Featuring: Die Hard, My Drunk Kitchen, MST3K, The Star Wars Holiday Special, Frozen, Epic Meal Time, Gremlins, Lil' Bub, The Try Guys, Mr. Bean, Jenna Marbles, Hogfather, Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time, so many cute animal videos that you will puke from cuteness, AND SO MUCH MORE!
^Sorry, ^no ^requests
We have a channel on Cytu.be where there's IRC chat on one side of the screen, and on the other side of the screen the videos play so everyone is watching the same thing. Then we make snarky comments about it. Think of it as MSTroll3K.
If you don't know when that is in your time zone, click <strong>HERE</strong> for the time zone converter, or the handy-dandy countdown timer <strong>HERE</strong>
I would like to echo this sentiment. Growing a 'friendship' with these cynical alcoholics have been very uplifting. And it will continue to do so in the future I hope. Also the community is unbelievable, the subscription to view count isn't matched on any other channel. And the inside jokes just keep stacking up.
edit: Not sure if you're new here but the community reaches a little further than this subreddit
Best of the Worst viewing Room
Pre-rec Twitch page also home of the movie viewers from /r/moviedicks
If its anything like Funhaus TV, they use a site called https://cytu.be to generate the feed and then capture it.
If you want to watch the playlist for FHTV yourself that they then capture and broadcast, you can see it at https://cytu.be/r/FHTV
Streaming this tomorrow starting at 5AM on https://cytu.be/r/opieandanthony for those who want to discuss while listening. I'm pretty sure Brother Wease doesn't even get in until 6 or 7AM though, and his cohosts do the first hour or 2.
I tried listening after Opie got fired for a comment from Wease but his show is a 6 hour long jumbled mess of commercials, people who aren't Wease talking, and full length Bruce Springsteen type songs to begin each break
The Hogwarts Express! We may have missed the train, but we have a time turner and a way to get there with amazing friends <3
Who: TrollX & TrollY & YOU
What: Synced movies and chat on the TrollXMovieNight Cytu.be channel.
Harry Potter... ALL OF THEM.
Potter Puppet Pals! :D
Random Harry Potter youtube videos and mashups
CATS... Dressed like the characters we all love!
& some other stuff.
When: Friday, September 4, at 2PM CST! Find your timezone here!
Where: The TrollXMovieNight chat room on Cytu.be
Why: Because it is awesome. Duh. Let's go back to Hogwarts together! :D
Content Warnings: Witchcraft... Uh... Some dark themes? It's Harry Potter.
If you want Reddit to remind you, there's a bot for that. Simply comment: RemindMe! 48 Hours (adjust hours accordingly)
As always, NO REQUESTS. The movies have to be cut into server-friendly pieces ahead of time & screened carefully for disturbing content.
Link is here, so come join us! Videos will start showing tomorrow, kicking off with some cat videos for all you amazing trolls! Come join us! :)
Me and some other bajs have been doing stuff together for a couple of weeks already in our cytube room. We listen to music and watch videos, streams and even some movies (when forsen has his day off). Here's a post from 2 weeks ago advertising our second movie night. Pretty much anything goes, cause we're democratic KKonaW (yes, even weeb shit DansGame ), but there's always voteskip.
So feel free to join us anytime nymnOkay
And then we'll be watching a couple of awesome movies with eclipses in them: Ladyhawke & Hellboy
That's 6:00 PM GMT for our friends in Europe.
Remember to check /r/TrollXMovieNight and /r/TrollYMovieNight regularly for upcoming livestreams.
That's right!
/r/TrollXFunny is bringing episodes of The Golden Girls to cytu.be. Synched and livestreamed, with a text chat sidebar.
From noon PST, for 8 or 9 hours give or take.
Two Water-Logged Nazi Horrors to Rip Out Your Guts!
This Saturday at the newly refurbished Oculus Orpheum we present for your viewing pleasure Peter Cushing and John Carradine in Shock Waves and Jean Rollin's classic stinkerino Zombie Lake
And be sure to not miss our big Easter Egg Hunt after the show!
EDIT: Here's a proper link for your convenience- Oculus Orpheum (I'll figure this shit out one of these days 😜 )
Featuring: Die Hard, My Drunk Kitchen, MST3K, The Star Wars Holiday Special, Good Mythical Morning, Gremlins, Lil' Bub, The Try Guys, Mr. Bean, Jenna Marbles, Lilly Singh, Threadbangers, CinemaSins , AND SO MUCH MORE!
^Sorry, ^no ^requests
We have a channel on Cytu.be where there's IRC chat on one side of the screen, and on the other side of the screen the videos play so everyone is watching the same thing. Then we make snarky comments about it. Think of it as MSTroll3K.
Want more of this? Go to /r/TrollXMovieNight! We've been doing this for a few years and /r/TrollYMovieNight has it's own movie chatroom too!
Hi /r/Zootopia!
As the title has said, our stream has decided to watch Zootopia on its 1st Anniversary, and have thought that it would be awesome if we invited you over too!
Who are we? Well, the stream was originally set up by a few people from /r/Frozen ^(^looks ^around ^nervously) in 2014 but we really like all things Disney (and everything else!). We would really love if you could come along to our stream! We air a lot of Disney movies, TV shows, games and other fun stuff, anything really.
Feel free to stop by and chat, be it about the movie or anything else! We're cool we swear!
We will be watching Zootopia on 4 March, on 8pm CET, 8pm EST and 8pm PST, followed immediately by some deleted scenes! We may also be watching the other language versions of Zootopia the next day.
Also, don't worry if you missed out on anything! We would be more than happy to accept requests!
BTW: If you don't know what Cytube is, it is a place with a chatroom and synchronised streaming where anyone can join, and is a fun and wonderful place to share and watch videos together, and talk about anything under the sun!
Thanksgiving is going to suuuuuuck for a lot of us who will have to stand up to quarrelsome family, but TrollXMovienight will help you recover.
I have a full playlist, so NO REQUESTS
Streaming movies? With Trolls?? Where have we been all your life? We've been hiding in this subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXMovieNight/
How about a complete list of Pearlennies?
( ͡* ͜^ ͡*) Starry eyed
( ͡o ͜^ ͡o) Bug eyed with up nose
( ͡° ͜> ͡°) Basic with side nose
( ͡✪ ͜> ͡✪) Starry eyed v2
( ͡♥ ͜> ͡♥) When thinking of Rose Quartz
( ͡☠ ͜> ͡☠) Contemplating killing Greg to be with Rose
( ͡☺ ͜> ͡☺) Really happy Pearlenny
( ͠° ͟> ͡°) Confused
( ͡° ͜V ͡°) Down nose (large)
( ͡° ͜v ͡°) Down nose (small)https://cytu.be/r/Best_Cartoons
┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜V├┬┴┬┴ Spy Pearlenny (large nose)
┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜v├┬┴┬┴ Spy Pearlenny (small nose)
( ͡° ͜> ͡°) ♫ ♩♫♫ ♩Singing birb
( ͡⚡️ ͜> ͡⚡️) Shocking
ᕦ( ͡° ͜> ͡°)ᕤ Strong in the real way
( ͡~ ͜> ͡°) Winky
(つ ͡° ͜> ͡°)つ Gimme
( ͡ᵔ ͜> ͡ᵔ ) Happy birb
( ͡° ͜> ͡°)=ε✄ Craft birb
(∩ ͡ ° > ͡ °) ⊃-(===> Birdmom the Swordfighter
╰( ͡° ͜^ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゚ Magic birb
╚═( ͡° ͜^ ͡°)═╝ Carrying stuff
(ノ͡° ͜^ ͡°)ノ︵┻┻ Birdmom hates tables
(◉ ͟> ◉) That's not my baby!
( ͡💦 ͜> ͡💦) Tears of happiness?
( ͡° ͜> ͡°) | | | | L_\ Leg Pearl
(💧 ͜> 💧) I know only sadness
\ ̄L ͡° ͜> ͡°) Detailed Pearlenny
(▀̿ ̿>▀̿ ̿)︻デ┳═ー Pearlies got a gun
(☞゚>゚)☞ Pointy Pearl
⚡️( ͡°• ͜>• ͡°)⚡️ Pearlennychu (created by u/LurkingBattleaxe)
⚡️\ ̄L ͡°• ͜>• ͡°)⚡️ Hair Pearlennychu
⚡️ ⚡️ ⚡️ ⚡️ / / // \ / / \ \ ⚡️ ⚡️⚡️⚡️\ ̄L ͡° ͜> ͡°) ⚡️ ⚡️ ⚡️\ \ \ / // / ⚡️ \ \ /// ⚡️ ⚡️\ \ // ⚡️ Super Salt 3 Pearlenny (also by u/LurkingBattleaxe)
( ͡° ͜> ͡°) Poofed Pearlenny (also by u/LurkingBattleaxe) It's done like this: ~~( ͡° ͜> ͡°)~~
Well in that case, I guess here's a quick reminder: The first, hopefully of many, installment of "Mark Rewind" starts in an hour (8pm EST) over at https://cytu.be/r/Mark_Rewind! Join us as we rewatch some old Amnesia custom stories!
Definitely the Halloweenie episode of the Adventures of Pete and Pete, but the first couple Treehouse of Horror episodes from the Simpsons are really great. Oh and one of the episodes of the Middle where Frankie takes all the special needs kids out trick or treating. Maybe I have too many favorites...
If you're interested, I have a janky cytube channel I open this time of year with around 60 hours/150+ Halloween episodes and specials - https://cytu.be/r/halloweentv . It unfortunately requires google chrome and a tampermonkey script to play properly, though (hence the janky lol).
If anyone would be interested in a Husker streaming room on Cytube, let me know. It's a kind of aggregator for all video & streaming sites that syncs video with chat, much like Twitch. I'm doing a terrible job describing it, but that would be an easy way for those who don't have access to watch the game, with the added bonus for Huskers to be able to watch with a groupchat.
Featuring: Carrie Fisher's Postcards from the Edge & Wishful Drinking, Prince's Purple Rain, David Bowie's Man Who Fell to Earth, and Alan Rickman in Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny-- and some light-hearted interludes because seriously, fuck this year.
^Sorry, ^no ^requests
We have a channel on Cytu.be where there's IRC chat on one side of the screen, and on the other side of the screen the videos play so everyone is watching the same thing. Then we make snarky comments about it. Think of it as MSTroll3K.
We will be pregaming with music videos of all the artists who passed this year. Grab your hankies, we're showing David Bowie's Lazarus.
I just made a channel on this stream site.
I'd be happy to broadcast. Maybe Sunday evenings?
If someone knows of a better website for this sorta thing they can take the reigns.
Edit: thinking on it this sub is probably split between yanks and Brits. Maybe two live broadcasts a week would be best
Edit 2: I didn't get it done tonight. But next week at 4pm eastern US I'll stream series 1 episode 2. I'll make a post 24 hr in advanced and maybe message a mod about a sticky if that isn't to presumptuous. Be there or be square you dopey cunts!
Hi everyone! cy0nknight here. I got permission from /u/VoltasPistol to run this week's movie night, and the theme will be all things Batman! Stay for one flick, or stay for all 4. It's over 6 hours of spills, chills, and thrills with the World's Greatest Detective!
TrollXMovieNight chatroom on Cytu.be
Run times are ESTIMATED. If you see a movie you like, please drop in early so you don't miss a single gosh-darned moment! There will be intermissions for snacks/bathroom breaks/fighting crime, so don't worry. :)
What's On Tap (Friday, September 18):
See you in Gotham!
I did something similar years ago but no one ever joined in. May have had something to do with how Google kept breaking the script? You can give it a look but I'm not even sure the movies are still available on my various Google drives.
Hi /r/Tangled!
As the title has said, our stream has decided to watch Tangled: Before Ever After later! We would most likely be also watching Tangled: The Series when it comes out! It would be great if you could join our lovely community, and what better way than to geek out over Eugene, Rapunzel and Cassandra (yes, she's that new main character)! Feel free to stop by and chat, be it about the movie or anything else! We're cool we swear!
Who are we? Well, the stream was originally set up by a few people from /r/Frozen in 2014 but we really like all things Disney (and everything else!). We would really love if you could come and become a part of our stream! We air a lot of Disney movies, TV shows, games and other fun stuff, anything really.
Feel free to stop by and chat, be it about the movies or anything else! We're cool we swear!
We should be watching Tangled and Tangled Ever After on 10 March, and Tangled: Before Ever After on 11 March, at these 3 timings: 7 GMT, 8pm EST and 8pm PST.
Also, don't worry if you missed out on anything! We would be more than happy to accept requests!
If you don't know what Cytube is, it is a place with a chatroom and synchronised streaming where anyone can join, and is a fun and wonderful place to share and watch videos together, and talk about anything under the sun!
9pm Eastern Time
8pm Central Time
7pm Mountain Time
6pm Pacific Time
It's going to be 1 & 1/2 hours long.
~~We're still watching Little Witch Academia in the two hours before the debate, don't you fret that this will be cutting into movienight time.~~ There's google drive weirdness so we'll be watching something else.
I know /u/giraffeking has mentioned the listen-alongs somewhere else in the comments, but I wanted to make a separate thread for visibility's sake.
I actually wanted to start a bi-monthly movie screening of something that's tangentially /r/indieheads-related (something like Talking Heads' Stop Making Sense or AnCo's ODDSAC), and the incorporation of live music in the listen-alongs. I've done this a couple of times in /r/indieheads's slack channel, but I'd love to try this out with the subreddit at large. I know of a couple of sites that can support this, such as cytu.be where you can sync videos from youtube (and even raw mp4 files) so that several people can watch them at the same time (á la plug.dj or dubtrack).
What do you guys think about this?
For those of you who missed a much-desired movie or two, this is the night to catch it!
Including tropes like "Maybe this book will tell us!", Not Using the Z Word, Latin Gibberish and more!!
So. Many. Videos.
How often do you get to do that? Not often enough, that's how often.
We've set up a channel on Cytu.be where there's IRC chat on one side of the screen, and on the other side of the screen the videos play so everyone is watching the same thing.
Content Warning: These are horror movies. Besides just being scary, they can also be downright uncomfortable because they play on our biggest fears. Do not drink until something is not scary, simply mute the video, open a new tab, and watch cat videos for a while. We'll still be there when you come back. :)
Took stock of what I've bought in the ~1 month since I committed to a replacement-only no-buy. My last Sephora order before the no-buy was a couple of skincare replacements, the VIB sample bag, and a KVD mini point perk. Not too bad. After that, I redeemed points for the Bite Bellini set, I bought Stay Matte to test as a replacement for my current powder (does well enough and is cheaper, so good!), and I made a Shiro order. I'm not doing too badly... but there's unnecessary stuff in there for sure. I'll have to be a bit more mindful of that.
I've condensed my Halloween/Christmas panning projects into one section of my counter and pulled out another 10 products on the other side to remind myself to empty. I'm taking a break from the eyeshadows in my panning projects because I was getting bored and I started using the double-ended brush from the UD Electric palette. I really love it! I'll get back to my panning project shadows next week.
I'm not finding myself interested in any of the holiday sets so far. I can't even think of what I might want in the November sale. Looking at some skincare maybe, but no makeup. I'm also considering asking my dad for a sewing machine and some fabric rather than a gift card to the mall this year - I think it's a gift he'd enjoy giving a bit more, it would be more useful to me... and it would cut out a major source of makeup spending.
I was feeling very unwell yesterday and my boyfriend surprised me with these when he got home because they reminded him of my eyeshadow. I feel so lucky to be cared for this much! I'm also glad he likes bright colours too haha.
EDIT: I think I'm going to join the Troll movie night tonight too since I'm not busy. Link here - I think it starts around 5pm PST?
That's right!
/r/TrollXFunny is bringing episodes of The Golden Girls to cytu.be. Synched and livestreamed, with a text chat sidebar.
From noon PST, for 8 or 9 hours give or take.
Starting at 1pm Eastern time (1800 UTC), I'll be showing the entire Hanzo the Razor trilogy at the Bad Movies Marathon cytube channel. Join us!
If James Bond was a policeman in later-19th-century Japan, he would almost certainly not be as rapey as Hanzo. Using martial arts, trickery, torture, and gratuitous sexual assault, Hanzo is a loose cannon who cannot be stopped in his pursuit of justice or something.
These are generally very well produced films that toe the line between a straight historical/samurai drama and exploitation cinema. They're probably too "good" for the channel but the content pushes them over the line for me. I hope to see you all there.
ive been streaming all the episodes. for the past 4 days ive streamed seasons 1 to 4.
if you want to join the seasonn 5.1 stream today, feel welcome. im starting it on https://cytu.be/r/atimers at 6:30pm BST. tomorrow will hopefully be season 5.2, then season 6 up to "The Cooler", then the rest of s6, then season 7 up to the end of Stakes (short stream lol), etc etc.
For those of you who missed a much-desired movie or two, this is the night to catch it!
Including tropes like "Maybe this book will tell us!", Not Using the Z Word, Latin Gibberish and more!!
So. Many. Videos.
How often do you get to do that? Not often enough, that's how often.
We've set up a channel on Cytu.be where there's IRC chat on one side of the screen, and on the other side of the screen the videos play so everyone is watching the same thing.
Content Warning: These are horror movies. Besides just being scary, they can also be downright uncomfortable because they play on our biggest fears. Do not drink until something is not scary, simply mute the video, open a new tab, and watch cat videos for a while. We'll still be there when you come back. :)
So I set up the resources we need to watch Kill La Kill Episode 25 English dub toether in sync (in high quality 1+ mbps), it is set to play it automatically live at 3:30 AM EST (though right now it is just playing some kill la kill extra material that time. https://cytu.be/r/r-toonami
We are having a impromptu streaming of Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark here thanks to our friend CleanLeet! Thanks CleanLeet!
come join us or if you cant try catching our next Movie Night!
It's human coached, AI vs AI play, with teams themed around a board and its memes. It's wonderful and hilarious.
here's the link, every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 6pm UTC, for 6+ hours of virtual divegrass.
for like two or three years I was so excited about the GDQ events, I'd watch as much as I could while at home, even games I didn't previous know existed were fun to watch, even the really bad ones in the "awful games" block were hilarious
now it feels really lame and stale
I think there's a room on cytu.be (a site like watch2gether etc) from /v/ I believe where they restream it and you can say whatever you want in chat but either way it's still lame
I watched this MAD in https://cytu.be/loli waiting for the /r/haruhi rewatch. I asked /u/fatblackninja about what anime it was and they said it was a pretty good anime.
So for some reason I decided to go full out and downloaded MPC-HC with Kawaii Coded Pack (KCP). Then I got a 1080p torrent for all four seasons as well as one for the movie.
And I was watching raildex right after Haruhi which has a very contentious debate on its watch order which led me to look into the watch order for Index(albeit I looked into it when I was 10 episodes in). I ended up doing full chronological.
Then I got to the Sisters arc in railgun and I was completely and utterly captivated by the series. It's also what cemented Mikoto as my favorite character and the raildex series as my favorite anime.
And that was around January/February of last year. Now I post daily Biribiri.
Then join /u/darthslug and friends next Thursday afternoon for the May the Fourth Be With You Clone-a-Thon! We scoured the web for every loving Star Wars tribute and lighthearted parody we could find and uncovered movies from around the globe, including the insane Turkish Star Wars, all for your entertainment. So, if you think you need even more of your favorite franchise, the stop by https://cytu.be/r/Badmovie_Marathon for a day-long fix and help Celebrate Star Wars!
Featuring: Carrie Fisher's Postcards from the Edge & Wishful Drinking, Prince's Purple Rain, David Bowie's Man Who Fell to Earth, and Alan Rickman in Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny-- and some light-hearted interludes because seriously, fuck this year.
^Sorry, ^no ^requests
We have a channel on Cytu.be where there's IRC chat on one side of the screen, and on the other side of the screen the videos play so everyone is watching the same thing. Then we make snarky comments about it. Think of it as MSTroll3K.
We will be pregaming with music videos of all the artists who passed this year. Grab your hankies, we're showing David Bowie's Lazarus.
Featuring: Die Hard, My Drunk Kitchen, MST3K, The Star Wars Holiday Special, Good Mythical Morning, Gremlins, Lil' Bub, The Try Guys, Mr. Bean, Jenna Marbles, Lilly Singh, Threadbangers, CinemaSins , AND SO MUCH MORE!
^Sorry, ^no ^requests
We have a channel on Cytu.be where there's IRC chat on one side of the screen, and on the other side of the screen the videos play so everyone is watching the same thing. Then we make snarky comments about it. Think of it as MSTroll3K.
Want more of this? Go to /r/TrollXMovieNight! We've been doing this for a few years and /r/TrollYMovieNight has it's own movie chatroom too!
So, yeah, Instasync seems to be kill...I can't even connect to it [](#BibleThump), so if we stream again, no afterparties on there, but note how I mentioned just on there. Luckily, there's other sites like it, like cytu.be(Not sponsored pls don't lynch me guys), and I did make a room for us for afterparties. It's right here for all that stuff, y'know, playlist gets unlocked for afterparty, then all the fun stuff happens.
tl;dr: Instasync is kill. I made a new room for afterparties when AoCs start again on an alternative site to Instasync(Instant sink [](#Minglee) ), but I'll leave the playlist unlocked for right now so you guys can screw around right now if you want. And press F to pay respects.
I didn't get my wisdom teeth removed because Dentists be cray cray. In my research for tomorrow's event, Fozen came up a lot, so now I want to watch Frozen. I'll be starting this soon! Getting the movie took forever, didn't know what I would be able to get it hosted but its almost there! Rambling! Bored!
EDIT: hooooly hell my husbands laptop sucks. maybe because its half linux half windows and I'm on windows. Trying to get it hosted now. please stand by. dobedobedobedo
EDIT: ITS WORKING!!! Movie started at the bright and early time of 9pm PST!
I tend to like most of them. I even have a CyTube where I put all of their god damn videos there and play them all for filler
But GTA San Andrea was the first one I saw, I like that one, Oregan Trail and Trilby's Notes. Also Super Mario 2 cause holy shit Yahtz being on point and funny at the same time.
Absolutely! Lemme copy what I posted in /r/TrollXMovieNight:
Hi everyone! cy0nknight here. I got permission from /u/VoltasPistol to run this week's movie night, and the theme will be all things Batman! Stay for one flick, or stay for all 4. It's over 6 hours of spills, chills, and thrills with the World's Greatest Detective!
TrollXMovieNight chatroom on Cytu.be
Run times are ESTIMATED. If you see a movie you like, please drop in early so you don't miss a single gosh-darned moment! There will be intermissions for snacks/bathroom breaks/fighting crime, so don't worry. :)
What's On Tap (Friday, September 18):
See you in Gotham!
>[edit] - guess I pay, right?
I don't see any paywall, just the link to a chat/stream room.
sigh getting tired of putting this in comments...
This is a safe place for people who need to talk about their life as a trans person. If we downvote posts and comments into the ground, we discourage free expression. Save your downvotes for trolls.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Ummm... de ce presupui ca eu le am cu programarea si ca inteleg ce ai dat tu acolo? Daca e din cauza "direct linking"-ului din primul comentariu, atunci stai sa explic direct ce vreau.
As vrea un site de file hosting unde pot sa uploadez un video (max 1-1.5GB) si sa mearga un link direct catre el (http://ADRESA/video.mp4), pentru ca dupa sa il pot folosi pe cytube.
You'll have to use Chrome to get it to work, but it should work provided you follow the instructions on how to install the userscript/extension. Scroll down the page until you see the blue dialog menu and follow the instructions there.
Shameless plug, but if you'd like to watch content from all these channels and more the way we used to watch the old Speed Channel (think racing's version of Nick Reboot), head over to the Classic Racing Network stream. The chat even has custom emoji.
I made a cytube channel for /r/pakistan
Cytube is a place where you can youtube and chill. There is a playlist where people can add videos (not limited to youtube, though some sites are buggy to use) and you can all watch is simultaneously and chat about it. Think of it as having the cinema experience without the cinema ;p
I have put 50Fifty on the playlist for now, come and see!
It was on break this week(Samurai Jack Marathon for Halloween).
Usually starts exactly 7 hours ago(at the time of this post) on toonami/adult swim and you can catch it on livestream
You should join us in the thread on /r/Toonami that comes up. Or the latest episode threads that are usually made as its airing.
Tomorrow night the guys at /r/badmovies is going to run a mini marathon of movies.
Tonight there might be another edition of "The Man Hole" , a session of bad movie clips, bad commercials and torture based on the Wheel of the Worst.
And then we'll be watching a couple of awesome movies with eclipses in them: Ladyhawke & Hellboy
That's 6:00 PM GMT for our friends in Europe.
Remember to check /r/TrollXMovieNight and /r/TrollYMovieNight regularly for upcoming livestreams.
I've found two other KM fans here. :P
I also created this a while ago, which is good for posting KM related videos and etc. https://cytu.be/r/km
Sagt ja niemand. Cytube ist eine Seite wo man mit anderen Usern sich synchronisiert ein Video anschauen kann und dazu einen Chat zur Verfügung hat. Hier ein Testkanal den ich mit einer Schwesti mal vor Urzeiten erstellt habe. Es würde uns das ganze Discord-trara ersparen
We should be watching the TV series every Saturday, with the fourth episode on 15 April at 6:30pm GMT, 8:30pm EDT and 8:30pm PDT.
Episode | Title | Stream airdate |
~~1~~ | ~~What the Hair?!~~ | ~~March 25~~ |
~~2~~ | ~~Rapunzel's Enemy~~ | ~~April 1~~ |
~~3~~ | ~~Fitzherbert P.I.~~ | ~~April 8~~ |
~~4~~ | ~~Challenge of the Brave~~ | ~~April 15~~ |
5 | Cassandra v. Eugene | April 22 |
6 | The Return of Strongbow | April 29 |
Hi /r/Tangled!
As the title has said, our stream has decided to watch Tangled: The Series! It would be great if you could join our lovely community, and what better way than to geek out over Eugene, Rapunzel and Cassandra (yes, she's that new main character)! Feel free to stop by and chat, be it about the movie or anything else! We're cool we swear!
Who are we? Well, the stream was originally set up by a few people from /r/Frozen in 2014 but we really like all things Disney (and everything else!). We would really love if you could come and become a part of our stream! We air a lot of Disney movies, TV shows, games and other fun stuff, anything really.
Also, don't worry if you missed out on anything! We would be more than happy to accept requests!
If you don't know what Cytube is, it is a place with a chatroom and synchronised streaming where anyone can join, and is a fun and wonderful place to share and watch videos together, and talk about anything under the sun!
Hi /r/Tangled!
As the title has said, our stream has decided to watch Tangled: Before Ever After later! We would most likely be also watching Tangled: The Series when it comes out next week! It would be great if you could join our lovely community, and what better way than to geek out over Eugene, Rapunzel and Cassandra (yes, she's that new main character)! Feel free to stop by and chat, be it about the movie or anything else! We're cool we swear!
Who are we? Well, the stream was originally set up by a few people from /r/Frozen in 2014 but we really like all things Disney (and everything else!). We would really love if you could come and become a part of our stream! We air a lot of Disney movies, TV shows, games and other fun stuff, anything really.
Feel free to stop by and chat, be it about the movies or anything else! We're cool we swear!
We should be watching Tangled: Before Ever After on 18 March, at these 3 timings: 7 GMT, 8pm EST and 8pm PST.
Also, don't worry if you missed out on anything! We would be more than happy to accept requests!
If you don't know what Cytube is, it is a place with a chatroom and synchronised streaming where anyone can join, and is a fun and wonderful place to share and watch videos together, and talk about anything under the sun!
Hi /r/Moana!
As the title has said, our stream has decided to watch Inner workings, Moana and the bonus stuff! It would be great if you could join our lovely community, and what better way than to geek out over Moana! Feel free to stop by and chat, be it about the movie or anything else! We're cool we swear!
Who are we? Well, the stream was originally set up by a few people from /r/Frozen in 2014 but we really like all things Disney (and everything else!). We would really love if you could come and become a part of our stream! We air a lot of Disney movies, TV shows, games and other fun stuff, anything really.
We should be watching today on 17 March, at these 3 timings: 7 GMT, 8pm EST and 8pm PST.
Also, don't worry if you missed out on anything! We would be more than happy to accept requests!
If you don't know what Cytube is, it is a place with a chatroom and synchronised streaming where anyone can join, and is a fun and wonderful place to share and watch videos together, and talk about anything under the sun!
There are a lot of sites that do that, although many are no longer active.
plug.dj (Already mentioned by /u/catching_signals)
Inactive (or down right now):
Turntable.fm (Already mentioned by /u/catching_signals)
Who are we? Well, the stream was originally set up by a few people from /r/Frozen in 2014 but we really like all things Disney (and Pixar) and we would love if you could come and watch with us! We air a lot of Disney movies, shows, games and other fun stuff.
Also, don't worry if you missed out on anything! Just ask, and we'd be more than willing to re-add a movie or even put on something else (given there's nothing special on at the time and we have links).
Kubo and the Two Strings, immediately followed by LEGO Frozen Northern Lights: You can join us on 8pm CET (2pm EST) or 8pm PST (11pm EST) on 7 Jan
Frozen, immediately followed by The Making of Frozen (2016): You can join us on 8pm CET (2pm EST) or 8pm PST (11pm EST) on 8 Jan
Featuring: Die Hard, My Drunk Kitchen, MST3K, The Star Wars Holiday Special, Good Mythical Morning, Gremlins, Lil' Bub, The Try Guys, Mr. Bean, Jenna Marbles, Lilly Singh, Threadbangers, CinemaSins , AND SO MUCH MORE!
^Sorry, ^no ^requests
We have a channel on Cytu.be where there's IRC chat on one side of the screen, and on the other side of the screen the videos play so everyone is watching the same thing. Then we make snarky comments about it. Think of it as MSTroll3K.
Want more of this? Go to /r/TrollXMovieNight! We've been doing this for a few years and /r/TrollYMovieNight has it's own movie chatroom too!
The link is always posted in the rewatch discussion threads.
Several years worth of random junk I've saved that will never see the light of day because I must have hundreds of hours of "filler content" saved here.
Six hours. Be there.
Shoutout to my hearties who made it to ccKufiPrFa, and to the ones who didn't <3 /r/ccandehearts/ /r/JazzRobin
smooth voice JazzRobin is still streaming for those who want to chill with some tunes :)
/u/Dani_Californication, /u/LiteraryBoner
I don't see the need to fight over this picture.
You know, maybe if the Boner Jams thing really doesn't work out you guys are free to use my Antrobus Auditorium. Just tell me your Cytu.be usernames and I'll add you guys as moderators.
And that special video not announced for the pre-show https://cytu.be/r/r-toonami is:
Neon Genesis Evangelion Episode 1.
IN LESS THAN 7 HOURS, WE MARK THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST BROADCAST OF EVANGELION. To celebrate, we are rewatching the first episode.
In Japan, they are going to air the episode on various street television across the country. While, 5:30AM is a little to early for some people, we will just air it in the pre-show.
Presenting.... The things that make you afraid to sleep! ಠ_ಠ
Who: TrollX & TrollY & YOU
What: Synced movies and chat on the TrollXMovieNight Cytu.be channel.
A Nightmare On Elm Street (The SERIES! >:D) Scream (The Series! >:3) Julian Smith (to ease the scared...) & some other stuff.
When: Monday, August 31 5PM CST, (that's 45 minutes from now) and for many hours afterwards.
Where: The TrollXMovieNight chat room on Cytu.be If you see cat videos and/or Julian Smith when you click this link, the movies have not started yet.
Why: Because it is awesome. Duh. Let's get scared together! :D Content Warnings: Remember, this stuff is HORROR. These are R rated!
ANOES Warning:Rated R for graphic horror violence including some grisly images, terror throughout, and some language
Scream warning: Rated R for strong graphic horror violence and gore, and for language
As always, NO REQUESTS. The movies have to be cut into server-friendly pieces ahead of time & screened carefully for disturbing content.
i'm livestreaming it at https://cytu.be/r/NarutoTheLast on sunday but i heard you can watch it on narutowire streaming now. Edit: http://anilinkz.tv/naruto-shippuuden-movie-7-the-last
edit: i am livestreaming it saturday at 10pm EST as well now.
please watch my channe too! https://cytu.be/r/EmptyTV
At approximately 3:55 AM PST ‘Ed Wood’ Should be starting. Due to the nature of these videos, times are estimated.
At approximately 7:00 AM PST ‘Mulholland Drive’ should be starting.
At approximately 9:26 AM PST ‘Trainspotting’ should be starting
At approximately 11:00 AM PST ‘The Last Man on Earth’ should be starting
At approximately 1:32 PM PST: ‘The Life Aquatic’ should be starting
At approximately 3:30 PM PST: ‘From Dusk Till Dawn’ should be starting
At approximately 5:22 PM PST ‘The Adventures of Pete and Pete should be starting.
Hey anybodies who are lurking and have nothing to do! I have a free evening tonight/bored so I'm randomly having an impromptu Animation Sampler-thon ! At your humble <strong>Entwife Theatre</strong>! Tonight, right now in about 15 min!
Ill be watching the first episodes of a few "newer" animation series but mostly old ones! Such as Major Lazer, Star vs Force of Evil, Swat Kats, Panty and Stocking, Batman the Animated Series, and more.
Hey mate, added a new post on here with the others but because you're looking forward to it
I'll be adding more to it as I go along but I thought I've got enough videos on there to begin with so updated all channels today
Scrub did a good job keeping the server around for this long. Honestly I think CloudFlare was the biggest problem. https://cytu.be/ is the closet thing we'll get to another ScrubTV for the time being. It's not perfect but it gets the job done for now.
Maybe a decentralized community effort will be the answer. We can run live-streaming servers on cheap Virtual Private Servers and use rclone to mount cloud drives with the videos and ffmpeg (rtmp) to feed the video files into a live streaming server.
The only major roadblock I see with this is bandwidth and data caps so we will need to find a way to overcome that. Since the videos are not hosted on the servers themselves there will technically be no legal issues.
I do this a lot with 4chan bros, and I was gonna do it myself but I saw your post. I use cytu.be for the stream and chat. It requires a working link to the video, so we can only watch videos with URLs everyone can see, but dailymotion and some other sites have full WKUK episodes.
Let me know if you need any help, if you want I can be one of the people who hosts the streams when you're unavailable.
If you're looking for 24/7 stuff, you can try cytu.be. Not the same exact list but a good amount of overlap on more popular shows.
EDIT - Also, you'll have to make an account on their site, but it's very quick. Don't even need to provide an email to confirm if you don't want.
On Halloween I'll be streaming classic Addams Family episodes on the TrollXMovieNight Cytu.be channel starting around 1pm PST (4pm EST).
There will be a chatroom. The old kind of chat room. Tippy-tappy on keyboard nobody has to know I'm wearing a snuggie chatroom.
How long? There's a lot of episodes. Maybe 8 hours or so?
Only the classic series, dumb laughtrack and everything.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Link to the channel is in the post and here too. Cytube is a place to stream video for free in a group watch setting, and I've set up a Red Scare channel. Sign up for an account if you haven't already (though you can watch anonymously too). If there's other things people want to watch afterwards, suggest them here, preferably with a link to a video file (an archive.org or youtube link is ideal). See you there!
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
I'm asking again to see if somebody interested in hosting a match thread today for Brazil - Netherlands from the 2010 World Cup? I'll be starting the live stream around 21:00 CET today on https://cytu.be/r/soccerwatch but I'm not good with match threads.
If they are not on the Fukei guide, go to https://cytu.be/r/SakuraGakuin and there's probably a link in there
Streamanime usually has it up the fastest, and it usually goes up about 3 hours after it airs - though that is by no means set in stone. Although if you're around at the time you can watch it live on The Brony Network and join us on /r/Toonami). Last week it took way longer before it went up, and sometimes it doesn't go up for days(very rarely does it get uploaded much earlier, too - but it does happen).
I believe no new episode next week btw, marathon for memorial day.
Been wanting to stream couple movies of my own for some time after going to the daily movies on here. So stop by on Thursday. Also between each movie prolly show couple clips to pass by like 10 mins to get your drinks, snacks, use the restroom or whatever you have to do. Hope to see everyone there! :)
Gonna be streaming Samurai Cop and The Greasy Strangler Thursday Augsust 10, 2017 at 7PM CST
Link for the room is:Baskopolis
We should be watching the TV series every Sunday, with the today's episodes on 23 July at 6:30pm GMT, 8:30pm EDT and 8:30pm PDT.
Episode | Title | Stream airdate |
~~1~~ | ~~What the Hair?!~~ | ~~March 25~~ |
~~2~~ | ~~Rapunzel's Enemy~~ | ~~April 1~~ |
~~3~~ | ~~Fitzherbert P.I.~~ | ~~April 8~~ |
~~4~~ | ~~Challenge of the Brave~~ | ~~April 15~~ |
~~5~~ | ~~Cassandra v. Eugene~~ | ~~April 22~~ |
~~6~~ | ~~The Return of Strongbow~~ | ~~May 6~~ |
7 | In Like Flynn | July 23 |
8 | Great Expotations | July 30 |
9 | Under Raps | August 6 |
10 | One Angry Princess | August 13 |
11 | Pascals Story | August 20 |
Hi /r/Tangled!
As the title has said, our stream has decided to watch Tangled: The Series! It would be great if you could join our lovely community, and what better way than to geek out over Eugene, Rapunzel and Cassandra (yes, she's that new main character)! Feel free to stop by and chat, be it about the movie or anything else! We're cool we swear!
Who are we? Well, the stream was originally set up by a few people from /r/Frozen in 2014 but we really like all things Disney (and everything else!). We would really love if you could come and become a part of our stream! We air a lot of Disney movies, TV shows, games and other fun stuff, anything really.
Also, don't worry if you missed out on anything! We would be more than happy to accept requests!
If you don't know what Cytube is, it is a place with a chatroom and synchronised streaming where anyone can join, and is a fun and wonderful place to share and watch videos together, and talk about anything under the sun!
Edit: Currently watching Notorious by Alfred Hitchcock but tons of Dodger highlights and commercials and movies on schedule with options to add videos yourself!
Second Edit: Channel closed for the time being but post game tonight will have some good programming going on, maybe vote on a movie
Then join /u/Oculus_Orbus for a day’s worth of shitty Star Wars knockoffs at the Dark Side of the Fourth Anti-Celebration. Pretty much every cheapass celluloid cash grab we could get our hands on will be screened, including the classic Hardware Wars! So, if you’ve had it up to here with dorky fans, lame sequels and Disney’s omnipresent marketing monster, then join us on May the Fourth @ https://cytu.be/r/Oculus_Orpheum and lets all give George the finger together!
We should be watching the TV series every Saturday, with the fourth episode on 15 April at 6:30pm GMT, 8:30pm EDT and 8:30pm PDT.
Episode | Title | Stream airdate |
1 | ~~What the Hair?!~~ | ~~March 25~~ |
2 | ~~Rapunzel's Enemy~~ | ~~April 1~~ |
3 | ~~Fitzherbert P.I.~~ | ~~April 8~~ |
4 | Challenge of the Brave | April 15 |
5 | Cassandra v. Eugene | April 22 |
6 | The Return of Strongbow | April 29 |
Hi /r/Tangled!
As the title has said, our stream has decided to watch Tangled: The Series! It would be great if you could join our lovely community, and what better way than to geek out over Eugene, Rapunzel and Cassandra (yes, she's that new main character)! Feel free to stop by and chat, be it about the movie or anything else! We're cool we swear!
Who are we? Well, the stream was originally set up by a few people from /r/Frozen in 2014 but we really like all things Disney (and everything else!). We would really love if you could come and become a part of our stream! We air a lot of Disney movies, TV shows, games and other fun stuff, anything really.
Also, don't worry if you missed out on anything! We would be more than happy to accept requests!
If you don't know what Cytube is, it is a place with a chatroom and synchronised streaming where anyone can join, and is a fun and wonderful place to share and watch videos together, and talk about anything under the sun!
I'm pretty sure there is going to be one on the Pferd Reich on Cytube. We can all go there if you want. The episode should start around 11:30 EST (15:30 GMT).
Or propose the place and time yourself.
Don't know what that is in your time zone? Click HERE for a time zone converter/countdown.
Take advantage of the RemindMe! bot to remind you on Saturday, by typing RemindMe! 24 Hours (or however long it is until Saturday at 3pm) and it will send you a message on reddit reminding you.
we use cytu.be to watch, it takes a hosted video and will sync everyones playback to the same time. the link that we use is https://cytu.be/r/AnimeDubs_GroupWatch and the password for the channel is 'dubsdabest'.
The Schedule
Movie | GMT+8 (CST) | GMT (EU) | GMT-5 (EST) | GMT-8 (PST) |
Frozen (Nanodub) | 03:00 28 Nov | 19:00 27 Nov | 14:00 27 Nov | 11:00 27 Nov |
Frozen (Megadub) | 09:00 28 Nov | 01:00 28 Nov | 20:00 27 Nov | 17:00 27 Nov |
Frozen (English) | 12:00 28 Nov | 04:00 28 Nov | 23:00 27 Nov | 20:00 27 Nov |
And in case you were wondering, Frozen (Megadub) is a multilanguage version of Frozen, and Frozen (Nanodub) is the music-only version of Frozen, all credits go to /u/supersaw7 for creating them!
Who are we? Well, the stream was originally set up by a few people from /r/Frozen in 2014 but we really like all things Disney (and Pixar) and we would love if you could come and watch with us! We air a lot of Disney movies, shows, games and other fun stuff.
Also, don't worry if you missed out on anything! Just ask, and we'd be more than willing to re-add a movie or even put on something else (given there's nothing special on at the time and we have links).
With Cytube you can watch via streaming links like Youtube/Vimeo/Twitch/etc. and if you have the file you can upload/watch via a Google Drive link. It's just through the browser and you can just use a temporary guest login instead of making an account if you don't want to.
Rabbit sounds like it's basically screen sharing, so you can watch Netflix or Hulu or whatever too. So that would definitely us give more options. I think the only downside there was the 25 person room limit, which, depending on the level of interest, might not even be a problem.
If you want to see what Cytube looks like, /r/Movie_Club's channel is here: http://cytu.be/r/MovieClub. I made a channel to play around with a bit too, that should be here: https://cytu.be/r/quercus
In the meantime, if you ever throw together another unofficial movie night, I'm totally there! :)
9pm Eastern Time
8pm Central Time
7pm Mountain Time
6pm Pacific Time
It's going to be 1 & 1/2 hours long.
~~We're still watching Little Witch Academia in the two hours before the debate, don't you fret that this will be cutting into movienight time.~~ There's google drive weirdness so we'll be watching something else.
/r/toonami pre-show: https://cytu.be/r/r-toonami
At 10:30 PM EDT: Jojo Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders 16 (Sub)
At 11:00 PM EDT: Valvrave the Liberator Episode 18 (Sub)
At 11:30 PM EDT: FLCL Episode 4 (Dub)
Note: Pre-show is off next week for a con.
/r/toonami pre-show: https://cytu.be/r/r-toonami
At 10:30 PM EDT: Jojo Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders 15 (Sub)
At 11:00 PM EDT: Valvrave the Liberator Episode 17 (Sub)
At 11:30 PM EDT: FLCL Episode 3 (Dub)
So I am weekend traveling this weekend, but I think I have a remote timing solution for this weekend's pre-show.
10:30 PM EST: Jojo Bizarre Adventures: Stardust Crusaders 11
11 PM EST: Valvrave the Liberator 13
11:30 PM EST: Seraph Of The End 11
Kind of squeezing these in between other screenings unofficially so, not really any set day, though at the moment looking at the calendar its looking like Tuesdays are generally open and also any weekends when we don't have noirs lined up.
Right now we're having them at the Better Know a Movement channel, but I'll make sure to leave drop a message and a link in the Truefilm Theater whenever there's a screening so that people can easily find the right place.
Hi! So we do this every Sunday at 5pm PST. We watch movies together on Cytube, with the movie on one side and chat box on the other. I fanangle mine so I have one window full screen on the TV, and another window with just the chat on my laptop. You don't have to do anything, I have everything set up and ready to go for Sunday.
The 52 by 52 project (Sunday nights) are exclusively films that are directed by Women. On some Saturdays and other random days, there are marathons hosted by other users of TrollXMovieNight and TrollYMovieNight. Current Calendar is here! Hope you can make it!
/r/toonami pre-show today: https://cytu.be/r/r-toonami
At 10:30 PM EST: Jojo Bizarre Adventures Stardust Crusaders Episode 7 (Sub)
At 11 PM EST: Valvrave the Liberator Epsiode 9 (Sub)
At 11:30 PM EST: Seraph Of the End Battle in Nagoya 7 (Dub)
The Pre-Show is up: https://cytu.be/r/r-toonami
At 10:30 PM EST: Jojo Bizarre Adventures 12 (English Sub)
11:00PM EST: Valvrave the Liberator 2 (English Sub)
11:30 PM EST: Seraph Of the End 12 (English Dub)
All of the Episode 12 will follow with their season 2 runs in the next pre-show.
The Pre-Show is up: https://cytu.be/r/r-toonami
At 10:30 PM EST: Jojo Bizarre Adventures 12 (English Sub)
11:00PM EST: Valvrave the Liberator 2 (English Sub)
11:30 PM EST: Seraph Of the End 12 (English Dub)
All of the Episode 12 will follow with their season 2 runs in the next pre-show.
I am here, and I, too, am disappointed. (If anyone's got a more RWBY version of that gif, I'd love to know.)
I wonder if the WoR vid will go up on YT immediately/Sunday or be delayed a week like an episode. Either way, it'll be added to the cytube channel ASAP.
And I guess if it's going to be released like it's an episode, we can rewatch it like it's a episode!
Pre-Show: https://cytu.be/r/r-toonami
Now: You know we are going to see those stupid truth PSA. I give you old cigarette commercials with riff commentary.
At 11PM EST: Valvrave the Liberator - Episode 1 (English Sub)
At 11:30PM EST: Seraph of the End - Episode 11 (English Dub)