If you liked this one, I would also suggest A Dark Room and Crank. Both have similar 'paradigm shift' mechanics and incremental/idle gameplay.
Also plug for /r/incremental_games
Hey, thanks for all the comments about our game Impasse. Two notes: a) this is actually not the official version - you can find that here [http://www.kongregate.com/games/wanderlands/impasse] - and b) we're overjoyed and humbled by your response to our first game; thank you so much for your support. Regards, Wanderlands
Some more details about the update: Version 2.0
New main story: The main story has been completely rewritten with a much more clear beginning, middle, and 2 endings.
Tons of new content: Over 100 new interactions have been added (about 5000 additional words of dialogue), including a few new characters.
Revised a number of existing storylines to make them less annoying (include the witch’s haunting storyline).
The lack of ending was the main thing I found annoying about the last version. So I'm glad they've added it.
Wow, brilliant game! I love games like this that can create this tone. Really captures a mood and gets you immersed. Great artwork and fun, somewhat challenging gameplay. Reminded me a lot of this beautiful game - The Company of Myself
I was like, why does this style seem familiar? And then I understood that at least the director was among the developers of Sinjid: Shadow of the Warrior.
Oh, snap, my heart skipped a beat. I really wasn't expecting this & still having hard time believing (I never win things). Thanks so much to all, who generated Smarts & liked the game!
P.s. I wasn't updating itch.io version during the voting period, but last few days I spent working on post-jam version of my game, which now has much better UI, prestige-ing and, most importantly, 18 styles of hair.
Edit: these kind of events could happen more frequently around here!
Reposting the old one because a new one just came out but it had this whole "pay to avoid waiting" thing. That was taken out due to outcry, but in it's place there's now a bunch of popups and things placed so you click them (plus they're an eyesore). On top of that, there's things like "refresh to get extra hints" and stuff, or it times you out if you're idle for too long and makes you refresh. Just a lot of cheap ploys for extra clicks and cash. I get they need to make money, but it is over the top. Deleted the old post so people didn't have to suffer that garbage. I started to try and finish the game but it was too much, and from what I saw it was basically the same concept as the old one, so here you go! If you really like it, you can try the new one too here, but I preferred people to try the good one first rather than sour their taste of the game by playing the new one :-/
Sorry for jumping the gun and posting the other one without due diligence.
First of all, it needs to be fixed the ending. I guess at first you were supposed to get 100,000 (thankfully it was changed to 35,000)
Stronger guns didn't seem to mean faster coin collection, at least not towards the end, maybe because a max coin amount. I had the 3rd to last gun, then bought the best one and the rate of coin gain was the same (Major waste)
This felt like a less fun version of jmtb02's game (he is the king of upgrade games and short repetitive games): http://www.kongregate.com/games/ArmorGames/coinbox-hero?acomplete=coin+box+hero
I'm sorry for being so negative -- I did play through this and it was somewhat enjoyable, but I just felt like 'I'd rather play Coinbox Hero again' rather than complete this.
You caught me! I swear I'm not karma farming, here's what's going on:
As it says in the overlay screen that slides up, I'm working on a website that helps people make games collaboratively. In the spirit of Eat Your Own Dogfood, I made Pony Joust using that website. Around that time, I had just read The Lean Startup, and so A/B testing was on my mind. The biggest uncertainty I had was if people are more inclined to play games, customize games, or create new games from scratch.
So I decided to use Pony Joust to run a test.
The blue button at the bottom of the page alternates between PLAY, REMIX, and CREATE. Measuring the clicks, I can see what people are more interested in, and finally settle the question. I had predicted PLAY > REMIX > CREATE, but as the stats came in, I was delightfully surprised to see REMIX > CREATE = PLAY. By a factor of 200%, with a statistical confidence of 99.9%.
Maybe fandoms have more of a remix culture than normal web players, I suspected. To test that, I replaced the ponies with peeps. Unless there's a peep fandom, this should provide more insight into fandoms vs non-fandoms.
It's not a perfect experiment -- in fact I can think of many ways it's horribly flawed -- but at least now I can say I made a game for science
Check out the second one, it's infinitely better than the first.
And for GOD'S SAKE PEOPLE, please send us a message when you report something. This isn't a repost, according to search results, so what POSSIBLE reason could the reporter have? The world may never know.
For those who don't know, this is a game by Edmund McMillen.
With great games such as Super Meat Boy and The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth.
Unique? This is a total ripoff of one of the most popular games on mobile. Both in mechanics and graphics. stack by ketchapp
Canabalt! This runner game is so damn good, has an amazing atmosphere and quite an unforgiving gameplay. I sank many hours crashing windows and avoiding nuclear bombs.
The Second One was probably one of the best games of this kind I've encountered. I wish I would find more games like this. Possibly more indepth ones.
This is almost the exact same game as Icy Gifts. I mean, the graphics, upgrades, and awards system are near identical.
Icy Gifts for reference: http://www.kongregate.com/games/SilenGames/icy-gifts?acomplete=icy+gi
The Beatles are:
A band. Famous. British. XXX
"not on spotify", "overrated" .... ok i'm done with this
If you're looking for a good family fued-like experience: 94% on Android store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.scimob.ninetyfour.percent&hl=en
>Angry Birds, in a fantasy/medieval setting
In that it is a rip-off of an existing game with web 2.0 art? Because that is the perfect description of it.
I've been playing Gravitee Wars Online over the weekend. It's Worms on planets with gravity. I haven't seen any guest accounts, so I'm guessing you need a Kong account.
Try the sequel. Instead of insta-capture the teacher's cone will progress from Green to Red depending on how long you're in it. You have about a half-second of "seen" time total as opposed to the instant-capture of the original. Also, the cone is actually representative of the Teacher's LOS.
I made this game for Porpentine's Twiny Jam, so that means it's a Twine game that contains less than 300 words. I tried to stretch those words as much as possible.
You'll know the game is over when it's over, because you'll see the word "end" in bold.
So I'm assuming since this is for web games, people will usually post online multiplayer stuff.
For those who like web-based local multiplayer gaming, I recommend having a look at AirConsole :)
1 Smartphone per player needed, but no downloads or anything.
Prepare for you mind to be fucking blown. You didn't even know flash games could be this good.
Note: Read the first intro part, don't skip through it.
There was a similar game to this where you had to repair your hot air balloon before you got whacked. Anybody remember what it was?
*NM, I found it: Balloon in a Wasteland
That's certainly a valid criticism, but nobody has told me that before so I didn't realize it.
I'm going to go visit my mom in the hospital, but after I get back I'll look into changing the sound of the basic enemy attack a bit.
Right now I'm tending towards this sound:
Thanks for the feedback.
OH MAN! It took me forever, but I realized it was actually plants not electricity! It's actually Symbiosis that lets one plant "charge" the other.
edit: Some tips for the endgame hardest levels and such -the bigger your plant and the more hp it has the more it sells for. Grow your plants to level 2 and keep it on defense mode to keep it at near full hp.
Sell and buy and grow to work your way to the well. Fireballs are the key to winning, maxgold/maxmana is skillpoint sink don't waste more than 3 points.
I found this game at IndieCade last weekend and loved it. In case you're interested I put together a list of favorite games at the festival, not all are web games though.
Very similar to One Button Bob (reddit link). Some of the stages are identical so it is a pretty clear inspiration for the game.
My best in terms of clicks was 94 taking 4:31:1. The trick for minimal clicks is some stages can be beaten with either 1 or 0 clicks by waiting for you to get through by luck. Eg the 4 laser one where you run to get through you hold down run, and die about 5 times before getting lucky and making it through. The boss takes zero clicks, but about 2 minutes waiting for him to not throw a low shot for long enough to kill him.
Hello! This game was made by Amanita Design Studios. It's great that it is getting exposure here on reddit.
However, Amanita is a small independent company and can actually be damaged by piracy. So if you want to play this game (especially in your own language) please go to http://machinarium.net/ and pay for a download. It is only $10 and it deserves every penny.
I don't represent Amanita Design in any respect, I'm just looking out for the little companies.
Awesome start. This is probably a perfect time to bring in the power of a framework like http://phaser.io/
Then you can focus on the game design without needing to hand-roll your own physics code.
Adventure Time Battle Party is a MOBA featuring characters from the Adventure Time cartoon. It's much simpler than other MOBAs, but it has an unique charm that even veteran LoL or Dota players can enjoy. The most unique feature is the levelling system; instead of upgrading your spells, you choose a backpack full of items before the game, and spend points to improve the items inside. This means that one character might play very differently depending on your equipped backpack.
The site can only be accessed from America, but you can use the Zenmate extension for Chrome to play from other countries. I tried using Hola and it didn't work, so I'm not sure if there are other ways to play from outside the US.
He made a couple more, both are Armorgames links to the games:
Cat in Japan is the newest one that I'm aware of.
Christmas Cat is a little older but tis the season!
The maker of the game has made a lot of other great games. He's currently working on a steam game based on "House of Wolves" another game he made last year. All of his games are up on Armor games if you want to check them out: http://armorgames.com/author/Louissi I'm pretty sure that supports him more than playing on a rehost page.
His blog is here, if you want to check it out, he's honestly one of my favorite game creators: http://louissi.com/blog/
Third most popular submission of this month. It's also the submission made by the fellow who developed Vector Stunt.
Here we go, minus the lag of a fullscreen flash game.
-Ninja edit!-
Too bad the creator never thought about the fact that most folks (maybe even all folks) can't hit 3 keys at once on their keyboard.
You need the Unity player installed. If done correctly, a Unity game can be 10 times better than anything done in Flash. Er, but in this case, Cookie Clicker in Flash is far more visually interesting. I don't know why they made 3D Village in Unity.
There used to be an excellent FPS game, but not enough people use Unity.
Holy shit, this really is a classic! from the golden age of flash games right before "apps" became a thing and all the developers left to make money...
This really reminds me of a similar game. instead of ninjas you could choose from like 8 different types of mages. they had poison, rock, water, fire, etc. and each element had it's own strategy. I think the name had "book" in it?
So I mistook this game for Bowmaster Prelude (probably the best bow game I've ever played)
I was pretty disappointed by this. NOT because it's a horrible game but because it's nowhere near as fun as Bowmaster Prelude is. I'd suggest everyone give it a try.
I can't find them as flash games and his website is gone, but you can play the games as the original were (just a bunch of URLs leading different places) on the way back machine
Boffo - a good one. One of the best webgames out there, in fact.
Although having said that, the sequel is a gigantic improvement!
I lost dozens of hours playing this in the odd moment of downtime at work, chipping away at the endless mode on it, seeing how many Minotaurs and Hydras I could whack. There was always enough variation in there to keep me coming back.
It's only a shame that the much-anticipated Monster's Den: Chronicles, the third game in the series, didn't do it for me at all, really.
z is b, x is a, shift is select, enter is start, d-pad is d-pad
Colorization of classic (B/W) GameBoy games: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:GBC_keypad_palettes.JPG
Source code: https://github.com/grantgalitz/GameBoy-Online
The free 1986 version is here. It offends me on some fundamental level that a game that I've played many times for free (because it's so simple) is now a $5 game. REALLY?
Anyone who enjoys this will probably love Knytt Stories, Knytt, Within a Deep Forest, any of the games by Nifflas. They have the same feeling of exploration, and the environments are quite beautiful at times. Within a Deep Forest is pretty good for its metroidvania aspects especially. I think he has all these games up for free download, check them out if you like this:
If you don't try, how do you find out? Your friend should get points (& a some kind instructions) for making the effort. How do you pronounce Sequim (a town in the Pacific NW)?
On the other hand, 'colloquially' was mispronounced in a professional capacity. That's just lazy.
Edit: bonus link
Yeah - to be fair Rogerup you're working hard to promote the site and I really love the simplicity of the design :)
All credit to you, you're doing a great job with newcave.
I check my own site out in alexa.com pretty regularly and I've watched myself go from unlisted to the top million sites ... then out of interest I logged in to see how you were doing and today you something like top 600k (and that's up from when I last looked and you were 800k)
Excellent work! Keep it up :)
I think this is uncalled for. Modern browsers use your GPU, therefore certain models of graphics cards might not sit well, for all I know this could be driver/software related.
My code isn't buggy, I'm using an established engine (phaser) and it runs on every piece of hardware I've tried it on to varying degrees of success. I get a solid 120FPS in Chrome on my desktop machine, but I get the unresponsive mess you have described on my 8 year old MacBook.
I'm not a developer, I'm a guy making a game with his brother-in-law in his spare time and we are giving it away for free without surrounding it by adverts (we have one banner add which you have to scroll to). We want the game to look a certain way and we can only achieve that with webgl in chrome at the moment, we state on the game page that the game is designed and tested in chrome. Also the game clearly says we are in alpha, I haven't done a single optimisation sweep yet (it's too early to do that).
Web games are changing, if we can make games to rival native PC games why not try?
I'm sorry it doesn't work for you, the game will get improved but no it isn't going to be soon because I have a full time job.
I preferred Specter Spelunker Shrinks. Instead of only being able to shrink or grow in context to where you are, you can control how much you shrink and grow wherever you are.
41 Days is a minimalist pandemic simulation where you strategically place quarantine lines to contain the virus spread. I originally released in August 2020 on Google Play and has been in constant development since then.
The current version is 1.67. Compared to 1.0 it has double the content from the original version + major UI overhaul.
Hope you enjoy the game. It's playable in browsers (desktop and mobile). Let me know if you have any feedback.
I also recently released a new game on Google Play - May's Journal of Time Travels. It's a relaxing puzzle game to compensate for all the stress induced by this pandemic simulator :(
Would love to see this stickied, at least for a while.
If you already have an account at Kongregate, check out Contract Wars and Ballistic.
Both are incredibly polished in-browser multiplayer FPS games. Ballistic is fast-paced, with unique classes that you upgrade as you go. They're getting ready to launch on Steam, which should vastly improve the gaming experience, as they've historically had problems with cheaters. They're both Unity, which Chrome no longer supports. Note that you'll need a decent machine to run these games without massive frustration. I don't even try to play these on my 2011 Macbook Air.
Contract Wars gameplay feels a bit more nuanced than Ballistic, and has a more developed community. Hop into a free-for-all Deathmatch on Bay5 for fast-paced close-quarters combat, try Target Designation on Bridge for traditional Counter-Strike action, or join a Tactical Conquest game on Lighthouse for long-range territory battles. They recently added weapon customization, and are constantly adding and tweaking the game.
I have over 100 hours on both. The late game gets pretty frustrating, as eventually you're pitted exclusively against people who dramatically outclass you in equipment/build/skill. So, I just reroll new accounts when I get to that point. In Ballistic, I play until my "league progress" puts me in "Elite," regardless of what level servers I'm playing. I can still wreck shit in Expert, but Elite is ridiculous. In Contract Wars, I usually stop playing after level 41, when I can no longer play on the 16-40 servers. 30-59 is beatable, but it's harder to find a server that isn't horribly stacked (CW has no team balancing at the moment).
Both of these games have real-money features, but I wouldn't consider them pay-to-win at all. I can crush Noveske noobs with my tier-1 Kedr all day.
Extremely short teaser for an app, which is apparently free and has no IAPs at least.
I've played a couple of similar games at Kongregate years ago in case anyone wants more of this style puzzle without an app install: 3D Logic and 3D Logic 2
I think their latest game is Flippin' Dead, but it's not quite as popular as Knightmare Tower. If you haven't played it yet, though Feed the King is one that I found fun, if occasionally frustrating.
I like Carbon Combat better. It's essentially a first-person shooter with flying cars (deathmatch, capture the flag, etc.). There are many levels of upgrades. Except for the flying part, it reminds me of Steve Jackson's Car Wars.
Hi, I've released a new darts game. I've tried to make the best flash darts game around - let me know what you think.
If you prefer to play on portals, you can play it here too: On Newgrounds: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/585582 On Kong: http://www.kongregate.com/games/NipponMonkey/pub-darts-3d
It doesn't make it much larger, unfortunately.
Edit: it breaks the game after the first stage is completed, the mini-clip social integration never loads and keeps the game from progressing.
Added a new location yesterday that takes more of a text approach... is that better? Oh, and Cyel made an extensive help book recently.
There was one about malls that was posted here recently... here we go, Shop Empire. That was pretty good. I've also enjoyed Diner Dash. And there was one about building beach resorts. And maybe Rebuild fits the genre too?
The problem is that they're usually so alike they kind of blend together after a while, so it's hard to remember specific ones, or their names.
The game You Must Build a Boat might be worth looking at then, similar mashup of match-3 gameplay with an RPG/combat system. (Available on both iOS and Android!) Haven't played this myself, but I've played the game this is the sequel to, (called "10000000") which was excellent.
Hey, I'm the developer of Interlocked, great to see it here :)
Shameless plug - If you enjoyed the Flash game, we have a newer version for Android and iOS which is way more polished and has more levels:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wecreatestuff.interlocked https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/interlocked/id554072547
Have fun!
I like it. It is lacking a bit tough. I instantly recognized the artwork, imsure many have played Dangerous Adventures.
I was playing that one and enjoying it until I got to the 25x25 and 30x30 puzzles. When you have to scroll across the board to see the whole thing, its just not worth it. I also liked this one: picross
Oh, and also griddlers.net has a huge variety of user made puzzles. Some users are really good at creating puzzles.
I'd interpret "interactive fiction" as a way to describe games where the story takes precedence over mechanics. Point and click adventure games or choose your own adventure games could fall into this category. The actual gameplay in in The Empty Kingdom isn't much to speak of, but its emphasis on narrative and presentation place it into that category in my opinion. Kongregate has a list of other games with the "Interactive Fiction" tag here if you want to check them out.
Game is fun, but it's crazy, crazy long. Be ready for a pretty long time investment if you want to finish it.
It's also on Kongregate with achievements, if that's your thing:
Heh. Nice little ^(pun intended) game there. I thought to myself; hm, how hard could it be? So I tried and got this far before I reached a kb and then gave up:
Maybe I'm weird, but I actually rather liked this. Nice art and atmosphere. It reminded me of Subway Adventure and Off Peak, though not quite as surreal as either.
To me, this is my favorite web game ever. I've beaten it many times, but sometimes I just come back to it and give it another throw or two.
Ye, you're right, but holding down space and moving my cursor made the game get really laggy.
This is a game that does it absolutely right: Picma
I love Terry Cavanagh's stuff. Don't Look Back is probably my favorite. VVVVVV is on sale for $1.24 for the holiday sale.
Thanks for checking it out. It's not the most innovative thing in the world, but I still had fun making it. :)
There are 5 levels. You can press 1 through 6 during gameplay to skip between them. Press 0 to access the extra-hard bonus level.
Doesn't work in Safari. I'm using some new-fangled JavaScript features. Any browser that's green on this chart should work.
This is a junk website.
This is Earn to Die 2012, not Earn to Die 2, which just came out for mobile.
Just go to NotDoppler.com for Earn To Die 2012 part 2:
was it called fishy? where eventually you eat the entire lake?
insaniquarium was the aquarium simulator where you had to feed fish, grow them and defend from predators that would portal into your aquarium
Same for me, not sure if it's Chrome or my trackpad or what. This one worked, but it's a little dissappointing. I'm sure it's better with a mouse and if I could be bothered to upload pictures.
Here's the first one that plays more like metal slug: http://www.miniclip.com/games/commando/en/
Here's the third one that plays even less like metal slug: http://www.miniclip.com/games/commando-3/en/
Thanks for the tip Caine, enjoyed the game. Mechanics were cool, though I didn't think that the twist was anything to write home about.
Edit: Check Everyday the Same Dream out.
Is newcave.com related to New Grounds? Because I only see Rogerio Penchel (our Rogerup) on the whois for newcave.
But the content hotlinks to http://uploads.ungrounded.net/
So, for some reason we are following Rogerup (the owner of newcave)'s link to his site, and seeing his ads, not the newgrounds page. So newgrounds pays for the hosting, and Rogerup reaps the benefits. Right?
I just want to make sure I'm on the same page, and that we're all OK with this.
Sorry I couldn't find it but if you liked this game, these games are very similar.
http://armorgames.com/play/4309/this-is-the-only-level http://armorgames.com/play/5351/this-is-the-only-level-too
Your post has been removed because it has been marked as spam.
Please send us a modmail which includes the rule you broke and a picture of a dinosaur that you drew. If we think that your post was not done with malicious and spammy intent, we may unban you - unless this incident has occured before.
You can draw a dinosaur here. If you want to share your drawing, post it to /r/DinosaurDrawings.
You don't need to log in to anything!
Here's a video session of me creating and playing a new game on a fresh browser session. https://saucelabs.com/tests/27562e1770014e548884138044c1d2b9 Online play does of course require an opponent to be matched up with you. Fortunately, you can invite a friend. Hopefully that will make things easier in the awkward stage where boardom.io doesn't have many users.
This is you and not someone stealing your game, right? I have to say that it's really fun, and I love that you made it free, but I would absolutely be willing to toss a buck or two your way to get rid of the ads, if possible.
They have the game for free in both the android and apple app store.
Hey, I'm with you man. I made this game, after all. May have been shit and unpolished but the idea of a lengthy story game was there.
I hate "typical" mobile games. I much prefer a "real" game that I can just play on my mobile for convenience.
Thank you! As a fellow colorblind person I favor the lettering :D I was ecstatic when Trainyard added letters shortly after I contacted them about my issue and to this day I continue to tell people about it.
It is an app! The links are on the title screen, but here they are again as well:
Glad you liked it!
I'm not necessarily talking about detailed graphics here; colour schemes can take you a long way. See the (fairly similar) Android game "Phases" (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ketchapp.phases&hl=en) for how the gameplay does the work but it can look more attractive just by tweaking the colours somewhat.
A mobile version that has pretty animations and I don't even know how many levels
I'm up to like 175. Not sure how long it goes on for, could be endless and randomly generated for all I know.
Edit: In the description it DOES say endless.
I put on my sleuthing hat and went to his Newgrounds page. I found the link for his song here.
He makes no mentions of either of these songs being an inspiration to him (the chances of randomly having two parts that are identical to two songs from the same album of a band is impossible).
I also found a review of that song on page 6 by kopacka2 that says,
>... Dude, the part from 1:06-1:23 is from "Taste of my Scythe" by C.o.B., and you can't deny it. The rest is nice though. P.S. Thank you for deleting my last review.
Just from looking at that the author gives me the impression that he wants everyone to think that this is 100% his original idea.
Could you be talking about Radical Fishing? http://www.kongregate.com/games/Boredcom/radical-fishing
Looks like it was made into a mobile game too, but I've never played that: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ridiculous-fishing-tale-redemption/id601831815?mt=8 Haha, it says "We'd like to remind you that Ridiculous Fishing will be getting a major content update somewhere, some day in 2014." and we're already well into 2015.
There was an energy system in the first release, but after a large and fast outcry it was removed. No more waiting for turns! Good developer :-)
EDIT: I've been playing for a bit and there's a few things I still don't like.. I'm gonna play it through though and see.
EDIT 2: Well so it's still crappy. The developer took out the pay to keep playing option, but there's a ton of popup things advertising his other games, as well as cheap things like a time-out if you leave it idle for too long causing you to refresh, as well as a pop up that I encountered saying "refresh for XYZ" (some kind of perk like extra hints or something). Bummer :-/ I'd recommend you guys play Doodle God instead. If you read through the Kongregate comments below the game, you can see that they took the top comments and just put them in: populate the world as you get things, the option you can earn to not make you watch the animation when you get things you've already made, etc.
If you want the up-to-date version.
Kongregate also has the AdVenture Capitalist Beta update to play at the moment (Which requires a K+ membership), which will probably be implemented on Kongregate before anywhere else. (The beta is for funding travel to other planets and whatnot, allowing more capitalism than before.)
I always wonder why no one seems to post the most up-to-date version of this game when it's shared.
I dont have enough karma, this account is still too new. I think a subreddit is a great idea, would you be interested in creating it? Yes to big plans, many of which I am sharing here https://trello.com/b/4Nkrt0pn/lu-proj-upcoming-features
While I'll agree that the side view was interesting it still didn't feel like the mechanic existed for any reason. Like if your gonna do something revolutionary its gotta have a purpose. The side view felt out of place for me. The towers needed to also change for side view to accomplish anything.
Giants are once again nothing new, other than being the primary enemy rather than just a strong enemy.
edit: perhaps its because I played kingdom rush because this game seems to be a poorly done revision of that game other than the champion(which felt clunky to control)
The original is here. It's fun, but a lot more unforgiving than its sequel.
Both of the games have great controls, imho. I'm generally no good at twitch games, but I played the hell out of the first one because, every time I died, it was my fault, not because of laggy controls.
Pretty cool, underrated older game: Drunken Masters. Bartend quicker to make better tips and buy upgrades. Kind of a "Papa's ______" meets alcohol as most of what you're doing is making cocktails as quickly as possible.
I had played the first one a while back ( here ) and it was a challenging game. The easier solution is often a lot different than the harder one where you also have to grab a card before completing the level.
This one looks to be similar with a few more types of characters.
It's a very good game, but the best game about dinosaurs that you can play?
ninja edit "one of the best" ok your title is fine
Kongregate mirror. The Kong version has been updated multiple times (even since this post), and the dev responds to many comments. He even implemented my feature! :)
Okay, so far I've looked at 15+ other browser-enabled games from this <strong>game jam</strong>, and think I like OP's the best.
I was wondering-- did you have any favorites from this or other game jams?