Github is still "the boss" in my opinion. Simply because more people are active there and therefore the chances are better that you will find people who want to contribute to a project. In addition, Github has developed positively in my opinion since the takeover by Mircrosoft.
Another alternative to Github besides Gitlab that comes to mind is The provider is a registered non-profit organization in Germany. Or you host a version management like Gitea yourself. Then you are completely independent of a provider.
See or in particular he said fuck off to facebook who sent letter (to be scared) to original project with dmca or some that shite. I will always support projects fucking fb/g/ms no matter what happens.
i don't think i did a very good job of sharing this zine.
don't take the baton sitting down [pdf]
hopefully some people find it useful when attending upcoming protests related to [insert capitalist atrocity here]
> using Firefox with HTTPS Everywhere
There's no point. Just enable it in settings
> DecentralEyes
I'd prefer LocalCDN:
It also has more active development:
Some privacy extensions like uBlock Origin and LocalCDN works best in Firefox.
You have Homura and linux-steam-utils on FreeBSD for options. They both use wine, and you will have varying success. BSD isn't really your best option for gaming, though. OpenBSD has r/openbsd_gaming community, they have FNA and have a decent number of games working. No wine on OpenBSD, though.
FitoTrack sur F-Droid ! Mais aussi dispo sur le PlayStore si tu n'as pas F-Droid.
C'est simple ça fait ce que tu souhaites sans pub et sans être un bloatware. Je te suggère fortement ça, après à voir si ça correspond à tes besoins :)
does this suit your needs?
if you don't want the cover page you should be able to save ink by printing page range, but i can cut that off the pdf if you like
Depending if you're on Android, you could switch to Gadgetbridge if you want to make sure your data stays on your phone and never reaches the Internet.
Το εχω ψαξει, ειμαι φαν του Ben και εχω γραψει και πολυ στο φορουμ που ανεφερες. Ο Aleks γραφει ωραια και σωστα πραγματα.
Ημουν μεταξυ VWCE + IUSN και κατι σαν αυτο που εχεις καταληξει. Λογω fees αποφασισα για συνταξη να παω με VWCE + IUSN. Πληρωνω 0 fees με degiro.
Εχεις το στομαχι για Factor premium ? μπορει για μερικα χρονια το VWCE να κανει 12 % annualized και το factor να ειναι στο 4/5%. Ειναι ενα bet. Μαθηματικα στεκει απλα το premium εχει εξαφανιστει τα τελευταια χρονια λογω tech growth (see VUSA).
Επισης IWDA + IS3N = VWCE.
Ποιος ειναι ο σκοπος σου; Αν ειναι long-term (20 years), Θα πηγαινα με VWCE ή με VNGA80 αν ηταν free..
προσωπικα ειμαι 85% VWCE και 15% IUSN.
ps για αναλυση δες με python: ή bash
If you don't want to interact or actively participate in Reddit but just want to consume the content in the most privacy-friendly way possible, you can try these web front-ends.
UI for simpleertube reminds me of the type of sites you'd see when browsing the web on a T9 feature phone, before smartphones became a thing.
Super basic, but as a tradeoff things load lightning fast, even on very slow computers.
Also, was happy to see that simpleertube is only one of the many projects under the "simple-web" umbrella:
>Our goal is to create interfaces for public websites so you can browse them, without JavaScript, and with minimal CSS. Websites that are designed to be viewed inside of text-based browsers like lynx
This is a very cool and useful set of projects. /u/AnotherRetroGameFan thanks for posting
It does, that's what LocalCDN did (take a look at the commits).
Do you really think no web framework has released an update since 4 months ago?
This has come up a long time ago as a feature request Index public repos of gitea instances #7853.
There are a few well-known instances like Codeberg, but a real list probably won't ever exist because many of the instances are private.
Were you using the glibc or musl version of Void?
Also found a code repo that has a pre-setup installer which installs the pre-requisite dependencies using xbps, and uses Stack to compile Xmonad:
The code:
There is a nifty little program called cardcalbackup that can take backups of contacts and calendar from a Nextcloud DB. I'm not sure if you need to have a working NC instance or just the DB directory and a PostgreSQL working so it can access the DB.
OS: Arch
WM: dk (
Bar: yambar (
Term: Alacritty
Font: Meslo LG S
Picom fork: jonaburg
After a decade of xmonad I needed something new. Swapping out xmobar for polybar let me hop WMs without too much configuration between each of them.
I ended up on dk, which I hadn't heard of until I really started digging. Runner up was qtile. What I like about dk is that it's minimal in the right ways - it doesn't do keybindings, but farms that out to sxhkd. But it's full featured where I need it to be. EWMH stuff is mostly respected (which is why I couldn't do dwm). It's also fast and light.
Although it helped me switch WMs, polybar felt bloaty. Yambar is quite a bit lighter and starts up much more quickly. It's very opinionated and has a strict configuration, but now that it's dialed in I'm not going back.
The last screenshot is just vim. When I'm working I don't like the distraction of a colorful wallpaper or gaps between my tiles etc. Full screen vim with a solid background fixes that. What I love about this setup is that it works for me in
either context. It gets out of my way when I need it too, but cleans up nicely when neofetch comes calling.
It depends on the band. Check the sidebar here:
On the Mi Band 2, it works without getting any keys. Now I'm using the Mi Band 5 and had to create an account to get the keys (not a huge problem because you won't be sending data to them anyway, it's just needed to pair the band with the open source app).
Gadgetbridge isn't as good looking as the official app and I'd say it displays less info in a harder to read way, but it works fine for what I need. Currently using it on a OnePlus 8 Pro running LineageOS 18.1.
My new favorite thing is jao's Embark Action Indicator which provides a nice pop-up when you call embark-act
. I'm not a which-key user, but Embark is the one place where I always want help to see the available actions, and I think this is a better solution than the built-in ones.
This is what it looks like (with a little of my own customization).
Dyalog APL is fully featured and contains extra libraries for general purpose programming work, along with support for imperative-style label statements. However, it isn't free for commercial use. Among the open source ones, dzaima/APL is a Java implementation which is open source. April is a well-made dialect of APL with allowance for including APL in lisp programs(and hence can create executables).
J has annoying to use docs, but it is effectively a superset of APL with more convenient primitives. It has some rather questionable syntax choices due to being a superset of APL in ASCII. J has an editor akin to Dyalog's RIDE with debugging and documentation. I don't have much experience in J, but it is definitely worth a try.
K is a simplification of APL & J with no rank7, and prioritizes simplicity over anything. All symbols are multipurpose and are pretty well defined. It doesn't have the conveniences of APL and J in terms of representing data and algorithms but it is very fast and simple to use, faster than APL and J in some cases due to the lower complexity of the main datatype and the definition of its primitives. K9 is very good with databases and made for commercial use, but is still nascent and not yet completely implemented., K6 is a dialect with two open source implementations(Here and Here), and probably the best for entry due to John Earnest's Manual. K3 has Kona, another implementation in C.
Teddit is a free and open source alternative Reddit front-end focused on privacy. Teddit doesn't require you to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. The source is available on Codeberg at
No JavaScript or ads All requests go through the backend, client never talks to Reddit
Prevents Reddit from tracking your IP or JavaScript fingerprint
Lightweight (teddit frontpage: ~30 HTTP requests with ~270 KB of data downloaded vs. Reddit frontpage: ~190 HTTP requests with ~24 MB)
I think that's absolutely right and understandable. When I look at the list of names of Firefox developers, I don't know any of them personally. I've not verified the information. For me a name is only useful if I can verify the information.
Basically, the extension cannot establish external connections, because that's forbidden by the CSP, which is set in manifest.json. You're welcome to try this and put a simple request to
in the code. The browser will reject the connection and no data can be sent. The included JavaScript, CSS and fonts can be verified with the audit script. Maybe Mozilla is currently doing this, because the release of a submitted version takes between 2-10 days. You can download the extension (*.xpi) from (right click Add to Firefox
and save as) and then compare the code or run the audit script.
More useful things can be found in the wiki. Otherwise can offer to explain sections in the code if there are questions.
Perhaps a PineTime? You're free to run whatever software on the watch you like and aren't trapped into using only the software ordained by the manufacturer.
Thanks for the heads up. I hadn't heard of this one. It looks like a full-featured and well established project. I'm always surprised when I find something new like this. Similarly, I learned about foot recently. Very nice projects!
There was a discussion about this among Gadgetbridge devs several years ago (see also this issue). I don't think anyone ever got it working, but it's probably technically possible.
You are right, but submitting issues and informing ReverseEagle is also a good way to do so. u/resynth1943 has done most -if not, all- the merge requests so far, so if a maintainer of a project does ask for a merge request, then we can ask u/resynth1943.
Today I've released version 0.1.0 of the python library to access the LocalMonero API.
Source code is hosted at
Hope this can be helpful to others.
Dessverre så har vi vald å bruke vertøy som gjer at det ikkje funker så godt. Hovudtankja er å leggje ting opp slik at når eit seinere styre ikkje har noko peiling skal dei mest moglegt klare å oppdatere sida.
Frykten kjem av å bli som EFN eller andre organisasjonar av sama slag som sjår utdaterte ut og blir i mindre grad oppdaterte
Detta er kvifor nettsida brukar så mykje javascript
Vi kjem til å ha så mykje som moglegt på codeberg-en vår
Tankja er å optimalisere for praktikalitet, tilgjengeleggjering og inkludering på bekostning av dei mest teknisk "beste" løysingane. Organisasjonen sjår videre og større ein å ha masse programmeringsfolk og webmestere, men det er også viktig at under tidar med lite ressursar så skal organisasjonen stå sterkt
Men om vi klarar å koma oss til ein tid kvar vi kan ha ansatte kan man endre på det heile
Funny, because I was just reading about yambar (a status bar/panel for X11/Wayland by the author of foot) and he explicitly requests you to use icon fonts.
> There is no support for images or icons. use an icon font (e.g. Font Awesome, or Material Icons) if you want a graphical representation.
So you know how to install arkenfox userjs is to copy/paste the file into your Mozilla profile folder?
One of the files you can paste is or updated.bat
If you right click and ‘run’ the updater script, it updates your Arkenfox JS to whatever’s the latest version BUT that also undoes any changes you might have made in the userjs file. It basically goes to stock arkenfox
If you make another js file named user-override JS, and paste any changes you want to make to Arkenfox user JS, your Firefox will read that and keep those changes, even if you run updater. So my example there keeps the Home Screen and search changes that I’ve made.
Gadgetbridge currently doesn't support Glory Fit. If you have coding skills, feel free to add the support (a guid on how to can be found on codeberg). If you don't, you can always make an issue, but it is very unlikely someone else has this device. For any more questions you can join the Gadgetbridge Matrix chat
This issue looks like it covers your problem. There is also a post on this subreddit about it... I guess I'm going to pin it.
You can always get all your data from Gadgetbridge, here is how to do this:
as for getting MiFit data into Gadgetbridge, this can also be done, but must be done manually:
Ah. I just try foot again and the newest stable release 1.8.2 fixed that problem. What I meant is described here in foot issue.
In previous versions, Nerd Font icons get cut-off. For example, I could only see half of the Python Icon in neovim. I'm so glad that it gets fixed since foot runs really smoothly on my PC.
Could be right, but as a modder I've been asked to fix perks that have already been fixed with patch 1.2 and up, and I realized previous saves from older patches are the cause for the perks still being broken. As far as I'm aware the only perks that are still broken are perks that involve evasion in any way, that and Bunker.
I have a save before patch 1.23 and just started a new save on patch 1.23 the NPC duplicates I noticed are much more rare with the 1.23 game save.
You can see a lot of CDPR's coding with
(Note: these dumps are NOT from the CDPR leak, it was from datamining)
I have a Mi Band 3 and notifications do work under Gadgetbridge. I just checked the device list and your Casio is supported, so that might be worth looking into.
havent used notify, but mi fit app ui is a bit more refined, and for mi band 6, gadgetbridge is yet to update the support for firmware, watchface, sp02 and stress level, but there is constant development for that, if there is any one who is good at android or java coding, please help them at gadgetbridge support page here
>Kannst du die CWA nutzen ohne Daten mit Google oder Apple zu teilen?
Mal davon abgesehen, das die gespeicherten Keys nur auf deinem Handy verbleiben und du lediglich eine Sammlung von Keys bekommst, die sich über die App als "positiv getestet" eingetragen haben: Jupp.
z.B. (verfügbar bei F-Droid)
>Sind Terroristen
Ach - sag doch gleich, das du eh kein Interesse an irgendeiner Diskussion hast. Wäre viel einfacher gewesen.
Happy to help! But please start here first. You'll need to get the auth key for your watch, which is easiest to do with u/coronafire 's modded app.
Yeah... no. A "good choice" would be to avoid health trackers like the plague they are. AFAIK the only way to use these things more or less privacy-conscious, is to use them with Gadgetbridge.
Yes you can find it on codeberg for the specific devices:
In addition to the two broadcasts that i mentioned above there is also one that gets send when the device is disconnected from the phone.
Doesn't offer an alternative to the hardware, but you can use Gadgetbridge to replace official, corresponding Android software for a selection of these devices to avoid them sucking up your data. Haven't used it myself, though, so can't offer a review of any kind.
yes and no. it works without the google-provided api, but microg provides a re-implementation of it which the app includes, so you can use it on phones without system-wide microg apis. they mention this in their readme.
This may not be up your ally but gadgetbridge also supports pebble and has some good docs on getting started with it if you would like a more open source privacy oriented solution.
They also support many other wearables.
On wayland I use: , It's fast, lightweight and designed specifically for wayland. Foot is configurable and the program in easy to read C. Also, it's currently under active development and keeps getting better.
yeah it should work fine, take a look at: for a list of what works and what doesn't. basically, codex/paradox/voksi's denuvo cracks don't (yet, i'm still working on it), everything else does.
> I don't think this is quite true either import paths only work because 1) it provides a HTTP service with 2) Go-specific a meta tags.
Thanks for the nice comparison. I think the code is clear enough for everyone to see. If not, feel free to ask me questions. You can also download the Mozilla extension (*.xpi), unzip it and compare the public code.
The development of Decentraleyes has slowed down considerably and a PullRequest I created has not been processed until today. The idea of Decentraleyes is great, but even the simplest things have not been implemented until today :(
Mozilla is unfortunately also quite slow. My request for the "Recommended" label was not answered :(
The source code is now on Codeberg instead of GitLab because Codeberg is more privacy-friendly and the WebGUI is much faster than GitLab.
I was looking to setup a desktop with FreeBSD, and ricing is something really cool. However I had little to no idea of where to start.
After researching how to get things to work I posted a guide about setting them up in BSD although I think most of the things are working too in a Linux environment. Maybe someone finds it useful (:
Link for the guide: here
Link for the dotfiles: here
>It seems you have to self-host Gitea to use it and many people don't want to have to do that. Or maybe there are some instances you can sign up to?
​ is hosted on Google Cloud Platform. So by using it, you won't "live without Google" completely.
Gitea doesn't have any official public instances. But there are some public instances hosted by other organizations. Most popular are PrivacyToolsIO Git and Codeberg.
Here is the link to the git, holding the code to build a containerized reseed server:
The container should not face the internet, but be placed behind a reverse proxy (which we do at DIVA).
foot is also highly performant. It does a lot of clever things to achieve low input latency despite not being GPU rendered. A detailed explanation of some of the trade offs foot makes compared to Alacritty is explained here:
If you are in industry and people worry about trade secrets, it may make sense to think of self-hosted software. The self-hosted alternative to Google Docs would be NextCloud.
Some further suggestions from the Delightful Open Science List may be interesting.
I suspect it's basically same issue as here:
It should already be fixed in git master (just no new release since the fix landed). But you can try...
Still continuing to work on my new DJ application. I just got seeking working with clicking and dragging the waveforms yesterday. Next step will be decoupling the headphones playhead from the main playhead.
I make use of specifying org-agenda-files
(see while having a veritable explosion of org-roam files. (For "historical not very good reasons, I have and as possible files in some of each of the directories. Which reminds me, I should tidy that up.)
Again, taking the android analogy. The developers can tweak the pre-made widgets for branding. But the users cannot without recompiling. (as its precompiled)
Take a concrete example. I redesigned the monocles chat messaging screen. Heres the color pallete:
We discussed a lot about the date bubble []
And after testing all 5 colors in dark n light mode, settled on translucent bubble with text color depending on the light/dark mode. I myself was pushing for solid bubble and white text initially.
Arbitrary theme certainly would not look good. So for good experience it just comes down to either:
Gajim has extensive coloring and UI restructuring api, yet looks worse than dino. GIMP has the most extensive UI restructuring ability, yet looks worse than every other photo editor.
I created a bash script to address some of these issues. It’s not perfect and geared mainly towards querying a localized database, although it also can format html nicely (sort of). It uses curl, hxnormalize, pygmentize, prettier, and json_pp.
This is actually my first bash script that wasn’t from a tutorial. I’m moderately happy with it.
> Fossil Hybrid HR series
Unfortunately the device is pretty locked down and it is neccessary to use the official app at least once.
They tend to change, though. Be aware, the ones for the wm are for the git-HEAD version and will probably need to be adjusted for the release version.
Glad you got it working again. I was in the same boat about 2 days ago as well. I was slightly freaking out since I use this phone as my work phone and was afraid of losing 2fa credentials and all.
I did managed to get the phone working again. Believe I switched to the other partitions but what worked for me was that I re-flashed the LineageOS recovery file and it seemed to get the phone past the bootloop error.
> fastboot boot lineage-18.1-20220113-recovery-fajita.img Got the phone working again but upon restart, back to bootlooping
> fastboot flash boot lineage-18.1-20220113-recovery-fajita.img Got the phone working again and restarting the phone, reboots the phone normally.
Does anyone have a good solid backup solution for LineageOS in case this happens again? I currently run LineageOS recovery and not TWRP. Was looking into adebar but didnt know if there was other solutions as well
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll definitely consider it for my next project.
For this one, aside from looking for a language that seemed familiar enough to me, I also wanted to be able to easily work on this project in my free time, which for me, meant being able to work on it from my phone or tablet during spare moments.
Fabularium not only is a great collection of a bunch of different interpreters, it also includes authoring tools, with compilers for Inform 6 and TADS 3.
This made Inform 6 a good option for me. I'm able to put my code into git, and then have a repo on my desktop, laptop, tablet, and phone. So, when I'm laying in bed in the evening, I just pull down changes to my tablet, work on there, compiling and testing in Fabularium, and then push changes back.
Then, when I'm on my computer the next day, I can pull changes, recompile and test changes in both Gargoyle and frotz.
Hey, I just set up a little meme site about Monero and boating accidents:
It's a very simple site that links to official Monero pages for any button on the "about" page.
If anyone comes up with any interesting ideas for this, I'm all ears!
The repo is here: where the logo image and psd which I designed are available for download and free use!
Does the GTS3 work when added as a GTS2?
There now seems to be description of this in the wiki: (not the font used by your tty, but might fit the aesthetic)
I do not think that anyone had a chance to try yet. It would be great if you can try and report in the bugtracker if this particular watch can be used with the code that is used to support GTS2. There is a new feature aimed exactly at this case:
- install latest version from FDroid (0.64.0)
- press "Connect new device" + button. In the "Discovery and Pairing options" at the bottom of this screen, select "Discover unsupported devices", go back to the scanning screen and start the discovery
- once you see the GTS 3 listed, long press on it and in the popup dialog, choose the Amazfit GTS 2.
Note: if the device requires special pairing, you need to make sure you follow the manual. Also, you have to make sure that MiFit/Amazfit is not running. (But you do not unpair from it, this would erase the secret key, which you need for the pairing: )
Hello, I too have an increasing mised spam rate in gmail...just a week ago found a python script called IRSD, which bridges gmail over imap to rspamd, this was a fork of another app (isbg) which did the same w/ spamassasain.
Docker version:
> Shouldn't we stop using it and go for more privacy-friendly sites?
A lot of folks moved to after the Microsoft acquisition (which is just a community-hosted instance of Gitea). The other major big players (Gitlab, Bitbucket) aren't much better in terms of privacy if you use their public instances. Sourcehut is admirable, but will not be free when it hits 1.0.
As another user mentioned though, Github was the industry standard before the acquisition and remains the industry standard. I attempted to move to Gitlab years ago, but eventually moved back because 1. the network effect is real and 2. Github is faster, has a more intuitive UI, and has better/more features.
Thank you very much! I was not aware about the auth key.
If anyone else finds his way here, the wiki can be found here.
Easiest solution to retrieve the key:
- Install the unofficial enhanced app
- go to "Profile"
- Open the settings of your watch and copy the password
Password should start with 0x
Kitty does have quite a lot of features and the GPU related stuff probably consumes some more memory. Nothing to be surprised about. Wezterm, kitty, alacritty all are in that range.
If low memory consumption is your primary need, try foot.
An example in point is this ticket in foot. Supporting undercurl in foot would increase memory consumption by 33%. Also things like your scrollback buffer size setting will impact memory consumption.
It takes quite a bit to support everything terminals like kitty support. It's not that simple.
I'm working on a new musical live performance software, Moire. All it does so far is play a file path specified on the command line to the JACK system output. Next step will be rendering a waveform and scrolling it in the GUI as the music plays.
if you directly downloaded the zip from codeberg (like this), that zip will not work
if you open that zip, there will be a folder inside. extract that folder to somewhere and zip it's contents (so when you open the zip it shows the .js files without needing to click a folder)
After that, change the extension to xpi.
Finally, before installing, you need to either
disable addon signature checks
-> xpinstall.signatures.required
= false
), will probably need firefox developer edition or nightly. beta might work toomake an unlisted addon on to get it signed
After those, you can just drag and drop the xpi file into the extensions page and it should work
The tool that Casey Muratori wrote to benchmark terminal emulators also doesn't measure rendering at all, so he doesn't know what GPU may or may not do for rendering. foot knows a little more.
There is often a surprising cost in communicating with a GPU, and GPUs are optimized very differently from general purpose CPUs, so some algorithms are hard to port in an efficient manner.
Foot is trying to be very fast for interactive use:
I can actually fuck up my system pretty hard and still easily recover. Not only is all my configuration either saved in this git repository or in /home
but I also have my data in /home
, ... on separate btrfs subvolumes. If my root subvolume would somehow be destroyed I can just boot up the ISO of my distro and generate a root subvolume. For smaller mistakes I can rollback to a previous version of my system in the bootloader.
For browsing reddit without running proprietary JavaScript, I recommend checking out Teddit which is a free software front-end that doesn't require any JS. You can even install a simple extension to redirect automatically.
There are also combinations of terminals/emacs versions that can run with 24bit color support. But they usually require some tweaking/configuration. See for example:
Thanks for the mention. Only the CDN knows if there is CDN tracking or not. The fact that this stuff is implemented on many websites makes it very possible. As long as no one provides me with proof to the contrary, I've to assume that the data is being used in some way. If there is no CDN tracking, then it is not necessary to enable (d)FPI for CDN, right? If you need the stuff stored on CDN (e.g. videos), then it doesn't matter if you use LocalCDN or not.
The extension is for users who want to allow only necessary connections. "Enumerating Goodness" instead of "Enumerating Badness". It's not about the IP address, it's about what happens there on CDN side across websites. I have no control over things that a third party provider does. Many years ago there was good reasons to use a CDN for things like jQuery or Bootstrap. Meanwhile, these reasons are obsolete and each operator could host this stuff themselves (which would be the better way for everyone).
Example: On Android there is a CaptivePortalCheck. There are people who don't like this connection. If you don't like the permanent Google-Ping, you can change the destination or deactivate it completely. Your choice.
The best combination for me is uBlock Origin in Medium (or Hard) Mode, (d)FPI and LocalCDN for my main browser profile. For some websites/services it may be useful to create a separate Firefox profile. Temporary profiles and Tor browsers are very useful, but VPNs are definitely crap.
Fingerprint? How should that work?
Right now it checks for the following names:
name.startsWith("M6") || name.startsWith("M4") || name.equals("LH716"))
I suggest to try the newly released 0.63.0, maybe it will work. If not, use something like "NRf connect" app and see what is the name that comes up in it. It looks like this:
Then, ideally report the name to Gadgetbridge repo, they might pick it up.
For that I've usually used scripts like yt2invidio.user.js with violentmonkey.
Libreddit doesn't have an API or any RSS feeds because most of Libreddit's benefits come from the web interface (faster speeds, no ads, less resources loaded, etc.) so there really wouldn't be any advantage to using a Libreddit API/RSS feed over a proxied Reddit API/RSS feed. If you do need a something of that nature, I'd recommend taking a look at Teddit's API.
I appreciate your support!
Libreddit doesn't have an API or any RSS feeds because most of Libreddit's benefits come from the web interface (faster speeds, no ads, less resources loaded, etc.) so there really wouldn't be any advantage to using a Libreddit API/RSS feed over a proxied Reddit API/RSS feed. If you do need a something of that nature, I'd recommend taking a look at Teddit's API.
Someone asked for and managed to get a zip file of the current TruthSocial codebase, so they posted it unofficially at:
Then they found the commit of Mastodon from which it was forked and made a diff at:
Having a zip file thrown at us when it's demanded is definitely not an ideal way to share code, but it's... something.
(TruthSocial needs to keep doing this to stay compliant. Or they could, like basically everyone else, officially publish their code somewhere.)
I've been eyeing up, I think it's the GTS? And use gadget bridge currently for my, now dying pebble. This page describes pairing procedures for both rooted and non-rooted phones.
I haven't got the device yet, but if I do I'd be taking this route.
I have the following two files:
My workflow is:
$ editor-daemon
$ editor {filename}
(though editor launches a daemon if none is present)
The editor daemon restarts my emacs daemon. The editor provides smart (enough for me) handling of command line editing. Each references ~/bin/emacs
and ~/bin/emacsclient
which are aliases to the homebrew installed files.
This provides functionality similar to code {filename}
Hm, bei mir läuft sie seit einem Jahr oder so ohne Probleme. Guck sonst mal hier oder bei den Bugreports, vielleicht hilft auch einfach Contact Tracing in microg bzw. den Android-Systemeinstellungen manuell zu beenden und wieder zu starten.
>Dessverre så har vi vald å bruke vertøy som gjer at det ikkje funker så godt. Hovudtankja er å leggje ting opp slik at når eit seinere styre ikkje har noko peiling skal dei mest moglegt klare å oppdatere sida.
>Frykten kjem av å bli som EFN eller andre organisasjonar av sama slag som sjår utdaterte ut og blir i mindre grad oppdaterte
>Detta er kvifor nettsida brukar så mykje javascript
>Vi kjem til å ha så mykje som moglegt på codeberg-en vår
>Tankja er å optimalisere for praktikalitet, tilgjengeleggjering og inkludering på bekostning av dei mest teknisk "beste" løysingane. Organisasjonen sjår videre og større ein å ha masse programmeringsfolk og webmestere, men det er også viktig at under tidar med lite ressursar så skal organisasjonen stå sterkt
>Men om vi klarar å koma oss til ein tid kvar vi kan ha ansatte kan man endre på det heile
sama svaret
I believe the post on Lemur was talking about how difficult it is to develop and thrive (as a small-ish dev) on the current web.
Here's the project, I believe. I looked it up just now. I'm not an expert at all.
My personal view is that the internet is just... bloated. Privacy is difficult to keep. Development is hell. Algorithms are everywhere, and they frequently go out of control.
There are a lot of issues, imo.
Source code:
> Keyoxide allows you to prove "ownership" of accounts on websites, domain names, IM, etc., regardless of your username. > > That last part is important: you could, for example, be 'alice' on, but '@alice24' on Twitter. And if your website is 'thatcoder.tld', how are people supposed to know that all that online property is yours? > > Of course, one could opt for full anonymity! In which case, keep these properties as separated as possible. > > But if you'd like these properties to be linked and, by doing so, establish an online identity, you'll need a clever solution. > > Enter Keyoxide. > > When you visit someone's Keyoxide profile and see a green tick next to an account on some website, it was proven beyond doubt that the same person who set up this profile also holds that account.
Links to the systems I mention (and more) are in this list op open science.
The largest peer review system for preprints in Peer Community In ... The most influential Open peer review system for published articles is PubPeer. Unfortunately in practice they mainly get negative reviews and we do not know well how good the good ones are. Self Journal of Science and Peeriodical are still small, but promise to also review good articles.
The most comprehensive list of peer review projects, in practice mostly open peer review when it comes to systems, can be found here:
nice, a working fork for chrome too!
btw, you might want to pull this change from my fork to make subreddit comparions ignore capitalization. this is kind of a weird oversight where you have to exactly match a sub's original capitalization to get the tag to count.
Merci pour FitoTrack, ça a l'air d'être exactement ce que je recherche, c'est sur F-Droid en plus, un gros plus pour moi !
Et j'ai beaucoup ri en voyant ce screenshot de présentation.
I got it working.
New version of GB, I got the MAC and auth_key from the python script here:
It didn't work until I had entered both of these in. PM me if you need help with it.
I also created now an online version of the manual, right on the git hosting page (its the same markdown file but without pandoc specific stuff)
IncogSnoo is based on Teddit ( ), an open sourced reddit reader.
Unlike other installs of Teddit, this is an updated/enhanced version with a dual pane reader, reset the hard limit of 25 posts per page with 100, some performance optimizations and it's sponsored by a web hosting business so it's safe to say it'll remain online unlike some of the hobby installs that come and go.
It is also available on the Tor, I2P and Yggdrasil anonymity networks! ( )
It's almost completely replaced browsing for me, since I lurk 99% of the time and works pretty well on mobile, though I still find myself using the RIF app.