Edit: For people messaging me about who I am. I'm not Duke, I have my own Youtube channel. Someone was kind enough to link it below.
Fuck happened to this nigga head lol. Nigga had blunt trauma as a baby
Weird a few people asked of i am black or why I talk like this. My real voice
Edit: How Yall niggas know my real name lol
Aww damn, cant believe i'm late to this one, got a good one that didn't happen to me, but I, and probably 70% of my high school got the recording of when it happened. It was recorded by a music student doing a project on acoustics, and the teacher was my history teacher as well, funny awesome guy.
So what set him off was a guy throwing a pen across the room to his friend to write down notes, though it wasn't just that that set him off. The guy who threw the pen was probably the stupidest and sloppiest person of his year, (mind you this was a British private school, so we had a uniform dress code) shirt tucked out, sagging pants, no belt, long hair, using his shoes as slippers by walking on the heels, etc. I know because he was in my car pull.
Well, him throwing the pen was the last straw and the teacher exploded, 3 minutes of pure beautiful insults that made everyone who heard it laugh to the point of tears, I sometimes sympathize with him (the teacher), but he should've kept his cool. He was fired at the end of that day as they took the recording to the headmaster. I was disappointed to find that out, he was the funniest teacher I've ever had.
If this gets enough attention, I will link the recording.
edit - I've never linked a recording, I hope this works, if not I'll try something else. I personally love the chimpanzee part.
Recording: https://clyp.it/mfnje0kw
edit 2 - Thanks for the gold kind stranger...now what do i do with it?
Aesop was truly inspiring and poetic. Here's one of his best fables:
> A gurl was walkin2 skewl wit her bf n they were crossin da rode.
> she sed "bbz will u luv me 4evr"
> he said "NO..""
> da gurl cryed N ran across da rode b4 da green man came on the sine.
> boy was cryin and went to pic up her body.
>she was ded.
> he whispered 2 her corpse "I ment 2 sey i will luv u FIVE-ever..." (dat mean he luv her moar den 4evr)
> xxx~*...LIKE DIS IF U CRY EVRY TIME...~*xxx
Link to the audio transcript, for any blind users.
"Before It Slips Away" (Studio Version) (Your_poem_as_a_song)
Happy Million Karma, Sam!! This one's for you!!
You're welcome:
EDIT: Since apparently it's a thing for everyone to say where they're from and I neglected to do so, I've lived in southern Virginia my entire life. However, my mother is from NYC and my father is from Bumfuck Nowhere, North Carolina, so I'd like to think that my accent is fairly neutral. Could be wrong, though.
Thank you for pointing that out, I would have totally misunderstood that! It's sincerely beautiful.
Every time Kidz Bop is brought up, I'm obligated by law to bring up that time some dude on /mu/ torrented a Kidz Bop album and played every song at once.
We have heard the voice of God, and he is crying.
and to download the video without having to use a shitty website that rips youtube videos... (PS.: needs VLC media player)
Open VLC Player
Ctrl-N / command-N (to open Network location)
Paste youtube URL above - press Play
Ctrl-I / command-I (to open video information)
Location Field - copy the long link in there (...googlevideo.com/videoplayback?...)
Paste link into your browser address bar
Ctrl-S / command-S to save a backup copy of the video to your computer
This is easily the worst I've ever seen. I don't know what's more surprising--Bruce Wayne's transformation into Spiderman or the appearance of "Dr. Jackstraw."
I listened to the whole thing, here is my synopsis:
Discussion begins with a good explanation of Bitcoin and why decentralization is the key to the technology, by Jerry Brito (Executive Director, Coin Center)
Fred Ehrsam (Co-Founder & President, Coinbase) pushes for fair regulation to encourage new companies to compete in the financial sector.
Chris Larson and Karen Gifford, both from ripple labs begin their introduction by immediately shilling ripple technology and how easy it is to track and control user accounts with ripple. When asked about Bitcoin they attempt to explain it by pretending only the blockchain exists and not bitcoin, in the process thoroughly confusing the committee. Essentially they are pretending that bitcoin is useless and all thats important is the blockchain.
"We don't think the world needs a new currency, we already have plenty." -Chris Larson - CEO, Ripple Labs
i.e., we want to be a new centralized trusted third party for existing fiat currencies. -ripple
Again, we see here the false narrative that the only useful thing about Bitcoin is the blockchain. Even though the bitcoin token is the entire backbone which creates the incentive for the decentralized trusted network to exist.
EDIT: Full recording here
I've never felt the need to rhyme
But in my core I feel it's time
To show you that I want to try
Something a little different.
Inside a square-ish hole so tight
I hope this squarer peg feels right
Rhyming now, but fuck this line
My god, I hope it fits.
lol i tried
EDIT: "I Hope It Fits" an Original by (Your_Poem_as_a_song)
i thought i might, especially from black republicans on-site, but the opposite was the case. they don't live in a total denial bubble and understand that the two percent black makeup of the GOP is terribly low. they were amused at the count, which made me feel good because it was a reminder that they're actual PEOPLE and not just distant ideas i dislike
best example of this was my interview with super black republican (super republican, not that he's more black than other black folk!) Paris Dennard
he ran african american outreach for George W Bush
I tried to amplify that creepy whispering.. I'm sure I didn't do a very good job.. but from what I could come up with... "By the way..you know how hard it is {blah blah blah} to come to my house and trash it there? hehehe..you're a good little girl" Girl awkardly: "thank you"
I'm sure someone can do a better reduction than I did... any other guesses?
My favourite, not entirely sure if it was stupid or not, was this Coventry City fan bemoaning a 0-0 draw away at Crewe Alexandra.
Normally this would be understandable, but the thing is he left 2 mins before the end, Coventry scored two late goals and won 2-0.
I see "420 Blaze It Faggot!" a lot on reddit, for the first time I tried to say it out loud. I have an English accent and it just sounds so bad. So, so bad.
Edit: I couldn't help myself.
Here it is at the end. Someone's talking at the end in the background wherever the voice actor was recording.
I got confused thinking it was the director from tf2's actual lore
Lol remember the time some guy on here was trying to find this song but couldn't remember the name or artist so he uploads himself mumbling what it sounded like? I saved it before he took it down, gonna try and find it, it's hilarious,..
According to an above protestor, they were there for the "May Day protest/riot"; but you'd be right a lot of the time. It not uncommon for officers around my area -- assuming nothing else is going on -- to gather around particularly stupid/silly things like a bunch of school children in order to amuse themselves.
Edit: It wasn't supposed to be an insult--just the first description that popped into my head; don't think too deeply about the "like school children" part.
Huh. I was wondering why this looked familiar: I took that photo in Berlin, during the QtCon 2016.
Good to see u/jbkempf and VLC getting some love outside the Free Software bubble. I had the opportunity of talking to him live and he told me how they have to fight off patent trolls and aggressive copyright lawyers all the time. He also told me a fun story about the beginning of the project.
can I post a soundcloud link?
this is just a freestyle any feedback will be welcome. lemme know if I should add/take away bars, could still use some work probably
Decided to do a horrible slice-and-dice audio version. Now I'm no audio guru so it's pretty awful, but I personally am proud of the 'Uh oh' sequence. (Note: the first portion was skipped because I'm too lazy to find Dickie V saying his name or dick).
Hey guys, thanks for any kind words. this is my clip. I’m Bret Raybould. If anyone is interested, please check out my podcast Oh Dear where I talk about this and other comedy/culture-adjacent bullshit:
Here's the last 0.75s of the voice line slammed with compression to exaggerate the director, might help some of you who have trouble hearing it: https://clyp.it/t5o5j20d
EDIT: It's pretty loud, prepare your earholes.
That beat sound A LOT like the one I made a few months ago...
Edit: And I sent that beat to Twelvey... I wonder what happened.
Edit 2: I figured it's probably coincidence because it's a popular sample... but I wonder if I influenced him to use that because of what I sent... we'll never know.
Open VLC Player
Ctrl-N / command-N (to open Network location)
Paste youtube URL above - press Play
Ctrl-I / command-I (to open video information)
Location Field - copy the long link in there (...googlevideo.com/videoplayback?...)
Paste link into your browser address bar
Ctrl-S / command-S to save a backup copy of this ad so you can enjoy your dinner now and watch the ad later...
Though I've lived this simple life of mine
How I try to understand and empathize
With how I feel you're feeling
Just want to keep on singing
So never stop yourself from writing rhymes
Cause I'll sing them all the time
The stream layout is a bit too gross for me, but it's good for archiving purposes I guess for people who really need the chat. Still a bit gross looking though.
Also free idea for a stream intro. Use https://clyp.it/mzw2nkmt
Raab (himself) just started a pretty good pod cast and has been reconnecting with all the cky/jackass guys you should give one a listen. Bathroom Break... Its also on itunes
http://mixlr.com/nailz714/ live now
Set 1 (6:20 pst): Jack Straw (bwjm), Big Boss Man (jm), Mexicali Blues (bw), Row Jimmy (jm), Ramble on Rose (bw), Hell In A Bucket (bw), Casey Jones (jmbw)
(7:30 pst) "We're gonna take a short break"
Set 2 (8:15 pst): Cumberland Blues (bwjm), Cryptical Envelopment (jm), Uncle Johns Band (jmbw), Scarlet Begonias (jm), Fire On The Mountain (bwjm), Drums, Space, Dear Prudence (bw), Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad (jmbw), One More Saturday Night (bw)
Encore (9:35 pst): Friend Of The Devil (jmbw)
Basically just automating sends to delays and reverbs so the effect targets specific words/phrases.
I set up a basic example for you to check out.
Here's a great example of good mixing - Daft Punk's Something About Us with Adele's Set Fire To The Rain - https://soundcloud.com/serranocarlos/adele-vs-daft-punk-something-about-the-fire-carlos-serrano-mix
For those interested, here's Carlos Serrano's channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/CarlosSerranoMusic/videos?flow=grid&view=0
The last section of The Handler is a big love letter to the chorus of Showbiz. Drum beat, bassline, chords and texture are super similar.
Here's a rough little clip to give you the idea.
My position on the matter is to abolish all limitations and all prohibitions on individual's right to own property. No matter what it is. Suppressors, magazine size, barrel length, number of rounds fired per trigger pull, caliber, ammunition types, stocks, shrouds, colors. Fill in the blank.
Why? Am I some nihilistic misanthrope? Do I hate the children? Do I long for a world where punk rockers roam the desert looking for fuel?
These "regulators" are not your betters. They are not your parents. They are not your employers, bosses, authority figures, or sovereigns. You are not required to genuflect before them. These people are your agents; you are the principal. The agent does not tell the principal what to do. If an agent has the audacity to do so, you fire them. Unfortunately everyone has forgotten this particular dynamic.
BBC Cambridge have tweeted a picture of the incident as it happened fortunately with a mechanic obscuring her, but showing exactly where the pretty sharp edged trailer lip has hit her - on the front of he helmet, possibly where the visor opening is. Not good.
update: they've now posted an audio clip of it happening: audio clip. That's definitely the anti stall kicking in.
The only music editing software the average person could likely ever need would be Cakewalk Sonar, which used to be $499 but is now free. See here: https://www.bandlab.com/
edit: and this, combined with free VST instruments will do most anything.
I'm a sound engineer, but /u/iridisss pretty much hit it on the head, so read their comment for the simple version. In techie terms, there's a lot more waveform differentiation within consonant sounds than there is in vowels, and that makes them both easier to distinguish by looking at a Fourier transform and easier to account for in code.
If you have a microphone or headset or something, you can try this yourself. Download Audacity, record yourself speaking, then in the track header, click the downward triangle and change "Waveform" to "Spectrogram." You should be able to look closely, zoom in, and see where you're saying vowels and where you're saying consonants. Don't worry about being able to identify specific sounds from their waveforms or spectrograms, even I can't do that.
As for where I learned it, from doing audio work for a while, a mix of programming and audio engineering courses at university, then before that from a private tutor guy my piano teacher was friends with. This has been a bit of a life's pursuit for me.
OT: I decided to make a new text message alert using JMac's "Hallo"
Feel free to use: https://clyp.it/ib0pl13n
P.S. I'd love to do a "noooouuhhh", "oohhhh myyy gooodddduuhh", etc. if anyone has a clear recording of them.
A Man U fan on 606 giving his thoughts on the matter.
Bravo that man.
Entroducing was a long time ago and his sound has changed significantly since. I would not go to a shadow show excepting a lot of stuff like it. His new show is called "all basses covered" and you can listen to the set he would've played that night on his soundcloud. I'm on my phone right now so I can't link to it but I will later if I remember.
Edit: https://soundcloud.com/djshadow/all-basses-covered-the
Just wanted to say hi in this thread. I always lurk in this sub but I don't post too often. I go between here and PT ( yes I know it's a cesspool but I started lurking there after the breakup and I like some of the posters there. Lol.)
I'm the streamer 'EastCoastPhishing'. I normally post my streams on PT...but I thought I'd say hello here and let anyone that might tune in via Reddit that I say, 1) thanks for tuning in and 2) I'll hopefully be streaming Lockn, Phish and other acts. Periscope some bits as well. If the Fall tour rumors come to be sort of close to what's been listed, I live outside Raleigh and would be hitting up at least 3 of those shows and would stream them as well.
http://mixlr.com/eastcoastphishing If you want to follow.
I'm saying hello to you guys in the bio 8-)
Can't wait to be out there on the road again, but I'll take a stream, cold beer, and my couch for now. :D
Hope everyone couching has a great evening!
Edit: A thank you to all the other streamers as well. I almost never miss a show nowadays thanks to streamers using Mixlr, Ustream, Periscope, and various other streaming mediums. I came into Phish at the tail end of the tape era, 99/2000. I remember reading about shows on dial up and then trading for B&P on RMP and waiting weeks to months to hear a show. It's unreal how far we've come. Streamers might be the ugly little brother to a taper, but that ability to provide access, albeit crude audio sometimes, to the fanbase...we get get to live in the moment with these fans and the band...its wild to me. I kid but at the same time I'm serious, what a time to be alive. ;D
*Thanks as always to Phish for bringing us together as well. :D
*edit 2: Thank you for the Reddit gold anonymous fellow fan! I've never received gold, not sure what to do with it, but I'm still very grateful and appreciative. Wishing you a great rest of your summer! ❤️❤️❤️
Response time from initial dispatch to contact with the gunman was about five minutes.
Listen to the dispatch here. Shots fired call is at 4:42, suspect down call at 7:36
Every night I've been hosting Kanye album live stream listening sessions with the KTT community and /r/kanye as we countdown the days until the new album. Since Monday we've gone through CD, LR, GRAD, 808s, and GOOD FRIDAYS but tonight I want to extend the invitation to /r/hiphopheads. Tonight @ 8 PM EST we are live streaming Ye's magnum opus MY BEAUTIFUL DARK TWISTED FANTASY! Pregame Turn Up starts @ 7:30. Live chat is lit every night. Most people we've had is 116 for LR. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Live Stream Upcoming Schedule:
If people are interested enough, I'll do a tutorial of making a song from scratch so you guys can see how I use the template.
edit- ill try to livestream tomo or so. ill post a link on this sub when its up and ill upload the vod to youtube.
edit2- done streaming! here's the vod if you missed it!
and the final product:
Here's my submission: https://clyp.it/c01pu35w
Didn't have much time but everything is from the clip except for the acapella :)
Here are the samples I cut out: http://www71.zippyshare.com/v/IyEGy5IO/file.html
If you think just facial expressions are amazing, try tone of voice.
I cannot even describe how real the radio play Andrew was in. It's called Cock, and it is just amazing how much a few people can convince you. It's an hour long and about 2 gay men and a woman (did I just describe Sherlock?), but it's pretty worthwhile.
Here's a remake I did right when the movie came out. I didn't use that preset, I just made my own. I didn't treat this like an actual song or anything; I was just playing around. Maybe you guys will think it's cool though. Listening to it now I realize I could've fixed up a lot of things.
try audacity, it's a general purpose audio file editor that's completely free (both free as in speech and free as in beer), and can do a lot of stuff besides converting audio files from one format to another.
EDIT for visibility: https://clyp.it/yzh555kc here it is which was posted below! NEW LINK BELOW
EEDIT 3: NEW MIRROR http://www119.zippyshare.com/v/MnWfGJiw/file.html
An accurate look into our daily routine of trying to get to /r/all
For a listing of Star Trek communities on Reddit please see /r/UnitedFederation and our podcast on Anchor
Part of that World
Look at this food, my day to cheat
Wouldn't you think this buffet is a treat?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who eats everything?
Look at my stove, pleasures untold
How many wonders can one oven hold?
Looking around here you'd think
Sure, she'll eat everything
I've got cookies and cup cakes a plenty
I've got donuts and ice cream galore
You want sugary sweets? I've got many!
But who cares? No big deal,
I need more
I need to be at a big snack bar
I wanna eat, wanna eat be enchanting
Scooting around on those
What do you call 'em? Oh, scooties!
Using your feet, it just gets too hard
Walking makes me begin wheezing and panting
Riding along in the...
What's that word again?
Why do folks walk, why do they run?
Must they insist to stay in the sun
Being skinny
Wish I could be, part of that world
What would I give if I could live
In bod much hotter?
What would I pay to spend a day
Able to stand?
Betcha' it's grand, not to expand
Holding all of your fat weight in water
S J women, are not winning
Cuz of their glands
I'm ready to go against the status quo
Give them suggestions
Defy their standards
What is science and why should I - what's the word?
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love, love to lose weight at a rate I'm proud of?
Being skinny
Wish I could be
You can email her for some NCLEX practice exams at:
You can support the podcast at: https://anchor.fm/pocket-nurse/support
You can also listen here: https://anchor.fm/pocket-nurse
SA +2
SA/MIA under 217.5
NO -10.5
MEM +3
DAL 1H ML +240
SAC 1H ML +200
Zeedude22, Fallsj, Apexathletics, Bigtexbets, dr3w37, richdegentleman, jointpasser, and doctorfancy
let me know if you have any suggestions for the podcast or would like to be a guest, I'm trying to build a solid audio option for us basketball bettors. I put a lot of effort into this, thanks for listening! I AM NOT A TOUT, just a basketball betting fanatic who is trying to fill a void!
Reaper is an amazing, fully-featured tool that has an uncrippled demo. Like WinRar, you can keep using it after the 30-day demo has expired.
You'll want to give them your money, though. $60 for that software is criminally cheap. The dev team is reponsive and constantly patching and adding new features.
Reaper has a great piano roll MIDI editor, but if you're looking for real "composing" software (as opposed to a DAW, recording package like Reaper or Cakewalk), MuseScore is open-source and free.
My first recording (https://clyp.it/eusxalwe) talking about how Bernie's presidency would be gospel for the poor was listened to hundreds of thousands of times. In the tens of thousands of comments I heard people saying they needed more of this. The Sanders Sermons is my attempt to explain in Biblical terms why I support the Bernie Sanders platform. Thank you for all your love and support. I hope these words help in some small way to change the world. [Side Note: Senator Sanders - if you'd like to set up a pre-debate revival meeting at a church in Las Vegas, I would like to be apart of it.]
EDIT: Skip to 12:30 if you want to hop over the reasons why I'm doing this and get straight to the good stuff about immigration.
I'm not OP, but I can do it too. Here's a shitty recording. It's a really sharp click, like cracking a knuckle but much louder and very crisp. It reverberates around a room well. Confuses the hell out of people and animals alike.
Haven't lived in Albania in a long time but I'll give it a try.
The city glows tonight.
The neon lights are turning on.
Your face glows too,
as soon as we meet each other.
Laalalalaaa lalalalalaa (lol)
Here again.
The park glows,
for our meeting.
The time draws near.
Your beauty shines.
It is love that gives it life.
And when the moon looks at this glow.
It widens its eyes full of daze/wonder.
And starts to think to itself.
That the sun was born/has risen again.
So turn on the lights.
And light our park up.
Here every night,
we will come again.
We won't hide our love.
And when the moon looks at this glow.
It widens its eyes full of daze/wonder.
And starts to think to itself.
That the sun was born/has risen again.
So turn on the lights.
And light our park up.
Here every night,
we will come again.
We won't hide our love.
tl;dr stuff like this was pretty rebel back then.
edit: ~~no idea how to format this.~~ got it. :D
edit2: uploaded to soundcloud for downloading purposes (I hope this is okay.)
Let me preface this by saying I'm a hyper-critical piece-of-shit that hates the jazz scene's tendency to pat people on the back and say "yeah man you sounded great!" Your composition is great but it could be a lot more recording wise. Why:
Like /u/notgarysmulyan said, the mix is a bit weird. The horns are too far apart and as a result their harmonies never really mix well. also the bass is way too quiet.
Every single member of this band needs to lay. The fuck. Back. This song would sound a lot more relaxed if the players weren't on top of hte beat like a cap on a bottle. Part of this is exacerbated by the drummer. His swing feel just doesn't feel good. It's at the point where I don't know if this song is supposed to be swung or straight, and that's a problem.
Also when you guys are playing the melody by yourselves (like the piano in the beginning), take liberties! The part that goes 'eighth-eighth-dottedeighth-sixteenth-whole' sounds really, really, unbearably square.
Now, I hate to be a "post my own music" sort of guy, but I've needed an excuse to play the guitar so I recorded a little snippet of what I would like to hear the melody sound like..
All that being said, this is a beautiful composition man! It just needs more of a "human" element to bring it to life. More interpretation with the melody and a more relaxed feel and you've got something that's not half bad.
Actually now that I listen even closer, that's a computerized piano if I've ever heard one. And the drummer, too. And the bassist. No player is that square that consistently. Fuck that shit! You've got a cool composition, find some jazz-playing friends or even just some guys at a local school and tell them you have a song you want to record. Buy them a beer or gas money if you have to, but at the end of the day you'll have a much better recording of a beautiful composition your name.
This is a fraud, look at this thread, the guy who first had the idea of CSGO Radio got ripped off, and now his ex partner is trying to launch a new (fake) website. Do not support these guys, this is the original CSGO Radio.
Going through the new 1.51 sound files and I found these new gun sounds. They sound like a normal single shot rifle, nothing like the other gun sounds. EDIT: This is what they sound like.
With the recent infantry texture updates, Gaijin might be working on further implementing NPC infantry in one way or another.
Here's what I recommend, to prepare yourself:
Download some radio chatter from LiveATC
Download Audacity
Open the file, (File|Open…[select file]|Open), apply the 'Truncate Silence' effect (Effect|Truncate Silence…|OK), and listen to all the communications back-to-back
Once you start getting comfortable, use the 'Change Speed' effect (Effect|Change Speed…|[enter a multiplier]|OK) to speed things up. Start off at 1.1, then 1.25, then 1.5. Be sure to listen to new parts of the file, or new files, with each speed increase. Once you get used to 1.5, real-live ATC communications will be much easier to follow, even when task saturated.
4: The bigger the text the more correct it is. Fox News Strats.
I'm Polish and I wanted to help you out a bit so I recorded the correct pronunciation. Here: https://www.speakpipe.com/voice-recorder/msg/g5t5797q86078cbb
I'm sorry to hear about your father. I will try my best to help you get these recordings, if you need anymore help, please, reply to my comment, or PM me.
Go to Best Buy or RadioShack and buy an AUX cable. This cable will be able to plug into your phone's headphone port and have the same plug in the other end.
Now, you need a computer, or laptop with a microphone port that looks the same as the one on your phone. If the port isn't the same and the cord won't plug in, talk to an associate at the place you bought it from for an adapter, any electronics store employee should know what to get you.
Now, download Audacity
Now, press the record button in Audacity, then call your voicemail. Play the messages that you need and press the stop button when done. I would suggest copying the file a couple times, as well as uploading it to Google Drive/Dropbox just to be safe, because its so important.
Later on, you can split the audio file into multiple files that have each message separated, either by a tutorial online, help through Reddit, or a tech savvy friend you have. It's not that difficult more difficult than this was.
Reply or message me if you need any more help, I would love to help as well as other Redditors.
The noise was bothering me like hell, so I ran a couple noise reduction processes and added some very slight EQing (raising mostly the mids so you can understand him better): https://clyp.it/f1npsi4z
Edit: For the Ctrl+f people: FIXED AUDIO
If they’re strange video files something like VLC media player might be able to open it, it’s open source so it’s able to open most video files.
Here’s a link to it: https://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html
For a listing of Star Trek communities on Reddit please see /r/UnitedFederation and our podcast on Anchor
No work compilation, sorry. But I do have some clips of different stuff online.
Here's a pseudo-commercial for a local microbrewery (in German)
Here's a reddit comment I voiced for fun
I can record something for you, if you want.
On a related note, VLC is something of a swiss army knife of media. Those who don't yet make it available to users through their internal app-stores should consider doing that. After updating to VLC 3.0.7, of course!
Pretty much did exactly what you said--I made two tracks in ableton, one has a drum loop at 126, the other the exact same loop warped to 63 (making it go twice as fast). Then I ramped tempo starting at 63 to 126 while crossfading from the 63 sample to the 126 sample.
I think a lot of it has to do with picking the right drum loop so that the hits mostly line up as you crossfade in. I actually went back with the audio I rendered and hand-faded the loopover point for what I uploaded too, to make it a bit smoother.
Assuming you mean my man Mako from Legend of Korra, I would have to say... Mako's Grandma. Look at that little old lady... Dang she fine!
If there's something you need Pro Tools for, then as bodean55 said, the educational version is probably going to be your best bet.
If, on the other hand, you're looking for a phenomenal daw, check out Reaper. The free trial doesn't have any limitations (no features disabled, saving is allowed, etc) and for the price it's a steal.
That was probably the number one request I got from the last post. I ended up licensing some work to be used for that purpose and did a comprehensive package for James Teej - His album hasn't been released yet though so I didn't want to post it yet.
Unfortunately, a lot of bands have zero money, so it's hard to invest a lot of time in something for free :\
If anyone is interested, ive done a bunch of podcasts around the UK scene! Will leave the link to the podcast I did with Fnatic's support here! https://anchor.fm/leaguetalk/episodes/leaguE-talk-41-wFNC-Prosfair---Fnatic--Review-of-the-previous-week--Team-Houses--Losing-control-of-the-Tower--Being-the-brains-behind-teams--Burnout-and-the-UKLC-e3dv8a
Indefinite, full-featured free trial, very reasonable purchase price. Not a huge range of included plugins but a clean, extensible workflow and the dynamic plugins are very very good quality. Side chaining and custom I/Os are simpler and more extensible than any other DAW, in my opinion.
I also add CM magazine/MusicRadar's free CM plugin suite. A bunch of good synths and plugins for the cost of a magazine.
neither sarcastic or dumb, but ill let it slide
i spent a few minutes synthezing the main sound to get it close and played the right notes to remake the melody, as you can hear:
This is the screen shot of the notes I played. It's a monophonic melody (one note at a time). Chords are groups of (typically three or more) notes sounded together, as a basis of harmony.
So yeah there is no chord progression in LPFJ2.
Vacuum Solo checking in as well tonight, stream included. Included with said stream are badass tunes and fresh jams for setbreak. Best party on the internet, perfect quality!
I made some audio examples for you:
Hey, I'm back with an update!
These portraits are for a Fire Emblem 8 mod I'm making, called Fire Emblem: Dust to Dust.
<strong>Get the demo!</strong>
In other news, I've transcribed Team SSSN's battle theme for GBA, so look forward to hearing that in the game along with a bunch of other RWBY songs!
Yeah, the vocal sample saying "That fresh beat is right on time" is Vengeance Vocal Effects vol. 1: Lo-Fi Phrases 50 and the drop is VUF1 140BPM Raiser 40Bars. Seriously made me sad when I found out that Kill the Noise, Skrillex and 12th Planet all sat in the same room and went "yeah let's just use a Vengeance sample for the song eh?"
How do you not have VLC? You need this program in your life.
It's the play anything do anything video player. So many settings and options you can configure.
You can view and record from a webcam, convert videos, stream files to and from with it and edit MP3 tags. along with other great stuff.
All that for the low cast of 0$ because it's free and open source.
No. I'm a bit reluctant to explain this again, because every time I have I've been downvoted, despite actually being German myself.
Just go here:
It's often a bit difficult to find English equivalents for vowel sounds, because of the different accents.
My best estimation of the vowel sound for Kroos would be "horse" in an English accent (American would be totally wrong here).
Reus is a bit harder to phonetically translate. I'd probably go for "ohh-eee", but fast so it's all as one. Oh, and of course the "r"s in both names are rolled at the back of the throat, but I've found trying to teach English-speaking people this consonant sound near-impossible.
Hi, native Gàidhlig speaker here. It's an Anglicisation of "Cnoc na Feannagan". A feannag is a crow, feannagan is the plural, and feannaig would be used in a different tense but I don't understand the technicalities of that, just know how to use it :) so aye, it's Crow Hill basically. Here's an audio file of me saying it to answer your question: https://clyp.it/o2q4jjuw
I was listening to one of the Nopie shows (March 4 2013) and Jim has a little intervention with him on the air that was interesting. He says, "You're sending out Bell Curve tweets, face it, you've snapped" and then compares him to Bobby Fischer, how no matter what Bobby only saw the world one way. They probably tried, Ant just doesn't give a shit
Here's part of it: https://clyp.it/ixmzoco5
I know it gets a lot of crap here in this sub, but it's a great little synth. Have fun! And if you ever get bored with it, you can always cut it in half like I did. ;)
Also, this entire song was created using nothing but MicroKorg sounds (including all the drums). Most of them were made completely from scratch (except for the vocoders, those were tweaked from presets). So the little thing can definitely rock.
Great talk with Jae, really appreciate him taking the time out of his busy schedule and being so open about the trials an tribulations for the Defiant so far. Considering all the hurdles, they've rolled with the punches very well. Also as always for those of you who want to spare your data plans and listen to this on the move you can find the pod on all your favorite podcasting platforms through here (or by simply searching for Tempo Shift): https://anchor.fm/vytis-lasaitis
For those that don't know this is part of a soundcheck that was picked up I believe through the fm signal transmitting to someone's in ear monitors.
Edit - I didn't know why I did this. The middle bits ok I guess. https://clyp.it/1mh3t2c3
I interviewed Ashley Ringrose from SMG studios about this game this morning. https://anchor.fm/nsc/episodes/Interview-with-Ashley-Ringrose-of-SMG-Studios--OTTTD-for-Nintendo-Switch-e3ue6s I know its self promotion but I figured it was relevant, hope it's okay mods.
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Check out the top streams on Mixlr and try out a few. Terrapin is good, but last night caspianjesus was the best. Depending on what sound you like (clean, live-sounding, bassy, high-end clarity, etc), you may prefer one stream over another.
Okay, so I'm a phoneticist who specializes in insular Scandinaian languages (specifically Faroese). The consonants and more importantly the vowels don't match up very well. In "vocal" you have /əl/ (dark l in my dialect), in "kull" you have [ʏtl̥] for the "ull" cluster (I've heard many speakers clip out the vowel at a talking pace), which has one vowel that doesn't exist in English and a consonant cluster featuring a consonant that doesn't exist in English, which is going to make it really hard to rhyme with something.
But don't just take my phonetics goobledygood for it, here's both side by side: https://clyp.it/veh2ohda
I actually started a podcast yesterday where I talked about a very similar topic. With the accessibility of music and number of quality musicians out there, this decade will be one to be remembered for sure!
I think the biggest thing for this movie is that it's a really good movie. There's no need for a qualifier that "it's great for being Asian." It's just a really fun movie. My friends and I discussed that even though the movie is important for representation for future films, it doesn't change the fact that it is a good rom-com, something that has been lacking for a couple of years.
However, when I come home and see my mother-in-law's car in the driveway
For a listing of Star Trek communities on Reddit please see /r/UnitedFederation and our podcast on Anchor
I'm a gen-am speaker and I definitely have [ç] before [i] and [j] but not before anything else. Unfortunately your recording isn't really good enough for me to hear what you're doing, but I believe you haha. [Here's(https://www.speakpipe.com/voice-recorder/msg/bdd6fj1a38r3lowh) me pronouncing "heating" and "heeding".
In case someone wants to know how a Finnish person says "Kimi" and "Valtteri"
(Honestly, I said it few times and Valtteri started to seem like not a real name.)
Wanted to share this somewhere, but didn't want to make a separate thread.
I broadcast a show called "L9's Choco Cafe" and every Sunday I stream Kpop for a couple hours on a site called mixlr. I decided to share last week's stream that was themed as "Boys & Girls Club." Songs featuring a male and female singer. If you have a couple hours to kill, or would like something to listen to, here's the link:
You can also check out older streams on my mixcloud:
I like the idea! I think it'll be interesting to see how you play your mods especially since no ones knows them better than you and there might be things we don't know or tips we haven't heard of.
But I do have some feedback that I hope you don't take the wrong way
1. If you can it'd be nice to have 720p at least and 1080p at best
2. Along with higher resolution playing the game in fullscreen or only recording the inner window so we don't have to see borders
3. Hide your recording window so it doesn't take up the bottom corner of the screen
1. Fix the background noise(I know you said you'd do it at the start of the video, but I'm just agreeing)
2. Maybe invest in a pop filter to cut down on harsh S sounds
3. Run your audio through something like Audacity and remove mouse clicks