Bloodline Champions, this game is in dire need of more players as it is the only thing the game lacks. I will personally give lessons to all interested.
Bloodline champions is a free to play rts style arena game with elements taken from fighting games such as EX abilities and power meters.
edit: keep the upvotes coming doods! remember this game is SERIOUSLY under rated!
BLOODLINE CHAMPIONS - Free to play, is like Diablo 2 (Action RPG) + World of Warcraft Arena/Guild Wars Arena. I've played around 1300 matches of this game and I still love it. It's only getting better for me. There are a lot of European players and US players are missing out. The game is developed by Stunlock Studios a small indie college-based game development team. Please give it a shot.
We're finally getting The Gambler! Mouse over his abilities still work.
I pretty much had to hack a time machine to find this link, there's almost no references of him anywhere but I know I hadn't dreamt it
I want to vouch for Bloodline Champions, it has an active 2v2 and 3v3 ladder and runs tournaments weekly.
I went into it with a friend and we are having an absolute blast. The game is based around short round arena combat with a very tight balance. The devs are active and have recently been on a roll with adding new classes.
The thing I like is that all bloodlines have a static ability set, and even if they recently added a new mechanic whereby you get some (very small) stat bonuses from your account levelling up, you still very much know what you are going into each match, and every round starts off a clean slate.
I will shamelessly put my refer code here in case anyone is interested, it means you start off with 8k bloodcoins (about 1/2 a hero) which is a nice boost. The only thing I get from it are invite points which can get you some emotes or costumes.
They could also go with some bloodpriest kind of mage who could throwsdebuffing skulls at enemies, use his own health to buff/shield/heal his allies, fear them, or summon explosive stacks of corpses.
I think there are quite a few possiblites for making a support who fits the noxian theme.
Free, also available separately from Steam here. Works only on Windows.
It's a fast-paced MOBA, but unlike other MOBAs, this one focuses on fast teamplay arena, with very short matches (up to 10 minutes). Very fun when played together with some friends. Desperately needs more players, as it's a very good game, but can't attract more users for it somehow.
Varesh is summoned by Inhibitors and there is some lore about them.
The Inhibitor
Inhibitors as they have come to be called by outsiders are zealous protectors of the religion and law in Trolobe. Part of an elite cult, the Inhibitor is an independent agent, answering to only the Sacred Scrolls, and through them, the king.
The law system in Trolobe is distinguished from other systems in that each kind of crime is worth a set amount of points depending on the crime. The severity of the punishment to be administered is then determined by adding these points together, with no regards to what actual crime was committed.
Jury, judge and enforcer, the Inhibitors are feared for their determination and focus when rooting out crime. This extraordinary focus allows the Inhibitor to move matter with mind alone, which is illustrated by the small runic tablets flowing around the Inhibitor in different patterns. The tablets are integral to maintaining the immense concentration and also serve as a conduit for projecting these telekinetic energies further outward, making them highly efficient in outright combat.
So it must be lowful neutral perhaps.
You can found more here
Above all, don't get discouraged by your losses.
I've also found that focusing on a bloodline you like for awhile helps. Also, simply getting used to remembering all of the abilities at your disposal, and remembering to use them when they would benefit you. Forgetting that you could have hit your Q, spaced out of harm, or used that cc on R is common at first, but after you learn a bloodline more you grow into using all of their abilities like second nature.
edit: This page is a pretty good summary of basics.
Try to find a team, the game is a lot more fun when you play with the same people consistently. 2s can be a lot of fun, but the game is balanced around 3s so I recommend going there (right now any BL + Stalker is the most common setup in 2s). Yes, do the tutorial and familiarize yourself with the concept. Try playing scenarios if you can - you will get more "alive-time", it might be hard to get into one since nobody really plays scenarios..
Here and here are two great beginner guides. The game has a steep learning curve, that's for sure - but it is really rewarding once you get into it.
Finally: there is a help channel (the chat in the lobby works a bit like an IRC-server). Just type "/j help" and ask away! There is a reddit-channel as well ("/j reddit") but it's usually quite dead in there.. Good luck and enjoy the game!
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Bloodline Champions yet. It's quick, really well balanced (not perfectly, but nothing is) and completely skill-based, and free to play.
Games are 2v2 or 3v3, and take around 4-8 minutes per match.
There's even a subreddit about it!
If you sign up, make sure you use a referral link - you get free 'Bloodcoins', used to unlock things.
Here's mine, or use the one in the subreddit: (I don't mind which one gets used, just make sure you use someone's!)
That info-graphic doesn't mention Bloodline Champions, pure arena death match game.
I am in DOTA2 beta on steam and that game has taken over all of my free time. I've managed to get 2 people to quit SWTOR because I've sent them free DOTA2 beta keys.
It includes all of the bloodlines that were available on release, the first four on each category of this list (and in-game lists)
Personally, I think it's worth it, this game is fantastic!
Basically just means he felt bad or guilty for playing (maybe too much?), so now he feels relieved for not playing.. and so he can associate whatever negative feelings he had with the other people still playing.
I used to play WoW as well until I realized that I only played it for the arena PVP, and grinding every damn season for the latest gear for multiple characters proved a tremendous waste of time. That's probably why people feel bad for playing it actually, so much of your time is spent waiting, or farming/doing things that aren't even enjoyable, just to 'progress'.
As for me, I was finally able to break free when I stumbled across Bloodline Champions! All the fun of WoW arena pvp, without the lame RNG stuff, and gear differences, and grinding. Highly recommended, for anyone else who only played WoW for arena :)
Magicka is a fun game that came out recently, and can be best described as playing Invoker in WTF mode.
I'd say Bad Company 2 is the best option for modern shooters right now. Very fun game.
Bloodline Champions is free to play arena game with heroes, similar to HoN/Dota in this style, but closer to PvP WoW without hours of grinding.
DotA 2 beta is really fun too.
There is a game called bloodline champions. The game's skill ceiling is easily on point with insanely technical games like Smash Brothers melee. It was one of the most enjoyable games I had ever played in a 2v2 and 3v3 setting. If there is any game I want to see come back it would be bloodline champions.
I'm guessing its this thread.
Kaww summarized it pretty well imo.
And you're a fool if you dont think the people who play BLC wouldnt be on reddit also. A lot of the pros frequent the reddit also.
The game just has lots and lots of grind in it inherently. Funcom is just a terrible publisher forcing these things. Not to mention we dont even have all the items at once, and does all the BS sales shit.
That being said, it seems like this is your game and champions is the most bang for your buck edition. Funcom just created tons of hurdles that pushes you away easily with the massive grind not even all the stuff you could be getting so you have something to work for.
I don't understand why shit has to be on rotation anyways. Bloodlines, titles, all of that jazz. Titles are the like the easiest thing to implement and people pay for that still they should all be available. Sure some season specifics could be a nice touch, but most should be available. And then different priced titles could be cash only. Avatars dont take that long either, fuck avatars are easy way to have stuff to market.
Hell I look at the old leveling system and I don't see why they had to remove that. Easy form of progression. Don't make it like a exponential leveling increase or anything just straight linear so you ding fairly consistently. And then have avatars or titles at certain levels.
Epic beginner-to-intermediate post on the BLC forums:
The newbie series on Got Kunju is great:
And this BLC forum post also has some good basics, including how to set up a solo game vs. 2 bots:
What the fuck, since when do heroes only have 4 abilities? That almost makes sense.
Also, two abilities are pretty much ports of: Glutton from BLC
Actually, I'd like to see some attempts to connect lore of Battlerite with the one from BLC, since we're certain that the games take place in the same world. Throns were said to be aplenty in the Silverridge mountains, is our Thorn the last one? Does the tomb which Ruh Kaan belong to the Malevolent tribe? Does the whole arena thing come from the Ni'Shu ring-battles of the Tranji kingdom? Is Rook a Glutton?
Eh, I'm probably the only one who remembers all that shit anyway.
Whenever I need to look stuff up, I use The Internet Archive. Try this:
It's a bit fiddly to move around the pages, but you should be able to find all the old BLC stuff there.
Well, if you look at Harbinger (which Ruh Kaan is butchered version of) his blood grip had silenced based on distance of grab and was M2 ability. Plus his Space was dive in immaterial world which passed thru walls. And Ult wasn't stripping you of movement abilities. Harbinger was much better designed for melee brawler
Battlerite is confirmed to take place 100 years in the future (or something) in the same world as Bloodline Champions. Lore about BLC's world used to be on their website, but can now only be found through waybackmachine. It's slow as fuck, but useable. I recommend checking out "cultures", most of it is actually pretty interesting.
We don't know what's canon and what's not, but a lot of names remain the same in Battlerite: Trolobe, Ga'Tamang, the Academy of Toleen, et.c. These names appear when you hover over the north/east/west/south icons, as well as in character descriptions.
>BLC didn't have much in terms of lore
That's not true, BLC had a lot of pretty interesting lore. But it was, mostly, not in the game itself, but at the game's site. Then site was simplified, and lore was removed, but you can still read it with the help of internet archive. Here it is.
Lore of Battlerite seems connected to the lore of BLC - you can find mentions of Ga'Tamang, Trolobe, Toleen, Othagur and its blood cult and others. It appears to me, that BR and BLC take place at the same world, with BLC kinda being it's ancient history, and BR being more recent. But, of course, that's just a speculation.
I really hope that Stunlock will give us some lore, since I'm one of those people who like to know about characters and world. Unusual setting and lore of BLC were a huge selling point to me.
Hey, i've been in the DIE alpha tests over the past few months, it's a pretty unique game with little tie to the main Dead Island franchise. The game is a Control-Point based top-down shooter with abilities. It's Team vs Team vs Team, so things get a little interesting around the points with three competing teams and zombie AI.
There's four characters, each with two customizable specifications (offense / defense) with plenty of cosmetics to change your look.
It's also the next game from Stunlock Studios, the Sweedish developer who made Bloodline Champions.
Those interested, i've got 3 giftable steam invites left in my inventory!
Edit: If you're going to comment asking for an invite, please be kind enough to leave your steam profile url
Bloodline Champions is a pretty good 3v3 MOBA. It's not like LoL or DotA and sticks more to the "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena" style than the latters (even if one of them created the genre... Anyways).
It's fast paced, games usually take less than 10 minutes, the gameplay is very clean, easy to understand, but still really deep.
The other thing is that almost nobody play this game today... There is a big fanbase, so you won't have trouble finding people to play with, but still, you cannot compare at all with LoL or DotA.
Anyway, hope you'll like it. It's free to play, there is no pay to win thing, but you have to unlock the characters, like LoL. Meh.
i hope so! i think they're getting there. i mean there are, like you said, interestingly desgined female champions, it would just be nice to have some variation from the thin yet well endowed standard that almost every single female champ follows. i think riot could take some inspiration from bloodline champions, every champion has a really unique design and fits the role perfectly imo, some bits are a bit questionable (the game sort of has a 'tribal' theme so make of that what you will) but the actual characters themselves are really interesting and well thought out, plus they have male/female skins for every one of them which is cool. i wish more people played blc :(
BLC: SLS "teasing" with their new bloodline. not sure if this is worthy of the news, but the BLC section looks so skinny :/
looks exactly like the Ranid character of the game "Bloodline champions" (great game btw ^^)
It's actually a great game, that would appeal to a lot of DotA fans. The action is fast paced, highly competitive, and very fun. The client also has plenty of great features Valve could learn from for the development of Dota 2. In game tournaments, meaningful micro-transactions, great stat tracking and leader-boards.
If you haven't tried it before, grab a friend or two, and definitely try it out:
Yeah I decided to do that earlier, but no response yet =/
Thanks though. I'm reinstalling as we speak to give it another try.
Edit: format derpins
DreamHack Winter 2011 will be held during the 24th-27th November in Jönköping, Sweden. Alienware is together with 2GD hosting a BLC tournament with 12 invited teams and 4 teams qualifying on spot. The prize pool is 10k USD with 6k to the winning team, 3k to the 2nd team and 1½k to the 3rd team. The tournament will be streamed on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
I would try posting this one the forum if you don't get any good answers. There are a lot more guys over there :)
Personally, I like to play stalker but are not good enough with i to give tips I think.
So is there mostly aimed abilities? I had a friend who played at blizzcon give me a little bit of a breakdown but what I'm really hoping for is a popular Bloodline Champions. Basically in this game everything even heals are aimed, you must use skill for every single ability and you can't just magic crit anybody to death. Nobody gets insta gibbed ever because no move can do that much damage.
You even have to aim melee swings, if it was more popular I'd still play constantly. Unfortunately it never took off in North America.
Bloodline Champions. It's like HoN and LoL but without the resource management. It's just arena style combat.
Vindictus Action oriented RPG. Uses the source engine.
Woah, I didn't expect this to get so much attention. I'm glad you guys like the logo.
PS: if you want to help me out, please use my referral link:
It will give you 5000 of the in-game currency and me some nice achievements.
If you play Bloodline Champions, use a referral link (mine) then you get 5000 coins to start with, and the person gets stuff based on how many people they invite. My friends and I have been playing it for the past few days and having quite a bit of fun.
But really any game can destroy lifes. You have to control how much you play. Maybe do a schedule. Make an agreement with your arena team "we only play to days a week for X amount of time"
This is the most skill based game you currently can find in this genre. If you register through reflink you will get 5k coins for free >
When did you play? I started playing a year or so in beta, and It was already in. I assume it was in from the start.
They are pretty good about providing information:
Bloodline Champions for about 72 consecutive hours now.
This game is ridiculously fast paced and addictive. It's free and follows the LoL formula of selling skins but is a completely different style of game with an amazingly high skill cap and matchmaking.
I hope more people check this out
Have they done away with the stupid LoL-based payment system that makes any game unfun?
I was huge into this game during beta, but at open beta, they revealed their business plans and made me lose hope for PC gaming if more games start to all follow this model.
Also this depresses the fuck out of me:
Regardless, we have a subreddit:
To be clear, I don't mind paying for a game I enjoy. Paying for individual parts in what is supposed to be a competitive game is idiotic.
While there's not much in Battlerite in trems of lore, it's predecessor, Bloodline Champions, had a pretty decent lore (which nobody knew about, since it wasn't in the game, but on the official site, which was later changed, and the lore was removed). Since it's certain that BR and BLC take place in the same world centuries apart, you could get some hints and speculations out of the old lore. Here it is.
Objection! BLC had quite an extensive lore,, which I certainly enjoyed. It's definitely connected to Battlerite lore (a lot of names reappear here, for example), so a lot of things could be speculated upon.
For example, Quna seems to occupy the same place as Artifilice. It's, probably, a successor to the Tranji kingdom, however their differences in political system (Tranji was some kind of representative democracy, Quna is monarchy) indicate the usurpation of power as a result of some political turmoil. Shifu is obviously a Ni'Shu practitioner, like spearmasters of old.
There's a lot of food for thoughts, if you're interested in that kind of things... And have a lot of spare time.
I found this which is the same thing but the articles actually load. Unfortunately, it is the most recent archive I can find of it and it is from 2010, two whole years before development ended so there may be a large chunk of lore dead and gone forever unless SLS steps forth.
Well, there's not much to Battlerite in terms of lore right now. However, it shares the world with Bloodline Champions, its predecessor, abeit BLC takes place in an ages long past, compared to BR. If you wish, you can read upon it here.
Your problem is that you assume that everyone cares about "story" and "personality" (btw, character's personality often comes into contradiction with some stupid skins which don't fit setting in popular games). If you so desire, you can read up history of the world Bloodline Champions was set in. Probably same with minor changes would apply to BR.
Besides, creating personality costs money, all those CG-clips, fancy stuff, lots of voice-acting, promotional materials, figurines, plush toys etc etc. SLS is not Blizzard, they can't spread wide and thin. They need to fix the core issues. "Fluff" isn't core for shipping the game.
MtG is balance mess which has sole goal: sell more cards. For that reason they need all kinds of flavor. Same goes for League of Legends with their 134 champions and counting...
Also CS betas up to CS1.6 (included) didn't have personalities or much flavor. Millions of people played it around the world. It had solid mechanics and gameplay was fun.
Edit: and no, i didn't mean porn. What I meant was oversexualized female characters targeting the teen / early adult male audience.
Bloodline Champions, but at these days there's only PRO's there I reckon...
There's also a free to play variant on Steam.
The original Warlocks devs (Demestotenes) are working on an official stand-alone version but it's still in the Alpha stage.
A close alternative is a game by Swedish devs called Bloodline Champions.
My personal favorite is Bloodline Champions. The game is an entirely skill based 3v3 fighting area game, where there is no levels or powerups that you can buy to give yourself an advantage.
It is entirely free and is quite a lot of fun.
I play Streetfighter 4 for times like that. A quick couple of fights and I'm done.
Altitude is good for a quick round and is free.
Bloodline Champions has quick rounds as well and is free, but you run the risk of getting sucked in.
Something like Pro Evo Soccer is fun for a quick match.
Plants vs Zombies is a fun tower defense that you can jump into for a round or 2.
I find a lot of racing games are good for a quick gaming session too. Something like Burnout Paradise.
Frets on Fire for a song or two if you have a controller.
Phones are getting a lot of great casual games that are made for quick short periods of play. I've got super stick man golf, zen bound, world of goo, osmos.
Basically any game that's broken up into 5 or 10 minute rounds should do. Any of those games could suck you in if you get carried away, but at least you have the chance to leave if you've got something else to do.
not a bad idea, but if you want I can mention some right away
Good Starter Quest guide by Navity: Basic tips by Shadd: My BLC videos:
Agreed, but there's still this trend of developers sinking into the same (profit-making) habits, while there's other untapped themes and environments that would attract just as many buyers, IF properly marketed and communicated.
The past month I've played Day Z and S.T.A.L.K.E.R., which fit right into this theme, and while I've enjoyed them, I've also played Mirror's Edge (futurist urban utopia/dystopia, depending on your view) and Bloodline Champions (ancient aztec/south american setting), which were really refreshing.
No I'm afraid they've finished it now, sadly:
Plus, IGN seemed to have removed their free trial, which is a pain. It was a nice way of getting new players some free stuff.
I think not, try the BLC/Steam forums for more specifically information. I'm sure one of the forums will know the answer if there isn't someone here on reddit.
Bloodline Champions - Free is worth the price. Very enjoyable team vs team game.
P.S. you get 5000 free coins (in-game currency) if you sign up through a friend invite, here's a link.
Here's someone interested in revitalising the wikis too.
I'd be happy contribute, but I think you'd probably need people who play at a higher level than me (there are some high grade redditors lurking around here).
If you want make an account from this link. It gets you about a 1/3 head start on bloodcoins to buy your first champ! (ingame currency)
After my thread it would be wrong of me not to recommend Bloodline Champions.
Unfortunately it is PC only (as far as I know), but also recently added to Steam.
My question for those friends of yours would be "Why are you playing HoN?" Why aren't you playing something like ? If you don't like the game's objectives, then to me you don't like the game, why wouldn't you play something else?
Here's the invitation link from my account:
If you join the game through an invite you get a 5000 bloodcoins starting bonus (I get some ingame goodies too).
I'm happy to play with someone/show someone the ropes if you want. You're welcome to add me, my ingame name is: cRazi-man
Those patch notes were outdated at first, but should have been fixed now.
Otherwise they can be found here too:
Edit: Actually they do not seem to be fixed yet.
What would prevent the sorc from just teleporting onto the orb is that whichever team has control of the center of the map is going to be able to get them freely and trying to swoop in to get it would likely do you more harm than good, you are going to want to use teleport (last I checked a cooldown based ability rather than mana) wisely because it will likely be one of your two "outs" along with moves like diamond shell. If you just teleport in to the orb while the other team owns it your teleport will now be down and a barb will be punching holes in your face. So you use your defensive spell diamond shield to buy you time till your port is back up, meanwhile offensive pressure is now completely in the opponents favor and the barb still has his hook and leap seeing as how you blew your out on getting in, a highly aggressive move that if you honestly needed the health would probably be suicide. You teleport out he hooks you back in your shield is down so you root and he whirlwinds to break the roots now hes back on you and wrecking your face because you blew teleport to get the health orb and your teamates are all throwing away their snares and slows trying to save you from getting your shit rocked by the barb you gave a free ticket to. itd be smarter to turtle on the outside with something like monk regen and try to pull them out of the center by baiting them or trying to force one of their players out of position with multiple grip/hook abilities. arena combat is highly nuanced and nothing like large scale "epic" battles. If you'd like to play a free top down arena game try Bloodline Champions
I am Lunaru ingame. I am willing to help everyone. The community is small but very helpful. Join the "Help" channel to get help.
We have a reddit clan [RDT] in game, PM "MrSmeckerston"
We have a subreddit here:
And here is my referral link to get 5000 bloodcoins:
A fun free to play game. It also has in game tournaments with hour long qualification (play as many games as you can for that hour), after which it goes into elimination brackets for those who qualified.
This game has a heavy EU player base (more than the US one) and has EU and US tournaments so it's not biased towards US guys out there.
The closest thing I can compare this game to is Diablo 2 dueling. It's a really fun fast completely skill and team based game with quick matches.
I've played a lot of hardcore e-sport games , sc2 , wow , dota , cs and honestly Bloodline Champions beat them all . Small dev team (15 people or so) managed to design ingame tournament system that no other acclaimed e-sport game has .
Gear will always trump skill in a MMO. If you want a skilled battle ground you have to play something like bloodline champions. Its unfortunate, I was looking forward to some PvP but I just cannot get into it. Where is the fun in losing just because you haven't been lucky enough to have gear drop? Also 20 players seems like too many people in such a small map like Black Garden, if you had 10 players or less, it would make things much less chaotic and more strategic.
Bloodline Champions.
The most epic and amazing arena PvP game ever invented, ever. Fuck League of Legends, BLC will give you boners, even if you are a girl.
Edit: [](/party "I play with myself")
The community at LOL (in my experience) is mostly decent, but really it's about like any community online. Bloodline Champions seems to be pretty good though, and the action is fast--games take about 4-5 minutes--so people don't get so antsy about bad or newer players; another game is right around the corner, at worst.
On other hand, I don't have any good tips for you with respect to LoL as I'm a mediocre and not very serious player except for one piece of advice: focus on a single hero or two that suits your play style, but don't play them exclusively. By fooling around with other heroes you can get a feel for their weaknesses, which sometimes isn't so obvious just by playing against them all the time.
Try out Bloodline Champions. I played the beta and it was pretty damn fun. It's like... uhmm... WoW PVP mixed with Diablo 3 PVP (what it looks like at least). No random shit abilities, just skill. You can play as tank, dps or healer/support. I found tanks the most fun cus you live longer :)
Cant reccomend Bloodline Champions enough, heres a link
Basically its an arena game were you move with wasd and aim with the mouse. Great freeplay game you get 4 of the 20 heroes and they rotate through them or something. Join the reddit channel if you decide to go with it :D
Think Diablo PvP minus grinding for levels, weapons and skills. Just pick a character, join a team and play best-of-five TDM, Capture the flag or a battlefield-esque 'capture the control points' mode.
Free version has four different temporarily available characters each week, paid version has them all permanently. You can unlock single characters either through microtransaction, by paying for full version or just by grinding wins and gaining in-game currency. (For reference, each character costs 17.000 coins to unlock, there's a 9000 weekly cap for free players, so you could permanently unlock a new character each two weeks in addition to the four temporary ones.
Tryed League of Legends? Bloodline Champions?
Both are awesome PvP action/strategy games that focus on team combat.