Hey all,
I believe this compilation of passwords is from a leak that occurred quite awhile ago. We have not stored passwords in plaintext since I've worked on HoN (more than 2 years), and the leak that I do know happened with plaintext we announced and forced password resets.
If anyone has questions or concerns regarding this, please feel free to reply and I'll do my best to answer.
As a side note, it doesn't hurt to change your password every so often anyway, so while I don't think its strictly necessary, you can change it here: https://www.heroesofnewerth.com/support/
Finally, I've used https://lastpass.com/ for quite awhile now, and would highly recommend it, it's helped me be a lot less concerned about these sorts of things purely from a user standpoint.
I had to do some digging through the patch notes to find out what buff you were even talking about but I found it... 2.5.22 released 6 weeks ago:
Drunken Master
Considering that he still has the lowest win percentage of any hero (38.3%) and is the 4th least used hero I'd say the buff hasn't been all that spectacular.
Edit: Just got done playing around with DM in practice to try to see why he's so low tier. Just noticed that using skills while you have drunk charges actually consumes drunk charges without healing you in order to get the extra effects. This means that if you are using lvl 4 Stagger each time it is off cooldown you will run out of drunk charges before Drink comes off cooldown even at level 4, and this is without even using any of your other skills.
As a general piece of advice to EVERY HON PLAYER:
Read these please:
In the code of conduct, under staff impersonation, it says: "...to intimidate or otherwise gain an advantage over other players"
You claimed you would go around the RAP system. You basically said that you would talk to a GM to give your report extra weight. Whether or not you actually know a GM is irrelevant. Your goal was to intimidate him, by "impersonating" that you had the power to give your report extra weight. This is against the rules.
Does that make sense?
Please review the definition of 'trolling'. My god, what is the deal with these kids using the word to describe everything and anything negative on the internet.
Please do this!
HoN currently has 89 heroes(as of patch - 48 of which are DotA ports.
Since all future heroes will be S2 creations, the number of heroes a person has to pay for increases over time.
Reasons why it should be done:
a) This would encourage DotA / future Dota 2 players to try out HoN since all DotA heroes are available from the get-go.
b) No need to rotate a whole bunch of free to play heroes per week - it will be a static 48 heroes plus a S2 Hero Spotlight. Every week a hero is spotlighted and goes free for that week. This is coupled with the release of a YouTube video for that hero - the good old MsPudding Hero Spotlights.
c) Help improve S2's image a bit.
d) Bigger Hero Pool for F2Pers to choose from!
It's basically good marketing and would make some of the players feel good about the game.
Oh my god, TobiWan :(
From Community Caster to "The voice of Dota 2" - ESPN.
Farout. I miss these times. So. Much.
Thanks for the upload Breaky <3
Flaming Hammer:
There's no visible space between her breasts. The gem completely obscures it.
Furthermore the Gem doesn't move around in-game, it's completely stationary. But hey, let's keep assuming things.
Also, the biggest issue seems to be the images of that thumbnail of heroes thing loading. You should think about moving those the amazon cloud service you're using. It's taking each image 2.5s just to connect to the servers.
This alone takes 5 seconds to load: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/images/heroes/gemini_big.png
How about checking his stats before saying that? Having a low KDR does not equal to feeding. Having a low K+ADR does.
And one game hardly justifies a permaban.
Here I'll even give you a handy Link. His last game was on 18-8-11 on the list. And his stats there were 2-2-7. http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/player_stats.php?aid=249056
Apparently I've placed more wards at 1,779.0 (matchmaking). But that's kind of depressing. This isn't even my first account. http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/player_stats.php?aid=3236683
For example, on my previous account, I placed 1,281.0 (public games, before hon 2.0). http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/player_stats.php?aid=3028191
So between my athorp account and my Thought account, I've placed a total of 3616 wards in matchmaking normal mode and public stats games. This doesn't even count casual mode, nostats, or my 3rd secret account.
Yes, I'm actually pretty sad about this discovery.
Not to disrespect, but some people really don't want seeing the landing page everytime they visit the website. It's nice seeing it the first time, but please not everytime. If it helps: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/?home
Well, just read up on the heroes you are not familiar with. I don't really know what to say, theres no such mechanic as Myrmidon's carp that you have to actively counter.
You should consider Grave Locket in your next games. It's a good, cheap item. Disregard Energizer. Genjuro is the evolution of Assassins Shroud that lets you go invis twice and makes the crit attack slow your enemy. Pick it up on agi heroes like SS that utilize AS anyway.
1.) Honestly there are no specifically noob games that aren't invaded by pubstompers and smurfs. just keep playing and eventually you'll be lucky enough to get a legit noob game.
2.) On the bottom right where it lists everyone in the game (to the right of chat) there will be a red "no symbol" next to their name, click that.
4.)This might help.
It is completely your fault and S2 does not need to do anything to help you. It may sound harsh but you agreed to the terms when you signed up.
You have to remember that there are a lot of registered accounts, there is no way to check all of them right away.
sigh. when you get a smackdown, it's recorded in your stats under smackdown. if you are humiliated, it's not recorded on your stats. if someone taunts you and you kill them, a humiliation is recorded on your stats- meaning you caused someone to be humiliated x times. thx for the downvote though o.O
just look at my stats:
2 smackdowns, 5 humilations... do you think ive been humiliated on 70% of my taunts? no, i just never use taunt so i only wind up getting humiliations from when people have taunted me
Her abilities change by Day/Night. Notice each ability listed here has two icons, one green/normal and the other one red/changed. Also note that her glowy pendant thing is 'Emerald Red'. And by change, I mean they gain buffs, additional effects, AND changed visuals.
What it will likely be is that the first ability (Emerald Lightning) works similar to Jester's Acid Cocktail, except probably a little faster and stealing some atkspd - at night, both of those values are increased (stun duration and atkspd stolen).
The second ability (Power Throw) looks like Pharaoh's nuke, except with a minimal distance or possible boomerang effect like Mali's sword - at night, the range is infinite and I'm willing to bet the damage/AoE are increased.
The third ability (Deja Vu) looks like a kind of blink, maybe like Hag's, but multi-use (as in, blink here, then there, then there - maybe charge-based?) - but at night, it leaves behind illusions that you can pop back to and can be targeted (to really fuck-up your enemies).
The fourth ability (Emerald Red) is the source of the power-flipping; that is, it's an Emerald during the day (normal abilities, no buffs), but becomes a blood-red Ruby at night (allowing for buffed abilities a la Blacksmith). Hopefully she'll come with something akin to Balanar's 'Darkness', unless her abilities themselves make up for it.
And if this was said before, my bad, but it just clicked for me.
glacius still out picks him in sheer numbers of hero picked. hes a good solid hero and fits the current meta game very well.
Seriously, where do you come up with this bullshit from? WS has the same total amount of ban/picks as Glacius in the latest pro games.
Check here.
He is currently more popular than Puppet Master, Pebbles, Aluna and Hammerstorm.
Nevermind, found my answer, please upvote so people find it easier. :): http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/f2p_faq.php
>Q. Do I have to purchase heroes with real money if I want a hero not in the Hero Pool?
>No. You can earn heroes by simply playing the game. However, if you would like to get a hero quicker, you can >buy Gold Goblin Coins at http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/ purchase.
The reason they gave everyone 2k coins and free items was because the server crashed and they had to back up to a point before the items were even introduced.
All coins earned in matchmaking, gold coins purchased, or shop purchases had to be rolled back to the last viable backup they had created on June 9th. (source)
The 2k coins were meant to compensate for matchmaking losses. Any gold purchases can be recovered from this page
Someone from the forums found a solution. Here it is:
Props to mijim from the hon forums
Magicka is a fun game that came out recently, and can be best described as playing Invoker in WTF mode.
I'd say Bad Company 2 is the best option for modern shooters right now. Very fun game.
Bloodline Champions is free to play arena game with heroes, similar to HoN/Dota in this style, but closer to PvP WoW without hours of grinding.
DotA 2 beta is really fun too.
Here's the GM's report: Hello Slutfur
A Game Master (GM) has reviewed the Report-A-Player ticket filed against you and has ruled you GUILTY of the following:
Ticket ID: 851879\r\nMatch ID: 91177949\r\n\r\nGM Explanation: Slutfur was irrationally refusing to play and feeding himself after the 15 minute mark.
Your suspension ends on June 01 2012, 01:12:01 EST (-5 GMT)
If you wish to appeal this ban, please visit http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/appeal.php.
Thank you,
Heroes of Newerth Report-A-Player System
3rd most used hero in the last 7 days.
hardly gets used? I think not.
Even in pro scene he has been getting picked a lot more, requiring opposing teams to pick up legionnaire or puppet master as a counter.
> S2 does not recognize the transfer of S2 or HoN accounts. You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, and any such attempt shall be null and void.
Not sure if they check/ban that, but its not allowed.
You can check the Herodex in-game for a list of Heroes, otherwise here is an online one
Here's the Prodex if you haven't seen it yet, a guide for every Hero (except Salforis which is coming soon): http://www.nigmanoname.com/prodex.html
The post:
In our continuous effort to reach out to the HoN community, we will be hosting a Q/A on our official IRC Network. On Friday, June 10th, at 5:30PM (UTC/GMT -4 hours) – core developers from S2 Games will sit in a moderated chat and answer any questions you may have. In order to submit a question for consideration, please send an email with the subject line "IRC QA" to
Please follow these guidelines when emailing:
Depending on how many questions are submitted, we can’t guarantee that your specific questions will be selected for this Q/A. Below is the information for our IRC Network.
Network: irc.s2games.com (Port 6667) Channel: #HoNQA
You can download IRC Clients at http://www.mirc.com (windows) or http://www.xchat.org (multi-platform)
Thank you!
According to Fly, the captain of Fnatic MSI usually ranked as nr 1 in the world. Says that PR is the most powerful hero in the game right now here.
PR is the currently most banned hero in the game in pro games. When he is not banned, he is usually picked. Check these statistics if you don't believe me.
Lich has received several nerfs while PR has not. Which is why PR is much more imbalanced than Lich in DotA.
Lich shield: 9 armor. PR shield: 12 armor.
Edit: I almost forgot to mention one of the biggest differences. In HoN the PR ulti will bounce even when it hits magic immune heroes. It will even bounce on bubbles when he takes cover. When Lich ulti, a Puck can phaseshift and the Lich ulti will stop. Same with BKB.
Lich movement speed: 315. PR ms: 320.
Call me bad as much as you want. Doesn't change the fact that PR is considered the strongest hero in the game atm.
What the fuck, since when do heroes only have 4 abilities? That almost makes sense.
Also, two abilities are pretty much ports of: Glutton from BLC
I redownloaded the game after 2 1/2 year break 2 weeks ago. I could log in as normal, did you download the wrong client? In which region are you? I just downloaded the Client from here http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/download/
Frostburn Staff have found the solution, as unideal as it is.
Click each of the numbers for descriptions on how to obtain, most involve playing 1-3 games in a set time period or buying icons in set time periods. Should be pretty self explanatory.
This was advertised in a very old newsletter, no idea if they still sell the stuff but that's where I'd look!
He's played quite a bit in pubs. You can see the detailed hero usage here. Obviously he's never going to be a pro-level carry. but he usually hovers in the top 20 out of 100ish heroes picked in pubs. It's cuz he's, in my opinion, really fun in the first 20-30 minutes. And who doesn't love his ult? It's great. I have a blast playing him.
GM Explanation: Excessive verbal abuse.
You're not suspended because of a vendetta, you're suspended for actions in-game via Report-A-Player.
If you believe this was made in error, please use http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/appeal.php or PM a Senior Game Master.
If there is another issue, email me directly at
The main thing to notice here is the 49% wins. If this is not the account you started with (as in, you had another account where you learned the game and probably lost a grip of games), I'm sorry to say that you are below average.
The only favorite hero I see listed is Rampage, so I must assume that you pick heroes that are similar. That being said, a 0.7 KD with non-support heroes is not exactly amazing.
You have 77 creeps/game and 8 denies/game, which at the 1500 level, is above average. Furthermore, it seems as if you have 2+ wards/game, which goes against what your favorite heroes seem to be.
Bottom line: if your stats are based on support heroes, you seem like an average player. If your stats are based on carry/ganking heroes, I'm sorry to say you are below average.
My guess: you probably play a wide variety of heroes, which can make your stats more ambiguous. You are usually not the one leading the team. Your wins and losses are much more dependent on your teammates than your own skill.
QWWQWQQRWER is the proper skillbuild, I've run the numbers. Item build for me is usually Hatchet+Shield (solo mid), Bottle, Boots, Chalice/Ring of Sorcery, Striders, then Tablet of Command. Follow it with Hellflower or Puzzlebox typically, Sheep if you're doing really well. Anything after that is extreme luxury, build to counter the other team.
Control the lane by drawing creep aggro and using your huge base damage and slow to punish people who step out of position. Control runes in much the same way. Be sure to make best use of the dissipating minus magic armor on Flaming Hammer by stunning right after it lands. Gank heavily with runes, a Blacksmith with DD or Haste even at low levels can do so much autoattack damage and tank quite a bit of tower damage too.
I wrote a lengthy guide a while back for Blacksmith here on this subreddit but Google is failing me for some reason. =/
May you please research and think before posting? First, Torturer have the same base armor as Leshrac. Don't spread lies please.
Also, you say striders are good on support heroes maybe gankers. What you fail to understand is supporting implies ganking. Pretty much all support heroes got gank potential, with some exception with heavy babysit heroes who nobody play anyway (Empath for example).
Finally, if you can't see why HoN changes haven't changed the game pace, you don't know much about DotA. Buyback change means less farming/defensive play in high level game when games reach endgame. Gankers deciding the outcojme of a game earliers is for a lot, and just look at what metagame S2 is trying to force into our throat, it's pretty much it. Pushing strategy is right now easier than turtling, for Kongor is as important as DotA and right now pushers hero are kinda better than the rest (that's an opinion though, with Keeper, Bulwalk, Torturer, all those healers, it's kinda easy to push).
I was about to poop on your parade and call you out on not solo queuing, like most Oph players do. You clearly solo'd, so that's awesome!
Here's mine: http://hon.rychlis.cz/somnambulist/
Best streak was 10 wins in a row taking me from 1767-1817. Quit after Parasite :(
Also, guide: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/heroesguide_view.php?gid=514
Do follow this guide: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/heroesguide_view.php?gid=514
Do watch replays of LUCIFER playing Ophelia.
Do play with a competent 1v2 player that can play heroes with escapes.
Do not build Whispering Helm. 3 creeps is enough and one teamfight could kill all of your helm'd creeps.
Do not build SotM. Your mana cannot sustain an ultimate every 30 seconds, and teamfights last less then 30.
Just wrote a guide for you. This is more or less how I play her: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/heroesguide_view.php?gid=37177
Also try to not keep your creeps too close to Ophelia. You need to control both separately.
Exactly. Consider that emerald warden has one of the greatest win ratios. If only a subset of the legacy players had access to the hero, you CANNOT argue that the portion with access did not have an advantage. To suggest to the playerbase otherwise is an insult.
It seems very likely to me that the games in the "basic" bracket are going to be absolute trash. Suddenly, all of the mid-tier players (experienced 1500s-1650ish) who dreamed of stomping, but weren't good enough to justify buying a sub-account, will create free accounts to stomp with. Simple knowledge of the heroes and the game would allow one to stomp anyone switching over from LoL or dota. So in MANY of the games in that bracket, there will be pseudo-smurfs hunting true newbies. The sheer number of 1600+ players joining "noobs only" pub games is evidence enough that such actions are popular.
Even worse, consider what would happen if a pseudo-smurf encounters a true smurf, or by the grace of some agro-driven tower dive starts to tank a game: they can leave without consequence, as the account they are playing on is worthless and expendable.
Mark my words, the week when scout is part of the free hero pool will be hon's darkest hour. Every 1423 player who first picks scout and calls mid will be there, and when they fail they will leave.
And the early access bullshit is a fucking horrendous idea. Nigma has already argued that it won't have a potential effect on team balance, but even the slightest amount of critical thought reveals that to be disingenuous (considering that each hero has a unique win%). For example, emerald warden has one of the highest win% of any hero. So how would it be balanced for the legacy players if only a subset of them had access to the hero?
Heroes of Newerth and LoL both belong to the Dota genre.
HoN costs 30 dollars and gets all you all the champions and free updates for life.
LoL uses the free to play model but you have to spend more than 30 dollars to get all champions.
HoN is closer to the original blue print (www.playdota.com) LoL is trying to be different at all costs.
HoN has more features and has Windows, Linux and Mac support.
HoN has a competitive scene. LoL does not.
Overall, it's a matter of preference. It's best to try the game for yourself so you can form an opinion: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/trial.php
And the rest of us learnt this before 2.0 was released when S2 released a video of this feature and I posted it on reddit :P
And also like a month or two ago when yet another poor soul also realized this.
Shame that sometimes "Search Reddit" doesn't come up with what you're looking for.
you need this adblock if you use chrome: (not u specifically but people reading this thread)
It blocks video ads within twitch.tv. The regular chrome adblock doesn't block video ads. This is similar to the adblock in firefox blocking video ads.
i like it a lot better. When i ran vent on my server, it crashed quite a bit. Teamspeak 3 however, hasn't done it more than once or twice over the last year (mostly in the early stages of its beta). Its voice recognition is quite better as well. my g/f will play PS3 right next to me quite loud, and it will only pick up my voice. personal preference, maybe, but i enjoy it.
Mod Man program is next to required; any .honmod files are for it, and if you want to mod it yourself you lose a lot and gain a lot of work.
as for competitive games, they are played using tournament rules which bans all mods (as far as i know).
so the mods you want are stuff that help you get competitive, learn how to play the game... I use mods to remove stuff I don't want to bother with.
Right now I would like to find a alternative for MiniUI's levelup bar, as I right now use the auto leveling system which has allowed me to effectively concentrate on the skillbuilds themselves instead of actually thinking after each levelup separately about what i want.
I used to use range indicator mods until I got used to the ranges of skills, gaining an understanding of them. right now i only turn on one range indicator and that is for revelation wards in practice games where I "research" positioning of them.
Thus i recommend you use mods that help you in areas you right then don't want to concentrate fully. An example I never used was auto-buy mods which would allow you to ignore the timing of purchases in trade for having to make up an item build at the start of the game.
I would recommend going through the official forum's mod section
pick out mods that seem cool and useful to you, use them and slowly depart from them when you feel like you could stop using them or when you feel you've grown to know the game.
Uhh, actual TV Shows? Castle, How I Met Your Mother, and Firefly. Nathan Fillion is #1 (and Dr.Horrible has NPH and Fillion!)
I usually watch Anime though (yeah yeah yeah). Here's my list of favorites.
There aren't too many other games I'm playing right now. I have Pokemon Rumble Blast on my 3DS half done, and Zelda Skyward Sword on my Wii almost done. My favorite series of games ever is Metroid, and I love Megaman too. I'm eagerly awaiting Diablo 3 so it can suck my life away, and also really want Borderlands 2 to come out soon.
Unless things have changed dramatically in the past 4 months that graph was a load of crap. Here are some actual numbers (from 4 months ago):
Sigh, more people complaining about a hero that's obviously fine. This is Blood Hunter all over again i.e. OP in pubs where people can't play against him. And believe it or not, S2 actually balances for the competitive players!!!1! And let's just way Warden hasn't had the best performance in comp play. If you want heroes that need nerfing, look to Plague Rider and Hellbringer.
When it comes to MoA, I think it only takes a few pro players to play him before people realize how strong he actually is. I can be very wrong on this though.
When it comes to PR, he is THE most powerful hero according to the pro's. I very much agree on that. I'll quote myself from another place in this post:
>According to Fly, the captain of Fnatic MSI usually ranked as nr 1 in the world. Says that PR is the most powerful hero in the game right now here.
>PR is the currently most banned hero in the game in pro games. When he is not banned, he is usually picked. Check these statistics if you don't believe me.
>Target a location to apply Cursed to enemy heroes in the radius for 12 seconds. >Every 4 seconds Cursed targets take 10 / 20 / 30 / 40% of Health lost in Magic Damage since Cursed was applied. Also takes 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 Magic Damage per second while active
Take hold of his mighty pixelated controller and trusty pooch, Corgi, as you manipulate Newerth’s toughest foes into doing your bidding.
Remember, a quarter of all funds generated by the 8-Bit Collection will directly support Heroes of Newerth’s upcoming LAN, DreamHack Summer 2015!
http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/heroes/view/207#hero Answers most of your questions.
Q1) I agree with your skill build, however I tend to play a very aggressive Monarch. However, if you want to improve as a player, you really need to be taking your skills depending on the lane you are against and the way the game is going. Are you in a lane you can gank, or is mid easily gank-able? Then max your first skill. Are you against a kill lane or a lane with extremely high harass, or babysitting a carry with very little kill-potential? Then max your second skill. Is one of their team farming the jungle and ganking you, or are their team grouping up and training all over the place for ganks? Then max your third.
Q2) can be answered by actually reading her skill description, which is available in game as well (the learnatorium is your friend) however in short it gives movement speed and purges debuffs and stuns. No more 5 second arrows or Demented Shaman ults.
Q3) No it doesn't neither rev wards nor hero wards (Slither, Monarch, etc.) count towards them. Especially in Slither's case it would be far too easy to farm silver that way.
I'm done with this SO
In 3rd/4th week of Nov of 2014.
(I can not open the schedule in http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/theatre)
Comeback here again after they announce the winner of this contest
Also all the top 4 custom map of that contest will be played in hon in the near future
Also this is done by the help of s2 employee + the community of hon
sorry for my bad english
I wish you guys weren't lazy with this one: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/images/pg_3_bg.jpg
It would've been awesome to have a HTML5 video for that too as the background. Would've been some awesome nuclear effects.
In longterm everyone would go to their places but in short term (many many games...) teams would be absolutely random.
Translating it to MMR: (1496, 1421, 1610, 1450, 1443) vs (1382, 1434, 1417, 1353, 1402)
I don't think this match would be fun to play. Fast stomp by first team.
I don't remember precisely, but: Quite some time ago there was a guy that picked plaguerider and went mid, rushing portalkey first item after boots etc. This was a normal strategy in DotA I believe, but not used in HoN. They lost that game and it was blamed on the plaguerider. He got reported and banned for griefing. He went to the forums and made a thread about it and it created a huge drama. People started making plaguerider guides with portalkey, which got voted to #1 plague rider guide and started making more and more threads on the forums about it.
I think this is 1 of the guides: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/guides/view/13316
You can get some developer art at their herodex
cycle through alternate heroes on the top row, cycle through alternate models (skins/avatars) under the portrait (another row--some heroes have multiple avatars)
Here's another media link
Update KotF: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/heroesguide_view.php?gid=8
(may or may not change)
Amulet of Exile is very inefficient for starting items & early mana and I'd rather take 3x mana potions + Hatchet + 1x Runes of the Blight over a full Talisman as a starting item. This helps sustainability as well as farming speed.
Normally they'll just tell you to reinstall from the installer. Every release they update the installer at the main download page to the newest version. I'd try that. You might lose your key-binds, if I remember correctly.
Ok, guys, data on the image you are discussing (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/56936034/HonImage2GameLength.jpeg) are average game duration per player. For instance, for noobG, first player on ladder, you can see that his average game duration is 32m,38s (http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/player_stats.php?aid=3178957). So these are not individual games, but average game duration per player. Also, they do not drop below 15. Below 20, every thick is one minute. I know it is confusing. That is just strange way that program decided to make ticks.
I'm not sure about exclusive but if you go on the main HoN website(Scroll down to the very bottom) you can download a "fansite" kit and it come with tons of artwork and videos.
Start with Plague Rider then. He's a relatively easy hero to start off with.
He's a support nuker with a built in deny skill that converts ally creeps into mana.
S2 does not recognize the transfer of S2 or HoN accounts. You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, and any such attempt shall be null and void. S2 owns, has licensed, or otherwise has rights to all of the content that appears in the Game. You agree that you have no right or title in or to any such content, or any other attributes associated with the Account or stored on the Service.
Yeah, it's an awesome item! One of my top 3 favorites in the game! But I never saw it picked up enough from supports in the 1800+ bracket (even pre-nerf), so I don't understand why S2 nerfed it. According to S2's stats it's only #77 in popularity. Fucking... Assassin's shroud out ranks it! :(
Thiis Balpha guide is nice as well.
TL;DR Go mid with balpha, get level 7. Buy a shit ton of tangos and eat yourself into Hellbourne base and kill the Meatball.
They don't do the $10 sale much. You might end up waiting until Christmas. You can get a trial account here. If it's worth $30 to you than purchase an account.
It hasn't been brought back up yet, but you can see guides for heroes and make your own very easily.
Additionally you can vote on them or choose one as the default recommended items (for the olde shop), or the ingame guide for the new shop and everything else that comes with.
Become S2 [](/trollhound "6,800 gold coins")
But really,
I will be honest, I havent played LoL, and I never played DoTA. I cant only rate my HoN experiences and comment on what I picked up from friends who play HoN and LoL.
Most people who have played both tell me HoN is more difficult (last hit denies, more complex item system, steeper difficulty curve) BUT more rewarding and more enjoyable once you get past the first few games of not having a clue what to do and the inevitable abuse from teammates who really, wont know much more than you do.
I guess the main thing I would reccommend is the free trial. I think it's 20 nostats games for you to make your own decisions and form you own opinions.
Just ignore all the haters (/ignore add 'playername') and make sure you do the tutorial (at the very least it will give you a bit of time to play with the item system). I would also reccommend the prodex for item and hero skill builds.
Activation Deals 30 / 50 / 70 Magic Damage per second to targets in a 500 radius. Applies Elemental Void to targets in 400 radius and pulls them toward center of radius. Targets in 150 radius take a total of 60 / 100 / 140 Magic Damage per second.
While active, reveals stealthed and invisible units, including Wards, in a 900 radius. Provides 1000 day vision and 700 night vision.
ok, Ophelia looks like this
and Hammerstorm looks like this
Ophelia looks like a normal girl with a nice body in a bikini. Hammerstorm looks like a deformed muscle man so had too many steroids. I mean, his arms are bigger than his legs. I'm willing to bet majority of guys will think Ophi is hot while most women don't find HAMMERSTORM hot. You're right about one thing though, he is kind of scantily clad compared to the rest.
This may be what may tide you over for a bit. used to be an android application until it was removed from the marketplace.
Wouldn't Firestone give people levels in your version? Would need stuff like Choice Scarf etc...
Now that you checked your ram, you should try Furmark. It has a GPU burn-in test that will rape your GPU. If your system locks up during furmark, GPU is to blame. Probably overheat or other kind of fault. http://www.ozone3d.net/benchmarks/fur/
one easy way to make sure ure not unknowingly dos'ing anything is using NetLimiter http://www.netlimiter.com/news.php?id=42 (free 30day usage or so) run it and check if any any programs that u cant identify send/recieve data.
You can use Modman on OS X and Linux, have you read the topic of Modman? :)
Here are the steps so you can enjoy it on OS X without having to switch OS:
>~/Library/Application Support/Heroes of Newerth/game/mods
>cd ~/modman
>mono HoN_Modman.exe
Wait a while and modman will open up, allowing you to do whatever you want with the mods.
Here's a screenshot of it.
These tools mainly made for desktop publishers, but it can help you find colors that goes well together.
hailpixel - move your mouse and then click at the desired color
colourlovers - website with color palettes
Yeah, see sidebar (C-F "trial"). Don't pm anyone. Have fun.
Re: nostats issues -- you just can't think that the game is like that. Otherwise, nostats can be a lot of fun! They offer a lot of different game modes that are not normally played, casual mode thrives there (faster pace). If you can deal with the fact that on average, 1 player leaves per match, you can still have a good time learning what things do and playing the game.
it's not just about Skrap, it's about the concept of all pusher lineup + 1 carry! (Defiler, Skrap, Deadlift, Demented Shaman, artillery for instance) believe me if you are playing in low bracket like me 1600 to 1700 with AP, in a day you'll face a pushing line up 50% of the games you play, and with all the space a pushing line up create for their carry, even if you pick counter heroes and carry tp and respond to their push you will still lose! why? because that lineup is undefendable! I'm not a game designer, but I'm a game developer myself, I work on a daily basis with game designers, I understand a thing or two (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramantsitou my linkedin page in case ppl are doubtful). Basically consider heroes like "Bubbles, Magmus, Behemoth and a lot more in that regard) they are 100% standard, you don't have to define your whole game strategy around just simply 1 hero, that's a good hero design, but in case of Skrap, Deadlift, and basically all the new heroes which are designed to burst down towers / enemy heroes your whole game strategy get's ruined just to control a single hero! that's not the smart way to design a hero imo!
thanks for reading this, regards
found the mmr mod, but after installing hon mod manager and the mmr mod if i try to play tmm it says i need to update the hon client cause its not compatible with the matchmaking servers EDIT: nvm it was the maintenance
I made this about 4 months back when I was curious about the same thing.
This is from before free to play, keep in mind, but should still be somewhat accurate.
Did you even look at the latest download page?
We updated 64-bit client to be the main download. Yes you have to patch 1 version, we do not make new installers every time a new patch comes out because of technical tedium to do so for every patch. Most companies don't actually do this either, and there is some kind of patching process involved for the player when they download the latest client.
Am I wrong? One in 3 billion.
If it is 8 of any hero in that list (not just Behemoth) I get it to be around 1 in 1E-7.
Here's a link to a version of it on OneDrive, I'll try and keep it in sync with the google drive one but may fall slightly behind during the day if don't have time to update.
Hello GUYS i have question pls help me
Can i Buy them 2 they are same code selling or different i bought from G2play if i buy From g2a is it works or not ? any idea ?
About the Error:
General Suggestions (Till we know more):
When you get weird messages upon re-connecting you can always try to log in and out a few times, or restart the game. Sometimes that will clear up issues like the "you have been kicked from the game by a vote" (though, more so when the game just doesn't appear for reconnect or you have 12589710 seconds to reconnect).
When upgrading drivers for nVidia cards: Always use Nasty File Remover
On Gamepedia perhaps.
On the in game client? Not stated. Why would we need outside applications to play this properly? Why do we have voice chat in HoN if that is so?
We could skip skill descriptions entirely if we rely on external sources.
And also, Im trying to find moira on http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/heroes/ But I just can't seem to find her as of now! LOL!
My bad she fuckin agility bro xD
Douche. If you read what I actually wrote "Dont add items for the sake of it, but few more than core because situational". You would understand it is not Codex I meant.
No, f.e The top guides today is:
But what I would like to see (ITEM WISE, NOT talking about strategical depths and explantions, Im just explaining how I want items in the guides to look like!!!)
it would look something like this, but basher and the sols bulwark should swap places =) https://www.heroesofnewerth.com/guides/view/423837
But on pred i DONT want to see a codex. Did you understand me this time?
> Also any suggestions how he should build for Midwars?
No idea, I never play MW. What I do usually is look at the existing guides for a hero and create my own, maybe you could do the same. As you play more games it becomes easier to adjust and refine your own guides from experience. The interface on the website could be better but it works well enough once you figure it out http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/guides/hero/208/
Thanks for the compliment on my reply! I wish I could help more but I'm just a low-level player. Gemini is one of my favorite heroes though!
EDIT: Gemini is an agility hero so when in doubt you can't go wrong by going for agility-based builds.
"Stop doing nothing" For you to say something as absurd as this instantly tells me that you don't know what the full spectrum of marketing entails and leaves me to believe that you think buying advertising space on twitch is the only way that a game can market. "Great success story"? Actually yes, HoN has been a great success story and still is. How many years have people shouted at the top of their lungs that "HoN is dying"? And yet here we stand. Still alive. Still relevant. Is that accidental? No, that's hard work from the entire studio on keeping the interest of its current players and continually providing them with compelling content.
Again, thanks for the opinions slimej, but when we stop releasing new content into the game and stop accompanying those pushes with videos and websites, deals and promotions, events and sweepstakes, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qOyQeWYr-g + http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/devowars) then I'll gladly welcome this conversation.
You can read about the hero lore when you view/inspect the different heroes.
Grinex' lore:
>For many years, stories have been told in Newerth of a place where unimaginable creatures live in perpetual darkness known as the Great Rift. Many on Newerth have attempted to commune with this place of power and Valreia the Riftwalker is one of the few who is known to have succeeded. Since the Hellbourne enlisted her help in the war against the Legion, rifts have been opening in various parts of Newerth and a great creature has made its way through. Even in the darkness of the Great Rift, there's terror and this creature known only as Grinex is the embodiment of fear. Trapped in a strange new world, this evil power seeks the Riftwalker, as she represents his only chance to escape from this wretched land. Using the Great Rift's power should not be taken lightly and this mere human has grown arrogant. Her time grows short as Grinex approaches from the shadows!
if you download the client from here do you still get errors? just launch it from its own shortcut dont use garena.
I live in the EU, downloaded from there and everything runs fine
Only decent guide is Sol's Handbook: http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/pdf/Sol%27s%20Handbook.pdf
There are not many resources about map making, because there are not many people working on custom maps, because there is no official way to play custom maps.
Runed Cleaver Scout again? I highly disapprove of that.
If you moved Runed Cleaver to Offense luxury, then I'd be happy about that. I don't think Runed Cleaver fits as 100% must-get-almost-every-single-game material.
Why is Vanish maxed last? Do you really hate going from 225 -> 300 AS?
Well I'd need a bot that updates every minute or so. It would have to go to the official HoN page (http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/) and grab this information and simply post it into the sidebar. Reddit won't allow you to have a live timer so that's why it needs to update it every minute, because of that you don't have to include seconds.