Hey I'm the creator -- glad you liked the original! Hope everyone hasn't gotten too old that they can't enjoy the new version. Certainly for me I'm a kid at heart and will never outgrow making and playing this type of entertainment. If anyone has and questions or comments please head over to /r/interactivebuddy or just pm me or respond here or whatever!
Edit: there is some confusion about how to get to the games...
Flash version: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/607894
iOS version: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id572643955
There is a review of the game that really didn't get the irony that was the game. The reactionary flash to that review is even more hilarious than the game: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/558516
I believe this video (NSFW) may very well be the cause. Released in late May 2004, and starts off "now all you have to do is type boobies into Google."
I started Flash in high school. My friend was animating a kid floating in nasty looking beach water and I wanted to try animation out. After a couple years of that I was REALLY into animation, I wanted to be a 2D animator so bad. Here's my first Flash animation from 2002: http://jmtb02.com/flash/penguin.swf
From there I started to learn to do simple programming. I started making games by 2004, and by college I started publishing content to Newgrounds.com. Here is the first game I published: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/154436
I had friends who can give me tips on how to use Flash and was lucky enough to have a teacher who could give me some basic help when I stumbled. In 2006 I made the decision to go full-blown game development.
Is because Ape represents capitalist pig dogs, while noble plumber attempts to save virginal proletariat from violations by Ape. Is good, da?
Relevantski: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/307402
It's like those falling down games, except DOUBLED. That makes all the difference.
Oh and after 2000 it's pretty much impossible.
edit: but the world record is apparently 3013.
edit #2: this game is supposed to be for ONE player, with TWO hands. 2 player just ruins the experience I think.
Franks Adventure, Ganguro Girl, Stick RPG, Johnny Rocketfingers, those crappy "learn how to hostage negotiate, now with voice acting" games... good shit.
I went on NG recently and found they still had some good recent stuff. I'm sure everyone in r/gaming would sprout a nostalgaboner for Abobo's Big Adventure., and of course The Room Tribute is so beautiful.
If you want Princess Peach and boobs you should try this NSFW (obviously) flash game
WARNING: Also contains goomba blowjobs, handjobs, boobjobs, and vaginal intercourse
Yeah, well photoshop standards were different in 2006
Oldest posting I can find. Honestly I think the image is even older than that, but that was the oldest dated version I could find via google's reverse-image search.
So I can't conclusively prove that it's more than 6-7 years old. But given that it was already being reposted on newground forums in '06 it's safe to assume it had been circulating for a while before that.
Obligatory Ultimate Orgy link
Warning: Very NSFW, very disturbing and it contains a lot, and by that I mean a lot, of gay porn. It's pretty funny though.
It's not everyone's cup of tea, though. Try it out here before buying. Everyone was saying how amazing it was, but then I tried it there and I didn't like it. So try before you buy!
If you're looking for a truly gut wrenching story, I've yet to find a more poignant example than One Chance
It may just be a short flash game, but it does a fantastic job of pulling you into the universe.
Edited for stupid spelling
The way I understood it was that people gradually moved onto shallow unfulfilling forms of entertainment i.e. the giant TVs that make up the walls. People who read books can't fit in with society, because they're liberated and thinking and books are really deep and moving. So because nobody who reads books can comfortably exist in a vacuous and shallow society (that has become vacuous and shallow because people stopped reading books) the Government's decided it's best to get rid of the remaining books just in case someone's tempted to read a book and then drop out of society (it's for their own good).
Of course this all relies on the underlying assumption that all books are good and all new media (tv, internet, video games) are bad. This is common to intellectuals of Bradbury's generation ("That TV will give you square eyes!" "The internet's rotting your brain" etc) but ignores the fact that meaningful messages can be communicated through this media. I'd argue someone playing a short web based game like Loved or Dys4ia is having a more cultured experience than someone reading a trashy Mills and Boon romance novel. It's a sort of snobbery and while he might have a point, I hold his worship of books in mild disdain. I do think the bloke's a genius, though, and I love his work. I just disagree with that particular point he's making. I mean, the resolution of Farenheight 451 is that people learn books off by heart and then tell them to each other and I have to question what the difference between an oral story and a TV show is.
Question was brought up in the Minecraft subreddit. I shall copy and paste:
>Nope, it was all me. Me and Ego are close pals though. I actually taught him how to use Flash :'D (click destiny in the menu!).. Well at least some of it (when he needed it). He could already animate, draw and everything. They grow up so fast ):..
I respect Ego as a friend and a fellow artist, so any comparison to him can only be taken as a compliment! Thanks! :)
The original flash animation, if anyone is wondering about Crab Battle.
Here's a duplicate that got posted on YouTube by someone other than the original creator(s).
Note: There's a bit of gore, so if that bothers you then just pass it up.
Digital: A Love Story. Wonderful game, deceptively simple but brilliantly written. Its about 2 hours long, I highly recommend it. Tried to find a link for you guys, but for some reason the main website it used to be hosted on is down at the moment. Best I could do is this RPS review.
Another good emotional game is One Chance.
So I found this in the related videos. Fucking awesome. (Here's the game that it's from)
Leaving this here. It's an interactive flash demonstration of the scale of the universe. My favorite comparison is where it demonstrates just how large the Pillars of Creation were. The largest pillar was nearly 4 light years in length.
Note: using past tense because the pillars were destroyed by a supernova 6,000 years ago. The explosion however won't be visible for millennium.
Nope, it was all me. Me and Ego are close pals though. I actually taught him how to use Flash :'D (click destiny in the menu!).. Well at least some of it (when he needed it). He could already animate, draw and everything. They grow up so fast ):..
The game can be played here.
I'm only 25 and I remember playing the shit out of that game. How old is 'old' on reddit? Because if remembering Skifree fondly is one of the criteria, then I'm a little worried...
lol thanks.
I produced this game to alpha-ish while I was in college: http://scarabgauntlet.com/gi/beta.html
And this was the first (complete) crappy game I made by myself last year: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/582948
I'm currently making a game where you fly a spaceship and fight giant robot alien bug monsters. It's a top down shooter similar to Raptor or Jamestown. This one is going to be my first feature-length game so I'm just working hard on it and trying to get some people to test it soon hopefully.
the flash is stripped of credit to the maker, and also messed up with things weirdly showing outside the border
original maker(s) here or here on newgrounds
also repost
The submission doesn't really go into any detail. It just has the video and that's it.
February 16, 2011 will mark the 10 year anniversary of the original video appearing on Newgrounds. This I imagine is when it really hit the Internet as a meme. But the gag started exactly two months earlier on December 16, 2000 with Bad_CRC's original thread on the Tribal forums (credit: Jasper9080)
Excellent video, but downvoted for not linking to the Newgrounds version which was clearly the author's intention. Quote from the Newgrounds page (http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/558516):
PLEASE DO NOT rip this and upload to Youtube, I'd like it to remain solely on Newgrounds. I appreciate you wanting to share the video, but I'd like it only to be seen here on Newgrounds. When the time comes, I'll upload it myself, thanks.
Well it appears I have no legal right to my work, so I uploaded the video to a new youtube channel (Ricepiratenewgrounds), just to maintain some control over viewer redirection ... sigh
I'm not sure what about this is giving you goosebumps, but it does look quite polished and fun. I gave it a "yes" in Greenlight.
EDIT: Also, it's pretty cool that the devs made a free prequel game (<em>Dyer Hit World</em>) "to make the wait more enjoyable".
Basically, we snuk onto newgrounds on middle school or high school computers and watched terrible flash videos.
Just hope you didn't get caught playing this game: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/310349
most redditors have probably already seen these, but it kinda sounds like you haven't!
Earth vs. Universe (large, 1MB picture) http://personales.ya.com/knockingfeeling/images/earth-universe-comparison.jpg
Sliding scale of the universe (from quantum foam to the universe) http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/525347
This is from Sprite TV 3, a New Grounds Flash collaboration. Go to scene selection, fourth scene. Although i recommend watching the whole thing because some of the animations are pretty entertaining, but some of them are just bad.
Why hasn't anyone made a virus that throws random screamers at you at various intervals during the night?
EDIT: Apparently it does exist. Guess I'm never using my computer again.
Because people are addicted to achieving and the game simulates that. There's a lot of Flash games where you do the exact same action over and over, gathering upgrades in the progress until you win, for example this one, where you try to blow up an iceberg with a penguin. I know it's an extremely dumb game with very little content, but the constant small progress makes me happy so I play it.
It has a virtual machine. It's not even limited to running the Actionscript byte code. Adobe released Alchemy, a C compiler that emits flash. Someone ported Doom to it: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/470460
Well... if you say so:
(updated and modified version of Mario is Missing- http://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=744)
http://konashion.blogspot.com/ (as a selectable character)
I believe the biggest driving force for creating HoN and LoL was to improve upon the inherent limitations of the warcraft 3 engine which were holding dota back. Dota had become hugely popular but certain quirks about warcraft 3 often ruined games. For one, custom games on battle.net had no stats, so people could leave/ragequit at will. Since dota is hugely dependent on 5v5 teamplay, this would ruin the game (relevant http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/193667). Also, certain abilities and features could not be implemented due to hard-coded limitations in wc3. The list goes on and on.
While I think HoN and LoL effectively overcame these limitations, I have tried both but still enjoy the original dota the most as it is today, by far. Recently there have been many outstanding third party dota clients that some very smart programmers have been able to hook into warcraft 3 that fix almost all the problems (such as http://www.dotalicious-gaming.com/).
This guy got a interview on Howard Stern. Apparently it's sorta like his trademark.
Frigging hillarious (NSFW audio).
EDIT: folks he has a sound board. I just alienated some friends with this one.
There are, but you have to install multiple programs to get it to run on windows seven. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/188334 This is what I'm using, if this violates the subreddit rules I'll happily edit the link out of this message. (I realise this is different to my screenshot, that emulator didn't save)
As far as I know the "Madness" series is still ongoing by Krinkles. Granted the amount of frames per' movie is what takes the man an entire year per episode, but hey, it's the price of quality.
EDIT: speak of the devil - http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/571310
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/459147 (This game was made in 2 weeks which half-explains the horrible code quality)
its releasing on steam later as part of The Basement Collection http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/06/20/the-binding-of-isaac-sells-700000-copies-new-edmund-mcmillen-flash-games-compilation-on-the-way/
Holy fuck, Heretic.
I got it in a demo with a bunch of other id demos (back when demos were like...1/3rd of the game). Doom felt so boring after Heretic. I felt like such a grownup playing it.
EDIT - Found this. Looks like I know how I'm spending my day at work.
The seemingly hand-drawn face reminds me of the Celestia from "Friendship is Magic Bitch"
Or, alternative YouTube link:
[](/rdhappy "Just in case someone hasn't seen it.")
I have sunk 33 hours into The Binding of Issac and I still plan to play more as time goes on. This game has given me the most value per dollar in terms of replayability, 2nd only to Terraria. The roguelike aspect of finding random items in the dungeon works wonderfully with the twin-stick shooters gameplay, and permanent death gives the game more tensions than most other games would. Even when you die, your achievements goes toward unlocking future items for use so all your deaths will not feel like they were in vain. It's got so many unlockables that even after 33 hours, I still have a handful of items left to unlock, though honestly most folks will not be as obsessive as me.
Obviously the visuals can be a bit too gruesome for some folks and the story, although paper-thin, can offend some. The game doesn't support gamepads at all so you'll have to use Joy2Key, Xpadder, or similar programs to get use of your controller. I really hope those that are bothered by these aspects can look passed them and try this game out. There's a demo on Newgrounds so give that a shot at the very least. Trust me, the game gets much harder than the demo shows. There's nothing quite like Binding of Issac out there.
Saying that games need to be "fun" is sort of like saying that music has to be "catchy" or that pictures need to be "pretty."
It's almost certainly a prerequisite for mass consumption - there's no way you can release a $20-40m game like Max Payne and have the gameplay be just as brooding and depressing as its protagonist. Big budget AAA games are aimed at a popular audience, and that means "fun" in the same sense that a Billboard charting pop-song usually means short, catchy ear-worms. But the pop chart being mostly vapid 3-minute party rock anthems doesn't invalidate music as a medium and more than COD and GTA games invalidate games.
There are plenty of games that discuss loss, disconnectedness, unfairness, etc - and they're not necessarily fun. The Passage, The Marriage, Dys4ia (NSFW), DEFCON, Oíche Mhaith... You can use games to discuss issues or express yourself, but they're just not going to be the sort of AAA mega-budget games. They're going to be short, tight experiences made for little to no profit as labors of love.
not to mention the music is by Jeff "ThirstyForChicken" Liu, of A Simple Line fame. Or he may not be that famous but he was one of my idols years ago
I am now on a mission to watch BBC's The Blue Planet. Epic. I had a hard time comparing measurements though, I'm used to Metric.
This scale of the universe has probably been posted a million times, but it's relevant and mind blowing at the same time.
That is goddamn amazing. I wondered if there were more things like dot dot dot.
If you haven't seen / heard dot dot dot you really should. Right now.
The problem is ACTUALLY the other way -- the universe gets quite small.
But if you take the neutrino and the observable universe as endpoints, humans and human things end up just about in the middle.
I am tired of all these so called "game developers" working on iOS.
Their creations are too often just clones of older games, and I can offer no congratulations for unoriginal (and some might even say stolen) game concepts. I'm sure everyone here has already heard of Pandemic, a hugely popular Flash game which came out more than four years ago.
It's amusing that Ndemic Creations cloned this game for profit, and it's even funnier that there are other developers doing the exact same thing. They've given advice to avoid mindlessly copying another game while doing just that. I would not go so far as to give these programmers the title of game developers--they're just profiteers.
Could someone explain the end to me? A little confused. Did winning the lottery really mean they got a better life, or was the transformation more along the lines of their "life force" is slowly taken to keep those in the society alive?
So much shit makes it's way to newgrounds' front page, it took me seeing this on reddit to actually watch it. Fantastic animation.
edit: The director also made This one back in 2004.
'One Chance' is relevant to this, though it's not a videogame...but if you complete the game, you cannot play it over again. Made me sad for a few moments since I ended up [staying in the park with my little daughter dieing, eyes closed.](/spoiler)
What you're describing sounds like utterly fascinating history. I must admit the only reason I have an idea of what you're talking about is due to the web-game High Tea...
Though it is most entertaining and educational!
>Alien Hominid & CC are done with a combination of Flash and C++. All of the game logic is ActionScript, which is run with a home-grown Flash parser written in C++. The parser has special optimizations to let us run Flash quickly (and even still we rewrote certain AS parts into C++)
It's a great endless game. I've logged 89 hours without the expansion and still find it fun. The thing most people don't seem to like about it is that it's made in flash, and normally flash games are free. Try the demo and decide for yourself:
"Rise of Satan" by newgrounds user kingj4life3.
You can download it here in the YTMND site profile.
I believe this is the original source.
Looks like a great read! Thank you for this, I recently quit my job to work on my Flash game full time. I made a big risk doing that, but I really hated my job and I'm very proud of what I made. But now the project is coming to a close and should be ready for bids within the week, I started becoming VERY anxious if anyone would give me a good price for the game me and 4 others spent 8 months on. I have a lot riding on this game, and this article should give me the confidence I need to not be disheartened by the initial "terrible" bids. Thanks a lot for making it!
If anyone is interested, the demo for my game is at: link
Note that the demo was a very early version and the controls and other things have changed a lot for the final version.
Two that immediately come to mind are Every Day the Same Dream and One Chance.
One Chance is very heavily influenced by Every Day the Same Dream but it still has its own messages that are worth playing for.
everyone calm down okay im still in the hip hop game its just that lately ive been workin on producin my own shit and my own raps since rap has gone downhill since diddy released mo money. if u wanna peep my shit check it out:
I believe 'dick attack' is a new meme of sorts which people seem to be using in any ol' situation, usually enquiring whether something is or can withstand a dick attack.
The first instance which occurred on this reddit post - He had a dick attack.
EDIT: While doing a little bit of googling for the earliest use or mention of the phrase 'dick attack' I discovered the following piece of mind-fuckery - Dick Attack
I think I've developed epilepsy. Or dickilepsy.
<strong>Telekinetic Incident</strong>
I did a lot since last week. Just about everything in the game is complete now, I'm just in the process of tidying up a few things and looking for a sponsor. All the levels are completed, the medals work and and the trophies that cosmetically modify the game are all functional (though I am going to change a few of the models and decals).
A lot of people seemed to be having trouble figuring out what to do. Analytics I put in the game showed that 2/10 people simply sat on the first level and repeatably dropped the box on their head unsure what to do next). I tried to add prompts to clarify what had to be done so the controls of the game should be self explanatory now.
This is probably going to be the last feedback Friday I show this game since it's so close to being done.
Speaking from the perspective of someone who has worked with Ed on a few things (and some artsy and crazy stuff of my own), this stuff is NOT about "leaving it up to interpretation" for the sake of being lazy or artsy. There's a definite 'right' interpretation to all these games. I never picked his brain about isaac or time fcuk's "true meanings", but since well, I made Aether with him, I know for that one.
This stuff is an exercise to us as developers as much as it is about "the art", trying to communicate a very explicit message or story subtly and symbolically, and have everyone interpret it mostly the same way using the stuff that defines GAMES instead of the stuff that defines movies or books, that's a challenge. We like to learn and experiment and improve our skills when making new games which requires challenges like this, its not just about making a game people enjoy.
Aether wasn't "ambiguous", almost all people who played it had the same interpretation of it. That's a cool thing.
Thing is, so what if the "deeper meaning" of a game isn't directly explained to the player? You can enjoy isaac or braid on a surface level not even knowing or caring about the "meaning" behind it, you can enjoy zelda without finding all the heart pieces, you can enjoy fez without figuring out the language stuff, its all an optional thing for people who enjoy that kind of stuff.
Someone on Newgrounds of all places actually had an interesting hypothesis about the whole thing. Might be stretching in some parts, but still fun/interesting to read over.
Oh here's the original one and it's now really censored http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/theshadling/unlucky-star?context=ratings:etma.user:2924942.scouted:.offset:357 that was along time ago though he changed sort of....
I highly recommend Mardek RPG, it's a flash game in 3 parts (more is planned). It's ~ 30 hours long and inspired by SNES-era RPGs like FF, Earthbound, etc.
There is also Exit Fate inspired by Suikoden series. It's higly acclaimed, I'm not a big fun of the art direction, though...
There is also a bunch of games made with RPG Maker of different flavors, so you can dig in that direction as well.
About 5 years ago when I was still in university, I took a part time job at a convenient store. About 3 weeks after I started, I got called for an extra shift that weekend. I got fired for having this as my ring tone. I told him off and moved on with my life.
This is a great list, already including my all time favorite, Amorphous +. I'd like to add a couple of my other top favorites. Fancy Pants Adventures: World 2 The Fancy Pants Adventures series are some excellent platformers that have an amazing sense of momentum. I feel like these games are what I always wanted Sonic games to be. They're all good and slightly different from one another. I think World 2 hit the perfect sweet spot in its controls. (I think the XBLA version of the game messed with the controls too much, and doesn't quite live up to the rest of the series).
Dino Run - Careful, this game might eat your life. You play as a Raptor running away from a pyroclastic wall of destruction in the wake of a major meteor crash. You're running and platforming over 7 semi-randomly generated landscapes, catching rides on pterosaurs and vaulting over triceratopses. There's a lot of achievement hunting and leveling up to do that kept me playing for way too long.
Back before everybody collectively realized that, hey, there are lots of girls who play video games, you would occasionally happen across a girl who flaunted the fact that she plays games. Yeah, this is a pretty big exaggeration, but I'm sure you get the idea. So, here we have not a "girl gamer," but a "game girler."
It's okay, bro. We all had them feels. Just remember, Emi is a template. She's meant to make you want to improve yourself. You will never find an actual Emi, but there are plenty of girls similar to her. Get out there, look for her. And don't make the mistake of looking for an attractive, hyperactive double-amputee who is curious in bed. Well, okay, look for attractive and hyperactive.
Also, play Katawa Shoujo Lite on Newgrounds. Very similar experience, you'll love it.
Agreed, Madagascar is freaking invincible in that game.
EDIT: Links for those unfamiliar with this amazing game:
I'm pretty sure the mispronunciation is from a flash cartoon, I'm going to see if I can dig it up.
I bought a signed copy of my favorite game on steam, the Binding of Isaac. It came with a free steam code, so I thought why not put it up for grabs on reddit. Though it doesn't come easy.
Step one - Go and checkout the demo on Newgrounds and decide if you like it - http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/581168
Step two - If you like it, comment with your best Isaac Haiku. I'll award the free code at Saturday, 18 November 2012 at 3:00 AM PST (10pm EST). Go nuts!
Did you draw Egoraptor with traits from his actual Ego character that he made like two years ago?
Edit: Spelling!
The Binding of Isaac
Demo: here
TL;DR: Yes, that's probably the best $2.23 you'll spend during the whole sale.
Those little Interstella shorts they used to show on Toonami was my first exposure but i didn't really actively listen to them until this submission hit the top of the newgrounds portal in 2005. That flash was passed around to my friends and inspired all of them in a small way. They all liked Daft Punk now and one of them even took up flash animation as a result.
I took them all to Alive 2007 a couple years later :D
Mario and Sonic Olympics for the Wii. Some of the sports suck but some of them (the track events) are really fun, especially with friends.
Also, Super BroBalls, but I don't think that's what you're looking for.
Don't look Back is another neat game-as-art with a similar theme as OP's game without the (possible?) satire.
It's based on the Ancient Greek myth of the tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice, a pretty tragic tale indeed!
Why is everyone in this thread linking to shadbase? I know it's his website, but his stuff under TheShadling^^[NSFW][NSFL][NSFMorals] on Newgrounds is much more fucked.
Oh, and if you liked the "Bloodrocuted Cover", the Bloodrocuted comic is for you.
Holy fuck. This reminds me of the old Xiao Xiao videos in such a good way. Internet nostalgia'ing me. Great job dude.
For the interested: http://www.newgrounds.com/collection/xiaoxiao.html
Edit: #3 was my favorite Edit 2: And after looking at the old videos, yours is way better!
And on top of that, I'm dying.
"No you're not."
Yep, I got the results of the test back, I definitely have breast cancer!"
Prepare for you mind to be fucking blown. You didn't even know flash games could be this good.
Note: Read the first intro part, don't skip through it.
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/276616 <-- This is the better way to learn the story.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EBaumsworld#Copyright_infringement <-- This is a more detailed, written description
For the original Flash game? I just went to the Newgrounds Audio Portal: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/75343 That's what ALL web games do.
It turns out that's a cover of some NES game. No big deal though, it's only a quick little free web-thing. We'll be scouting fr our own audio guys for THIS version.
<strong>The Telekinetic Indecent</strong> (I think I might actually stick with that name now).
I went to visit family for Christmas and took a bit of a break so I don't have so much this time. Over the past few days I've fixed various bugs I've encountered, and:
Test subject now has voice acting (which added about 500kb to the game)
Test subject now has a few gags, if you kill him enough something happens.
Menu items now make little dings
All trophies now have game modifying effects. Hover over the trophies at the start screen and click to activate.
I intend to do some more humorous things like the one in the game so far. When I was making my last big game, Best Friends Forever 3, people really seemed to enjoy the humorous and sometimes game breaking modifications that you could find, so I want to incorporate that, minus the game breaking. I figure it'll add some replay value and maybe people will read some of my rambling lore.
A platformer and one of my all time favorites, downloaded the soundtrack too because chiptunes = <3
Or if you want something a little more meaningful:
Those take a little (lot) more time commitment and, yeah, they're more interactive stories if anything. The storytelling in them is what gets me though.
Well, you can play Time Fcuk on Newgrounds, But this doesn't have chapter 2 in it. If you REALLY want to know about chapter 2, I say go and get The Basement Collection yourself... because I'm not that far in chapter 2 myself. [Now, in the Binding of Issac, there are a lot of references to Time Fcuk. The most obvious one being the Gemini alt, Steven. If you pick up the Steven item, you will grow a little tumour with a face on it, just as in Time Fcuk [after the tutorial-ish stages]. If you collect little Steven, then that references, well, the little steven that left or something [I think this got explained in Chapter 2, maybe not]. If you play the fortune teller, you can get a fortune saying [Steven lives], which is involved with the ending of Time Fcuk. And, a hard one to spot, in one of the endings, you can see a quote saying "GET IN THE BOX", referencing the ending of Time Fcuk. The game also borrows sounds from Time Fcuk and spewer. Go and play time Fcuk for yourself!](/spoiler)
This might not be the sort of thing you were looking for, but you should play Anna Anthropy's Dys4ia if you haven't.
This is her website. She makes some great games, I would recommend playing some if you liked Dys4ia.
Might be why Anon said "Warlock looks suspiciously like Eluamous Nailo." Eluamous was one of the two characters (Sir Schmoopy being the other).
For those uninformed, Unforgotten Realms is a ridiculous D&D animated series that started on Youtube/Newgrounds and was eventually moved to the Escapist, where it got shitty and unfunny like most everything on the Escapist. Here's the first episode, hope you like terrible animation!
The past seven days were spent making a game for the 7 Day FPS Game Jam!
You can play it on Newgrounds: Let's Shooting!
Humans are indeed quite large:
The Planck Length is about 1.616199 × 10^-35 meters. The observable universe is estimated to be about 93 billion light years or 8.79829142 × 10^26 meters.
You can visualize the scale of the universe with an interactive flash game here.
I think that hairstyle is called The Spagett
He is awesome sauce. He has his own page. Even better, it constructed as though the mini horse himself is the author/creator. Thanks for the heads up. Definitely worth the minute or so of time. A pretty big deal in these days. <em>This</em> horse is amazing though.
Here's some guy explaining the same thing on Newgrounds. It helped me start to understand the absolute hugeness of these stars. Also, You can go the other way and compare the size of molecules
I also failed to mention that Newgrounds is home to a large amount of very talented amateur voice actors. Some of which who are able to animate and compose, equally as good.
P.S the only reson im giving this a 1 is beacuase the instructions where pretty good. but thats it!
— Iceman13
Edit: Holy shit, it really has a rating of 4.26!
Edit2: Okay, I’ve made an account (axman13 surprisingly was still free), but the review is waiting for approval. Wish me luck!
oh god, i do. the one on newgrounds? it's probably still there.
i think i grinded the stat that lets you do stuff during the day first, and then i had like 1000~~0~~ HP so i could beat any of the girls in a fight...it was awful, but finding the exploit was fun.
edit: yup, there it is.
edit edit: apparently just doing stuff makes you lose health. so i guess i must've ground just health...
Some links since they were mentioned:
My Life as a Teenage Robot: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/551022
Jinxed: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/501216
Those are great. My favorite is probably Tentacles Pt. 2 with Starfire. Close is Bloo Me with characters from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Z0NE/58100/Fosters-Home-For-Imaginary-Friends---Bloo-Me
For the Union, Target sighted, Desolator ready, High speed, low drag, and the all time favorite: KIROV REPORTING!
If You can't manage to run the game, just bring the memories with this: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/293898