> Blender
The Librem 5 does not meet the minimum hardware requirements.
> Wine (for Windows software) is entirely unavailable
Most Windows software do not have ARM-compatible versions.
> no true shortcuts
Phones don't have keyboards anymore, except in some very rare exceptions. Though, someone with Pine64 is working on a keyboard attachment for the Pinephone, so that's good.
See https://codeberg.org/avalos/barinsta or in particular he said fuck off to facebook who sent letter (to be scared) to original project with dmca or some that shite. I will always support projects fucking fb/g/ms no matter what happens.
Facebook ==> Frost
NordVpn ==> OpenVpn + ProtonVpn/NordVPN
Reddit ==> Redreader,Slide
Feedly(see on fdroid once) ==> Flym
Gboard ==> Anysoft keyboard(you will get used to it)
Aida64 ==> Kaltura device info
Manage google contact via browser
Google drive via browser/extension to file manager
Paypal via Browser?Desktop Mode
Try RSS Readers in FDROID . One app is substitute for Pocket,i think
Feeder uses the basic android/material UI, but in a pretty minimal way, which I think is plenty for an rss app. Looks pretty smart once you've had a play with the settings
r/lineageos bans discussion of some possibilities like microG. r/fossdroid might be better.
I don't know the code names for the G5 but if the phone is officially supported by Lineage then there should be a "Lineage for microG" build available for it at https://lineage.microg.org/ I find that for my G4 Play the build there is a good starting point for running with decreased exposure to Google.
Oops. Just noticed this thread was originally on fossdroid, sorry for the link back to itself. There is a r/microg subreddit but I find that XDA is a better place for discussion and help on that.
For anyone wondering why Lawnchair is not completely free (antifeatures are noted in F-Droid):
Source Lawnchair.app
"Lawnchair has all the features of the Pixel Launcher (including the Google Feed)"
So I guess that this is the part where it is not completely free, but I couldn't find anything else really. But taking the headline here positivly it is indicating that Lawnchair doesn't respect peoples freedom, but they have in fact never said that this is their main goal. But I'm happy to try Librechair once it's on F-Droid :)
I just added it to the submission queue: https://f-droid.org/forums/topic/leafpic-foss-gallery/ if you want to you can show some support for it there.
Edit: moderator krt just answered that it has been added to the repository and moved the thread to the apps submitted so update repos because it's coming soon :-)
Edit 2: it is now available in the F-droid repository.
You can still view accounts without having to sign in. If you want to view the full sized image that's linked on their profile, you have to open it in a new tab, otherwise you'll get the login prompt from a single tap on it.
Also, bibliogram.art is a somewhat limited alternative. There is an app to redirect to that site.
There were actually multiple reasons to drop support for encrypted SMS/MMS. Moxie has outlined them in a blog post. [1]
Obviously using SMS does not immediately make the protocol insecure thanks to end-to-end encryption but it is a problem with regards to metadata leaking. This problem is still there to some extend but now you have to trust only openwhisper systems instead of many mobile providers as well.
Are there any benefits you expect by switching to silence? Signal seems to me at this time to be the better choice as it has a larger user base, which is admittedly still tiny compared to heavyweights like WhatsApp.
If you are looking for a way to just send files over a local network then KDE Connect is available on the 3 platforms.
For the Windows client you can find a beta version on Microsoft Store using this link.
For root
But that is a system modification that trips SafetyNet and might very well kill your bank app
The other option is Magisk
I'm running crdroid (android 10 based) on my Oneplus 7 Pro. I'm not sure if it was designed strictly for privacy in mind but its based off of lineageos and doesn't come with gapps or any of that stuff out of the box. It also adds lots of nice customization features that aren't there in lineageos.
Their official site is https://crdroid.net/ and there is also a thread or more about it on the Oneplus 7 Pro XDA I think.
I rooted mine with magisk and installed Afwall+ (https://github.com/ukanth/afwall) to prevent internet access from many apps.
μlogger is another alternative. Like Phone Track, it will require a simple self-hosted server. Here's a demo of the μlogger server.
>μlogger [micro-logger] is an android application for continuous logging of location coordinates, designed to record hiking, biking tracks and other outdoor activities. Application works in background. Track points are saved automatically at chosen intervals or manually and may be uploaded to dedicated server in real time. This client works with μlogger web server. Together they make a complete self owned and controlled client–server solution.
You can use Collabora Office. You'll need to add their F-Droid Repo.
If you're just after automation, Easer could be an option? Alternativeto gives a few other suggestions I didn't know about.
Not exactly an android-only app, but Syncthing. Set and forget file sync service! I have dedicated folders in documents, music, picture folders specifically for those files i want to sync across devices and let the app handle the rest
I use FaceSlim. It's just an app that connects to the mobile site. It's not particularly fancy, but it's better than logging in on your web browser proper.
He did not use the LGPL v3. His readme says he used the GPLv3, but the licensed attached is actually the AGPLv3 -- which is the GPL with a few additional rules if you're hosting.
Assuming you're too lazy to build an icon pack from source -- here's the google play link
You could use Syncthing. It's not strictly for sharing, but you can just add each device, sync across all the files, then unshare. The main benefit is there is no cap with Syncthing.
I think ApkTrack is what you're looking for.
> Periodically checks if your installed apps can be updated. > > It was created for users who don't use the Google Play Store, but still need to know when new APKs are available for their apps. ApkTrack performs simple website scraping to grab the latest versions of packages present on the device.
I use this instead of google translate: https://www.deepl.com/translator It's not an app but a mobile optimized website, sometimes it's better than google translate.
But unfortunately I have to use google translate regularly, because there isn't any other translating engine which speaks my language: Hungarian (however it's still shitty). Google translate website is mobile optimized as well, so at least I don't need to install an app, just open it from browser. But I'm also looking for alternatives.
>Noise - Copperhead's rebranding of Signal, while waiting for Signal to allow builds without Gapps
Signal has been available since March 13th without GCM here. If it does notd detect GCM, it'll use web sockets. I still refuse to use it because of the dev's stance. It will never get on F-droid.
I'd rather use Conversations or RIOT.IM
This is asked every now and then. There's LTE Cleaner.
I'm a moderator here and this is a FOSS sub, but I'm gonna be honest here: I trust a select few closed source apps, despite being a hardcore FOSS enthusiast who only uses degoogled mobile devices and Linux or BSD on all computers. SD Maid is - as far as I'm aware - the only application that actually cleans stuff. The developer, darken, is a really nice person, too.
Please judge for yourself. I use SD Maid regulary and it's one of the very few closed source apps on my smartphone.
I honestly find openboard way more natural.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.dslul.openboard.inputmethod.latin https://f-droid.org/packages/org.dslul.openboard.inputmethod.latin
There's the LineageOS stock email app. Only on APKMirror AFAIK though. Also can't seem to find the source from a simple search, but I bet it's possible.
My expenses is also developed and quite nice. Also the version in fdroid requires you to buy the full version, but I like it. It's never bad to support free(as in freedom) software financially!
I use Writeily for writing notes in markdown on mobile, and vim for writing notes on desktop. There are a TON of graphical markdown editors on desktop though if vim isn't your thing.
Dev here, in the about page I explain the purpose of fossdroid.com and give the credits to f-droid.org (amazing team). If you click on the three dots (top right) you can see more options:
like site, source, ect.... about the app itself.
Fossdroid is made for help the people to approach the open source world: this is why it has a simple interface without the "complessity" of F-Droid (with the possibility to view the screenshots).
I've tried to replace Google Analytics (setted anyway with anonymizeIp) with Piwik but i wasn't sodisfied.
Thanks for your points.
PS: When you download an app from fossdroid.com it's redirect to F-Droid site using url rewrite.
PS2: I will publish the source soon, i'm really busy right now...sorry :(
If you are happy with creating accounts etc I can vouch for Conversations. You don't use a phone number like with Telegram/Signal though.
It's XMPP with OMEMO, and the client is good.
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "[1]"
^Please ^PM ^/u/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Delete
I have no idea how I didn't find this earlier, but I've found a really good note app that had all I needed + material design:
Only thing I've noticed is the project looks abandoned since about 2 years
KISS Launcher (Blazingly fast launcher focused on search) - https://f-droid.org/packages/fr.neamar.kiss
Use search to open up apps quickly. Use tags instead of folders. Once you get used to it you can't leave it.
OsmAnd is cool and all but it's slow as molasses. I need to be able to rapidly zoom in and out of a map (especially on a small screen) but the time it takes to render when you do that makes it unusable to me. And for some reason I can't find a way to show the maps that isn't too busy. I tried pretty much all the different view modes but I can't find any way to portray a clean and easily readable map.
I just tried PocketMaps very briefly, but it seemed very unfinished.
Maps.Me is great, just a shame it's not truly FOSS. There is an archived version on F-droid, but it's an older version where you can't manually pick the starting point (you can only pick your current position), which makes it less than ideal.
Although there is some people working on a debloated maps.me version here: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/rfp/issues/87 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.axet.maps
If they could make a version that is available on F-droid that would be ideal.
> This is not officially supported. You can browse or join the unofficial group here.
From: http://support.whispersystems.org/hc/en-us/articles/214684227-How-can-I-host-my-own-server-
Just folders. I use DavDroid to sync contacts and calendars. I have a cheap virtual private server (VPS) that I run a calendar/contact server on. Were I to set that up again I would seriously consider putting NextCloud on the VPS and use it for synchronizing everything.
DAVdroid (Sync contacts and calendars) - https://f-droid.org/app/at.bitfire.davdroid
AOSP Dialer if you are running an AOSP/LOS-based ROM. If you aren't, you can try to sideload LOS Dialer, if it doesn't work properly, just block perms on the stock dialer and cut internet access.
I appreciate the response and did not mean to give the impression that credit was being stolen from the F-Droid site or the team.
The intent of the site is rather clear to anyone who is familar with, Fossdroid.com is a modern website with a cleaner way to browse Fdroid applications. I use your site over F-Droid's when I quickly want to see what has been newly added. For this, I thank you. I would rather F-Droid's resources go towards the application and catalog of applications.
My complaint is missing the spirit of F-Droid's mission by wrapping their open data with anti-features. Why are any analytics necessary for this site? Given F-Droid's stance on tracking, I am sure I am not the only user here that out right blocks Google Analytics with NoScript, DNS host blocking or other method. How valuable is this information when the users skew the numbers? The other issue is using the Google Storage CDN for Material Design Lite. Again, why not use an open source CDN alternative like CDNjs or jsdelivr; both provide Material Design Lite. A repository of Fossdroid.com's source of the site isn't as big of a deal as anyone can press ctrl-u, it is the idea and spirit of open source which F-Droid and this subReddit embrace.
There is a module for it
But I am not using it, I am just staying up to date about what is happening in the ROM world, you will have to figure out installation for yourself
On the mpv website there is a link to an android version but apparently it is only available on the Google Play Store.
I can't say if it works well though since I have never installed it because I don't have a Google account.
I don't know. However, there is a really cool website called AlternativeTo. It's just what it sounds like, and you can filter by license (proprietary, open source, free as in beer) or platform. https://alternativeto.net/software/tasker/
Blizzard uses the default TOTP algorithm, just with 8 digits instead of 6. The only complicated thing is getting the shared secret for your account, you can find a tutorial here: https://github.com/andOTP/andOTP/wiki/Shared-secrets
KISS launcher is great! If one needs a bit more features, there’s also TinyBit launcher which is based on KISS.
F-Droid: https://f-droid.org/repo/rocks.tbog.tblauncher
Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=rocks.tbog.tblauncher
The location feature does work without Gapps, but it is not easy.
You will have to install a FOSS location provider. To do this you must first install µg UnifiedNlp (no GAPPS). And then install and configure a FOSS back-end. I use LocalGsmNlpBackend. If you do this, you will find that finding your location in any app (for example OsmAnd~) will work much faster and more accurate. However, this is too much work for most people, so you can also just use the custom times feature.
F-Droid's search has room for improvement, it's on there.
But it's not worth using because it's abandonware like about half the catalog.
> The current system for keeping apps up to date, whatever it may be, doesn't seem to be working all that well since apps are frequently out of date when compared to their upstream releases.
We build apps from source, so keeping them up to date isn't as simple as it may seem.
> where users can flag apps as being "out of date"
Most of the time we're already aware:
> notify the maintainer of that app
We don't have a maintainer concept, simply because we're few people taking care of more than a thousand apps with occasional help from others. So notifying us about every app that is out of date would probably just drive us crazy.
Determine your budget
Get a phone that has the best and longest support for LineageOS.
Why LOS? Because it is FOSS OS. PrivacyToolsIO recommends it too.
Looking for some fun*? I self-host Matrix home server with a Facebook messenger bridge. I have Riot on android (FOSS) and can use it to chat with people and group chats on Facebook messenger. The bridge is alpha software though, so ymmv.
*for varying definitions of self-hosting alpha software as "fun"
QuickLyric is my favorite app from F-Droid. It's listed twice in the repository, for whatever reason, so be sure to download the one with the higher version number (1.8d at the moment).
It's not really in the same category, but I like Tiny Tiny RSS. It actually runs on a server, but there's an Android client for it. For me, the benefits of having a central location for my feeds keep me happily using tt-rss in place of basically anything else.
Well, it doesn't have the looks of Fast Budget, but I use
Money Manager EX, F-Droid. I dropped Money Lover long time ago for it.
I wasn't able to find a better open source app for my needs, though there is also GnuCash which is prettier but I don't get the way it manages finances.
There are a few projects out there that crowdsource location data.
They rely on people to walk around with an app installed that pairs GPS data with wifi and radio cell towers.
People can then use these backends to locate themselves without going 100% GPS powered.
https://radiocells.org/ is one
https://location.services.mozilla.com/ is another
I use the latter with an app called mozilla stumbler. Whenever I feel like it or when I'm in a new place I'll switch it on and harvest some data.
I also use it as a location backend with UnifiedNLP and it works well.
Thank you for your reply. I do understand you choosing the license you find appropriate. Like I said I appreciate the work you've done. You do have the right to license your work anyway you want. I get that and that doesn't bother me. I'm not hating on it.
I can see you have disclosed your license nicely on your download page. But what I do have a problem with is here it says "Open-source". I'm not trying to harm you by pointing this out.
I'm glad that at least you didn't say "free software" as I don't think there is definition of free software that allows commercial restrictions. But also I am not aware of definition of open source that has this. OSI's definition of open source definitely does not include commercial restrictions.
Lineage w/microg, https://lineage.microg.org/, has builds for many phones. I've been using it on my OnePlus 3T and could not be happier. My battery went from 1 day to 2-3 and not having any Google intrusion is great.
Hmm. Well, here is a thread I found from May 2017. Fakestore, blankstore, gms, microg, unifiednlp - what's best for Android without Gapps?
This is kind of a rude solution, but I would consider if there is an alternative way to complete the task without that specific app. That is to say, "I love GarageBand on my Mac ... but I guess I can get the same work done in Audacity." Or maybe you can go to Le Monde's website.
Beyond that, if the apps really do depend on the "Google Services" application, then the linked thread above indicates that microG is probably the best bet. From what I read on their site, they basically are providing the functionality of Google Services but from a FOSS application.
> One note: if you want to use different UnifiedNlp plugins than the default one (MozillaNlp), you'll have to install them as a system apps, which is not possible from F-Droid (as FAQ suggests). This is because LOS silently disallows usage of non-system location providers. There are patches to allow them but this build doesn't include them.
I don't believe that is correct. The thing that needs to be installed as a system app is UnifiedNLP itself (which is part of microG's core, although it can optionally be used on its own by those who don't want the entire microG), but then the UNLP plugins aren't something that the system knows or cares about, as they simply talk to either the microG core, or UnifiedNLP. Those do need to be system apps.
So, you can just install the plugins you want as a normal user, then you will go into the microG settings (or the UnifiedNLP settings, if you have that installed instead) and enable those specific plugins, as well as configure them if needed, also granting them any requested permissions.
Hi there! The Mycroft for Android project link is community owned / driven - so the progress is really dependent on community efforts. We have a chatroom for Android for anyone interested.
A few months back I compared the existing ROMs, chose GrapheneOS and it's great.
The only downside is that they officially don't support a lot of devices (more). I bought a new phone to be sure it's gonna be stable.
Regarding that last point, you don't have to buy one that comes with VPN out of the box. You can flash a third party firmware like OpenWRT and then set up a VPN server.
Download NetGuard from F-droid and cut the internet access for all of the closed source apps. (except the apps called downloads and download manager) Later on download hosts file for netguard from here. You can also consider adding this additionally by clicking import host file, it blocks the telemetry sending to Samsung as much as it can.
If you debloat your device with ADB and take these steps, your privacy on a Samsung device with no custom ROM would improve very much
The dev branch has commits as recent as 4 hours ago, and it seems there will take a while to merge those changes in master, which would probably lead to an updated build in F-Droid.
You can run WhatsApp without Google Apps and download it officially from https://www.whatsapp.com/android/.
Edit: I use LineageOS with privacy guard and do not allow WhatsApp access to any personal data. Other people have to initiate Chats with you, as your contacts are "empty" (blocked off by privacy guard). But that's good enough for me.
>I don't seem to be able to get either Signal or (Copperhead's) Noise to work. Decided to use Wire instead, but curious if there's a good way of making either of the other work.
I suggest checking out this comment on /r/signal:
FYI, Noise is just a rebranded build of Signal. The only difference between the two is that Noise is signed by CopperheadOS's developer instead of Open Whisper Systems and distributed through the CopperheadOS F-droid repository. If you don't feel like having to trust a middleman, I suggest downloading the Signal Android APK directly from the official website:
CardDAV and CalDAV are an extension to the WebDAV protocol, and are basically just a standard way to access contact and calendar information stored on a server. By default Nextcloud includes / runs a WebDAV server so the information stored on the server can be accessed through any app that is also compatible with WebDAV. Also, WebDAV is used to access files, CardDAV for contacts and CalDAV for calendars.
To sync my contacts and calendar I use DAVx5, and then those contacts are accessible by all contacts apps on android. The dialer and contacts apps do not interfere with anything and have nothing to do with the sync process, so just pick whichever one you like the most. I use the default AOSP dialer because it includes a visual voicemail feature and the AOSP contacts apps, but simple contacts is very good as well.
The only thing to keep in mind is that when you are creating a new contact your contacts app will ask you where you will want to save it, something like local contacts or google contacts or DAVx5. Make sure to choose DAVx5 and then it will be synced.
Lastly, here is a guide on how to get it all set up: https://www.davx5.com/tested-with/nextcloud (You will need to have the contacts app installed on your nextcloud instance)
there's a possibly more up-to-date version of LibreOffice on the official website, you can download the .apk directly via https://www.libreoffice.org/download/android-viewer/
there's also a discontinued app called either "OpenOffice Document Reader" or "OpenDocument Reader", you might be able to find the apk in some f-droid archive repo or github.
No, he can still host the app paid on google play, and have his patreon. If he decides to open source, he can make it open source payware, like the android app for cryptomator. Thr app will be FOSS, but to use it, you will need a license key.
This can be bypassed by modifying the code and compiling, but most people wont bother since cracked versions of tasker already exist, nor do most people know to code.
Edit: cryptomator for android is foss, but to use it, you need to buy a license.
For my case I also needed to re-register the new device, and by launching a different activity I was redirected to the login activity with a timeout message as if I was logged in. I proceeded to do the registering and it worked just fine from that point.
The a0 I was using is a local bank, here's the link.
Firefox browsers -(mull/icerave) (Only browsers with addon support for mobile (other than kiwi- they fucking sus))
Antenna Pod(playlist)
Blackhole(download and stream music)
Geometric weather- weather app
Libre torrent- download torrents
Tasks- ToDo app
NewPipe- stream and download youtube/soundclouds and few other apps.
Nekogram x - telegram with more privacy features
Noice- sounds which help you concentrate and stuff.
Pulse music- really good music player
Vlc- video player
Twidere X- twitter alt,which only shows tweets from people you follow(unlike the og Twitter app), w/o ads and promotions.
OsmAnd - maps/navigation with offline support
KDE connect-quickly send stuff to your comp and back.
Aegis authenticator- really good 2fa app.
This is my go to: Rotation Control by CrapeMyrtle
It can for screen rotation whether an app likes it or not. This isn't always good.
Edit: Ooh. I missed the part about the lock screen. It doesn't do that.
Other than AnySoftKeyboard , you might try indic keyboard based on AOSP keyboard. join beta channel for latest update on play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.smc.inputmethod.indic
Amaze File Manager has been treating me well and is available on F-Droid. It looks good too, following the Material UI pattern, and has support for remote files like SFTP, FTP, and SMB. If you need files off of your phone, it'll also act as it's own ftp server.
It supports root directories if you ever do decide to root your phone, but you said yours isn't, so that's a non-point here.
Maybe LibreOffice Viewer fits your bill? The latest release is "only" a year old. Although the reviews are not that great...
But will this enable me to use the smartphone as a second monitor? Or will it just enable me to mirror my phone's screen to the PC?
I want to use the phone as a secondary monitor. This app kind of works for example, but it is not foss, so I would like to avoid it if possible
There's FolderSync to do full directories, but I'm not sure if that will work with your organization scheme.
I wish it had a file whitelisting feature.
> AFAIK, microG somehow anonymizes any data that is sent through GCM, but I'm not exactly sure how.
It doesn't. It can't. microG minimizes the identifiers sent to Google, but the data that actually gets sent through GCM depends entirely on the particular app's push server: some apps are sensible enough to only send "wake up calls" through GCM, and then use a separate connection for the actual payload, while at the other end, there are those that just send the plaintext data over the GCM channel. The Play version of Riot.im is an example of an app that lets you choose which method to use the first time you run it. I say "the Play version" because the F-Droid version, of course, cannot include GCM at all, and just polls periodically when in the background (though I'm not sure why it can't just keep a socket open that it gets highlights from).
It is a fork of k9 mail with MD and active development. They focus on ease of use and usability.
"Call recording and voice recorder" for Android. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.CallRecord
Been using it for a couple of years. I use SyncThing to copy the files elsewhere so the phone doesn't get full. Have paid for the upgrade.
Would prefer a FOSS app and keep meaning to try the one I saw on F-Droid per /u/cyba-teknik .
It looks like OneDrive supports WebDAV (According to this article)
So it looks like you can sync with that method. It all depends on what you're trying to sync but for your camera roll, you could use this.
For any other files, I'm sure there's an app that can make itself usable in the file picker UI that apps will use when they ask you to pick a file from your device (Like the way the Google Drive app works).
It isn't in the F-Droid repositories, afaik. It's in alpha state in the Play Store, but it's more stable than OpenLauncher. You can download it using the Yalp Store app.
Here it is: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.universallauncher.universallauncher
And here's the github: https://github.com/michelelacorte/FlickLauncher
A long time ago, when Bluez was still used as the Android Bluetooth stack, Blueputdroid was able to act as HID keyboard on a rooted phone.
Thanks for you suggestions. So I guess you use Conversations (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.siacs.conversations) app for Android right? Unfortunately I think it does not have a desktop or web based client though. I know Nextcloud, but I think I should have a personal server for that.
You can chat to yourself on Telegram, which means you can use it as a notes app with the flexibility of a messenger (photos, attachments , links). Telegram doesn't depend on Google Play services.
Alternately, you can use Turtl which is an Evermore replacement - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lyonbros.turtl
Depends on which part of the world you are living. I use Asus Max Pro M1 which I got for like $150. Lineage officially supports it and MicroG has it's own fork ROM for it which you can install directly.
Negative :
Anti feature: promotes non free network services
If you have the f-droid archive repo enabled you could use this for local 2 player:
Notable Plus will allow you to create notes/todo lists that are stored as notifications. There is a specific option to check in the app settings to show the notes on your lockscreen.
> Any idea if there's a good expense tracker available?
I have not tried them, but these two seem to be in active development: Budget & My Expenses.
I can't remember whether Wi-Fi Privacy Police randomizes your MAC among the various basic sanitization things it does (it's not its main task) but regardless it's certainly a basic app to have for phone network privacy.
Xposed + App Settings (http://repo.xposed.info/module/de.robv.android.xposed.mods.appsettings) should work for that, but I don't think it's possible without using Xposed (or maybe something like virtualXposed - https://vxposed.com/). I also don't know if that module works on Oreo.
There is a plugin for Vanilla Music called Vanilla Tag Editor. I don't use it myself because I edit the tags on my computer, also it may not have as many features as the app you mentioned.
Probaby MAXS has plugins for you. It is a software to controls your phone via XMPP and had modules for a side variety of use cases.
MAXS Main (Main component of MAXS) - https://f-droid.org/app/org.projectmaxs.main
I think you should also mention Ring (F-Droid link) - they have multi platform clients, and been working on it constantly. However I am by no means a foss expert, so I would love to hear your thoughts on this project
I tried many times to use Xbrowsersync but it locks up my browser for long periods while syncing and I don't have that many bookmarks, around 700 iirc. I've tried different servers but I could never get the freezing to stop. I've switched to floccus instead.
VLAN just means "put the cameras on their own network".
This means they can't reach out to randomly talk to other devices in your home. (i.e. Like many products do: They scan your network and report what devices you have.) In fact, you can say "no internet access from this VLAN", so that your cameras can't "accidentally" download updates (that may change how the camera behaves, remove features, suddenly start charging, etc.)
Instead of "the camera can stream to anywhere in the world", the camera streams ONLY to your NVR software, then you can (optionally) allow remote connections to your NVR software from anywhere in the world.
This is the UNIX philosophy of "do one thing". If you want remote access to your home network, there are tons of VPNs that can do it. That choice should not affect which camera software you use, there are tons of choices. And the camera software should not affect what kind of cameras you buy (as long as they support a specific protocol, like RTSP). So you can change each layer at your whim.
There a trade-off:
>Any FOSS apps that can view camera hardware
But frankly, having a web-based NVR is better, since it is very "future-proof" (i.e. it will be supported on any phone or tablet.)
Sure, it's extremely easy.
They have some great documentation here: https://f-droid.org/manual/fdroid.html
If you have any question about it ask away (do note that I only configured it until the "Simple Binary Repository" point, so I have no experience in making it compile stuff)
huh, that sounds strange. might be a device specific problem.
perhaps this helps with debugging... at least to find out if your problem comes from OSMAnd or from the device itself.
Since there's already a forum being run on f-droid.org (with an Apps section), why not create an official thread for each app and a "comments" link to the thread in the metadata for each app. Then it would have accounts handled already and if +1s or ratings were desired it could just be added to the forum software instead of the client.
I'm actually pretty content with DAVdroid/owncloud. Works fine, even for sharing calendars with the family. You also get file upload/sharing with the owncloud app (https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=com.owncloud.android).
w.r.t. flock: