Because defense in the animal kingdom is about aggressive posturing, seeming big and scary so you don't have to fight.
>“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” ―Sun Tzu, The Art of War
I think the fall is an inspection after it was determined to be a low threat. In the animal kingdom even a minor fight risk death due to infection, not being able to hunt, etc. So aggressive posturing is very very useful and used by almost all animals.
The animals (and humans) we consider to be the most dangerous are those that don't use aggressive posturing and launch brutal surprise attacks.
I found it :
Edit: if Reddit hugs it to death, here is another link for it:
edit 2: Wow, reddit gold? Thank you, this is a first time for me. I feel a bit embarrassed that it's just a shopping link, but thank you none the less.
Sorry about the title. This other photo is titled "Lamb."
Edit: some more photos on their Instagram
He had a rough birth - he was stuck in the canal, head out, and the tongue was swollen and frost nipped. He's doing well now though, after they let his frozen stiff ears thaw and gave him a warm bottle. The mother won't let him nurse, but they think she just has a generic disinterest in motherhood since she likes everything else about him.
I put our test subject, Mr Jones in a comfortable harness with a very light GPS tracker on it. After the subject was placed in the harness, subject sulked for at least 20 mins by not moving from a flowerpot in the garden and miaowing lots.
The GPS tracker was set up to ping a server every 5 seconds with its location with an SMS. If there was poor mobile reception in an area, it would not send back data. It also sent back information on the subject's speed in knots and bearing, mainly so I can yell 'TARGET IS MOVING AT X KNOTS IN A BEARING OF BLAH BLAH BLAH MARK BLAH... TARGET HAS CHANGED SPEED AND HEADING, CAPT'N, I SUGGEST FULL CUDDLES AND SNUGGLES OFF THE PORT BOW'.
Interestingly, his territory is quite small, but he traverses a lot of ground. Also, he never crosses the road :D
She's almost 6 weeks old. Too young to be separated in our book, but supposedly the mother was stolen. My wife seems to be attracted to rescue cases. She is a blue pit. She has a great home with loving brothers and sisters. I promise. EDIT- Video. Sorry I couldn't figure out how to flip the video.
I took in a young cat who had been living in cold, frosty back gardens just over a month ago. She purrs very quietly, you an hardly tell. She's happy and warm though and she's my new best friend.
Apparently the title of my imgur post was hacked. The pig was not harmed and is very much alive. Please accept this very dark grainy gif as proof of life.
Sorry for hijacking your comment.
Catit Senses 2.0 blah blah it comes with a pocket for catnip. My cat has never even looked at it lol, but it's super cheap
My dog is 8. She would happily go home with the UPS guy and be his best friend for life. Unless the Telus guy visited, then she'd jump in his truck and never think of us or the UPS guy again.
Basically, my dog is dumb and loves everyone unconditionally.
(Bonus Daisy pics:
After flushing it out of its borrow with the mower I scrambled to gathered it up, took the picture, grabbed what I could of the nest (assuming it had scent associated) and relocated everything to a nearby grown up area I don't mow or weedeat. Later that day I caught one of its siblings and placed it in the nest and kept an eye on it. I was worried the mom would not be able find them but was later consoled by seeing her hop over and reunite with the family in thier new, hopefully safer, 'home'.
Edit: Here is the first one I took where he was like 'Whoaaa there bro'
Hi my mom is small and walks our 140 lb leonberger. She could not do it before because he would see a cat and charge.
Please get a gentle lead if you don't have one. Itll change everything.
It just makes it so that the dog cannot pull with full force in a straight line. Its a huge difference.
Edit: he also chases rabbits
I got my boy one of those too! Great for going on walks in the evening/at night. Also for identifying your dog when he meets an evil twin. You know, whatever’s convenient.
Edit: here’s a link for you all. I got mine at Home Depot oddly enough but you can get them from amazon and most pet stores! Spot Lit
Bruh, I'm allergic as fuck to cats. I've got 3.
It was the dander for me. Wiping my cats down once/twice a week with those really helped.
According to the zoo's social media they were both still around as of this August.
And the info in the title is incorrect. The zoo staff purposefully introduced the lynx and the cat to one another in 2007, when they both were 2 months old, and raised them together ever since.
Also the lynx is called Lynda and the cat - Dusya.
Just a disclaimer: This is not my dog although, I am a HUGE fan of her instagram which you can find here: If you're looking for more cute dogs on instagram you can find my dog here:
Bears are from the ursidae family while racoons are in the procyonidae family, with ursidae being closer to canidae. However, all of them are in the order carnivora so in that sense they are closely related!
People used to think the racoon and bear families were very close, but newer genetic research suggests this isn't true. Check out this phylogeny to get a clearer perspective.
No, you misunderstand, he as being serious. What you have to do is use subtle sarcasm, snickering at the deer if it has an "accident." Like dogs, deer have a finely tuned sense of irony.
I actually belive that in a earlier instance of this Gif, people talked about that it was drugged as shit. Just so it would be calm. Shit, there is even a page on what drugs to give it!
Something interesting I heard recently in a Terry Gross Fresh Air interview:
>Some of the experiments I do are testing, for instance, anthropomorphisms, attributions that we make of dogs. One of my favorites was of the guilty look. Dogs show this guilty look, pulling their ears back and pulling their tail under their body or turning away. Often, owners know when they've done something wrong. So it's fair for people to say that dogs look guilty. But I thought, that's a strange attribution. How can we be sure that dogs are guilty? And so I did a little test to see if the guilty look popped up only when they'd done something wrong or in any other circumstance.
>GROSS: What did you find?
>HOROWITZ: And it's a really simple experiment. And I found that the guilty look showed up more often when they were being scolded or about to be scolded by their owners, whether or not they'd done something wrong. And so it looks like we really prompt the dogs to put on this look, which is probably more aptly described as a submissive look or a concerned look, than a guilty look. I'm not saying that dogs don't feel guilt. They very well might, but this look isn't showing us that.
From here:
He says this is the GPS tracker: Xexun TK201-2. The -2 at the end is the waterproof version. And this is the GPS software: Traccar. The harness was the Trixie cat harness from Amazon.
It was originally developed for tracking cars, but this is far more interesting :D
Midwest Husky owner here! We always fill our bath with a few inches of really cold water after walks - dogs cools themselves by panting and through their paw pads, and our dog LOVES cooling off in that cold water. Also, we always use Mushers Secret Paw Wax - it protects their paws from hot pavement and has a cooling effect. While you are at it, might as well suggest bringing your own dog water bottles on walks! There are really cool water bottles for dogs on Amazon.
Apparently the title of my imgur post was hacked. The pig was not harmed and is very much alive. Please accept this very dark grainy gif as proof of life.
Are you sure? This shows that crocs have closed mouths and alligators have open ones.
Edit Apparently How_Majestic knows a thing or two about gators, because that pic came from the Atagawa Tropical and Alligator Garden in Japan.
Sometimes she'll get really frustrated because her snoot will just push the blanket further away. After a few attempts she'll make this big huffy sigh and look at m, obviously wanting some help.
I also tuck her in every night.
For those interested in her photo process to get similar shots, there's a class that she offered on Kelby One (Note that the intro video is free but the full class requires a membership.)
See an interview with her here (which is free)
(edit: better description and grammar.)
What he said. At least 5-gal. Bettas also really like to "hide", so consider getting him some kind of little cave-type space, or shaping one yourself out of rocks/slate.
I used to get these for my bettas and they loved them.
They like to have places they feel like they can retreat to.
Nope ... you are safe ... now don't you hold back any more hugs..
> Orangutans, along with gorillas are the most gentle natured of all the apes and will often sit for hours simply gazing at nothing in particular. Attacks by orangutans on humans are virtually unheard of
I feel obligated to correct Orangutan misinformation.
> Orangutans, along with gorillas are the most gentle natured of all the apes and will often sit for hours simply gazing at nothing in particular. Attacks by orangutans on humans are virtually unheard of;
For anyone curious (though this video has been posted a million times), that's Clyde and Eisleigh and this is their mother's instagram account. Clyde (the pit bull) is quite big now.
I was thinking maybe there were pictures in it or something, but nope, its a historical nonfiction book about the formation and inner workings of the European Union
May 17th is my Golden's 15th and she's named Ginger too. You've got a darker one, I've got the lighter one. I'll get a pic later..
Edit: OP Delivers:!278&authkey=!AJjfek1uF9U8sR4&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg
Happy birthday Ginger.
It’s quite simple but very effective.
It’s a toy thumb that is the same colour as his skin and it has a little switch inside and when you push down a light comes on.
I remember when I first saw them in Harris’s. I was amazed as a child.
Sorry bruh, you gotta adopt him. That's how I ended up with this gash in my right ring finger.
6 years ago a kitten came out of the woods and my dad, on his way to my mother's house (they had divorced) picked him up. My mother started nursing him back to health, and gave him to my little brother.
My little brother was living with me at the time. He fed the kitten poptarts and was upset about the kittens lack of bladder control. He said, and I quote, "I opened up a 2 pack of pop tarts and started eating one and feeding him the other, I like to nibble on it and I was breaking him off chunks of the other one I was going to eat next. Then, I finished mine and realized he had finished his too. AND HE PEED ALL OVER THE PLACE, ALL ON MY BED AND MY SHIRT I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WrONG WITH HIM."
This happened at least three times (that he told me of). Apparently, he thought that cats were predators who stalked artificial strawberry goo wrapped in chalk-bread. I have always had a cat allergy and didn't like cats, so I didn't bother correcting him. Anywho, one day he left out of town to visit his girlfriend and wanted me to baby sit the kitten-cat.
And here we are, 6 fuckin years later, and I've still got him, and he bites, and scratches, and seems to have some undiagnosed Vietnam-war syndrome from time to time.
But he's my favorite friend. And he scratched the fuck out of my finger, probably because my I'ma name him George joke when I find him burrowed in my clothes got a little too old and redundant for his tastes.
Can't say I blame him. And, honestly, my finger has healed quite nicely.
If memory serves me right, this itty-bitty PlayStation comes from Japanese capsule toy machines.
They have the whole history of Japanese video game consoles, from the early days of Nintendo Famicom, to even a tiny Nintendo DS (with size appropriate cartridges).
By the way, here is the source Flickr for that image (and many more tiny things).
Piebald means unusual patches of two different colors. Most commonly found on ball pythons like this:
Just in case any other dog toy surgeons are out there, we buy these now and then to replace squeakers in well-loved toys,
former meat eater here. came to give you some plant-based hope. these are the diggity dang diddly
Yeah, me either. The bed is literally their only job. If I ran into something like that I'd take pictures and complain to Airbnb.
Edit: I just found out about Airbnb Plus. Those are some nice places for cheap! I want to take a vacation now.
That was exactly my question. I have heard that the brain is capable of reassigning resources under extreme circumstances, so maybe something like that happened?
Edit: Neuroplasticity may be it.
OP, I usually never bitch about reposts, but for fuck sake this has been reposted tons of times. That is not your cat, neither is that aquarium, or house. Please don't repost bullshit that everyone has seen a million times.
Best regards,
Further reading:
Why Cats Paint
Once you've grasped that material I find:
to be the logical follow-up.
Hey this is my photo!!!! I took this photo 23 months ago... the cat's name is roadie.
Bestanx 2.0 Cat Self Groomer Wall Corner Massage Comb with Catnip, Perfect Massager Tool for Cats with Long & Short Fur (Grey)
All they ever do is raid reddit.
They did a pretty funny "story" on the "nice guy" phenomenon yesterday, but I swear that nearly every single image came directly from reddit. See for yourself:
13 Reasons Why "Nice Guys" are the Worst
They could at least give credit where credit's due.
No YouTube channel? Any videos of this little guy in action?
Edit: I found one :)
Edit 2: And another...AAAHHH HE'S SO CUTE!
You might want to invest in an auto-feeder. I used to feed the cat her breakfast at 7 am. She assumed, "When mom wakes up, I get food! Therefore I must wake her as early as possible, for I hunger greatly." I ordered this auto feeder from Amazon & set it to go off at the regular time. It took her a while to realize that I don't HAVE to be awake for food to happen. She still sometimes wakes me up early on weekends just because she's an asshole. But it has helped a lot!
(Also, she figured out how to pry the lid off and gorge on 6 meals. She is not very smart sometimes, but where food is involved she's goddamn Einstein, given enough free time. I had to add velcro straps, which were still not quite sufficient. Eventually I upgraded to a bigger, more secure, more complicated auto-feeder. But if your cat's not a relentless food monster, it should work!)
No, it's because there's millions of lines of code in the form of libraries and so on that nobody understands what they do, as opposed to a few lines of code that was written by someone who understood everything that was going on (because it was a simpler time). It's true, software gets worse over time.
The worst is the managerial technocrat who replaces things because they read something about the 'cloud' and as you know, newer is better! Gotta keep with the times! Meanwhile programmers know the best book on the principles of computer science was written in the 1960s - The Art of Computer Programming.
Oh, there will be another pollinator to replace the bees.
It's called hand pollination, and they are already having to do it in certain places in China.
I watched a documentary a while back that had a couple of scientists talk about how the "slippage" in dog DNA is way more extreme than other animals, so I'm not sure we could achieve the extreme differences dogs have in humans.
The original image itself is pretty old (ca. ~2008), then someone photoshopped a cat into it as well.
The one that is also on Amazon a bit cheaper (theres also an unheated version!) Cats need 2 entrances so if a predator comes in they can escape. I got this on amazon and I got a self-heating blanket and a tarp since it gets rain here in SF! My upstairs neighbor/landlord has been in the hospital for months and her idiot son doesn't give a shit about her cat. The kitty so sweet and friendly, but he's skin and bones now (he used to be chubby apparently). I moved in last month and have been feeding him and giving him water and a little bed. The asshole son doesn't even give him water or even a bed or anything! I finally caved and got him the shelter & tarp because it gets cold at night and rains. I also got him a feeder and water dispenser thing lol. I wish I could let him inside, but I have 2 indoor only kitties. :(
"This is a very difficult post to type and it breaks our hearts. Our spiky little guy passed away on Sunday, March 1st. Biddy finally seemed better, then he quickly took a turn for the worst. In the end we believe cancer was the cause of death and the reason for all of his health issues. We are very thankful for all the time we spent with him before he went. We want to thank all of you for following Biddy and his adventures. It's truly amazing to see people from all parts of the world sharing and commenting on his photos. To know that Biddy's photos could bring happiness, laughter and possibly inspire others is breathtaking. We couldn't have asked for a better hedgehog. Biddy was a big part of our family and he will be greatly missed." - Biddy`s Instagram
seriously dude : add blocker .... I did not noticed there ware adds on that site
how do you people even internet?
Edit:Or UBlock like it's been suggested
I just got it on Amazon, pretty cheap too!
Seriously though, get him a harness and a lead that buckles into the seat belt. He’ll thank you for it if you’re ever in an accident, god forbid.
Awesome look pup. You did good by rescuing him.
> So keep your bite-y bats for dissection if you get nipped.
The CDC recommends that you keep for rabies testing <em>any</em> bat that might <em>possibly</em> have bitten a person or pet, for example, if a bat flies into you, if you wake up and find a bat in a room where you were sleeping, or if you find a bat in a room with a young child or mentally impaired/intoxicated person. Several U.S. rabies victims didn't even know they were bitten because bats can inflict near-microscopic, painless bites, and not all rabid bats look sick. So, if you find a live bat in your bedroom and let it go, or kill it and throw it away, you'll have to get post-exposure rabies shots because all bats are presumed rabid unless testing proves otherwise. But if the bat can be captured and sent away for testing, you might be spared the inconvenience and expense should the results come back negative. Call your local game warden, animal control, or wildlife conservation officer for help with this.
If you want to prank someone and make their garden fabulous as the same time, unleash a box of 1,500 live ladybugs when they're not home.
Yep, you're right. Annette Kowalski, who discovered Bob Ross, told NPR that Bob's natural hair was straight. He wanted to save money on haircuts, so he got a perm. And he hated the curly hair.
It is a business, with real money, to farm up accounts with good standing that can then be sold as mouthpieces to PR agencies for advertising companies or governments or what have you. Reddit is the 33rd most popular site in the world and the 9th most popular in the United States according to Alexa and its unique user/karma system means that users are more likely to pay attention to a mouthpiece that has had its submission 'assisted' to the top of the pile. You can do damage control, you can advertise a new product, you can anonymously slander your opponents, and if you can disguise your wares as content and keep slackjawed office drones happy for a few seconds, they might even start shilling for you without needing to be paid.
You didn't think people would let an opportunity like that go to waste, did you?
You should just put cloudflare in front of your website. It’s free for personal sites, or $20/mo for pro plan. Then you never have to worry about this on accident (reddit hug) or on purpose (ddos).
Note: I do not work for cloudflare, I just use them at work.
One of the biggest differences about him and Kevin are that Kevin doesn’t seek out wild lions and hyenas to interact with, the ones he works with are ones he’s either raised himself or been around since birth (with the parents he knew/helped raise raising them). He still knows how dangerous it all is, and knows that there’s still a chance, no matter how perfect conditions are, that he loses his life to this, and he’s willing to take that risk for the experience and to help promote more education and understanding into species that a lot of times are seen as mindless/evil creatures.
He has a book called Part of the Pride that details a lot more about his work and how he got to where he is, if you’re interested. It’s a pretty good read, and really eye opening about how a lot of African predator hierarchies are.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, by Douglas Adams is a book from the much beloved Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. Well worth a read.
OOH I KNOW WHAT TO USE! NATURE'S MIRACLE! I use it on my pet accidents but it works well for any urine and feces issues. It's a 1:1 ratio Odor eliminator so it may take some time but it'll get it all out no issue over a few applications.
Let me know how it goes.
If the dog is 10 lbs, you'd need 371 11" balloons to lift it. Plus, you can tell by the irregular/halting/unsmooth speed of lift.
Google it - Persian cats have much smaller brains due to their head shape, and it causes problems with their mental acuity. The difference between a Persian's skull and an American Short or Longhair is disgusting to see.
Here's a link to a really comprehensive academic paper on the subject:
Why ruin the floor with carpet? Why not felt pads on the bottom of the chairs? Its cheaper and you get to keep your beautiful floors!
Looks like a Shiba Inu to me. Perhaps a doggy DNA test is in order? Wisdom Panel and Embark are two very good choices.
You've done a fecal, right? Not just what the vet sees in office but sending it out to the lab to check for things like giardia which can be impossible to see in the vet's office. You've also done a blood panel, yes?
How long have you had her? It can take a while for a depressed dog to cheer up in a new home. The best thing is to not push yourself on the dog, don't force hugs or snuggles. Let the dog come up to you. When she's under your bed, just sit down on the floor next to the bed with a book and read. Have some dog treats and give her one every so often, and definitely reward her if she moves closer. Does she move away from you when you sit down or does she just stay in the same place? If she doesn't move, reading out loud can help. If she moves away, you need to work on her trust. PM me for advice on that, I'm not going to write it all here if there's no need.
It can take 6 months for a dog from a shelter to get used to new circumstances. This book might help
Cheaper at amazon but the book description is better here You can email her at that site, she's an amazing behaviorist. She's got a doctorate in behavior (or psychology or whatever the degree is that she learned behavior in) and she's not like Cesar Milan who uses outdated theories on dog behavior. She is usually good about writing back. Starting with "I've bought your book but my newly adopted dog is depressed and I need help" in the subject line can't hurt ;-)
Does she accept walks? Does she shy away or struggle? If she accepts walks, take her on one daily, and include time for her to just sniff and explore. It can't hurt to make sure she gets some exercise but again, don't force her to be lovey dovey with you, dont force her out from that safe spot she's found under the bed.
Tip for pickle lovers: On a hot day, freeze pickle juice into a popsicle, or buy something like these: Pickle Ice. Lemonade can take a back seat to a pickle pop! So refreshing!
Reminds me of this video. Photographer went to hang out with leopard seals and one ended up trying to take care of and feed him the whole time.
And it looks like Reddit broke her site. Too much traffic for such cheap hosting. I'm gonna look for the link to the book on issuu.
Edit: Here it is on Issuu.
Edit: The page is resolving again...
Edit: Mirror for you "ctrl+f"rs
You might consider getting him a little pet fountain. A couple years ago I bought my cats this exact fountain, and they LOVE it. They drink so much more water now, way more than they ever drank from their dish, and my boy cat in particular has a much healthier urinary tract because of it. The same company makes nicer and more expensive fountains, but the little one I got is absolutely perfect for our use. I actually just ordered a second one the other day so they can have one in the basement as well.
I have that bed spread as a duvet cover! I think I found it on amazon.
Edit: found it! Vaulia Lightweight Microfiber Duvet Cover Set, Bohemia Exotic Patterns, Reversible Color Design - Queen Size
Edit: I know this thread is already dead, but the artist has some great 3D animations from pictures here. Props to him/her! And thanks to /u/ZombyDoo for helping me and all of the other RES users out there haha.
~~Ninja edit: I'm on mobile, so I'll make it an actual link later.~~
79 frames * 1000 = 79,000 words although I'd pay more since it is a nice gif.
??? apparently can happen in squirrels too.
**EDIT: TL;DR it's a parasite found in mice that make them super friendly (less fearful) of cats. The cats eat the mouse and the parasite infect the cat. Cat feces is where it breeds. Mice... somehow get into the feces? The cycle continues.
I know warnings are like a broken record every time someone posts a picture of their new high maintenance breed puppy but here it goes anyways.
Aussies need a job. Get into some kind of sport. If you don't have time / money for special classes at least look into getting a Walky Dog to help burn of some energy. And don't forget to the Booties to protect the feetsies
Running / Walking will help burn energy but Aussies are smart. They need a lot of mental stimuli to keep them from getting bored and destroying your life.
Aussies tend to bond strongly to their own families and are generally wary of strangers. Proper socialization with other people and dogs is incredibly important.
The hair length is easy! It’s two things: (1) long hair is recessive to short hair, and (2) if a dog is feral and has long hair, there’s a real possibility of matting and resulting health conditions leading to an early demise (therefore less reproductive success)
Size-wise, “medium” is the best evolutionary card to be dealt – being too small means you’re fragile, being too large means it can be hard to secure the resources you need to survive.
Dog color genetics get pretty complicated pretty quickly, but since the brown/red/tan color seems to take hold everywhere, my guess on that is that ultimately those genes shake out as dominant over the others.
Dogs are descended from wolves, but the thousands of years of divergent evolution between them has created a genetic gulf between that domestic dogs would be incredibly unlikely to leap back across. Dogs are scavengers, wolves are predators. A dog, even if it’s feral, is going to have a much stronger inclination to affiliate with humans than any wolf would. Interestingly, even the rare feral dogs colonies that don’t have any human interaction don’t return to any wolf-like state. They don’t pair bond for a mating season, males don’t help with care of offspring, they don’t live in family units, and their social structure is held together through the dogs showing affiliative behavior toward one another (not any of that dominance nonsense pop culture won’t let go of).
…and now I’ve rambled for way too long about dog behavior and genetics. If anyone is reading this who is actually interested in the topic, this book is a great read (or this, if you’re looking for a less weighty read.
They are the best - I love all kittens of course, but there is just something about orange ones, and how they all seem to be lovebugs.
Is dilute itself a gene? I hear it a lot about dilute torties or calicos, but I didn't know it was a specific gene the same coloring in general is.
This guy just put a really old gif in gifv format so it can't be run through KarmaDecay. I don't really care about reposts but that's pretty fucking scummy. It's reposted so much too. It's not even that good, it's been cropped and fucked up so many times over. Just stop.
If anyone wants an alternative for their dog THIS Nylabone is my dogs favorite toy. I put a little peanut butter between each ridge and she goes crazy for it.
Would love to see an AMA with Knapp. The evolution of his instagram has been quite awesome. The playfulness of the "find momo" images gave rise to these type of images. He's pretty great, for those who may enjoy...his aforementioned instagram profile
My stroller is this amazing one that can be modified to carry around your shoulder, be a stroller, be a backpack, be a rolling bag, and you can secure it in a seatbelt. This is the one I have
For the harness, have you tried a fairly thin harness, and then leaving it on him for a few hours at a time inside, without a leash or anything? They still won't "walk" anywhere but he might be okay getting taken somewhere and then walking around a bit to explore.
I've also been thinking about a catio on my balcony.
I use something called a ‘snuffle mat’ for my guy who is also fussy about his bowl and just eating in general. It’s supposed to mimic searching for food I grass. This is the one I have, which was kind of pricy but good quality. You could also make one with fabric though.
The breeders site is like the most unlegit thing ever. He made and is the only one to recognize his own "breed". These are basically over priced mutts that have spots. Not to mention who knows what their health is actually like. Looks like some rich backyard breeders.
not killing, chasing/fighting them until they come out of the hole, then the human kills them. the dog is very unlikely to be able to kill a badger and would probably lose if one dog got trapped with a badger.
Apparently the title of my imgur post was hacked. The pig was not harmed and is very much alive. Please accept this very dark grainy gif as proof of life.
The 3rd Millennium starts January 1st, year 2001 NOT year 2000 as many people believe, when using the Gregorian calendar.
The reason why the 3rd Millennium / 21st Century starts in 2001 is because there was no year 0 (or AD 0, 0 BC). The year before 1 A.D. is defined as year 1 B.C., so year 0 was skipped. (See below. Therefore, January 1st, year 1 is defined to be the start of the 1st century and the 1st Millennium.
Because one Millennium is 1000 years, the first Millennium ends with year 1000. The next (2nd) Millennium starts 1000 years after the first, that is in year 1+1000 = 1001. And the 3rd one starts 1000 years later than the 2nd: 1001+1000 = 2001. The same procedure could be followed for centuries.
Not OP but I have the same one. It's lasted 2 years and doesn't show any signs of wear yet, still gets warm, and is still my fat cat's favorite spot all winter. Amazon link
When I cut a cat's nails, I sort of squat on them. I kneel down behind them with my knees on either side and sit on my heels. It doesn't give them anywhere to back up, but at the same time it doesn't make them feel constricted. Then I reach over the top and lift the paw and clip away. I use scissor style clippers, sort of like these. Right after, I give him lots of praise and treats. Gunther didn't like it the first few times, but now he does. I think the key is making it clear it isn't a choice and getting it over with quickly and painlessly.
Honest answer? Clicker training.
Here are the steps:
If you want more info, read Don't Shoot The Dog. It's the same idea. The biggest difference is that your cats attention span is probably much shorter than a dog's, so you got maybe 15-20 minutes when training them before they get bored. You just need to keep doing it every day.
Pretty similar thing happened to me. I went to the shelter, looked at all the cats, and was standing there literally saying 'how am I going to choose one' when this little guy reached out and grabbed me.