>Good day, Team MIlleMomo! BLADE OF LIGHT! I have really great news for you today! Next Januray, I, Millennium Momotaro, will depart on another journey full of battles. The title of this journey is "Metal Opera Millenium Momotaro". Not just Metal, an Opera too! How will this turn out? In fact, I still don't know what kind of battles await me on this adventure. But whatever I must face, I'm sure I will be able to overcome them with your support. Of course they will include fierce swordfighting, but we'll have various other extras too! So in Metal Opera Millennium Momotaro... Maybe I will sing Metal... And maybe I will swing my sword while singing metal. Your support is very welcome! EVIL VANQUISHER BLADE OF TRUTH! I was Millennium Momotaro! Bye-bye!
Another year, another test! Seems like despite the girls' best efforts to stay on top of things, Mori-sensei and the rest of the teachers always win in the end! Douzo!
.ass file for your own personal copies. I suggest you take a look at the comments in the file for no reason whatsoever.
Lato font for the subs file if you don't already have it on your computer.
Special thanks to /u/jarringjade and /u/kaigaifukei for helping me out with editing and proofreading!
You all think I'm gonna let you be happy and continue on to live your lives when I missed one of the best episode of LoGiRL last night? Have some feels.
Lol jk.
Apologies for my abscence last night. I should have stayed and helped live-translate but I wanted to get this done no matter what asap so I can focus on my "personal project".
I will be going in a translating hiatus for the time being. (except for translating Honjyo contents of course)
Good day.
as for last week , the chat sub from archive shifted (-160 sec) to match the video (using http://subshifter.bitsnbites.eu/, that's because the original stream has 160 sec of still frame before the start), credits to who arranged the srt files (not me)
Time to get everyone to request the upcoming album to be available on your country's itunes store! :) (the important thing is to buy it once it appears, so that they know that there's a market for it.) The last time I requested it the Heart no Hoshi single appeared after approximately two weeks. :)
If y'all prefer the amazon digital music store you should request it there too! :)
That was on LoGiRL... 39! at 6:38.
It took me a bit of time to find but I remembered it as the 5th anniversary show review. MiyoMatsu also appeared during Message: that was one of the first moments that made me cry as a new fan at the time :)
I made a vector file of the Mathematica numbers on their shirts. It's not perfect and needs more tweaking. Maybe someone who's better at this than I am would want to fix it. Here's the file. :)
I found this dialogue interesting:
"Something that gives the feeling of freedom..."
"I wonder what?"
"happa?" (葉っぱ?)
"Heh heh, maybe"
葉っぱ = はっぱ = happa = leaf ; marijuana (slang) ; cannabis
Some explanation: Fuji TV produced a detective drama special as kind of an experiment where instead of commercial breaks they would involve the ads with the script/plot.... I guess product placement isn't that much of a thing in Japan as in the west? <em>cough</em>. Anyway, Mori was the writer and these ads are basically small skits of him, the director, and Fuji TV's sales guy talking with the sponsors. Had to rehost them from Fuji's youtube channel cause region lock.
For anyone interested in the drama itself, you can watch it here. Honestly it's worth a watch, they do some pretty fun meta stuff at times and it's a nice little detective story with some interesting twists.
Some childhood photos of Ayaka at 9:00 in Part 2
In Part 5 she goes underwater using a diving helmet which is pretty cool, and she's delighted
I watched the second episode of Invisible Tokyo on Amazon today. Airi is in this episode, and it gives a bit of insight into her personality. She basically says she wouldn't be where she is today without Sakura Gakuin. She does come across as an introvert, and still has a bit of a problem expressing herself. There's this great section at the end where they just show all the different times she breaks out with nervous laughter - I assume because she is having problems answering the questions. The series itself is kinda boring, but Airi is in 2 episodes, and Ayaka is featured in 2 other episodes.
That's the intro for Logica in general. They have that intro even when performing other songs. Minipati has it's <strong>own intro</strong> too, as does Koubaibu with the "Minnasan! Koubaibu kara no oshirase desu!".
You can use VLC player to play the video and either drag the .ass file into the video once it's played, or you can rename the .ass file to the exact same filename of the video and put it in the same folder.
If the video name is something like Fresh50.mp4, then name the .ass file to Fresh50.ass.
After some googling I found a review of some subtitle player software:
I'm trying Penguin Subtitle Player. So far it works fairly well - it gives you a window that status on top and you can adjust the transparency, font, size etc. The only thing it hasn't got is is a convenient way to adjust the timing offset, so you have to play around with the timing bar manually. Versions for Windows, OSX and Linux.
Ayaka was at a fashion event today (same event Airi was working at)...No word on her own graduation, but similar to Ayami recently she went to Hawai'i (for work (a photo shoot)).
I found it here:
There are no English subs but the story and jokes are fairly easy to understand.
I should probably say this: FEELS WARNING (related to Maaya's character, no less!)
I found this intrumental cover on Amazon of Yume ni Mukatte the other day. It's in a musicbox style! I only listened to the preview so far but thought it was pretty cute!
There is also an app that pulls data from the NHK site called Tangoristo on Android store. Its a great reading/learning too for people who want something convenient on their mobile.
Mmm they seems to be smart to also stream to ustream maybe finally a true HD stream.
EDIT: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=A.Y.M.+Live+Collection+2014+%EF%BD%9E%E9%80%B2%E5%8C%96%EF%BD%9E+Live+stream&iso=20141216T21&p1=248 Here is the time of the event.
Alright ^_^
LoGiRL #30
LoGiRL #31
Let me know if there's any problem.
Well YouTube, but you will be shut down within a couple of minutes. The only thing I can think of to host it yourself, but you need REAL decent internet for that (or a server), and then your ISP might shut you down.
Try any of the ones supported by OBS for example:
But other than that, most will shut you down because they have live content ID running.
These links in order may shed some light:
Look at the alternatives in DEEPL.
its from fb, in the SGWW group, maybe someone can upload it on DM, i could do it but it will cost like 3 hours with my net :c
source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SakuraGakuinWorldwide/permalink/1611426872463307/
Man, so hyped for this.
Just remembering the music that played when they did the Sword Dance class with the 3rd (Mirena's) group was really energetic in an orchestral sense. From the Fukei Guide page: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5ank8r
Note: Ok so for some reason that (and a few other vids) are now Password protected on Dailymotion. :(
Checked twitter and she posted from the Ikebukuro HMV. So I think Logirl will happen.
HMV池袋店では、2人の私がお迎えしております☺️ まもなく始まるよ〜‼︎ 終わったらLoGiRLに向かいます‼︎ いっそがっすぃ〜
At HMV, Ikebukuro, welcomes two of my ☺️ shortly to start-‼︎ head to LoGiRL when you are done ‼︎ better yet gassu Shii-✨ https://instagram.com/p/zhRxKtEgvT/
Sleepiece retrospective Direct Link
If you want to link to a certain time (or at least to the nearest keyframe) in Dailymotion, you must add &start=000 to the end of the URL.
Replace 000 with the number of seconds into the video you want to start at, so in this case we want to start at 3:18 (3x60+18=198) so the Direct URL would be ...dailymotion.com/video/x30yfvb*&start=198*.
Unfortunately, Dailymotion will start the video at the nearest keyframe, so in this case it starts at 3:20 instead of 3:18.
To me S. Saki reminds me of Matsui Rena. I dont necessarily think they look similar, just that they have some resemblance, if that makes any sense.
Also, Hashimoto Nanami from Nogizaka46 (Nakamoto Himeka's idol group) shares the same nasal talent as Hinata. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xxmktd_nanamin-super-nose_music#from=embediframe
There also used to be a girl within Nogizaka that was obsessed with tomatoes like Yui, though I think she graduated and I don't remember anything about her.
A lot of Japanese music industry promotion seems very manipulative to me. For example, at the upcoming Babymetal concert in Japan they are going to have stickers along with the new CDs, with a rare chance at receiving a special prize. You can look at it either as a nice bonus, or more cynically, a chance to get their most devoted fans to buy dozens of copies hoping to get the rare prize. Or even for speculators to buy dozens to resell the prize for big yen to collectors on Yahoo Auctions.
There are a lot of items which are for idols but randomized among the members, so you don't know what you'll get until you buy and open them. So fans have to buy bunches of them instead of just being able to get what they wanted in the first place. (see 12:38 in the video below)
And then of course there is the AKB48 vote-by-buying-CDs which is directly intended to get besotted fans (already manipulated into a false sense of connection with young attractive idols) to dump all their disposable income into multiple CDs, which they will then trash or give away. It's revolting. See for example @ 28:10 in this video.
Well, that ended longer than I expected it to be, I guess it's a rant.
If your drive works, VLC should be able to play the disk just fine.
File -> Play Disk (Ctrl+D)
And then: http://i.imgur.com/jOdUjBW.png
Otherwise you can try Kodi (In the Windows store, or on https://kodi.tv if not on Windows 10.) It will show up under videos. Or try opening the BDMV/index.bdmv in MPC-HC. (Right click on the disk and "Open" to get to the files in Windows Explorer.
So I searched that for the name Mariri: http://jisho.org/search/%22mariri%22%20%23names
I wonder if whomever put the names there was trying to use 愛 but somehow got it mixed up or possibly some weird nickname we've never heard about.
That's a pretty awesome site.
Have you been using Anki at all? Being able to create my own flash cards and being forced to review them each day is what has kept me motivated all this time. I've been using it for almost 3 years now. I find it especially useful for studying kanji.
I lately started using VPNgate, and it works like a charm. Apparently it's University-run and they have a lot of servers (Mostly Asia but there are some American and European ones, too)
Ah yep, you were right. I called my bank and my card had been deactivated by the anti-fraud system.
I've got both shows bought now. Can't wait for Sunday!
BTW if anyone's still looking for VPNs I've been using VPN Gate to access the site. I don't know how well it's going to work for streaming the shows, but it's free so may as well give it a try.
If you haven't tried yet, use hola, it's easy to use and free but there's a catch. While it's on, people can use you as a proxy, too, so try to only have it switched on while really necessary(so in a sense it's basically a peer to peer proxy). You can read about some of the dangers/shady stuff here
Thanks! Amazon link
There's a show on Amazon Prime called Invisible Tokyo. Episode 2 includes Airi, and there is a part where they interview her, and at the end they have a cut of all the different times she broke out in laughter during the interview - and it is glorious. Episode 7 is all about Airi - but I haven't seen it yet.
~~Can you see this version of the document (this version lets you see the edit controls but doesn't let you edit)? If you can't see it there, you may be able to add it to your drive (using the "move to" button (which shouldn't actually MOVE it, just allow you to access it from your drive homepage)) either from the phone (maybe?) or when you are at a computer, and then you MIGHT be able to see it if you can get (or already have) this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.docs~~
~~I say "might" because I've yet to test any of this on my phone, which is stuck at Android 2.3 or so. tests now~~
EDIT: Tested, you may be able to just search it from within the app. ~~I found it in a search after removing it from my drive just fine--typed in "sa" and it was actually the very top result 0_o.~~ Your ability to find it by searching will depend on whether you've ever accessed its page using a Google account you have linked to your phone/the app. DX I removed the account I'd accessed it with from the drive app and all the SG related search results disappeared.
TL;DR: I want to help but obviously have no idea what I'm doing. XD
My favourite ever song intro they had was for <strong>Mikansei Silhouette</strong> at Road To Graduation 2015. It was different than that for the same song in the previous two RTGs. Rinon and Saki² were sitting on boxes and waving to the fukei having just performed Michishirube (which in itself is one of my favourite senior songs ever) and then the piano segment of Mikansei Silhouette played as that seamlessly transitioned into the rest of the members coming on stage and them all getting into position for the song.
It looks like you are both right unless they all got the same thing...
Second class will be Yui, Moa, Rinon, Saki Shirai, and Sara.
~~Anyone dare to predict what words those girls will choose to write?~~ (in the next xx:xx)
I made an Instagram recently because I've wanted to follow people like ~~Yunananannabatmano~~ Yunano for a while and Rene was making one so I figured why not.
Apparently the news blogger SakuraGakuin12 found and liked all my stuff and commented on some even though I had no tags so a Senpai finally noticed me :D
I'll be using it to upload loot that I get alongside my Facebook. It won't be ultra high quality but it'd be nice to share the random photos I keep taking.
Hmm possibly. I see that those earlier ones from Toy's Factory do show up on the Japanese iTunes, so maybe we need to submit a separate request?
(I'm surprised that Aogeba Toutoshi isn't there though...)
You have to remember that they are still somewhat "in-character" for these videos from the TV show that they do the voices for(KatsuDuru), so the wardrobe may not be their choice at all.
Keep in mind they're acting (well, more like having improvised conversations) as the characters they voice from KutsuDaru (or they just refer to eachother with their characters' names).
And goddamnit that theme song is catchy but they're only gonna release it late july. :(
I'm going to go old school and vote for Broadcast Room #1 from the official Sakura Gakuin channel on Niconico Douga! :) (hoping that this series, which gets renamed as さくら学院公式チャンネル(for #5 onwards)) will be translated eventually if they haven't yet. :) There's some interesting stuff that I don't think I've seen translated yet.)
Not OSB. :P OBS!
OBS has two modes. Livestream (which is what most people use it for) and File Output Only mode (which saves the recording to your hard drive).
I use the latter and I have it set to capture my desktop.
After reading your post I realised that I saw no ads at all, went back there and disabled adblock and the sound cut out, and there were ads everywhere.
Re enabled adblock and closed the tab, opened the link again in a new tab, no ads and full sound.
Give adblock a try and see if it works.
That was something off of my memory, i saw her profile credited in anidb as seiyuu.
Now that i checked the page again to see in which work she credited for, turned out it's she's credited only in one tittle for an episode, as a "female student D" in "Hime Gal Paradise: Love and Beauty".
I have now, it won't see my install of python-librtmp (installed using the wheel), so it won't do the desktop streams. For the rest is works good tho. Do you have any ideas?
EDIT: https://github.com/chrippa/livestreamer/issues/706 ustream plugin is broken for now. Let's wait for a fix.
I googled a bit and found Aegisub. It's a free anime fansubbing tool that makes .ass-files(heh). I have not tried it myself, but looking at screenshots, it looks something you should check out.
YSK to make a video start at a certain time in Dailymotion, hover your mouse over the video, then click the "Export" button, 3 new icons will appear, the right-most icon will say "Start at 00:00" click it, and it will copy a link to your clipboard that you can paste into your comments.
To be honest, I'm reading not so good things about HOLA. I'm checking Media Hint or still better for me Air Vpn because it's a company of my country, so I shouldn't have problems about bootstrap connection or whatever. The only problem is I still don't know how to pay the broadcaster... If they don't use paypal or they accept only japanese credit card, then even using a vpn will be totally useless :(
Ordered my copy... Apparently it releases tomorrow. Link to Amazon Japan: https://www.amazon.co.jp/OVERTURE-%E3%82%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E3%83%81%E3%83%A5%E3%82%A2-No-10-%E3%82%BF%E3%82%A6%E3%83%B3%E3%83%A0%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF/dp/4197104928/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1490046217&sr=1-1&keywords=...
Go Sara!! :)
Has anyone else read the Japanese novel Convenience Store Woman? It won the prestigious Akutagawa Prize in 2016. I recommend it.
I'm testing both StrongVPN and they seem to work pretty well. Really hope atleast one of them will work as expected on sunday... Can't wait!
There are some VPN services who refund you without questions or offer some free days trial. For people interested here. For the medals I linked my paypal account to Yahoo Wallet, and purchased them without problems
I would suggest to add to the boring grammar studying some more fun way of learning; I use the app memrise, that helps to learn words and expressions, not focusing to the kanji (I also use a grammar to check the expressions)
Try looking on these 2 sites https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1inuuituVibgwZPWlmyll4Q3jLEGQye9PcsGiPZHTU0Y/edit#gid=0 and https://vk.com/videos-52516869. One of them requires the use of megadownload which took me a while to figure out but was simple enough afterwards. The other one I use video downloadhelper extension to directly download videos that are playing
I haven't read it, but this is the book.
The title is リーダーの心得~アイドルたちのリーダー論~
I might be wrong, but I don't think there is an English version
I reply now in order.
Well, sorry, but you missed or confused a certain video, when you mention this:
"The only RTG videos I get to watch are the ones posted in this sub, so it's the RTG Final dated 3 / 30 / 2014."
Because you can find the other part of the 2013nendo-RTG also in the Fukeis Guide what happened two days before as RTG (3/28/2014), so RTG means a SERIE(!), and NOT only one day, or one live appearance.
SG-RTG SERIE consisted of concerts (live events) all in March! (Maybe also in Feb, in some year, but I dont know this exactly.) So, the 2013nendoRTG is the only SG-RTG what released with two DVD discs together, and you can find the both in the Fukeis Guide: the 28th of March ("SHIBUYA-AX" what iNOT the last RTG of the nendo), and the last one: the 30th of March. The RTG Final dated 3 / 30 / 2014, the final is the last RTG live in all SG nendo.
Well, I also cant read japanese kanjis, just some. I can read kanas, but mostly I read romajis.
For screenshots: I also dont use social medias. But I like this picture sharing, no need to regist to use, adn can upload many pictures at the same time, too: imgbb.com . If you want, can upload what you mentioned. :)
I wish I knew enough about this to add it (or find it) on IMDB, TMDB, etc.
For now I'll just note down when I saw it and my thoughts/rating, so if it becomes possible to annotate on Trakt.tv I'll have the details ready.
To all the fans who have always supported Aiko Yamaide
It is with great regret that I must inform you of this sudden news.
Aiko Yamaide, a member of our company, will be leaving us at the end of March.
Thank you very much for your kindness and support from the day we met until now.
Aiko Yamaide's information will continue to be posted on the following SNS-related sites.
Aiko Yamaide Twitter (@aiko_yamaide)
Aiko Yamaide Instagram (@aiko_yamaide)
The following is a message from Aiko Yamade to everyone.
*I haven't put it through a translator yet*
The following sites will be available until Friday, April 30, 2021.
Aiko Yamaide page on the Amuse corporate website
A! SMART Aiko Yamaide SHOP
Amuse Mobile Aiko Yamaide Page
Twitter manager account
Aiko Yamaide official LINE account
Aiko Yamaide official LINE BLOG
Aiko Yamaide official LINE LIVE
Aiko Yamaide's official TikTok
Sites available until Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Aiko Yamaide's official website
Aiko Yamaide Official Website
Website available until Friday, October 15, 2021
Aiko Yamaide YouTube Official Channel
Thank you very much for your support so far.
All the staff of Aiko Yamaide
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
You know, it sucks having just discovered Sakura Gakuin and BABYMETAL eight short months ago. I don't have the the memories that most of you have but I have watched a lot of the videos. The only SG merch I have are two DVD's and, of course, a flag. I did see this yesterday on Amazon Japan
I thought it was pretty cool, can't afford it though. Just like I won't be able to buy the DVD or Blu-ray of the final.
Sadly these region lock things happen quite often (just like with the LINE LIVE app for example). Luckily you can easily bypass that by downloading the apk elsewhere (unless you're stuck in the sad locked up world of Apple) so here you can get it: Click
edit: oops I had the site open for so long and forgot to check if someone else had already replied xD
Viewing tip:
Using potplayer - Menu>video>screen rotation>270 degrees rotation
Using VLC - Tools>Effects and Filters>Video Effects> Geometry>Transform(tick box)>Rotate by 270 degrees(drop down)
Take the mkv and the subtitle file use mkvtoolnix to merge them and use handbrake to burn them in?
Alternatively VLC can do the same with it's convert option.
Not sure if there is a quicker way, maybe someone more familiar with these things could help.
Edited: Because random brain farts in the morning....
thank you, that was a rough machine translate of the message
Apparently there's an english version lol
I don't see an english version of the one Miku likes most, though.
Wow! You are fast! Thanks for the help. I just found it on amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Round-round-chocolate-factory-Bandai/dp/B00K1TTRW2/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1517870096&sr=8-5&keywords=Bandai+chocolate
I bought StrongVPN, used it to buy medals and tested it with free content on Asahi the day prior to the show. Everything worked fine. I'd had problems in the past with HolaVPN so didn't want to use that. Hadn't really researched any others. During the broadcast I was able to watch at 960 with some laggy moments. Didn't want to try at the higher res for fear of locking up and missing too much. Overall I'd say it all worked quite well.
From the "my life is filled with Japanese things now" files: I am on the "books" portion of the Marie Kondo, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up."
Having been a voracious reader most of my life, books will, I suspect, be the hardest part. Fortunately, pulp science fiction from the 1980s has not coped well with being stored under the stairs for 15 years!
For those of you in the US that want to try the miso soup.
> the extra version of other songs
Slight correction...different (as in musically/lyrically) not extra (Correction on my part: GJ has different lyrics verse wise, not chorus ("Motto Motto Hora") on THE ONE LE edition)
In your response to Dark Knight 2 (below), you've stated you have both versions? this and this
Yeah, Marin's English speaking skill was unexpected knowing that most/some Japanese people are not good at it. Maybe she goes to cram school and learn advance English. She's smart and adorable too :)
I recommend using Genki book for beginners(like me lol) You should try it if it's available near your area.
Found the App on Google Play (need to go thru password phase to get to page. CAUTION: open this in a separate tab....trust me...you won't get back to this site if you tap the "go back to previous page" button marked "<--" near top left corner.....I've tried) however check to see if your phone is compatible. You'll see this below the wording "PEGI 3". Also as piece of mind if your phone is NOT compatible, click the "Install" button enter your google password and you'll see a pop-up appear. Where it says "Choose your device", click inside the drop-down box and you'll be given the reason why the app isn't compatible for your phone. Mine was "This Item cannot be installed in your devices >country<" meaning, the App is limited to Japan (as far as I can tell...need other people to verify this) only, not the video.