For everyone else who had their nostalgia triggered and wants to play again, this game was called crush the castle. You can play it with flashpoint, a project dedicated to preserving these old flash games
Googles bluemaxima's flashpoint
Here you go:
P.s. when you open it up, look for 'config' in the top left. There's an option you might want to enable, depending on... Interests
For PCs, check out Flashpoint. It's a Flash emulator with a directory of thousands of old Flash games and animations, including all the marquee games you can remember. It's a meaty download, but once you've run a given game in it, it downloads the game files and is available for offline play. A must-have for anyone nostalgic for that era of gaming.
You should contact the flashpoint guys and see if this could be used in their project. I'd imagine something like this being VERY useful with the archive they have access to.
I'd like to point everyone to Flashpoint. It's a Flash game archival project, designed to archive... well, every Flash game ever made, and let you play them locally.
I'm not 100% sure you can add games in the way you mentioned, but they do have a tutorial for adding games from websites that still have them: If you're willing to take the time, please do add as many of your childhood games as you can! Saving digital media in any form is always important, and by adding the games you love you can bring a smile to someone else's face who thought they were lost forever 😊
It's my time to shine! Y'all ever heard of BlueMaxima's Flashpoint? It's a project that's been archiving online flash games for years, preserving their memory and keeping them available to play for years after Flash support ends. You guys can get involved, make requests for certain Flash projects that might have been overlooked, or just download it all. (There's also a Discord server.)
For those that haven't heard, here's a repository of almost all Flash games ever made. You'll find your favorites in there, all playable offline:
Flashpoint is an archival project of old flash games and animations. The full package is about 253 GB extracted. According to their docs, they have about 36k games and 2.3k animations so far.
If you want to revisit old flash games, I’d highly suggest checking out BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint which is trying to preserve as many flash, HTML5, Unity Web Games, and so on out there.
Here is the main site for information about it:
Just so everyone reading this thread knows, there's already a BIG archive or flash media that's been put together called Flashpoint that lets you download the files so you can play them without a browser. And yes it DOES have the porns as well.
> Not a perfect solution for larger games that might be looking to load external libraries or depend on browser features, but it goes a long way for archival purposes.
The Flashpoint project aims to solve this, automatially handling things in the background of its launcher.
The games on coolmathgames have actually been converted to html so you dont need flash to run them so the ones on there are going to stay unless it runs out of funding. Also there is Flashpoint which is an alternative to flash and it saves them so you can play them offline.
BlueMaxima's Flashpoint
> almost all
Master list of games they have and how to request anything missing. Hurrah for preservation so our children and future generations can know and experience what we have :)
(Btw please check the requested games list before submitting another request though
To the best of my knowledge, the biggest is BlueMaxima's Flashpoint.
It's currently on version 6.3, which is about 179 GB and is preferably distributed via torrent. (Seeding ensures preservation!)
If you'd like notifications for new releases or you'd like to make requests, you can join the discord.
You should check out blue maxima’s flashpoint. It started as an effort to preserve all flash based games before the death of flash, but after they were largely successful in that they’ve been branching out to include a bunch of other web based game types. The latest version has a bit over 100,000 titles included. It’s a free download, but even the zip file is the better part of a terabyte. Here’s their site:
Best way to play it now is through Flashpoint since flash is unsupported. Unfortunately beating the story opens up a dead link and there isn't a way to save progress.
thank you
^(sorry about that, i just got tired of linking that in a comment section and seeing another "oh noes flash is dying :( my childhood :'(((((((" post not even 12 hours later and finally snapped. sorry to take it out on you)
Check out Flashpoint, it's an archiving project with a pretty hefty collection of 90,000 flash games and counting. It's got games from armor games, newgrounds, kongregate, lots others. I'd recommend the "Infinity" version so you can play as you go and not have to download all 800 GBs
e flash based? Dacă da poți să îl propui aici să ți-l arhiveze și să ne bucurăm și noi de el :D Nu uita să bagi și o descriere că cică primesc multe cereri și nu le iau pe toate, alea care și descriu un pic jocul sunt luate primele.
În altă ordine de idei, mai știe cineva unde pot găsi „Panică la Cornu”? E alt joc pe care nu îl mai găsesc pe nicăieri după ce ăia de la au scos toate jocurile flash de pe site-ul lor.
You won't be able to play them through your browser but Flashpoint is trying to archive every flash game and make them playable still after Flash gets discontinued.
There's a project to preserve Flash games as well as Shockwave and other browser plugins so that the games will play standalone. It's called BlueMaxima's Flashpoint and it's found here: It doesn't have all the games, but they're adding to the library with every update.
hey everybody! many people want to know how i did this, and here's the process: first, here's a miracle, flashpoint! flash point is a flash game archive that takes up either 2 or 800 GB. its virus free, don't worry. once installed, go to the file. you'll find the launch shortcut and another file called FPsoftware. You'll find different browser game software, go to flash and find application "flashplayer_32_sa". now go into steam and click "add a non-steam game" in the bottom left corner of your library. Find the mentioned flash version and add it. Now you can launch the software, but you still need to get project nexus launched with it. There's a special little feature very helpful with wads and other things located in the "properties" section of the non steam game page after right clicking on it, "launch options", can launch other things with other software at the same time. to save you a lot of time, enter in this launch command "http://localflash/592473_madnessgame_ultimate0e40.swf" into launch options in the properties. I had to go to flashpoint mpnc page and right click export the game media, it just gave me some strange file called "meta". i opened it with a software from the microsoft store that allowed me to open like 200 types of files, and i launched the meta file with that and found a bunch of info, but it gave me the launch direction code. entered that into the launch options, hit play and all features of steam applide, frame counter, and self made controller configurations once your controller is connected to steam. and there it is, customize its artwork in the library and have fun ;)
There is a thing called Flashpoint Launcher which is dedicated to preserving old flash games and allowing you to still play them. We should get in touch with the creators to get the smash flash games on them
Flashpoint is an open-source archive project that way too few people know about. I've seen so many posts about Flash dying, and none about the great work that the people at Flashpoint have done to preserve it. According to their website, they've saved 80 000 games and animations.
From here, you can download the entire archive (532 GB), or you can download just the Infinity Launcher (2GB), which lets you download games on-demand. It's completely free.
You spend check out Flashpoint:
It lets you play thousands of flash games, and there's a full list of all the supported games on the website. I just checked and all the games you and OP mentioned are there
Hope you enjoy :)
If anyone wants to indulge their nostalgia Flashpoint has a ton of older internet games on it, not just flash but shockwave, java, wildtangent, and more
Offline version can be found here. Either download an executable(not recommended) or an .swf that can be played by a standalone player that is available for most platforms.
You can use standalone player to play any not site-locked .swf or you can use Flashpoint that will automatically download and run flash games for you from a huge archive of flash games.
On the plus side, Flashpoint has this site archived. Unfortunately, it looks like Posemaniacs is broken in the Infinity version (download-on-demand), which means you'd need to download the whole 532GB package if you wanted to use it.
Nevertheless, it should be possible to download the site (with wget or something similar) and run it in an older version of a browser as /u/SeanFrank suggested.
Please take a moment to check out BlueMaxima's Flashpoint Project. It's aiming to archive and save as many flash games as possible before shutdown, and currently has over 49,000 games!
link to the flashpoint site
Maybe with Flashpoint? You can make a list of some simple games, there are thousands to choose from and it doesn't need strong hardware.
PLEASE do not use this form without checking if we have the game first. We probably do, and get requests for games we already have all the time!
You should check out BlueMaxima's Flashpoint. It has nearly every flash game archived. It's got a game launcher which downloads each game on the fly or an option to download everything all at once (500+ GBs)
it's also worth mentioning Manufactoria which are made by the Silicon Zeroes guys.
the original is a flash game(which means downloading flashpoint infinite is probally the easiest way to play it today), but they are actually creating a modern remake right now. early access is starting 9 Oct, 2021 and full release is scheduled for 2022.
This is already possible. Go to the downloads page and grab a copy of Ultimate, which is currently 532 GB big! :)
Word of caution, it comes in a .7z, so make sure you have a bit more than 1 TB of space. One half for the archive, and the other half to actually unpack it. We're working on new ways of distribution so that this won't be necessary.
Yo, the adobe website has a "Flash Projector" program intended for debugging that functions as a standalone swf player.
BlueMaxima's Flashpoint is a platform hosting hundreds of older flash games and other types as well.
Since you didn't mention it. I checked Flashpoint which has preserved over 78,000 flash games (including erotic ones) and I can't find any game by Wreckless on there, seeing as it's defunct I doubt they would request a removal from flashpoint. So it's not just that game but their whole catalog that is lost it seems.
This was the first thing that came up when I googled how to play flash games on Windows 10. It's 601gb and claims to have over 90,000 games and 10,000 animations saved. There is also a version that just downloads games one at a time. Kind of like Steam for Flash.
To u/Anxious_Solution_282 as well:
You can either read the FAQ question 3, use Flashpoint, or go to a website that's using an emulator (e.g Kongregate is using Supernova and Newgrounds made their own).
This should be almost impossible to find (with vague description), if the game was not very popular. There is an archive of browser games for preservation. Even online games are made playable offline: . Even if you don't find your game, this might interest you anyway, as you search old games. Good luck.
Als het het swf bestand nog uit the way Bach machine kan halen kan zou je het spel kunnen spelen in een emulator.
Als het werkt dan kan je het bestand ook nog uploaden naar flashgamearchive of/en op flashpoint. Ze hebben ze allebei nog niet in hun libary
Putting the URL on that image into Wayback gives me this page, where the name is apparently "Star Pop".
And you're in luck, since the game was archived by Flashpoint. Just download Flashpoint Infinity, search for it, and you're good to go. The name on Flashpoint is "스타팝".
You can still play them through flashpoint.. A giant collection which has basiacally every flash game. Only problem is its a pita to find a game if you dont remember the name.
Don't worry, nothing is going away. There's a project called Flashpoint that allows you to download flash games and run them on your computer, on a safe environment.
Flash on the browser finally died the death it deserved, but thanks to preservation projects we can have the best of both worlds.
Hi, I'm a staff member for the webgame preservation project Flashpoint, I'm happy to say we have the game :D
You can play it by downloading Flashpoint Infinity. You're actually really lucky, someone uploaded it to the archive fairly recently, and we released the new build of the software today, so this is the first day it's available in our archive.
And you still can! Projects like flashpoint allow you to play flash games after support for it has ended. The goal of ending support is to move away from deprecated technology. Creators should no longer be using flash; it's clunky, unoptimized, and requires an external plugin to use. If small creators have the resources to use flash, then they can easily migrate to HTML5 as it's free, quick to learn, and supported by all browsers natively. This transition is a natural part in the tech life-cycle, however sad it might be.
Seems like a good time to plug Flashpoint, which is trying to archive literally every flash game ever. If you liked playing a certain flash game, it's VERY likely it's already archived there. If not, you can submit a request on their Discord and maybe show them a game they didn't know existed.
That's complicated. Kind of?
Internet Explorer is the reason they ran on Flash, yes.
But Flash sucked -- it always sucked, but as soon as browsers started getting good again, Flash was just a shittier way to do stuff Chrome and Firefox could do without it. So as IE got less popular (or people at least got onto new enough IEs), most of the Web stopped using Flash.
Also, Flash was hilariously insecure. So when enough of the Web stopped using it, browsers dropped it as quickly as they dared.
So you could say Firefox taking over and Internet Explorer finally dying is the reason those Flash games don't work anymore.
That said: Check out Flashpoint, your games might be in there! Maybe not all of them, but people are making an effort to preserve them. And it's set up in a way that should be reasonably secure. (At least, it's nowhere near as bad as trying to run them in a web browser, with full access to the Internet -- see their FAQ for that!)
Turns out there was one nice thing about Flash: You can bundle up your entire game/app into a single .swf file, and if you didn't go out of your way to obfuscate it, people could just safe that file and have a copy of the game. So really, all they needed to do was download all those SWFs, and download a recent version of the Flash player, and run it in a reasonable sandbox so it isn't a security problem.
With the demise of flash, I'd be surprised if the client browsers will allow them to run.
There is a project to preserve flash function though.
Currently the project is a web game archive, but it appears you could side load some content as well.
It is an archival project so there will be some NSFW content accessable at first, configuration and testing recommended
The project does include the needed files to work as a CMS via apache2
Ini bang : Downloads - BlueMaxima's Flashpoint
Katanya itu include semua game flash yang ada di internet (versi ultimate), ratusan giga (478GB download, 532GB when extracted) kalo mau didownload yang full. Atau pake yang versi Infinity, jadi download on demand,
Download flashpoint and you can still play it
There’s also an actual map pack for the actual portal game based upon the maps in the flash version.
It's not easy to set up, but Flashpoint is usable on Macs with the M1 chip. Read this for more details:
Bluemaxima has been working on preserving every flashgame in their flashpoint project. They have 532gb worth of flashgames that you can download and play using their launcher. Radioactive Teddy Bear Zombies is in their database.
Here is their master game list.
Ey, you can save your favorite flash games and play others over at
They're trying to save flash games so help out if you don't see your favorite games on their list!
It has A LOT of NSFW content, both games and animations. You can check the games list and the animations list and CTRL+F for "Adult" or "Sexual Content". There's over a thousand of them in total.
I'd love to help, but I'm not near a computer for a few days.
I think you should change the name of the post (or repost it) to something like "Pogo deleting FLASH/JAVA games starting June 4th - A plea for help", so that people know how time limited this is.
Also, here's the page about it on Flashpoint:
Newsgrounds has the Flash player program
Bluemaxima has Project flashpoint
There’s Ruffle for other websites chrome link
Flash Point, r/FlashGames, and r/GamePreservationists might be able to provide some more insight on how they work, and perhaps how to compile them.
Always awesome to see people learn and share information. Thanks for taking the time to look into it and get a ball rolling. Every little bit helps.
You can actually play it through BlueMaxima's Flashpoint, which is a flash/web game preservation project. It actually has loads of flash/java/whatever games archived too, so if there's something you're nostalgic about they probably have it. I just tested it and it seems to work fine (there are some bugs that may be old/new, but they're documented in the description).
I would recommend the Infinity download, since it downloads each game (and stores them so you only have to download them once) when you want to play it, as opposed to the complete download which has about 700 gigabytes of data.
yea, still sad
also, i found this site which archived flash games here. Maybe it could work
assuming what OP of this post recalls is true, and that is the shoddy “indie dev” website, it still doesnt fill the criteria of “not a flash game” (if i remember correctly)
I think you can find most of them (if not all) on Flashpoint:
They have a search page here, unfortunately you can't search by "Neopets" but typing the specific game like Meerca Chase or Ice Cream Machine brings them up.
To anyone asking, I got the game as part of an application called "Flashpoint Launcher". It has a ton of old web games archived into one application (last I checked, it's currently at 59,000). Both "Tron Legacy: Light Cycle" and "Tron Legacy: Disc Battle" are in this application. Here's where you can download it:
Sounds very weird that players are doing this. Is the game choosing to shut down their servers or something? Because although Flash is no longer going to get updates, there’s other projects replacing it like and as other commenters have mentioned Flash will still continue to work long past the support deadline...
I archived this game, so if you want to play it you can find it on Flashpoint. I salvaged as much of the game as I could, but only singleplayer works.
My dude, check out Flashpoint.
Open-source app that allows you to download and run any Flash game you could think of locally. You'll want to download Flashpoint Infinity, not "Ultimate" (which is 800+ gigabytes, cataloguing 90k flash games).
Some of my favourites are Rebuild 2, Phage Wars 2, Decision 3, Frontier, and High Tea.
Flashpoint is a very good way of finding these old games.
Looking through it, though, I can't find anything that's a platformer with a snow level and a factory level. However, Drakken's Lair is a platformer that takes place entirely in a factory, and Rufus Snow Ride is, somewhat predictably, a snowboarding game. Is it possible your memory is mashing the two together?
I'd have to say the program Flashpoint by bluemaxima. They're trying to save all the old flash games from years ago that we all know and loved, as well as others like HTML, Java, Unity, etc. Did you use to spend hours upon hours playing games on They've got all those games. Were you obsessed with the MouseCity and Carmel Games games? They've got all of them! They've got all the games from,, They've got all the Sift Heads, all the Sniper Assassins, Jack French 1-3, the Riddle Schools, Street Sesh 1-3. They've got pretty much every game anybody under the age of like 30 was obsessed with 12+ years ago. They've currently got about 80,000 games as well as animations. It's absolutely amazing what they've done.
You can still make one if you download Flashpoint (you can use the smaller Infinity version of it that downloads the files when you need them). Just search Rinmaru Games Mega Anime Avatar Creator on there and it should work.
Iirc they have it here.
Important note: like it says, ultimate is 600 GB. Download the infinity version if you just want to play galactic champions.
Check out BlueMaxima's Flashpoint. It has an archive of old flash games.
They have a game list that shows 7 games from My Gym Partner's a Monkey but I don't know the exact name of the one you're talking about. Plenty of Ben 10 games too if you remember the one you're looking for.
Najprostszym sposobem jest pobranie Flashpointa - launchera gier flashowych i odpalanie gier flashowych w oddzielonym środowisku, bez ryzyka bezpieczeństwa.
For anyone who still wants to play Newgrounds-type games and relive the glory days of Flash, check this out:
I love this project because it's saving a very important part of internet history and culture.
unfortunately, as of the 31st of December 2020 Adobe flash support has ended. This means that all major browsers such as Google Chrome will get an update which drops support for the plugin. If you have flash installed, it is recommended that you uninstall it to protect your system. Also, Adobe will force flash content not to start. But if you want to continue playing flash games, there is a program called flashpoint, which has thousands of archived flash games and videos. Download it here: 😉
However, the game was written in Flash, and the major web browsers discontinued Flash support at the end of last year due to security concerns. You'd have to find a browser or extention that allows you to run Flash, or (I recommend) you try which lets you play archived Flash games. I believe BFDIA 5b is included.
Actually, the thing you're looking for exists, almost down to a T. Its a flash game called Caravaneer 2 about being a caravaneer in a fallout style wasteland, complete with a fluctuating and dynamic economy where supply and demand exist, and you can actually purchase industries and watch the in game supplies be created and delivered to other settlements. Its complex, has you manage food and supplies and guns, and has a fairly complex isometric turn and party based combat system(like fallout 2, but less whacky). There's also a faction system where just trading and fighting makes what people think of you change, and an optional story mode.
There isn't exactly brahmin, but you can travel with non mutated cows as pack animals and milk producers.
Despite the death of flash, you can play it (with all content enabled) with some fiddling with this tool.
You can add Ruffle to Flashpoint right now using our Ruffle launcher extension:
There are various perseveration archives out there, but the most obvious is probably NewGrounds' own NewGrounds Player. As far as I know, anything that was on NG prior to 2021 is playable through it!
Alternatively though, I'd say the best archive I've seen is Bluemaxima's Flashpoint. It gives you a big library of tons and tons of old Flash games (seriously, the list is scarily big) and you can download them as you want to play them, provided you have an internet connection.
There are definitely options out there! I'd be so disappointed if they did drop Flash game LPs at this point. So many worthwhile ones still out there! ...Plus I still want to see them get back to Bloons lol.
Running a entire VM which requires some disk space, configuration that not anyone is interested in, maintenance (if you still want your system and apps to be up to date, not talking about Flash here), much time (installation, boot up...) and much effort for a single app?
A bit too much for very little to my eyes, if you want to keep playing flash games, check out BlueMaxima's Flashpoint described as a webgame preservation project.
It uses its own application called the Flashpoint Secure Player to replace Flash in its entirety so there won't be any vulnerabilities Flash may have, it can be played while still being connected to internet, have the vast majority of flash games downloadable in a single app and most importantly, it won't be blocked by Adobe the 12th of this month because they have no control over it.
Look, I know this may sound as deepshit coming out of nowhere but I'm sure running a VM to run games you'd have to install manually before the 12th and make sure you don't lose them or the VM files is more unreliable than anything.
Don't do that please, you'll just lose your time.
Flash lives on through Flashpoint!
They're mainly focused on saving videogames and animations, but there is some educational content on there. Basically, you can download Flashpoint and play all the Flash games they have saved without needing to run flash in your web browser.
Don't worry, just download the archive, either all of it or the ones you want at the moment from here I haven't found a game they don't have!
If there's one you're missing hit them up and they'll try to get it on there!
I didn't try to install on Linux as I was waiting for a self contained Snap or Flatpak package, or even an AppImage. And the current version lags behind the mainline Windows version. For Ubuntu there is a .deb package of Flashpoint version 8 (current version is 9). You can try here:
In relation to this topic, the is a preservation project to make thousands of Flash and other web technology games playable offline. Over 70k games are there on 20 platforms (Flash only one of them, HTML, Java, Silverlight and more). They offer a download client like Steam (2 GB when installed) where you can search and install whatever you want and a full package with all games downloaded in a single go (532 GB when extracted).
CoolMathGames is safe and sound. Also, if you want to play other flash games, check out BlueMaxima's Flashpoint.
If you have the original files, you can submit them for curation yourself! It's a bit of a process, but there's no better way to keep them accessible for yourself and others.
theyll be gone from the web, but there is a project called flashpoints where 99% of the flashgame will be availible there. THe one who won't be there are by company who don't allow it like nitrome
BlueMaxima's Flashpoint has the Candystand and Nabiscoworld games. They're Shockwave and not Flash games though, so you might need to enable Shockwave in the options.
Either by downloading the swf from your source of choice and using an offline flash player (be it the official one, irfanviews player, or something else)
There is also if you like the idea of playing many flash games/videos
Guys, install BlueMaxima's Flashpoint if you want to play flash games forever. It has a giant library and there are more constantly added.
Been using it since july and it works great!
I sadly don't actually have an answer for you, but I wanted to mention Flashpoint, which is a project trying to preserve as many Flash games and animations as possible before they're no longer viewable.
There are probably too many games in it to just browse the listings and find what you're looking for, but IMO it's worth keeping in mind for anyone who grew up in that era and wants to re-experience these things from time to time.
Chingadamadre miren es como un steam de esos juegos XD Descarguen la version menos pesada que la de 202 gb es para tenerlos absolutamente todos
A friendly reminder to all that flash will no longer be supported at the end of this December. Blue Maxima’s Flashpoint is trying to save as much flash content as possible so hope is not all lost
Play it on your PC with Flashpoint!
Papa's Pizzeria is on the masssive list of supported games (warning: it's long, Ctrl + F
is your friend).
Flashpoint has a thin client, too, called "Infinity", where games are downloaded as you play them, if you don't want to download the whole ~130 GB archive.
10/10 would recommend. Right in the nostalgia feels. BRB, feeling unproductive today, :-)
A lot of Adobe Flash content is going away, including a lot of games. Check out BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint.
It includes thousands of flash games and other stuff you can experience right now locally on your own computer
Hey there, not sure if you still check this post but I found the game you were looking for. It's called "The Pretender," and was divided into episodic points, 1, 2, and 3. Unfortunately, since it was a flash game, it's no longer available to play on most sites as of December 2020. However, multiple downloadable Flash archives have it.
The one I've got on my computer (and the one that thankfully had the entire series archived) is BlueMaxima's Flashpoint Infinity, and I think any version will do. I have the 9.0 "Glorious Sunset" build, but they've since updated to 10.0 and above, so those should also have the series. Happy nostalgic gaming!
Check out BlueMaxima's Flashpoint, a project that preserves online games and other things which are no longer supported by modern browsers:
There's over 90000 games, and a quick search through the master list found over 1000 results for "escape". I have no idea which ones are good, maybe someone else can help with that. But this allows you to play a lot of old ones that aren't otherwise accessible.
There's the BlueMaxima Flashpoint project thats archiving as much flash content as possible on the internet, should probably have your game should you remember it.
If you want a little more convenience, the Y8 Browser has a decent amount of flash games that you can play. My favourites like the Gun Mayhem, Strike Force Heroes, and Zombotron are all there.
You can always try with Ruffle.
Alternatively I highly suggest manually curating those .swf files for the Flashpoint Project, where they will then be archived and also be available to others.
The specific flash files can often be found by adding a "/*" to the end of the URL you're looking for in the Wayback Machine and from there filtering for .swf files.
Flash is now EOL / DEAD. There is no reason to backup old games. Instead, think to convert them to HTML5 and/or Java/JavaScript.
Even if you manage to back them up, no browser existing today supports them unless you're on a VERY old version (flash died in 2019).
All that said, check out:
If you want to still play it, it should still be available on BlueMaxima.
Also, VRChat lol.
I wouldn't be so sure about that, flashpoint is an archival project with the goal of keeping as many flash games as possible preserved and playable, and they have thousands of games in their archive. If you want to relive the glory days I'd reccomend checking it out. link to the website