I’d also recommend using the Authenticator app over text:
Everyone is freaking out about this because one guy from MS was taken completely out of context. He wasn't saying that it could do EVERYTHING - just that MS already had a lot of interactive voice commands already integrated before Apple added their (purchased from elsewhere) Siri into the phone...
Obviously Siri's language options are more enhanced, but I can easily use WP7 to search for a local steakhouse. I can also carry on a text message conversation without ever once looking at the phone. It can tell me that there's a message, I can ask it to read it to me, then I can ask it to reply and dictate my reply. And WP7 has been able to do that for quite some time.
He was pointing to those elements of the phone, which are indeed present and quite easy to use. Tech media, especially have had a field day acting like he said it was exactly the same or something, which is clearly not what he is saying. He identifies the features EXACTLY in the interview:
Is Siri ahead? Yeah. But this guy never denied it. He just said - correctly - that WP7 could already do many things like it. I mean, I had a text message conversation tonight without touching my phone once, just using the voice commands. It works.
EDIT Proofreading!
Disclaimer: MS employee in Surface, but thoughts/opinions in post are my own.
Surface org's yearly revenue is about what most other major PC OEMs bring in quarterly. Which is pretty interesting, given Microsoft aren't really a normal PC OEM in the sense these devices don't target the broad market, but make aspirational or class-defining devices rather than mass-market ones.
Really? We're doing this in two separate threads? Is this /r/apple?
Everyone is freaking out about this because one guy from MS was taken completely out of context. He wasn't saying that it could do EVERYTHING - just that MS already had a lot of interactive voice commands already integrated before Apple added their (purchased from elsewhere) Siri into the phone...
Obviously Siri's language options are more enhanced, but I can easily use WP7 to search for a local steakhouse. I can also carry on a text message conversation without ever once looking at the phone. It can tell me that there's a message, I can ask it to read it to me, then I can ask it to reply and dictate my reply. And WP7 has been able to do that for quite some time.
He was pointing to those elements of the phone, which are indeed present and quite easy to use. Tech media, especially have had a field day acting like he said it was exactly the same or something, which is clearly not what he is saying. He identifies the features EXACTLY in the interview:
Is Siri ahead? Yeah. But this guy never denied it. He just said - correctly - that WP7 could already do many things like it. I mean, I had a text message conversation tonight without touching my phone once, just using the voice commands. It works.
Anyone has been able to compile and offer ARM64 Win32 apps since Microsoft released the SDK in May. See for example https://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-windows.html
As for Chrome coming to the Store, I doubt it. Google probably wouldn't want to distribute it via the Store even if they were allowed to.
Here is the non-mobile version of this site.
Note that Microsoft specifically commissioned Selawik as a open font to distribute with Electron applications because they couldn't distribute Segoe like that.
They love Electron for some unknown reason, and that requires distributing the full font file for included fonts, so give them some time and they'll have more fonts for electron projects.
Also, Android didn't crush Windows Mobile; Android and iOS got to the Jobs-style smartphone market first and there was no room for Windows Mobile to even try to enter.
Windows 10 is the best desktop OS I've ever used. If I had to choose a runner-up it would be Windows 2000, with Windows 7 as a close 3rd. I love how Microsoft has embraced open source to the point where they're about to make something like WSL2 available to everyone. I mean you can actually install Ubuntu through the Microsoft App Store. Did anyone see that coming even 10 years ago?
Now, I wouldn't touch Windows Server as Linux reigns supreme (for my uses), but it's a great positive for everyone that their corporate policy has evolved to embrace OSS instead of trying to stifle it.
Does anyone know how to actually get the movie? I linked my accounts and can't figure out how to get it now.
Edit: I figured it out, disconnect your account and reconnect it and it will show up. https://slickdeals.net/f/11906439-movies-anywhere-x-men-days-of-future-past-digital-hd-free-connect-microsoft-movies-tv-account
I've been running it for about an hour or two and I've got to agree with engadget that it seems very disjointed. I'd also agree that a lot of basic options are missing from the metro apps, but then again this is the initial consumer beta.
I do however like the concept of the start screen that presents you with a lot of information, but the transition is jarring. On the bright side, almost all of my applications and drivers seem to be working fine.
Edit: Navigating horizontally with the mouse is also not that great of situation to be in, as far as the metro apps are concerned. My touchpad doesn't seem to be talking to the metro apps for the scroll/swiping. Also, on a desktop that lacks a touchpad, this horizontal layout makes little sense.
>On a freshly installed system? Perhaps.
>After a little use? It usually is larger than that.
No. If C:\Windows is larger than 20GB due to MSI's not cleaningup properly or Windows Update not cleaning up properly, then you need to clean up. After a format using the latest Pro x64 1709 image your Windows Folder will be around 16GB.
Disk Clean-upcan work for the Windows Update stuff, but you'll need something like Patch Cleaner to help clear up orphaned MSI's in WinSXS. Keep in mind that this is risky and can cause updates to MSI installations to fail or applocations to no longer uninstall, but you'll save space if desperate.
>And even so, 2 GB is just 10%. Sure, every byte counts, but this can't be the main advantage of Windows 10 Lean.
I agree, a saving of 2GB isn't a lot. Let's see what else they can trim. Most of the space is drivers for plug and play which I feel is unnecessary, a long with a bunch of legacy crap ;)
I know how that is. My son wrote an email to Mojang and they never responded. If you want to send it to me I'll respond in writing with a foam Channel 9 guy and read it on my show.
There is a great video from the BUILD conference that launched Windows 8 that explains that there is a time and a place for the metro design paradigm. Some Apps like Photoshop or Visual Studio cannot be replicated using metro styling. Nor should they. The need for lots of buttons, menus, overlapping windows is a need for content creation that will always be there.
So far there is little word about allowing developers to make 3rd party desktop apps for Windows RT so for those who create a lot of content Windows RT as it is described now will never be a good choice for a primary device. For a lot of people though light Word/Excel work or resizing a picture will be 99% of their content creation in which case a Windows RT device could easily be their primary.
Ah, yeah it's a shame it's not available on Linux atm but they are planning on bringing it to the platform
Fastmail.com. Left Gmail for it, never went back, worth every single penny. Plus it’s, fast.
(Edit: apparently I have a referral link for it on my account. If you decide to use FM, consider hooking a buddy up: https://www.fastmail.com/?STKI=12015577)
This only applies to device encyrption, automatic encryption enabled on devices that support Connected Standby. It's the recovery key, and you can view and delete them online at https://onedrive.live.com/recoverykey
Login, reset your password. Rake your mind for other accounts that use the same password, notably your email - change them all.
Make sure your email (and any other services) have MFA enabled.
E: Also use this website to see if your data has been compromised: https://haveibeenpwned.com/
> Latest ATOM SOC for long battery life and passive cooling
> Direct3D 11.1 support (minimum) with decent 3D chip
the 32-nm Atoms start at 3.5W thermal design power and go up to 10W.
neither nVidia nor AMD make discrete ultra-low-power GPUs as far as I'm aware, only selling them as part of their SOCs. PowerVR makes the GPU design for the iPad; as far as I can find (an off-hand mention in a forum post) a quad-core PowerVR Series 5 chip has a TDP around 3W. the iPad chip is only Direct3D 9 dual-core, and you're asking for Direct3D 11. let's assume Direct3D 11 requires no additional power, and scale the power of the chip down linearly, so 1.5W TDP for a dual-core Series 6 chip.
the Tegra 3 has a TDP of somewhere around 3-4 watts (I can't find an exact number.) so, if you use the worst Atom processor Intel currently sells, and every assumption turns out optimistically, your tablet will consume 5W against an ARM tablet's 4W.
so you've got 25% more heat to get rid of. if you want to use the actual top-of-the-line Atom, you're up to 8W against an ARM tablet's 4W.
> 7" form factor
> As thin as the iPad 2
the iPad uses its case and screen to dissipate the heat of the electronics inside, and the majority of the inside is dominated by a battery. so you want to dissipate more heat from a package that's substantially smaller, and use more power in a device with less room for a battery to be in.
your ideal tablet would end up having a 2-hour battery life and getting incredibly hot to the touch. there's a reason why the Surface Pro has a fan, why it's 10 inches, and why it only has (iirc) a listed 6-hour battery life.
You can host 10 ASP.NET websites for free with Azure... http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/develop/net/aspnet/
It is in a shared/multi-tenant host environment, so you don't get dedicated hardware resources - not ideal for heavily trafficked sites - but pretty great for development/experimental purposes.
Yep, as a developer, this is my biggest complaint about UWP
IMO the biggest mistake microsoft ever made was not expanding UWP to other platforms, and making it “write app for windows, run anywhere” - this is exactly why I think their store (and windows phone) never worked out, especially considering how web tech (“write app for web, run anywhere”) is what basically all apps nowadays use
There’s massive demand for cross-platform tech but microsoft seems to have little interest - .NET devs have been asking for quite a while
There is Uno Platform which tries to do this (make UWP apps run on other platforms) but microsoft hasn’t done much more than acknowledge their existence
They do have a port of the windows calculator app for other platforms, as a proof of concept. This is probably the best “user friendly” example that shows what you’re describing, you can see it here https://platform.uno/code-samples/
I went to school for it, but I'll be the first to tell you that a fucking class isn't the best way to learn how to code. What kind of questions do you have?
If you're confused about why something like "System.out.println("Hi");" actually prints something to the console, I can explain to you what everything in that statement means (it's actually really intuitive and easy, and it's something professors usually don't tell you when they're introducing you to code writing).
If you want a recommendation on where to learn, Khan Academy and Code Academy are fantastic free resources, but another free service that I've found to be phenomenal has been tutorialspoint.com. I also just recently purchased a really good C# book; I like what I've seen in it thus far and if one by the same author exists for Java I'd recommend it.
All that said, by all means, ask me (or anyone else in this thread that'd like to answer questions) whatever you'd want. You also might want to check out /r/learnprogramming, and when you start getting to the more intermediate levels of programming stackoverflow.com is one of the best collab resources out there.
I'm not sure if mods would be okay with a programming question thread in this sub, so if you make a new thread somewhere else make sure to PM me so I can help answer your questions.
What version of Office are you using? I know since at least 2013 they have a search function on the new screen, that you can use to find different templates. When you open it up and you see the few default templates, there is a search bar at the top. You can search for different ones there.
You can also try checking out https://www.slideshare.net. Thry are not templates, but there a thousands of different presentations on hundreds of different topics. You can at least get some ideas and inspiration from them.
IMHO the reason people hate on PowerPoint is due to the way some people approach it. If you just read the slides then it should have just been a word document. But if you can make it fun interactive and not too much text in the slides, then PowerPoint can be a great tool.
BTW, your students are lucky to have a teacher who is thinking about things like this. Something that seems so simple can really make a difference.
I agree, the redesigned version 8 has been a massive disappointment. But have you tried it since 8.16 was released? It now has a more usable UI (basically a clone of WhatsApp for iOS with bottom tabs) and seems to start up on my G6 in a reasonable amount of time (I say reasonable, it's still not fast).
Otherwise if you can try Skype Lite:
This "optimised" version of the main app appears to just be Skype Lite with the SMS features removed. But you can just disable the SMS features in Skype Lite in the settings.
Seems the facts are that the business is doing very well with 25% q-o-q growth.
Also, it says the Surface Studio is doing quite well (and the revenue to back that up).
Seems that $4.3B in sales kind of means that some people want them.
Nothing is correlating to what you are saying.
Your opinion on the OS is also irrelevant to the strong Surface sales as reported in the article.
I guess I should've caught that you are trolling...
You can build it yourself from cloning and building the repo: https://github.com/Microsoft/Terminal
its very alpha though its not going to be released GA until later this year if I remember right.
For music/etc, there are several choices. iTunes, foobar2000, WinAmp, and many more that I don't remember at the moment are all good choices; it mostly depends on personal preference. (iTunes might be the best for you since you're used to it and it behaves more or less the same on Windows as it does on OSX.)
With the new features I can see why. Archiving in Outlook alone would make it desirable in the corporate world.
Well, corporations use app stores as an "ecosystem" which locks the consumer (you) into their particular brand.
If you buy eBooks from Amazon, you're tied to the Kindle store/apps/product. Buy from Apple, you're locked into buying iPhones and iPads for life. Same with Google and Microsoft.
I could say more terrible things about the Microsoft App Store, but it hasn't been around that long compared to the others.
Read this if you like: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/secure-windows-app-store/
See, that's what I thought, but I read the Q&A with the Outlook team on Gizmodo yesterday ( http://gizmodo.com/5932972/talk-to-the-outlook-engineering-team-right-here-right-now ) and read the following remark by one of the Outlook members.
Here’s our thinking on IMAP: IMAP is an old protocol that supports only mail syncing (not calendar and people). Nowadays, EAS is simply a better protocol. It’s fast, battery-efficient, and syncs mail, calendar, people and tasks. *All modern phones support EAS, including iPhone, Android, Windows Phone. So, EAS is our long-term bet, and we just prioritized getting it out there before "going backwards" and working on IMAP.
...I expect we’ll support IMAP for Outlook sometime down the line...Building software means making tradeoffs, and we prioritized other things over IMAP. We’ll get there. If IMAP is really, really important to you, you should wait to upgrade.
In an age where we all synch multiple devices to our accounts, this seems like a completely crucial feature. Am I missing something, or am I in the "you should wait to upgrade" bucket?
Normal Chromium does. Ungoogled Chromium doesn't, though. But note that someone had to explicitly make a version that doesn't send data to Google.
The reason you can't shrink the 750GB partition down further is probably because of file fragmentation.
Each partition needs to be in a continuous section of the hard drive, and I'm guessing you had more data on the drive before which you cleaned up, but what's left is scattered across the drive and preventing you from scaling back past 450GB or so.
Running the standard Windows defragger may help, but won't move "unmovable files" like the swap partition and the hibernate partition.
A couple of things to try:
Disable swap file and hibernation, reboot, defrag, then shrink, and finally re-enable swap and hibernation.
Use GPartEd - A free, bootable Linux distro that has some excellent partitioning tools that can do non-destructive resizing. I've used this successfully more than once, but I've also had it go horribly, horribly wrong (rendered my HDD non-bootable), so take care.
Apparently the trial version of PerfectDisk can defrag "unmovable" files and get you to a state where you could resize the partition.
PerfectDisk claims to have a defragmenting tool for SSDs. This is unnecessary and probably harmful. By all means try it to resize your HDD partition but then get rid of it!
For the actual cloning, I've always had good results with Casper.
tl;dr Just do a clean install on the SSD. How hard could it be?
Some of the best free stuff you can get all in one go using Ninite. Some of the apps in there are a little outdated (not outdated in version number but outdated in concept), but it really does a great job of casting a wide net to get you the big stuff you need.
Personally, I'd go with Chrome, WinRAR, VLC, Paint.net, Foxit Reader, Avast (although some will disagree with this and choose a different one), and of course Dropbox or whatever cloud storage service you use.
If there's anything you love on Mac and are looking for a Windows equivalent of, reply to this comment and I'll help as best I can (I use both platforms thoroughly, daily).
TIL that there is something like too much security...
Reminds of the time when my NAS crashed. And I thought Linux was a safe system...
Have you tried system restore to get to the state before you switched off encryption?
Did you backup your encryption key? http://support.microsoft.com/kb/241201
Have you ever used Windows Backup? If so, try to restore the files or the key from there.
I also found this article, but I think what they are referring to as "encrypted" would be more correctly called "in use".
I get these all the time. It's a scam and there's little chance that the "attacker" actually has any data on your parents. These are shotgun blast attempts using openly available password breach databases.
You can't do much to trace it down. If you check the header of the email, you can see where it's coming from. Chances are the "hacker" just found an email server with open relay, then sent a message with a mail-from address matching your parents. The password they use was obtained from some other publicly available attack. Check Have I been pwnd for possible sources. Still, they should change their password everywhere that it is used. Get them using a password database like KeePass and have them use a different password for every site. This is the best method for keeping yourself safe online.
It really is disappointing that they don't support pass-phrases. I greatly prefer using them as opposed to a short, cryptic password.
You're quite right. I suppose in my mind, I was thinking of "mid-sized" being something to the tune of multiple sites and a whole IT department.
You're very correct that there are good number of companies that would fall into that range you speak of:
They either slowly get features they rely on clawed away from them, or are forced to bump up to a sizable yearly subscription in Enterprise. For a company of 75, that's not a tiny check to be cutting annually.
Perhaps these stories like these will get more traction after changes like these roll out, but I feel by then it will be too late.
No they're not: http://www.zdnet.com/microsoft-sales-exec-promises-100000-windows-8-apps-by-january-2013-7000005401/ > Microsoft officials have said previously they are not going to allow Windows Phone apps (of which there are over 100,000) to be sold through the Windows Store.
and... >However, Windows 8 is not the same as Windows RT, which also is not the same as Windows Phone 8 OS. Microsoft's longer term goal is to make these as similar as possible so as to improve both the consumer and the developer experience. But not all Windows are created equal at this point. And not all "Windows" apps are, either....
Some of the specs on the Nexus are indeed nicer, but there are others that Surface outdoes it.
Could you point me in the direction of the spec sheets you used to compare? Because the one I saw had the Surface RT and Nexus 10 priced at the same level. Also didn't mention much about the dual band wireless that you were talking about, so I guess the one I was looking at wasn't as detailed as yours.
My source: http://mashable.com/2012/10/29/tablets-compared-nexus-10-ipad/
MS are keeping certain things in Edge because it's used on a major amount on websites, for example css -webkit-border-radius is used on ~60% of mobile websites, and so Edge will support it. But going forward MS will work towards a web that only uses standards, and no vendor prefixed css attributes.
I guess the same goes for Flash. It's used by a lot of websites, and so Edge will support it. But the goal is to phase out Flash and instead use things like SVG, CSS transform and for video, html5, just to name a few standard technologies that can replace Flash.
Bottom line: the internet is -in its current state- not as standards driven as we could wish for. We are in a phase of transitioning to standards, and Edge will support certain non-standards during that phase, while working with other vendors and W3C to standardize the web.
Just saw this http://www.marketwatch.com/story/googles-android-claimed-79-of-2013-smartphone-market-2014-02-12?pagenumber=2
The Samsung and HTC agreements specify a dozen Google applications that must be "preinstalled" on the devices, that Google Search be set as the default search provider, and that Search and the Play Store appear "immediately adjacent" to the home screen, while other Google apps appear no more than one screen swipe away.
Not every device maker accepts Google's terms. Amazon.com Inc. uses a customized version of Android in its Kindle Fire tablet. As a result, the Fire doesn't include Google Search, YouTube, Maps or the Play Store.
Nokia Corp. and Microsoft are following a similar strategy with an Android smartphone to be introduced later this month.
As a condition for joining the alliance, device makers agree to restrict the way they distribute Android. In 2012, Google prevented Acer Inc. from releasing a smartphone based on a version of Android developed by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. Google argued that Acer gave up its right to do so when it joined the alliance.
If you're talking about this Magento (and from press releases it looks like you are), there's no competition there. Magento is primarily a B2C e-commerce platform, that also does some B2B e-commerce as well. They don't have any PaaS or IaaS offerings, and their SaaS offerings (as well as Adobe's) don't compete in the same segment with any of Microsoft's.
But let's humor you and pretend that they did. If so, it would be a small part of Magento's business since it doesn't even warrant a mention on their "About" page. The entire company was sold to Adobe for $1.68 billion, so assume that Adobe paid a premium on top of the share price (are they publicly traded?) or used standard earnings multiples, you can expect that this fantasy "cloud computing service" they had could have booked maybe $100 million in revenue. That's a drop in the bucket. Microsoft should book close to $30 billion in Azure/Cloud revenue this year.
In other words, they are not participating in overlapping market segments, and even if they were they aren't competing.
I am both a Windows and OSX user and while I enjoy many aspects of Apple's OS I must say the Window management and feel is just terrible.
Nothing compares to the precision and feel of handing window management in any version of Windows (95 onward). OSX has some serious wonkiness in this area which I find extremely annoying but am able to look past it.
Also OSX mouse movement, when using an actual mouse is terrible the acceleration makes it feel really strange. Fortunately Mousesteer fixes this. That aside OSX is a marvelous operating system.
I say you should use windows 10 instead. The thing is it’s not about viruses. With some no legal applications or with odd sites you can let other ppl take control of your pc. Windows 10 is still not the best OS, but this version is way faster and more stable. Moreover if you are using a laptop the power management will be also more efficient. The link I sent is the official announcement from Microsoft, why you should switch to win10 link
Also if you don’t like the look of it or just the features you should try Linux, especially Ubuntu. But be aware that many apps are not compatible with this magnificent OS, you have to use some tricks in order to make them work, or find alternatives.
You're a business that is buying all of your employees a phone and a cheap desktop. They need to use the desktop because of an application that you need and there is no option for it to be ported to a non-x86 platform or to the web.
This will be used in conjunction with Continuum. Its likely going to be presented as an enterprise feature, not consumers.
Sure, they're going to show it working with Photoshop and a game, those are things that get media attention. Very few people are going to get excited about it being demonstrated with a billing program written over a decade ago.
To be fair, getting annoyed at a support rep is NEVER going to help you. Yes, it's frustrating and yes it sucks sometimes. But more often than not most support reps only have limited tools/info available to help. They don't have magical powers, they only have what company policies give them. It sucks just as much for them as it does for you.
That said, the only ISO freely available Win8 Enterprise from technet. Direct links to ISOs are ONLY available to MSDN subscribers, otherwise you're stuck with the exe.
Your options are:
Download one of the win7 trial ISOs and:
Sorry to say, but you're on a mac. You're not going to get a whole lot of support from Microsoft.
Edit: formatting
The list of supported languages etc. is here:
Powershell is apparently only highlighting + brackets but others have debugging, intellisense, etc.
From the site you can vote on new features here:
And the Klingon version of Rosetta Stone is? GMail Custom Time was?
I just checked itunes on my phone and they have it listed as 1h 13min same as Microsoft, and Amazon Video lists it as 1h 11 min.
The DVD that Universal released is the Trolls episode plus 3 other dreamworks episodes. All digital platforms are selling/rending that. And judging by the reviews You arent the only one that feels cheated. Lots of young kids are disappointed and lots of parents are angry.
Here's my opinion on this.
The goal of Surface (other than making money for MS) is to show hardware manufacturers the quality of tablets they should be striving to produce.
Why? Because if you look at current Win7 tablets, or even announced Win8 tablets, they are pretty sad looking. Example 1 Example 2 (this second one was announced very recently).
Also Win8 needs good hardware to show off its capabilities. Clearly someone needed to step up and set the quality bar high.
Desktops, All-in-ones, laptops, ultrabooks - all of these are not in such bad shape, i.e. they don't need extra direction or pressure.
Should MS release example devices? No harm in that, I guess. But realistically it wouldn't be cost effective for Microsoft, a "software" company, to jump in and set new standards for devices that others are handling pretty well already.
Yeah comparing a company that makes their money on hardware vs a software company is disingenuous too.
Look where most Apple's money comes from. iPhone/iPad.
and (if you like pie charts)
Ladies and gentlemen, Seve Ballmer: Exited, interesting amazing, cool, exited, innovation, transformation as a company, rapid release, rapid release. Samsung windows phone. Small tablets running windows. Since win8, we pushed boldly. But people no happy. They say "refine the blend". We refine blend. Balance better. Complete better. I ballmer, give you back startbutton. You wanna boot to desktop? You can. (applause). More multitasking. Reblend. Lets recognize that not just new applications. Next big thing with bing. Energy. Innovation. Brainpower. Unbelieveable.
Ladies and gentlemen, Gurdeep Singh Pall: I talk Bing. Beautiful. Powerful. Incledible. Great. Amazing. Internet scale. User intent. Search. Huge. Entities. Knowledge. We give you api. Demo. I talk to phone: "Trip companion, add spain to my location ideas" Bing. Familiy of devices. Spain. Valencia. Pictures. I make more interesting. Win8.1 maps 3d. I guess thats what I am here showing you today. This is building. 3D. "Phone, who is the architect!". Entities. Bing. Scan spanish. Bing OCR. Bing translate. Phone, "add this idea for dinner to my itineary". Phone, "trip companion, find ideas for dinner" horribly over-rehearsed unnatual wtf
First, make sure this is set up:
If that doesn't work, then Messenger might think you're sending an unsafe link or something.
I love Office 2013, I find it hard to go back to 2010, but you have hit on the worst part about it.
You can still manually add words, but it is an annoyingly long process to do so. Word options > Proofing > Autocorrect Options.
There is as when I investigated this problem no way to bring back auto correct to the right click menu.
Edit: The (stupid) reasoning/benefit is "To make Word 2013 cleaner and less cluttered, we removed AutoCorrect and certain formatting tools from the spelling error context menu. The features are still available in Word 2013 through other entry points within the Word user interface/Less clutter in the spelling error context menu. This enables users to find popular commands more quickly. In addition, the spelling error context menu now fits better on the screen."
Taken from this page.
You can't without VPN/proxy. You could side-load (https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/microsoft-corporation/cortana/) but it wouldn't be regionalised. Say you set it to "English (United Kingdom)", you will get British news stories. It will still work otherwise however.
First off.. Microsoft is an investor in Intellectual Ventures (http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/04/11/us-microsoft-apple-patents-idUSBREA3A0R020140411)
Correct me if I am wrong. Microsoft comes to Samsung and say there's about 300 patents on Android. They won't tell you what the patents are. They tell you that you have two choices:
Barnes and Noble famously stood up to Microsoft's bullying.. and actually got Microsoft to PAY them to settle..
Motorola did this as well.. and Microsoft brought 17 of its choice patents to court.. 16 of 17 were overturned (http://www.zdnet.com/microsofts-android-patents-will-face-challenges-7000030698/).
How is any of this driving innovation?
Here's the actual article being discussed, since there didn't seem to be a link to it in the TOI article: http://www.zdnet.com/a-minor-microsoft-windows-8-1-update-2-still-on-tap-for-august-12-7000032259/
I read somewhere that's how much they make, but I forgot where. http://seekingalpha.com/news/2623855-apples-dominance-of-profit-almost-complete. This here says last year they made over half of all profits, and I know that number has only increased. And it's not like OS X is free for Apple to develop.
I had a brief look at the Surface Pro at a developer event and I have to say I was impressed with it. Anyone who has used Visual Studio would know that it eats up memory as it's a large application. I watched a developer run Visual Studio on the device and then run a remote desktop simulator within and ran another instance of Visual Studio and another remote desktop and done all again(3 instances of Visual Studio with 3 remote desktops) before it ran out of memory.
I'm not a Microsoft fanboy in fact I have an Android phone (S3) and probably wont change to WP8.
Apple has a great reputation which has carried them for quite some time, but recent devices lack quality build and materials like this article shows and this one.
Microsoft are rumored to use Foxconn to build the future Microsoft branded WP8 devices, which is the same manufacturer Apple uses for the iPhone.
Edit: Model demonstrated by developer was Pro version
Yahoo! is actually doing quite well under Marissa Mayer's leadership.
I can't speak to the recovery process, but once you do get it back, do a virus scan and don't continue until your system is clean, set up an actual, good, password that's dedicated to only this account - preferably one you can remember without writing down and that isn't a meme (like correcthorsebatterystaple), turn on 2 factor authentication, add a backup phone number, and valid - non-compromised - recovery email, and change to harder to guess recovery questions. Also, check it and other accounts on https://haveibeenpwned.com and verify you don't reuse any potentially compromised passwords or account info to set it up.
A good rule of thumb: if everyone is being hacked, it's a problem with the service. If only you are being hacked, it's because your credentials and/or devices are compromised.
These situations always suck, but unfortunately they don't suck enough for people to always remember good computing security practices (or for educators to even teach them), leading to accounts getting compromised. The tools to prevent it are absolutely available if you turn them on though.
They are encrypted and stored securely according to their reports. Now, a rule of thumb for everything you do on the Internet, be careful what services you use and where you store your most valuable information. In my opinion you were better off using a password manager such as Bitwarden https://bitwarden.com/ which is open source, has great reputation, and you can even host yourself, so you are not dependent on a third party (this part is just being crazy about security, so I wouldn't do this as a "normal" person ;) )
Just a FYI IE does have ad blocking built in http://www.winsupersite.com/article/windows-7/internet-explorer-9-feature-focus-tracking-protection
I use RES on chrome also but use IE for somethings, so I enable the below on IE and it works very well. http://www.quero.at/adblock_ie_tpl.php
Good for you for deciding to make a change and acting on it. The easiest entry point will be a helpdesk/desktop support type of job. That means having familiarity with Windows 7 and Windows XP (yes it's still around). I agree the Windows 7 cert would be a good place to start as ten_bears suggested. I know there has been some debate about Windows versus Linux in this thread, but the reality is that corporate America is still running Windows on the desktop and will be for a long time to come. I suggest focusing on becoming an expert in Windows 7 for now. Once you land a desktop support role then use that as a launch pad to expand your skills to things like System Center, which will then force your introduction to other things such as servers, virtualization, databases, security, etc. It'll all come with time as these things tend to layer on each other. Here's a good place to start for Windows 7 information: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/dd361745
I was playing with one of these earlier today, and honestly, it seems like a no-brainer. Good price, solid build quality, decent specs (including touchscreen monitor). As a primary machine, I'd opt for something with Windows 8 over RT, just for the fallback of being able to run legacy apps.
I did some snooping, it looks like in 2006 Cringely wrote that Burst would overcome Apple
Well as you can see here Democrasoft (formerly known as Burst) isn't doing so well. So Cringely's record of predicting things is already tainted.
MP4 is a video format. It might require to download a another video player than the default Windows player - try VLC.
If you send the .ppsx it requires people to have PowerPoint installed to open it. It will require that the people opening it also starts it. F5 starts the presentation. You might be able to get around the PowerPoint installed requirement by hosting it online in e.g. OneDrive or a Corporate SharePoint.
I'm not expert in PowerPoint.
You can install Windows without a CD key, follow the steps in the answer here. Make sure to do the part about Professional vs Core if you're using Pro. This will leave Windows unactivated, and you'll get nagged about it, but it'll buy you 30 days. You can close the nag windows and continue doing stuff in the meantime. That'll let you get your key and your friend can enter it when you sort it out.
My search results indicate it is a commonly spoofed fake number.
Put your e-mail address in here. If it indicates you've been compromised and you re-use passwords at, then that means scammers likely have access to your e-mail, know that you recently had contact with support, and decided now would be a good time to call.
Malware on your system could also give up this type of information.
Here's a video: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2015/2-619
It's a little bit technical, but developers will be able to stream data from the band to their apps. Demo - 16:50
They will also be able to push content onto the band if it is connected to a phone. Demo - 31:30
Microsoft just announced free access to Azure for students, no credit card required...
The correct link is: https://sourceforge.net/projects/equalizerapo/
But I still have no idea why you'd want to use free, open-source software instead of putting your presumably asymmetrical headphones on backwards or buying extra cable splitters!
I've used hostsman since forever ago, it lets you download adlists into the hosts file automatically. Also:
There is no need to restart your device for the settings to take effect.
There is a performance impact, depending on your system and the size of the HOSTS file. On windows 7/8 large HOSTS files (something like >1MB) would cause the DNS client service to consume lots of CPU (but you could disable the service.)
This works on more than just Windows. OSX, android, and linux distros also have HOSTS files.
I have it running, but it's very alpha. The Terminal part works fine but a lot of the UI niceties are still coming/in-development.
Everything is on GitHub. You can follow a good build guide here: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/489
Do you have a friend who might be able to help?
This needs to be done on a working PC
Download Linux Mint - https://linuxmint.com/download.php
Download Rufus - https://rufus.ie/
Use Rufus to copy the Linux Mint file to a USB (instructions are on the web)
Plug the USB into the broken PC
Power on the borken PC and keep hitting the Delete key, it will go into the BIOS menu.
Look for something that says "Boot" or "Boot options" and change the entry to 'USB" and you can either choose to boot, or save, exit and restart the PC (depends on the BIOS).
It should boot into a GUI
From there you can plug in another USB and copy files from the old PC disk
1.) "mid-day team runs and friday fitness workouts" (I guess as a team they did things together with bands on that gave them ideas for how to make them better). 2.) no idea
3.) "what tee I'm at." As in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
4.) Bitwig (http://www.bitwig.com/en/bitwig-studio.html)
5.) no idea
6.) they all just say "yeah" and he is just continuing by saying yeah I want to talk about another product too.
7.) wild guess "make/break" (http://stanislavs.org/helppc/make_codes.html since he is talking about the keyboard)
8.) "the dish" I think it refers to the slight recess of the keyboard, forming a dish
9.) "throw a charge into it" as in you run an electric current through it.
Calm yourself sir! This is a thing typesetters do because a single hanging line on a sheet of paper looks even stupider than one less line in the previous page.
You can turn that behaviour off using these simple instructions.
I would look at getting a tool like LastPass to manage your passwords so you never use the same password on the same site. This would also prevent you from falling for future phishing attacks because it would not try to autofill into a non-legitimate site.
First off, this isn't very functional. It's only for the front page; comment pages look awful with this at the moment. However, if you want to use it, download Stylish, click on the icon, click "Write new style"-->"Blank Style" and then copy paste that into the dialog. Save it as whatever you want.
Message he is referring you for the maybe 1 other person watching this:
>"How would your story be any different from the one I would tell if I knew the email associated with your account and I wanted access to it?"
>Simple they asked for my console ID, my IP of the last time I logged into Xbox live. And they asked me about the details when we made the account, I answered all of them that is the fucking difference.
>And then near the end I let them know I have the Email's password but limited use of the email's account. I'm trying to avoid the down vote train and I had to blow your smart ass / poorly thought out question out of the water."
Totally blew me out the water with that answer...
Also, all those things could be gathered for someone who really wanted them, especially IP and last login. Console ID is a little harder, but not too much I don't think.
First backup your activation with Advanced Tokens Manager.
You can download Windows 7 disk images from Microsoft here which you can burn onto a DVD. If your laptop doesn't have a DVD, you can make a bootable USB without too much trouble - let me know if you need instructions.
Just create an Azure VM for free for 30 days. You could actually just create one right now, organize and configure as you would like, save the image and delete the vm box.
When someone calls in, just log into Azure, boot up a new VM with that image and you will have a VM ready in 5 minutes.
Actually... It looks like you can ship a USB drive to Microsoft and leverage the data import\export service: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/storage-import-export-service/
Yes, you can upload 30TB, and a lot more.
It has gotten a lot more stable. I've been playing with it for about a year now and with the last release to 8.2, it's made a huge difference. The desktop client apps received huge updates in August. The web interface looks much, much better. Its new Mail app is my daily driver. They are re-writing the WebDAV implementation so later on it will be much quicker and less prone to weird errors.
I've been a long time fan of Visual Assist by Whole Tomato. It provides a ton of productivity tools. Some people hate it though, and it isn't free (I get it paid for by the companies I work for.)
Thanks for asking the question, I'm going to try out some of the other suggestions people have made!
Please take a look at the videos on various capabilities of IPAM, in the Microsoft Virtual Academy - http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Understanding-Windows-Server-2012-R2-IPAM. This will help you with lot more details on IPAM.
And in case, you have any further question please have it posted on the IPAM discussion group alias - . We from IPAM product group will provide all the required support with any queries on deployment and best practices.
Story time!
The version numbers are incremented the way they are mainly because of compatibility issues.
There's alot of code around that has a bug in the version check. There's an API that gives you the Windows version (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724833(v=vs.85).aspx). For Windows 7, you would get:
dwMajorVersion = 6 dwMinorVersion = 1
And lots of developers wrote code like:
if(dwMajorVersion >= 6 AND dwMinorVersion >= 1) { // Don't run; version is unsupported }
This works fine up to version 6.9 (or 6.4294967295 for the pedantic). The problem there is that if Microsoft changes to 7.0, that code will incorrectly calculate that the version is less than 6.1 (7 > 6, but 0 < 1) and refuse to run.
The problem is so bad that Microsoft has actually deprecated those APIs (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/678606/Part-Overcoming-Windows-s-deprecation-of-GetVe), and is trying to force coders to let Microsoft do the math, lest they screw it up.
You're doing web development wrong if you can't get jQuery to work on IE 11.
FF and Chrome "work" for you because they handle dumb developer mistakes vs IE likes to think you can code.
Visual Studio Online is now Visual Studio Team Services. If you have people who use it and are not going to have "normal" visual studio, then there might be some cost (first 5 are free, I believe). Other than that, you can buy visual studio pro for ~$45/month/user, or some annual subscription, which include licenses for Visual Studio Team Services. you can also look into Visual Studio Code, which is free to use but is only really for web development.
Here is something I came across regarding RMS.
The certificate used for maintaining authorization trees is encrypted with DPAPI. It would be machine scope encrypted I'm betting, so any admin on your AD host can obtain this certificate which can be used to gain unauthorized access. So I do not think you'll have much success messing with data offline, unless you want to do a hack like the ones described in my prior post. And then you'd still have to have access to a fair amount of data and a large amount of talent.
I'm pretty sure you'd be safe using RMS as long as you're following typical best practices.
No, they're two separate services and neither are going to do it. You can add your Google Calendar to Outlook.com and vice versa but it isn't editable. Otherwise you can use:
it's called power automate now but this should work yes :)
Maybe try this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=is.shortcut&hl=ru. I use it on my Xperia XZ and it is much faster and responsive than MS launcher and than the stock Xperia Home.
Something I can actually speak to, this is my time to shine. We actually in a way did. You could sign up to be an OEM late in 8.1 or in 10 for like 100$. You'd then get access to the AK (adaptation kit), which was the common part of Windows Phone. To make an image, you'd then get a reference device (there was a QRD, Qualcomm Reference Device) and you could put together your own phone. I think this is how weird phones like the Yezz Billy came out.
Incorrect, man. Surface 2 RT, only $450. And yeah, more space than an iPad.
A limitation inherent to CDMA networks (used by Verizon and Sprint) makes it impossible for these networks to support simultaneous voice and data, at least not without compromising battery life, physical size, or cost.
4G is exclusively GSM, and CDMA carriers implement 4G by layering the required GSM technologies on the CDMA voice network, and so voice and data use separate frequencies. Pure GSM networks, which are operated by AT&T and T-Mobile, can use the same set of frequencies to carry voice and data.
However, many smartphones, including all versions of the iPhone, have a single unified antenna that is used for both GSM and CDMA. These radios can only operate in either GSM mode or CDMA mode and cannot communicate over both sets of frequencies at the same time. As a result, Verizon's iPhone doesn't allow you to talk and surf at the same time. While newer Android phones often have separate GSM and CDMA radios to circumvent this limitation, this setup has high power consumption which reduces battery life.
With a pure GSM network, this is not an issue, as the radio only needs to operate in one mode and can therefore handle both voice and data at the same time. That's why AT&T boasts that only its iPhone lets you talk and surf at the same time. To this day, this still isn't possible with the iPhone 5s on Verizon.
This limitation will probably remain until it is possible to do voice over 4G LTE.