There's an open source free alternative called Stats, or similar alternatives.
iStats also have a paid upgrade model.
I also got one free app link for everyone*:
Prince of Persia - The Shadow and the Flame.
*Everyone in these 44 countries:
>United States, Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Canada, Chad, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vietnam
You should get an SSD. 512GB, or better yet, 1TB. They've really fallen in price. Amazon has the WD Blue SSD for $115 and that's what I have. I'm crying (not literally, LOL) because I paid $300 for that. And it's amazing. I don't regret it. I mean, I know you're being facetious about 20 minutes to launch an app store, but with an SSD, you can go from your computer having been off a week, to you reading Reddit, in like six seconds flat. I'm not kidding. It's stupid fast. Your computer is probably faster than you think. The bottleneck is your hard drive. Replace it with an SSD, and let the app stores start when the computer does.
There are apps that combine all your games into one place, kind of like what Steam does, but for all the app stores, plus emulators. The main one I know of is called LaunchBox. Personally I think it's a giant pain in the knob, but I respect the hustle. I mean, I'm lazy. If I want to play a game, I just launch it from the start menu. If you launch the game, it'll launch any dependencies in the background, and that's that. It's never been an issue. LaunchBox is free, by the way, with a $20 pro version that does some cool shit. And the author sounds like a great guy. If you like what you see, definitely try it out. Maybe the all-in-one launcher thing is for you. I'm old school. Same with music... I don't do music libraries, I just play the songs out of my file manager. Old school. It's worked for ~20 years, why change it?
Go here: Create a new account.
Click on the 'I have a gift code for a Premium membership'
Enter gift code CLASC and click on 'Premium - Free'
Verify your email to activate your 1-Year membership
Then enter your email / password in the app for 1 year of ad free weather.
I have some promotional codes for an app I am working on and thought that this might be the right place to share them. Enjoy!
Don't forget to leave a positive review if you like it! Cheers
UPDATE: At the moment all codes have been redeemed. I am very happy that many of you liked the app! I am considering doing a second code giveaway later. Thank you all and have a nice day!
UPDATE: Added new codes below
The game's also on sale on the Play Store but over there it's $4.99->$2.50, fifty cents cheaper.
I didn't want to make this post say Multi-Platform in case it would be misleading due to the differing/conflicting prices.
Thanks. Was looking to try this on the iPhone X I'm testing out, but it seemed odd to me that it cost money on iOS but was free on Android. Now I grabbed the iOS version.
And the above mentioned Pro version, which is normally $9.99, is free on Android for the next 3-4 days as well.
It does not.
~~Also, this app no longer gets updates due to changes in Apple’s policy with “fake vpn” apps. Details here.~~
Edit: As pointed out by /u/Squalor- there is a planned update but they will likely be removing the system-wide ad blocking feature.
According to AppShopper, this pricing on this app is normally $0.99, and the author constantly changes the price (25 different price changes in the past 3 months) in order to "game" the system and get attention. Still, free is free...
Sale history for Star War: Knights of the Old Republic
Release Date: 5/30/2013 (30/5/2013 for non-Americans)
Developer: Bioware/Aspyr
Launch price: $9.99
Lowest Recorded Price: $2.99
Previous Sales:
$9.99 -> $4.99 (7/11/2013 -> 7/19/2013; 10/23/2013 -> 10/30/2013; 12/19/2013 -> 1/2/2014; 3/5/2014 -> 3/6/2014; 6/19/2014 -> 6/27/2014)
$9.99 -> $3.99 (5/1/2014 -> 5/9/2014)
Data found using AppZapp - also available at AppShopper
And yes, pick this game up if you haven't got it. There isn't an reasonable argument against it
This is a fake version of
I believe apps that want to use the actual Spritz method need to license it. This is just some guy's interpretation. There's actually science behind the word placement and highlighted letter in the actual Spritz version.
Glad to help! Yeah, going by the number of ratings it doesn't seem many people have noticed it. Which is a shame because my initial impressions are also very positive, although a fun humorous RPG with puzzle game battles sounds like a game that's been specifically made for me anyway :)
On the dev's website are some tips to help those starting out:
> • Drink a health potion during a battle to gain more life.
> • Eat a piece of cheese (a morsel from the Wheel of Cheese of Time) during a battle to increase time remaining before the next attack.
> • Early in the game, Strength is an important skill to upgrade, as it helps you defeat enemies more quickly.
> • Later in the game, Intellect and Defense are important, as they will keep you from dying so quickly.
> • Luck is always good, as it gives you more XP and gold, which helps you progress more quickly.
Should maybe add there is also a free Android version too but I'm unclear if it's always free with ads/IAPs or not.
Description from AppAdvice
> Today only: Unlock every last feature and theme free of charge! All you have to do is launch the app. Seriously, that’s it. If you’d like, you can tweet to share this awesome deal with family and friends from the launch screen. This deal is only available to new users.
It says "Free for a limited time so download today". But it has been free for a year already. ( )
Plus the 2 star average + IAP + lack of updates + non existing dev website does not look promising at all.
Here is the Android link:
ADR on Android will go on sale tomorrow, October 1st (Google requires a 12 hour heads up for sales). So keep an eye out for it and get it then.
Also! A Dark Room will be coming to the Nintendo Switch (and will include extra content). Keep an eye out for it come December 2018.
This game provides one screenshot and no real description but, I was curious and did some research.
OP is the dev. His/Her game was first released to Android and has some decent reviews. This is one of a three-part series. Episode 2 is currently priced at $1.99 and Episode 3 has yet to be ported over to iOS.
lol... It has been free for a few days every couple of months this year. It's decent though, which is why I bother to post. [I'm not the developer, nor am I affiliated in any way.]
When I first got my 6+, this game was basically broken. They did update it fairly quickly which I was completely surprised by and it's a lot better. They put a background to kind of fill out the rest of the screen. And for a game that's four years old, that was pretty surprising.
Also, Hot Springs Story, a similar game about a resort spa from the same dev is also .99 and has also been updated with iPhone 6 support and is a nice change from the game dev game.
And Venture Towns, which I haven't played but just bought:
Also on sale on Google Play from £3.79 to £0.89 for masochists with android devices :)
You can probably tell that I'm jokingly trying to warn that it's hard and luck plays a significant part but many will find it a worthwhile experience at this reduced price.
To clarify the title, the game is free to download.
To play the full game, a one-time in-app purchase of $9.99 --> now $4.99 (50% off for two weeks) has to be made!
Super Mario Run is available on Android as well! ~~I don't have the link to that store though.~~ 50 % off on the Android version as well of course! :)
edit: thanks for the link, /u/dragontology!
Highly recommended to get Super Mario Run, and at least try it (it's free to download). Nintendo quality on this mobile Mario game!
Sale history for Bioshock
Release Date: 8/28/2014 (28/8/2014 for non-Americans)
Developer: 2K
Launch price: $14.99
Lowest Recorded Price: $2.99
Previous Sales: $14.99 -> $10.99 (9/25/2014 ->) $10.99 -> $4.99 (12/23/2014 -> 1/5/2015)
Data found using AppZapp - also available at AppShopper
I'm the developer of this app. Thank you for taking the time reviewing the privacy policy and raising the concern.
There is no collection of personal information by me. However the app allow you to login to Google Drive, so it's required to include those in the privacy policy.
Google Drive is only used for backup and the data is stored in private folder of your Google Drive account which only you can access it.
This app is a rewrite of another app of mine for Android. You can find the Android version here The Android version will be updated to match the iOS version soon.
It has nothing to do with mobile gamers being tight with money. For example I spend on average €50 euros a month on iOS apps (mostly games).
I recommend to read "Predictably Irrational" by Dan Airely, and the topic of Anchor pricing.
Basically when the iTunes store opened apps cost around the $1 mark (and were mobile in nature). This price anchored the consumers to that price range. So every other game was based on that.
Over time as the AAA games started to appear, that price went up because when you compare them vs the mobile/flash type games it was clear they were worth more.
But that price range again is anchored. The only way to change the anchor is to relate to a major shift. For example game prices went up as new iPad releases, but the cost to make the game didn't go up.
Now XCom is trying to readjust the anchor price thinking that pricing at $20 will somehow get gamers to jump to that price. However it was a flawed reasoning. At the time of the release, it had less features then the console/PC version and cost double the price of those releases at that time (or if you have a PSN account, it was free).
So they were already anchored against their own product.
They aren't the first to try it either. SquareEnix have tried to raise the anchor price with their FF series, and it hasn't been that successful.
Some other games can modify the price by hiding it. For example GhostTrick. Others do this really badly, for example Real Racing 3.
The reduced price may just be to get more players for multiplayer. I am not sure if you have played an iOS game without a critical mass of online players, but I have. It really kills the game fast.
On Android the game is free to download but you will see ads and some features will be locked. Until October however, you may unlock the full version with the following code:
PlayStore link -
Promo code - 1A5A9D5
Sale history for Monument Valley
Release Date: 4/2/2014 (2/4/2013 for non-Americans)
Developer: ustwo
Launch price: $3.99
Lowest Recorded Price: $0.99
Previous Sales:
$3.99 -> $1.99 (7/9/2014 -> 7/22/2014)
Data found using AppZapp - also available at AppShopper
I highly recommend OpenMW project to play Morrowind.
OpenMW is a free, open source, and modern engine which re-implements and extends the 2002 Gamebryo engine for the game.
"As Adguard Pro uses a VPN profile to be able to change DNS settings, it may have compatibility issues with some other VPN-based apps. List of such known apps:
Sale history for Hitman Go
Release Date: 4/17/2014 (17/4/2014 for non-Americans)
Developer: Square Enix
Launch price: $4.99
Lowest Recorded Price: $0.99
Previous Sales:
$4.99 -> $1.99 (8/21/2014 -> 8/26/2014; 10/23/2014 -> 10/29/2014)
$4.99 -> $0.99 (12/23/2014 -> 12/29/2014)
Data found using AppZapp - also available at AppShopper
Sale history for Civilization Revolution 2
Release Date: 7/2/2014 (2/7/2014 for non-Americans)
Developer: 2K
Launch price: $14.99
Lowest Recorded Price: $4.99
Previous Sales: $14.99 -> $7.99 (12/23/14 -> 1/5/15)
Data found using AppZapp - also available at AppShopper
The app activity on this game is bonkers.
If you don't want to get it now, don't worry, it'll be free again sometime. Or $11.99, or $6.99, or $4.99, or $15.99.
Hello guys, I created this app. If you have any questions, feel free to comment here or PM me.
P.S. I need some help with theme designing, translations and UX. If you think you can help, PM me too! :)
Edit: added some links
I would really appreciate it if you could leave a 5 star rating! I took quite a bit of time to build it. :)
Some FAQs:
Can I redeem this offer if I already have a 1Password personal or family account ?
No you cannot. This is limited to new accounts.
How do I redeem this ?
Click the link in the post.
How much does this cost ?
This plan costs $5 per month, and gives access to 5 family sub accounts.
What is 1Password ?
It is a password manager, and is among the best and most reliable.
Read more here:
Why would I use this rather than a free/open source alternative ?
Most of the major password managers, paid or free or open source, are good, so it all comes down to your preference, and one thing perhaps that makes 1Password slightly more interesting is it is really well made, UI is one of the best and has a deep integration in iOS and MacOS.
Some other password managers’ free plans are limited, and so a free promo code for a paid platform is interesting in this case.
Read more here:
This weeks free games are:
Total value $12.61
Next week’s game is The Messenger
You need a .edu e-mail address to verify you're a student through amazon. I don't think you can get the offer without being a college/university student.
Here's the signup address:
That should be live in just a few. Don't worry. You can see that on the game news itself at the bottom part of the steam page, it says 100% free, also in the steam search shows free, there must be some technical issue. Just be patient :)
Here's a link to the developer too
I snagged it for my iPad during the price drop in June, and I'd say it's quite worth it if you're a student (and an absolute steal at 99¢). I really like the schedule-viewing feature and along with the assignment tracker. The companion Mac desktop app ($9.99 on the Mac App Store), which includes many of the features of the mobile version along with automatic back-and-forth syncing, is a quite good as well. AppAdvice has a nice thorough review that you might like.
Not really. It may be confusing because the developer (runtastic) seems to cycle their sales across their many apps. Here's the most recent activity for Runtastic Pro...
Hardly every week, although it was free (for one day) two weeks ago. Before that, it was free (again for one day) back in September 2016.
See HERE for price and version history.
It was offered for free twice.Check this link for more information. It would be better if you play this game in order as all the three games are linked together(story is linked) but the gameplay is just the same.
Sale history for Stealth Inc
Release Date: 11/14/2013 (14/11/2013 for non-Americans)
Developer: Curve Digtal
Launch price: $4.99
Lowest Recorded Price: Free
Previous Sales:
$4.99 -> $1.99 (1/24/2014 -> 1/27/2014; 2/4/11 -> 2/11/2014)
$4.99 -> $0.99 (4/1/2014 -> 4/5/2014; 6/11/2014 -> 8/8/2014)
Data found using AppZapp - also available at AppShopper
Not to take anything away from the mobile version, but just so everyone who may be interested is aware, you can play it here online for free.
I've killed many a slow workday afternoon stoking my fire.
Hello, I am cofounder at Pixomatic, related to IAP all photo editing tools are for free, no IAP, IAP relates to stickers we have added more than 120 animal stickers, from which more than 60 are free. photo done with our sticker:
Do you have a link to that post where they announced an update? Because the blog post I linked to literally says
> It will not receive updates anymore, but it will still be available and working.
use any US VPN Proxy like hola extension for chrome make sure you didnt sign in to IGN before else delete the cookies; I just used epic browser enabled global proxy icon in address bar and it worked :)
Since I saw these "emotion dice", I've been wondering if they'd be at all helpful for autism spectrum kids or if they're just too symbolic. If I ever get time, we've got a lot of friends in the local autistic / Aspergers community that we want to work with on apps.
If anyone's interested in more educational dice (mostly physical products, not apps) I have a whole pinboard of them here:
Yeah it's a great app. I've had it for a while now. The only caveat to it going free is that I believe that there are some features that are IAP still. This is their announcement today on why it is free.
Here's a promo code to get the IAP for free on Android: 3X3EHA5D70B72Q3F7RFMFDP
Here's the Android version of the app:
Let me know if you have issues!
More 20 promo codes here:
Also, you can look other our app - IntelliVPN - Fast VPN + Tor with extended servers list. Four locations for free without limits and restrictions.
I've been running BlockBear since it was released and it's been fantastic. Haven't had the problems with it blocking things it shouldn't that I've run into with Purify, and the guys behind it seem to be pretty smart about privacy. Add to that TunnelBear's reputation as a great VPN and I don't see a reason not to use it.
Also on sale on Google Pay for £0.79, down from £21.99. More info here on the developer's website.
Not yet sure just how much new content is in this compared to their Human Anatomy Atlas (which is great) but as usual find it hard to resist a bargain :)
Also temporarily free on other devices: non-iPad iOS and Android.
Final Fantasy II used to be listed on the store itself, until this "promotion". It seems fishy to me.
Page used to be accessible at this link
Now it simply says "Sorry! This content is not available in your country yet.
We're working to bring the content you love to more countries as quickly as possible.
Please check back again soon."
Here are the codes: EVHUSMCQ23K5G7GH75705QS
If all the codes are gone you could install the free (though ad-based) version of Blockadillo (get it here)
Android version is also on sale for the same price/discount here.
Comes well recommended whichever version you snap up!
Also on iOS and Android. iOS Link: Android Link:
Attention Android Users: To get Runtastic PRO, first download the free Runtastic app. Next, go to Settings (in the app), then click on Runtastic and enter the following code into the Enter Promotion Code field: FREE-NOW
Sorry, I'm just quoting IGN. Maybe you could contact them and tell them about it?
Got questions or having trouble with your
download? Contact us at:
Scroll down and get the ultra texture pack as well
UTexture Pk1
UTexture Pk2
Both Tweetbot and Twitterrific let you view a list as if it were your timeline, but Tweetbot lets you access lists by tapping and holding the timeline bar and switching from there. To do that in Twitterrific you tap your avatar and access a hidden sidebar with saved searches, lists, and other things.
From what I can tell so far Tweetbot will let you view and edit list membership, but with Twitterrific it only lets you add and remove people one-by-one. I like having both, so hopefully they improve it in a future version.
If you've never seen Twitterrific in action before check out the videos on Vimeo. They'll probably do a video on version 5.6 today.
Hey there! Git, as you might know is a version control system. Here's a great learning resource in case you don't know it.
It's free and open-source and you can use it right away.
Git itself is a program that runs in terminal. Many people use it this way, but for some advanced features, a good user interface (like Git Tower) may speed up many of tasks.
GitHub is a company, that hosts projects that use git.
Just launch, on the App Store, an app to create your own recipes. It can also be used for your shopping list. More details on Hope you enjoy. Thanks for the support :)
It is a fake discount. It has been free for over two years with some temp pricehikes.
And it has ads with an IAP to remove them and some other IAP.
Not a hookup, it has been free since release.
* ITS FREE • You’ll always be able to use Bzzy for free. We’re in open beta now, so sign up and start using the app immediately to get early access to features, plug-ins, and extra teams. • Look for more features and options with Bzzy Premium in Summer 2017.*
I know your intensions are good :) But I think we can make AppHookup better by only posting verified freebies. Otherwise it will become a bloated list, not much different than what automatically is generated by sites like AppZapp and Appshopper.
Like this list: It is a nice start, but AppHookup will be better with checked genuine freebies :)
Sale history for Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP
Release Date: 3/23/2011 (23/3/2011 for non-Americans)
Developer: Capybara Games
Launch price: $4.99
Lowest Recorded Price: Free
Previous Sales: $4.99 -> $2.99 (5/24/2012 -> 6/1/2012) $4.99 -> $1.99 (6/21/2011 -> 6/22/2011; 9/21/2011 -> 9/22/2011; 12/19/2011 -> 12/21/2011; 3/21/2012 -> 3/22/2012; 9/22/2012 -> 9/25/2012; 12/21/2012 -> 12/29/2012; 3/23/13 -> 3/29/13; 12/19/2013 -> 1/4/2014; 11/27/2014 -> 12/4/2014) $4.99 -> Free (7/8/2013 -> 7/15/2013)
Data found using AppZapp - also available at AppShopper
Sale history for NHL 2K
Release Date: 10/22/2014 (22/10/2014 for non-Americans)
Developer: 2K
Launch price: $17.99
Lowest Recorded Price: $3.99
Previous Sales: $7.99 -> $3.99 (12/23/2014 -> 1/5/2015; 1/19/2015 -> 1/25/2015)
Data found using AppZapp - also available at AppShopper
Sale history for NBA 2K15
Release Date: 10/16/2014 (16/10/2014 for non-Americans)
Developer: 2K
Launch price: $7.99
Lowest Recorded Price: $2.99
Previous Sales: $7.99 -> $3.99 (12/23/14 -> 1/5/15)
Data found using AppZapp - also available at AppShopper
FYI for those into both IOS and PC.
This game is also availble in a bundle of other PC games at Groupees. You get 8 Steam operated games, including iO, for only $5.00! I like this gaem so I bought both versions! LOL
I am in the US, but they are available in other countries as well. I just don't know which ones.
I had to get codes manually ,took a lot of time,so be genuine ,take if you really need it
For other countries,find a free VPN
FREE VPN for all countries
or try OpenDoor app:
Then you either didn’t look hard enough, or somehow missed Pacifist.
What about BetterZip, surely you must’ve come across that, no? I’m not on my computer right now to confirm and while there’s a chance it might not have as many features like customizable presets and what not, it does everything that a file archiver needs to do and damn near anything you could possibly want it to in a more traditional GUI and most importantly is free (FOSS) called Keka. The AppStore version is paid as it includes a donation so go to their website for the download.
Also (and lastly), there’s this super slick and time-saving plugin for Quick Look. It’s made by the makers of BetterZip but is free and you should def check it out.
Awesome, thank you!
Privacy Pro used to have a free version that worked amazingly. They then changed it to subscription. I use NextDNS now. Not as great, but at least it’s free.
Tatting your tit as it were. You can sometimes choose the VPN protocol for the VPN VPN.
I used to have ProtonVPN and Privacy Pro side by side - one was using Personal VPN, and the other - VPN configuration.
Now I use NordVPN and you can choose a number of protocols, so whichever is not taken by the firewall, I choose it for the “location changer”.
And if you’re thinking about purchasing a VPN, Proton is the way to go. Much more stable than Nord. I’m just using it coz I’m not the one paying for it :D
Roland has several other paid music apps available for free right now as well! I recommend checking out their other releases.
Hey guys, I just released Runmore for iOS after being hugely popular on Android
It's a beautifully simple 5K trainer app designed to get your off your couch and running 5K in just 9 weeks (C25K). It's perfect for those who have never run before or if you're looking to run for longer distances.
All feedback always welcome :)
Note: Link goes to the Free iOS version and the $0.99 Full Version can be bought as an IAP from the app itself.
Android has a separate full version app (I think it also has an IAP in free version but the separate full version is better because of Family Sharing) also on sale for $0.99. Android app can be found here: Link.
Sale lasts this weekend I think. According to their twitter.
This is an advent calender. so to get the coupons, just click today's date in the calendar and normally you have to give any email to get the activation code(if language is german just google translate it.). For today (december 12), the giveaway is Steganos Online Shield VPN. This giveaway goes on for the next few weeks.
Hi /r/AppHookup I am giving away 50 ad free codes of the full version of my space app Planetarium 2 Zen Odyssey. Planetarium 2 - Zen Odyssey is a fun and interactive way to explore, discover and play with the solar system and beyond. It provides a sandbox experience that allows you to view many celestial simulations, engage in planetary traversal and travel to the furthest reaches of our world with space rockets, probes, rovers and more! I am actively updating and hoping to improve and add new features and experiences over time. Get the codes while the last :D
Free Version for those unable to get a code
Great post. Well formatted. Can't imagine why you're getting downvoted, except for mentioning Android, maybe. I've heard it's not well liked in this sub. People downvoting should see the sidebar, all platforms are welcome. We'll see if this post shares the same fate, for posting the link. ;)
Hey everyone,
I just made this music app with some friends check it out ! Concept : stop browsing music by artists, song title or album, just tell us how do you feel by playing with our bubbles ;)
You can download SoundR for free on the App Store and for Android lovers on the Play Store! Music streaming is unlimited with no ads.
What do you think? PLZ do not hesitate to give me lots of feedback (positive or negative) I really need it to continue to improve the app :) Thanks a lot!!
I think you're thinking of Auralux. It's also on Android.
Great games, I love both Osmos and Auralux for how chill they are. Both are well worth the full price in my opinion :)
Dev here! The game is also available on Google Play, with the same discount:
Sale lasts until tomorrow - let me know if you have any questions.
This deal is available on Android too:
Has controller support and the touch controls are simple and well designed as well. The game is well optimized.
The monetization with the in-game gold is definitely being pushed hard and the game seems grindy from the initial impressions.
The existing player base seems to be quite competitive in nature and having a good standing on the leaderboards is going to take a fair amount of effort but it is definitely manageable (which is a good thing if you like competitive racers).
Link for iOS:
Link for Android:
The IAPs follow a similar model to Kingdom Rush games with optional paid heroes and credit packs. The game can be easily beat without purchasing anything (I have done so myself) and does not have any pay to win shenanigans.
Link for iOS:
Link for Android:
No IAPs, no ads & works offline.
14 hours of gameplay in main storyline and 26.5 hours needed for completion of achievements and extras jobs (side objectives to missions).
Also has an endless game mode (Rebel Yell) where you take control of four cops armed only with knives, forcing you to scavenge and survive as you battle waves of enemies.
This sale is part of HandyGames' monthly $1 sales.
Note: This game has an unlimited in-mission save function that you can unlock from the menu. SAVE-SCUM TO VICTORY.
Hey everyone! the promo codes are:
Download links here:
Android version [$3.99 → FREE]:
Google Play claims it has ads.
Hi again fellow Redditors! Developer here.
We’ve surely had a couple of rough years behind us, but with times finally shifting it feels appropriate to offer this deal for my most recently developed app: Charades. I chose to develop this app because I wanted to provide a high quality alternative to existing games out there, with a reasonable pricing model. The app currently has 30 different categories to choose from, with more in the pipeline!
I’ve lowered the Lifetime Premium purchase from $11.99 → $1.99 for 48 hours. The app itself is free, however the Premium Package unlocks all of the content, as well as guarantees access to all future content and features.
Easiest way to Purchase Premium: Open app -> Settings (top right button) -> Get Premium.
Make sure you select Lifetime, which is the button at the top.
Have fun playing! As always I’d love to hear what you guys think, and any feedback or ideas for improvement is warmly welcome!
I don't have an iPhone but watching my girlfriend play made me want to see if it is available for Android:
According to Google Play the Android version still has ads, but similar to the sibling comment I haven't seen any yet so maybe they were removed from it, too
for MacOS [4.99$->free] — The Tiny Bang Story Mac OS
for Android [4.99$->free] — The Tiny Bang Story Android
Life on Tiny Planet was calm and carefree until a great disaster occurred - Tiny Planet was hit by a meteor! The world fell apart and now its future depends only on you! Use your imagination and creativity: in order to restore Tiny Planet and help its inhabitants you will have to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve puzzles in each of the five chapters of this game. Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the witty brain teasers, and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game.
iOS: Android:
As a birthday promo you can test the annual subscription of Guriddo for 1 year free of charge. The subscription can be cancelled instantly, all premium features remain available.
This is an IAP promo, you have to claim your premium benefits inside the app:
The premium offer removes all ads, unlocks all premium packs, gives you unlimited checks and access to all puzzles on day earlier for one year.
You can use IFTTT to be notified when apps are posted that match what you're looking for. I grab every iOS freebie (excepting some that run out of promo codes super fast) and rarely have to actually visit the sub.
For my part, I don't mind seeing the other deals all in one place. I have an IFTTT that emails me any time a free game shows up on r/gamedeals too.
Appstore link (iOS): [$6.99–> $0.99]
Playstore link (Android): [$7.99–> $0.22]
This is the fourth $1 offering from HandyGames' this year.
Contains no ads, no IAPs and no data collected.
It’s sort of a blend of Where’s Waldo books and a gallery sniper game, in that you need to search for your target, take shots, and try not to raise suspicion.
Also has a zombie mode: Try to protect a single survivor from waves of zombies.
It’s sort of a blend of Where’s Waldo books and a gallery sniper game, in that you need to search for your target, take shots, and try not to raise suspicion.
Also has a zombie mode: Try to protect a single survivor from waves of zombies.
Have you tried Windscribe's ControlID DNS? Windscribe's adblocking filter is better than AdGuard's so ControlID might be better out of the box.
There's also AhaDNS, BlahDNS, Mullvad, Hostux and LibreDNS which are operating free public adblocking servers like AdGuard DNS. Configuration profiles are available here:
Any idea which is the best?
This week's free game is Barony
> Barony is the premier first-person roguelike with co-op. Cryptic items, brutal traps and devious monsters, like those found in classic roguelikes and CRPGs, await you. Conquer the dungeons alone, or gather a party in co-op with iconic and exotic RPG classes.
Original Price: $6.10
Epic Store link
This week's free game is Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
> Help a wandering warrior monk complete her woeful errand in Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP, the landmark action-adventure crafted by Superbrothers and the video game wizards at CAPY, featuring an award-winning original soundtrack by Jim Guthrie.
Original Price: $2.49
Epic Store link
This game is an audio-visual masterpiece and was groundbreaking when it launched on iOS in 2011. Definitely grab this one. If you're interested in the iOS version of the app, it can be found here for $5.99
This week's free game is 20XX
> 20XX is a roguelike action platformer that you can play with a friend. Jump and shoot your way through ever-changing levels, collect awesome new powers, and battle mighty bosses in the name of saving the human race maybe!
Original Price: $6.40
Epic Store link
Here is a review from TouchArcade. Sounds like a solid game despite the controls.
Here is another review.
Shoot and loot as you explore the mayhem-filled world of Pandora in BORDERLANDS 2 and the lunar madness of BORDERLANDS: THE PRE-SEQUEL in BORDERLANDS: THE HANDSOME COLLECTION.
Action role-playing game, First-person shooter