Full disclosure, I used a color code app with my camera...I pointed it at my bed frame.
Edit: The app is called Color Grab on Android.
The overly politically correct writing was lampooned in 1994 in this short amauzing book: https://www.amazon.com/Politically-Correct-Bedtime-Stories-Storybook-ebook/dp/B004BA5EV0
> One day an invitation arrived at their house. The prince was celebrating his exploitation of the dispossessed and marginalized peasantry by throwing a fancy dress ball. Cinderella’s sisters-of-step were very excited to be invited to the palace. They began to plan the expensive clothes they would use to alter and enslave their natural body images to emulate an unrealistic standard of feminine beauty.
> When the day of the ball arrived, Cinderella helped her mother- and sisters-of-step into their ball gowns. A formidable task: It was like trying to force ten pounds of processed nonhuman animal carcasses into a five-pound skin. Next came immense cosmetic augmentation, which it would be best not to describe at all.
He’s been using that picture since the 90s. My parents had his book, and I remember that photo on the back cover, and an illustration of a kid getting stabbed on the front cover.
Bluetooth Sleep Mask,New Upgraded 3D Contoured Sleep Headphones Sleep Mask Men & Women,Wireless Music Eye Mask 100% Blackout Sleeping Mask Blindfold,Great for Travel/Nap/Yoga/Meditation/Night https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07QJ9K3P3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_MM0EG73C86GN7J6SYS21?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
That’s the one I use, though just searching for Bluetooth eye mask should pull up other options
Ha ha, yeah. That's when you just need to teach them to confine themselves. Honestly, best 30 I ever spent was on this bunny clock I found on amazon. Still keeps my 3 year olds bedtime routine to 10 minutes and keeps him from getting up at 5am. It's just light up pictures and it's as simple as: bunny is awake, your awake. Bunny is asleep, you stay the fuck in bed. I never thought it would work, but after 3 or 4 days of correcting him with "hey, the bunny is asleep, why are you out of bed" it worked incredibly well. Every kid is different, but you never know. https://www.amazon.com/Claessens-Kids-KidSleep-Classic-Improved/dp/B019DO5GS4/ref=asc_df_B019DO5GS4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198101723026&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16065928808396663330&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqm...
There's debate around who "invented" a lot of tricks but essentially the first person to do the trick invents it. Doesn't matter if you come up with a trick if you can't do it and Tony Hawk was the first to do many tricks.
My best friend and I (both girls) have discussed this. We are both more of table top gamers, but we do play some video games too. It's this weird dynamic where if you're the only girl in the gamer group, you feel cool and safe and like there is no competition. But if another girl enters the group you instantly feel like it's a competition with her. Like you have to prove that you're the most "gamer" girl of the girls in the group.
We both totally acknowledge that this is fucked up, but it's hard not to feel that way. Now that her and I are close, we of course don't feel that way anymore about each other, but we've had frank conversations about how we are guarded about adding more girls to our group. We are actively working to change these feelings.
There is an article about it here, sorry I know the source is kinda controversial. Aritcle
If feasible, breastfeeding is indeed the better option. https://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/nursing-basics
Given the numerous studies indicating such, I can’t say I’m surprised that doctors exhausted several options before turning to formula.
However, you’re absolutely right in that the mentality surrounding these people is utterly toxic. There are many, many women who cannot breastfeed for one reason or another, and treating those women and parents like they’re actively harming their children is not just disingenuous but outright insulting.
Here's Merriam-Webster's official twitter using the singular they
For good measure here is the fucking dictionary page
So unless you have a degree in English or linguistics you can fuck off with your grammar arguments.
"37 Things No Man Over 40 Should Own": hoodies, acoustic guitar, flip-flops, tracksuits, funny ties, velcro wallets, scooters, wine bottle candle holders, "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, genital deodorant, bowling shoes, a Guy Fieri haircut (give this one a pass), piles of dirty laundry, shot glasses, an AOL e-mail address, speedos, a life story involving jail, a bottle opener on a keychain, gaming injuries like finger callouses, friends from Burning Man, a baseball cap, a "lucky" item of clothing, a roommate (literal quote from the article on this one: "It's fine to live with other people. They're called your wife and kids." This is the most retarded, backwards shit I have ever read), a t-shirt referencing a band, a Tinder account (this time the article literally recommends "whistling at girls outside convenience stores" instead, seriously, kill the person who wrote this), a wallet chain, themed bedsheets, a bed without a frame, skinny jeans, frozen pizza rolls, an unstamped passport ("Fuck you if you're 40 and still can't afford to travel around the world" - not quoted from the article, but might as well say this), unframed posters, a girlfriend born in the Clinton years ("you are officially dating too young, buddy" - actual quote from article), a tattoo less than five years old, condiments from fast food restaurants, a friend crashing on your couch (WHAT THE FUCK?? Yeah, dude, time to grow up and throw your "buddy" out on the street like the MAN you are), or a black eye.
My wife just had one a little over a month ago. It's our only child, so nothing to compare it to. The recovery wasn't fun by any means, but the worst part of it according to her was being "trapped". She would have signed up for a little more pain if it meant she could move around freely sooner.
The other worst part of it for her is the sentiment in the image (satire or not). It was a planned C Section (kid was breech and the ECV didn't work). Since it was planned, we scheduled an appointment, and within a couple hours of getting to the hospital, our son was born. Very quick, and with the epidural, she was a bit out of it, so she doesn't have clear memories of the birth. I was brought in when they were ready to make the incision, so it was like 5 minutes. I have a clear memory of it, but it was just 5 minutes. She does feel like she didn't "experience" the birth.
That being said, if it's anybody's fault, its the boy's. Little fucker (love him!) plopped his butt into my wife's pelvis, which prevented the ECV from working.
Had to look it up. My friend has one like this and it click-clacks to my satisfaction as well.
I use Taste because I really enjoy the rating system. It uses the scale Awful, Meh, Good, and Amazing to rate movies. I find it's easier for me to rate movies that way instead of a star based system.
There's also LetterBoxd which uses a 5 star system and has a larger userbase.
Of course. but the LGBT movement isn't about having gay/trans/whatever sex. it's about acceptance and getting rid of discrimination based on their sexual desires. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_movements_in_the_United_States
> LGBT movements in the United States comprise an interwoven history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and allied movements in the United States of America, beginning in the early 20th century and influential in achieving social progress for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and transsexual people. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) social movements is a political ideology and social movement that advocate for the full acceptance of LGBT people in society. In these movements, LGBT people and their allies have a long history of campaigning for what is now generally called LGBT rights, sometimes also called gay rights or gay and lesbian rights. Although there is not a primary or an overarching central organization that represents all LGBT people and their interests, numerous LGBT rights organizations are active worldwide.
First two paragraphs. Nothing about intercourse there, or on the entire wikipedia page and that page is long.
Pedophilia is a sexual desire, albeit an immoral one. https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/features/explaining-pedophilia#1 There is nothing illegal about being one. And being one doesn't affect your life in any other way but your sexual desires. Just like being gay. It's a mental disorder that you have no control over. Which is the same phrase they use for LGBT; that they were born that way.
lossless and open source audio file format. you get around 60% smaller file, no loss in the audio quality and decompresses to the original audio data. which is pretty great.
BUT there's a vinyl-like community around it who think if you listen to any other format you're some kind of monster.
Their website is here if you want to get deeper.
I really like this book: New Proofs for the Existence of God , it's wicked heavy on the modern scientific theory, so not a casual read.
Jesuits are awesome :)
I find that a great variety of the things that get heatedly debated in secular society are also debated in Catholic circles, it's just we tend to frame things around Christ as savior. That said, we also believe there cannot be dissonance between God and it's creation, so if something is proven in science this information must be incorporated into the "dogma" (well depends who you talk to ;) )
yes yes Gallileo, topic for a different thread...
In terms of definitions they're obviously 'wrong' (though I'm assuming they know that and are speaking figuratively) but I still have a lot of empathy. Given that people of colour are often treated as foreign even if they're citizens or even born in the country, and racists often feel comfortable bitching about immigrants and foreigners to white transplants, it must suck.
I'm not saying she's right to risk her friendship, but I definitely get what she's saying.
It is literally a mobile game. Or is your definition of mobile game not a game playable on mobile devices?
Same. Bring it in, HOMES.
Found a link on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01EZ6ROU8/ref=series_dp_rw_ca_2
Edit: For the curious HOMES is a mnemonic for the the 5 Great Lakes.
H-Huron O-Ontario M-Michigan E- Erie S- Superior
Here, called mines, if you click the is link you can play it in a browser, the mines.exe link downloads a Windows version and there's a port of all of the guys puzzles to Android here(free, no ads).
The first click is always safe and it should always generate solvable boards that should not require you to just randomly pick a square the uncovered numbers should allow you to figure it out, but in some cases you will have to use your knowledge of how many mines are left, for example in a corner you may have 2 separate locations that each have to contain 1 mine and the numbers don't tell you which space in each location has the mine but there are uncovered areas behind the potential mine spaces and there are only 2 mines left you know all the other spaces other than the 2 locations are safe.
$5-10 each depending on a bunch of factors, The average Spotify pay per stream of $0.004. So you can extrapolate that a fan has to listen to a band 1,250 to 2,500 times ( or 73 hours to 146 hours if the song is 3:30) to equal the same payout as someone who buys a shirt.
I'm currently learning, and would recommend Tofugu's guide on how to learn. I found it's a decent first step: https://www.tofugu.com/learn-japanese/
Also, WaniKani is a great resource for Kanji: https://www.wanikani.com/
And I'm in the same boat as you. I'm not quite a weeb, but I do like some of the most mainstream anime. I have my personal reasons for wanting to learn Japanese
If you want to remove the "blind luck" part, try this: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles/js/mines.html
> The first square you open is guaranteed to be safe, and you are guaranteed to be able to solve the whole grid by deduction rather than guesswork. (Deductions may require you to think about the total number of mines.)
I never really liked the default minesweeper due to seemingly being a puzzle game, but then often ending up in a situation where you need to guess stuff - I just don't think that a 50-50 coin toss belongs in a puzzle game. In this edition there will be no guessing and everything can be solved by logic, the result is actually pretty nice.
The same non-guesswork edition is available in Simon Tatham's Puzzles for Android.
Cases take up too much space. I put mine in CD sleeves and put them in boxes like this. I can't even imagine the shelf space my 400 discs would take up in their cases.
Despite the national splash mat shortage, I totally just bought one for my dog.
Edit: Amazon Link! This one says it’s pet scratch resistant.
What a fool. Just.. what a fool. Also, what? Sheesh, I remember people of all ages and genders wearing hooded flannel jackets (now called "hoodies") when riding in boats across northern lakes back in the 1960s. (You get some cold breezes across those expanses of water). This fellow is far too young to make half the pronouncements he made--he knows nothing about being a man. or a woman.
"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu? Gee, some of us read military theory from the original sources. Funny, he's not picking on von Clausewitz... probably too dense for him.
Baseball caps -- tell that to the old man my husband noticed a few years back wearing a "USS Indianapolis Veteran" ballcap. Or any Navy vet wearing his ship's ballcap.
Wallet chains - obviously this dude doesn't live in a city with pickpockets. His life experience seems rather shallow.
See people are satisfied with littering their code with comments here. The aim is to write code that does not require comments to understand.
Abstract bits of logic into methods instead of a comment clarifying what it does.
Sure there may be clever pieces that warrant a comment, but that should be the exception and not the norm.
This is a bit gatekeepy, but it is the accepted best practice for programming. I recommend reading Clean Code (its free, just google it)
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Three Kings, here are some Trailers
Here's an article about why that is. It mostly boils down to a difference in measurement methods and not actually in fuel.
Most countries use method 1 detailed in the article to determine octane rating (it doesn't list SA, but this other article lists SA's octane in RON.) Canada and the US, however, use an average of the two rating systems to determine octane lvl, leading to a lower number.
This particular tweet is shit. Not going out is not a requirement of depression.
But someone needs to gatekeep depression in general. Lots of people are justifiably sad. Not depressed. The rampant use of 'depression' stops a lot of people with actual clinical depression (depression for no good reason caused by neurological problems) from seeking help.
If you're reading this and you're a self-described 'nilihist' you may have persistent depressive disorder.
True. I have severe bipolar disorder which defaults to severe depression, so that's why bupropion works for me. It also helped me quit smoking.
I do not care about you or anything you write here.
If you want to be trans, fine, but don't expect me to ignore basic biology to make you feel better.
Oh Lordy, I just looked and you can buy them new from Walmart, Home Depot, and Amazon. Why?! https://www.amazon.com/American-Lawn-Mower-1204-14-14-Inch/dp/B00004RA3F/
This is actually real and represents the divide between the Deep South (redneck) culture and Appalachian (hillbilly) culture. As a black guy from the south I’d say that you should visit areas around the mountains (Asheville, NC is pretty cool) if you’re interested in southern culture with less of the negative stereotypes. There’s also a pretty cool book 11 Nations of America that goes into this in more detail
I had some and found it on Amazon. They are not as bad as they once were as the indicator button is a lot more sensitive than i remember in my youth.
I started reading a lot of books, so I bought FBReader. The free app gives you a massive amount of features, and it just felt wrong to not support that developer.
Edit: reviews seem to say that the free app is not too good anymore. I can't speak to that since I used it for 2 years before buying the paid version 4 years ago.
Hmm not sure you fully understand the caste system.
You do realise the hand the British had in modern day India and the inclusion of very new castes right?
Don’t @ me, just read here: https://www.amazon.com/Truth-About-Us-Politics-Information/dp/9351950255
But I’m not incorrect.
“The slave trade had devastating effects in Africa. Economic incentives for warlords and tribes to engage in the slave trade promoted an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence. Depopulation and a continuing fear of captivity made economic and agricultural development almost impossible throughout much of western Africa. A large percentage of the people taken captive were women in their childbearing years and young men who normally would have been starting families. The European slavers usually left behind persons who were elderly, disabled, or otherwise dependent—groups who were least able to contribute to the economic health of their societies.
Historians have debated the nature and extent of European and African agency in the actual capture of those who were enslaved. During the early years of the transatlantic slave trade, the Portuguese generally purchased Africans who had been taken as slaves during tribal wars. As the demand for slaves grew, the Portuguese began to enter the interior of Africa to forcibly take captives; as other Europeans became involved in the slave trade, generally they remained on the coast and purchased captives from Africans who had transported them from the interior. Following capture, the Africans were marched to the coast, a journey that could be as many as 300 miles (485 km). Typically, two captives were chained together at the ankle, and columns of captives were tied together by ropes around their necks. An estimated 10 to 15 percent of the captives died on their way to the coast.”
Have they never heard of Scholiosis? mine isn't as bad as depicted as a teacher caught it and i got to a doctor, but i still have backpain from it and it most definitely can cause discomfort. carrying a heavy pack around isn't a joke no matter what its for and schools honestly should abolish rules that require students to carry heavy packs around.
I'm not a "full gown balding ass man" but I'm a 41 year old woman and I carry a backpack all the time. So do about half my coworkers. Mine has cute little rats on it. Way more practical than a purse.
>Some claim
I didn't know people really disagreed on this, 50% of taste is smell, iodized salt clearly smells different so it's going to taste different too. Also I'm pretty sure they add anti caking agents to make it come out of salt shakers better.
At my grocery store Kosher salt is the exact same price, and what virtually every chef uses. Personally I use diamond crystal which $10 for 3 lbs on amazon, which is cheaper than the same amount of Morton iodized.
Youre probably best off keeping them from getting in. Find the entrance and block it. I uses this stuff it entry points and busy areas
Grandpa Gus's Extra-Strength Mouse Repellent, Cinnamon/Peppermint Oils Repel Mice from Nesting & Freshen Air in Car/RV/Boat/Garage/Shed/Cabin, 1.75 Oz (4 Pouches) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HTZLAG6/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_X2KZWZWXYDZQYAH8B4QM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Mice have poor eyesight and use their sense of smell. Strong smells blind them so they avoid the area. Also get decon
Haha, I somehow doubt none of those three reasons apply to you.
And what's REALLY funny is this: if you are so certain that you're going to be into the same stuff at ages 18, 35, 60 and onward... So certain you'll be willing to stare at it forever, then you are pretty much certain you're going to have a boring life with little change.
let's look at some actual facts that have been put out there in a attempt to save lives instead of garner clicks.
There have been several studies done that shows coffee does not dehydrate as previously thought.
Quit conflating skepticism and disagreement with hate.
My opinions matter as much as yours, I'll argue them with whomever engages. If you can't handle hearing certain opinions I advise you to assume this position or speak with a therapist.
I have ADHD myself but I have always loved reading. I do plenty of the things on the "fake reading" column when I am really reading, but they look different for someone-with-ADHD-who-is-reading than someone-with-or-without-ADHD-who-is-not-reading.
For readers like you who like to read in an "out of order way," I always offer books that are structured more like magazines or textbooks (books like this). These don't usually need to be read chronologically to be appreciated. They lend themselves to skimming and jumping around. Graphic novels work well for some other students. Audiobooks are okay with me but I ask that students follow along in a hard copy at least some of the time. Sometimes manuals work for kids who are really into practical/physical interests like sports or cars. I haven't reached every student so I am always open to more ideas!
If you read regularly online (articles, forms, whatever) and can communicate your ideas well, you're a perfectly literate adult. You learned language and reading, even if you sometimes faked your way through novels.
English teacher (and ADHD-haver!) here!
This is definitely from a classroom, and it is to help students develop habits of good readers. It's also a we-see-what-you're-doing notice to the nonreaders who think they have us fooled. Getting students to stopo "fake reading" a whole thing in education. "Fake" reading literally means that... the students are pretending to read, or they are trying to comply but not really getting anything from their book.
Perhaps you should reread the last paragraph of your own orignal post. Entomology is fascinating, but at the end of the day, it's not that complicated. The word Allah predates Islam, so that's a big clue in itself. It's the same God.
You can use whatever translation you want for the teachings of the Christ, the message stays the same and all goes back to the influence of Saul/Paul and then St. Jerome. Worse, it all goes back to the editorial influences of Constantine and King James.
Of course the religions are different. That's why we've had the unending holy wars. It's still the same God, same holy book (and those ten commandments , just ask Charlie Hebdo) of the Hebrew Bible, with the Christian Bible and the Quran tacked on for interesting flavor and everyone fighting over who is right.
We're three siblings fighting over who loves Daddy most, best and what he REALLY meant. Only humans are capable of something so mind numbingly stupid.
I love Reza Aslan as a speaker and writer on the subjects, he's incredibly interesting. You should give him a look. For lighter reading that's insightful and thought provoking, but will still make you laugh, I recommend this.
It's this one, which is focused on the US political climate but I think applies very broadly to what I view as the fundamental social issue (which is TL;DR: lack of empathy).
It's wasn't about government control, it was because conflicting information upsets the snowflakes, so everyone just watches reality tv all day instead.
Bradbury himself said it wasn't about censorship.
I get how some people might interpret it as a censorship story, but it boggles the mind that that is the majority interpenetration. That's certainly not how I read it, and I went in with the "knowledge" that it was about censorship.
He never had a 30% chance. You proved that yourself. The final odds they gave day before election was 28%. They upgraded it to 29% the next morning, and I accepted I was wrong by 1%. That’s pretty pathetic that you can’t do better than that. Meanwhile in reality, Trump succeeded in securing 304 electoral votes, when every pundit said he couldn’t possibly get more than 269. I mean hell, even if 538 thought he couldn’t win, how could they possibly by that far off in electoral votes. No matter, it was all lies based on people who really wanted that to be the results - not actual relevant data. 😂😂 That’s why 538 had Clinton’s chances of winning hovering between 80-90% for most of the campaign. Pathetic lies from people who couldn’t stand the idea that Trump was going to win. http://imgbox.com/xQUjQKnt
It wasn’t unexpected because he was winning according to the state polls (you know, the polls that matter). The media erroneously reported that he had incredibly low chance of winning based on data that doesn’t determine the winner (the popular vote). They were whispering sweet nothings into the ears of voters who desperately wanted her to win. It was only unexpected to people who chose to live in a delusional reality.
Difference being, you can get a good and cheap android, you can only get good and expensive with Apple products. Look at the specs of Huawei Honor 10 for example, and it costs like 400
I'm not subject to any dysphoria. But I would never use them for any reason, since they give your information to law enforcement.
That being said, I've now blocked all communication from you, so don't bother replying.
I find it strange that you start about politics in the defence of Dan Harmond making a disgusting pedo vid..
But if it makes you feel better, go ahead. I like to let the facts speak for themselves.
Are you sure? Looks like the highest day is usually August 6th so July should feel the hottest month. Though it's very similar to August.
Are you kidding me? The human digestive system is extremely inefficient when it comes to eating plant-based foods. Our digestive tracts are designed to maximise nutrition from proteins and meats. We cannot compete with cows and grazing animals, because they produce far more food for the crops they eat.
Let's also not forget the same simple fact that cows are better developed to consume plants. Their bodies are more resistant to bacteria and plant pests. Producing crops for human use (i.e. soy) requires the use of far more pesticides, all of which hurts the environment. Pesticides kill farm rodents (killing biodiversity), insects (reducing pollination and thus slowing forest growth), and natural predators that balance life in an ecosystem (i.e. rats, snakes).
If that's not enough, those pesticides (used to make plant food safer for human use) end up in the ocean, killing fish and marine life. It's not all black and white when it comes to nature, you should know. While all this pesticide is used to create human-grade food, a cow can consume pesticide-free crops and produce FAR MORE food for a human.
Economically, it is far more efficient to eat meat than to eat plant, because behind this 'moral superiority of not eating meat veil' is the death of thousands of other animals. Just because you don't hear about it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Read this ^, will give you a cleaner perspective. I'd suggest you research about the environmental economics of producing crops for human consumption.
Link to the screenshot/details the gatekeeper requested
I'll point out that the top comment also has elements of gatekeeping, but it's just satire.
Homosexuality is just not a mental illness, the DSM agrees with this. Transgender is not in itself a diagnosis, while gender dysphoria is. In fact, none of the identities written in the image are even close to being classified as a mental illness.
Who's using their feelings to argue? You're just making up mental illnesses here honey
>> Emily Post’s Etiquette has long been considered the definitive source on etiquette for generations. All you came up with was some internet clickbait articles of lists of etiquette rules (#9 will shock you!). > > See this is the claim you have not yet backed up. > > It is YOUR OPINION that this flawed list has been the definitive source for generations. And you still cant prove it.
Etiquette was a best seller in 1922, and is the only one on this list that even is a comprehensive book of etiquette rules.
You're not as good at this "googling" thing you seem to think is research. Hint: You've got to do more than just look at the list of links and assume that just because you got a result you've proven your claims.
Your post is a bit crappy, not that post though. It's intended to be informative, not gatekeepy. Horses for courses, man. It's not "don't use Kali or Parrot because you're new", it's "don't use Kali or Parrot unless you accept that it's only for pentesting, so please don't install it, just use it from the live image, it's not made for everyday use". Kali Linux's official website agrees. Even Elliot himself uses Linux Mint when he's not hacking, which should be enough of a sign that Kali is not supposed to be a daily driver for anyone.
Also, you're looking at a specific part of that page that does not pertain to our discussion. The paragraphs that do pertain to it are 4 and 5.
Here's a study: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Age-at-onset-of-alcohol-use-and-its-association-and-Grant-Dawson/253a7ec3419927d303a9127c711cc6d671c8e5b8
That is not true. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Age-at-onset-of-alcohol-use-and-its-association-and-Grant-Dawson/253a7ec3419927d303a9127c711cc6d671c8e5b8
Edit: You make the assumption that all the hard data is biased, without having looked at all the hard data?
Prove me wrong. Except here's the difference, you're falling for actual chinese propaganda despite irrefutable accounts of wrongdoings so pervasive, you'd have to be willfully ignorant of the situation. Look, there's a lot of surface level stuff with the Uyghur camps and Hong Kong, but look at how Han Chinese, an ethnic minority, literally dominated China throughout their history to seize and control power over China. They're doing the same thing now but through the use of their economic strongholds. Look at the projects in Africa. Look at the Bailouts of Portugal WHO WILL NO LONGER VOTE AGAINST CHINESE INTERESTS. If you don't see a trend here, I'll help you get started: https://www.rosettastone.com/languages/learn-chinese/
https://prezi.com/m/yoi2fuf8mqi0/the-truth-about-starbucks/ Ah yes, the average income of literally almost nothing using children to collect materials from fields instead of going to school.Well at least there's some truth to not getting whipped to death(but death from overworking is completely a ok 👌)
Anyone who likes fidget spinners, try out butterfly knives (trainers) too, they're also about 10 bucks and they're so fun to spin around and do tricks with.
They might seem complex but once it's muscle memory, it's like a fidget spinner but you feel cooler. It's also good for your hand dexterity.
Here you go, bud! Fidget your heart out!
The Nespresso pods were more of a pain in the ass because they work off of pressure and centrifugal force. There is no screen, just like 16 tiny holes on the top of the pod: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082KCRFJM?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-ypp-rep_ypp_rep_k0_1_12&crid=7NOQCIMPP81A&sprefix=reusable+nes
They also don't tell you that you should tamp it down.
WELL ACTUALLY.... if you're getting grounds from your french press then the filter isn't doing it's job or the coffee is being ground too finely. It may be time to get a new press.
And pour overs are a great way to enjoy coffee and can be better tasting than french press coffee (not to mention faster to make too.) I'm not sure why your husband is against pour overs. They are super cheap, just pick one up. I recommend this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000P4D5HG/ref=sbl_dpx_kitchen-coffee-appliances_B000P4D5HG_0
You can go cheaper than that as well but that's a solid one.
You take that back. I'm late-30s and have this Paw Patrol shirt and this Paw Patrol shirt.
A man doesn’t throw away money at a fucking meme restaurant.
Do you know how much edible gold leaf costs? The stuff that add $725 to a tomahawk steak for?
Check out this excellent resource if you are into stocks! "Stonks & The Cult of Hodling":
by the way, this is not your typical investment guide book. Well, it definitely seeks to be the go-to investment piece of literature for sure since there are many popular ones out there. But one thing is for sure, you will come across very few that will give you upfront truth about how wealth is being managed or grown. If you want to be a stonk-king like how Elon Musk is Technoking (pun intended), then to kickstart your journey, you should take this read seriously. You will be presented two sides of the coin in different arguments and investment thesis that are being presented. Stonks do not go up forever. Valuations are not what they are. But there is still a somewhat arbitrarily conceived figure based on the already frothy or if you like, bubbly valuations that exist. Warren Buffett has a quote that goes “It is only when the tide goes out that you know who has been swimming naked.”
The book discusses about Catherine Woods and her strategies in active management, Warren Buffett (of course) and other forms of investment strategies that you might want to consider adopting. Worth a read!
My dad’s pants are always sagging because of this, and it drives mom crazy. She recently got him this belt - it works great and they are both much happier!
NoSaggs Hidden Belt Pant Suspender https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01F1DGSR4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_5XWKJNN6VZ8J0FQ4SZY1?psc=1
Well I was going to make a Futurama reference with this, but in looking up the picture from the episode they are in, I found that these actually exist... Can't wait to see what this does to my Amazon recommendations haha
Considering the guy wrote a book called "Snobbery", are we really surprised?
Bacon Bath & Grooming Kit Gift Pack (3pc Set + Wristband) - Bacon Bandages, Breath Mints & Lip Balm + Silicone Wristband https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GCDNMO0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_EQpXFb7NP6BSZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Makita is a good brand. You won't go wrong by going with that system.
You can also buy a battery adapter https://www.amazon.com/Converter-Adapter-Charger-Milwaukee-Convert/dp/B07STCR6GD/ if you want to mix and match.
fwiw I have around 20 Milwaukee m18 and m12 tools and they've all done me well.
I was born at the tail end of Generation X and I totally get this. I experienced it first hand but also read more than a few books on Boomers and their children. It does take a lot to explain how a generation failed so horribly. My favorite book is called "The Self-esteem trap" and the first part is not about Xers and Millennials but about the Boomers and how they were raised and how they changed America.
(And I remember OK soda and a lot of other advertising campaigns that failed because corporate America never understood us.)
Thanks so much! And if you could leave a review https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VGLX7CP that'd be amazing. Apparently 10 reviews on Amazon are needed before your book can receive any sort of attention.
My other comment is likely buried so leaving these here. These are great to have on hand and are accurate and cheap (25 for $8.95 on amazon). They worked really well for early detection with both of my kids bonus: no results window that you may accidentally pee on.
Wondfo Pregnancy Test Strips, 25-count medical https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002YIQEQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_llFVDbVQJBVKV
We have an app called disney+hotstar. The regular subscription gives sports news and some free tv stuff. Premium category bundles up disney+, hbo and some some other catelogues.
Wow, I'd forgotten all about that book! I think I might even have had a copy. And now I'm also remembering the sequel (different author, same illustrator), Real Women Don't Pump Gas.
So my point - and y’all are on me like flies here - is that it is destructive to have a long involved conversation like this broader thread, with all these detailed opinions about who belongs to what label. All of the labels and their target individuals keep changing all the time. The whole point of race is racism. So the more you are into this whole thing the more you promote racism. This is not that you should ignore reality, just stop contributing to it.
Here is a book about how these definitions keep changing. https://www.amazon.com/History-White-People-Irvin-Painter/dp/0393339742
> People like your friend don't understand the heritage of the state.
Although I admire your drive to keep the history of Kansas alive, over the last 50 years more and more people have moved from the Deep South into KS and brought their world view with them. I grew up in Alabama so I know those " traditional values" very well.
A really good book on how Kansas changed politically:
> What's the Matter with Kansas?: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America - Thomas Frank
> https://www.amazon.com/Whats-Matter-Kansas-Conservatives-America/dp/080507774X
BuT ThaT'S NoT REal BArebeQUe!!
Yeah the IP is great for that shit, not to mention I actually have time to make pulled pork that way, lol. While we're on the topic of Pellet Smokers, I use The Smoking Gun with mine a lot for chopped beef and pulled pork. It's great because after you finish your meat and saute off the excess liquid, you can blow the smoke right in the IP chamber and close the lid back up for a few minutes and boom! amazing flavor.
That amazon price is crazy though. I got mine from bed bath and beyond during a sale with a 20% coupon for like $80 with the wood chips.
Also, try making your pulled pork with beer as your cooking liquid. It's marvelous. I like to put it on saute after the run to reduce the remaining liquid rather than just drain it.
Gonna plug my app on this thread. Take a picture of your bill and machine learning will do the math. Sorry, only available on Android but can publish for iOS if there is demand
Except those aren't even the right cups. They should be this...
Coca Cola Logo Ruby Red Plastic Tumblers Set of 4 - 16oz (Coke) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CO3WLLQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_OMQ9CbWVQEGYC
What was your source? There may have just been a misunderstanding. It wasn't invented in the 19th century. Greek was predominant among scholars back then, so Gammadion was used in English to describe the symbol until the late 19th century when it started being referred to in its Sanskrit transliteration.
You can read about that here. Its a really interesting book.
These are the two books I used in my econ classes, and they do a good job of going over the main theories with examples and the language is easy to understand. You can also get them for free on the publisher's website.
Principles of Macroeconomics https://www.amazon.com/dp/1938168259/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_DBqmCbF4S1T4C
Principles of Microeconomics https://www.amazon.com/dp/1938168240/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_nCqmCbBRFQH0V
Sometimes they use a weighted roller, a drum filled with water or sand, pushed by someone to flatten out the surface. I’m guessing it was too heavy to easily lift over the little ledge and they built this to make it easier? I built a bocce court for our home and failed to make something like that and it can be a bitch to lift.
In my area it's only 2$ for a small drip. I have nice coffee whole beans, coffee grinder and one of these but when I'm grocery shopping or something it's nice to have a little coffee while I walk around.
Honestly, after reading “Medical Apartheid”, I don’t really blame any black person who doesn’t entirely trust medical institutions. The history there... well, it’s not pretty. Not saying going to your local hospital is going to leave you missing a kidney in a bathtub of ice or anything, but reading that left me giving even Dr Seuss some side eye.
Why does that cat need those gloves, anyways?
When you "put money in people's pockets" by increasing the minimum wages prices go up. You also thrust the people who were already making $15 into poverty by making what was a living wage less so. If you really want to improve the lives of the poor by giving them money, obviously taking that from other working poor in the form of higher costs is the least desirable way to approach that. If you really insist on doing that, raising top marginal income taxes would be a better approach. As I have already pointed out before, in places where they have gone to a $15 minimum wage, there has been a mass exodus of qualified childcare workers to other easier jobs that now pay the same anount.who does that hurt? The working poor yet again. How is a family that needs two incomes supposed to do that when they can't afford child care anymore? How is a single mom supposed to do that at all? Before you go around calling economics cute, you might take a brief moment to read about what is already happening where this is being implemented. You are also completely ignoring the perverse incentive doubling the minimum wage has to eliminate jobs. It's not terribly hard to understand. We dont need Jetson's level technology either to eliminate a lot of minimum wage jobs. Here: I just replaced every hostess at every restaurant in the nation for less than $100 per location. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001J7XANM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_tI30AbT7WAS1P
Well this statement is in regards to the Chicago style hot dog, so yes. For it to be the "proper style" a Chicago style hot dog would not have ketchup on it. It isn't saying that you can't put it on a hot dog at all, simply that if you're eating a hot dog that style, it doesn't go well on there.
As far as gatekeeping with it though I can definitely confirm, local hot dog place sells a book called, "Never put ketchup on a hotdog." Another local place that is a huge name for locals proudly states they have no ketchup in the building on their website and at their location. We're discussing the same group of people who dedicate their lives to the cubs(before they actually won something), we have pride issues.
I hate to necro a thread but just in case you do physical labour along the line of the picture, pick up some panel grips. They'll change your life
No, those are similar but if you want something to make your clothes smell nice, these:
You can put a few drops of essential oil in them and they'll smell up your clothes all nice and when the scent wears off you just reload them.