That was a thing and it's hilarious. They were convinced that since we didn't see a funeral she was just in a coma and survived and she was going to show up in the finale. Now they're furious
From Chandler' Riggs' Instagram:
>if any of you were wondering why carl is completely dominating noah in this game of poker: neither one of us knew how to play, so josh showed us how. after a few rounds of being really confused and terrible, i started getting lucky, and before we shot this scene they started rolling the cameras, so everyone bet all the chips they had. i ended up winning, thus making carl the poker god of the apocalypse.
Here's another one and here is the original Source - Glad you all like this sort of stuff!
Robert Kirkman on the Knocking Dead podcast: >“Not only was that snot bubble absolutely 100% definitely real- Andrew Lincoln is superhuman when it comes to weird stuff like that… I can’t remember exactly what episode it was, but it was… Season 4, episode 9 or 10, when uh- I think it was 10- after Rick has been in the house with Carl and Michonne shows up, when he’s like near death after like fighting the Governor, those guys break into the house and Michonne and Carl are gone and Rick is hiding under the bed. And they’re filming that scene, and Andrew Lincoln goes to the director and goes, “So I know we’re air conditioning this house, but there’s no air conditioning in the apocalypse in the summer, do it’d be pretty hot in this room, right. So I’m pretty nervous, so while I’m under the bed I’d be sweating a lot.”
>And the director goes, “Yeah. Yeah you’d be sweatin’ a fair bit.” And he goes, “Okay, great.”
>And he went over into the corner and he started- laughs- flexing his muscles and going FWOOOOOOOOOOOHFF for like, five minutes! And the director went over and was like, “Andy… Andy what- we can mist you! What are you doing?!” And he was like “Nah man I gotta feel it, I gotta generate this from the inside!”
>If you watch that episode, he has sweat beading on his forehead and dripping down his nose and like hanging off, in a FULLY air conditioned room, and just, puddling! On the floor beneath his face!
>So, yeah, that snot bubble was real.”
I swear to God, they really believed that she survived somehow. They had all these theories about the show leaving clues and foreshadowing her epic return. It's so funny and sad.
Last year there was 15th anniversary box set with the first 3 compendiums. Nothing announced right now but it would make sense to do one with all four as a complete story set.
Robert Kirkman, from the Knocking Dead podcast:
“Not only was that snot bubble absolutely 100% definitely real- Andrew Lincoln is superhuman when it comes to weird stuff like that… I can’t remember exactly what episode it was, but it was… Season 4, episode 9 or 10, when uh- I think it was 10- after Rick has been in the house with Carl and Michonne shows up, when he’s like near death after like fighting the Governor, those guys break into the house and Michonne and Carl are gone and Rick is hiding under the bed. And they’re filming that scene, and Andrew Lincoln goes to the director and goes, “So I know we’re air conditioning this house, but there’s no air conditioning in the apocalypse in the summer, do it’d be pretty hot in this room, right. So I’m pretty nervous, so while I’m under the bed I’d be sweating a lot.”
And the director goes, “Yeah. Yeah you’d be sweatin’ a fair bit.” And he goes, “Okay, great.”
And he went over into the corner and he started- laughs- flexing his muscles and going FWOOOOOOOOOOOHFF for like, five minutes! And the director went over and was like, “Andy… Andy what- we can mist you! What are you doing?!” And he was like “Nah man I gotta feel it, I gotta generate this from the inside!”
If you watch that episode, he has sweat beading on his forehead and dripping down his nose and like hanging off, in a FULLY air conditioned room, and just, puddling! On the floor beneath his face!
So, yeah, that snot bubble was real.”
Some people prefer reading the compendiums . They collect 8 volumes in one book. The first compendium is basically like Season 1-4 of the show.
Personally, I prefer the volumes. . They collect 6 issues in one book. I like these better because the covers are much cooler than the compendium. You’ll save money and space with the compendium but I find those incredibly uncomfortable to read. They are big thick bible books. The volumes are much better for casual reading.
Issues are sold individually for 2.99-3.99 online.
Or you just can just read it online. Links aren’t allowed but you can find it with a quick google search.
Honestly even though it's been done before (was there one in the original Night of the Living Dead as well?) the mental image of the stillborn baby savaging Lori from the inside out was pretty creepy.
I've never done this before, but I thought I'd give it a shot. Since it's a ringtone, I could only sample a portion of the song (which will play on a loop. You can't really tell by hearing the sample once, but I tried to make that loop sound okay!) Hopefully you'll be able to download it from here and get it on your phone.
Sorry if it doesn't work! I don't really know what I'm doing. ;)
Thinking of other groups stranded in other places made my mind wander...
I would love to see a TWD variant of a great scene from Shaun of the Dead: The one where they run into another group that eerily resembles themselves, but it's all just a little bit 'off'.
I have created a public google doc of the large version provided by jordanlund. Anyone care to help me label all the characters?
The Walking Dead Kill Count Spreadsheet. So I transposed the easy stuff from the poster and came up with this. I added total zomb deaths and percentage of total deaths per character. I divided deaths into firearms/blunt force/piercing or slashing. This was for the sake of simplicity.
Close range headshot vs. sniped? I don't really care that much. You shot a zombie. Take a bow. If anyone would like to help out on this, PM me and I'll set you up as an editor. I don't care much about the format but I'm open to suggestions, categories, etc.
Since it's her in the pic, I can say... I was matched with Brett on a couple of years ago.
For some reason she had the worst picture possible in her profile. And no, I didnt reach out to her.
There's an app called TouchRetouch that allows you to highlight over a picture where you want an object removed. It'll try it's best to remove while merging that spot with the rest of the photo. It's 1.99 but I've done some fun stuff with it. I use an Android but it might be on the apple store.
After a quick search, I also found a free app that supposedly has the same functions, but I haven't tried that one yet. Here's the link.
Edit: re
A Catch 22 is more like a situation in which there is a "way out" but the consequence or process of the "way out" annuls or deny completely the solution itself.
The book is awesome, and the movie too if you are into absurd bureaucracy, dark humor and violence from war and human stupidity.
To expand, it would probably be a Catch 22 if it worked flawlesly so you can avoid a zombie, but it would sure as hell turn you into a zombie. Then there would be no point in doing it.
Telltale Games are the developers, the game is just called The Walking Dead. Here is the amazon link but you should be able to find it for cheaper in a local store. If you don't mind dowloading it off of PSN you can get it for $19.99 (that is for all 5 episodes which make up the full game).
It doesn't look like there is anything worth buying yet.
The link below is full of remixes, not the original songs you want to hear as they were played on the show when it aired.
It's legit enough, but missing all the good songs according to the reviews on Amazon and not worth buying because it doesn't have all the Bear Mccreary songs you would expect an official TWD soundtrack should have.
~~Looks like they are saving that cash cow for later~~
~~That's the only real thing that popped up when I went looking for 5 seconds.~~
|That's not how it works...
LOL. Apparently I'm speaking to an authority in post-apocalyptic militia dynamics. I feel honored.
But seriously, taking out the high-command of a military force has never historically been proven to disrupt and introduce chaos into the enlisted soldiers. Nope. Taking out leadership has never been proven to fragment fighting forces due to lack of direction, making them easier to defeat. That's why historically, we never tried to kill Hitler 26 times, because it wouldn't have ended the war.
But seriously, lets hear more from you about how things work. Forget the historical lessons from actual military conflicts!
"Hence, we know that the leader of the army is in charge of the lives of the people and safety of the nation." -Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Rather than jump on the "your calibration is shit so fix it" bandwagon I'll offer some actual advice.
If you have a means of mirroring your phone screen (apple tv, roku, etc) you can get a reasonable calibration with this app. Its not great, but better than the factory settings and better than doing it without a reference.
There is an additional video with Beth in an hospital room apparently just waking up, meeting cop woman and learning about her broken wrist, etc. :
Sure thing, find an image that you like the outline of, use the pen tool to get an outline for your silhouette, then make a selection with your pen tool, paste that selection to a new layer, then use the levels to remove any colour/detail. There are other tools you can use, such as the magic wand or lasso tool, but I prefer the pen tool because it gives you a lot of control that the others don't.
A couple thoughts:
We have seen Beth and Daryl in 3 scenes: The house where they are attacked. The car on the road where a herd walks through and they hide in the trunk, and this scene in the forest.
In this latest scene, Beth has the car mirror, which implies this is probably after they spent the night hiding in a car's trunk. However, I'm not sure where the scene in which they are attacked by walkers talks place, before or after these events. That scene looked the most dire. I'm inclined to think it is later. Maybe Beth complains being out in the wilderness isn't working, and they need better shelter so they seek out a house.
The broken arrow is totally a symbol. He missed the squirrel. Is he losing his touch, or was it necessary to display the symbol? He does get the snake after all.
Broken Arrow symbology:
In native American terms: "A broken arrow usually signified peace."
I'm inclined to believe the latter. We are definitely supposed to question the likelihood this group survives. They have no shelter, they haven't found anyone, they are going the wrong way, and they haven't made any progress on either front. Is a cute survival Rpg made by The Indie Stone. Its only in alpha at the moment but there are regular updates. Gives a walking dead kinda feel without being a walking dead game.
I feel like this season he is opening up a bit. I mean the last 2 episodes he has been hanging around rick and daryl and i feel like hes becoming more part of the group. I love T-Dawg. Hes my favorite character right now and not because of the big reddit liking him because he is kind of irrelevant but because I really want to know more about him and I think some tragic backstory would make people legitamitly like him
^Sent ^from ^Reditr
From Amazon These are the best engineer boots I could find within my price range that didn't have insane shipping costs (this style of boot seems rare in the UK).
And here's the android version of comixology. I like them because they're "smart" and automatically focus on the right panel. It keeps me from glancing ahead :)
When Brenda points at you, put the crosshairs on her to start the next dialogue.
Here's a link for a walkthrough that's helped be a bunch of times A LOT of spoilers on that site
If you're on a Mac, Simple Comic works great. On Linux I like Comix. I'm sure there are a number of good reader programs for Windows, too.
I think you made some good points about the diversity in the comics, I myself would like to see a bit more in both the comic and the TV show.
About the smoking in issue 57 Abraham makes a statement about the lack of cigarettes, but I think that they would've eventually found at least a small stash of cigarettes at some point in the story, especially with all the scavenging done in cities, stores, and rural houses.
A quick Google search would have probably saved you some time, but here you go brother. It's a list that displays all songs used each season:
And here's a playlist:
Oop! Also I forgot to add, in very very last paragraph I've written on page 2: [PART 2 AMENDMENT]
If you want physical copies I recommend supporting your local comic book store.
Comic Shop Locator is a great resource if you don't know of any shops. Barns & Noble (I believe it's called, we have Chapters in Canada) should have the compendiums and volumes too.
If you prefer digital copies I highly recommend Comixology. You can use your browser or phone app to read. They do have sales some times.
Why not check it out and decide for yourself? Install the comixology app on your PC or tablet (tablets are the best for reading comics) and download the first issue for free.
Netflix has more. Not sure if it's more per show, however. They spent more than HBO on content last year.
Assuming you're not opposed to paying creators money for their efforts, you can read all 141 issues over at Comixology. Back issues for TWD are just $1.99/copy, and here's #127.
You can also get digital copies of the individual issues over at
I just caught up with the comics and got the last few from them, so I could read them on my phone as well.
I'm thinking he misunderstood this
Because it would be insane if Amazon shut down it's videos,
It's a reference to the game Pandemic, where you play the role of a virus, bacteria, or parasite. Your goal is to infect/kill every human on Earth. You spread your infection from country to country via airplanes, borders and ships. Madagascar is notoriously difficult to infect, since it only has one ship port, and it always seems to shut as soon as anyone so much as coughs.
Adding onto what the other guy said about little hints left around the campaign, they also released a comic about it which adds in a lot of background plot and such. Its a really good read. I'll link you...
You don't address anything I'm saying except for you being stuck on me saying it's stupid and your constant 'BUT FEMINISTS THINK SO TOO'. You haven't actually responded to any of my actual point, which is how a logical argument actually works (though keep adding those cute little closers you do, it's nostalgic for me to see them, they remind me of high school). I'm saying that to add social/political commentary to pop culture that clearly isn't trying to do it is stupid. I have repeatedly stated that I never said what you're saying is unsubstantiated (which you continue to miss, somehow), and just that I think trying to force an "important conversation" into everything takes away from things that are just trying to be quality entertainment, and that I find it obnoxious.
I mean, I'm ok continuing this rather circuitous conversation, but if you're just going to repeat the same stuff, while apparently not reading what I'm writing, trying to be condescending, I'm not sure the point.
It's $49.99 from Amazon and free shipping with Prime.
And here i am with the Replica AMC version.
The game was only ever released on Steam, but it was delisted years ago and can't be bought on Steam anymore. Amazon still sells keys for it (and they should be redeemable; when a Steam game is delisted, keys for it still work), but for $49.99 each, which is approximately $49.00 more than the game is worth.
Oh! I only mentioned it because it's the title of the pocket-sized book that Morgan lives by and that was given to him in his "Here's Not Here" episode, but I'm happy you're actually interested in it! Meanwhile I'll be reading The Art of War...
I had a writing class where On Writing by Stephen King and The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood were the only required books. Total of like $30 tops. Pretty cool teacher. She also thought books were stupidly expensive.
I posted an info-graphic I found of the zombie kill counts for season one. Almost 500 upvotes in 24 hours.
I posted requesting input/editors for The Walking Dead Kill Count Spreadsheet- in 8 hours, 13 upvotes. Well said.
I highly recommend getting Compendium 1, which you can get on Barnes and Noble or Amazon for pretty similar prices, in the $25-$35 range. It's massive, thick as a dictionary. It has issues 1-48, which is technically a $146 value, if you were to buy each issue, or maybe closer to $90 if you were to buy by volume. Got it, binge read it in a couple days and ordered Compendium 2 less than a week after. Compendium 3 is coming out in October.
The characters are really quite different, but it's really enjoyable nonetheless, I like the comic more than the show now. I would recommend catching up in the show, though.
They would all be able to make it back to earth, however returning astronauts are always very frail and weak for a while since they have been weightless for weeks to months.
The Macon High School is nearby and similar architecture, but making extended use for filming and such... may be difficult.
There is a former elementary school near me that is only about 1/3 renovated on the inside and is very rough from the backside. And is not that far from the Woodbury set (about 60 miles) but that may be just far enough away to no be practical. There are many former cotton mills that would make good locations as well - possibly for the Savior's location.
I actually recommend Book Depository:
for me it's cheaper than amazon because of the free shipping. they also deliver from the UK so if you live in europe it arrives a lot faster. (they also give you a really cool bookmark with each book you order)
Kirkman says this in an interview on the subject of Carl: "This 12-year-old kid is able to put a bullet into his mother because he knew that’s what needed to be done; I think that’s going to be hard for the audience. " I mean, the guy says he shot her.
Linking the US site and an assumption
Has an app you can download, links to your amazon account so if you have/ever get a tablet/change to andriod you can read it there too.
If you really enjoy the govenor's character I stongly suggest reading the novel rise of the govenor. Really good read the rest are okay but you can skip them. Happy reading.
> the whole 25 year olds playing angsty "you don't get me"
vs Carl aging from 10 to 16 years old over in real during 16 to 18 months of showtime?
And when is the show supposed to be set in real life? 2010?
The guy on bath salts was 2012.
Was everyone and their teacher tweeting everything in LA in 2010?
I didnt and still dont.
Also notice the kid at the protest was using a camcorder rather than his phone to video tape what was going on.
Literally just a simple google search of something along the lines of: "The Walking Dead comics online". I found several websites which offer them to download for free, or just read for free without downloading. Heres one that I found within seconds of searching:
There's also several youtube accounts which post the comics. "Comicbooksalday" has them all. His old accounts have #1 -#126 or so and his new accounts have the most recent issues. Here's the link:
There ya go.
There's a film project trying to get off the ground right now called The Good, The Bad, and the Undead. They're trying to crowdsource funds but it's not looking good, honestly. 12 days left and they still have to raise $5,000. Check em out
You could purchase The collected Editions Look at the Volumes from Comixology Then go to Ebay and look for the volumes you want... You can get them for about 5 bucks per volume.... At 20 Volumes hundred bucks is the cheapest route.... Good Luck
Yes, I'm the same person who sells these.
No, I'm not saying "BUY THIS!" I'm just putting it out there for some exposure. I actually wouldn't mind keeping this one for myself ;) Hahahaha!
These are sweet. I make TWD vinyl decals as well. Check em out.
If you want to make more Ricktatorship decals with vinyl, let me know!
Sounds like textures failing to load. Could be: overheating, bad driver, failing graphics card/other hardware, or just software errors of some kind. Do you know what temperature your card is running at? Speedfan is a good program to check with. Any other 3d games acting similarly? /r/techsupport can help too.
The building they used as the CDC in the show is actually the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre.
Here it is on the show, and here it is in real life..
I saw Weird Al there a few months ago. Nary a mention of zombies was made : (
> My girlfriend is deaf, and since I pirate the show, we can't always get captioning
I'm not sure how long the subs take to release, but they do come out.
Check this out:
Its a media player, that automatically finds and downloads subs for any given media file, even pirate ones. Its perfect. I use it because I have trouble understanding what people say, in anything like The Wire.
Hi y'all. I'm jacking the top comment for visibility. God, this has been tough. There's some quotes that are fantastic but so hard to visualise, and I wish I had the time and skill to do one for every quote here. Wasn't expecting more than 10!
Instead of uploading them all at once, I've uploaded the first four. I'll be updating the page over the next week, as I do them, and then I'll post a link on this sub once I've finished the lot.
CLICK HERE to see the first four! If you don't want to miss any, you can sign up to the site and subscribe, or just keep checking this sub.
Yeah, you're probably right, seeing as Rick starts out with this look of deep feeling, but then when Morgan continues on that he moves into the blank expression
Oh ok, my bad I should have guessed that. I'd probably call those trade paper-backs. If money isn't an issue at all, the Omnibuses are obviously the best option.
Another version that you didn't mention are the hardcovers. They're awesome as well, but probably just slightly less cool than the Omnibuses.
You can see all the different versions here.
Great episode. Quite a few new developments - Beth's disappearance, Daryl encountering the group of bandits we saw in the house Rick was in, and Glenn finding a sign leading to Terminus...
I am definitely excited for next episode (though I hope a little more than just slight character development for Carol and Tyreese's group happens).
EDIT: Also, for anyone wondering, the song used at the beginning (and end) of the episode was "Blackbird Song" by Lee DeWyze. It's available on Amazon and iTunes.
Its just one click away on Amazon.
Install the free, safe, and small Hotspot Shield, run it, and it will mask your IP, allowing you to watch everything
Works for Netflix too, you acn access the American Netflix with a much larger library when Hotspot is running :D
> Morgan lives by and that was given to him in his "Here's Not Here" episode, but I'm happy you're actually interested in it! Meanwhile I'll be reading The Art of War...
Ha ha, that just goes to show how much attention I pay :)
I really hope Morgan grabbed a copy of The Art of War while he was in the library so everyone can brush up on their military tactics and stop getting ambushed.
> For instance, a certain road may be the shortest way for him, but if he knows that it abounds in natural obstacles, or that the enemy has laid an ambush on it, he will not follow that road.
That has nothing to do with tv.
Edit: apparently this is what was intended...
Best I can do... seems to be a Defender Xtreme Hunt-Down. Mixed results with slightly different guards.
I’d like to note I have no affiliation with the seller or the product lol because it looks like im trying to sell it, but this is the one I have and it’s a great player. SONY BDP-S1700 Region-Free multi...
Probably not a good idea. Ask... oh wait
I would suggest you read some books about the age of sailing. One I would highly recommend is Six Frigates. It really shows, at times, how dangerous it was in pre-GPS it was. How even experienced captains would make decisions and would br driven into rocks or shoals.
Sailing is NOT an easily taught skill
Yep. Exactly my thoughts...
Here's the link of what I have so far. Each season is on a different sheet. The catagories aren't that special at the moment.
The Walking Dead Kill Count Spreadsheet.
I don't have the graphic design skills do make an image like that, and in all honesty my spreadsheet skills are rudimentary. Would you be satisfied with this? Cause yeah, I'll throw it together.
Ike others have said, I think it's a type of MOLLE Vest or Carrier. I found a couple types that could work well for relatively cheap.
They were collected into four giant books called compendiums. The first one contains issues 1 -48. They sell for around £35 -£45 each. But they are worth the price in my opinion, this is how I bought them all.
That would be great or something similiar in Tales of the Walking dead.
While the flash bang's flash causes an overload in the photoreceptors causing temporary blindness. The "bang" from the grenade can also be used to incite blindness. Many loud noises will cause temporary blindness, since many of the senses are interconnected.
Source Page 469 near the end of the first paragraph.
My hubby just got us these: Compendium Volume 1
Compendium Volume 2
There's a series of Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Flash games called The Sagittarian (NSFW for violence, brief nudity) that are similar in themes, following a survivor from the day of the first outbreak into his new life in the post-apocalyptic world, with multiple endings in the 2nd and 3rd.
According to this most water supply pumps are centrifugal, which would allow water to pass through them even if they weren't powered. It seems reasonable that there would be some running water just from gravity, as long as there was still water in the water tower.
I just recently started collecting all the Funko Pop Vinyl TWD figures, so maybe you can do those? There are quite a few, plus exclusive variants like bloody rick, bloody daryl, black and white daryl, glowing michonne & her two pets, and even a headless hershel.
In fact, this one was JUST released:
I was stuck on this for like an hour. I had to look up a video walkthrough to get how to do it, but there is a zombie to the top left of Brenda. The point is to only walk when the gun is pointed at Kat, and stop as soon as she points it at you. Eventually you will see zombie Mark at the top of the stairs, and I think you can figure it out from there. You just have to be nice to her, and only walk when the gun is not pointed at you.
There are some really good video walkthroughs on YouTube, and there's a great text based one here.
I have no idea how rare comic book girls actually are because, as stated, I'm not a comic book guy myself :)
As for purchasing them, you can try here.
You can also get the collected volumes on comixology. You can also get individual issues that way, and they have the first one free as a teaser. Don't know how you feel about digital media, but I often read them straight on my phone, they have this 'guided view' thing that blows up the panels in the order they are supposed to be read so it's not as clunky as you might think.
Well, in the comics [] (/c "Lilly is already in there some time around the end of the Governor arc... The Governor orders her to fire on the group, and she kills Lori, who falls on top of her baby, killing the child.")
Kirkman and Telltale both spoke about Lilly being in the comics. So I have a feeling that the game ends before the Woodbury arc happens in the comics (we already know that the first episode happens before Rick wakes up).
As for Kenny's boat, when you first meet Kenny and Katjaa in episode one, talk to him and use up all the options while he's standing next to his truck. One of the things he talks about is the fact that he is a commercial fisherman, and that he would escape to the boat if he has to...
Lee's group is headed Southeast, towards Florida ( PROOF ) while Rick's group was headed Northeast, towards Washington DC.
IF they are to meet, they'd already have to be on the boat, otherwise risk going back through the Atlanta area, and other larger cities without a guaranteed gas supply. Lilly obviously leaves their group before they make it to the boat... IF they make it to the boat.
Basically, it's called logic.
I apologize for the post, but I am conducting this research study to better understand parasocial interaction within fandom culture. This will entail your completion of a survey. Your participation is expected to take approximately 15 minutes to complete. If agreed to be in this research study, you will be asked to answer questions to the survey that is part of this study, answering various questions about the media use, fandom, and your thoughts. Results from this study may add to the body of literature about social media use and fandom. Although participation may not benefit you directly, I believe that the information obtained from this study will help me gain a better understanding of the dynamics of fandom culture and functions of parasocial interaction. Please find the survey link below:
If you like board games and The Walking Dead, check out Dead of Winter. It's pretty much TWD: The Board Game, and it's insanely fun. It's out of stock at the moment due to high demand, but the word is that new shipments are on the way.
I did enjoy it quite a bit once I accepted what it was, the walker AI was pretty decent, I did enjoy the hospital part quite a lot.
A real open-world survival game with Walking Dead zombies would be the best game in my opinion, with decent AI.
For a game 'similar' to the Walking Dead, look at Project Zomboid, it's the most realistic zombie game in which the actual undead are a threat, the NPC system they're working on is going to be epic too.
Probably more like Project Zomboid actually, just finished. (seriously check it out, it has a much better focus on crafting and base-building as well as a TWD-style universe and all the good stuff missing in DayZ)
Maaaaaaan, when they add the NPCs Zomboid is going to be the ultimate time sink. blog talking about the NPCs for those that aren't in the know. Obviously the devs took some inspiration from Rick's story for the demonstration. The zombies are fully customizable (you can have sprinters, shamblers, weak zombies, strong zombies, airborne we're all infected Walking Dead virus, bites only, blah blah).
As far as shooters go, Contagion is shaping up to be pretty sick. It's made by the Zombie Panic: Source dudes. Slow zombies, actual objectives opposed to L4D's sole A to B to C to D structure.
But Project Zomboid is what's going to be king shit.
Project Zomboid eventually. Right now it has MP but it's buggy. When they finally add NPCs (and other shit of course if we're gonna be literal), the game is going be able to mirror any zombie story (having zombies that are fully modular helps with that lol). I'm too lazy to give you a hype-worthy post so give it a look yourself sometime.
edit: IIRC this is still the blog to reference when learning about how kickass the NPCs should be. Fun read with major TWD parallels.
Last I heard he was 44 years old dating a 20 year old. Cecilia Singley
But yeah, he has a kid. But that is from a previous relationship. I dont think Reedus was married to Mingus's mom though.
You can watch AMC live using Sling TV, and they have an app. Normally it's $20 a month, but you can get a 7 day free trial. That's how I watched last week, and I just cancelled the trial so I wasn't charged.
You can still get 50 off a fire tv or a free fire tv stick.
Looks like it would now make sense if you like anything on AMC and dont want to pay for cable tv.