Will provide a picture of my form, give me a sec.
EDIT: Here it is
Another edit: better link
Gold edit: This one goes out to all the drawing teachers who told me my drawing skills would never get me anywhere
It is manipulated by your search history ಠ_ಠ
Edit: To hijack my own post. Here is a non blurry version to prove what my fellow redditors have said that results stay the same even in Private browsing (NSWish)
Found it, original title " mystic wall clock ":
It took my 20 minutes on Google Search until I just said fuck it and deleted everything that could be replaced which lead to this:
Then I put it in Google Images, got nothing but the same shit, and went to TinEye, put it through the search, and got it!
I'm keeping this since it took me time. I'm gunna host it on mega.nz as well in case I lose it.
EDIT 3: Changed the mirror to the one /u/Quad9363 posted (thanks dude!). The vid.me one went down.
We had a team karaoke event and some of us convinced one of our dev managers to sing "Barbie Girl" with us. A few months later, he went on an extended vacation, and we took the opportunity to upgrade his office to a Barbie Princess theme:
https://imgur.com/2xcvdeF https://imgur.com/9EG8YDI
Keyboard is Logitech K360 and the mouse is a Logitech M510.
Bought the set for my wife (as a surprise) when got the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls expansion last month. Upon arriving, she commented on the distinct lack of pink on the two peripherals, so I devised a plan and dipped them.
Process took about 6 hours total. 3 hours of coating, plus another 3 to cure. 5 coats of Plasti Dip White were used with 15-20mins in between coats. Then 5 coats of Plasti Dip Blaze Pink, again with 15-20mins between coats. Let sit for 3 hours, then reassemble the devices. Thanks for your time.
EDIT: Including a link to the album: https://imgur.com/gallery/plZHz
EDIT 2: Included the original keyboard and mouse pics with the imgur gallery.
I was only gonna post one or two, but I think you could probably use the whole album.
Edit: Thank you anon, for bestowing me my first ever gold :)
I know you don't have to have worked construction to know this...but from working construction I know first hand that a 5 gallon bucket to the dome like that can split your wig pretty bad.
Edit: kek http://tinypic.com/r/ju7p6a/8
I attended this today. Absolutely insane. Easily the biggest protest I've ever seen in my life. Also the heat was insane, but we were kinda saved by some wind breeze later.
Here's my Imgur Album of the protest if you guys want to see some pics. Taken by my Samsung phone. I also shot at least 20 videos at random times, I'll upload them when I get the chance.
I took in a young cat who had been living in cold, frosty back gardens just over a month ago. She purrs very quietly, you an hardly tell. She's happy and warm though and she's my new best friend.
I am 6'6 250 Lb Half Armenian Half Viking Norwegian
I have a 9 inch beard and my arm hair is around 3 1/2 inches long, having to shave my back for the tat really sucked... now it grows in twice as thick and 4 inches long.
I shouldn't have gotten this : http://tinypic.com/r/33pgig4/6 EDIT : http://i.imgur.com/xUXqx.jpg , Apparently Tinypic is worse than Herpies to reddit.
Edit : Cute girl/friend of mine pressured me into this, she told me it was Mjölnir...... ....she lied.
Tequila and promise of pussy....yeah... to be young again...
impact results in a small laceration to the right temple, begins to bleed profusely
mother rushes you to the hospital, where a large-breasted teenage nurse is reduced to a shivering, nervous wreck in your presence - resultant of your bravery in not shedding a single tear
after you're fully healed, you take the nurse out for a date to a local seafood eatery - whereafter you sip liqueurs by the fire and listen to a selection of Marvin Gaye tracks.
under the moonlit night, you walk her home safely, departing with a soft kiss on the lips
12 months after first meeting, you marry on the sandy beaches of Barbados.
Hey! Whale biologist here! This is correct n' all, but it wasn't the case in this instance - this whale was very much still alive when this photo was taken.
This was a juvenile minke whale that came into Halifax harbour, bobbing upright as above; it was still alive when snapped here, and died from its injuries overnight shortly after. From the Marine Animal Response Society:
> On July 29th, a whale was reported in distress at the entrance to Halifax harbour. Upon arrival, we found a minke whale bobbing vertically in the water with its tongue completely swollen. Based on the small size of the animal, it may have been still dependent on its mother, which was nowhere to be seen. Due to its young age and severe injury, the animal was unlikely to survive. After consulting with veterinarians, representatives from MARS, DFO and DNR responded the following day to determine the best course of action for this young whale, but found that it had died overnight. While retrieving the carcass we discovered it had been entangled in some old, lost fishing gear. The carcass was taken to the Agricultural College in Truro where a necropsy was conducted. We found that there were signs of a physical injury to the animals jaw. It’s possible, while anchored by the fishing gear, the animal was hit by a vessel causing its tongue to swell. The remains were left at the Agricultural College for a study on composting.
Poor thing.
Here's a picture of the same whale after they hauled the carcass out the water - tongue still inflated!
Everybody knows this, including those opposed to full legalization. Prohibition is not an ethical or moral stand except for those who echo the sound bytes of those reaping enormous power or money from keeping pot illegal. This was the way that alcohol prohibition worked as well. The cartons linked below could have been done today with only the substances changed.
I can not find the link to the original redditor contributor, as I would like to provide proper attribution. If you are (s)he please leave your id for well earned scholarship.
I think the episode Major Boobage was made after the movie, but I never knew where the designs for the 4 boys came from, and this is a bit too much of a coincidence...
Edit: OP here! There is a problem with the image so here are 2 links to see it:
In the span of 10 years we went from 40$ for a full game to 300+$ for a full game with a brigade of "it's free, u no hev tu buy" brainwashed people behind it. Blizzard is selling them this and they are loving it :)
My dog is 8. She would happily go home with the UPS guy and be his best friend for life. Unless the Telus guy visited, then she'd jump in his truck and never think of us or the UPS guy again.
Basically, my dog is dumb and loves everyone unconditionally.
(Bonus Daisy pics: https://imgur.com/a/1Wyat#2)
Edit. Link for those that don't want to search his user history.
Link to the album showing the incident
I suppose a real life trigger warning is in order for this.
I suck at photoshop. But it's clearly the face make-up that's important. The hair doesn't mean anything.
The aye-aye of Madagascar is a weird-looking lemur that occupies the same niche that woodpeckers do elsewhere. It has an elongated middle finger which it uses to fish for grubs, and its weird appearance means there is much folklore surrounding it, with some people believing that those who are pointed at by an aye-aye will soon die.
Since the youtubes are coming down fast, I've uploaded the video to liveleak and tinypic:
If you prefer not to click on Daily Mail sources, then here is a screenshot of the original article.
^^I'm ^^trying ^^to ^^help ^^so ^^please ^^don't ^^ban ^^me, ^^just ^^downvote ^^me. ^^I ^^auto-delete ^^my ^^comments ^^with ^^a ^^score ^^of ^^-1 ^^or ^^less. ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot ^^based ^^on ^^this ^^code.
Paid for me to come to America for his wedding, held on the waterfront of Lake Tahoe.
We kayaked each morning on the lake.
Then sent me a 16" photo of myself playing guitar on the candlelit pier under the moonlight with the snowcaps in the background to remind me of it 10 months later.
edit: if I edit this will people who've asked me for the photo get a notification? Or do I have to reply to each of them to show them? This is it. The photo is printed on a board about 3 handspans across.
edit2: I hedged my bets and splashed the link around. I don't really know how reddit works, but I hope that lots of people agree that it's an awesome present and then I can tell him that reddit approves :-)
I modified mine. https://vgy.me/mveWph.jpg
I made a guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/5xnukm/howto_dock_modification_to_prevent_screen/
Edit: Automod nuked my post. Currently sorting it out with the mods.
It's pretty accurate. Most people probably don't know this, but Lucio actually has dialogue where he actually dislikes Symettra.
> http://overwatch.wikia.com/wiki/L%C3%BAcio/Quotes
The reason you don't hear this is no one plays Symmettra.
The iconic image wasn't a crop. This is the most widely published version taken by Jeff Widener. Note how it's shot from a lower angle and the ornamental street lights hover over the road markings to the right of the tank. In the wider image, those specific lights are out of view.
At least five photographers are known to have captured images of the Tank Man confrontation. Four of those photographers were in the same building, so they look similar. The fifth, by Terril Jones, was taken from the ground and only published a few years ago. Most people haven't seen this one before.
Nicely pigmented and pretty darn cheap and easy to make, it's something I'll definitely be experimenting with more. The basic recipe is 1 crayon to 1/2 tsp. shea butter and 1/2 tsp. olive oil all melted down together. Easy peasy!
From left to right the lipsticks are made from the following Crayola crayons from a 64 pack. (Well, the first one was just a bunch of scraps of red, purple, and gold. Sorry about that!) Then was 2/3 red violet, 1/3 gold; lavender; tickle me pink; carnation pink; melon; salmon; wild strawberry; and 3/4 violet red, 1/4 gold.
Lip swatches here: https://imgur.com/a/TZwZn
Protips; USE CRAYOLA. Crappy crayons (looking at you, RoseArt) won't do the job. You will need a lip brush to apply these. I did it with my fingers and could not manage a clean/even application but still love them. Also, while these colors are fairly matte, I've found that a quick swipe of cheap gloss makes them just as shiny and wonderful as any expensive gloss lipstick. Oh and have a ton of paper towels on hand. Everything I own is covered in shea butter. Totally worth it.
Right!? What was weird was there was extra tape on the box. It's like someone opened it up, bent the crap out of it, then taped it back up into the box. Here's a comparison though of boxes. On the left is the box the 1st keyboard came in (but it was the wrong model so I have to send that one back too). Box on the right is the one that holds the damaged keyboard.
The leg is the work of Scott Summit. He makes what are called prosthetic fairings (like a motorcycle fairing). He takes a 3D scan of the intact limb and uses that to make a mirror copy of that shape. The shape is then printed. I know he even made a fairing to match a woman's hand bag, now that's accessorizing.
ETA: I found an imgur of a bunch of his work. https://imgur.com/gallery/28pJN ETA2: Yes his name is Scott Summit. I did a dammed report on his work, leave it to me to screw it up after doing so well on the report.
OP here! This video was broadcast as a part of a looping Netflix reel on a huge time square screen! Captured on 5/27! Sorry I missed the very beginning! Video starts with Lucille at the top, then George senior pops up, followed by GOB.
Here is a photo I took first accidentally, intending to film it instead (smartphone, stupid man). It features Lucille exchanging a knowing look to George Senior. Correction, it was a glare.
Thought this would be fun to try, took forever.
Audio doesn't make the most sense, but you get the idea.
Well the situation was really funny, I bursted out in laughter when it happened but I wasn't trying to "disrespect". I was trying out the new Kassadin in a normal game, I thought I was dead so I gave up and started laughing, then I realized my ult was really low cooldown so I tried leaving. There was no way I was getting out of that alive anyways. The thing with that game was our team gave up early because our support Dc'ed and Jinx killed him repeatedly when he got back into lane at level 2. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=33af9qo&s=8#.UyysrvmSx9k The enemy team was really anti-fun and BM which is completely fine, it was just a normal game. Me and the others were just trying to have some fun.
The Tryndamere won against Renekton 1v1, was pretty impressive actually.
Edit: I guess you could say, the rework blew me out of proportions.
I've got over 4 vision score / minute before.
looks like this: https://snipboard.io/tIqVXT.jpg
It's rather hard because in SoloQ folks place less wards for you to clear
Here is ShareX
basically a program that allows you to record and upload GIFs and take screenshots of specific size as well. though for screenshots you can just use the Steam hotkey.
I just really want people to use programs made for this instead of making Photos or Videos with their shitty phone of the screen with a shaky hand.
Hey everyone. I was able to take some pictures of the places I recognized during my havana tour. If anyone is interested I can upload them. Edit: Here they are! These are the ones that I was pretty sure I recognized and that were 18th century or earlier.
No, that's probably accurate. You have to remember, the only way to aim where a plane is going to crash, is to be inside of it. He probably could have bailed and saved his life. He chose to guide the plane into some fields instead of letting it crash into the town.
You need to go to Normandy to truly see it all. Here's a few pictures my family took while over there. EVERY little town has some memorial to the Americans who sacrificed themselves to rescue the French. There were so many instances of bravery that just tug at the heartstrings.
Yeah, he is actually a rightwing, christian conservative, multicultural critic, anti-islam blogger, israel supporting, nordic looking blonde.
Fuck extremists of all sorts.
edit: Just got news that he killed over 80 people on the island Utöya...
edit 2: There's denial that he is "fjordman" the anti-islam blogger. Who knows if he is or isn't, but until I know for sure, then this part I can't vouch for: "multicultural critic, anti-islam blogger, israel supporting" wich is attributed to whoever is fjordman. For info on the murderer, here's a screenshot of his facebook and some pictures of him: http://www.imagebam.com/image/fff525141761163
edit 3: forgot to add, his name is Anders Behring Breivik.
I actually think most of those games have better visuals than CoD Ghost.
I mean look at it
Those textures are ugly, all my eyes see is blur.
Now look at how defined and appealing these drawings are
Pixel graphics of those indie games are 10 times better than cod ghost's graphics.
This is an old unused scope sitting in a corner of my company's lab.
The one I use everyday is a LeCroy WavePro 7100A 1GHz scope (probably ~$50k new), which runs Windows XP...so I suppose it can play Tetris as well... and Space Cadet 3D Pinball! https://imgur.com/IjAbs91
"Even with my very little knowledge of agriculture I can explain why GM crops are a good thing."
Hi, I work in this industry as a research director, let me tell you why GM crops are stupid and bad.
For the past 50 years, due to slower more indirect forms of GM (Selective breeding) food quality per quantity has DECLINED.
One of our favorite GM crops, which has Bacillus thuringiensis toxin capability, is now being beaten by insects which have developed immunity.
GM crops tend to require MORE water than their natural counterparts. This comes from breeding in controlled conditions, the plants get used to a steady water supply and lose drought resistance (ask the farmers in India with failing GM rice crops due to the lack of water which normal rice would use just fine.)
GM crops pollute the environment and contaminate native landrace species, and also other farmer's fields. No 'terminator' gene is going to stop this - life finds a way around this, always has, always will.
GM foods have zero real potential, minus those crops producing medical necessities, like insulin-producing plants.
The real potential is newer agricultural techniques, such as vertical farming.
http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=2r5gleg&s=7 - have a peep at a real agricultural research facility - mine.
Boston Marathon bombing.
We were standing on the corner of Fairfield and Boylston, about a block away from the second bomb. I literally just told my friend how amazed I was of how happy everyone was. People just cheering to give support to people they didn't know. I remember the first BOOM but everyone was just confused. Then a woman said, "well that can't be good," and before it could hit me the second one went off. Everyone scattered down the street. The women were screaming and all I could say was "Go, go, go." I was assuming a third one would go off and I felt a weird feeling on my back as though my body was anticipating intense pain. Luckily, it never came. I ran into an alley way away from the crowd just in case there were secondaries on Newbury St.
Before this gets deleted in shame
/u/Moldybooks posted this fake image: https://imgur.com/6icwf
and then made up a bunch of bullshit about a dead grandfather. Grammo found the original picture here: http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/ts02b/a_photo_nasa_took_of_my_grandpa/c4p9a03
It varies and depends where you are... some people don't like having their photo taken, but usually asking a few people you will find someone. It helps if you stop and chat with them for a bit. Here's my photos from faces around the world:
HEY! There I am on the front page of reddit!I figured I'd hop on over and give a little awareness to my skin condition!
I was born with a pigmentation disorder called Congenital Melanocytic Nevus. It happens in less than 1% of births and the cause is still unknown. It is not in any way genetic. In short it just means that I was born with my skin pigment distributed in patches (like birthmarks) rather than evenly spread through my skin. I have over 1000! They are not contagious, nor do they hurt. They also do not change, move, appear, or disappear.
I got this tattoo as my first large piece back in 2013. The artist freehanded the leopard spots around my birthmarks and only used black ink. All of the brown is my pigmentation, not ink. It was my first step in truly accepting and embracing my differences and has melted away my insecurities about CMN.
This is a pretty outdated picture. Haha yes, that is my son in the background. I had gotten this tattoo a week or so prior to this photo and happened to be hanging out in the bathroom with him during bathtime. I figured I'd snap a 'selfie' and show off the new tattoo! In hindsight, I guess I'm gonna have to apologize for a viral bath picture... Sorry Mason!
For more information on Congenital Melanocytic Nevus, you can visit http://www.nevus.org
And another picture: http://tinypic.com/r/2d2bxq1/8
If you prefer not to click on Daily Mail sources, then here is a screenshot of the original article.
^^I'm ^^trying ^^to ^^help ^^so ^^please ^^don't ^^ban ^^me, ^^just ^^downvote ^^me. ^^I ^^auto-delete ^^my ^^comments ^^with ^^a ^^score ^^of ^^-1 ^^or ^^less. ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot ^^based ^^on ^^this ^^code.
I will try making it more organized since i love using patterns!
For example here is the solar panel electricity system: <strong>https://snipboard.io/VzF2UD.jpg</strong>
I really like them they make the whole thing feel more futuristic :)
Here comes my attempt. It's a 'proof of concept' rather that a real build, done in creative mode on a superflat world, but it shouldn't be too resource heavy in survival, especially if you don't care about the looks. It's about micro-living that can actually be comfortable, so no uber compact tricks, no fancy redstone and such, just a really really small piece of housing. It's exactly 7x7x7 minus the floor (contra: there's no floor), but you can move around and access everything without any problems.
Can you imagine going about your business, just trying to do your daily shopping, and this idiot starts filming you? I'd be so annoyed. Looks like this poor man is, too. She's flaunting her cluelessness and lack of concern for others everywhere she goes.
Stryders go from 6.002 seconds per dash charge to 7.923 seconds, meaning 12.004 seconds for a full recharge and then 23.77 seconds. The Atlas maintains the same recharge rate, and obviously the Ogre has nothing to worry about.
I'd like to remind everyone that this was the case with the Burn Card in Titanfall 1 as well, so it's not terribly unprecedented, though it's definitely another one for the "Shit Respawn Should Really Say Somewhere" book.
Simply replied to that post stating that tickets were obtained without the use of bots. Specifying "i got it" or "my gf got it" wouldn't have made much of a difference; especially considering that immediately after replying to that I went ahead and made this post which clearly states who got them :). Plus if there are any people out there who are all like "404 gf not found". here (edit fixed link, thanks redditors :) edit 2 changed from FB link{I'm an idiot} to a picture)
Edit: Because I'm still used to calling her "girlfriend".
Edit2: Because I'm tired of posting the same picture everywhere...rings!
Sometimes she'll get really frustrated because her snoot will just push the blanket further away. After a few attempts she'll make this big huffy sigh and look at m, obviously wanting some help.
I also tuck her in every night.
I remember watching scarra's stream before worlds yesterday and MegaZero msged him about hotshot and him planning to scrim or something.
proof http://tinypic.com/r/aemdk1/8 or http://puu.sh/bZK0X/812cc0cbbf.jpg
scarra did say he was leaving the dig organization to do something else perhaps even be a pro again or coach another team.
CLG Megazero? ? hard to imagine scarra coaching CLG tho instead of dig
Didn't they determine awhile back that this was shopped?
To many mounted MGs...one of them isn't even usable
Edit: here's one of the funnier ones with four MGs. This pic has been shopped alot.
Please be as detailed as possible in your submissions. The more information we have the more we can help. It is mandatory to include: age and sex (please write as [age][sex], e.g. 18M), height, weight, race, primary complaint, duration, any existing medical issues, current medications and doses, and whether you drink, smoke, and/or use recreational drugs. If you have no medical conditions and are on no medications, say so.
If you have a question about something visual, like a skin condition, please include the picture or better multiple pictures in your post as an https://imgbb.com/ or imgur.com link. It makes it easier to help with something when it can be examined visually.
So a long time ago, I was approached by a really amazing photography studio in London about doing a photoshoot with them..they have spun their boudoir business off into a new company, and are offering new styles of boudoir shoots, and one of them is burlesque boudoir and they wanted me to be the model in exchange for a free (usually £1000+!) photoshoot. Obviously I was like YES WHEN PLEASE I AM YOURS FOREVER. And since I kept mentioning it here I thought I should share some of the results.
So these are a few of them. (There is no nudity or near nudity so I think you workin' girls are safe to click...but obvs you know your offices better than I!)
It’s looks pretty natural with a hammer and sickle flag on each side at the third communist world congress.
>The organization was initially part of the Soviet Union’s front operations to bring about communist dictatorship in Germany, and it worked to label all rival parties as “fascist.”
>The organization can be traced to the “united front” of the Soviet Union’s Communist International (Comintern) during the Third World Congress in Moscow in June and July 1921
>The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group
>Group promoted communist dictatorship in Germany on Soviet Union's behalf and labeled all ideologies other than communism as 'fascism'.
Currently stuck in my apartment, so this is the most I can do right now...
I'd take it in if it weren't for our dog who hates cats :/
[Edit] well 10 mins later, me and my SO felt too bad and brought him in. He's currently in our dog's kennel warming up with a full belly :)
I saw this post, and I knew it was my time to shine for r/beetlejuicing. I'd post it there myself, but I'm pretty sure that's against their rules.
Edit: yup, self-BJs are against rule 2.3
Nice strawman,
Everyone I know who goes on Reddit is an atheist and we all hate /r/atheism. It's not particularly funny and it's all stuff we already know. I understand what it's here for, certain nations are more religious than mine. I applaud the fact that it provides support for so many 'despairing men, women and children: victims of a system that make men torture' (Chaplin, 1940) but I find it to be insufferable due to the fact it merely repeats beliefs I'm already quite comfortable in, that there is no God.
You atheists, from what I've seen on here, are great fans of logic and reason. Also atheists I've met, on here and in real life, tend to be among the most intelligent and kind people I know - but then again I know mostly atheists. Atheists, in my experience, also tend to accept that others have beliefs they do not share. But it's shit like this atheists. Shit like this.
I'm not a fan of the increasingly anti-theist view on here, it reeks of there being some kind of 'universal truth' - and smacks of a sort of religion in itself. This particularly meme is in exceedingly poor taste, do you really need to make strawmen to win arguments? - I should think not, what with you guys being so clever. You're better than this.
Further explication in defense on receiving downvotes by so brave people
For a bit of context, the guy being interrogated (and thus the guy who hired him) is responsible for doing this to Billy's best friend. First Thunder had some really great moments, especially Superman's reaction to discovering Billy's real age.
To screenshot on your PC natively hit the Print Screen button. You can paste this directly into imgur or to reddit.
Alternately use Sharex which is an open source free software that will let you select what you want to screenshot, make gifs, crop, and auto upload to the image host of your choice. Available here https://getsharex.com/
Neighbours don't let neighbours take pictures of their monitor with their phone.
If you prefer not to click on Daily Mail sources, then here is a screenshot of the original article.
^^I'm ^^trying ^^to ^^help ^^so ^^please ^^don't ^^ban ^^me, ^^just ^^downvote ^^me. ^^I ^^auto-delete ^^my ^^comments ^^with ^^a ^^score ^^of ^^-1 ^^or ^^less. ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot ^^based ^^on ^^this ^^code.
If anyone is curious... the dimensions are 19.5" long X 12" tall X 1.25" thick.
Here's a link for the full album If anyone is interested. https://imgur.com/a/RVOQE#0
I don't know how make a certain word at as the link... sorry.
Screenshot just in case anything happens to the tweet: https://snipboard.io/EQ6nqV.jpg
From how both Jenkins said he was informed last minute and Alphari's recent tweet, this seems pretty bad. From what I've seen, Alphari can be occasionally very sarcastic, so there's a very slim chance this might be sarcastic and imply it's not really that bad.
But he can also be extremely cutthroat and not be afraid to share his opinions, so this could very likely be him calling BS on Jatt's recent interview. This coupled with Jenkins saying that he was called to play last minute shows that the coaching staff's willingness to bench Alphari was not communicated well, which really gives me 2020 spring vibes and does not make me very optimistic about the stability of this team.
Photos and videos are actually flat; your mind figures out things like depth and texture using things like shadowing and the relative sizes of things.
So for example you look at this photo and you probably think Lapiņa looks unhealthily thin, because you can easily make out her collarbone, ribs and sternum; she looks pale, with near-white skin, her legs look small compared to the width of her hips, and her feet are at a funny angle.
On the other hand you look at this photo (NSFW lingerie catalogue photo) and her ribcage is less visible, her skin is skin-coloured, and her legs look a normal width. Looks healthy, right?
Basically it can be the same girl in both photos because in the latter photo a photographer has moved and diffused the lighting, posed her and set up his camera so the she looks healthy.
I've still got a long ways to go and much to learn. Currently working on setting up the ingredients for Gold Science. My Oil Factories weren't cutting it Sulfiric Acid-wise, so I found another Oil Patch and dedicated it to 100% Cracking to Acid.
It's going slow, but it's going. How does it look so far? :D
For those who want a full tour of my base as of today (8-23):
Warning; Large File. Do not view on Mobile unless you want your Data eaten.
Wenn man (wie intendiert) auf die Assonanzen guckt, ergibt sich das hier.
Kollegah ist ein Antisemit, der diese lächerlichsten Sachen glaubt und behauptet. Das heißt leider nicht, dass er nicht sehr gut reimen kann (denn dann wäre er irrelevant).
As someone who screencapped every single outfit of S1, she's never worn a dress above the knee or shown actual, boob-squishing cleavage.
Edited to add album: The shitty quality pics are mine, the rest are stolen. There is one black dress that shows a cleavage shadow, but she wore it specifically to get someone to want to sleep with her, so...
There's a lot of neck, but as a member of the IBTC, she never actually exposes cleavage.
> the Queen made us pearl of the orient
She* made HK a Military Intelligence listening station, at Siu Sai Wan, the largest of its kind in Asia, thereby permanently polluting the city with imperialist spooks and their hangers-on. When the PLA took over the Prince Of Wales Building and Government House in 1997, they were so full of bugs that they weren't usable for several years.
*MI5 and MI6 are loyal to the crown, not the state
Instead of talking about a shitty aggregate site, why not either link to the scanlators or read from the image site they're personally hosting from?
here is a screenshot of the most wellknown drug market on the torweb: https://imgur.com/YtgwL . the tornet deep web can be relatively interesting stuff, discussions on any topic imaginable. the deep web in the general definition (unindexed sites) is probably just boring personal websites, etc.
Nope. It's totally photoshopped.
Edit: You guys. This is not even up for debate. Look at the picture. You can clearly see the image noise around the borders of the font. Also, to that person /u/unnecessary_kindness who linked me to this: https://vgy.me/cf6W5H.jpg LOOK AGAIN. Somebody went back into Photoshop and warped the font so it would look more convincing!
I made a side-by-side comparison: https://i.imgur.com/pNxlnj3.png
Also, I am a graphic designer. I won't even mention the fact that they're not holding hands. Their hands are just sort of near each other. Oops, I guess I just mentioned it.
Thanks! I do all the distortion in Photoshop to create the stretched view. Then I create grid on the ground and transfer from a small image to a big image.
Not my video, but this describes the basic process it in about 5 minutes: Make anamorphic art
Actually here— if I hide them better, maybe? 😅 (Narrator: she did not hide them better.) I did take down the Facebook post you all found though.
Heres the screenshot of this moron(the OP) selling all his gear and buying couriers. This guy preaches about being an upstanding beta tester, all round nice guy and a wonderful team mate but truth is hes moron.
He was last pick, our team already had 3 melee, so what does he lock in? sven. He then proceeds to go 0/7, freaks out and begins to whine hysterically in all caps before selling all his items(when the game was still very winnable) and buys 10+ couriers.
You are what's wrong with the beta you autistic mongoloid.
http://tinypic.com/r/10opa12/7 http://oi52.tinypic.com/1qkajm.jpg
If you prefer not to click on Daily Mail sources, then here is a screenshot of the original article.
^^I'm ^^trying ^^to ^^help ^^so ^^please ^^don't ^^ban ^^me, ^^just ^^downvote ^^me. ^^I ^^auto-delete ^^my ^^comments ^^with ^^a ^^score ^^of ^^-1 ^^or ^^less. ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot ^^based ^^on ^^this ^^code.
The emoji use here is too much. Given what the videos from this morning look like, I'd say these huns are a loooooong way from being able to do anything as athletic as a barbell snatch.
No release date :(
I couldn't really tell but is this still San Andreas? Vinewood is back!
Older CJ? I know it could be some random black guy but at the same time, I don't know why he would be getting chase by cops and be a focal point of the trailer.
ninja edit: Omg I've watched it four times now and each time I get more excited!
I'm not sure about this. Can you provide reliable sources? I've seen those scratches in many photos from people who have been to Aushwitz . I agree that fingernails can't scratch concrete, but they can scratch paint or plaster. Your whole "set designer" thing sounds like bs. Here's some different photo galleries: http://www.scrapbookpages.com/AuschwitzScrapbook/Tour/Auschwitz1/Auschwitz08C.html https://imgur.com/gallery/pxAvz
Edit: I'm obviously not an expert, but it seems like fingernail scratches wouldn't have a randomness to them because we generally scratch up and down, as our fingers will go up in a grasping motion. It would make more sense for them to claw towards the top anyway, right? They also could have used nails or other sharp instruments.
P.s. your comment history shows you making a lot of under-researched, opinionated views. I'm not sure I want to believe you.
They don't line up.
Edit: I took the original resolution (12292x5206 and 11636x5266) artwork and attempted to scale the tree to have identical proportions before and after the burning. Since the two paintings aren't quite identical, the shoreline, the boats, and Sylvanas will be in very slightly different locations in order to keep the tree as static as possible.
They are cropped to 2918x5188, maintaining the same aspect ratio as most phones. They will easily downscale to OP's screen resolution of 1152x2048 or to other resolutions such as 1080x1920 without loss of quality.
Imgur messes with large files, so I had to use a different host.
Here is the article on JSTOR you were linking to for those who can't access it. Sorry for not posting a PDF but I figured it would have some metadata that I don't know how to sanitize.
Wernher von Braun and Concentration Camp Labor: An Exchange
Author(s): Ernst Stuhlinger and Michael J. Neufeld
Source: German Studies Review, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Feb., 2003), pp. 121-126
keep in mind due to the public nature of this particular market, 90% of everyone there is either an idiot or a scammer. if you really need to get something done, they'll contact you.
Bataar Jr: "Grandmother, I am old enough to handle myself! Leave me this instant!"
Toph: "Listen squirt, I came here to kick ass and eat shrooms, and I don't see any shrooms around here!"
Every other Beifong proceeds to facepalm
Hmm, she looks familiar... Ah, yes. The infamous "facebook lost camera girl".
When I was 10 or 12 it used to be the cool thing to do to hollow out these cans and use them to put pencils and pens in them. 16 years later I've found another use for them.
EDIT: http://tinypic.com/r/2m3389e/6 Added a video because i'm obviously really really shitty at explaining
It was really simple
edit: Step 3 clarification - Grinding/Rubbing/Sliding the can face down against the concrete moving it side by side or forward and backward with quite a bit of pressure.
Since we're obviously still talking about the match, I thought I'd leave this here - http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=10y1err&s=8#.VDaaTildV4Y
(I had to do it /r/Juve)
The translation for those not familiar is the amount of penalties for/against in the last 6 seasons.
”Google search by image gives 330 results... but I believe I found the source of the image: Playboy hungary - Playmate of the year 2010 contest. And, ladies and gentlemen... they are real girls, not real dolls!
The service in that page lists 10 models: Nikolett Daniludisz, Kitti Kovacs, Viktoria Svedova, Adrienn Levai, Evelin Aubert, Eszter Turner, Zsofia Horvath, Emese Monus, Kata Kari, Helga Geszti. Six of these are in the picture...Kitty Kovacs is the first face from the right. Then Helga Geszti, Nikolett Daniludisz and Zsofia Horvath... The first from the left and the first from the right (we see only her boobs) are two of the blondes, but who?”
Possibly an easier to read version in case you can't shrink the picture- http://postimage.org/image/pf79hancn/
Might not be funny to some or most, I really can't tell when I'm making them if my humor is too twisted/unfunny. But worth a shot.
Yeah, Pavel Gubarev Donetsk people's governor was a fascist from Russian National Unity. He left RNU for a while, but never denounced his past.
~~Aksyonov, the "leader" of Crimea, recently joked in twitter that in case of annexation USA to Russia, Obama will be sent to Moscow zoo, to be kept among monkeys.~~ (EDIT: possible fake, thanks to /u/jenya_ -- it was widely supported by his thousands of followers anyway) Agitation in Donetsk Rada seized by the separatist uses the same topic: https://imgur.com/8Bb29mh
Pogroms and discrimination against Russians still exist only in fantasy of Russian propagandists, while when separatists and Russian military took over Sloviansk they immediately started pogroms of Roma people, and repressions against Ukrainian-speaking. When Russians took over Crimea, they immediately started discriminating Tatars and Ukrainians.
Seriously, Russian propaganda narrative against "fascist" Ukrainians and "antifascist" Russians is ridiculous. It's other way around.
$100 says it'll have WoW style quest hub progression, a loli race, tits and ass, an incredibly boring crafting system, an upgrade system with RNG and a failure rate that only increases in tier, trade skills that were simply added to make it look like the game has content, tons of costumes, a terrible cash shop, gender locks, incredibly boring and linear classes. Someone needs to make a bingo sheet
Edit: Oh look a loli class https://vgy.me/ajASKS.png
Rock it buddy! I can't wait to get home and get the rest of your DogeCoin Bills (wallets) printed.
Here's the link to see the wallets: http://imgur.com/a/mdzkM
EDIT 2: Here are the final wallets I'm sending to you! https://imgur.com/a/hahF6
Greenshot is abandonware with no updates in 4 years.
It is still good, but ShareX (free, open source) appears to be its successor, with video capture and more: https://getsharex.com/
I just wish ShareX had more features to remove the "Share To" menu options, though I can and do turn that feature off.
EDIT: imgur link, i've also redone the gif after a few tutorials.
~~Here you go.~~
~~This is my first gif ever so be gentle.~~
~~Also, imgur had a 2mb limit and i have no idea how to resize, sorry.~~
> (FYI, it's not possible to get better than this as this is the original compression from the source. Unless a better source comes along.)
ShareX also deserves a mention here.
It's great for taking quick snaps of your screen, I use it every day. It have options to take a screenshot of your entire screen, only an app, or draw a box around what you want to screenshot and it uploads it for you right after + puts the link in your clipboard.