'Nintendo Hard' is the trademark calling card of someone with no Nintendo experience who was assigned the task of writing about Nintendo. They just punched stuff into Google, found the entry below and didn't notice it's 8 years old with no support behind it.
I occasionally fill out fake wedding registries. Some companies offer freebies to couples that put X amount of dollars worth of their products on their registry. Got all of my kitchen knives doing that. That Ema Nymton is quite a gal and deserves only the best.
of you surviving a curmudgeon. 91%
of you surviving a cumdungeon. 7%
of you surviving a cumdragon. 2%
A sexual position requiring two women and one man. One woman sits on the other's face, allowing the woman being sat on to provide cunnilingus. The woman receiving cunnilingus must position her posterior parallel to the other woman's breasts. At that point, the man may enter and slide his penis between one woman's breasts until he enters the other woman's anus. This creates a "cheeseburger": two buns, some cheese, and meat.
I understand it's a pointless exercise but, as a certified Assologist I feel obligated to speak.
The only thing glorious about that ass is the famous face it's attached to. As an ass, evaluated on its own merit it's flat, quite nearly noassatall. Furthermore, any shred of desirable plumpness that ass might actually have is ruined by the completely unflattering position and angle.
So reddit won't let me log back in to the throwaway, even though I'm pretty sure I'm using the right password...but basically just wanted to say thanks guys, this made me feel a lot better about what I did. Some points:
a) I meant to (and thought I had) post this in AskReddit, so thanks for not calling me out on that.
b) What is a chav? Best described here - yes, this happened in the UK and the comment about CCTV made me chuckle (and then made me sad).
c) I have no intention of starting to seek out this kind of thing, as much of a thrill as I inevitably got from reading the "you're a superhero" comments. I hereby pass the Scarfman mantle on to whoever wants it.
That's why you always lay down a landing pad.
It has the dual purpose of keeping your butt dry and notifying you before the dump that you're out of toilet-paper.
I didn't know what you were talking about so I looked up 'Water Sports' in urban dictionary Link and I can honestly say I've never heard of that before.
I'm American and "water sports" to me means boating, water skying, wake boarding, canoeing, kayaking, etc...
I think this 'new' definition is stupid and something little 13 year old boys snicker about in the back of the school bus.
You should not worry about using the term 'water sports' in the way you meant. It means exactly what you think it means and I would certainly question the maturity level and reasoning capabilities of anyone who says otherwise.
"She’ll be placed in the circle and the winner selected by fans will deflower her. The other two will then join the ceremony and make her airtight."
I love the flippant way this is thrown into the mix, as if the idea of a (very recent ex-)virgin getting penetrated not only vaginally, but also anally and orally simultaneously is a bit dull after Hymen-Cam.
EDIT: I just realised after I'd posted that I instinctively knew what "airtight" meant. sad sigh
for those that have no idea what matrix is talking about:
>A game in which two or more players compare knives; the player with the largest knife is the winner. However, any player may choose to use a spoon instead of a knife. Any spoon beats any knife, but a player with a spoon is disqualified if another player recognizes and announces his or her use of a spoon.
I didn't bother read this, because I don't need to do so in order to take care of this problem for you. You see, it's quite simple.
You tell her you think you love her too, but she needs to know a dark secret about you first. You can only get it up by giving a girl a Cleveland Steamer, after which you fuck her mercilessly. Tell her you know it sounds horrible, but promise her (and by now, you should be holding both her hands and looking her straight in the eye) that it will be the hottest sex of her life.
I don't care how crazy this chick is, she ain't letting you shit on her chest.
This guy running for President with a nickname for Richard: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Santorum
Which means this: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=santorum
> The sometimes frothy, usually slimy, amalgam of lubricant, stray fecal matter, and ejaculate that leaks out of the receiving partner's anus after a session of anal intercourse. Named, by popular demand and usage, after legislator Rick Santorum because of his homophobic political statements.
> A name typically given to the male viewers/fans (whether they are straight, gay, bisexual, etc.) of the My Little Pony show or franchise. They typically do not give in to the hype that males aren't allowed to enjoy things that may be intended for females.
There's no such thing as a singular "British accent". We have plenty of accents that make you come off as a complete idiot. Janner being one of them.
Several things are slowing it down:
Edit: it's in the replies below but since it seems to be a FAQ - BFE definition at Urban Dictionary
> Whenever an unexplainable or extremely improbable positive event occurs, it is called a miracle and credited to God. A tragicle is an unexplainable or extremely improbable negative event, also to be credited to God.
Keeping the cross standing while killing a bunch of people around it is just God saying fuck you.
>The vagina isn't some endless cavern where things can go and just get "lost."
Not true. Back in '66 my platoon was doing a standard search and destroy recon mission near La Choy in the Lee Kum Kee province when we were ambushed. My buddy Brooklyn, our medic Doc and I were the lone survivors. We got dusted off and on our return to the CP Doc decided the only way he could cope was to get some hookers. Sometime after 7pm local time Brooklyn and i went to find doc because we had to practice for the big inter-service talent show down in Bang Bang Ji, we never found him. We interrogated that hooker for 98 hours and learned that Doc had decided to try the infamous Flying Picard and due to his own over exuberance slid all the way into the hookers vagina. We never saw Doc again, some say he just gave up on life and died in there but i like to think he found a place where he belonged up in that hooker's poon.
When I was 19 and my then girlfriend (now wife) was 16, we were in a date at miniature golf. It was our 2nd or 3rd date, and around hole number 4 or 5, I let out the mother-load of sharts.
I quickly excused myself to the restroom, pulled out the loaded underwear, threw them behind a toilet, and went back out with a streak on the back of my jeans.
For the rest of the game I would walk behind her, let her go first, and sit on the bench at every hole. I only told this to her about 6 months ago, and this was 11 years ago that it happened!
He probably doesn't know what NSFW means.
So, I'll just leave this here:
By the way:
>Not Safe For Work, used to refer to documents that would probably get you fired if you were looking at them on worktime. Usually R rated or higher.
BEWARE... Shower Sharks
Actually dudes should be a bit afraid of anyone attracting a shower shark.
>First the male jellyfish produce the sperm that are released out of the mouth of the male jellyfish. The sperm swim into the mouth of the female jellyfish and fertilise the eggs.
Either way, it's really just snowballing.
TIL what limerent means. Also, that the word exists.
Why can't you and guy.1 get together? Does guy.2 give you some security that guy.1 can't?
Also here http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Stroke%20the%20shaft%2C%20cup%20the%20balls
Please lord of the abyss... don't let the kids start making rage comics of every entry in Urban Dictionary.
>An illegal wrestling move in which a wrestler jams their thumb up the butt of their opponent to distract and discomfort them.
Considering the reputation of /r/atheism as being one big, giant circle jerk,^† this is probably a sarcastic question in the form of a joke because practically all scientists' understanding of the theory of evolution would posit that monkeys and humans evolved from a common ancestor; not that humans evolved from monkeys. The latter has been a common misinterpretation of the theory among the religious community and that is the joke.
†: see definition 1, sub-definition 3
I will always upvote anyone who cites vope (NSFW Urban Dictionary).
Edit: Aw man, forresja. Your edit ruined my joke. I am a sad panda. I will now attempt to go out and vope an unsuspecting young lass.
Oh...my...GOD this bugs the hell out of me. I've seen cases worse than 1000 pages, where policy enforced by batshit insane administrators and power users make an entire area of discussion absolutely impenetrable for anyone who is not part of the inner circle and does not spend hours a day on that particular forum.
How about a 7000-post-long thread about "modding"? Every tiny scrap of info about modding, whether it's how to mod, info about released mods, feature requests for mods, questions about existing mods, linkbacks to other resources about mods, all go into this big unorganized linear mess. Bonus points if the forum search doesn't work.
Make a subforum about modding? NO! The divine moderators have decreed it not be so. Start another thread about a very specific modding area? NO! The infallible moderators are not to be questioned. Ask why modding information is arranged in this way? Enjoy your ban.
Usually there is an inner circle of power users who drive the community and do good work, but they subscribe to the insane policy themselves, possibly as a result of huffing too much cat urine.
A surprisingly insightful post about suicide on UD. Cleared up my perspectives on suicide a lot. One relevant quote:
> Suicide is NOT a selfish act. You all say that they're leaving their loved ones behind and hurting them, but that really only makes you selfish. How can you expect this person to continue living through all the pain that their life is giving them? To go through the feeling of being invisible, like they have no one to confide in? To go through feeling like everybody that once loved them has now abandoned them? And to go through feeling that everyday the walls are closing in on them and that everyday they are sinking further and further into despair? Into loneliness and heartache? How on earth can you expect someone to live with that all the time, just to keep everybody else happy? It's not like it's their duty to make everyone happy. So stop being selfish yourself and think of the individual for once.
And I completely feel ya, teaandyarn. Accepting and understanding yourself, and asserting the contrarian view, is a difficult thing, especially in psychological issues; but when you're sure that you're on the correct side, the relief it gives is beautiful. This is a huge step forward, congrats.
>Amanda Wenk is known for her very large, extremely attractive breasts and relatively nice face, skin, and midsection, as well as great fashion sense (to men and boys), but the jealous fat girls who run wikipedia seem to loathe her enough to bar any attempt to create an entry for her.
It sounds to me as though she needs to have what will ultimately be a terrifically uncomfortable (for her, and probably for him) conversation with her son where they have a talk about porn and what is/what is not realistic or reasonable about it, and in addition, the whole Rule 34 concept - so that he understands that if he looks hard enough, he will find very sick or disturbing things that would probably upset him. Then, I'd suggest she get him some reading material about the whole sex & body development process, so that he can get good information rather than thinking "No one ever uses condoms! Yay!". It's also a primo time to discuss appropriate behavior online, the fact that porn sites can scam, introduce viruses, etc, and how to conduct himself safely (i.e. don't post photos of yourself or talk to people salaciously because you are A CHILD).
To me, this is a pivotal point at which either she is going to crack down and alienate their ability to communicate openly when it NEEDS to happen in the future, or she can accept her own feelings about it, but work toward making sure he approaches this stuff with reason. In all likelihood, his buddies are looking at porn too. I'm not sure at 'what age' porn becomes okay for consumption, but considering my kid practically vomits if he sees a woman in her bra, I'd say if he's expressing interest, then he's ready to get some sex education.
My submission to UD, ~~might not get editor's approval, though~~.
Person who induces gargalesis in an even-toed ungulate, previously confined to a flatbed truck, with the goal of evoking what is (often erroneously) perceived to be laughter in said creature. An integral part of a camel tickler's task is to make unintelligible, puerile sounds while executing above action, thus ensuring the hilarity of the ritual.
*Tickler: "Ooh coochiecoochiecoochiecoo!"
(Example credits: Vortex17 & Chachoregard)
Udate: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=camel%20tickler Yaay.
A myth some might say. The Holy Grail of Porn. Pornography in which one or both of the characters is a nugget; has no arms and legs. borderline rape.
The Porn King was awestruck when he found that his pornal-nemisis was recruiting Ethernopian nuggets for his latest rendition of "Nugget Porn Gone Wild."
I have only recently heard of bronies. I didn't think they existed, but they seem to be all over. I find this general advice applies to all sorts of things: Like whatever the hell you want to like. Shame just makes people less interesting.
Daleks in Delorian Driving-over Doctor that is Ductaped to a Dinosaur Discobabulatori
I have no idea what the last word means in hebrew - EDIT this is linked.
The guy is doing an alphabet themed picture.
"Groovy" is from the 1970s. This image is from the early 1980s, as indicated by the 1982 Plymouth Reliant.
Your dad may have been "super groovy" at some time in the past, but in this picture, he is "rad", or possibly "tubular".
The term is Napoleon_complex .
Oh ok . so slang one is little Man's Disease.
I can tell you about an urban legend that was proved to be true: The Legend of Purple Aki.
The story spread throughout the UK, especially around the Liverpool area about a man they called Purple Aki. He was a big purple man that would follow youths around town trying to touch their muscles and telling them how strong they looked. Many scary stories were invented and atached to the rumor and children genuinely feared the stories of Purple Aki.
just for some factual junk. hunger is regulated by the limbic system,so is sex drive. what is the population of countries with enough medicine to get past infant mortality but not enough to educate everyone? remember everyone, just fuck less.
if you fuck less you wont have so many kids; cuz you know telling people that, and them knowing that is the reason for irish twins. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Irish+twins
unfortunately no amount of people saying shit like that will help people's limbic system(specifically the hypothalamus )to actually prevent them from fucking.
eating is regulated in the human body in the same part of the brain (hypothalamus)when it says you are hungry you only ignore it for so long.
fat people are fat not only because they take in too many calories and put out too few. but the food they eat is also not conducive to weight loss. foods that keep insulin high will create more fat production and make the person more hungry more often. foods that are high in fiber, protein and nutrients will cause lower insulin levels and allow the body to burn more of the stored fat when appropriate, and the hypothalamus will not signal hunger as often. you can determine if something you eat will spike your insulin levels by checking its glycemic index. most food's glycemic indices can be found on the web. if you want to eat a food item that has a glycemic index of over 30, dont eat it all at once, space it out about 20 minutes.
thank you.
>He's going soft, in a new relationship? He's anxious. He should relax more. Alcohol can help, as can time together outside of the bed.
I'm going to say that alcohol can also not help. While it does relax you, it can also cause something colloquially known as "whiskey dick". Relaxing naturally would be better. If you're in a new relationship, I'd say try giving him a back massage even if you're inexperienced at doing such. Just rubbing his back can be sensual, arousing, and relaxing all at once.
I say this as a guy who hasn't had trouble staying up, but who would usually prefer a massage as a way to relax with a partner over alcohol. It also makes for a great precursor to sex/foreplay.
>Communicate with your partner.
I cannot emphasize this enough. Good communication is the number 1 key (in my book) to having a good relationship and/or sex life.
If you're new then I'll teach a man to fish; Use google for these types of questions.
All meaning is context-bound, you ridiculous plebs.
If this girl were walking down the sidewalk minding her own business, and you were to shout out, "we'd need an epic wingman for you!", well yeah, that'd be pretty brutal.
However, when set in this context, which is very clearly a tableau of the common 'wingman' ploy that states a bro needs an assistant bro to help him entice attractive females into sleeping with him via having this 'wingman' to 'take the hit' and entice the less attractive (see: fugly) female. This idea is generally thought to be largely fictitious - only to be seen in various films and television programs, but when it's presented in reality, people can't resist but say, "ha, check out that wingman there!"
All meaning is context-bound! If you look at it solely through the lens of dissing on an ugly chick, well of course this is going to seem crude. But if you're sensible enough and realize where this is, and who we are, you'd have a chuckle and say, "hey, that is a good real life representation of the wingman strategy!" rather than "these beasts are so terrible to that poor woman!"
We're not out to be jerks. That's just a good ass-demonstration of the wingman strategy.
"DarnitSauce" was invented my son when he was seven years old.
"Put the nerf guns away son, it's time for bed"
"But I just..."
"Jon, it's bedtime"
EDIT: I added that word to Urban Dictionary a while back. Here's how I defined it: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Darnitsauce&defid=3035476
I remember reading about ebaumsworld doing the same thing, dling other people's pictures, movies, etc, and then reposting them on their site as "their" intellectual property.
Edit: here's the Urban dictionary page on it, if you care: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=EBaumsWorld&defid=3547692
I have often heard this word used as a term for "attractive" here in the UK, interesting! (Example: "These crumpets are lush" (not joking by the way)) #2
It may not be funny, but my overall favorite is Alone. Not really what you'd expect to see on a website almost exclusively dedicated to sex-acts and the like.
Blow usually means cocaine, more specifically, the powder form, so 'smoking blow' sounds funny. It can sometimes relate to marijuana, but in that case it is a verb (i.e. "We're going to go blow, dude").
For everyone else. Eponysterical isn't a real word but here's its urban dictionary definition:
posts and comments which are funny in light of the poster's user name
it's called the mons pubis and is considered a desirable physical trait in women.
you can see it on any girl who isn't overweight, but after they chunk out too much it merges into a gunt, also known as FUPA
</anatomy 101>
UD definition of Fly, the song is about the glamorous life of clubbing and drinking, not the mechanical prowess of a jet.
And I believed they were referring to the Gulfstream G650, which very much existed. ~~As we all know, shortening is considered "hip" in the music industry.~~ Actually, G5 was a very popular term for G650's predessor, the G500. I guess, out of habit, they would refer the newest model with a numerical increment, G6, G7 so on.
I did see it on Parks & Rec, but it's pretty common elsewhere.
And by elsewhere, I mean the internet.
Why is that?
I would think that using online tools to organise your IRL social life would become the norm, and facebook is just the first site to do this successfully on such a large scale. Features will change, but the core concept will remain the same for quite a while.
Everyone I know uses facebook for these 3 primary reasons...
There seems to be some idea floating around on reddit & slashdot that facebook is just for kids posting stupid shit to people they don't know in real life. Nobody I know uses facebook like that.
I don't know if this counts as "advice" from a guy, but I always remembered the car door test when I watched "A Bronx Tale" as a kid. Ever since then, I always unlock the driver side door from the inside after a guy has opened the passenger door for me and let me in.
Not me, but I witnessed a toe curler once. I was in Brazil with four friends, one of whom was a girl. She's rather cute and tends to garner plenty of male attention wherever she goes, and this small surf town in Northern Brazil was no exception. We had befriended this local dude called Rodrigo who had fallen for her and confessed as much to me on our final night as we were walking back up the beach to our hostel. I told him that she had a bf back home to let him down gently, but I said he should tell her how he feels, you never know. Said bf at the time was a 'total douche' as many of you might say, so I had no qualms in this (trollolol).
His English wasn't great, so he asked me what a nice thing to say would be in English. I told him to just say he thought she was really 'fit' (reference, just in case) and would miss her when she was gone. He practised a bit with me and eventually got it down.
The next morning, after we had all packed up and were saying our goodbyes the fateful moment arrived and Rodrigo came out with, "I will really miss you, I think you... are really... FAT."
We all absolutely wet ourselves, apart from the object of his affections. I stepped in at this point to explain and she took it okay in the end, so all worked out better than expected.
TL;DR - Brazilian guy called English girl 'fat' instead of 'fit'.
The year was 1997 and I was curious, too curious. I was chatting to my high school buddy on AOL via a 56k dial-up modem, back when you were charged per minute of usage. He posted a link that changed my life forever, one that introduced me to the serious business of the internet. The image I saw was eternally engrained in mind; it fused into my soul. My adolescent psychological moratorium was shattered. Fourteen years later, my muse returns to haunt me. Before there was goatse, before 2girls1cup, there was the original queen of the internet: tubgirl.
As I have posted before to somebody else in a similar situation on this subreddit:
Welcome to the red pill club:
I was in my early teens when it happened for me, but I think I came to the same conclusion, pretty much the same way. If you think outside the box at all, continued belief becomes almost impossible. Sometimes I think the banner here should include the hand of Morpheus holding out the red pill.
Yes. While there isn't much fucking on store premises, there is a ton of dating/banging within the staff of a given district. Mine had 8 stores, and half the staff seemed to rotate partners quite a lot. I'll put it this way: there were a lot of Eskimo brothers.
Official website - BareMetal OS
Reddiquette: >Please don't: > Linkjack stories: linking to stories via blog posts that add nothing extra.
Hmm. I always thought it was:
1st = kissing
2nd = touching (boobs and handjobs/fingering)
3rd = oral (fellatio and cunnilingus)
4th (home run?) = sex
EDIT: Here we go.
> Turn vehicle off at a red light (>10 seconds)
I would very much question the benefit of this, in fact you might be harming the vehicle by doing this.
> Park in a fashion which allows for immediate driving
Makes sense, if you do not have to maneuver (reverse/forward/reverse) to park in this fashion.
An added benefit is it reduces risk since you there is less chance of an accidental collision pulling out, than reversing out.
The frog in a sock is Australian import I think, but the pasties are officially Cornish.
6music is pretty good in general these days - though sometimes it does start to feel as if their target audience is the annoying Dad who insists on playing his favourite tracks to you and your friends to show how cool he is while giving you a lift home.
> It's not that I agree with their views, but their right to hold them should not be removed.
Nobody has the right to be a foster parent, though. If the council declined to place children in the care of a National Front member who had a 1488 tattoo, a David Irving book collection, and a subscription to an IHR newsletter, I would think that would be unequivocally a good thing, but the person in question would still be just as free to continue being a neo-Nazi.
Unfortunately I think the copyright is taken:
>This term comes from 'Ye Olde English' originating from the reign of King Henry VIII and his desperation in not being able to produce a male heir to carry on the Tudor dynasty. It was discovered by a lowly servant who stumbled upon the King in floods of tears and covered in copious amounts of semen. This information was a state secret until 2007 when it was released under Freedom of Information Act. *
They're called swangers and they're the big fad going on in Houston right now. I've been noticing them more and more where I live (east of town) over the last year or so.
I came up with the word bullsuade. I encourage its usage.
Harper bullsuades ignorant old people into voting for him.
Trump bullsuades his followers into thinking he is anything but a joke.
Hahaha one of my mates dad went on a rant about how lazy their cat is. Is the middle of his rant he actually called it a dole bludger and when he realised what he said just kinda faded out and walked away.
"I got charged with a hate crime, I'm not racist..."
says the guy with the grossest fucking racist username.
Urban Dictionary definition of a mississippi wind chime
Please review the definition of 'trolling'. My god, what is the deal with these kids using the word to describe everything and anything negative on the internet.
> It's not her thread, she was replying
So you're allowed to be wrong so long as it's not "your thread?" Come on.
The problem we have is not the first two points: it's the third point she inserted at the end that had no bearing whatsoever on the discussion initiated by kajarago. That volatile point that accuses men as a class of rape. While I agree that there are good points buried in there, the way the data is presented seems to suggest that most men desire to rape people. And for men like me who wouldn't even consider doing a fucking think without his partner's consent, this kind of presentation is fucking offensive! And it's misleading!
You are being a rather horrendous concern troll right now: please stop. Everyone on reddit has the right to discuss any point they want.
>There needs to be a mandatory I.Q. test for every person before they are allowed to have children.
Then who's gonna do the Charlie work?
> In Korean, "steamed rice" is slang for "Newbie". It evolves into the sentence "You are my steamed rice", which simply means "I own you". Popular during Starcraft ceremonies when the winner throws a bowl of steamed rice towards the direction of the loser of the match(s).
Was God for a moment.
While closing up the bar (on the seond floor) that I managed, I heard some mumbling coming from the pavement below. Curious, I leant out the window to look, only to find a hobo picking up cigarette butts, lighting them one at a time, each time with a single match. Just as he got to the spot below me, the cigarette behind my ear fell out and down onto the ground right in front of him, just as he was about to pick up another dogend. Without missing a beat, he picked it up, raised it above his head and without looking up shouted "THANK YOU GOD!", lit it and walked on. Oh the majesty.
>I'm 17 btw
Shit, I'm 26 and still pop wood every now and then when a hottie sits on my lap. It's called "being a normal warm-blooded mammal."
You're 17 and still developing all your manly parts. It's gonna happen, a lot. Don't sweat it.
Try the belt-tuck. We called it "The High Noon-er" when we were 17
>Do you think the girls know?
lol Would you know if a hard dick was poking you in the ass? Hell, some chicks even like it.
I put the phrase "Gay Gamers" in Italics since I can't help but think that this is the work of a concern troll who is probably straight and wants to make trouble for us homos.
No, and yes.
That website is 100% broscience first off.
Not most sprinters don't look like those pictures first off. Anyone who ran in college can tell you that. Google "usain bolt" and tell me if he's freaking huge massive. A lot of those were most likely mainly-football players doing track workouts.
The answer to your question is twofold though. Yes, high amounts of endurance training can reduce muscle but it's all relative to your body. If you are a two hundred twenty five pound bodybuilder with chicken legs and a massive chest, and you drop all that and start running long distance then of course you will lose upper body muscle. Running regularly also makes it harder to put on bulk muscle. But it's not going to start totally atrophying everything you have. I regularly run marathons and 50ks and I still can bench 275 pounds and clean/jerk above 100 kilos.
> I think we all understand the degree of corruption that Rye22 is referring to
I don't. Where does the fine line between "turn-signal corruption" and "accepting bribes from mafia" fall? You said turn signal isn't that bad. What about doing a "California stop"? What about not turning off their brights? What about running red lights?
It's an ambiguous question that has a lot of pitfalls and aspects to consider.
Probably not the best I've ever read, but one time my friend got told that jetpacking was when the smaller person is the big spoon when spooning, and my friend likes being the little spoon, so he put his facebook status as "..enjoys jetpacking in my new bed"
Unfortunately there are two different entries for jetpacking
Very awesome that you went to such efforts to get kids interested. When I was touring universities, one of them had a simple chat bot written in Delphi. Basically, you chat to it and it scans your messages for keywords and comes up with a few canned replies. While the instructor was talking through all the basics, I was changing all the colors to black and red and turning the bot into some sort of Freudian psychoanalyst that had many different ways of asking exactly why you so badly wanted to sleep with your own mother. The TA that was walking around just gave me a raised eyebrow and walked on.
It's an idiom in NZ English that is a superlative.
"That movie was sweet as" means "That movie was really awesome". It's almost like it's been abbreviated to mean "Sweet as something very sweet," where "sweet" means "Cool".
Of course, when saying it, it can sound like you're saying "Sweet ass" so anyone outside of NZ and Australia tends to get confused/flattered when they hear it.
EDIT: Here's the urban dictionary link.
It is from a privately (now bank owned) castle that a guy built for his wife in the early 1900's. It has been completely renovated, sans getting rid of the the cock and balls (that may or may not be in a vagina) on the arch.
EDIT: I was way off on the date. It is newer than I thought. Here is a link with some history
ATHF did not create that joke. The quote in ATHF occurred in the episode "Video Ouija", which aired on 4/25/04:
urbandictionary.com lists a definition created on 10/12/03:
So it's definitely been around longer than that episode. Hell, I heard the joke from my dad before ATHF.
I'm guessing its when you sit down and you notice theres already poop in the water? Urban dictionary was no help, but I learned something new...
Root. Before I root you.
Which leads to Australians having giggling fits when they go into a certain Canadian clothing chain store, and see the big sign saying "ROOTS KIDS".
4chan's /b/ thread NSFW(Not safe for work)
You probably won't understand either of these by visiting them once, but suffice it to say that rule 1 & 2 from link 1 refer to link 2 (thus, in a way, I am breaking these rules). Also, rule 34 is the most widely known rule (and many people will understand what you mean when you say "rule 34" even if they don't know anything about the supposed 'list')
But I don't think stories like this particularly damage the public perception of gay people. There's a pretty distinct social line between normal gay people, and "ex-gay" types, and it's the latter group that's consistently getting caught with their pants down in the presence of underage prostitutes.
When people like Haggard or Rekers or this new douchbag get caught, it doesn't damage regular gay people, it damages the organizations that claim that being gay is a problem and they have the "cure." The rest of the world sees people like NPH and Ellen and John Barrowman and George Takei on one hand, and Rekers and Haggard and Larry Craig and etc. on the other. One group are functional and respected people with families and decent lives, the others are miserable hypocrites and liars having sketchy drug-fueled bathroom sex or molesting teenagers.
Stuff like this getting public exposure is good news. Every one of these bastards needs to be exposed. Any parent in the world even thinking about sending their kid to an "ex-gay" counselor should have to see what useless, fucked up, abusive worthless shitheads they are.
When you first get your license ages 16-18, you can only drive between 6am and midnight. The exact age and times vary upon the state that you are in. Urban Dictionary has it defined for you.
"D.V.D.A is a term used in the porn industry. It is where some horney bitch takes on 4 weiners at once. Two in the ass and 2 in hte vag. It stands for Double Vaginal Double Anal Man I had never seen a girl take on four men at once, that D.V.D.A was fucked up"
from the movie orgazmo
[](/dumbbitch "If it has a vagina and two legs...")
Ah yes, you haven't heard of the 'Internet Disease' have you? NEVER go on a date with a girl if all she has is a headshot. There are also rules for men too.
More info: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=internet+disease
Even more better accurate info on Encyclopedia Dramatica (at work, can't post link lulz)
>the precious torches...
Lewis seems to like placing torches within about 2-3 blocks of each other. It makes me twitch a little (or "sperg out" — a term I heard Simon and Lewis use a few times and had to look up). They also didn't check the furnaces for treasure. I've never played this map, so I don't know if there's any there, but I've played other adventure/challenge maps with things hidden in furnaces.
Oh, and for anyone who says that the younger generation is the one that's messed up rather than the boomers:
From the wikipedia page for inventive spelling: "It is acceptable to use the inventive spelling of GBOL or Jeebol which can in turn be written as Jeeball". The link is to the urban dictionary page for the acronym which basically defines GBOL as "Great Bunch of Lads".
I was trying to figure that one out too!
Urban Dictionary says it's small children or small dogs.
They hate Yorkshire Terriers or Toddlers?
Dude, I really have to say one one hand congratulations, you've probably got fuck-you money but I know that someone like you can't rest on his laurels.... make us geeks proud :D
Well thank you good sir or madam, I'm flattered! I imagine 'fnork' is pronounced similar to 'fork' or 'dork'. If you're from NJ it might even be pronounced 'fnoik'. Urban dictionary also suggests three quite dissimilar definitions.
This happened to my wife (I unfortunately missed it) at the ballet. Some poor man was there with a date sitting at the front of the balcony. In a quiet bit his body decided he needed to sneeze but unfortunately for him he snarted. Loudly. A balcony with at least a hundred people and everyone was painfully aware of what he had just done.
None of them even know what happened for the rest of the act.. Sweating and tearing trying to contain their laughter.
Gorillian is a term used to define 1million Gorillas. Not very often a term used in modern day society, but this is purely for the reason that there is no place in which a million Gorillas live. However currently the Gorillas are being trained by Joe, Matt and Jack to take over the world. The gorillian HQ shall not be disclosed for obvious reasons..
From Urban Dictionary: >A left hand turn that is started far too early and made at approximately 45 degrees instead of 90 degrees. Used primarily when trying to make a turn ahead of an oncoming car, often to cut in front of a long line of oncoming cars.