" written in a such a way as to give multinational companies a huge advantage on trade. If a public hospital is built close to a private one, the private hospital has the right to sue the country for expected losses. That is outrageous. Here is where you can find the chapter on investment:
EXACTLY what is happening to Canada under Nafta's chapter 11. Our government is being sued for damages any time a corporation's profits are eroded by legislation EVEN if it is to protect our people from their products. Foreign corporations are now suing for more than 6 BILLION $ under this legislation. 6 BILLION.
Yeah, he is actually a rightwing, christian conservative, multicultural critic, anti-islam blogger, israel supporting, nordic looking blonde.
Fuck extremists of all sorts.
edit: Just got news that he killed over 80 people on the island Utöya...
edit 2: There's denial that he is "fjordman" the anti-islam blogger. Who knows if he is or isn't, but until I know for sure, then this part I can't vouch for: "multicultural critic, anti-islam blogger, israel supporting" wich is attributed to whoever is fjordman. For info on the murderer, here's a screenshot of his facebook and some pictures of him: http://www.imagebam.com/image/fff525141761163
edit 3: forgot to add, his name is Anders Behring Breivik.
If you follow through the links you can see the actual court filing.
>plaintiffs' [the baby, and his parents as his representatives] injuries and damages, if any, were caused by the deliberate, criminal conduct of plaintiffs, and such criminal conduct supersedes any and all negligence or liability, if any, on the part of these defendants [the police].
there's been consistent rumours of a budget of ~$10 million annually. wikileaks has a cable which discusses this - https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/06CARACAS3356_a.html - "supported over 300 Venezuelan civil society organizations with technical assistance, capacity building, connecting them with each other and international movements, and with financial support upwards of $15 million". they're not going to be giving that money to govt supporters...
[venezuela is a mess; it would be in a mess without american funding; but it would be nice if just once america could stay the fuck out of south america's business... but maybe i'm biased because i live in chile...]
A few months ago, I listened to an interview with one of the authors of Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump. He explained that Donald is a perfect match for what the KGB looked for in American targets: he's narcissistic, ambitious, rich, and susceptible to manipulation. The author alleges that Donald had been groomed by Putin and his cronies for decades to be an unwitting agent of their.
I haven't read that book. I really should.
By the way, I'm surprised by how little attention Russian Roulette received. The media kept inviting the author of Fire and Fury on their shows, and Donald attacked that book even though it was written like a tabloid piece about this administration's ineptitude, which shouldn't be a surprise to anybody. Meanwhile, Russian Roulette makes much more damning claims, and provides much more background into Putin, including his methods and motivations, but it received next to no coverage or backlash from the White House. Go figure
What are you talking about? It's like you watched TV for 5 minutes -- or read a single article -- and because they didn't mention the word "revolution" in that brief window you assume (because the "major" media is defective, I guess) that they are "avoiding" the term. Or you think that because they're also referred to as protesters attending rallies that somehow undoes all the times their collective actions are labelled revolution?
The "major" media outlets are not avoiding it. That assertion is false.
From smaller outlets to big ones, the term "revolution" -- along with "revolt" -- is being used extensively. They've even branded the whole shebang as the "Jasmine revolution" (as they did with the "Orange" revolution ~5 years back) as an indication of how widespread the movement is in the region.
This is just some easy karma-harvesting, taking advantage of an easy and universally-maligned target, the "major" media.
Here's the wikileaks post. For those of you too lazy to scroll to the bottom of this "useless zero hedge article".
Fuck me people want to be spoon fed.
A great quote I've never seen. I'm off to research it, thanks!
Edit: Yes, Bush really did say that while talking at the Athena Performing Arts Center of Greece Athena Middle and High School on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 in Rochester, NY. You can also hear the quote here.
How much more clear can our war criminals be about their actions?
> Meuller’s indictments of 12 Russian intelligence agents prove that the Kremlin stole the election for Trump
Accusations as proof? This soviet-style propaganda would be funny if it weren't so sad...
Here, something to cheer us all up: https://www.bleachbit.org/cloth-or-something
I take your point, but to answer your question, I inferred it from (1) the "VS" in the post title, (2) the juxtaposition of the two books, and (3) that the artwork for Orwell are borrowed more directly from the film version of 1984 whereas the artwork for Brave New World seems to (overtly) characterize the modern American lifestyle....meaning that the viewer can more easily identify with the latter.
That, and as u/KrangsQuandary points out elsewhere in this thread, this comic can be seen to parallel the perspective outlined in Amusing Ourselves to Death.
A day doesn't meet my definition of "falling markets" More like a bearish reaction that will likely continue for a couple weeks. Of course some big foreign investors were going to sell with this news. This wasn't intended to prop up the stock market, it was intended to shore up local supplies of steel and aluminum. Commodities that are critical during times of war and for building new power grid transformers after a successful cyber attack. See: https://www.amazon.com/Lights-Out-Cyberattack-Unprepared-Surviving/dp/0553419986/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1520004513&sr=8-1&keywords=lights+out+ted+koppel&dpID=41DkSSMGZrL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch
The data is completely wrong? In what sense? That there aren't that many bases around Iran? That the bases are in the wrong place?
Here is a much more detailed map of the region.
Here is a good reason:
>The sheriff and his deputies worked under a fee system whereby they received money for every person they booked, incarcerated, and released; the more arrests, the more money they made.
This still going on.
The title of Ava DuVernay's extraordinary and galvanizing documentary refers to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which reads "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States." The progression from that second qualifying clause to the horrors of mass criminalization and the sprawling American prison industry is laid out by DuVernay with bracing lucidity. With a potent mixture of archival footage and testimony from a dazzling array of activists, politicians, historians, and formerly incarcerated women and men, DuVernay creates a work of grand historical synthesis.
Watch 13th on Netflix to see where this all has led.
<em>Thunderheart</em>. It's kind of so-so in the beginning, but it has good follow-through, if I remember right. Worth a watch, but don't expect high action. You need to stick with it. It's got its moments but it tries to be more of a police procedural (which is in line with Val's role in the film). Good luck finding it. It's relatively obscure, as White Men Can't Jump trounced it at the box office when they opened, but your local library may be able to request a DVD from someone else in their system.
The whole computer revolution is due to federal research funding in this sector. He especially received so much benefit to improvements in semiconductors and memory that is due to government research. The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths (Anthem Other Canon Economics) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0857282522/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_VlJsCbC01MTP5 is a fascinating book on the topic. Freakonomics did a podcast with her too http://freakonomics.com/podcast/mariana-mazzucato/
Both initial quotes are laughable. Winston Churchill was referring to a war in which they tried to stop a country that invaded its neighbors and ethnically cleansed a minority. Einstein called conservative Zionists terrorists, comparing them directly Nazi's (about whom Churchill was speaking).
Edit: wording
It is true. Ethylene is a natural way to ripen tomatoes off the vine.
This is very commonly done here in the south by placing unripe, green tomatoes in a brown paper bag with apples. Apples release ethylene gas naturally causing the tomatoes to ripen.
Ehow article on how to ripen tomatoes with apples.
Wow what an incredibly biased article.
"Our ranking changed in Google SO IT MUST BE that they hate us and have changed their algorithm just to punish us!"
...or it could be that the algorithm changed in 2017, and these are the political sites that just happened to be affected.
Correlation =/= causation. That article is disturbing, but not convincing, because there's many reasons those companies could have been knocked down for non-nefarious reasons, and their spokesperson would no doubt claim something must be afoot!
You seem to not understand that this is an algorithm, there is not some person pulling the levers on what keywords get ranked. The decisions made in that algorithm have to do with broad sweeping things that affect every site, not specific keywords. For example, they change it to make questions rank higher now because people ask questions of Siri/Alexa now. The people at the top that you think are part of some evil plot don't muddy their hands with that kind of work. And the people who do work on the algorithm are interested in math, not politics. Like you think Matt Cutts has some secret agenda? No.
Honestly, if those websites truly have a case I would love for them to present their evidence to the SEO professionals community so we can get to the bottom of what is affecting their rankings.
I can't really be bothered to get into the death tolls of capitalism because it's such an evil ideology. I'll just do starvation alone. From Wikipedia and other websites:
> According to the World Health Organization, hunger is the single gravest threat to the world's public health.[2] The WHO also states that malnutrition is by far the biggest contributor to child mortality, present in half of all cases.[2] Undernutrition is a contributory factor in the death of 3.1 million children under five every year.[3] Figures on actual starvation are difficult to come by, but according to the Food and Agriculture Organization, the less severe condition of undernourishment currently affects about 842 million people, or about one in eight (12.5%) people in the world population.[4]
And we already grow enough food to stop starvation, it's just not profitable to do so.
So, every year 3,1 million children aged 0-4 die due to completely preventable starvation. That means that at least 60 million children aged 0-4 died of starvation since the start of the millennium or 527 million since Marx and Engels published the Communist Manifesto.
Used up my tomahawk missile inventory last month.
Also I am old, I already did my war fighting from 2001 - 2009. The most effective thing I can do is win hearts and minds.
Have you read this?
We Came From Fire: Photographs of Kurdistan's Armed Struggle Against ISIS https://www.amazon.com/dp/1576878686/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_6NqODb3F8J7ZX
This is it guys. No more fuckin' around. We gotta shut this shit down quick. You know it's bad when even congress people are putting up a fuss (and for fuck's sake that ironic to say in itself), so we need to smarten up and stick up for our rights. At this point, I don't really care if I'm on every single list in the world. I will go down fighting every way I can. Guns blazing if I have to. Macho crap aside, what else can I do besides donate? (Link for the lazy) or calling my reps?
24 - Problem ---> Torture ---> Solution
Zero Dark Thirty - Torture ---> Justification
The Americans - Russia infiltrates America (CIA advisor involved with that in mind: Great series, love it, watch it)
American Sniper - The war in Iraq is about heroism. Does it make sense now?
From the top of my mind, further suggestions?
Have you guys read any Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine? It gives a bunch of examples of when natural disasters have been used to push through pro-corporate policies. I guess this could be considered a form of subjugation, though I think Chavez was thinking militarily, right?
More importantly, have you guys who criticise Chavez even read the history of Haiti? The US has been supporting coups and dictators on and off for the last 100 years there.
Who occupied the country 1915-1934?
Who protected the genocidal racist dictators Doc and Baby-Doc for 30 years?
Who negated the constitution in 1987?
Who kidnapped and ousted Jean-Bertrand Aristide (a democratically elected leader) with a military coup twice!?
Haha - I had no idea the US fucked Haiti up so much... Whoever thinks Chavez is crazy about the US wanting to control Haiti should read some history.
>would have created actual cronyism
you're kidding right. Just so we can be clear. (and i had to double check myself).
define cronyism: "the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications."
Ok, so lets talk jared cushner, ivanka. no cronyism there.
or lets talk about how he only appoints unqualified people to judge positions
>(top line summary)"Matthew Petersen is the president’s third court pick to crash and burn over not being qualified to be a federal judge."
or here is literally an article about trump cronyism
> (summary) paul manafort accepted a $16M loan to get someone a federal job
you're the reason the world thinks the US is stupid.
You cared enough to defend the guy with regurgitated nonsense.
Hates big tobacco? Nope Hates the alcohol industry? Maybe - he blocked tax breaks for the industry. So what? Is this supposed to mean something to me? Like many, I drink occasionally and always do so responsibly. Don't punish me because of the actions of a few (I learned that from all the gun nuts). Big Pharma? I'll just call bullshit. Like just about everything else he talks about to stir up votes. He promised prices would go down when the overwhelming majority of prescription drug prices have gone up. And just like with tobacco, he has former Big Pharma people shaping his drug policy.
sorry but you are incorrect "Hans Rosling shows the best stats you've ever seen"
I don't need 20 reasons
just 1, the internet
easily the most disruptive thing since the renaissance
Not in detail... This source (the related article on the website of EXIT-Deutschland, the organization who actually created and distributed the T-shirts) only mentions that they printed a washable (in the sense of water-soluble) image on top of the permanent one.
How can this be true on June 2nd, if this was true on June 1st? https://wikileaks.org/WikiLeaks-issues-call-for-100-000.html
It appears they do NOT have the full text, which would naturally lead one to wonder how they were able to analyze it.
A database of individuals charged in relation to the riots
Keep in mind a foreign-sounding name does not mean someone was born elsewhere, most of those individuals are the children or descendants of immigrants. The rioters are largely youth invested in a consumerist, narcissistic culture which is not existent in first generation immigrants.
I agree. The system should function to provide every human being with a dignified existence. That means - (if possible) meaningful employment. But if not it must imply society cares for those left bereft of necessities of existence. The human state isn't a lottery where some lose so others must win.
Anytime a group of world leaders get together for a conference and start to form an agreement, then yeah that should be news.
Apparently the Washington Post thought it was news and so did other major news networks...
The article is the sort of paranoid rant you'd expect. There are all kinds of loaded language and unsupported allegations, and a lot of non sequitur references to coups and events that aren't referenced in the cable.
The cable itself is linked: https://wikileaks.org/cable/2005/04/05CARACAS1049.html
If you can read it on your mobile, you'll see that it's from 2005, and the only reference to Canada is to a 'campaign school' run by the IRI to aid with the process of 'party renovation'. On the IRI website, they explain that this is their primary function, and that 'party renovation' means 'helping political parties to become more issue-based and responsive, assisting citizens to participate in government planning, and working to increase the role of marginalized groups in the political process – including women and youth.'
I'm not an expert in networking but my understanding of a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is that it allows you to connect to a Private network to access the public internet like a proxy of sorts. It really doesn't make sense that encrpyting your data and sending/receiving data with this additional step should be faster than using the network that your ISP provides to directly send/receive data to a site but you know, internet magic. To me it seems like using a VPN would have been more secure but slower but in my case it seems to let me have better speeds. Also there's perks like being able to circumvent geo restrictions like those annoying "This content is not allowed in your country". I personally use Hotspot Shield. There's many VPNs out there that are free and just as good if not better.
Again, I know nothing so just take everything I said as an opinion.
This is another pathetic attempt by Israel to promote war against Iran citing their nuclear "capabilities"... since 1992
Maj. Gen. Herzl Budinger told Israel television if Iran's intensive effort to develop atomic weapons isn't "disrupted," then the fundamentalist Islamic nation would become a nuclear power by the end of the decade. - June 15, 1992
We must look to HISTORY to understand the present.
20 years later and Iran DOES NOT HAVE A BOMB. Deceitful, conniving Israel is simply using media & propaganda to draw the world into an unnecessary war as they have throughout history.
This just warms your heart right trough, doesn't it. I hope this story reaches the frontpage and is spread far and wide!
I'm sure this is just one of thousands of similar stories that are too good for most media outlets to care about. I'd be thrilled if we could get a thread going here with more examples like this!
I don't have any specific stories to link to, but I know there are quite a few websites dedicated to good news from Africa.
>Hillary also has a resilience that is superhuman. Most of us would find it impossible to live with special prosecutors and countless enemies plotting our downfall, but Bill and Hillary just keep going.
> Learned Optimism
Sociopathy is a much more accurate explanation.
>In an ideal world, former candidates and presidents would maintain a dignified silence about their rivals or successors, as most past ones have done, but Donald Trump has changed cultural expectations.
So Trump is also to blame for her inability to shut up?!
Im not sure you understand what the words "majority of americans" means. Though, I guess thats not surprising for someone who frequents T_D.
Dont worry though, I got you buddy:
Now if you take that spiffy definition there and apply a little sense, you would see that a minority of Americans voted for trump with the majority voting for Clinton. Unless you believe all those "illegal votes" crap in which case, there really is no reasoning with you.
The Israelis are perfecting the art of hate. There is a long list of despicable vandalism perpetrated on the Palestinians.
The Israelis spray sewage on Palestinian homes.
The Israelis run sewage thru Palestinian agriculture.
The Israelis have burned, cut down and uprooted thousands of olive trees that are the sole lively hood of many Palestinians.
I recently read the book "The Righteous Mind" by Jonathan Haidt. He's a social psychologist and tries to answer your question: how can a rational individual vote conservative, when that vote seems to go against one's self-interest? He answers the question by analyzing people's morality systems, and goes on to say that people don't vote based on rationality (active thinking), but based on morality (feelings). The book is very well written and meticulously built up -- I strongly recommend giving it a read! Amazon link here
> Yeah, honest criticism like "Jewishness is a cult".
Oxford Dictionary
> Definition of cult in English: noun
> 1.1 A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister
Now who could argue with that?
The EU data protection regulation act is one of the strongest regulations concerning privacy and the US seemingly started a campaign to oppose the regulations in favor of the U.S. - EU Safe Harbor Framework. Which doesn't actually do much.
Quote from the WPF investigation source >The US Department of Commerce has made several high-profile forays into privacy. The most substantive efforts are the US-EU Safe Harbor and the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Privacy Framework. The history of these efforts reveals the Department’s primary focus, which is protecting business interests. This is not an unexpected outcome given the Department’s goals and purpose. However, in looking at the potential for a broader role for the US Department of Commerce in privacy matters, an analysis of the Department’s past history does not suggest that consumer protection has ever been a significant concern or priority. The Department’s past history also indicates a lack of rigor regarding enforcement and compliance in the privacy programs it administers.
Is there any way to fight something like this? I am going to contact our EU department devision in NL to see if i can get some answers. The US influence is becoming very problematic as their laws are mainly used for business and profit.
Even had Congress not blocked, Obama would not be fixing the very reason Guantanamo is so hated:
"[Democratic partisans] long ago settled on the claim that blame (as always) lies not with Obama but with Congressional Republicans, who imposed a series of legal restrictions that impeded the camp’s closing.
As I’ve documented many times over the last several years, that excuse, while true as far as it goes, does not remotely prove that Obama sought to fulfill his pledge. That’s because Obama’s plans never included an end to what he himself constantly described as the camp’s defining evil: indefinite detention. To the contrary, he explicitly demanded the right to continue to imprison Guantánamo detainees without charges or trial –– exactly what made Guantánamo so evil in the first place — based on the hideous new phrase 'cannot be tried but too dangerous to release.' Obama simply wanted to indefinitely imprison them somewhere else."
Watch what the Israeli non-humans do to an INNOCENT bystander they THOUGHT to be a terrorist - video, NSFW.
Some background:
> In the eyes of many Israelis, “they”, the Palestinians (or Arabs in general, or Iranians) are blood-thirsty, and hate us blindly. “They” believe in terror - “we” don’t. “They” send their children to die - “we” don’t. “They” lynch - “we” don’t.
>After the events in Be’er Sheva on Monday, though, where following a terror attack, an innocent Eritrean asylum seeker fleeing the scene (like everybody else) was shot, then lynched (he later died of his injuries) - this distinction feels more false than ever. The horrifying videos in which an angry mob is shown hurling benches and chairs and kicking Haftom Zarhum in the head, assuming he was a terrorist just because he was dark-skinned, all the while screaming things like "Death to Arabs!" have once again tarnished Israel’s enlightened image of itself.
Now imagine what these non-humans are capable of doing when Palestinians are involved.
There were also edit wars where Wikipedia editors who stayed the longest wound up winning the vote on deleting it; it's sadly not a political issue that they've fixed even after a decade.
Citizendium and Scholarpedia are a bit more vetted and procedural to discourage online drama.
It's liberal in its posting policies, as in "Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas."
That can't be said of r/politics.
>2 years and 35 million proved nothing
Trump’s Golf Costs: $102 Million And Counting, With Taxpayers Picking Up The Tab
Whats more important to the American people, an investigation into a criminal president, or Trumps golf spending?
Its just so adorable, you idiots chose to hitch your wagon to Trump, the fucking worst president ever. lol.
Israel Inside: A history of Intel's R&D in Israel
"Intel is Israel's biggest private-sector employer and has been behind some of its best-known projects, from the Pentium M to Cloverview.
There are dozens of multinationals with development centres in Israel, but no company has embraced the idea of Israeli-based R&D more than Intel.
With four design centres and two fabrication plants, Intel is Israel's largest private-sector employer, with about 8,000 direct workers. As the biggest tech company in Israel, it is responsible for much of the country's hi-tech ecosystem, with one out of every 10 people in tech working either directly or peripherally for projects associated with Intel."
You can bet the IDF use Intel products in all of their military hardware.
"Israeli goods can be found in every computer.."
Buy AMD, not Intel.
Israel Inside: A history of Intel's R&D in Israel
"Intel is Israel's biggest private-sector employer and has been behind some of its best-known projects, from the Pentium M to Cloverview.
There are dozens of multinationals with development centres in Israel, but no company has embraced the idea of Israeli-based R&D more than Intel.
With four design centres and two fabrication plants, Intel is Israel's largest private-sector employer, with about 8,000 direct workers. As the biggest tech company in Israel, it is responsible for much of the country's hi-tech ecosystem, with one out of every 10 people in tech working either directly or peripherally for projects associated with Intel."
There has been plenty of groundwork laid to support a war with Iran. The media and streets of the US have reeked with anti-Iranian propaganda for years.
this is as good a place as any to post you have to defecate upon king bhumibol
3-15 years is the standard sentence for defamation of thai royalty in any context, by the way
Actually the Air-Warfare Coordinator literally was given his medal in recognition of the act of shooting down IR655.
>The air warfare coordinator on board, Lt. Cmdr. Scott Lustig, received a commendation medal for his ability to "quickly and precisely complete the firing procedure" -- the same firing procedure that shot down Flight 655.
Do you mean when those selfless, heroic marines that were visiting Lebanon to spread peace and love throughout the land were savagely attacked by Terrorists™ for absolutely no reason whatsoever?
You sent me a book over the internet, nothing old fashioned about that. I checked for this book online, and there's hardly anything about it, other than on a website known as wikispooks which was vague as fuck as to the content. A cursory glance at the author reveals he writes a lot of conspiracy style stuff, which I find to be really hit and miss (emphasis on the miss), with his reviews on amazon ranging from raving fans to people that accuse him of distorting facts, using vague sources (some experts say...) and embellishing stories. Maybe if you actually told some people a brief summary they would be more inclined to read it, yeah?
Visit below for more information. It basically is a trade contract where most of the agreements is on what the citizens of each country may or may not legally do. We are the product in a deal between a few governments and the pact would not have ever been public if left to the governments involved.
Exactly, according to google translate, the title of the post is "Pyongyang, North Korea's elite look".
Definitely agree with you on the comment that using never is...almost never a good strategy.
Nonetheless I imagine what this overzealous individual is speaking to is a fairly legitimate point regarding how billionaires are highly invested in preserving the status quo. Much of their philanthropy, while coming from a good place (probably where I disagree with Oxytokin), serves to make society think that the current system will look out for the least fortunate when that is really not true. Significant reforms would be needed to do that properly, including but not limited to a return to very high marginal tax rates for extremely high earners.
The book Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World speaks to this.
This situation reminds me of The Shock Doctrine: basically we're asking socialist countries (the "PIG" countries) with tax scofflaws (Greece is reported to have a fair amount of tax evasion) to convert to a neoliberal way of life.
The town that was shelled literally shared a border with a Syrian town. All it takes is for the mortar to be misaligned very, very slightly for the trajectory to be completely changed.
Plus, Syria has already apologized.
It's a start. They need to boycott Intel:
Israel Inside: A history of Intel's R&D in Israel
"Intel is Israel's biggest private-sector employer and has been behind some of its best-known projects, from the Pentium M to Cloverview.
There are dozens of multinationals with development centres in Israel, but no company has embraced the idea of Israeli-based R&D more than Intel.
With four design centres and two fabrication plants, Intel is Israel's largest private-sector employer, with about 8,000 direct workers. As the biggest tech company in Israel, it is responsible for much of the country's hi-tech ecosystem, with one out of every 10 people in tech working either directly or peripherally for projects associated with Intel."
You can bet the IDF use Intel products in all of their military hardware.
Your English is probably better than your Hebrew. Anyways, It is stated quite clearly that the assassin, Sawan, worked for Mossad, but you can still edit the Wikipedia page if you want, call The Sydney Morning Herald to erase all the footprints of their newspaper, and call the NYT to remove this page. Just tell them that you're an Israeli and they'll gladly abide by their master.
That's not what Clinton says. It's what James P. Rubin published
He shared it with Clinton, "because I think it is worth trying to urge the President and his political advisers to act".
One soldier killed by a IED in another attack. There were 4 attacks - play by play is here.
As to your latter comment. The military commander of the Palestine Resistance Council, which was quick to claim responsibility for this attack, is as much as a combatant as they go. The fact that he and his higher council were hiding in a civilian house goes against him, and their blood is on his hands.
raise class consciousness, preach the tenets of socialism, incite revolution, overthrow capitalism
reformists kick the can down the road, capitalists love that. revolutionaries are sick of being fucked by the ruling class and ready to stand up.
Which is why it does work in Germany. There's enough people that are sick and tired of cloned politicians and with such a name, you don't even think about aiming for tabloid compatibility.
Admittedly, I don't know how to put the actual meaning of the word "Tory" into my argument.
Not wanting to support Google and their wanton tracking and spying on people, just combining the term with "Iran-Contra scandal" turns up many interesting search results.
> If it weren't for the fact that the US Air Force is supported militarily by five Sunni Muslim nations.
Kinda funny how two of them literally funded ISIS (Saudi Arabia) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Qatar) from the beginning until they lost control, then, isn't it? We're essentially cleaning up after Saudi princes and Qatari sheiks lost control of their private armies. It's disgusting.
The rape allegations were and still are hang over him even though there is nothing to go on. The Chief Prosecutor in the case said 24 hours after his arrest “I don't believe there is any reason to suspect that he has committed rape", and four days later said:
"I have discontinued the preliminary investigation of the charge (sic) originally designated as rape. There is no suspicion of any crime whatsoever"
The woman who was allegedly "raped" said
"I did not want to put any charges on JA but that the police were keen on getting a grip on him (sv: få tag på honom) (14:26);110
and that
she was “chocked [sic: shocked] when they arrested JA because she only wanted him to take a test (17:06)”.111
The woman concerned told a friend that she felt that she had been “railroaded by police and others around her”, according to the latter's police statement.112
According to the younger woman's phone records, who the 'rape' allegation is associated to, she wrote at 07:27 on 21 August 2010 that she
“did not want to accuse JA for anything”;
and at 22:25 that
“it was the police who made up the charges".
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates celebrated the news of my arrest warrant with a smile, telling reporters that the arrest “sounds like good news to me”.117 Various twitter accounts officially associated with the Pentagon spread descriptions of me as a “rapist” and a “fugitive”.118
Time to move your protest underground for a while then... secretly spread flyers and things, and when it is time, kablam, overthrow the government.
Aka: Use Tor, so that you can use Facebook without being monitored... (with fake names of course)
Whatever you think of Cuba, there is no doubt that "shock therapy" has been disastrous for every country in which is has been imposed.
Vast wealth are transferred from the state to the wealthy for a fraction of the price, and the people suffer.
Naomi Klein's book "The Shock Doctrine" explains it beautifully.
That never happened.
>A century of research by archaeologists and Egyptologists has found no evidence which can be directly related to the Exodus captivity and the escape and travels through the wilderness,[22] and most archaeologists have abandoned the archaeological investigation of Moses and the Exodus as "a fruitless pursuit".
>"This bit of accepted wisdom, that "...the Pyramids [were] built by slaves who were Jews.." (as stated in your message of 1 September), is a canard that does not deserve repetition. First, it is anachronistic and illogical. The "Pyramids" -- presumably the three great pyramids of Gizah and perhaps the earlier pyramids to the south, including the Step Pyramid of Sakkara -- were built in the Third and Fourth Dynasties, 2650-2575 BC and 2575-2467 BC. The Jews did not exist at that time. The ancestors of the Jews, the Hebrews or "Children of Israel" -- Bene Yisra'el -- did not enter Egypt until centuries later.
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Did_the_Jews_build_the_pyramids_in_Egypt#ixzz24r833lnt
The more you know.
> This is taken out of context. Einstein is making a point about social psychology in general and applying it to hatred against Jews specifically. You could say the same exact thing about any other form of prejudice.
Yes, he is. Here is better context.
Einstein as quoted by By John Stachel in <strong>Einstein from 'B' to 'Z'</strong>:
> "The members of any group existing in a nation are more closely bound to one another than they are to the remaining population. Hence a nation will never be free of friction while such groups continue to be distinguishable... There will always be friction between such groups - the same sort of aversion and rivalry that exists between individuals. ... The Jews, too, form such a group with a definite character of its own, and anti-Semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in the non-Jews by the Jewish group. This is a normal social reaction.
The GOP is going ape-shit over this only because of the fact that Obama freed him.
Upon hearing of his freedom many Republicans and a few Democrats deleted their original comments welcoming him home.
The fact is that whatever Obama did in regards to Bergdhal it still would have been used as a political football by the GOP.
Whether Bergdhal was a deserter or not is up to the military to decide, not the GOP.
> Zero Dark Thirty portrays the CIA as an organization who does bad things of dubious usefulness
In the 1965 coup in Indonesia, somewhere in the range of 500,000 to far over 1 million civilians were murdered by the new regime, the goal being to slaughter supporters of the old government. (Very similar to the recent US-backed Egyptian military coup d'etat, a coup where the US-armed/trained/funded Egyptian military killed "only" hundreds of civilian supporters of the elected government.)
In Indonesia the CIA gave the Indonesian military weapons and lists of civilians to be killed. (Even Wikipedia has a short, wildly-watered-down/pro-US report on this, and an Internet search will turn up many more details -- but, given the US-centric nature of search engines, the informative sources will not be on the first page of search engine results.)
"Dubious usefulness"?! That has to be a record breaker for immoral spin. Even more than our entire US government, the CIA is simply evil. It's an insult to justice and the people of the US.
Whisking away anyone rumored to be causing dissent to a camp will have that effect.
Just ask the survivors of purges in the former USSR.
When I looked for other articles on the topic in google news, they all refer back to this article, and say the same thing.
When I googled "Mathilde Redmatn" she only shows up as the source of this "interview" with the IDF. When I search Red Cross's site, she's not on there, anywhere.
Who is she, and where was she before this? There's definitely some red flags going up here. How can she have absolutely no presence outside of this interview, especially with having what should be a high visibility job?
he is from Mankato - Minnesota http://www.forcescience.org/graphics/parts/fullresume.pdf
EDIT - his ratings as Professor in the Criminal Justice department University of Minnesota
Some more:
A Palestinian throws a stone, and gets run over by a jeep. A brute of the occupation stomps on him shortly after. His buddies welcome medical crews and the press who rush to help the guy and document with pepper spray - video here.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, some other stone throwers enjoy protection of the same occupational force.
Here's a really ok tutorial. It's actually amazingly simple. This video assmues you use Firefox, but I'm sure there's something comparable for Chrome.
I do one thing I differently from this video, though. He just googles "uk proxy", while I use a proxy aggregate site, specifically Hidemyass.com, where you can find a list of proxies for many countries.
For some reason the "PL" proxies have enver worked well for me, so keep that in mind (they always look tempting, though).
Have fun!
This is completely true, as Noam Chomsky said, its a war on "certain drug users" and a plan for the government to maintain fear and control. But, Gore Vidal said it a bit better, calling it a war on the American people. One last thought using a Adam Smith quote I really like from The Wealth of Nations: "Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defence of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all."
Isn't he correct in the sense that the chances of pregnancy after intercourse are 'very small' in general? According to this article it's about 3-5%.
Of course, this has absolutely no bearing on whether to stop the victims from having an abortion. It merely lowers the number of women who have to go through that additional trauma.
No, they have their own goals, here is another example: http://mashable.com/2014/11/25/russian-media-ferguson-riots/
for all downvoters: I really wonder why Americans would get their news from the Russian state-sponsored source. I'm not saying anything about the actual event, cops or shootings.
.... my claim is that you have a poor grasp of the scientific method.
Hell you have suddenly switched from claiming that surveys are the same as your random ass anecdote to trying to say I don't believe in surveys.
And you are not "challenging my viewpoint". You are spouting incoherent ramblings and strawmen.
But since you asked sooooo nicely:
> When the institutions, or public works, which are beneficial to the whole society, either cannot be maintained altogether, or are not maintained altogether, by the contribution of such particular members of the society as are most immediately benefited by them; the deficiency must, in most cases, be made up by the general contribution of the whole society. The general revenue of the society, over and above defraying the expense of defending the society, and of supporting the dignity of the chief magistrate, must make up for the deficiency of many particular branches of revenue. The sources of this general or public revenue, I shall endeavour to explain in the following chapter.
So there ya go, public institutions are at the very heart of the foundation of modern economic theories.
More importantly, what the Palestinian have to do with holocaust ? They didn't do it, why are they the one now targeted?
“Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs... Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home”
Oh some lols to be found here
> Today, in 2011, I'm giving Secretary Hillary Clinton the nod as the Obama Administration's improbable MVP in the technology realm. While she has not magically downloaded world peace on every nation's hard drive, she has been the smartest, most aggressive, and most successful senior member of the Obama Administration to attempt to harness all things digital to serve her department's wide-ranging agenda. For that alone, she deserves credit. She has initiated several innovative technology-based diplomacy and development efforts as a means of re-imagining power relationships in a networked world, under the umbrella of a State-Department marketing slogan--"21st Century Statecraft." So, while Ihave often noted Administration short-comings (especially at the FCC), here I can give credit where due. From where I sit, it appears the State Department has become a hub of technology activity. The Department has been dreaming up imaginative ways to use technology and actually implementing them in particular communities, for the benefit of particular people, in ways that further American diplomatic and development goals.
That was written by this genius ...
> Marvin Ammori is an American innovation lawyer, civil liberties advocate, and scholar best known for his work on network neutrality and Internet freedom issues generally. He serves on the boards of public interest advocacy groups Demand Progress and Fight for the Future, and is an Affiliate Scholar with Stanford Law School's Center for Internet and Society.
Here is some context, what was said;
"But they rape their own children. And you hear that all the time that girls in Muslim families are raped by their uncles or cousins or their father. There was a recent book that came out in Norway, written by a Somalian girl. It was called "Se oss" ('see us, note us, notice us') - where she talks about conditions of Somali families in Norway. She was raped by her uncle. Her mother and her mother's friends and her father made no protest. Women are basically - how could i describe it - they have no value. They are not human beings. They have a function as wombs. They bear the offspring of the warriors in order to create new warriors. Other than that, they - well, they can be used for sexual purposes, but they have no value."
video of the interview: here the comment is from 0:15 to 2:00.
Hey Dyer, great post with mature rational points and tone. I am on mobile and couldn’t find how to pm you, so...
Just FYI - the term is spelled per se. usage was spot on.
>proof, noun 1. evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
Evidence and proof are synonymous.
Might be surprised to hear this is far and away from the only word with more than one meaning and usage.
Here's where you can download it. Seems to be only computer-browser specific at present.
As for tagging, you can click on the little tag-like icon just to the right side of a users name to bring up options. They should be pretty self-evident, but the 'Tag' feature is the first one. Just type what you want. You can then assign a color from the list below that.
The little gear-wheel that appears in the top right of the screen, next to the logout button, is where you can configure a wide array of preferences. I personally have mine set to Night Mode all the time. Much easier on the eyes.
> Not with any ground troops ?
And yet NATO has already agreed on its Readiness Action Plan
> They also agreed to create a spearhead unit within the NATO Response Force which would be a very high readiness force able to deploy at very short notice.
> "This spearhead will include several thousand land troops ready to deploy within a few days with air, sea and Special Forces support," Rasmussen told the press conference.
Sounds exactly like someone trying to ramp up the ability to shove ground troops in to push the tension even higher...
and the US is already sending tanks in that direction. Nominally for exercises, but previously they've all been pulled out of Europe, not pushed back in
If one can believe this, the instruction came from the US.
>pers @ NY Greek Consulate told JVP supporter "It's your government [US] that ordered us not to let the ship sail!" flotilla2# @USBOATTOGAZA
Al Gore in 1992: President HW Bush failed by not completing the invasion of Iraq and defeating Sadam Hussein.
How is this typical Islamist manipulation? How is this different from (non-Islamic) Ukrainian rebels using Battlefield 3 to "prove" that America has been sending weapons to Ukraine
It's what happens in war, not what happens due to religion...
(And Child executioners you find at the other side of the world as well)
The referendum is about whether or not Greece should remain part of the EU.
Which I think is a very important question for the people of Greece.
Riyadh is probably one of the more conservative areas in the country so while certain aspects may be more strict, you should still be fine. Laws are based on the Quran. The system is often known as “sharia”. Punishments for some offences are harsh by western standards but the Saudis understand that the ways of non-Muslims are different from their own and they will not generally interfere with what foreigners do quietly, privately and discretely. Foreigners who take advantage of this to break the law are running serious risks. They do not joke around when handing out punishments. Unfortunately, many people overlook this and think the US will bail them out.
As far as your GF coming with you, there is quite a bit to know and be cautious about.. way too much for me to explain. I'd definitely take a look at this page which describe quite a bit about sex segregation. I noticed that that guide may not necessarily take into account that you'd be working for an American company alongside other Americans but I'm not completely sure how that would changes things either. Finding people with personal experience would probably be best.
Starving mean suffering or dying from lack of food, you ignorant idiot. You're an even bigger ignorant idiot if you think such a thing does not occur in the US or Gaza.
Here since you are obviously incapable of using Google or looking up definitions yourself.
Sure, Wikiquote says this is from a 1935 socialist newspaper "Common Sense."
Butler is a fascinating but almost forgotten hero from American history.
Most Americans recall Congress' "House Un-American Activities Committe" as being the platform for Joe McCarthy's anti-communist witch-hunt during the 50s, or the 1960s when Vietnam anti-war protesters called in front of the HUAC mocked the entire proceeding and made a laughingstock out of the HUAC.
But the HUAC was founded in the 1930s to investigate the fascist coup d'etat which Butler blew the whistle on.
Being a popular and highly decorated general, Butler was approached by a group of industrialists who wanted to overthrow the US government, create a fascist government and to put him in charge as their figurehead (the so-called "Business Plot"). But Butler informed the Roosevelt administration about the traitors and caused FDR allies in Congress to start the HUAC.
Butler's famous short book "War is a Racket" should be required reading, but few have ever heard of it.
Today, the US Marine Corps issues out a suggested reading list of famous Marines to indoctrinate young Marines in training about the heritage and valor of the USMC. Despite Butler being 1 of the 2 most highest decorated Marines, needless to say Butler is not on the Corps' suggested reading list.
>he is working for one of Russia's largest websites
>which is undoubtedly supporting Putin and his recent actions
What? Let's take a look at the biggest websites in the United States. Of the top 25, CNN and maybe Huffington Post are supporting the US government. Why would Russia be so different that it's "undoubtedly" the case that Snowden's employer is supporting Putin? There are two possibilities here: either you're just making things up, or the details of Snowden's personal life are well-known around your office. Neither makes me inclined to believe you.
Here's a really ok tutorial. It's actually amazingly simple. This video assmues you use Firefox, but I'm sure there's something comparable for Chrome.
I do one thing I differently from this video, though. He just googles "uk proxy", while I use a proxy aggregate site, specifically Hidemyass.com, where you can find a list of proxies for many countries.
For some reason the "PL" proxies have enver worked well for me, so keep that in mind (they always look tempting, though).
Have fun!