Spend 5 bux on a Evans EQ Double Pedal Patch or something similar if you only want a single pedal. Works flawlessly.
Also, a pack of these and maybe even a roll of split loom makes a world of difference.
I swear by this book. When I was teaching, this was my textbook.
Yes, I have Roland TD-17, which can be used as audio interface; I'm using Mac.
Regarding the microphone, I'm just using build-in mic when we discuss something. In order to it, you have to switch input device from you audio interface to internal microphone.
Another solution (for Mac) would be using a loopback software, which let you create a virtual mixer, in which you can enable/disable your mic with toggle button. Another benefit of using loopback is that it can route sound from your VST (EZDrummer, Addictive Drums, Superior Drummer, etc) to the given virtual device. This is very handy in case an application doesn't support it natively (Jamulus). I think SonoBus has support of VST, but I haven't tried it yet.
Happy jamming!
Lol, forgot about the second half of your comment. The arm is this gibraltar splash tree that is pretty tough to dial in, but works really well. Word of advice though, do NOT get more Alesis rack mounts, they're terrible the hole is too small to fit practically any boom arm. They're also plastic and are 30$... where as the gibraltar rack mounts work perfectly, are cheaper, and all metal.. and you can use whatever arm you want.
You don't need noise cancelling, you need sound isolating.
These Vic Firth headphones are the ones most people recommend and use. Can't go wrong with these.
I've also personally used These Kat Percussion for about 5 years now, and they are also awesome. They go on sale a little more often, I believe I got mine for $50 when I bought them.
basically it runs in your browser. you can collaborate easily by sending invitations to others to add tracks. has revision tree similar to git. doesn't have all the bells and whistles, but it's free and super easy to work with.
I would pick up Mike Johnston’s book, Linear Drumming
It teaches you lots of patterns similar to some of the things you’re seeing here. What I like about this book is he teaches each groove with scaffolding, the sticking first, add a HH, add Toms then adds cymbals.
Best of luck.
Can't comment much on cymbals but I had the Yamaha KP65 kick drum and 'upgraded' to the Roland KD-10. I didn't notice any difference in noise level at all (both still quite noisy) although the KD-10 has a nicer strike feeling.
I'm using a felt beater but I've seen the quiet beater recommended so that may help you if you're prepared to put up with the difference in feel. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Roland-KDB-200-Practice-Kick-Beater/dp/B07DXZS55B
If your only concern is the pad noise impinging on yourself then I've found that drumming headphones are great for blocking out all external noise.
Yes. I have an OTG cable that lets me connect any usb device and charge my phone at the same time. Got it from Amazon. Works fine with my Roland Td1dmk-DMK and my iPad and my iPhone 6s. For some reason it doesn’t get recognised on my iPhone X . amazon India link
No problem. Keep in mind this pedal doesn’t have the classic heel rest, compared to this one that does Drum Workshop, Inc. 3000 Series Bass Drum Pedal, Double (DWCP3002) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003H8Z732/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ZYX43PBZ6PJXF37S4QW4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It all depends on your preference.
I always record using an audio interface. I connect my roland drums to the audio interface using the headphones output. Then the audio interface goes into my laptop via usb. I have used audacity, which is free. You have to make sure that the volume is not too loud to avoid saturation of the signal. I use a really cheap audio interface called guitar link (with low gain setting): https://www.amazon.com/-/es/FastSun-Cable-guitarra-adaptador-m%C3%BAsica/dp/B01I1DTWNI/ref=dp_prsubs_3?language=en_US&pd_rd_i=B01I1DTWNI&psc=1
There of course plenty of better interfaces, but this one seems sufficient for me.
Might not be what you're looking for, but I have this "YMC Headphone Holder Tambourine Holder Hanger Clip for Microphone/Musical Stand, Black". I attached it to the bottom of a cymbal mount instead of the rack on my Roland kit. Maybe there's something similar in your part of the world.
I bought some Shure earbuds a few months back and I really enjoy them. They sound great and totally remove the sound of me hitting my electronic set. The most welcome (and unexpected) feature of them is that they loop back together behind my neck (like this) and run down my back. This is the perfect solution for the problem you've mentioned (and if you're not into earbuds there may be a pair of headphones that employ a similar technique for the cabling)
I have an Alesis Command kit and have had this same issue.
I first encountered it when I tried using an Amazon Basics USB cable, and it would occur to me exactly as you describe it.
I originally had a much shorter cable which worked fine (was from an old printer), so I bought a Monoprice USB Extender.
The same thing still happens sometimes, but when I unplug/replug the USB cable from the module instead of the PC and then restart Reaper and EZdrummer, it all works fine (I suck).
I would suggest getting a higher quality USB AB cable, and then getting the extender and trying your luck with that.
I'm not entirely sure if it's an Alesis issue, or if we both got bad cables coincidentally, but that's what has worked for me. I hope this helps!
For the bass, just get a bass drum practice pad instead of a bass tower (like this one), and use pedal mounted triggers. For metal in particular you're going to get MUCH better response from pedal mounted triggers (e.g. pedal trigger, on trigger, footblasters, etc) than from any rim, center or tower trigger. You could also DIY these fairly easily, but they're pretty inexpensive already and tend to come in pairs. Make sure you get a 1/4" MONO adapter (not stereo) to route them through one input (so you don't need to remap and lose one of your other inputs).
In terms of kits, I recommend you get something with a high hat that mounts to a real stand (no digital footswitch) and has mesh for at least the snare, nothing else is all that important since you're going to be hitting hard anyway. The Yamaha DTX502 is a great module, and comes with many entry level kits. Alesis is also king of budget kits, but if you're a hard hitter tread lightly as they have durability issues.
One last thing. Cheap drum thrones will give you swamp ass, make you uncomfortable, and ruin your practice time. It's a thing that most beginners cheap out on. Drumming is a physical endeavor which demands good posture. The more comfortable your butt is, the more time you'll spend doing it.
You'll balk at the price tag, but once you get a good throne, you will never, ever regret it.
Good luck.
Hey mate!!
So you need to buy two 1/4” TRS to XLR Male cables. Here’s an example -
Make sure they have TRS on the 1/4” Jack connector (has three different sections) and the XLR connectors are Male.
I would suggest getting cables that are at least 6 feet in length.
The Jack ends go to the “outputs” section on the back of your drum module into the plugs “L/Mono” and “R”.
Then proceed to connect the XLR male end of the first cable(L/Mono) to Input 1 on the back of the Strike 12 Amp and the second cable’s XLR to Input 2.
Set both input knobs to the same level.
PS- Google “XLR Male” to see what it looks like.
Yamaha kp65 kick tower, it's priced right about $70, works great with a double kick pedal which your Alesis pad will not so much. The nitro mesh is solid, enjoying mine. For the sound you don't need an amp, you can use an active PA speaker, found one on Amazon myself for less than $100.
A simple and definitely not perfect solution would be using any SoundFont (SF2) MIDI player (like this open source app). Your Android needs USB-MIDI support (I thinks it's built-in since Android 6 but some vendors might disable it) and USB host mode + of course an OTG cable to connect your kit to the Android device.
In the app you can load any SF2/SFZ sound font (here are two drumkits for free) and play it with any MIDI controller. I never tried this on Android but I think there will be some issues like open HH not muting on HH-close notes, missing cymbal choke functionality and you might need to change some MIDI note values, however this is a completely free (and open source) solution.
Sounds like the speaker you have is not big enough or powerful enough. To get decent bass that replicates a drum set you usually need a 12 inch or 15 inch speaker. To get decent volume, look for something that's around 1000 watts RMS (2000 watts peak).
The Alto 12" and 15" speakers are good quality, affordable powered loudspeakers. You can get a 15" for $280 and a 12" for $240, pretty reasonable. The Alesis and Headrush powered speakers are just rebranded Altos like these: https://www.amazon.com/Alto-Professional-TX315-Loudspeaker-switchable/dp/B097J1L78R
You’d need something like that to split your toms to add pieces, but then the rims won’t work. You could also buy another module and wire it to the same output.
You can change the pitch and decay of all the pieces in the edit mode, have you tried messing with that? Or piecing together a kit from the sounds?
If you're in the US, looks like amazon has the 13" and 15"
Further to this, if you want to play drumless songs from your iPhone, you need a lightning-port to aux cable adapter like this.
A lot of the noise downstairs is going to be not from the sounds of striking the pads but the vibrations transferring to the floor. When I was in an apartment I was able to make my downstairs neighbors happy by using a mat designed for exercise equipment under my kit (and a heavy weight rug).
I dont think the 1dmk is big, what are those dimensions? It's up to you how you set up the rack, how wide it's open etc. Maybe look around for used small racks (not Nitro which is not standard) or rack pieces - long feet - to modify yours. It makes little sense to buy a crappier kit because it comes with shorter arms. Look at these: https://reverb.com/item/62617151-roland-mds-drum-stand-mds-8-stand-rack https://www.amazon.com/Electronic-Silverline-Audio-Compatible-Simmons/dp/B09PJ9MS8W
Mesh heads are the way to go, Roland has one of the best sound modules but the low level TD-K1 is not as good as some of the others listed here. If I were you I would search on Ebay or your local Fb Market place for a used (like new) option. I picked up an Alesis Surge kit for under $300, it is on Amazon for $599 and is far superior to all listed here. https://www.amazon.com/Alesis-Surge-Mesh-Kit-Connectivity/dp/B078S7PFMJ?th=1 The Nitro version is listed at $380 and has the same module but the Surge has much better hardware. FYI I have had a Roland V series 10 and upgraded to TD-20 Kit but the Alesis surge is great for gigging and best value for money! I have done my research over the last 8 months, tried out all the models and ended up with the Surge. Good luck.
Are you asking how someone accomplished replacing the Alesis heads/hi-hat with the ones in the picture? If so, I used an acoustic drum, replaced the regular head with a Remo Silentstroke mesh head, and used this Roland trigger (for the bass, used their dual-zone for the snare) https://www.amazon.com/Roland-Drum-Set-Clamp-RT-30HR/dp/B00V5BO60S/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1D1TZX2M96O1Z&keywords=roland%2Bdrum%2Btrigger&qid=1667046146&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIyLjQyIiwicXNhIjoiMS4yOSIsInFzcCI6IjEuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=roland%2Bdrum%...
FYI I use the tennis ball beaters for my TD-17... will destroy the head a lot less slower, plus they're fun and also sound good on regular kick:
I got one of these., which works really well for me.
Basically I use it as centralized way of playing drums and/or guitar over headphones with Bluetooth audio from my phone.
This is the one I got. Was cheaper back then. c
Here's an idea. If you were to use something like an aux splitter like this one, and had something to transmit the audio as bluetooth such as this, maybe it could work? Just a guess, but it seems like it should work. You could plug in your headphones to one end of the aux splitter, and the BT transmitter to the other. Keep in mind though, this will reduce the output power to both devices so if your headphones are hard to drive, it might end up disappointing you.
I have these. They are amazing. Drums sounds incredibly awesome from my Alesis Strike module.
Shure se215. I use these and am pretty happy. They stay in place, have good enough sound, and provide good enough isolation that I don't have to crank the volume to mask the physical hits on the pads.
I did end up getting an audio interface that's a knockoff Scarlett
It solved one of the big problems and I can have the audio from the drum module coming through the same headphones / making it into OBS (to record clips of me playing) now
I still had some trouble with getting the MIDI into drum software and back out in a playable time, so I've just been hearing the (kinda-lame) sounds the module produces. It's probably possible but I haven't put much time into fixing that part since the other is "good enough"
Connect an audio aux cable from your playback device ( laptop, phone etc.) to the “Aux” input on your e-drum module
This is an example of an aux cable:
My floor toms could be an inch or two higher and have considered dropping the four legs of the rack into a set of bed risers like this, which come in 2" or 3" heights. Seems like that would work nicely.
Are you sure your kick input is stereo? Is the original cable mono (one black line on jack), can you assign a separate voice to "kick rim"? It may not be possible to assign two separate sounds to the kick. If so, then you can just "copy" its input by using a different splitter cable that doesn't divide the stereo signal but copies it. Look for a "headphone splitter" like one people use for sharing music to two headphones. E.g. one like this into the module.
I bought this kit knowing about the hi-hat issues. Since then, I've spent a silly amount of time tweaking things with stock Alesis HH trigger, and can get it to mostly work, but it's still annoying. The firmware updates have helped a bunch. When I first got the kit, back in 2018 or so, the hats were unusable.
I bought one of these early-on, and it was much better than the Alesis tigger before the firmware updates. The problem with it is that it's either open or closed - no partially open sounds.
I found this on amazon.... a quick comparison left by a reviewer who bought a DD8
>I bought this for my 13 year old daughter who started learning how to
play drums. I don't have any experience with drums. Please keep that in
mind while reading this review.We had a chance to compare this set with a friend's Alesis Nitro mesh set. Here are a few things we noted.1. The mesh on the DD8 drums felt much nicer than the one on the Nitro. Both for feel and response.2. The 10" snare , vs 8", and the 12" cymbals are much easier to hit for a beginner.3.
The kickdrum on the nitro is loud, the physical impact sound, probably
because of the rubber pad. the DD8 kickdrum impact is more muted and
left nicer.4. The DD8 frame is thicker and felt more sturdy.5.
The module on the Nitro seems to have more features and more kits.
However, we liked the "Acoustic" kit on the DD8 more than any of the
kits on the nitro and that is probably the only one my daughter will be
using since she feels that it the closet to the acoustic drums she uses
for her lessons.6. The tom drums say they are dual triggered but the
cables to the module are "mono" . So, the module treats them as single.
To be fair, the description doesn't claim dual zone toms.The
Box did have instructions sheet and it was pretty easy to assemble. Out
of the box, the mesh on one of the drums was very lose. It was pretty
simple to tighten it . We haven't used the throne or the headphones or a
lot of features of the module yet.Overall we like this set a lot. Hoping it will last a while without issues.
Righto, so the easiest way to set it up if you don't have a mixer is to buy one of these audio adapters: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NMXY2MO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
When I streamed, this was my routing setup: Music audio from the PC was connected to my module via an AUX in. I had a splitter connected to the Headphones output. One of the lines was split to my IEM's, and the other was connected to the mic port on the audio adapter, which you connect to the computer. It will show up as a new audio input on your computer (it may have to be turned down as it could be overmodulated, just turn it down in the sound settings on the computer). On OBS, you would just add a new audio input to whatever scene you're on, and it should get the same sound you head through your headphones.
Hope that helps!
I wouldn't... but if you absolutely insisted I would use something like this, but don't. That rack is so flimsy as is.
I would avoid trying to clamp it to the rack itself. It’s already cluttered and I don’t think there’s great options that I’d trust.
I would get something like this microphone stand mount and then it’s own mic stand to set it close to your rack without it being ON the rack.
The material closest to the foam in Roland drums is called Poron. It's an open cell polyurethane foam. The 3M branding you see is probably the adhesive, not the foam, but it could be.
If you're looking for something cheap, you can get those little foam makeup applicators at the drug store. Like this:
Just slice off the top and bottom to be flat and the right height. Carve or burn a little space for the wire on the piezo so it sits flat, and tape it down to the piezo with some normal double sided tape.
Some drums use cones, in which case you can leave the pointy bit of the sponge and just slice off the bottom to make it the correct height.
How did you connect all of these?
There is this splitting cable I use to add cymbal: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000068O5H/ref=ox_sc_act_image_12?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1
It works good and you can connect two different pads\cymbals, and it get every one of them as mono to the module and you can configure different sounds to each one of them through the module (I have yamaha dtx400k and it works)
I know I'm late here, but still want to share this if it help someone in the future.
Anyway, that is a hell of a set up you have, wish to add more cymbals too haahaha.
You can already assign different sound to tom rims, can't you? If not, download the manual from Alesis website. Start getting a cable like this (easiest with tom4) and plug the single stereo end in the module (tom4), the tip (usually black) end into tom4 pad and the ring (red) into the extra pad, and for that modify the sound assigned to your tom4 rim. Basically it's a stereo cable that becomes two mono, and one side that was running to your tom rim is now goes outside to another trigger. You won't be able to hit them simultaneously (tom4 head and rim, as you already can't), so plan accordingly (not a big issue in reality). You might need to adjust some trigger settings, see manual.
For inputs on the cable snake you will need a breakout cable that starts with a stereo female, and has two males, one for the original pad, and one - most likely with an extension cable - to the new one. These are a bit more difficult to find (you can also use an insert cable like above with an 1/4" female coupler added). If you need more pads or zones, you can also run a second module to your computer, just make sure it sends different midi notes for different pads (they have to be changed on one module).
I have an alesis strike amp 12" 2000-watt amp that is fantastic which I am selling because I also sold my alesis kit.
Amazon page here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07V3GHCPZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Let me know if you are intersted.
Hi, I’ve found the listing: https://www.amazon.co.uk/PolySound-High-End-Speaker-Vibration-Damper-Green/dp/B07NLFKWBW
I bought the blue ones which are currently not on stock. The colours represent different weight limits (in the listing I believe its based on 4 pads holding a speaker, so some multiplication is needed)
This is a branded product and has resulted in a noticeable decrease in impact noise in the room below my kit. I got my wife to help me do a blind test with bass drum on my diy platforms and off the sylomer pads & repeated with each of us in the room below. Did some fine tuning with the number of pads too. There was a clear reduction in noise, so based on this I believe it’s genuine.
Thanks for finding the model and history. Looks like this came out in 2009 and they were going for about $800 back then. Do you think it's too old? I'd imagine a lot has changed in the last 14 years. I'm still reluctant to get them for free as my first kit.
Expensive AF (Not really when you total up the cost of the pedal and the hat stand separately.) but this thing changed my life:
Moves the slave pedal to the outside of the hihat, meaning you can maintain a traditional spacing from a single pedal setup.
Comes with parts to make that slave pedal a gajate mount, though i never used that.
I yank the top 2 out of td-25 which includes the mounting brackets, leave the ride. This make the kit slide easily into SUV (on it's back). they go in a foldable rolling cart on top of my double kick, base drum pad, and stick bag. Cart: https://www.amazon.com/Office-Depot-Mobile-Folding-16in-H/dp/B00DB8O26Q?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref\_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A28E0G53P6VSHN
oh ok thanks, sounds pretty easy. Im in Australia so ill try and source, this is it?
I use one of these to keep dust and kids off when not playing. It’s a great cover. Weighted corners and nice material.
MoonEmbassy Drum Set Dust Cover... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JJ3B4NM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
You could also get this:
It has XLRs instead, which I tend to prefer.
You would also need a 3.5mm to 1/4” converter, such as this:
If the headphone out is 1/4 and you're in canada use this. If the headphone out is 1/8 search that.
It's a 1/4 stereo (trs) to 2 x 1/8 mono (tr) cable.
You can find cheap 27mm ones, too. There's also this, don't know the size. You probably should match the foam and disc sizes.
There's this, too:https://www.amazon.com/Goedrum-Prewired-Double-Adhesive-Circle/dp/B01G8X1VX2/
but you can probably get a single cheap piezo, too. 8" mesh heads are also available on ebay and amazon, just try finding a similar looking one. I tried Roland for my snare and they had a much wider rim. Simple Remo or Evans (black) heads are also sold in music stores. You might want to add a kick drum patch for extra protection and make sure not to use a felt beater.
This splitter do the job! it splits to right and left input so you can connect two pads and configure different sounds!
I have something like this (less expensive, tho)Manhasset Drummer Hi-Hat Stand (53DH) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CG68UPS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_HE6A3VHVX4AYY3DNHHP7
This should work. It's a little less common since your inputs appear to be 3.5mm, which is unusual for drum modules.
I think he was confused on what you wanted. The MIDI cable would be if you wanted to drive some software on your computer (Addictive Drums 2 for example).
If you just want to listen to music while playing, the TD1 module has a 3.5mm audio input if I'm not mistaken. You can run a cable from your computer/phone/etc and then whatever you play on the device will be mixed in with your drums.
Sorry for offtopic, can't comment on technique, I'm not experienced enough.
I got my TD17KVX from second hand and it had nasty looking bass drum trigger. Previous owner didn't keep it good looking.
First: use plastic side of the pedal.
Second: buy a protective patch (I have one like this: https://www.amazon.com/Evans-Double-Pedal-Patch-Black/dp/B0002D0DWK, maybe different one, but same manufacturer).
Both real and electronic drums can use such patches.
I bought my replacement piezo triggers on Amazon! They’re GoEdrum triggers and they work (in my opinion) much better than the stock. I put the link but I think they are out of stock on Amazon.
Im no expert but I think any brand of piezo will work. It probably comes down to quality when choosing.
Damn not much on Craigslist there. https://springfield.craigslist.org/msg/d/thayer-roland-td11-elec-drum-set/7472109973.html That's the only kit I found and it doesn't have all mesh heads only the snare.
This is the one I have and I'm happy with it but then you still got to get throne and bass pedal Roland TD-1DMK Electronic Drum Set Bundle with 3 Pairs of Sticks, Instructional Book, and Austin Bazaar Polishing Cloth https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07JW8YH17/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_2VM39NTKTRYBMXT2YQZH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I am pretty sure the key to getting it to work is this cable. I had to use a 3 pole connection so the cable going to my phone thought that I was connecting a microphone to get it to record the audio. I believe I have a splitter connected to my kit. One output goes to my headphones, the other output goes to the cable below. I then use a headphone to USB-C cable to connect my phone.
Thanks! Nice, Trick hardware is solid, 'buy it for life' stuff. And I love the feel of playing with 2 kick pads. With an e-kit, you still have the practicality of space-saving and an extra KD-10 is not too costly of an upgrade.
To split between 2 kick pads, I have connected a Hosa GPP-105 Coupler plus a Hosa YPP-118 1/4" TRS to Dual 1/4" TRSF Y Cable to the KK cable on the TD-27 cable snake. With the Y cable, I have connected two TRS audio cables to each of the kick pads. Hope this helps!
I haven't tried alot of headphones but I have this one I use specifically for my edrums and love them:
Sennheiser Professional HD 280 PRO Over-Ear Monitoring Headphones https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IT0IHOY/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_9ECZP4C8SWM8HR731FXV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It's affordable and sounds great. They aren't technically noise canceling headphones but they do minimize outside noise.
IEMs are the solution you’re looking for. I got ones on Amazon like over a year ago and still working fantastic and they were very affordable, here the link!
KZ ZSN PRO X - Auriculares de... https://www.amazon.com.mx/dp/B08F1YY2C8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Buy the crappiest flat screen tv/monitor you can. Trust me. Lol.
Congrats. I almost have same kit except for vh-10.
Adds to post above:
MoonEmbassy Drum Set Dust Cover Water-Resistant Nylon Cover With Sewn-in Weighted Corners, 80 x 108 Inch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JJ3B4NM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Y7ZDF0BWYMNMY80N6WTB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 4. I’ve been using a pair of nice Beats plugged in but also low volume but ok for me as I have ear issues and don’t want blasting in my ear. I also ordered a pair of Vic firth noise isolation I’ll get later this week and try out. Maybe will have little more gain.
Oh shoot, I forgot to mention that the main complaint about this set is that the frame is too short. So if you’re around 6 feet tall you might want to buy furniture risers (around $20). They don’t effect stability at all. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the set!
Utopia Bedding Adjustable Bed Furniture Risers - Elevation in Heights 3, 5 or 8 Inch Heavy Duty Risers for Sofa and Table - Supports up to 1,300 lbs - (8 Piece Set, Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073WFCV1L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_GKWSDTYK3YEJZS4BDEDZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Old Post but had same issue and tried numerous cables, 30cm cable that came with a single board computer worked so knew the unit was fine. Tried different lengths and finally this one worked which is just 1m but is just long enough for me. Hope this helps others. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B092MKT2B3/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_342V8HD101097XGAZAYY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
eoocvt 5pcs Piezo Contact Microphone Mic. Pickup for Guitar Violin Viola Cello Banjo https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HVFTGTH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_DFF5Y3H8CAQT3H8AN9DK
I’ve used these and they worked fine. Single zone no choke
People have recommended Mackie thumps, which are good.
I use these, although I got them back when they were cheaper. https://www.newegg.com/bic-america-rtr-ev15/p/N82E16882007028?item=9SIA5D5FWX3405&nm_mc=knc-googleadwords&cm_mmc=knc-googleadwords-_-home%20audio%20speakers-_-bic%20america-_-9SIA5D5FWX3405&source=region
They have 15 inch woofers. They are sensitive, so I'm able to power them well with a cheap class d amp like this: Fosi Audio BL20C Bluetooth 5.0... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077QPTPVW?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I originally got these for music in my home gym, but I put them in casters (they weigh over 50lbs each) and roll them into my drum room to connect to my edrums. They sound great, much better than the headphones.
This isnt the exact one i got, but it looks pretty similar. The weight of the pc pulls the drum legs a little so i proped the try up with a short rod. Works great. I'll snap a picture of mine when i get in from work.
Have you thought about just buying a 2-male splitter so that you can plug your headphones into your controller and your audio device separately? I can’t think of any way to make it work if you plug your audio into the module.
They're totally safe for rubber cymbals. They make them shine, but there's no sticky residue or anything. They're meant for vehicle interiors.
I think this is what I've had 303 Protectant Wipes - Ultimate Automotive UV Protection - Prevent Fading and Cracking - Repels Dust, Lint, and Staining - Non Greasy - 25 Wipes (30397) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081TLZ9GW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_3M75YNJJVSB5EGBRMB1T?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I just bought the one and happy with it. Working fine for my Roland td-17 and added cymbal
Hosa CSS-110R 1/4" TRS to Right Angle 1/4" TRS Balanced Interconnect, 10 Feet https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0010CCC80/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0T1YNJ9NHCZMN4TXX7ZN?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Someone suggested these in another thread. I bought a couple of them, and they are waaaayyy quieter than the stock DW beaters on my KD-10.
I ended up buying one of these and simply plugging it into my mac and using Garageband to record live. Works decent.
I’ve been looking at the Geodrum GHC-AN. Make sure you get the AN model for Alesis compatibility.
Goedrum GHC-AN Electronic Hi-Hat Controller https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B079ST381T/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_6PJM1Z4HPH85AANVV9C2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I’ve held off because it means I’ll need a hi-hat stand and maybe a cymbal too although from this video it looks like you switch the cable to that unit instead.
I've used these for several years and they've been great. Just pick up some foam tips for them.
KZ AS10 Earbuds Pure 5 Balanced Armature 5BA Earphone, Musician in Ear Monitor Headphone High Fidelity HiFi Headset (No Microphone, Green) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GWLJFQ2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_Z1WE838R8TMZEBWA53Y0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I've had the KZ AS10 for a few years and really like them.
KZ AS10 Earbuds Pure 5 Balanced Armature 5BA Earphone, Musician in Ear Monitor Headphone High Fidelity HiFi Headset (No Microphone, Green) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GWLJFQ2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_Z1WE838R8TMZEBWA53Y0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is your best bet to quiet the kick pad:
It helps but the issue is not noise but vibrations. Even with this there will still be lots of vibrations going through the floor from the pedal. A riser will be the only way to completely eliminate the issue.
This is what fixed it for me https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01LXE36SJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_i_9FKK5VH5GBC0BXA2SWE8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1also remember that you'll have a usb connection to your audio interface, so might wanna get two.
You can get rubber caps for the 1/4x inputs, something like this would probably work. Needs to be 1/4" diameter by 1.25" long.
Alesis Kick 8" Mesh Head Bass Pad with Acoustic Feel for Electronic Drum Modules (Stand and Cable Included), inch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KPYBFOA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_TKK8J7X356GBEA17CAPJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Get some TRS couplers and some hosa cables - preferably ones with straight and 90° ends on either end since 90's generally work better on pads and cymbals.
Also recommend these ties, they work fast and are easy to add new ones - it really cleans up the wire mess
I've got 11 toms and like 8 other things running into a Mimic and a TD25 so I've got some experience runnign cables for this lol
Just found this on another Roland forum. Users reported success when using a standard 25 pin male/female extender cable. Here's a black one on Amazon:
Positioning maybe, but you also get a lot of flexibility with e-triggers with their size and weight. You can push the limits on a clamp on boom stand.
something like this could be positioned to work with the hats and kick down the road.
Drum hardware itself gets expensive. A sturdy ball-rod can go $70+ even
My suggestion, if you are buying a GoPro to also get an HDMI cable for the GoPro and pick up an Elgato Cam Link 4K. You can use the Cam Link to capture everything from your GoPro on the computer using software such as OBS Studio.
As far as capturing your drums, I would honestly recommend using a sound board of sorts if you want to use the sounds that are on the drums already.
If you are looking to use another program on the computer for your drum sounds with your drums plugged in via usb, I would then just utilize your computer audio output as a source when capturing in OBS.
If you have more questions message me
Links: Elgato Cam Link 4K, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K3FN5MR/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_FVD25180HNCNMXJ0HQX7
Behringer Q1202USB 12-Channel Mixer, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008O517IW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_AK02VC6TE1G9JRZA1QQ0
Thanks for the help! I found this and hope it works! It’s cheaper on other sites but is sold out everywhere lol
Which one did you finally buy? I have the same drum kit and I bought this hi-hat https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00B5LDWVW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and I found the height to be small.
One thing to consider is using splitters like these to turn the stereo cables for eg. the toms into separate mono cables. I find the rim triggers on the toms to be 99% unused for me, so using these cables I can use those rim inputs elsewhere, and reprogram the trigger in my DAW.
Or you can take several of these mono cables, recombine them with something like this and plug them into a multi-trigger pad like a three-zone ride.
Bit fiddly, but certainly cheaper than a whole new module or kit, especially if you’re otherwise happy with it.
Oh yea, the laptop mount can be literally any, they should all have the standard vesa mount. I'm actually using this one as I thought in case things get bouncy the hooks can hold the laptop in place
yes I do! Though if you're in the US I'm not sure if you'll be able to easily find it. But it's an Arctic Z1 Basic
yes I do! Though if you're in the US I'm not sure if you'll be able to easily find it. But it's an Arctic Z1 Basic
Sure! Like I said, I used JB Weld but you may figure a different way to attach it
Adjustable iPad Stand, Tablet Stand Holders, Cell Phone Stands, iPhone Stand, Nintendo Switch Stand, iPad Pro Stand, iPad Mini Stands and Holders for Desk (4-10 inch) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B2WNNB2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_X8KBC034CK81KF22FEFS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1