTU and XEU are unbranded/unlocked.
I think you can also do this on the App "Phone Info".
In the app, under the general tab, you can see a " Knox Warranty Void " field. (which shows 0x0 for me, since I haven't rooted mine)
This and it's in the Google PlayStore
It just gives you information about your phone that's usually not accessible like the phones battery health
It was never there
You can use this
I should've linked it before, thought you were familiar with the app.
Check your battery heath with AccuBattery and After 6-9 months of daily QuickCharge using, Samsung battery losing upto 25% of capacity. This started from S7. On S8 Samsung announces that S8 battery can survive more discharge-charge cycles than S7 but it’s big BS. Quick example S6 battery is EXACTLY the size of a an S7 edge battery, and capacity is 2550mAh vs 3600mAh. Do you think it’s possible to increase capacity by >41%?? Exynos is especially hungry on battery. And those up you have are absolutely insane battery drainers. Try at least FB lite
I'm using this app currently, although you can look up in the system files as well.
I don't use accubattery but maybe you could give this program a shot and see if it tells you something different.
...or you can download this app, open it and go to personal tab, you should see your battery health there.
That's new. Maybe try this app What does it show in these 2 highlighted spots: and ?
Someone else here also had this problem, you can still see that stuff using this but it's quite likely you will have completely different software and won't be able to upgrade with files I provided.
I'm surprised at all the complicated comments. First thing u need to do is check the battery health from this app.
Based on that u can decide what to do next.
Download Phone Info Samsung from Play Google and check for reconditioning:
It's the only way I know to verify if you have a legit Note8 in front of you or not. It does verify if the IMEI isn't blocked and the serial number on it as well.
If your country gets the same build number officially (G950FXXU4DSBA) you don't have to do anything, it will work. However, if your country gets another build OTA won't work until you upgrade to this build. You can check it in this app for example in Firmware tab. Right now it should still show Oreo in Latest Firmware (CRLB build or something like that with CR** in the name). If it changes to Yes you are fine, if it changes to something with DS** in the name you will have to upgrade to this build. Download it with SamFirm (put your CSC in Region field) and then flash with Odin the same way I described.
Please post your results =)
This app is what I'm talking about: Look under the tabs 'CSC codes' and 'Firmware' to see if anything is blank or if it says latest.
Is your phone info app updated? The changelog says it was updated yesterday to support "Battery Health" on Pie devices:
Even if you are up to date, it's entirely possible that there are bugs. Maybe email the dev, but I'm guessing it will support battery health info soon.
Yes, try. Check your battery health as well.
Go to the personal tab, it reads from the files your device creates to indicate current battery health.
Phone info app despite how sketchy it looks it's a really good app this app will tell you or you can check the white label on your box
Weird. IIRC those samsung apps only checks the knox counter. You can double check again or use this app to see the knox warranty.
Or check if your phone have custom recovery. Power + bixby + up volume.
What is your battery health? Check with
download this app and check for charging cycles in the "personal" page. It reads from phone's system files.
Sure. Here it is:
I suggest using this app here to see what your battery health is. It should give you a percentage on the fourth or fifth tab, I forget exactly which one. But it's there. Your battery might be below 50% of its design capacity and you may need to look there.
You mentioned GSam; do you have expanded battery stats enabled via adb commands? You should be able to see what wakes up your phone and how often. How much data is being used and by what app. Lots of other information that can help tell you what is running and for how long.
Do you use a package disabler? They're great and all but I notice that some apps that have disabled for a long time somehow tend to act up when a major update is available but it can't download it. I'd re-enable apps and restart the phone and then have the Play Store and Galaxy Apps store look for updates. Disable them again and restart and see if that helps.
If you don't use a PD, then that's fine.
If GSam or any other battery stats don't show your phone waking a tone, a lot of data being used (foreground or background), then this really might be a battery issue. If the capacity is under 60 or even 50%, look to getting it changed by a reputable repair center. UBIF is Samsung Authorized and it's a 2 hour job for $70 or less, last I checked.
If battery capacity is still relatively healthy (70% or above) then it has to be a software issue and something is trying to sync, but can't. GSam tells you what app is using how much data.
When you say "overheating" does your phone give you the message that it's too hot and to stop using it until it cools down? Or does it straight up shut off until it cools down? If it does neither, it's not overheating.
Download this app
Go into personal and allow permissions and look for battery health %.
The data live in the file system and you can read it with a file manager. I have a program written with Tasker to do it.
I suggest you use the app "Phone Info"
Under the personal tab scroll to display Usage History, Battery Discharge Cycles and Battery Health. The number of cycles in the app is slightly higher than the other methods. In my case 489 vs 467.
I don't know about accubattery, but in this app
Go into personal and allow permissions after that it will show battery health and discharge cycles.
It's in this app.
Sure! Here you go!
You can also try this app to see if the charge cycles match.
Then, it may be a battery wear. Check your battery status using some apps, like Phone INFO ★Samsung★.
If you use the above app., you can find battery status info. (discharge cycles and health state) on its "PERSONAL" tab page.
I also find an interesting post. Try this?
You can't, it requires rooting, but you can probably disable all verizon apps to be safe. this app will tell you which CSC you have
Have you used the Phone INFO app?
I have read elsewhere that the battery is capped around the 93% mark, and this was the case for my device which is only 2 weeks old.
I would use accubattery as an indicative guide as to your health as it's measuring charge frequency, draining speeds, etc, to form a calculation on your battery capacity.
Install this and go to Personal. :)
I inderstand that Phone Info gives a reliable estimate of battery health.
Screw that app for checking KNOX, this one has everything you need:
Download this app. It'll list how much your battery's health.
Also, follow this:
• Use the unmonitored and always sleeping apps function from Settings > Device maintenance > Battery > Unmonitored apps you should have no apps in there (delete if anything's there). Use the Always sleeping apps function and put all apps in there that you won't need push notifications for.
• Check to see if you have any apps listed in the crash report. If you go to Settings > Device maintenance > click the paper icon at the top right and it may list apps that have caused crashes which may result in a bit of battery drain.
• Go to Settings > Device maintenance > Let it load and click Optimize Now.
• Turn phone fully off. Press Volume Up, Bixby and power button at the same time until the Samsung logo pops up. It'll take a minute to load and may look intimidating at first, but wait until it loads a black screen. Use the volume up/down to scroll and power button to select and then wipe cache partition and reboot phone.
Also, follow this guide.
Try Phone INFO Samsung app in play store. But seems like it needs to go through a few charge cycles. you can check with this app and look for active csc code. its the region code your phone is and you'll get updates according to that code.
the app is its suppose to be pretty onpoint with info.
as for return/swap if I bring it back they will return the phone instead of swap as I already swapped it once already because of a black screen of death on first day. I will also lose out on the a $150 trade in bonus credit as they will process the return as a refund and not a swap. I dont want to lose out on my bonus credit I got from the trade in special. unless the rep gave me the wrong info?
Download Phone INFO ★Samsung★ and check your battery capacity.
Please post some screenshots
OJV is a multi-CSC firmware for the Middle East and Africa that contains multiple CSC codes. You'll need to install Phone Info Samsung to check what the active CSC is (on the CSC page). Some of the regions in OJV can take a while to get updates though it looks they've all gotten updates recently enough which is a good sign.
Interesting. It looks like it actually changed your CSC without wiping. If you can be bothered, can you install Phone Info Samsung and check what it says is your Active CSC on the CSC page?
It seems really low, I went to Samsung Support store and the guy didn't find anything wrong with my battery. Showed the usage screen with the batter health graph. It was literally top level green. Is this application lying?
App in question:
I'm sure I saw articles few years back recommended this Samsung tool kit, especially Sammobile
Sorry I was meant to link this app it's under csc code
This app has gained the ability to read the battery health and capacity estimates from the PMIC, you could eliminate a variable.
Accubattery measurements confirm the readings.
What percentage does the battery health indicator report?
1) Download this app
2) Open it, swipe from right to left. Under the tab of "Personal" you'll find "Usage History". It's below it :).
I think this only works for Samsung phones. Take the data with a pinch of salt.
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "app"
^Please ^PM ^/u/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Delete
If you have time/can be arsed, can you install Phone Info (it's legit) and check what your active CSC is on the CSC code tab? I'm curious as to what CSC you got based on a UK SIM card.
Well mine too, but that's just default value for this model, so no changes there.
You should try install Phone INFO Samsung app from play store:
Check "Battery Health" under "Personal" tab. Mine shows 3314 mAH at the moment
Going to need you to check it in Phone Info actually (don't worry, it's safe). Under the CSC tab, check what the active CSC is.
Install this app and check if it's legit
Look at the various phone info apps in the Play store, this one has a specific "refurb check" function.
Grab the Phone Info Samsung app from the play store and go over to the firmware tab. What does it say under CSC Code?
Download this. It has the info.
samsung pay only works on certain regions
you can check your csc code using this app
if you want to get samsung pay you most likely need to flash your phone to a different reigion which will wipe the phone.
it might be, check your active csc code using this app to determine it's region
A new one shouldn't have this problem, it develops through use. The 'Phone INFO Samsung' app will show whether it's refurbished but I think you have to have the paid for App to access it. Try the free version first anyway:
it doesnt really depend on the fact that its a FD model it just depends on the region code your phone's firmware is using. most FD model actually have F model firmware.
you can check the csc code
depends on the phone's region code.
you can check your active CSC code using this app. could ask your friend to install it on his phone as well to check his region code.
the way it works is that samsung pay requires banks to support it, but because samsung has to deal with all of these individual banks from every country they roll out samsung pay depending on what banks have signed off. so as they get more support from banks of certain countries they unlock samsung pay for those countries.
you could flash your phone to a different region so that samsung pay works but it may still not work if your bank isnt supported.
install this app
check the "active CSC code" and then install the latest firmware with that code.
Try this app, I have it and you can do magic with it google play
Try Phone Info Samsung app and check the refurbishment and Knox trip. Based on the above comment thread, I'd like to check on whether your phone is genuine.
check the "active csc code" of the firmware using this app
this is what region firmware your phone is using. updates for some regions are slower than others so its likely that you're on some region that's uncommon.
so if you want the latest security updates you'd need to flash it with a different region's firmware this WILL wipe your phone however.
download this app and check the knox warranty status.
0x0 = good
0x1 = bad
2 things.
quick: dial *#0*# from keypad to get into service mode ... I believe these tests should only work on original phones.
better: install Phone Info app from Play Store (or copy apk file from a OTG USB adapter cable).
looks like XEU should be have the april update. you may want to double check your CSC is correct using an app
try manually checking for updates in the software updates menu. otherwise you may just need to flash it again.
depends on what region firmware your phone has installed some regions havent had any updates.
check the csc code using this app
then check if there are newer firmwares available for your region code.
If you have a couple mins, could you tell us the CSC code after installing this app -
This app will tell you.
Link for the lazy.
OLB looks like a multi-CSC firmware for South-East Asia. Long story short, multi-CSC firmwares are generic regional firmwares that include multiple different CSC codes that are specific to different countries.
You'll need to download Phone Info from the Play Store to see what exact firmware is active. You'll get your update whenever that country gets its update basically.
Download it when you get a chance and check the CSC code tab and I'll see if I can find where it's from. The active CSC is the important one.
Edit: CSC code tab, not Firmware tab.
Use this app and you can match all the info on SamMobile.
(It doesn't really make a difference... The model number and the Android version should match and you're good...)
What version of the S7? Is it unlocked or from a carrier? What firmware do you have? YZou can get these details from the Samsung Phone Info app.
updates are based on the region the phone is configured to.
you can use this app to determine the CSC (country code) its set to.
however you can just manually flash your phone to a different region that already has nougat. like UK (csc code BTU) or United Arab Eremites (XSG)
I think you receive OTA updates if your firmwares CSC and active CSC match. Take a look using this app.
You can try this out: . Also, take some time to learn how to install a custom ROM. My phone is now fast and doesn't heat up :)
Have you tried this to confirm your suspicion?
This app is your answer.
you can check the firmware region code by using this app and look for "active csc code"
Install this:
The production date should be a good indication of how old the phone is. I bought my Exynos edge used but the receipt said June 15 and the battery is at 85% currently if that helps.
I would like to know what the production date of your phone is if you don't mind sharing. Is yours Exynos or Snapdragon.
That's exactly the message you would get if your Knox was tripped.
That will display the status of your Knox efuse.
If it turns out to be true your phone can't create or access any Knox containers anymore. Sorry man..
no only the AT&T specific model of the S7. you can check your phone and CSC using the app
the last letter in the phone model is the version of the phone, G930A is AT&T, G930V is verizon, G930S is sprint, G930F is international.
I believe there was this MMI code *#1234# that you can dial but it gives me error whenever I tried it. So I used this app:
Go to the CSC tab and it will show the 3 letter code of your region, and below the country name.
If you're talking about the "XSA" I mentioned in my poast, that the CSC code. It tells you what country's firmware your phone has. You can find the codes by downloading the Phone Info app.
so the first step is to check your phone's CSC code this will determine which region your phone is set to.
This app:
swipe left until you see "active csc code" if you have XSG if you sideload spay it may work. if you're on DBT, XSA, a few others it should work.
If your phone isn't from any of these regions then you will need to flash your phone to a different region. I personally use DBT and recommend it because it also has some other functionality like whitepages, and fairly low bloatware. Use code B2CACC before your first use of spay we both will earn $5.
Thanks but the Country of Origin is blank and the Manufacturing date is 2016.09.07. Is there something else that I should be looking for?
check your csc region using this app
You can download the Samsung Phone info app which will tell you everything you need to know about your phone. Then you can access additional firmware at SamMobile.
its the region code for the firmware you have installed on your phone. you can check it by downloading this app
look for CSC Country when you install this app.
Most likely need root, I couldn't get it to on a stock Telcel ROM.
Once rooted, the easiest way was to download Phone Info ( and go to Other Tools>Service Mode (root).
Once there, 1 (if dual sim, otherwise skip),2,1,1,1,1,6
hi mtcerio which model is your phone? G920F ?
you can also check your actual phone's region code (your CSC codes should be BTU) by downloading this app Phone INFO ★Samsung★ from google play store.
could be that your csc stuff isnt set properly. download this app
make sure it says BTU for all the CSC codes similar to this
Most likely need root, I couldn't get it to on a stock Telcel ROM.
Once rooted, the easiest way was to download Phone Info ( and go to Other Tools>Service Mode (root).
Once there, 1 (if dual sim, otherwise skip),2,1,1,1,1,6
About the supported CA bands, I did find a list in the ServiceMode and yes, hardly any B4, 2 or any 12 showed up. I found a vodafone document online but I think they probably only listed their compatible ones. A user in my /r/tmobile xpost said he has gotten 2+12 and 4+12 on his Exynos S7 so I'm working that angle at the moment. So far, if I assume his setup correctly based on his history, 4+4 still doesn't work. I did find a location that is 4+4+2 so I'm going to try that in about an hour.
Could you do me a favor and and with this app (, go to Other Tools>ServiceMode (root)
Then 1, 3, 3, 1, 4. It should have CA Combinations at the bottom. What do you have shown there? The [1] and [2] Previous page/next page changes it. Is it more than just 2 (7-7)? Do you see your combos there? Is 4-4 there?
You can check charge cycles with this app.. I'm at 6000+ too..
I get 4+ hours SOT with recently purchased socalled oem batt. on 5.0 LP stock
You can reach out to Samsung and give them the serial # via customer support.
There is also this application that will give you chipset data and such. This way you can see if it's got the proper chip, graphics processor etc. download this app and locate your "active csc code" this determines which region your phone is coded for and which features your phone has enabled. also while youre there check out if your knox warranty is 0x0 (never rooted).
There is also this phone info app that tells you where your phone was made. Along with a bunch of other interesting things
most likely it's a phone info(samsung) from the play store and it'll provide you with the exact model.
Check out "Phone INFO ★Samsung★"
Not I ? Please let us know the manufacture date of the new Note 7?
The phone info app has them both and other Info. But there are many apps.
Here is the phpne Info app:
Do you have any gps issues as mentioned? Would you mind downloading phone info to compare hardware specs.
Region code is the csc code. Easiest way is to download
Then swipe to the CSC Code tab, and note down the Active CSC Code.
The Phone Info app can tell you what model and CSC you have.
If you're going to flash it yourself, you don't need to worry about CSC, only the model number. If you have the regular S6 it would be either G920F or G920I (G925F/I for the edge). You can flash firmware for any CSC as long as the model matches. It does not require root or an unlocked bootloader since you're flashing official firmware. You can find the firmware and guides to flash it using Odin on Sammobile.
Try the Phone Info app, IMEI is listed under the personal tab
Have you tried a factory reset?
Check the free app "samsung phone info" from the PlayStore to see your CSC codes. They should all be BTU ... otherwise you probably have to do a factory reset.
I want to know what firmware allows the download of the app. You can look up CSC code in here:
Unless you've manually updated it, the bootloader version SHOULD match the baseband version under Settings -> About Phone. If you think you may have updated manually, it's a little more difficult. You can download a phone info app for it that I haven't tried myself and can't vouch for (Linky) or you can use the adb bugreport command (which I think is what I used before, you need to find "bootloader" in the massive output)
I would install the samsung phone info app to check the csc code on the second tab and which european build you're running. Some get updates faster than other and pretty often you can flash another one through odin without a problem - if it doesn't has a carrier branding.
Usually the ones with the CSC Code XEF (Galaxy S6) and XEU (Galaxy S6 Edge) from France get the updates first followed by some of the UK builds and the German "DBT" a few weeks later. So if you want updates first the XEF / XEU one is the way to go.
If you have a samsung phone , Phone INFO Samsung will have all details about your device
You can check in the recovery or with this app
.99? I'm sure there's a free alternative out there.
Edit. Here you go
What does the "Phone INFO ★Samsung★" App say? What is the CSC Code?
The clock looks normal (if it would be a european version). Here's an album how it looks on my european one
If this should be a legit device it's at least one that someone messed around with.
If you feel comfortable doing so, I found this app will tell you:
Phone Info Samsung:
Here is a link to an article on how to check
And here is play store link
Use the Phone INFO Samsung app
Download this app
Better off installing Phone Info and checking what your active CSC is. That's what you need to search for latest firmwares. I'm guessing that it's probably TGY (Hong Kong) though.
Download this app
After you Download the app just go to the Personal tab and you should see it.
Try this app, it's more accurate:
For whatever reason link doesn't work. The link to the app is here.