This app was mentioned in 325 comments, with an average of 4.33 upvotes
If you feel the need to play minesweeper on android, Simon Tatham's Puzzles has a minesweeper in there that is always solveable, either through elimination or counting bombs or the like. The rest of the puzzle games in there are great too, but the graphics kinda suck. Which is a good thing as it is really easy on the memory and cpu load (and honestly, how fancy do you need graphics to be on a puzzle game?).
EDIT: I just noticed that /u/PSBlake made a similar comment in this thread: EDIT2: it's also been ported to virtually everywhere else, so search your local app store and you'll find it probably.
Want a simple app for puzzles? Here's Simon Tatham's collection. Nearly 40 kinds of puzzles in one app. None are language-dependent, but some require math. Simple, clean interface, no hinky permissions or ads.
that game is actually part of a collection, there's a free app on mobile!
/u/House923 check it out in case you didn't know :)
I don't know about iOS, but there's definitely an Android version (not by Simon Tatham himself, if I recall correctly, but it works nicely.)
If it keeps misbehaving, I'd reccomend replacing that with Simon Tatham's Puzzles, which includes infinite free sudokus ("Solo", it calls it), is free, and has no ads or IAPs.
Linkme: Simon Tatham's Puzzles
By Simon Tatham (of PuTTY & NASM fame). An awesome collection of a ton of different puzzles, all open source and ported to Android. The names are different than some trademarks you may be familiar with, but the games are the same.
By far my favourite app, I've had it since Android 1.1 on my T-Mo G1. It's now 39 self-generating puzzles, simple interface, no ads, no fremium, nothing to pay, no network access, very low power drain, just infinite great puzzles in a small footprint.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles - 39 games in a single app!!
EDIT - bot got the wrong app. Here is the correct link
Mezorama - Great puzzle game. Awesome graphics and visuals despite being 4mb. You can create your own levels. Can be played offline. Highly recommended.
Dash for reddit - A reddit client which looks like a combination of relay and boost. It has bugs and lacking in features since it's in the early stage of beta. Looks promising.
Link me: Dash for reddit , Simon Tatham's Puzzle , Mekorama.
All the traditional and modern logic puzzles you know, infinite generation with adjustable size/difficulty, clear and clean UIs, and free as in free. This is basically the only puzzle game you'll need if you're not specifically looking for cartoon mascots selling you value gem packs.
The Android version:
This has been my goto for years now and Tangled is one of my favorites (among Loopy and Towers and Blackbox).
This is such a small and elegant app, I wish more apps were developed this elegantly.
If you like puzzles games with simple graphics and lots of options and you don't know of this one, I am about to change your life.
Gacha is a disease.
The only mobile game I really like is a port of <strong>Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection</strong>. Just some nice puzzles with no bullshit.
Simon Tatham's Puzzle app {Google Play} {Apple} is free and ad-free and has a whole list of puzzle games.
Check out Simon's puzzles for this and other similar puzzle games. They're open source and no ads.
Best I found is Simon Tatham's puzzles :
It's free, open source, offline, no ads, no dubious permission required, no downside whatsoever and lots of randomly generated puzzles you can play.
Get Simon Tatham's Puzzles, which includes minesweeper and a whole bunch of other puzzles to scratch similar itches. Free and ad-free. And I think it requires zero permissions too, which is always nice.
If you're on Android, Simon Taham's Puzzles has this under "keen." It may not be the prettiest app, but it has an amazing number of randomly generated Sudoku-like puzzles.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles - an offline, ad-free collection of all manner of logic puzzles generated algorithmically, so there's a truly endless supply. It's always been my go-to time waster/commute companion. Clean and simple but with real substance to the puzzles.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles includes that and more than 30 more logic puzzles. It's playable offline, free, no ads and has varying difficulty and map sizes
Simon Tatham puzzle collection!! 100% free, 39 puzzle games to enjoy
Here's his page for the windows version, it explains each game in details
There is a huge selection of puzzles, there are many options for most puzzles, and the AI that creates puzzles is good.
On Android, there's this great pack of puzzle games. It includes a version of Minesweeper with that feature.
Chris Boyle: Also a nice guy, we shared codes between our different ports of this.
My go-to is Simon Tatham's Puzzles.
It has many different types of puzzles which the app randomly generates, giving it infinite replayability. As a bonus, it is free and has no ads.
Doing sudoku just makes me overthink (anxiety) but if you are alright in that department, it should just be a nice way to pass time and train yourself to be better at well, sudoku. If you are interested & on android, I use this one that has not only sudoku but many brain games, is free and has no ads, or one from Genia that is specifically for sudoku and has tournaments sometimes, but also ads (but can be played offline-no ads then.)
Although I found out that solving sudoku on phone make me feel like idiot then I solve on paper, cause there is no highlighting/error notice/easy to edit hints.
The Yalp Store let's you filter out games with in-app purchases, as well as ads.
Better yet, get Simon Tatham's Puzzles Collection, the best open-source puzzle collection ever made.
The only game I play on android is the port of Simon Tatham's Puzzles. It's very barebones, and the ui is ugly. But there's no ads or any bloat. Just endless randomly generated puzzles.
Here, called mines, if you click the is link you can play it in a browser, the mines.exe link downloads a Windows version and there's a port of all of the guys puzzles to Android here(free, no ads).
The first click is always safe and it should always generate solvable boards that should not require you to just randomly pick a square the uncovered numbers should allow you to figure it out, but in some cases you will have to use your knowledge of how many mines are left, for example in a corner you may have 2 separate locations that each have to contain 1 mine and the numbers don't tell you which space in each location has the mine but there are uncovered areas behind the potential mine spaces and there are only 2 mines left you know all the other spaces other than the 2 locations are safe.
Skullgirls, Vampire Savior, Lethal League - blah blah fighting games blah blah hitting buttons blah blah
Crypt of the Necrodancer - Trying to get sub-9 Cadence, keep getting dunked from pushing too hard. I did get this wacky RNG today and actually finished that run, but it was pretty far behind pace.
2064: Read Only Memories - Only just started on this, hasn't quite hooked me yet but I'll see if it gets more interesting soon enough.
Lots of great stuff on 3DS, I'm not even gonna bother rattling off a big list. I just hope the Switch has enough battery life to fill the same role. Still sucks that I can't have a proper d-pad on the go though...
As for phones, eugh. It's all trash, all of it, the race to the bottom utterly destroyed the platform. The only thing that's any good is the port of <strong>Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection</strong>, because it's just some nice puzzles with no nonsense attached.
If you're like me and you really enjoy puzzles, Simon Tathum's Puzzles is the single greatest puzzle games app I've ever found and I've searched a lot. It has almost every kind of small repeatable randomly generated puzzles like Sudoku and Flood-it! and Mastermind plus tons I'd never even heard of before.
Absolutely my favorite app on my phone and I use it every single day... highly recommend. The one thing I wish it had but it doesn't is Kropki, which is like sudoku but significantly more difficult.
Here's what I got:
Misschien vind je deze app dan ook wat. Ik gebruik hem al jaren om puzzels te doen. Er zitten ook puzzels bij die je niet in een boekje tegenkomt.
Discussion: I love this app! It's Chris Boyle's Android port of a collection of free and open-source puzzles by Simon Tatham, the creator of PuTTY.
I'm not associated with Simon Tatham or Chris Boyle, I just really appreciate the app. :)
If you want to remove the "blind luck" part, try this:
> The first square you open is guaranteed to be safe, and you are guaranteed to be able to solve the whole grid by deduction rather than guesswork. (Deductions may require you to think about the total number of mines.)
I never really liked the default minesweeper due to seemingly being a puzzle game, but then often ending up in a situation where you need to guess stuff - I just don't think that a 50-50 coin toss belongs in a puzzle game. In this edition there will be no guessing and everything can be solved by logic, the result is actually pretty nice.
The same non-guesswork edition is available in Simon Tatham's Puzzles for Android.
This has minesweeper, and a few good other puzzles too.
i had an eight inch tablet once and came to a conclusion:
most mobile games are made for devices with a smaller screen and less weight and are a chore to play on a big and heavy tablet; i was sad (then i got a slightly old laptop and gifted the thing to my sister and am happy ever after :3 )
back then i was not really into idle games and this might be slightly off-topic, but if you are into logic puzzle games i recommend Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection, sometimes i spend hours on one game type scolding myself each time i hit 'new game' yet again; also: googleplay
Well, just allowing pressing in the general direction the character should move to is quite viable for some gridded top-down games, I reckon, particularly if not too fast-paced?
I don't mean full press-here-to-move-here pathfinding (though that's presumably a reasonable option for some game types, particularly rpgs/adventures), just some zones around the character in which if you press it means move in the relevant cardinal direction (these wouldn't need to be visible buttons, as it's fairly intuitive to press a point ahead of where you want the character to move - see the likes of the "inertia" game in the well known simon tatham's puzzles collection for a small example of something similar (in that case the point of the puzzle is it doesn't stop until it hits something, so you don't hold down to keep moving though)
\ ↑ // \ / ### ← #O# → ### / \ // ↓ \
I helped! Yay.
Thanks for the list.
BTW, I had a link for the "Puzzles" entry since the name of that app is annoyingly generic. You might also want to remove my commentary for OneDrive. :)
Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection is an old freeware net staple, and it's been made available on Android for free, no ads or IAPs. Just 39 compact, straight-forward fully-offline puzzle games.
This is a port of Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection, a collection of 38 single-player logic games.
Chris Boyle's Android port:
Greg Hewgill's iOS port:
Going literal on the 'puzzle variety pack' request, why not take a look at Simon Tatham's Puzzles? No campaign or story, but it's just several different puzzle gametypes.
Simon Tatham's on Google Play Store
Reddit told me about it a while ago, and now I get to share it with others on Reddit. Full circle.
If you ever feel like making an hour long video /u/NimbleThor then there is simon thatam's puzzles which is really great, it's my one of my favourites, and I always install it on any phone I have had for years already :) Really recommended, one of the best puzzle games around.
Je recommande chaudement les puzzles de Simon Tatham disponibles notamment en une application tout en une pour android mais aussi pour à peu près tout, notamment une version web. C'est en licence MIT, vive l'open source.
Ils ne sont pas flashy mais du coup ils ne rendent pas débile et il n'y a pas de pub, c'est rafraîchissant.
Mes préférés sont : Untangle (démêler un graphe planaire), Galaxies (faire des formes à partir de centres de symétries), et Towers (poser des tours de hauteurs différentes selon combien en voient les observateurs sur les côtés).
Love these, good variety, depth, accessibility (age and disability), also on Android: F-Droid/Play Store
Simon Tatham's Puzzles (available for all platforms) - no ads, no internet, small footprint, low battery use, simple graphics. 39 puzzles with multiple variations all randomly generated on your device - great timewaster to keep your brain awake. Lots of people have copied and filled with adverts, but the original (since Android 1.1) is totally free and superb
Simon Tatham's puzzles. Tiene como treintipico de puzzles, algunos medio dificiles y otros mas pavotes (incluidos el sudoku y el buscaminas). Tambien los podes configurar un montón (para que sean mas fáciles, mas difíciles, etc). Pesa dos gramos, todo gratis y no necesitas internet
I've played it here. The link is to an anandroid puzzle app, it has 39 different puzzles (I think) and it's always been my favorite. It also doesn't have ads so yea. If anyone have android, I recommend it :D
Edit: I find it pretty obvious, but I'll add that I am just a normal user and I actually like the thing, no-one has paid me.
Download Simon Tatham's Puzzles app. It has about 20 different puzzle games including minesweeper. Also the minesweeper is coded so that a game can always be completed without relying on a 50/50 at the end.
The only one I mainly play is Pokemon Go, but I also like Clue Bingo and this app of puzzle games. There are a couple more I hardly play anymore like Skip Bo, QuizUp, Lara Croft Go, GBA emulator with Pokemon FireRed
Simon Tatham's Puzzles.
In my opinion, just the best puzzle game out there. I will say, there is no multiplayer, there are no scores, there are no stats so to speak, just a good number of different types of puzzles that are randomly generated each time you play so you never run out of options.
And its completely free.
I think this link should work, otherwise look for "Simon Tatham's Puzzles" (by Chris Boyle)
This one is the android version of what /u/resisting_a_rest linked, and the one I play all the time. It has plenty of puzzle games with selectable difficulty settings etc, and one among them is minesweeper. The minesweeper (called "mines", probably because of copyright) has an "ensure solubility" setting which is on by default if I recall correctly. Enjoy :)
[Slightly off-topic:] In a similar vein, but a different style, there is Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection, which is a collection of near 40 puzzles. The collection is open-source and available on several platforms.
Yes, I know, none of those puzzles are card games. But I thought that people who like solitaire games would also like those.
To quote the posting on the Google Play store "Collection of 38 single-player open-source logic puzzle games, free, no ads, playable offline.". And it's only 6.4 megs!
Google play link:
Simon Tathem puzzles: Sadly not material, but it's not just sudoko. 38 single player offline games for free with no ads and only 6.4 mbs
firstly, check out bat bonte's games:
other than those, you got simon tatham's puzzles:
I would suggest Bromite for now (has adblocker and is turned on by default) but I believe next year, all Chromium based browsers (Bromite, Chrome, etc) will lose the option to support ad blockers. When that time comes, replace with Firefox and install the uBlock Origin add-on.
As for other apps, maybe a good puzzle app?
Simon Tatham's Puzzle and Tile Snap are both good and free ones to try:
Tips for console users:
If the thirs one takes too long, just restart because you haven't lost a lot of progress.
For the maze:
Before starting the record player, have you Phone camera open beside you, ready to be used. Once your at this puzzle, quickly take a picture and finish the puzzle.
For the 4 puzzles that switch order and place:
Just a lot of practice, specially on the shapes one and the 2 colored line one. You can win massive time by completing puzzles fast, even is the order is less ideal.
The shapes don't have to fit together as long as each shape is inside of the one you make. If the shapes can fit together, they don't have the be in the corresponding shape, ad long as they're in the whole shape. *Just made sure the stars are together, both inside or outside the shape, not being separated by the line.
For the 2 colored lines, watch the colors of the dots. If a yellow ar blue one is close to a starting point, let that Color start there.
For the choice puzzles: *Whatch this tutorial:
On his channel are also tips for the other parts! * Basically, try to identify the wrong ones fast.
You can practice here: A puzzle called looper (great app btw)
see patterns: 3 must have a U shape, 2 only L or I I (all in any rotation of the shape) .
For the columns Start with the dot one. The channel i linked above also provides tips on this.
Pratice a lot a don't give up!!
Lots of great number puzzle games in Simon Tatham's Puzzles: It is free and without ads. It has been on my phone for ages, and I still play regularly.
en gros il faut faire en sorte qu'aucun trait ne se croise.
par défaut il y a 10 points.
tu peux aussi le trouver sur android:
I like match 3 games, Marvel Puzzle Quest has been my go-to for a while. Lots of micro transactions, but I've never spent a cent on it. If you're on Android, is a great set of different puzzles too.
Use Simon Tatham's minesweeper. That's guaranteed to never have such situations!
That's my vote as well. I play a ton of nonograms via Simon Tatham's Puzzle Collection. Just easy enough to complete without thinking, at least once you know how they work.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles:
Simon Tantham's puzzle collection works well.
The interface is a little Spartan, but once you figure it out it works well for all the games:
Includes a version of Tents and Trees, as well as many other classic puzzles and is always ad free
Conceptis makes this kind of puzzle, they call them Link-a-Pix. Can find them on their website and they have an app for each puzzle type they do, but after the free samples you do have to pay for packs.
Simon Tatham's collection has a lot of simple and customizable puzzle types for free, just don't expect fancy graphics or picture puzzles:
Everyone should try Simon Tatham's Puzzle Pack:
Mosaic (overlapping Minesweeper, in which a mine can also be on the tile of the flag) makes Minesweeper look like it's for toddlers.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles are a good choice. No ads, no in app purchases, no notifications:
If you want to go non digital, the Windows versions can be printed:
Or just pick up a puzzle book. Dollar Tree sells some cheap ones.
I'm not "mathematically intelligent", and imo these sorts of puzzles rely heavily on obscuring information and quick reactions, so I don't think they test your intelligence as much as they test your memory and ability to think fast. I much prefer logic based games like Suguro (my current favourite), Hashi, Nurikabe, Seabattle, Kakuro, Slitherlink and the awesome Simon Tatham's Puzzles
I don't believe there is much scientifically backed evidence to your request. I recall reading something a long time ago about how "brain games" couldn't out perform reading regularly. But pen and paper games like crosswords and sodoku could yield similar results to reading.
With that in mind and your request specifically for non word/language games, I'd recommend Simon Tatham's Puzzles. It contains many games of various difficulty, and some require different modes of problem-solving.
Will they improve memory and cognitive skills? Probably not. I don't think any single game can claim that. But they do get into that problem solving part of your brain that I imagine ks where people keep believing they'll see results.
On mobile I find that Simon Tatham's Puzzles does a good job for me. His Mines game is flexible enough for my needs there, and might be suitable for you too.
In case it's of any interest, the starred puzzles from there that I regularly use are:
Simon Tatham's Puzzles. 39 different kinds of logic puzzle, completely free with no ads, great little timewaster when you've got 5-15 minutes to kill.
Simon Tatham's puzzle collection. Free, no ads, many variations.
Android export
Apple export
Simon Tatham's Puzzles | 4.8 ⭐️ | Free | Varies with device |
> Collection of 39 single-player open-source logic puzzle games, free, no ads, playable offline. See the screenshots for the full list of 39 different games. All generated on demand with adjustable size and difficulty, so you'll never ...
^(Legend: |🏠: Family Library| ▶️: Play Pass|)
"Play for a few moment and can put it down any moment" is pretty essential for babies parents haha.
How about the classic Simon Tatham's puzzle?
Simon Tatham's Puzzles | 4.8 ⭐️ | Free | Varies with device |
> Collection of 39 single-player open-source logic puzzle games, free, no ads, playable offline. See the screenshots for the full list of 39 different games. All generated on demand with adjustable size and difficulty, so you'll never ...
^(Legend: |🏠: Family Library| ▶️: Play Pass|)
Simon Tatham's Puzzles | 4.8 ⭐️ | Free | Varies with device |
> Collection of 39 single-player open-source logic puzzle games, free, no ads, playable offline. See the screenshots for the full list of 39 different games. All generated on demand with adjustable size and difficulty, so you'll never ...
^(Legend: |🏠: Family Library| ▶️: Play Pass|)
"Simon Tatham's Puzzles" is my all time favorit. It’s free, with no ads, and is playable offline. All games are generated on demand with adjustable size and difficulty, so you’ll never run out of puzzles.
Se curtir puzzles, tenta o Simon Tatham's Puzzles. Tem dezenas de puzzles gerados proceduralmente: campo minado, sudoku, bridges, resta um, entre outros.
Clearly your mother enjoys puzzle games so the best I can recommend is Simon Tatham's collection of puzzles. It's super bare bones but it contains a great collection of puzzles that you can customize in difficulty and it's free with no ads. Link:
You might also want to consider installing an ad-blocker like Blokada which is what I use. It can be hit or miss with certain games but I find that it works flawlessly in other apps and in my browser. Note that it doesn't block ads in the YouTube app so you/your mother would need to view YouTube in the browser. Link:
I miss that hardware keyboard, i still remember writing full messages under the desk at school without looking. Also remember playing Simon Tatham Puzzle's (still do) with the little ball cursor. What a great phone.
Not only minesweeper, but the minesweeper in this puzzle package also has that opportunity:
Simon Tatham Puzzles (single player logic collection)
Ported to android:
Idk if there's an apple equivalent?
No ads, no fluff, no internet required / 100% offline, each with several difficultly options. I've probably logged several hundred hours on this app.
They do, yes
If anyone would like to try some of these out, I can heartily recommend Simon Tatham's Puzzles on the Play App store - A collection of different styles of logic puzzles, each of which have a difficulty slider. Also, the app is free and has no ads.
Note: I am neither Simon Tatham, the original creator of these puzzle apps, nor am I Chris Boyle, who collected these different apps into a single android collection - I just really like puzzles.
If you do check the app out, I can also recommend Towers and Signpost
The free and open-source Simon Tatham's Puzzles app has a few variations on Sudoku (called "Solo" for some reason) like the "Killer" mode you mentioned. Once you open "Solo", tap the "?" in the top right to read instructions. The button with the diagonal arrows lets you regenerate the puzzle according to predefined modes.
Has many other puzzles too, but for free and no ads. I can't see you finding anything else like it. It's named solo in game fyi.
This app is an excellent collection of puzzle games. Among them you'll find Nonogram/Griddler ones, under the name "Pattern".
Simon Tatham Puzzles made by Chris Boyle
Description says: Collection of 39 single-player open-source logic puzzle games, free, no ads, playable offline.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles has several games, including a minesweeper mode called Mines. It's ad and IAP free.
Minesweeper: Collector has alternate game modes and an IAP to remove ads.
Sammlung von Puzzlespielen, keine Werbung, Open Source, kein Schnickschnack,, offline, läuft wahrscheinlich noch auf einem sehr alten Smartphone: Simon Tatham's Puzzles
Gibt's auch für alle möglichen anderen Betriebssysteme
I've had Android phones since v1.1, and there's just one app I've had that whole time It's procedurally generated puzzles with lots of variations within each type of puzzle, simple UI, no adverts, tiny installation, no internet connection needed, very low battery drain, no league tables, no lootboxes, no micropayments.
I have spent more spare time on this app in the past decade than any other. If you like puzzles at all, install this and you will never need another
If you're into puzzles, Simon Tatham's Puzzles is always a good shot. 39 different kinds of logic puzzle, all randomly generated so there's effectively limitless content.
Just like any muscle, exercise has to be routine. If your work does not let you do logic or problem solve, you have to set aside some time like your commute or before sleeping to do mind games.
I personally like Simon Tatham's Puzzles on the phone.
It's stupid fun but it exercises the right parts of your noggin
True, but the control of this game isn't that great to help you win with a good record if you're a regular Minesweeper player.
Yes. It's free, no ads and all the same games. All open source(i think) and doesn't try adding any extra features, just the games and thats it. It's like 4mb for 39 games, so barely over 100kb per game for an idea of how light it is. Makes like 10,000 apps in the Play Store completely irrelevant. Link below.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles
I have the Android port, and it has a dark mode.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles. 100% free, as long as you like puzzles.
Available on Android as well. No ads, no microtransactions, runs on a potato.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles 39 logic puzzles, free, open source.
First thing I install on any new android device I get.
I concur.
Link for Android app for those interested:
A collection of auto generated puzzles. Free with no ads at all.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles is the best that I know of.
Some of these have ads, some have minimal in-app-purchases that are either optional or just a single-time purchase.
[Originally posted one month ago.](/r/gaming/comments/4586fm/deliberately_obtuse_companies_now_desiring_the/czw9jzl)
Simon Tatham's Puzzles is a good one.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles. Unlimited amount of different puzzles. Ugly as hell but great puzzles nonetheless.
Came here for this, here's the proper shilling links. Completely free, no ads and open source.
You should check out Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection which includes Net.
If that OP reads this far and likes puzzles, check out Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle collection. Also has apps for iOS, Android or even windows phone!
Mines from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection generates boards to ensure that this can't happen.
The whole bunch of them have also been ported to iOS and Android.
And they're free.
edit: The mobile ports have directly mapped mouse controls to touchscreen interactions. Left click becomes a press or tap. Right click is press and hold. Click and drag is press and drag. Right click and drag is press and hold then drag.
Don't forget the Android port :]
Here's a link to the Android-port of the puzzles!
This Android port has only solvable games:
My favorite app ever.
I don't know about that app specifically, but this one (Android) has it , and many others
Time to get some offline games. If you like puzzles, is free, no ads, nothing... Just puzzles
Very lightweight android app if anyone likes these type of puzzles
Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection (with browser versions or downloads for other platforms)
Better yet: get the original version. It has no ads, is still free, and contains 38 extra logic games:
Here is the android version that I've had for years.
Some of my favorites:
Race for the Galaxy (big screen helps)
Simon Tatham's Puzzle Collection is a neat little bundle of puzzles. Some of them are common, like sudoku, but many I've never seen anywhere else.
My personal favorite is Keen, which is kind of like Sudoku except that the regions are irregularly shaped and instead of each region having all the numbers uniquely, each region has its numbers add/subtract/multiply/divide to the given clue. Numbers are still unique per column and row.
Anyways, the collection is free on Android (as well as pretty much every OS).
Also available for Android: F-Droid / GitHub / Google Play
I might have to make an account just to reply to Minesweeper posts.
Mines from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection generates boards to ensure that this can't happen.
The whole bunch of them have also been ported to iOS and Android and they're free.
For the people who don't read the instructions: The mobile ports have directly mapped mouse controls to touchscreen interactions. Left click becomes a press or tap. Right click is press and hold. Click and drag is press and drag. Right click and drag is press and hold then drag.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles
Here's all his puzzles on an Android app
Something like this?
Simon Tatham's puzzle collection
Many puzzle types with randomly generated levels. Hours of fun.
My favorites:
holedown - ball bouncer/breaker game, probably the best one I've ever played. Very fun, I still play it. Really good for listening to podcasts - gives your eyes and hands something to do, without being so distracting that you stop paying attention to what you're listening to.
drop7 - similar to above, but more of a twist on tetris, kind of. Lots of fun, challenging, and kinda addictive.
Pocket Run Pool - a pool game. Some modes have timers, so you may want to sit down for those.
Splendor - an engine-builder card/token game. Really good in person, pretty good on the phone, though you only play against AI.
Really Bad Chess - wacky chess! The gist is that every board gives you and your opponent a random set of pieces. You might be playing with four rooks, three knights, and two queens, and six pawns against an AI who's got eight knights and four bishops, with three pawns in the back.
Calculords - "collectible" engine builder card game, where you build up your attacks by doing math. You don't pay for the cards, you just unlock them as you play. Unfortunately, it doesn't feel like it has a lot of replay value once you beat the campaign, but the campaign takes a good long time to play, and is a ton of fun. This was one of my favorite game discoveries on my phone, ever.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles - a collection of puzzle boards of all kinds. Dozens of games in this one. I'm a big fan of "Pattern", "Unruly" and "Towers".
Diese Version hat keine Werbung, braucht gar keine Internetverbindung:
Some of my favorites:
Race for the Galaxy (big screen helps)
I've had Simon Tatham's Puzzles installed for a few years and it's pretty good. May be worth a look...
I use Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection.
Has apps for iOS, Android, and more!
Picross is like "Pattern", a monochrome nonogram game.
Check Simon's Puzzles. Especially the Tower game.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles are always great and as challenging as you want them. Graphically a bit dated though.
Simon Tatham's version of minesweeper is guess-free. It's included in this app along with his other puzzles
You can't choose your own image though.
well there's an app that has Nonogram (Pattern) in it, together with 38 more different puzzles:
Hey, I play this everyday on my way to work. Simon Tatham's Puzzles is an excellent app for games like this.
Simon Tatham's puzzles is pretty great
Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Pack always keeps me busy.
Lots of nice puzzles.
Can also be found on Android.
The superior version of Minesweeper. And some other games.
And when you say “all platforms” it really is all platforms: in browser with either a Java applet or asm.js, Windows, Mac, Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, and derivatives have packages), Android, iOS, Windows 8, Windows 10, mobile Windows, Symbian, and Palm.
I am using Puzzles for the same purpose.
This is probably not it but you should still get it
I don't know what it's really called either but the app has it, along with some other puzzle games
"Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection". The board generator of the minesweeper in this collection was developed with exactly that requirement:
> This version of it has an unusual property. By default, it will generate its mine positions in such a way as to ensure that you never need to guess where a mine is: you will always be able to deduce it somehow. So you will never, as can happen in other versions, get to the last four squares and discover that there are two mines left but you have no way of knowing for sure where they are.
This collection (free and open source) is also available for Android:
and I think for iPhone too.
If she likes Sudoku, Minesweeper, and that kind of logic puzzle, then you can't go wrong with Simon Tatham’s Puzzles .
There's an App for Android phones with 100% solvable minesweeper puzzles.
Discussion: (Simon Tatham's Puzzles)[] are great if you like auto-generated puzzles with no ads.
tu peux chercher "Simon Tatham's Puzzles" sur le play store
39 puzzle games. Free
Tons of puzzles, no ads, no internet, small app. Love this app.
I find these relaxing. I mostly play Net.
- Simon Tatham's Puzzles - Apps on Google Play -
Simon Tatham's Puzzles. Los mejores puzles de la vida
Some of my favourites (though I don't think any of these were made within the past few years):
I also created an app that I shared on this subreddit 2 weeks ago, "AlexCalc", a free / ad free scientific calculator with a LaTeX equation display, designed for engineering students: . It also does units, variables, and complex numbers. I'm in the process of adding output formatting to it.
A bunch of ad free puzzle games
You just hit a jackpot by asking the question.
app size is 5mb and it has 39 high quality game.
I just play simplistic boring puzzle games on my phone, such as this one until I pass out. Doesn't take long.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles - free, no ads, no bullshit
Simon Tatham's Puzzles | 4.7 rating | Free | 500,000+ downloads | Search manually
> Collection of 39 single-player open-source logic puzzle games, free, no ads, playable offline. See the screenshots for the full list of 39 different games. All generated on demand with adjustable size and difficulty, so you'll never ...
This still has hooks in me. Here we go again.
Back when pocket-sized electronic gizmos could only be expected to do one thing and assumed you had really big pockets, there was a fabulous one called Lights Out. I enjoyed it. Those of you looking to play it right now can find a clone called Flip in Simon Tatham's wonderful puzzle collection (which, beeteedubs, belongs in everybody's bookmark list and should be downloaded to everyone's home computers and here's a port of it to Android and one to iOS).
I realized something earlier this evening. Lights Out is Proset! Here's a link to a specific Flip game (It's such well-made software I love it). And here's an equivalent deal in Proset, if we add the minor stipulation that a valid Proset must contain the central card.
Theoretically, you could make a Proset deck with up to 25 dots on a card. (This deck would contain 33,554,431 cards and weigh about 37 tons, so maybe just imagine the deck instead of producing and shuffling it.) A classic Lights Out puzzle is basically a specific 26-card deal from that deck.
Perhaps it's more accurate to say that Lights Out is a special case of Proset rather than declaring them equals. ^Please ^brain ^let ^me ^stop ^now.
How about Simon Tatham puzzle collection
Simon Tatham's Puzzles | 4.7 rating | Free | 500,000+ downloads | Search manually
> Collection of 39 single-player open-source logic puzzle games, free, no ads, playable offline. See the screenshots for the full list of 39 different games. All generated on demand with adjustable size and difficulty, so you'll never ...
No guessing needed in Simon Tatham's improved and customizable Minesweeper:
Carpentry is basically a variation of pentomino. Sailing is Dr. Mario.
Bilging and foraging are variations of Bejeweled.
Patching is inspired by Pipe dream/Pipe mania, Bioshock had this mini-game as its hacking mechanic.
This is unrelated to my answer but I often play these puzzle games in my free time -
Power has a 25% advantage on battery life. Stylus wins or breaks even on everything else. Stylus has twice the flash storage if a game is bloated. Stylus with its stylus has an advantage for many games/puzzles and other activities where dexterity/fine pointing resolution/selection/drawing/sketching helps.
And while girls may play first person shooter and other action games, in many cases their interests may lean towards the more creative and less destructive games or a mix. And neither phone may be a great fit for the action games, anyway.
puzzles where you need to be able to select small squares/cells. Especially at the higher levels. Like the android version of these:
stylus may have an advantage on chess, checkers, majong, bejeweled, candy crush, farmville, mazes, crosswords, hangman, fruit ninja, what is wrong with this picture, etc.
Stylus might have an advantage on unciv/freeciv/civiliation type games.
There are stylus based games like pen runner, scribble racer, draw your game, physics drop, and brain it on.
Stylus wins on drawing games.
Stylus wins on drawing/sketching/doodling, photo editing, caligraphy, CAD, and 3D modelling, apps.
If you want an alternative…
A very good minesweeper (that is guaranteed to be always solvable by logic) is in Simon Tatham's Puzzles . It includes 39 puzzles, is open-source, and is available on many platforms.
If you have an Android I've really enjoyed this puzzle games app:
Kalo suka logic puzzles tapi mau yang lebih simple coba Simon Tatham's Puzzles, favorit saya yang Pearl sama Galaxies.
Which app? I've been playing the mines game in this one
Simon Tatham's Puzzles | 4.8 rating | Free | 500,000+ downloads | Search manually
> Collection of 39 single-player open-source logic puzzle games, free, no ads, playable offline. See the screenshots for the full list of 39 different games. All generated on demand with adjustable size and difficulty, so you'll never ...
If you like puzzles, this is great for passing time on the bus or similar situations. I play bridges on it quite a lot.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles - 4.8 rating - Free - Search manually
Paddocks Puzzle - Early Access - $1.99 - Search manually
0h n0 - 4.5 rating - Free with IAP - Search manually
Simon Tatham's Puzzles | 4.8 rating | Free | 500,000+ downloads | Search manually
> Collection of 39 single-player open-source logic puzzle games, free, no ads, playable offline. See the screenshots for the full list of 39 different games. All generated on demand with adjustable size and difficulty, so you'll never ...
How about this classic?
The website doesn't work on phones unfortunately, though there is an Android port
Simon Tatham's puzzles: 39 logic puzzles, free, no ads, playable offline.
Simon Tatham's Puzzle Collection includes a version of Minesweeper that will never put you in this predicament
There are also FREE mobile versions with no ads or even internet connection!
and also
For anyone that doesn't know, this amazing open source puzzles collection contains minesweeper:
Simon Tatham's Puzzles
Try these games:
No ads. There are a lot of games. Minimal instructuons. They may look intimidating but just pick one and stick with it until you get the hang of it. They are great puzzles and good for the brain
Simon Tatham's Puzzles.
It's a collection of some classics, but there are some puzzles you may not know.
This amazing guy doesn't even have a donation version on the Play Store. Play Store entry:
I've been really digging Inertia, in particular!
Have you seen Simon Tatham's "puzzle collection"?
I put it in quotes since it's less a collection of puzzles and more a collection of puzzle generators for a wide variety of puzzle types, with customizable difficulty, so it will never run out.
Yes. You can also play it here
There is also a game called Simon Tatham's Puzzles on Google play. It has this, and many other puzzles. In this app, though, the puzzles are all generated with an algorithm, so there's no shape to it. That makes it more fun for me, though.
Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection.
A really nice set of 39 small logic puzzles, from Sudoku to Minesweeper, that all have differnet levels of difficulty and are quite addictive. It's cross-platform, so it works on Android and iOS (desktops as well), and it's open source as well, so there aren't any ads.
It's on the Play Store as well, at
I like a lot fo the puzzles in that collection, but I think its implementation of Sudoku is a little less featureful than what I would hope for.
Simon Tatham's puzzles. A sizeable collection of abstract puzzles, nothing groundbreaking but a lot of fun. I install this on every device I use, phones, computers, even Nintendo Wii.
Also there's a trend of board games being released for mobiles. I can recommend Ascension and Through the Ages, but there's a lot of ports for good board games. Splendor, Hive, Agricola, Race for the Galaxy, Smallworld, Carcassonne, Star Realms, Istanbul, Kingdomino, just to mention some. is a pretty complete port of Simon Tatham's puzzles - all generated on your device, inexhaustable supply, simple UI, no cutesy graphics, tiny install, no internet connection, low power drain, no privacy concerns, just an endless run of puzzles. It's been on my Android devices since my G1 back in Android 1.1 days.
I use the F-droid version but it is available in play store as well.
It's available on Android: Play Store link
Simon Tatham's Puzzles, it's just a collection of minimalistic puzzles.
It's this one, it's a really great game, one of my favourites as well
1) Go to The Magazine Rack on
2) Specifically Galaxy Magazine
3) Download a bunch of them and read me some sci-fi.
But that's not a game. So: Simon Tatham's Puzzles - 39 puzzle games, all free, no ads with offline play.
Chris Boyle's android port of Simon's puzzle collection does.
Whoa, this looks awesome! Here's links to different platforms so folks can download it (I put large spaces in between to facilitate mobile tapping):
Google Play (or alternatively: F-Droid)
App Store
Microsoft Store
Official website which includes online Javascript versions, Windows and Mac OS X binaries, and the source code, which can theoretically be compiled for any Unix system supporting GTK (although the author notes he's only tested it on Linux).
Have you tried SGT Puzzles?
My go to app for simple puzzle games: Simon Tatham's Puzzles
Tried em out, both are great, the kinda puzzle game I can get into!
On a semi-related note, if you are into mobile puzzles - you may be interested in this: (I am in no way connected with the author, but sure do appreciate his compact package of free puzzles - though they do lack some of the glossy polish found in your games)
The open source puzzles: Simon Tatham's Puzzles which is on android and iOS. It is an amazing set of puzzles that are all infinitely generated. It's not only free, but also open source.
It's amazing to me how many apps out there just take a single one of these puzzles types and turn it into a mediocre game with poor controls and throw ads on it and somehow get more downloads. There are just so many puzzles to choose from.
This is the correct link
Simon Tatham's Puzzles. It's a collection of 38 single-player logic puzzles. Each puzzle has:
None of the games have timers. There are no ads. No internet connection is required. You don't have to create an account. Your score won't be compared to everyone else's. It's just entertaining, challenging, free logic puzzles for your phone.
The collection was originally written in Java for desktop computers, but it's been made available for almost everything:
The home page links to several mobile apps. Search for the phrase "various mobile devices". Here's the direct link for Android. I've used this app and I'd recommend a large phone or a tablet.
Recently I found Simon Tatham's Puzzles where there are multiple classic puzzles (like sudoku, the one where you have to slide tiles in order to make a 15 pieces grid), and minesweeper. This is the best option I've found to play minesweeper because the map generates after the first touch (like the original), you can go back if you lose bc of a stupid mistake, you can see the solution if you give up, you can adjust the grid as you like it, etc etc
Edit: didn't see the comment below me ��
Try Simon Tatham's Puzzles. It's extremely unlikely you have played them all.
There should be an iPhone version too, I hope.
Second one is wrong. Should be this version:
I'm already a big fan of Simon Tatham's Puzzles on Android. But I'm looking for other options as well.
This is also available (with infinite random levels) as the "Pattern" mode in and
I am going to list some old ones. These were the ones that really impressed me at the time. In most cases I had not played the commercial counterparts:
Honorable mentions:
This seems like an incomplete version of Simon Tatham's Puzzles, with the addition of ads and IAP.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles
39 FOSS, ad-free puzzle games for free. Features random generation and configurable difficulty settings. Includes arrow controls for small screens where precision may be difficult. Has plenty of games like Minesweeper, Sudoku, Mastermind, and Pictocross. Comes with a built-in manual for rules and controls while offline.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles
simon tatham's puzzle collection: for the Android version - * No permissions required * No ads * Simple interfcae * Battery-kind * Infinite puzzles, generated on your device
I've had this installed as my go-to puzzles since Android v1.1
Simon Tatham's Puzzles (AKA Puzzle Collection)
Small, simple, and good at killing time while waiting for god dAMN WINDOWS UPDATES!
I have this app on my phone:
It has no ads, no sounds, and uses almost no CPU, so the only appreciable drain to my battery while playing is from the screen, which I keep set to the lowest brightness setting. It's also a completely stable app, so I can just hit the screen power button when whatever I'm waiting for is ready for me and not worry about losing my place, nor will it prevent my phone from sleeping properly like most apps do if you don't exit them. I found about 6 of the puzzles that had the right ratio of difficulty to screen size that when I set them to the highest difficulty that's not too small to interact with on my little phone screen, they take from 4 to 20 minutes (which varies more by which puzzle than by random generation) to solve. Long enough to be somewhat challenging, short enough that I don't get bored if I'm waiting like 45 minutes (a puzzle that took 45 minutes to solve might be too much to do all at once).
There's a game you'll like in this collection.
okay, I meant Simon Tathams puzzles:
and Fling!:
I liked Simon Tatham's Puzzles. A collection of 39 simple puzzle games, free and without ads. This is from the same Simon Tatham who wrote the PuTTY by the way.
If anyone want to play pegs or puzzles like this, I recommend the Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzles.
There is also a Pegs web version and an android app.
I play those puzzles.. a lot.
Some of these have ads, some have minimal in-app-purchases that are either optional or just a single-time purchase.
Hearthstone, and also Simon Tatham's Puzzles on Android. It's a free collection of around 40 logic puzzles.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles - Simple app with tons of puzzles.
ScummVM - An emulator for old DOS quests.
1 through 6: The Trese Brothers catalog, minus Templar Battleforce (priced above your stated limit). Free versions exist. Paid versions give you a larger environment and more unlockable skills. Not the normal "you've finished the demo, pay more if you want to really play the actual game." The free versions are fun in their own right.
7: Simon Tatham's Puzzles. Free, no IAP.
8: 9th Dawn. Frequently referred to as "2D Skyrim," but that may be overstating things. Still quite good.
9: Game Dev Story. Only Kairosoft game under your price limit (not counting F2P titles)
10: Knights of Pen & Paper +1: Can be a bit grindy, but an enjoyable take on simulating (tongue-in-cheek) a tabletop RPG group.
Lähinnä PC, Xbox 360 satunnaisesti. Wii/GC vähällä käytöllä.
Parasta juuri nyt:
Mobiilipelaaminen ei varsinaisesti ole sydäntä lähellä, mutta pari suositusta Androidille:
Have you tried Simon Tatham's puzzle collection?. I think you might like it.
Simon tatham's puzzle collection. Link
Simon Tatham's Puzzles is a huge compendium of logic puzzles that have a wide range of difficulty and each puzzle has a pretty slick, simple UI in my opinion. Great time waster
In my case it's Simon Tatham's collection of small games and puzzles. In particular Loopy, which I find rather addictive.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles alors, une vrai mine d'or des petits jeux de logique chronophages.
Simon Tatham's Puzzles are fantastic with a stylus, lets you play very large boards easily.
Link for the android users
Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection
Great puzzles, endless random generation, minimal battery usage, no ads.
for Android, Simon Tatham's Puzzles (Play Store).