You know what they call alternative medicine that's been proved to work? - Medicine.
Tim Minchin
Yes. Ladies and Gentleman, the American healthcare system.
EDIT: Of course no one can pay this. Most people would probably have filed bankruptcy. Some would just let it ravage their credit scores and deal with the debt collectors. The incredibly few who know the law would send that hospital $1 every month for the rest of their lives so they can't send you to collections or hurt your credit score. No one would end up paying this, because anyone who could afford it would have health insurance.
SECOND NINJA EDIT: I can't find the law, although I didn't look hard. The only thing I can find is something allegedly from a Blue Cross employee at the bottom of this.. From that, it looks like you may only be able to string them along with $1/month for three years.
Alternate download for the non-Apple user. Edit: There's also a .pdf and .epub version on It's a better .pdf than smashwords, if that's your preferred format. Far as I know, both .epubs work fine. Haven't tested Kindle yet. Let me know if it works
Edit 2: And we're up on Amazon
They don't allow you to set the price to zero though, so it's 0.99
Picture stolen from a local paper in Sweden:
> I have a cheaper worse plan.
So by worse you mean slightly more expensive deductible and copay in exchange for consumer protections including not getting kicked off your policy when you get sick, not worrying about pre-existing conditions, no lifetime caps, and mandated insured services outlined here
Think before you speak.
Excellent video, but downvoted for not linking to the Newgrounds version which was clearly the author's intention. Quote from the Newgrounds page (
PLEASE DO NOT rip this and upload to Youtube, I'd like it to remain solely on Newgrounds. I appreciate you wanting to share the video, but I'd like it only to be seen here on Newgrounds. When the time comes, I'll upload it myself, thanks.
Well it appears I have no legal right to my work, so I uploaded the video to a new youtube channel (Ricepiratenewgrounds), just to maintain some control over viewer redirection ... sigh
If you define "legitimate" complaints as complaints of things that were better before: There are few, if any.
One would be threat of nuclear terrorism, but that might have been higher before.
Pollution was way higher fifty years ago, although we have a CO2 problem now that might eclipse anything earlier as far as long term consequences goes.
Obesity/lack of physical activity is one, if it can really be said to be something to complain about (I doubt you would be able to convince people a hundred years ago of that, at least). But even this is on it's way down (AFAIK) because of knowledge about dieting and fitness spreading.
People tend to forget that only 150 years ago famine was still quite common in Europe and the US if you had a bad season. We've moved steadily and quickly upwards on all thinkable statistics the past 200 years. Why? Well, there are of course several theories, but I like this TED talk on it:
That said, the only way we got so far was by seeing what was wrong with our current implementation and fixing it. So yay for complaining!
That's absolutely not true. The $6600 is the maximum out of pocket before the insurance pays 100%. Before that amount is reached, the insurance stills pays on average of 60% when on the bronze plans and up to 90% on the platinum. This isn't $6600 all up front before the insurance kicks in. If you are going to call the president a liar, at least don't lie in the process.
Disagree. The scene in the car-shop is easily the funniest scene in that film. "Well, we got your car back, ya it looks like it was left in a park overnight and some homeless dudes had an orgy in it. Also we think a mother racoon birthed a litter in the back, ya, her placenta blew out all over the back window. We also got this letter from the homeless guys 'Thanks for the F-Shack, Dirty Rob and the Gang' - Frankly we've never seen so much bodily and seminal fluid deposited into one location"
>who predominantly names their kids shit like Ledasha
"As to whether there is such a child, we've yet to find documentation of anyone's bearing the name "Le-a" that is pronounced "Ledasha" (or any other way)."
The name change story is actually very interesting:
> it was about money - money that Kentucky Fried Chicken would have had to pay to continue using their original name. In 1990, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, mired in debt, took the unusual step of trademarking their name. Henceforth, anyone using the word "Kentucky" for business reasons inside or outside of the state would have to obtain permission and pay licensing fees to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. It was an unusual and brilliant scheme to alleviate government debt, but it was also one that alienated one of the most famous companies ever associated with Kentucky. The venerable Kentucky Fried Chicken chain, a mainstay of American culture since its first franchise opened in Salt Lake City in 1952, refused as a matter of principle to pay royalties on a name they had been using for four decades. After a year of fruitless negotiations with the Kentucky state government, Kentucky Fried Chicken unwilling to submit to "such a terrible injustice" threw in the towel and changed their name instead, timing the announcement to coincide with the introduction of new packaging and products to obscure the real reasons behind the altering of their corporate name.
Get the 25th Anniversary Edition. The questions have different levels, most of them are things you should know... And it's fun.
I'm 22 and I play this version and Master Edition all the time.
I had Moonlight Sonata on in the background because of the Google doodle and it gave it an interesting added level of gravitas. For bonus points also have rainy mood in another tab.
Well, there are a couple of plugins that provide them, but I'm partial to FireGestures. It's the simplest no frills plugin. After installing it, tools - addons - firegestures - options, click on Map, and you'll get a comprehensive list of firefox features that can be bound to gestures. The one we're discussing here is 'save image now', I just bind it to D (down).
Mouse over an image, right click and hold, move the mouse down a bit, release right mouse button. The image will land in your downloads folder without you even getting prompted. It'll auto-rename too, so you won't have to worry about overwriting duplicates.
Hilarious. ~~It was probably put together by the rest of the band after The New Year's Eve gig.~~
Or stolen by combining all the comments from here.
edit: did a quick search after deciding that had to take more than just a few angry musicians at an after-party.
Actually, studies have shown that they don't.
"There is no evidence of consistent differences in flavour or nutritional qualities between organic products and conventional ones.". Sorry. Just because you want it to be true doesn't make it so.
Out of context, it isn't that funny (though there's still plenty you can laugh at without knowing anything about the show - the translations of the Japanese, G.O.B's reaction when he asks them to "squint", the sight gag of a mole taking down a village, the jetpack coming, etc.).
In context, however, it is utterly genius: the backstory surrounding the Japanese investors, why Tobias is in a mole costume (a huge back story concerning an FBI investigation), developments in the Mister. F saga, how George Michael ended up flying the jetpack, why Buster is sitting on a bed watching it on TV, who the other man lifting the blinds with G.O.B is, etc. etc.
It's an outstanding example (one of the best ever, I think) of tying up dozens of seemingly unrelated plot threads into one coherent yet farcical payoff scene. Genius.
The $6600 is maximum out of pocket. Including coinsurance, deductible, etc. Even if this was just the deductible, you still don't have to pay it all upfront. With the bottom tier plan, you will generally cover 40% and the insurance will cover 60%. Depending on the service. Regular check ups and other things may be 100% covered up front depending on the plan or include small co-pays. I have a $3500 deductible. I'm been to the doctor several times, and I have never had to pay much, if anything, toward the deductible. If I was hospitalized, used the ER, or something like that, I would have to pay toward the deductible. This is pretty typical. Paying the $3500 beats coughing up $25,000 any time. Like most young people, I don't usually need services for something that serious, so I only end up paying co-pays and things like that which is a very minimal amount. The insurance will still cover the majority. At no time do you have to pay $6600 total upfront in order to use your coverage.
Your article did not suggested that you have to pay $6600 before you get insurance benefits.
I liked the Pee Wee Herman bit, but I thought the Fresh Prince sketch was the highlight of the episode.
"Welcome to Earf!"
P.S the only reson im giving this a 1 is beacuase the instructions where pretty good. but thats it!
— Iceman13
Edit: Holy shit, it really has a rating of 4.26!
Edit2: Okay, I’ve made an account (axman13 surprisingly was still free), but the review is waiting for approval. Wish me luck!
(The Matrix one at the bottom is amazing too. Hell, they're all worth reading, and the other 4 novels worth of chapters.)
Has anyone played the GoT strategy game?
This looks a lot better. (If it were real.)
Also, if you haven't read the books, I highly recommend them. Unless you hate sex, war, and dragons.
Or if it will kill you inside to wait the 5-10 years it will take for George RR Martin to finish the series. *Cries softly... *
The only backlash you'll get is from admins and professors from the universities. I've noticed their main argument usually is there's substantial costs for going online. This is simply not true (coming from IT team from my university). Our professors (including my grad supervisor) are given option to use our school's online lecturing system or Zoom. If you choose Zoom, that's approximately 2K USD per year for 300 students per professor and it's unlimited use within the year ( This is the cost of what a single student, out of hundreds, would pay for the course.
Also, another argument I've seen a lot is that they're trying to offset costs of lost international students and lost 'profit' from residence/shops within the school. If you look at these costs (financial statements are readily available for public universities), majority of university is losing about in total 10 to 15% of 'profit'. The counter argument is, it's highly unethical to offset these costs to students who are already struggling from the shitty economy because of the virus. Also, universities often have hundreds of millions, if not billions, in endowment where a portion of this endowment is supposed to be used for emergency situations like the one we're in right now. But guess what? They don't want to use it!
Lastly, the lack of transparency and lack of empathy for the students is just disgusting. But hey, I guess this is what happens when you turn education into a business.
It seems that it only works on that video, I've tried a couple of others and cannot reproduce the same results. SNL - Jeff Bridges. I'm comparing the page source between them to see if anything stands out.
From what I know as an amateur law enthusiast, I believe that this fails the "Moron in a Hurry" test. In short, even with the "dumb" in front of it's name, it looks so much like a starbucks that someone might think it IS a Starbucks. In fact, they have to point that out in their FAQ - which a lawyer would use.
If they had named it: "Dr. Mortinson Coffee" (Dr. Mortinson was a little known character in Galactica 1980), or "Planetbucks: Overpriced coffee" or something like that, they might have a case.
But you can't make a parody just by appending "Dumb" to everything, without changing anything else.
A parody needs to change something significant in order to illustrate the absurdity inherent to the original.
For example, Saturday night live did a parody of the Starbucks at-home Keurig-style coffeemaker. They took the absurd idea and showed you what it would really be like to have a "starbucks experience" at home. They didn't have to append "Dumb" to anything, they just used it. That's parody and satire.
Adblock Plus bro. I have no idea what ads you're talking about because I don't have ads anymore.
Just make sure to allow ads on sites you like though. They have to get revenue from somewhere.
You can thank Virginia for that not Obama. Virginia makes it difficult. Look at a few other states, especially the blue states and you'll see the difference. It looks like the plans in virgins are ridiculous. Here is the same options checked in PA.
Research your tall tales first. :\
It may or may not be true, but they at least found the guy who originally told the story in 1993. His name is "captain sarcastic" ...
There is a town not too far from me in County Durham (UK) called Pity Me.
I use AdBlock. If you go into the adblock settings, and go to the customize tab, there's a box you can put custom filters in.
It shouldn't be too hard to get it blocked with other adblockers if you don't use adblock.
I still prefer a modified header+adblock, considering it's permanent and unlikely to be foiled if they change their annoyance methods.
But if you want to change how a page looks onload every time, try Stylish (also available for Firefox.)
He sort of updated the fundraising site:
> One other note: a lot of people have been asking what I plan to do with the extra money we raised over the initial $20,000. 100% of it is going to charity. I’m going to add 2 more charities to the list, in addition to the ACS and the NWF.
but I still agree it's better he's not doing that.
RE: Pudding and sausage (in one of the entries)
The word pudding and boudin (and pudgy!) all share common etymology. Also, black pudding is absolutely lovely.
Wow, thank you. I went to go to Google to refute you, and let found:
It seems the two are not the same. Kudos!
Metafilter has always seemed mediocre to me. Few comments are blatantly stupid, but I'm more likely to see something truly interesting on Reddit than in my experience browsing there.
I'm reading this comment thread, and complete lack of hierarchy makes many of the bad posters sit at the top, polite but shockingly stupid.
About halfway through, I finally see this comment (which is perfectly on target:)
"If he's using bogus research, or it doesn't support his conclusion that per capita violence is declining, then surely some expert has explained why by now somewhere on the internet, and I'd love to read it. But instead we get "he's wrong because of X recent conflict" or "he's wrong because he used the word 'leftist'." It's frustratingly anti-scientific."
The term was originally a geographic term, as the early ones were manufactured near Mobile, Alabama, USA. Snopes link since I can't copypasta from their site.
Edit: Apparently I was wrong, per mistercow's prodding I clicked the link as well. Although I swear I had heard that was why mobile homes were called mobile home before I clicked that link. My apologies for misleading anyone.
a) First sentence:
>showing him urinating in his front yard
b) If you're on Google's streetview camera, you can request for them to take it down or at the least have it blurred. There's no reason to sue.
c) This guy is getting worked up over nothing. If you look at the picture here (Gizmodo, so here's an imgur mirror if you hate them), you're not even able to tell that he's peeing. The only person who would be able to tell what he was doing was either himself since he did it or someone who knows that he likes to pee right there. In the case of the latter, it's not google's fault he became a laughing stock since other people would've already known about it.
They use a cookie to track how many times you've visited recently, same with the New York Times. I use Cookie Monster, which let you set cookies to expire with the session by default and then whitelist the ones you want to keep, like reddit.
Cookie Monster for Firefox is good for this. You can set cookies to default to expire with your current session and then whitelist those sites whose cookies you want to keep, like reddit.
This Walmart is about 20 mintes north of "North Pole".
Please don't send him here though, that's only 10 minutes from my house.
Also, I can confirm Alaska is absolutely beautiful in the summer, it's the winters you have to watch out for.
The best ever series. I think that "Yes, Minister" had the edge over "Yes, Prime Minister"; Hacker was much more hapless.
Anyway, here's an episode-by-episode collection of quotes from the former.
if any of these kids are hooked up to 4-chan, Spidey's cover is as good as blown.
Also, the wall crawler wouldn't say F-ing anytime... or knock over a podium... or get WOUNDED by high school security.
>When people are given a small stipend for donating blood rather than simply being praised for their altruism, they tend to donate less blood.
You might want to ask these guys...
...but seriously though, try googling it there is way too much information out there
Sometimes with hotspot, you have to retry as the proxy IPs eventually get blocked. I haven't tried using the add-on yet, just discovered it the other day.
That's basically patreon -- you get people to commit to paying you for content they enjoy. Some people pay per-song you create, some pay per-month, and watch all the videos you come out with.
But it continued to gain in popularity well into the naughts
It belongs to the pre-war era.
It's been answered before, but I'm bored. Still gonna keep this brief.
>How is it not better to avoid chemical pesticides and fertilizer in my veggies.
Natural pesticides and fertilizers are every bit as toxic to your body. Some are actually significantly worse.
>As for organic meat vs. industrial meat, the difference in taste is undeniable
It's actually quite deniable.
>(though that isn't a health benefit, just an added bonus)
It's neither. From the above source that I cited:
"There is no evidence of consistent differences in flavour or nutritional qualities between organic products and conventional ones. "
That's on a scientific study of meat specifically, by the way. In other words, I could sell you normal meat, tell you it's organic, and you'd think it taste better too.
Another favorite of mine is the cork soaking one. If you've never seen it, check it out.
They track how often you visit with a cookie, like the New York Times. You could get rid of the cookie manually, but if you use Firefox, I recommend using Cookie Monster.
Here is the first example I dug up. Let me know if you want another, I was actually searching for a different reference when I came across this one.
edit: here is the piece I was actually looking for. Note that while they call it "false" their argument is that we're no better or worse than what we were 150 years ago. This same argument applies to my above link as well.
Heres the thing though. While we might not be any worse than before, the costs are greater with government education over the private system of the 19th century.
There may be what's known as a "Reddit Hivemind," but considering there are 9.6 million daily visitors, it's probably not very accurate to lump everyone into one stereotype.
I just tried this. First attempt I stumbled and it heard "Show me mail my most at risk opportunities" and it performed a search in mail for that phrase.
Second attempt, no stumble, she picked it up perfectly and performed a bing web search with the top result being links to articles like the one OP posted.
Yeah, I also have my doubts. But there's at lease a lot of room for growth compared to other online services as far as revenue per user. IMO, they have barely tapped their revenue opportunities thus far, and do execute well when they set their mind to things. For context on the ARPU picture:
In this scene, Liz Lemon confronts the stupidity of criticizing corporate America and revering fashions associated with anti-captitalism. This serves to illustrate a broader point about hipster culture and its hypocritical basis on capitalism. Humorous in part because of their appearance and behavior, which are used for humor throughout this episode, while thought-provoking. Then she does a funny dance that emphasizes her butt. It's funny because she a 40 year old woman dancing around like a chicken shaking her butt. Laughter is my response to these instances of cognitive dissonance. The next scene features Tracy Morgan, nuff said.
"Allows quick enable and disable of Java, Javascript, Flash, Silverlight and Images from the Statusbar and/or Toolbar without having to open any dialogs!"
Useful for downloading any pic you want as well as removing the eyeburning WTF factor from the /r/rainbowbar subreddit.
If you want your Aristotle-hatred to truly flourish, read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
In essence, Aristotle's greatest sin was to put the dialectic above the drive towards personal excellence.
There are people in this world who haven't seen Boondock Saints? That's a shame. In that case...
Better reference for those who haven't seen it.
Seriously... buy the movie. It's awesome
Are you lazy? Quite Enough of Calvin Trillin: Forty Years of Funny Stuff.
I don't think you should be downvoted for not getting the joke, but I do think that suicide_king should for making fun of it because he didn't get it.
I do in no way have enough experience to fully explain the joke, but if you read the first few chapters of Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time, you'll probably get it. Rynaxel gave an okay explanation, too.
Shut up and have my upvote. Smokin' Hot Guns!!: How an Average Guy Can Get Big, Muscular Arms In One Workout A Week.
There are a few academic treatises on humor. Beware though - these are not funny (although they contain jokes and funny things - but purely in an analytical sense - which, in context, drains the humor right out of anything you're going to read).
The two best may be:
Funny Peculiar by Mikita Brottman and
Rationale of the Dirty Joke by G. Legman
These are both dense, heavy reads, and would really only appeal to someone looking for an academic analysis of humor, not (necessarily) for people who are looking to laugh.
Get it on Amazon.
I appreciate that. It just seems bizarre that men are told to act like assholes while woman are told to act like bitches to obtain the interest of the opposite sex. Some of the bits in this article were really quite funny to me, though. I'm a single girl in a big city (happily). It was, overall, an interesting read.
You know... They should have disclaimers on sites like this. I always think it is funny when someone doesn't realize The Onion isn't real because The Onion has been around since the 80's. But now that it is gaining popularity there will no doubt be copycats. There is no way for me to keep up. At what point is this "fake news" just straight up lying?
I liked it... Have you ever read the X-Wing series? They're excellent, seriously. They single-handedly opened the entire Star Wars universe up to me. I never had realized how much more there was besides the movies.
If you liked this, you might enjoy Joe Hill's collection of short stories.
These are a little darker and could be called "horror" in many cases, but not all. I don't often get into short stories of any genre but many of these were absolute winners.
Repost. Original posting was 16 days ago. Jewish Humor: What the Best Jewish Jokes Say About the Jews.
Also a collab single from Pearl Jam and Neil Young: Merkin Ball (although Amazon shies away from listing the real title), sister to the Mirror Ball album.
I hope it doesn't disappoint you, but I'm actually a Redditor mom. :) If you want other Redditor parents to chat with, I hang out on r/Mommit and I'm certain you would be welcome too. There's another Redditor on here whose baby is the exact same age as mine! It's crazy. Apparently lots of us were getting friendly with our partners in December/January. ;)
We found we can get bulk boxes of diapers on Amazon. They even have an Amazon Moms service for anyone who takes care of babies (you don't have to be a mom) where you can get Amazon Prime with free two-day shipping just by buying baby stuff. And you can get diaper discounts. We like to buy big boxes like these. :D
Was the context not clear for you? We were just talking about invading countries for oil, and oil pipelines. Clearly the Bush/Cheney regime wanted to be well-positioned for when peak oil hits.
From the linked Spiegel article:
>The team of authors, led by Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Will, uses sometimes-dramatic language to depict the consequences of an irreversible depletion of raw materials. It warns of shifts in the global balance of power, of the formation of new relationships based on interdependency, of a decline in importance of the western industrial nations, of the "total collapse of the markets" and of serious political and economic crises.
It's all about oil. Ruppert laid this all out 6 years ago and now it's happening. Try reading it. You might learn something. Plus there's very little all-caps.