The only music editing software the average person could likely ever need would be Cakewalk Sonar, which used to be $499 but is now free. See here:
edit: and this, combined with free VST instruments will do most anything.
Here's a rough Demo version :) The style is inspired by The Narcissist Cookbook, who is one of my favourite songwriters.
Also, it's still a rough draft, so hmu with any feedback!
I think mainly because there are a lot of people that play drums, but there are not a lot of legitimate drummers. Insofar as those that study their instrument like it's a science. Also there are way more guitar and piano players over all; so you're definitely right on your main point.
By all means, educate me on some drums! I write my own music and program the drums; so I'd love to have insights and ideas from knowledgeable percussionists, drummers, or whomever that can fill in my knowledge gaps that is only rivaled by the grand canyon.
I've learned so much just from coming to this subreddit on a daily basis; some of these people really know their shit!
For example; this is a song I wrote recently and would love some drumming insights. Specifically, how I could improve my drum ideas.
Hahaha, okay you got me. We do have a page, but we only have one song demo, which we recorded a year ago, right after we started playing together, and it sounds like dogshit (but I fucking love it) We used my shitty little tascam recorder for it. You have been warned!
Yo I'm trying to find some people on the come up to collab with. We should try and do something like the HitRecord within the community. If anyone wants to work together here is a little demo of me spitting. Appreciate all good/bad feedback! ✌ maybe?
Really simple, quite quick. Never used it on a phone but found it useful for same kind of deal but on a PC and can't be arsed with too much setup. There is an android app.
No I use backing tracks /: I give credit in the descriptions. I do make my own tracks sometimes, here is a lofi instrumental:
It’s tough for me to make whole songs because I play only by ear and feel and improv. I know scales and shapes and modes etc in my head, it’s all very intentful. But I could never write my understanding on paper, if that makes sense
I’m learning more formal theory right now so I’m getting to full songs :) I can make songs with a looper but idk how to write piano chords etc w GarageBand
Shameless links (all improv, not great but this me):
Song For You, Donny Hathaway concept
Demo of scale control (funky as hell :P)
Little neo soul concept
Not really. Just "earn" fruity loops or Ableton and learn it. You should be up and running within a few months.
I have no talent and have made hundreds of songs. Here's one of the more recent ones I made. I don't have most of it up cause it's cringe
Both songs are in C maj so that's good, They are however in different tempos. 105 vs 112. Not a huge difference but enough to be very noticeable. Basically All I had to do was speed my girl from 105 to 112, brought in soul man and then sped them up together to 120 bpm, I couldnt find a great matching spot to transition the songs but I find if it's a little fast no one notices. I threw this together in like 2 minutes, As long as you have a band that knows anything about music theory it should be no problem playing it live. Here is a link to the quick rough draft proof of concept mash up.
Cakewalk has been free for a while and you can download it through their app ( I haven't actually used either since it went free so I don't know if there's marketing or hidden fees or anything though.
I’m so sorry, I don’t have YouTube or SoundCloud. I use BandLab. I’ve been self taught, improvising by ear just listening to songs and playing on top. I’ve finally started to not only record, but sometimes post stuff.
I finally actually feel like what I pretty sounds pretty good, and is interesting! I have no idea how to get my stuff out there more. I don’t really want lots of views, my stuff is horrible quality. I want to find people with interested ears and who knows like give me some inspiration in return :) here is a BandLab link to improv over Sunday Morning, Maroon 5
Hey man, Head over to Bandlab & add some tracks or completely remix the song …..
If it sounds good it will be distributed … (split pay - PayPal required)
My bad, I thought I responded. My link is, I don't have anything on this page yet, but I'm going to start dropping stuff again in October.
Man the MPC is a blast!
I’ve been kicking myself for not getting one sooner! I got the Live 1.
As far as rock and other genes go…
This is all sequenced with an MPC Live.
As others have said, I’d also look into getting a class compliant mixer like a Tascam Model 12.
I decided to stop procrastinating and gave myself and hour to come up with and record something on my phone. Sorry for quality. First recording ever. Just trying to see if I even like how I sound. Would love to collab with any producer.
There's 5452 subscribers to this subreddit. 25% of them are probably inactive. Only 10% of them at best are near your area. 50% of them are interested in the same genre(s). 25% are at your rough skill level. 75% play an appropriate instrument.
5452 * 0.25 * 0.1 * 0.5 * 0.25 * 0.75 ~= 13 people.
Might have more luck if you are looking for online only but still, the pool of people here is pretty small.
If you want to work on something and want some amateur bass, hit me up.
I think I am creating the kind of music you are talking about, At least I am told a lot that my music sounds like soundtrack music. Bandlab is truly amaining for networking, sharing, posting music before you release it, and collabs. What I use is a combination of multiple VST instruments, sample machines, and effects. Band lab has great built-in loops in their web app but Cakewalk is the main DAW I use.
Native Instruments, Arcade by Output, and plugins I found on Splice are what I use. Tons of great strings and cinematic sound options that can all be played with a midi keyboard or just a qwerty keyboard without having to conduct a full orchestra full of people.
Anything you do in Bandlab can be pulled from or to Cakewalk too.
This is my profile if you want to see if that's what you are going for with your music.
my laptop sucks ass, I can barely run roblox but I can still use bandlab
try it, you can put more effects on shit and you might want to double the vocals
This is some of my false chord. I'm currently in a band, however i could definitely do vocals for you. See if you like it or not.
I have Plini and Gojira. They are the most versatile in my opinion. you can check out what have done with them if you like.
emphasize on the words cause some words I couldn't understand. other than that sounds good. Oh put tension before hitting high notes so the listener won't freak out and get too surprised when you go high.
You might be able to accomplish something similar with a hard tremolo, or if you're talking about repeated noises, a short delay that you automate on and off (not sure if device automation is possible in blab) I made an example project
Of course! What DAW do you use? I'm learning about music to, I just wish I had the right equipment to do custom jobs. I use cakewalk
Working on original content for my bandcamp - right now just 1 original posted (sci-fi inspired, heavy synth) plus an instrumental version of the same.
Lots of additional recordings (mostly covers) and a few collaborations on my bandlab site. Same content basically in soundcloud but no collabs.
Anybody else on these sites? Shoot me a message and I'll follow you.
basically it runs in your browser. you can collaborate easily by sending invitations to others to add tracks. has revision tree similar to git. doesn't have all the bells and whistles, but it's free and super easy to work with.
I wish I had the ability to cover those amazing vocals, but this is all I could come up with.
Can you tell me the meaning of re mamma re? I read the story that the song tells and I found it incredibly sweet.
Cakewalk Bandlab is free and used to be commercial and called Sonar is full featured and updated regularly and since it is free there is nothing to lose in trying it
I use an app called BandLab with my Samsung S9 for multitracking. Here's a write-up from my website about recording a full song with it.
The best thing about BandLab is that it syncs with the online one so you can edit, mix, and master from any computer with a web browser.
I also use Audio Evolution. Both it and BandLab have their pros and cons.
Are you pointing your phone's mic at your bass amp, or have you got a mobile-compatible audio interface?
I think BandLab is a good shout for beginners.
It's free, and works from your browser. Because of those two points, it's incredibly light to use, so should give you a solid foundation in music production and how DAW's work.
I make rock music with it and write about it. Feel free to take a look and see if it helps.
I've been using BandLab, a free online DAW, to make rock music.
Being free, it's got its limitations, but it's doing what I need, and forces me to keep my processes lean. I've been writing about it for my website - it might give you an idea of it.
Those limitations might mean that you won't get the most out of the decent digital piano you suggest pairing with it.
Personally, I'd probably do BandLab, a basic midi keyboard, and a case of beer. 🙃 😂🤣🍺🍻
I don't have experience with Ableton/FL, but if I enjoyed Reaper a lot for $60 when I had a PC.
If you’d be willing to forego the real-time/live functionality, there’s one other option that might be worth looking at - BandLab is a free (and somehow, also ad-free?) online DAW that’s platform-agnostic and is built specifically for collaborative writing. Long story short, while you might not be able to listen to what’s being tracked live, you can pull up what was recorded from any browser or the mobile app and listen to it probably as soon as your friend hits Stop. No bouncing/exporting/uploading required.
TL;DR - it’s kinda like the Words With Friends version of JamKazam, I guess? Not a perfect fit, but an option, nonetheless.
I generally record a hard panned Right and Left and the double track I put at 50% left and 50% right. Unless I have more layers, then I may take the double to 75%, respectively. I also use a different guitar for each side, or I flip the switch on my Fishman Fluence pickups. This helps with the full stereo sound in my experience.
The track below is not doubled and it sounds fine. But being able to play the same part tight will just make you a better player, so it's a good exercise anyway.
My first love, the ESQ-1 still blows my mind, but it isn’t underrated. I think the Opsix is still underrated, but people are catching on to its capabilities. So, I’ll go with a drum machine.
I think the Yamaha RX-5 is the most criminally underrated and most capable drum machines of ALL the mid 80’s flagship percussion modules. You can drastically change the pitch of samples, add a envelope, gate, pitch envelope, and a lot more. It has individual outputs and nice, clicky pads.
Pair it with a RX5USB, and you can load any sample into it and benefit from its super crunchy ADC. My Linn drum samples have the coolest aliasing through it. I now have the standard RX5 samples, TR707, and Linn drum samples occupying my RX5s memory right now.
This song features the Linn samples prominently.
Song for a band competition at the end of this year. Haven't recorded yet.
Still trying to make it come together.
The piano line is going to be the vocals.
I quite like the verses, but the chorus feels like cheap club you get that vibe?
Thank you for your time. Returning all feedback.
Here’s a chillhop track i produced then mixed in a vocal track i found on looperman that i thought fit pretty well. Id like to hear what you have to say about the mix as well as the elements of the beat ! Short and sweet for anyone who wants to listen. all feedback will be reciprocated so drop your links
Here’s a few of my tracks. They’re more Industrial than IDM, but definitely not the usual hip hop or trap. All sequenced with the MPC Live! i put a pretty drastic lowpass that seemed to fix it a bit, but has changed the over all sound
I be bumpin to my own Lofi/Beats! I made it literally cause I got sick of my Spotify playlist from how much I dash. It’s a Vibe 🚗💨
Going pretty well I just put my first thing out into the world that I was proud of accomplishing..from a technical aspect at least. I've worked on it a bunch since this but.
i forgot to post the updates and just found the track i did later on. i tried to apply as much of the wonderful advice that i could back then.
some of you guys’ comments have helped me out even a year later and I appreciate the positivity.
i never returned to this, but here is what came of it after i took as much of the advice that i could
"That is not a proper solu-"
just then, a terrifying, haunting roar fills the air, and Harold has a frightened look.
"...we must run. Now."
I have two links for ya today. The first one is a track I did that just started picking up steam. The second one is a 15 minute mixtape all in one track. The app is BandLab. It’s all Hip-Hop btw.
YSK Rainy X Chris Corleone - Fremont Freestyle
The delay is definitely there. Especially when you play fast. Though the entire thing is fucking incredible, so that is not in any way a jab at it. Top notch work from very talented people, as always. I own Paralax, Plini and Gojira and love all of them. I use them to record songs all the time. If you want to hear how they sound when used by an old metal dude that likes writing unusual music. lol
As a person that can sweep pick very well, I totally get what you're saying here. I do think sweep picking helps you memorize chord shapes, especially with the guys that are weak in harmony. I could sweep pick before I memorized my triads, 7ths, inversions, etc. Which was funny when I looked at the shapes and had a minor epiphany. lol
I sweep in one of the heavy riffs and just a little in a solo. But I don't think it's offensive, but feel free to listen and judge for yourself! lol There is also slide guitar, so hopefully that makes up for the sweeping. This is not a self-promotion thing. I am 40 and just write music for fun and to be a better player. I just thought I'd offer up my music as an example of what I believe to be tasteful metal guitar playing.\_falcon
Zakk wylde's pinch harmonics are pretty unbearable.
i made an ancient dreams in a modern land instrumental album on bandlab i will send you the link and please can you follow that will be nice it has a good new america instrumental :)
I can definitely hop on this. Send it to me if you want
Or search tone_get_money317
I’ve been working on some music.
Here’s an original
And here’s some dumb song I made inspired by Slayyyter’s Stupid Boy
I’ve been working on some music.
Here’s an original
And here’s some dumb song I made inspired by Slayyyter’s Stupid Boy
soon enough, the floor beneath them gives way, and he can see the ancient robot, clearly moving. It let's out the same haunting roar.
What’s up fam? I almost have 24K plays on my BandLab here’s my latest project “eternity” hope you like it #viberap @
I’m barely a professional, actually most of my music income comes from lessons and gigs. I just use hardware for tracking. All of my hardware is cheap, but good stuff like Symetrix, old Tascam, and old modded Presonus Eurekas. That Harrison strip does sound lovely though! I’m currently building my “money” strip in 500 form from DIYRE.
Not throwing shade at spectrum analyzers, they’re just tools after all. Coming from a live sound background and having to get a quick mix on old Mackies in minutes, knobs just make sense to me!
I still track everything through an old Mackie. I know it isn’t doing my fidelity or noise floor any favors, but I really like how it saturates my drum machines.
Not the best mix, but I like the way I got the drums to sound and I’m happy with the result.
I found 1996 love on bandlab and he has this amazing song called burn 2 tha ground. It’s only only bandlab, I don’t know why it’s not on SoundCloud or YouTube but I can’t stop listening to it.
Here's the bandlab link. Audio went weird on OBS, but that could be because my computer is a literal potato.
I have a band lab, haven’t posted any extratone yet, but one of my next albums will have a ton of speedcore + extratone, I’ll probably start posting on my YT channel sometime in the future too
my band lab:
my YT
I'm starting a second band with my brother which is going to sound similar to secret band. I want heavy weird guitars with Unclean vocals. Here's some of what we have
Try 1st, its a free online DAW he might not like the DAW experience so then you would know not to proceed with purchasing one and getting into steep learning curves. Let him crawl before he attempts to walk then run.
He still, he didn't, he could see the wall behind it shatter due to the sheer force of his punch, and then Nightingale proceeds to pick up a table with another one of its tentacles-
Hey y’all, this is a jazzy laid back lofi type instrumental i made completely on my MC-101. i’d like to hear what you think and i’d love to hear what you guys have!
Here's a baseline for my vocal quality/range (if you truly need to get an idea)
Pros: Don't have a ton of shame (willing, oh so...), moderate flexibility between styles
Cons: Little dry vocally (could be considered whiny), 'character' vocalist in the long-term
I do worry about the esthetic qualities of recording over lines about the atomic bombs dropping, being that I am an American-based artician and all. Seems like the work could use a little guidance in being transformative on the source material (presumably it appears clouded by the 1940's wars or whatever), to draw better from this font of sadness (careful you don't drown yourself, good sir). Am willing to negotiate the project, provided I have something your looking for, of course .)
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Acoustic ska/reggae still a major WIP. I'd absolutely love some feedback.
ok, these are albums 1. fat jon - hundred eight stars 2. nujabes ft. shing02 - luv(sic) hexalogy 3. nujabes/ fat jon/ force of nature - samurai champloo music record: impression
last but not least, this is kind of a self-promo, but my fourth album is out, so if you wanna give feedback in dms, that would be awesome! link here
He still, he didn't, he could see the wall behind it shatter, and then Nightingale proceeds to pick uo a table with one of its tentacles-
I breathe the same oxygen as roughly 8 billion other humans do. I exhale carbon which feeds the greens, which most living organisms feed on. Rate this song please or my existence will be more frequent.
Inspired by the cyberpunk playlist when it first came out and i didn't know it wouldn't work on my ps4 hahahah.
I'm looking for feedback on an instrumental rock song I've been working on. Would be cool to hear what people think of the sound and the vibe?
Audio on the link.
Makes sense. Still struggling to make almost identical takes.
Would using a compression bus to “glue” them help?
I Want It That Way attempt Here’s if you mine if you want to listen 🙂 Just the first chorus, everything else is messy and has parts missing.
Artist Fes aka written alphabetically Title: Spellbound (trending on bandlab #feelingit 2k plays)
Here’s my “attempt”. The first chorus is the only really focus, everything else is just testing the panning.
I’m not sure if it’s too much. I actually think the vocals still need more.
Listened to acapellas of some songs including the one I’m trying to cover and there’s a lot of reverb but it sounds clean.
There’s probably one knob in the settings that is too much. Here’s what I have so far (skip to the first chorus if you give it a listen)
My colleague and I decided to write a 60's theme garage rock song with zombies in mind! Here it is
I am a atist from capetown please if you like my content, support me at the links below. everytime you like a angel gets its wings, and if you follow omg, there will not be enough heaven left thats how big your place will be lol
These are all the collaberations i did over the last three weeks
1st) pleading to breathe - fannalot ft fes aka WA 2cnd - face off - jdollar ft fes 3rd Anymore (Open Verse) DROLL - ft fes aka WA 4th) fame - fannalot ft fes 5th) now Listen - DStag ft fes 6th) bounce - Beast ft fes
Thanks in advance (pinned post) (all my collabs for the last 2 weeks)
also insta @farzeef if you would be so kind.
twitter @WAlphabetically
working on my next track
greatly appreciate it
It's just Psychedelica Euphoria by PLLSD...
My friend makes music and I make visualizers for them, Videos page: Music Page:
Thanks for the kind words! I'll show him the comment!
I also have some other tunes on my main account:
my main genres include: electronic (and subgenres), and metal (and subgenres). I also do a combination of both sometimes.
Nice, nice. I'll send you some of my best work, listen to the sound and give me an instrumental
Ay bro my Instagram is 666.420.Rekt I'll help ya as well In anyway I can if you need it.bandlab/𖤐Vile Vinyl𖤐 This is my bandlab and a song open for collaberation if you'd like to make a revision for fun, it might be a good start to using band lab
I mean if you wanna hear good music I got you..
I made a custom Ruv song. It’ll be used for a mod I’m making.. This is a really heartbreak filled album, starts relatively happy, then just nosedives into despair.
(P.S, the last 3 are bonus tracks) putting it on soundcloud soon
You'll get better all the time it's chill just have fun. Peep this one. I did everything from scratch on a cell phone with no midi controller or anything. Haha proud of that shit.
Yeah there’s no use in running into a door that wont open over and over again. Sometimes your mind tells you when something is done before you can fully admit it.
I haven’t officially released anything yet that isn’t lofi hip hop as I’m too damn lazy to get past the demo stage (perhaps my greatest weakness as a musician) but I do have some demos floating around in the internet. I post all sorts of stuff to my bandlab profile ( and soundcloud (same exact name).
Amateur hip-hop artist, just put out a 6 track album all about Halloween. Monsters, Ghosts, and Vampires. Even Zombies. Give it a listen!\_johnson/albums/34776a83-4421-ec11-981f-0004ffd344d6
Thank you I really appreciate you fr, the better mixed/mastered of this is out on my bandlab! @saroya11 or ->
good day too all artist in this sub ! Just got this joint fresh outta the oven ! Some sweet feedback would be appreciated ! CHEERS
I recently made this. Similar style to what your going for. See what you think. If you hate it then disregard my advice. There's even a few different vocal tracks on this one and I used a different approach for each one.
When I heard this song made by an acquaintance that just wouldn’t give up on his music.
I have so much respect for his bravery
Hello! I was inspired by Syd Barrett and The Fratellis for anyone interested, let me know what you think :) All instruments written and performed by me!
it will be available with my EP everywhere October 1st but for now you can hear them on this profile of mine. thanks to those who listen!
I haven’t released a song with my vocals on it yet although I will soon. I produce as well you can check out my page So if you like my work I could add sort of a flow transition to the beat. But for the beat you posted I was thinking of writing lyrics for it and rapping
"Are you sure?"
Lloyd just snaps...and every one of his allies that are alive are back to full health, including himself.
"Panacea. A cure for every ailment. And I have it in my moveset."
(no, it's not a boss theme)
"Oh, you won't need to worry about that. It's more like repair bills."
[Charging complete]
That vox shit sounds really dope. I can kinda see what ol mate was saying bout the drums. The rhythms fine its the type maybe a bit too punchy attimes (wouldn't of thought I'd ever say that). They are in key ain't they idk. I liked it. Dope track but my dude. I'll give u a follow. Could u give some feedback on mine if possible 🙂.