Well, on their press release they just mention: “The free version provides the same Notability experience users know and love, with limits on editing and some features”
Going to their pricing site, https://notability.com/pricing it reveals that we’ll be losing:
So we’ll only have:
At least for me, this means Notability gave itself a dead sentence…, iCloud sync is a must, all my notes I’m free to do what I want to, no limitation for that, auto-backup was nice to have and handwritten recognition was nice when searching for a note….. , so I have 1 year to find an alternative. I simply won’t pay them again.
*The link below is how I do it.
I definitely write right on longer texts (like 50+ pages), but mostly I like to keep the weeks together. I do add a whole folder for each class’ assignments too as we have lots of secondary articles in English.
I have never used notions, I should check it out.
Don’t worry, it will all work out. I was confused last year too, but they paid it out no problems. Btw, I did have to ask for it to be transferred to my bank account, but I think it may be different this year.
You can see how they do the account ledger if you look at last year for my account.
Good luck!
If you still believe the story of Lut is about homosexuality after this evidence then you are homophobic.
Story of Lot has nothing to do with homosexuality. Even many Jews and Christian’s agree on this. Thankfully society is marching forwards with LGBTQIA+ rights and friendly religious interpretations.
When I say my readings lead me to believe that it is not forbidden, this is what I mean. The story of Lot is the one that forms the basis of the other opinion, and the full context of Sodom and Gomorrah (if we use the biblical names for the towns) is obvious about the actual crime of the sodomites being something much worse than mere homosexuality.
It's a story about rape. The rape of angels.
https://notability.com/n/kswC3pJpD3AEAN49hIYow this may be of some interest.
Hey. I’ve made an entire essay regarding how the story of Lot has nothing to do with homosexuality. Even if you try to refute the “bal” argument, this other interpretation works for ALL translations and flows smoothly through the verses.
When we get new scientific and historical informations, these archaic patriarchal interpretations of Islam must be relooked at. For the past 1400 years our nonsense scholars managed to successfully twist scripture so that homosexuality is seen as a major sin, letting their personal biases get in the way. This ends now. What’s amazing about Islam is that it’s timeless. Islam can work for all time periods and can be adapted and interpreted in a way that fits modern times.
No. I’ve made an entire essay about this. In the Quran there’s only 3-4 verses which are interpreted to be against homosexuality but these verses are taken out of context: https://notability.com/n/08ySDW~Nt5FeHQ1q0~NqVd
If you want information from official sources, check the resources page.
Do you really think the all loving and merciful Allah will create you to be gay, to be attracted to other guys, and then torment you in hellfire for seeking love, happiness, and companionship in a healthy consensual relationship?
> Sorry, islamqa is a salafi extremist website and hence I don’t use it
I respect that
> If you can’t change Allah’s creation, why is ear piercings, laser hair removal, braces, circumcision, intersex surgeries, etc. halal?
Anyways, in Islam you are allowed to make changes to your body if it’s for a medical reason. Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder and the cure/treatment for it is transitioning.
I’ve made an entire essay about the story of Lot and why it has nothing to do with homosexuality: https://notability.com/n/08ySDW~Nt5FeHQ1q0~NqVd
Read the article and only have one thing to say:
You're already biased from the beginning that Allah is 100% right, starting from that point, you're trying to reinterpret verses in a way that fits modern knowledge (like natural homosexuality, the first homosexual behaviours, etc.) Not taking into account that maybe there's a mistake, that's not critical thinking, that's just bias
> In the end, the hadith is gossip and they were compiled 200 years after the death of the prophe
And so is the Qur'an (200 years or less), by the same people that transmitted the hadith, if you reject one, you have to reject the other, no exception
> However, the way we learn to pray and fast comes from the hadith and a lot of hadiths provide great historical and cultural context so they are beneficial in certain ways.
How did you know that those hadiths are true? If you follow the Qur'an, it has less number of prayers (3-4, not 5) why did you take the Hadith's words for it?
If you can’t change Allah’s creation, why is ear piercings, laser hair removal, braces, circumcision, intersex surgeries, etc. halal?
Anyways, in Islam you are allowed to make changes to your body if it’s for a medical reason. Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder and the cure/treatment for it is transitioning.
I’ve made an entire essay about the story of Lot and why it has nothing to do with homosexuality: https://notability.com/n/08ySDW~Nt5FeHQ1q0~NqVd
Furthermore, I don’t consider hadith to be doctrine, and when it comes to haram/halal I go by the Quran only.
If you can’t change Allah’s creation, why is ear piercings, laser hair removal, braces, circumcision, intersex surgeries, etc. halal?
Anyways, in Islam you are allowed to make changes to your body if it’s for a medical reason. Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder and the cure/treatment for it is transitioning.
I’ve made an entire essay about the story of Lot and why it has nothing to do with homosexuality: https://notability.com/n/08ySDW~Nt5FeHQ1q0~NqVd
Furthermore, I don’t consider hadith to be doctrine, and when it comes to haram/halal I go by the Quran only.
Title: I killed him
genre: Short Story
word count: 944
I’d appreciate any feedback, honestly lol, General I,pressions and thoughts on characters would be great!
Nope. The story of Lut has nothing to do with homosexuality and in Christianity there’s a difference of opinion on whether the story of sodom and Gomorrah is about rape and inhospitality or gay people.
In the Quran, there’s only 4 verses that people interpret to be about homosexuality but I’ve explained them all in my essay: https://notability.com/n/08ySDW~Nt5FeHQ1q0~NqVd
I use Notability https://notability.com/. It is highly cross platform and has a moderately limited free tier. It is free for students (but probably not UoPeople) and affordable for everyone else ($12/yr). I like how it runs on my iPad, my android phone, and my Mac--same docs everywhere. Everything gets stored in the cloud (on a variety of services). I can switch from one device to another with relatively little gymnastics.
I use it to make checklists, to type notes on my mac, to write notes and draw with a pen on my ipad. I use it to read my textbooks and highlight. I use it to download and mark up articles and studies. Notability revolutionized the way I do schoolwork, and I am NOT exaggerating!
It also runs on Windows.
Title: Homewrecker
Genre: Romance/Psychological horror (though I have not gotten to that point yet)
As prom draws near, Carl Rose becomes increasingly desperate to find a genuine relationship and begins to mentally spiral.
Word Count: 551
I would love just general feedback and if my main character is interesting enough before I delve into side characters
If you have a tablet with stylus, I really like the Notability app. It lets you essentially write on images, among other things. It’s like $10, but well worth it if you’re using it for more than just one map. I use it for brainstorming projects at work, taking notes in class, working out math problems I’ll need to show to someone else, marking up my knitting patterns, doodling, and more.
Title: Harmen’s Mind
genre: Psychological fiction? (but I’m honestly not sure) It’s sort of just a dude haivng a mental breakdown
Word Count: 548 (only the first part given)
feedback: Mainly if my main character is interesting but also I want y’all’s opp]unions of if the work as a whole “works” and makes any degree of sense.
For me, the most important thing in organizing my tasks is simplicity. Even if it doesn't work perfectly. Otherwise it makes more problems. For example, I use recurring tasks for habits.
I use one list for personal and work tasks (3 folders: Today/Week/Someday).
Projects and notes I keep as a mind-map on the iPad.
Also I set a timer for each task to stay focused and have information on how long everything takes.
So I use two applications:
1. notability.com for projects and notes.
2. time-to.app for calendar, recurring task, to-do, and timer/pomodoro.
P.S. Even to answer this question I used a timer and a mind-map.
I couldn’t find most of it, here’s the link to the search for urinary system, here is the one for digestive system, and this is the only actual note that might have some information on the urinary system. link
Equal to a laptop running full blown windows so app compatibility shouldn’t be an issue. Windows 11 can also run android apps so this maybe an interesting angle to explore in addition to other native windows applications.
Depends on the app for object recognition but several apps support that (e.g. OneNote)
Surface pro 8 SSD is upgradable unlike previous models. I bought the 256gb and later upgraded to the 1TB after market. So start with what you can afford, offload the rest to the cloud (OneDrive, Dropbox, or whatever) or an external hard drive.
Win11 is available to both. Go with personal SP8 and whatever performance/price/specs makes sense to you. For what you’ve described, I think any of them would likely meet your needs.
I love my SP8/pen and use whiteboard/onenote/journal (all MSFT apps).
With that said, you could probably save some money and buy an iPad and their pen and be just as happy for 95% of your use cases, and just use your existing MacBook for anything iPad OS doesn’t support. iPad Air and the pen and https://notability.com/ are what my girlfriend swears by.
But if you’re looking for a single device that largely does it all, that’s what I love my SP8 for. It’s not perfect but it’s damn close for me.
Hope that helps :)
Thanks! Please use the above link to see my working for Q2a. As for 2b I think I really need to redo this topic from scratch coz I'm a bit lost here.
In the above link you can also have a look at my Fourier series of Q1. I'm doing mechatronics engineering Year 1, this is a coursework of engineering mathematics module. There are 2 more questions after this related to the electrical part
I have actually already tried that, but then the answer becomes extremely long, like 4 pages. I got up to 2 pages, and the value of Vout I got at 100Hz is 1.163V.
I then simulated my circuit in LTspice but that has a different Vout :/.
Here's my working: https://notability.com/n/1r9BP36Zt507ijpb2LnVdc
Please scroll down to page 10.
If you scroll lower, I've attached a screenshot of the Ltspice, you'll see that LTspice shows about 118mV