When you save a new project, there are options at the bottom left on the dialog box to ������������ ������������������������ ������ �������������� and �������� ������ ���������� �������� �������������� ������������������, which results in the project structure you are looking for.
Next: (I haven't tried this, but it should work) - if you want to save an old project, load it up and save with the above settings. It should move all the necessary files into one subdirectory.
Be careful if you re-use files in multiple projects i.e. loops, because you could end up with missing files in your other project folders. In that case, use the �������� ������ ���������� �������� �������������� ������������������ option.
Next, (if you're on Windows), install 7 Zip and use it at its maximum setting to compress the entire project directory to one file. I did a quick test and got about 15% space savings (YMMV).
And start saving for an external hard drive. Don't get the smallest one - save a little more and get a medium sized one.
If you are recording and tracking instruments or live-playing virtual instruments you will want to invest the time into installing your interface's ASIO driver to reduce latency. If you do not have an interface then just stick with WASAPI, it's good enough to start with, just don't be surprised if there's a delay between playing a note and hearing it. If you get sick of the latency you can determine how much you want to invest into a proper interface later.
If videos are more your thing check out the official ones here: http://reaper.fm/videos.php
Setting up shop for preferences... aside from setting up audio and perhaps MIDI you don't need to touch the rest of the preferences. Just jump straight to the first song, recording or using MIDI videos.
REAPER will continue to function after 60 days so don't worry about running out of time to evaluate it. Choosing a DAW takes a lot of time because of figuring out workflows. Other DAWs with shorter trial periods are pressuring people into making snap decisions.
I love reaper... But a lot of the included features in Studio One make it very tempting to switch.
The new tablature input is very interesting as well. Simple but effective way for guitarists and the like to input midi using a system they already know.
We have to do this methodically. There are lots of things happening and we want to eliminate possibilities. I have a lot of ideas about what could be going wrong but I'm trying to not send you on wild goose chases. So let's see if input is the problem first.
Okay, your interface wears more than one hat so you need to look for it under both Audio > Device and Audio > MIDI Devices for the specific role it will be playing (it can play more than 1 role at a time).
It might be faster if you try to follow along the official set-up video here: http://reaper.fm/videos.php#Hh04XZqFsic
It would really help to see a screenshot of Prefs > Audio > Device but make sure your inputs are enabled and cover the range you are using (note first and last). Do the same for outputs.
If you close the preferences window, you should see in the upper-right corner of Reaper information about your interface. Namely, the sample rate, bit-depth, latency, and system. If that shows up without errors then you're on the right track.
Create a new track. Set the input to the analog input your guitar is plugged into. Make sure record monitoring is on. You should be able to see the meters move on the track panel and mixer panel when you play the guitar. If you aren't getting sound at this point, then we can narrow the problem down to output.
Yes, you want to create an automation envelope, most likely bound to the "wet/dry" control of your reverb. Refer to the Manual page 353 for automation envelope information. http://dlz.reaper.fm/userguide/ReaperUserGuide540c.pdf
And particularly page 370 for automating FX parameters.
If videos are more your style then look here: http://reaper.fm/videos.php You want the Automation section and the Parameter modulation sub-section.
The documentation of Reaper's Jesusonic scripting language is available here: http://reaper.fm/sdk/js/js.php
What the plugin actually does is very straightforward. If you can't understand it by reading the code then nothing I can say will make you understand it any better because the code is literally exactly what it does. It's a soft-clipper/saturator. It uses a soft clipping curve based on a sine function. That's it, and that's what the code says.
GetMediaTrackInfo_Value returns the value of whatever parameter, right? For B_MUTE it returns 0 or 1.
In Lua, when you test "if muted", you are treating muted as a Boolean value. Boolean values in Lua are kinda funky compared to other languages. Like I said, only nil and false are considered "False", and everything else is considered "True". So when you assign the API function value to muted, no matter what it returns, it will be considered "True".
The double == is a relational operator in Lua. It is testing for equality and returns a boolean value.
Hell yeah! If you can't access the files using the computer, crack it open, take out the hard drive (and RAM for your next machine), and get an external hard drive dock. I got a dual dock from Amazon, so one holds all my VSTs and the other holds backups.
I'm not on one of my studio machines, but did this with default reaper plugins:
Audio: https://clyp.it/cxmpvck4
Settings: http://i.imgur.com/m0lGxtb.png
Just up to the phase bit, no reverb or anything on this. Obviously this isn't the world's best example, but it shows you how it can really beef up the sound and give it some "ampness" with very simple tools.
you may want to look into touchOSC http://hexler.net/software/touchosc
they make an app for both android and ios. i only use this OSC controls , but it can be used for midi as well. That being said i would much prefer something tactile to use as an instrument. I would look for a used midi keyboard (with pads better) on craigslist. If thats not an option even using the virtual midi keyboard would be more fun than using a smartphone.
Reaper, like many DAWs, can only work with one audio interface at a time. If you are on Windows, try VoiceMeeter which lets you combine multiple hardware interfaces into a virtual mixer.
EDIT: VoiceMeeter is donation ware, so free if you want it to be.
PDF: http://reaper.fm/userguide.php
Videos: http://reaper.fm/videos.php
Bear in mind the brand of your keyboard is completely irrelevant, but I could direct you to a specific video if you knew whether the "something" you wanted to record is audio, or MIDI.
Then you don't necessarily want to convert to audio just yet. It sounds like you want individual outputs for each kit piece or group (e.g., toms), like how a drum kit is mic'd with multiple mics. This is a routing task. Once each piece or group is on its own output (and track), you can adjust levels and add FX. Once you're satisfied then you can render to stems for mixing.
Here's the official video for individual outs for RS5k: http://reaper.fm/videos.php#1kAz3_nB2-k
There are a lot of other videos on the page, I suggest expanding all categories then using your browser's find feature to find the specific topic you want.
first right click any dll and "open with" and uncheck "always open with" and go to preferences and vst and remove all the path's left from "ADD'' and clear cache/ re-scan and then add the path to your vst's again and first use search everything to check the locations,because probably your dll's are all over the place,hope it helps.
I've experienced this issue as well - my workaround is using this headphone amp that I have ($24 on amazon, link below) in between my interface and the headphones, and it provides an extra level of gain, which gets me right in the sweet zone
Behringer Microamp HA400 Ultra-Compact 4-Channel Stereo Headphone Amplifier by Amazon.com Learn more: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000KIPT30/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_qJR5CbD2RMWYB
It sounds more like you want music lessons to learn how to play music. Reaper is just a tool for recording and editing music. You can use a midi keyboard to play and record some software instruments inside reaper, but unless you know how to play piano/keyboard that's not going to help much.
You might have better luck with a mobile app like SPC - Music Drum Pad or RD4 Groovebox.
Reaper isn't a musical instrument as such. You'd probably have better luck getting a small Midi controller and messing with some free software synthesizers.
I recommend trying out InkScape (it's also open-source) as well. It generates vector diagrams which means you can zoom in or out as much as you want and the letters and lines are well formed.
You're clearly talented at layout - so getting familiar with vector diagram creation is going to be a powerful additional toolset that I think you'd wield well.
It's doable, but not as easy as in Bitwig.
You need to set the first EQ frequency manually, then parameter link EQ bands 2 through 5 to the first and use the link offset to set their frequency. Here's an example project.
I recommend updating the firmware on your device first. The product page will have the firmware and the zoom driver.
Use Asio4All as your last resort. I’m assuming your OS is Windows 10.
> https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/photo/
I was not aware of this one - amazing for $25 - and ahead of the technical curve! I was laughing pretty hard at this:
>+ Open and edit PSD and PSB files
>+ PSD smart object import
Niiiice - thanks for the tip ;)
Not bad for $150, The bootsy stuff can cover a lot of basses, VarietyofSound. I've wasted a lot of money on fantastic plugins, I have pro-q 2 but use reaEQ just as much. I purchased the bundle linked when they were only $99, They can do a lot but I haven't tested them to exhaustion.
usually lite is the one that comes bundled with hardware. Check here to see for yourself. And for the sake of ableton lite and intro are the same, intro just allows 8 more tracks
View --> Media Explorer
This opens the media explorer which allows you to navigate through your local files and preview them by clicking on them. You can also have the preview looping if you want. If you want to manipulate the sample or map it to different midi notes then you can use the Reasamplomatic5000. (see link to tutorial in other reply).
Here's a good tutorial covering a lot of the basics of the ReaSamplomatic5000 from the Reaper website.
You should check out this video to understand the most efficient options for setting up a project and associated files: http://reaper.fm/videos.php#K4WhkBzK3PA
Yes, GGD is triggered via MIDI, whether live or sequenced. This tutorial shows how to record and sequence drums in Reaper: http://reaper.fm/videos.php#8fzZDEzQunc
Other videos on the page will show you how to create separate outputs for further processing.
Do you have the older version in your Downloads folder? If so just re-install the older version and see if things clear up. Older builds can be found here if you don't have the file on your PC and you want to revert. http://reaper.fm/download-old.php
Yes, you can do this several ways.
See this video for more: http://reaper.fm/videos.php#JZzR7-KSQMU
You'll want to create an envelope for track pan. See this video: http://reaper.fm/videos.php#Un719m_7pNc
For the EQ, it's the same general idea, but you would be creating automation envelopes for the specific frequency and gain settings of the ReaEQ plugin. See this video for automating FX: http://reaper.fm/videos.php#EWKp02kgOyo
If you're on PC, install Everything, a free program that can find, well, Everything. I use it at least a half dozen times a day to solve problems like yours, launching programs, etc.
you could try to make a copy!!! of your plugin VST locations (also program files x86 and bridged Vst's) and then delete the dll's and start reaper again and when reaper gives you a warning it cannot find plugins from old projects,place them back,some plugins have register entries,so also make a restore point or better,clone your drive with free software like macrium reflect free. edit: my vst's are all over the place,Steinberg ,other drives,and for finding your vst's and location i advice to use search everything
The other tracks absolutely could interfere via side-chaining.
> Do you want me to share a reaper project file
A reaper project containing only what's necessary to reproduce the issue. Start by saving a copy of a the entire project (use copy media to project directory). Then go nuclear. Delete any track that's not relevant. Issue go away? Backup and find the cause.
Get it down to just the tracks that replicate it the problem, then delete everything but a portion of the track necessary to replicate the issue. Use file > 'clean project directory' to remove unnecessary bulk, zip entire folder, upload somewhere and share.
These some old ass 32bit software out there for free that may or may not work, but is supposed to be able to make a computer keyboard (or whatever else you want?) send MIDI commands
There's also some cheap software that'll turn a gaming controller into a MIDI controller. Which just sounds cool.
To clarify, you want the pitch wheel to send expression CC data instead?
Pitchbend isn't a CC, so there's no easy transformation to CC data. Also, the wheel is bi-directional, and the default value is halfway (64). The pitch wheel is springloaded to return to this position. Contrast with an expression pedal which is springloaded to return to 0 (or 127 if inverted).
While Reaper can easily do CC to CC transformations, it doesn't do this (and I don't know of any DAW that can).
I would suggest mapping the modwheel (CC1) to expression (CC11) using JS:MIDI CC Mapper. Or simply assigning modwheel to whatever expression is assigned to in the virtual instrument. You could try assigning pitchwheel in the virtual instrument but the facts I laid previously would make it unlikely to work.
If you're really intent on getting things to work take a look at MIDI OX: http://www.midiox.com/ but I'm not sure if even that can do it.
muted = reaper.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(testTrack, "B_MUTE") if muted then
"muted" will be 1 or 0, both of which are true in Lua conditionals.
local problems = 0 for itrack = 0, reaper.CountSelectedTracks(0)-1 do local track = reaper.GetSelectedTrack(0, itrack) local muted = reaper.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "B_MUTE") if muted == 1.0 then problems = problems + 1 end end
reaper.ShowConsoleMsg("problems: "..problems.."\n")-
I don't have a control surface, I was hoping there was a way to trigger it by clicking Ctrl+r or just clicking the record button with the mouse. Here's the sign though, you gotta customize it and mine has a little remote for it
Typically you want your interface to handle all of your audio, it's what it does, so yeah 2i2 for inputs and outputs, it'll be much better than the built-in sound on your PC.
For your headphones you just need an adaptor, cheap on Amazon or any music/audio shop.
Get one of these bad boys:
Recommend you get a mic shield if you don’t already have one, also you can get a little coat rack and throw blankets/sweaters around it and do your voiceovers in the middle. That’ll be much cheaper and arguably more effective than treating the walls
Wow. Nice work. Back in the day, (13 to 15 years ago), I produced machinima using mostly Second Life because you could have your own private simulation areas. Mine looks so dated compared with yours.
Here's an example. https://archive.org/details/ActionFlickPartOneRescueAndPerdition
Also co-authored a book on the subject. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007WPS3JG?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_ts_TZHNERCSXCT67R63JT3X
I'm retired and working on my own RL filmaking stuff these days but machinima was so much fun.
I'd get an interface like this one if you can stretch a little: https://www.amazon.com/Behringer-UMC22-BEHRINGER-audio-interface/dp/B00FFIGZF6
Reaper will run as a trial indefinitely. Depending on the kind of music you want to make, I'd think about getting an XLR cable and a mic too.
I’m using something like this to connect the jx08 to the computer
It sounds like your needs are minimal, so you wouldn't need anything crazy regarding your audio interface. Something like a Focusright Scarlett 2i2 or a Behringer UMC202HD would have you covered as long as you only need to record one instrument at a time, like your Yamaha keyboard. To do this you'd need a y-cable like this one to connect the headphone jack of your keyboard to the 2 inputs on the audio interface.
You'd be able to use Amplitube just fine with either of those, or really any audio interface from the last decade.
As far as MIDI controllers go, as others have already said, you just plug them directly into your computer via USB and then in Reaper you choose it as your MIDI input device. You can then map different parameters of Amplitube to your MIDI controller.
Speaking of plugins Analog Obsession. The updated design for LALA was done by one UI designer, and his blog has a proposal for redesigning Reaper's plugins https://www.notion.so/Fancy-Reaplugs-concept-pt-1-07041f9d6a9c4122bcb9081e9b68bac5
Here's why: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01EN0G8AI
For $109 (when I bought it, it was $99) a keyboard that let's me not touch the computer keyboard or the mouse to switch between instruments or sound banks.
It's soft enough not to be a total pain, but it has enough responsiveness to musically work.
It's basically a match.
The one I got is actually $13. I didn't get it to use with my Android phone, but I plugged it in with a USB OTG cable and it works. Just tried it again now to confirm, cuz it was a couple years ago when I did it before. There are cheaper ones than this. USB C to 3.5 mm adapter my be a cheaper all in one solution, cuz you'll need to by a USB OTG cable in addition to this dongle in the link. But I can confirm this works with my Pixel 4a to output audio to a set of headphone plugged into audio dongle. I suppose this dongle also has the benefit of its own hardware volume knob and mute button as well. Plus you might be able to plug a mic into it too, although I haven't tested that.
I use this and map it to really high function keys that can be assigned to SWS extensions.
Good luck!
ahh, gotcha. Ok, so the Tascam I saw on sweetwater was a different model - sorry bout that. I'm vaguely familiar with the Octane. I looked at one years ago, but ended up going a different route. So, If you want to take a $20+/- chance, you *could* try something like this...
You'll need a 1/4" to rca cable for each of the two preamps outbound from the Octane. Then, a single rca-to-rca cable from the digital output of this little box to the digital input of your Tascam. The chance for noise might be high because of the unbalanced analog connection from the Octane to the converter, and I have no idea how good the converters are in that little box (most likely not great - but, maybe/hopefully useable) - these are really targeted to the consumer a/v market for like hooking up your soundbar to your tv - I'm assuming they use the same digital protocol, but I don't know that for 100% (hence you're taking a chance on it :D). Also, this only runs up to 48khz, so if you're recording at 96k, this will probably bump the sample rate of the entire unit down. But, could be a proof of concept anyway. Maybe if you look (harder than I did), you can find one the runs at a higher sample rate and/or is a little better quality than a $15 Amazon box.
In the long run, start saving up for a new interface :). I just upgraded from a 12+ year old MAudio Profire 2626 to a 3rd gen Focusrite 18i20. With the Focusrite, I also have a Focusrite Octopre which connects with an optical cable for 16 ins. Works real nice! Your Octane has an ADAT output - so, if you had an interface with an ADAT input, you could connect with a single little optical cable to get all 16 of your pres into the computer.
Hope some or any of that helps.
Here's the NanoKontrol Studio.
I prefer it to the MiniMix because all the buttons on the Korg light up, which is helpful to tell which buttons are active or not. Also, I only need one knob per track for panning, so the extra buttons were more useful in my case.
Just a cheap Chinese knock off one (link). It did come with a disc of drivers but I was trying to avoid whatever was bundled with the drivers from being installed as well.
I generally record a hard panned Right and Left and the double track I put at 50% left and 50% right. Unless I have more layers, then I may take the double to 75%, respectively. I also use a different guitar for each side, or I flip the switch on my Fishman Fluence pickups. This helps with the full stereo sound in my experience.
The track below is not doubled and it sounds fine. But being able to play the same part tight will just make you a better player, so it's a good exercise anyway.
If you're familiar with command line tools and willing to mess around with them, https://github.com/deezer/spleeter produces decent results sometimes. But we're not quite there yet, not even with current AI.
For guitar backing tracks, whichever solution of the ones posted here you go with, one thing I've found is that let's say the tool spits out four tracks (drums, bass, guitar, vocals). If you were to combine drums, bass, and vocals, it might sound quite weird still. But you can, instead, put the original recording on one track in REAPER, and then the generated guitar part on another track and invert its phase. You'll end up with lower volume ghost guitar, but a lot less prominent, and that might be enough of an attenuation for you to play over.
> I think Apple has done a great disservice, convincing everyone that "intuitive" means better, when it just means "easy to the learn the first steps." If you're trying to complex things, that benefits of that intuitive design go away pretty quick, and in some cases it actively works against you.
Yup, intuitive means "easy to learn for a beginner", which does not necessarily mean and is often at direct odds with "powerful in the hands of an expert".
My text editor, Vim, is an ultimate example of that. No GUI, it's a meme that people can't figure out how to close it, with a bizarre modal input system that turns un-chorded keystrokes (A-Z, 0-9, etc.) into editing commands. Notoriously hard to learn. Famously fast once learned.
This may or may not work, but is worth a try.
Download the virtual audio driver Black Hole (https://github.com/ExistentialAudio/BlackHole). It's used to route audio between apps.
If you work in your project at 96k using the resampled assets, but switch to BlackHole output @ 192k for export, the source files will revert back to 192k.
I would run some null tests to be sure; open a 192k file in reaper and export it without any changes and see if they null.
You know what? You are right. I think the learning curve is eyebrow-shaped. Reaper was very easy for me in the beginning and is easy where I am now (been using it for 10 years). I think that I got stuck in a rut from learning to setup Reaper in various ways before I learned how to use the modularity to my advantage. I'll correct my statement above.
This is a tangent but I use Vegas 13 for everything video-related and I love it but I experienced another death by modularity when I picked up Blender last year
Reaper is a 3/10 video editor but an INCREDIBLE audio editor. Because video & audio are done with the same tools and interface, editing videos with Reaper is very fast and convenient when the video must be tightly integrated with the audio.
For example, I made this music video recently. While most of the editing was done with Kdenlive, the two percussion loops were edited and exported using Reaper. It's important that these video loops always line up perfectly with the song's corresponding audio loops. If I'd had to align them in Kdenlive, it would have taken a lot of annoying manual tweaking and even then still probably wouldn't have been perfect. But due to the tight integration with the audio editor, Reaper allowed me to make frame-perfect video loops in just a few seconds.
Waveform has also Custom Actions functionality.
You can even create scripts (Java based), just as you can in Reaper, to create faster workflows.
But i have no idea about stability and CPU efficiency of Waveform, i don't use it.
Always hard to diagnose line noise, but if it's between the interface and the amp, there's a good chance it's a ground loop. If you have a ground lift on either the amp or the interface, try that.
Otherwise, I'd recommend using a ground isolator like the Pyle Hum Eliminator (the cheapest one I know of).
Yes, it happens too, I just made a test with plugins off. Very strange. Seems like the wav can't be written fast enough to the hard drive. I'm running Ableton Live on the same hardware without any problems, loop recording works as expected with no gap/pause at the end of a take, it just records the audio straight forward from take to take. http://imgbox.com/msiHiDS5
I would use https://getsharex.com/ (its Free)
You can set it to capture the audio/video from anything running on your PC. You will need to set the audio in REAPER to directsound though.
from the media explorer drag the picture on a track and with your mouse drag it longer now render output format video(ffmpeg) and QT/MOV/Mp4 and i use https://handbrake.fr/ to make it smaller and better for you tube,BTW did you know you can drag and drop the videoprocessor with many presets on the picture and fx parameter list/show track envelopes?
Sorry, sounds like Spotlight (is that the file browser?) isn't better than Explorer. See if one of these will help: https://alternativeto.net/software/everything/?platform=mac
example. 1:download https://www.rayzoon.com/index.html#free_version 2: install. 3:use a search app to find the location,just type .dll and sort by date modified so the location is on top. 4:reaper/preferences/vst/edit add the location. 5:restart reaper right click and insert virtual instrument jamstix and hit create song and play
on windows i use https://www.voidtools.com/ because i have tons of samples on my 3x3TB hard drives and i filter "audio" and sort by extension or date modified or name or type and if you double click media player will play the .wav or .mid and drag and drop them into reaper so reaper will create copy in the project folder.
C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\REAPER >REAPER.ini (back up the file on your desktop) open with notepad look for "vstpath64=" delete everything after "=" and open reaper preferences/vst/ auto detect or edit add step by step locations as reference use the back up or a search app for locations of plugins.
next time do a Repair Install of Windows 10 but now use a search app to look for locations of the installed plugins and preferences/vst/edit add locations after you opened the reaper.ini file with notepad and look for vstpath64= and delete everything after "=" (you can back up files if you worry)
>manually add my plug in into the VST folder for my Reaper
no,don't do that,first download and install and look for the location and preferences vst edit/add location i use a search app and write .dll in the search box and sort by date modified so the plugin is on top of the list and the location.
on windows i install the plugin and i use the free https://www.voidtools.com/ and write .dll in the search box and sort by date modified so the plugin is on top with the location i add in preferences/vst/edit add ,because most plugins you can't just move because of registry entries path to location of the files.
Try this
The AB Guide to Music Theory Vol 1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1854724460/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_3C8AED9BWWTEA17PQD1S
Or online try this
(even though ableton wrote it, music theory is music theory, and MIDI is MIDI, so it still applies. Infact the whole point of putting music in a theoretical frame is so we can talk about it universally.)
I have no idea what those sound like, sorry, but I just got a pair of beyerdynamics DT 770 Pros delivered last night and I'm digging them.
yeah, your on the right track. There's a million different ways to do it. You could toggle the fx on or off, you could mute a track with the affected sound, you could mute the plugin internally - all sorts of stuff. Once you have an action that does what you want, it can then be assigned to any key or midi input. That video should talk about that.
the keypad I use is this one:https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Z1Y7JGV/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Its nothing special. Just a basic wireless usb keypad. Honestly, the range isn't that great; maybe 30 feet or so. But it works for my purposes.
get http://www.asio4all.org/ after installing. open reaper options>preferences>audio/device. Audio System dropdown: ASIO Audio Driver Dropdown: ASIO4ALL. Hit Ok
Create a new track> change input to whatever input you plugged your guitar into. Arm the Record for that track. now click the little speaker icon (record monitoring: on)
http://www.asio4all.org/ solved it partially. It works okay now. the quality is better initially, but after a while it distorts again. turning reaper on and off solves that. annoying, to say the least. But we're getting somewhere.
You can always download a specific driver like ASIO and use that as the designated device:
In the GUI for ASIO you can then select which cards ins and outs you want to use
Hey there,
Click this link and you will be directly downloading the ASIO4ALL driver from their site. It's a low latency universal audio driver.
With Reaper closed, Install this driver.
Now launch Reaper.
Now go to Options>Preferences>Audio>Device and select ASIO, and ASIO4ALL as the options you have listed above.
You can click through on the ASIO Configuration button on this page if you with to increase or decrease latency - using the slider on the bottom left of the window that opens. But if you're just doing a podcast it's not necessary.
A full setup video is in the sidebar of this sub.
For recording you want a soundcard which runs on low latency asio drivers. Standard soundcards are built for playback, not for low-latency recording in real time. They will either have quite a lot of delay between what you play and what you hear, or dropouts and artifacts if you set a tighter latency.
Now technically you can try generic asio4all drivers ( http://www.asio4all.org/) with almost any soundcard, but your results will be better with a card that was made for this application and that comes with dedicated asio drivers from the manufacturer.
Other than that, to record an electrical signal from a guitar (or a microphone) straight into a computer you need a preamplifier and an analog/digital converter. These two elements are key to recording quality, you can spend anything between 5 bucks or 3000 bucks per channel depending on how serious you are. Your hifi soundcard will probably do somewhat alright for conversion nowadays (assuming it allows for recording at all), but it'll likely not have a great preamp.
For recording guitar with amplitube I'd absolutely look into a small portable usb audio interface. It is a box with dedicated preamp and converter that also acts as a soundcard for high quality playback. And it runs on asio drivers for low latency recording. The smaller interfaces with one or two channels often run on usb power. They also provide phantom power for microphones in case that is necessary someday.
Some popular manufacturers are focusrite, mackie, audient (I like those a lot), steinberg, presonus. There is also excellent stuff from rme, universal audio, antelope, apogee, metric halo, but they start at much higher priceranges.
I don't know about asus xonar, haven't heard of it. If it's this usb stick thingy I probably wouldn't trust it to have a preamp and converter fit for recording at an acceptable quality.
>• Some people use ASIO4ALL which will let you use your normal soundcard in low latency. In my experience (haven't used it in over a decade) it doesn't work very well, but it may do the trick for you.
No, you really didn't.
It can be done, but it will be a hassle amd might not work as wanted.. for example this might solve your problem: https://jackaudio.org/
But I can't recommend enough buying an interface you can get decent used stuff starting from 50-70€. It changed my life..
How are your studio monitors connected to your computer? Directly to the 3.5mm jack, or through and audio interface?
Edit: to elaborate, if you have an aduio interface that your studio monitors are connected to, you could record through that device and monitor that way as well.
Another option is to use the ASIO4ALL driver (on Windows) as your ASIO driver, and then use the control panel to set your input and output to different devices. That's one big bonus of using ASIO4ALL.
A third option would be to use Jack to route the audio in and out. https://jackaudio.org/ Jack isn't all that easy to use, so if you don't have a separate audio interface, ASIO4ALL is likely your best bet.
I was in that boat a while back. I recommend giving Nutchords a try. It shows you both the fretboard and the keyboard, so you can see what a chord looks like for the two of them. It allows you to switch between chords and scales, various guitar tunings, and if you invented a scale /chord / tuning that this thing hasn't seen before, you can edit the .txt file to include it.
Personally, it might be better than using a VST as a crutch, as it allows you to better understand another instrument.
Edit: It's also free (you can donate money to the creator if you find it useful). It's not a VST, so you'll need to insert the midi via your midi controller or mouse, but considering the pricetag, I wouldn't see that as an issue?
What's the track? Depending on complexity, you could potentially go to fiverr.com (or similar) and find some folks to help you make a FULL cover of the song.
But, if this is a low-cost/no-cost project, most of the "drum cover" videos I've seen use the original track but just have the mic(s) for the drums hotter so you hear YOUR drums vs. the track's drums.
And to your original question, you could try to EQ out the track's drums, but you're probably going to lose the bass (and more) along the way.
Sounds like either the hard drive or memory (RAM) is having issues.
You can throw money at it and replace them, or run some testing first.
https://www.memtest86.com/ is the standard memory test. A thorough test may take up to a week. There are also hard drive tests but it depends if you have a mechanical drive or solid state (SSD).
You can run the Ultimate Boot CD off a CD or USB key, and look at the HDD diagnostic utilities and figure out which one is appropriate. MemTest86 is good for all consumer memory.
My gut feeling is that it's a hard drive issue. How old is it and what make/model is it? Is it over 3 years old?
I would make a backup of that hard drive as soon as possible if you're not making regular backups.
Try with Shutter Encoder, it's gratis and designed for professional use. Choose Apple ProRes and see how it works.
Another thing you can try is using another video decoder in Reaper. Open the preferences at Media::Video/Import/Misc. The default decoder order has probably vlc as the first choice, try putting ffmpeg first and see if it performs better. You can see which decoder you're using by opening the video file item properties (select the video item and hit Ctrl-F2 or Cmd-F2). Check that you actually have those decoders properly installed and available to Reaper. Refer to this video if you need help on that.
Boy do I have something for you:
Adobes atrocious optimization is telling you to go screw yourself, especially after the switch to annual contracts and monthly subscriptions.
try to right click the Reaper exe and properties/compatibility change settings for all users and run as administrator or different https://www.videolan.org/vlc/releases/ for me 2.2.8 still works the best,hope it helps.
Not a MAC guy...but couple options listed here: https://alternativeto.net/software/virtual-audio-cable/?platform=mac
Also saw some forums that rave about this, but it appears to be a paid product: https://staticz.com/soundsiphon/
I use a BPM analyzer (free) on my music collection. It might work on single tracks. I agree, this would be a useful feature to have built-in to Reaper.
a little hip hop song, vocals were tracked in my living room using a KSM32 (liquid pro saffire 56), synths are serum, drums are samples with battery
I sent this to my best friends to get some feedback on it and they didn't acknowledge it, but I'm in need of some feedback so here we go.
I used Guitar Rig 5 (it has a free trial and I ultimately had to buy it), a Behringer interface and Reaper stock plugins.
I'm going for a chaotic and overwhelming atmosphere with this, and right now I'm just having trouble figuring out how to make the bass not sound like it's buried in mud.
I appreciate you taking the time to check it out
I recorded the guitar parts with an electric-acoustic Fender and used a 5 piece drum mic kit for the drums, plugged into a Behringer UMC 1820 interface.
I've been messing around with Guitar Rig 5 a lot and am really enjoying it!
I might misunderstood the discussion, but 4-8 tracks are seems “low”. Most of my tracks (remixes) are 40-50 tracks, depends on the track structure. For the very basic, there are always a : kick,snare,clap,closed and hi hihat and a crash. That’s already 8. On top of this, I will add the bass,mainline,bell,grand piano,string or pad and maybe another synthesizer + 2 lead synthesizer. And all this not including the effects, like fills, swipe up/down, automation clips or vocal itself.
4 to 8 tracks are should be enough for a country or rock song. Nylon guitar, Bass guitar, Drums, Piano and/or an orchestral instruments and the vocal - I can see that.
Here is a very basic 12 tracks chord progression that I made : https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/open?id=mqPjpHRK6Um94nmOB2Z8cw
i use reatune for audio to midi and because you can't overdub with record output midi, i add midi hardware output http://www.tobias-erichsen.de/software/loopmidi.html and on a second track midi input loopmidi port recording overdub.
on windows install loopmidi and on finale Playback To > MIDI System and in Reaper enable midi device (port name in loopmidi) and tracks input midi port name channel to play real time your finale scores in Reaper virtual instruments and press record in Reaper,and if you wanna connect the timeline,check if your finale version supports rewire.
I've been playing a lot of Super Mario 35 on Nintendo Switch and noticed something very familiar about the title screen theme song.
Made with REAPER on Linux, and a program called Spleeter to extract the vocals. It ends in a way uniquely appropriate to the subject matter.
Images might help.
By the way, you're not dumb. Midi is difficult to set-up and troubleshoot sometimes. There's more things can go wrong (ie. communication between equipment) than in a good 'ol fashioned audio signal path.
> Can you recommend a vst that has a standalone?
for testing midi keyboards download https://tytel.org/helm/ it has a standalone version so turn on your midi device and double click the helm.exe and you should have sound and if not?useless to try it in reaper
https://tytel.org/helm/ and run the presets and look how it changes the sliders and settings, very visual attractive free synth for learning sound design (hold ctrl and draw midi item and double click and use your mouse on the piano keys or drag some midi notes to hear helm playing)
Komplete works just fine in Reaper. And yeah, the NI freebie is pretty sweet, that is a very recent development. Good timing coming back to music.
But to get in the swing of things first, try one of many other free offerings. Something like Helm, a more fundamental subtractive synthesizer: https://tytel.org/helm/
You'll either need to get used to working with Reaper's MIDI piano roll, or use a step sequencer (several freely available as JSFX).
kenny is using a soundcard audio output/input and because the synth has probably no midi over usb he is using midi out/in cables but it depends on the sounds of your keyboard if its worth the effort and if you use it a lot,because with many free vst synths you can make the same sounds like https://veg.by/en/projects/syxg50/ or drop some samples from your keyboard as mono 16 bit into https://surge-synthesizer.github.io/