This app was mentioned in 23 comments, with an average of 2.48 upvotes
There are games which utilize a single phone that's passed around the group, such as Heads Up!
Maybe someone knows of some better ones, but I've played this one (or one of the numerous clones of it, I'm not sure), and it was pretty fun.
Legal heads-up (dis: was a lot of fun, we would have the case name and we would give the legal principle for the case. So I'd say to make games out of studying so that it doesn't feel as heavy.
Headbandz is good - someone hold the phone and people give clues (verbal and other) about the thing, and the person has to guess what it is.
Just Dance Now is great if you have a Chromecast - hold your phone and follow the on-screen dancer.
That's all I've got for PG games - if you want drinking games I've got a few
I've put all the cards in to this app - - and sometimes play it between games.
It's fun and a really good way of learning what the cards do as well.
currently looking for apps of games we can play for our summer outing.
so far:
no drinking games please
Heads Up! is fun a game to play while drinking, but not necessarily a drinking game. However, you could definitely add some house rules to the game modes to give them a more drinking feel. For example, you have to drink every time your teammate skips a question or the losers of the round have to chug.
Saw this on Ozbargain and thought I’d share.
Always free on Android:
I like board games a lot but know some of my other friends don't as much. There are a few I'd recommend for bigger groups with minimal rules:
Phew that's a lot but hopefully it helps! I've had the most success forcing people to play these ones :P
Edit: How could I forget Telestrations???? This is probably one of the best ones. I'd try the 12 player version (linked) so more people can play!
I'm guessing your Heads Up! app is not the same as the one they play on Ellen.
Probably not exactly what you meant, but a great party game.
Hello everyone, I am one of the developers of the app Charadable
Charadable is based on the popular charades game Heads Up! The thing about Charadable is that it takes a different approach to Heads Up! by allowing users to create their own decks to play with, since Heads Up! and other similar apps have their users pay for new categories once they get bored of the free categories given. Some reviews for these apps also mentioning the lack of customization in categories.
The app is relatively still in development. Some reasons we released it was to spread the word and get some feedback on what to improve in the app itself. So if you happen to have some spare time feel free to try it out and comment to help spreading the word or just to give some places that needs improvement. Thank you for your time in reading this and possibly using the app!
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Post in the game suggestion requests thread for suggestions from others.
By part games i mean something like this
> Heads Up!