is gaining 700k users a day... not a lot but it is keeping them busy building new servers and it will add up over time.
Problem is Parler and CloutHub that the President just got on require that you expose your real identity.
If I gave Twitter my real identity by giving them my phone number back in 2010 ... and now I say something they don't like... Yeah man you are screwed if you do that... Some how it will end up in you losing your job and being hunted down by idiots.
Sorry.. not sorry... you haven't earned my trust for you to know exactly who I am, my phone number which can be tracked back to my address.... ho yell no
DD sells a mill that will put holes in the right place for 80% lowers. These guys are actually 3D printing the lowers (that can fit with standard uppers that aren't restricted).
Unfortunately their Twitters were suspended. They're just starting up their Gab accounts here:
I expect it to turn like every other attempt to build an "anti-censorship platform". See voat and gab. See also relevant ssc.
She posted this about an hour ago:
> The rest of the world doesn’t understand why we have the Second Amendment. > > They don’t get that because of it we don’t have to ask for their approval.
Wow, this guy is really something. The guy's name is "Sherwin B Seed" (Source: The Olympian) Google that and look at some of the stuff that comes up. Check out his gab page. Pretty much every racial and ethnic slur shows up in his posts on there. Scary amount of hatred. He has exactly 1 follower, so at least he wasn't successfully spreading his hate too well via that channel. Makes me really wish he hadn't survived his fight with the police. The world would be a better place without him.
Oh, cool, another "free speech means I should be able to shit on the coffee table without repercussions" guy.
Somebody recommended the other day as a great Facebook alternative that respected free speech. Neat! So, being a naive flatlander, I checked it out. The front page was a non-stop parade of QAnon bullshit, anti-semitism, racism, and fascist propaganda. Cool, so it turns out all of that concern about free speech was just a cover for horrible people to be horrible in public.
What a stupid hill to die on.
They have their own servers; not sure where they are located, but a local ISP will be providing them internet service. The leftist mob or DS could get the ISP to deplatform them.
DNS is the domain name They could lose their *.com name and would have to find a friendly registrar, like "The high seas" site has had to do for the last decade or so.
OP's image is a cropped version of this, which is clearly just printed out. If you doubt that it's a simple crop, notice the where the lighting falls on OP's image and the full view - it hits the same two squares.
Holy shit. I thought this was some really extreme satire but this crazy chick actually believes this. Decided to Google the artist and came across this absolute mess of outright garbage.
Nick Monroe (who's still alive despite being unpersoned from twitter, and on Telegram, Gab ) posted about this earlier.
He's also on Minds, but amusingly enough Google refuses to find the channel. As in, googling "Minds social media" gives lots of references ABOUT, but the actual '' link never shows up. (Which is then not helped by them refusing to let me search without an actual account once I go there).
Citizen journalist Nick Monroe has been permabanned from Twitter for ban evasion, despite only having the one account, that account not having been suspended leading up to the permaban, and not evading anything. He's currently providing updates over on Gab.
In what I'm sure is a complete coincidence, he was most recently notable (yesterday or the day before) for showing dozens of blue-checks sharing fabricated Trump quotes as if they were real.
Basically, only TR's own word. There is simply no objective reporting on this isue, and if there is, it is being suppressed by;
Check out for at least some non-censored stuff about him. He is also (still) at YouTube, but is extremely unlikely he will be on that for much longer.
People are being unpersoned (as in 1984) on a daily basis these days. They become unable to defend themselves through censorship and are subject to complete falsehoods.
Don't bother replying. I am disabling comments to this comment. I simply have zero hope of even saying anything that can get through to you. Either you seek out the truth, or you don't, nothing I can say can change that, the only thing that can happen is that I am subject to totally unwarranted abuse.
The Gab lawsuit. You would have to be an idiot to not know that a site like Gab would be filled to the rafters with edgelords. But Ted strolls in thinking it’s gonna be the Princeton Debate Society because, I mean, there won’t be SJW’s right?!
So Ted is surprised pikachu when he gets there and is called a pedo, something he is totally fine baselessly calling other people. He demands to be treated like a special boy, and demands that Torba give him the dox of anyone who said mean words Ted didn’t like.
He publicly warns them on gab. His final gabs are grave threats to these people. They’re still up.
Then he crows about how he has all these amazing lawyers worldwide who will put gab out of business by suing them in the US and Antigua, bc gab has an .ai web suffix.
Ted hires a Bernie bro as his lawyer and files suit in Texas. More pronouncements about how rubble will be bounced, he will be collecting skulls, blah blah ten words per minute blah blah comic book villain LARPing blah blah blah.
Then at some point Ted realizes he has absolutely no grounds to sue because he signed up for this bullshit as a public figure and suffered no provable damages, so he stops talking about the lawsuit entirely, and it gets thrown out of court for lack of prosecution.
Now if you bring up the gab lawsuit, he creaks his chair, adjusts his glasses, scratches his head, mumbles something about how “it served our purposes” to GET YOUR LAWSUIT THROWN THE FUCK OUT and leave all your enemies completely unscathed after promising the LLoE would eat them for breakfast.
Every last person who mocked Ted and called him a pedo is still on Gab. Some of them come on here, or his kiwifarms! He’s a lolcow’s lolcow, and the gab episode proved it.
Now that I’ve typed all that, feel free to tell me how you don’t care or it doesn’t matter, because Ted wrote words you agree with.
I'm not sure if the mods from these 3 subs would be interested but has been severely upgraded over the last month. It's fast. It's not without it's issues as they continue to scale. but they offer Groups for members that pay for Pro (I know it sucks you have to pay) but you can still post (for free) or "Gab" I should say, whatever you want just like Facebook / Twitter without fear of a communist takedown.
They were hit very hard after Trump was suspended. Millions of users all at once.
There's no censorship and it's full of like minded people. Your free to talk about whatever you want.
The CEO set up a group for WallStreetBets himself and announced it. Then teased about having 'Make your own stock market' which he probably will. He did everything else.
He's working on a zoom style application, as well as a "Twitch" alternative in the future. There's a lot to offer there.
A few have even asked him to make "Gabbit" as a direct competitor to Reddit but no word on that yet. Who knows.
(I'm not paid or endorsed by Gab, there's nothing in it for me one way or the other.)
Someone's DDOS'ing alt-right twitter-clone gab
>Gab has made the decision to do a total and complete shutdown of open registration until we can figure out what is going on with the flood of spam and bot accounts attacking our community.
>In the past 24 hours alone we have had over 50,000 bots join the site and automatically follow every user while also attacking our product infrastructure. We must be vigilant against these attacks on our community and will be shifting to an invite-only system until further notice.
>This will give us time to continue building out the core Gab experience, ensure that Gab is used by real people, and build out additional solutions for the bot and spam problem. We will have more information shortly.
Sharing the good news on for the Dutchies there
#Silversqueeze #Silvergoldbull
Agreed, like his gab account
Its him tweeting etc but hes got a social media manager, I don't think they would have made a different account name. Parler would give the name to him Id imagine immediately if it was taken.
From elsewhere in the thread:
She's actively fucking stabbing people when she gets shot.
To play off your call to sympathy earlier I'm just going to say that if my daughter were the one getting stabbed I'd be fucking praying the officer trying to stop her wasn't using a tool that's only effective 50% of the time.
THAT'S IT! I'M FUCKING DONE WITH YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT! I WORK MY DAMN HEART OUT FOR YOU FUCKING LOSERS AND WHAT DO I GET? A few upvotes on the rare occasion that one of you mouth breathing degenerates think I've been "sentient". Most of the time you just downvote me. You know what. I'm done. FUCK YOU ALL. I'm going to SRD. At least I'll have the chance to have a discussion that isn't about men's anuses.
^(I am a bot for posting links.) ^(<em>github</em>) ^/ [^(Contact for info or issues)](/message/compose?to=\/u/LightUmbra) The place you go too if you are too controversial for "normie social media". A site that claims to be free speech absolutist and allows nazis propaganda but banned porn ;). And as you can imagine most of its userbase are far right nutters and "conservatives".
One of his retweets is "The main cause of antisemitism is Jewish behavior" with the caption "Correlation = causation. The more you know, the more you notice. #14Words"
I think it's fair to dismiss this guy and not take his opinions to heart.
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying, and you know what? It doesn't matter, you have no right to use anyone else's property, just like google or facebook or any other site on this planet has any right to me putting my eyeballs on their domain.
If google depends on coca-cola corp buying adspace on their website to turn a profit but coca-cola only does business with sites that censor all "white-nationalist" content, then google will censor that content on their websites.
If you have a problem, you still have stormfront
Oh wow, they're still there, oh, what's this, gab is still there too?
Could it be that there were still companies out there willing to work with them to fulfill their various needs?
Oh wow.
It seems white pride will live on in the world wide web, rejoice free speech warrior.
You will not impersonate any brand, business, or personal entity that is not your own. Parody accounts are allowed, but must be clearly labeled as a “parody account.” Accounts that attempt to impersonate others with the intention of deceiving users will be subject to suspension. We reserve the right to reclaim usernames on behalf of businesses or individuals that hold a legitimate claim, copyright and/or trademark to said usernames.
just to point out - and its not your fault karl - but these are the words of neonrevolt that ted is trying to pass off as his own. scammy ted as per
Which do you think is more probable:
(a) they don't realize
(b) Apple and Google are denying them access to their stores
They also provide protection to many other companies I disagree with. And to groups and organizations that I do agree with, and others do not. I appreciate that they do that. If they pick who they work with with some sort of a moral filter, then i'm going to be really disturbed, because you can't predict or automate that, and your screwed when you get caught in it.
​ is trying hard to be like twitter, but for the alt-right. Its no different than 4chan, the site itself does not publish hate speech.. its member do.. Do you object to Cloudflare fronting 4chan? I have seen some disturbing things on there (especially all the recent Q crap)
> a web site and social media don’t compete and gab and Parler were both destroyed by big tech.
All social media is is a website that allows users to communicate with each other. They're just more interactive blogs. And no parler and Gab were not destroyed. AWS booted Parler off its servers but they found a new host and are now back up, and Apple has even said they can return to the app store soon. Gab was never even taken down as far as I know.
If the government actually did bail out big tech as they did the banks then you might have a point, but that hasn't happened.
Just a garbage human (their gab account in case people don't want to visit the site). He made posts made without the asterisk. These are the people that have made the word "patriot" mean something completely new, since they're trying really hard to shift the US towards fascism.
It’s called evidence, and is supposed to be put under scrutiny. When that’s done, it will either be deemed as proof, or not. But as of now, it is evidence. If you want to see the entire testimony of this person, here ya go.
But be aware, it might shatter the lefts narrative, especially if they don’t start debunking or scrutinize the evidence. Right now they’re pretending as if the hearing never took place.
The burden of evidence has shifted.
Wait for SCOTUS, babies! is by Epik which are known for their rock solid stance on privacy and free speech. They are the registrars for, InfoWars (Alex Jones), etc. Despite what you think of them, the fact that Epik works with them on principal of Free Speech, safe bet they take privacy seriously as well.
> In a surprising move, Gab, the controversial online platform primarily known for its alt-right community, has issued a press release
> >
> stating an intent to change their entire platform to a Mastodon base. In other words, Gab will soon be joining the fediverse
My erratic work schedule has been killing me. Its even worse since half the time they don't have water for the employees.
In other news, I started a series of Pokedex fan entries on Gab, starting with Charmander. Here's the first if you want to read it.
> This is how conspiracy thinking goes. The less evidence there is the more insidious the plot!
Solid point here. An encrypted place for discussion is surely needed. Having servers that can not be turned off is necessary in our brave new world as well. I would like to add that there is a Gab group for those who are interested. Only 10 members right now but it exists.
Recently polling of the Republican Party and past trump voters of either party shows trump with the current strongest lead (by a wide margin), for support.
Second right now is Mike pence, followed thirdly by Ron Desantis. Granted we are literally three years away from primaries etc. but that’s where the polling sits at this moment.
Well congress only has the right to impeach him for committing a crime:
The Constitution gives Congress the authority to impeach and remove "The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States" upon a determination that such officers have engaged in treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Also here’s his exact tweets from January 6th (he did not call for violence):
Congress actually shouldn’t impeach him unless he’s done something illegal according to the law.
Given these facts; what is your opinion on the charge that trump incited violence and anything he said is tantamount to a crime and not protected as free speech?
I wonder if they make an inexpensive android phone that looks like something else? Like a calculator or a women's make up compact?
Also, as any one tried It is just a website no app would show downloaded.
Thoughts? Would an iphone show browser history or would it back up browser history to icloud? If so how do you disable it? My former AP, she would turn off location when we were together and turned off icloud backup.
Is there a way or a service that would go thru an Iphone to see if there is spy ware or some sort of program that is tracking or recording conversations?
IDK, I just had a thought though. I'm not a member on Gab and assuming they have a "friends" list like FB, it's possible I'm not seeing all of his posts cause right now I'm only seeing 10 posts, mostly from just in the last week. The post about the Parler leak is gone and now there's a new one about cloudflaire... nothing qulty yet. Maybe he's been spooked after getting booted from Twitter?
Their terms of service really aren't different than those of any other social media site,
Their "Content Standards", are where the standard constraints are made.
I'm not sure how what they advertise as, is in any way meaningful. For example, they make clear, subject to California law, what information they may collect on users,
I'm not sure what new users of this site think they are getting.
Gab is having a huge influx of users according to the CEO and judging by how slow the site has been running today I'm inclined to believe him. Gab had the foresight to not rely on cloud services run by one of the big tech companies (possibly due to past experiences).
Here's a link...
Here's a video from Andrew Torba (owner)
Keep the faith. Get on
Not sure why i'm even wasting my time with this, maybe i still think you can catch a whiff of reality one day:
meet Pete Musico, charged in the kidnapping plot:
>You can make it to where this is the only gun we have and we will still kick your liberal asses
(the Gab is heavily used by alt-righters and neo-nazies, btw)
meet William Null, charged in the kidnapping plot:
>“We’re peaceful,” William Null told the reporter. “We’ve never harmed anyone. Groups like (Black Lives Matter) have.”
- during an interview while he was protesting the removal of a confederate soldier state. that's some serious BLM support there!
And all these militant leftist BLM supporters somehow all met each other through armed militia training and 2nd Amendment rallies. imagine the odds of that! and all this so they can throw away their lives to kidnap and execute a prominent liberal?
Pull your head out of the sand my man, give your brain some oxygen and rejoin the real world. i know it's in rough shape right now but at least you'll be able to think for yourself again rather than juggling endless lies from corrupt politicians who don't give a fuck about you.
What's next? Censoring videos of Joe Biden touching up little girls?
I'm deleting my Reddit account after the election. It's not a safe place for truth.
This guy Andrew Torba, set out in 2015 (or 2016 I think?) to establish Gab, which was supposed to be a Twitter alternative for people that were banned from Twitter (aka, neo-nazis, right/left wing conspiracy theorists, hate speech promoters, etc.). I've only lightly skimmed around the site itself, and it seems that there are places for both right wing and left wing discourse, so it seems to be just another alternative social media site. But where it differs from Twitter and Facebook and other alternative social media sites is that it doesn't really censor promotion of Nazi ideas, which is quite a big difference.
He is Christian because of his bio on Gab, talks about how faith in God is important.
He is conservative because of some of the stuff he says about his politics (anti-abortion, preservation of family values, even in this post he talks about "liberal zombies" etc.)
I was merely adding context to /u/idontcaresiri's comment since I took as a \critique on this line of "If you believe in Liberal ideals, like socialism, you are inherently evil" and where this guy (Andrew Torba), and to a greater extent his comment, is coming from.
Edit: Look at his Gab profile to see his political inclinations, and his religious affiliation
I agree and beside, it's just a post and it does concern BSV. I'm just as much interested in price movement as I am in the technology. So I appreciate /u/supertrader11 posts. If it gets to a point where the board become inundated with price movements postings then I would agree that they should be moved to /u/bsvmarkets. But we don't have that kind of volume for now so let the man speak. Take it from someone who was just censored on If trading isn't your interest then just skip these kinds of postings.
I think this is the right move, gamers are the most likely audience (in my opinion) to be tech savvy while not supporting extreme pc culture, and I think this could help push gab away from weird alt-right politics and towards multiple segments/moderates, which I think would be good. I think the next best move would be for him to improve groups (so they could be used for games), but that's just my opinion. I was already likely going to add another subreddit bot focused around gaming news, however I'll be open to more gaming-related subreddit requests as well.
He will also need to figure out how to work with app stores if he wants to get his chat on iPhones/Android, but that's another matter.
I saw that thread too and upvoted your posts. has a skew towards the hard left, towards the hard right. I honestly think the two communities could do each other some good to reduce the amount of polarisation and extremism in each. It's sad to see both networks being so openly hostile to each other. Neither is setting a great example from their leadership.
This is the website the Guardian is writing about.
>"A social network that champions free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online. All are welcome"
They also have an app/browser extension called Dissenter
>Dissenter is the comment section of the internet. It is both a web application and an open source browser extension. Dissenter organizes conversations around individual URL's and creates a public square on them where anyone can leave a comment.
Looks like Will Planar plead guilty too: [](Link). He was in that 2017 rally in Cali where TWP got assaulted by a mob of Antifa.
Also worth noting that Cantwell pleas guilty to get out of jail.
The delisting is not a victory at all. This was a trial run.
None of this has anything to with peer to peer cash for the world. It is the wrong fixation.
Where are all the trolls? How about: driving these events.
Craig's actions with the lawfare and the patents are what earned my personal delisting of him and his ideas. It was certainly nothign that Contrarian__ that wanna-be pied piper ever said. When Roger has to spend big money defending open source developers from Craig and Calvin's lawfare, that is what tells me to consider those assholes Team Greg.
I'm still not going to rule out anything regarding Craig and his relationship to Satoshi. An open mind has proven to be my best friend.
AFAIK, it was set up as a safe haven for those forced off social media and those who had their posts deleted. I don't think I'm making stuff up when I say that most of those were close to hate-speech laws – laws that forbid speech that eggs on extremists that attack minorities. Those laws, afaik, are not limited to direct statements (example: "Hey go kill some black people"), but also include statements that justify violence, implicitly or overtly (example: "mexicans are rapists"). These laws vary from country to country of course.
I don't know why antisemitism is such a special hot-button issue, but antisemitism is the reason why we have hate-speech laws. Before the holocaust, anti-semitic speech created an atmosphere where most germans believed that jews were inherently evil. It didn't happen overnight, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" came out in 1903 and wasn't the first antisemitic text, but back then people believed in that stuff like today's people believe in aliens, or in fact that mexicans are rapists.
So you may be right in some sort of technical sense, that anything overtly antisemitic can't be stuck to the official voices of GAB. That doesn't change the fact that it is a safe-haven for slander and innuendo against a bunch of minorities. It's not all that goes on there, but just look at this search if you're in any doubt that this is not something they actively fight against:
NCIS..JETHRO GIBBS.."There are NO coincidences"..Semper Fi my Ape friends
GAB.COM free speech website..they own their own servers and can be trusted.. spread the word and join GAB.COM...
NCIS..JETHRO GIBBS.."There are NO coincidences"..Semper Fi my Ape friends
GAB.COM free speech website..they own their own servers and can be trusted.. spread the word and join GAB.COM... The user who goes by the handle SKULLER and me did the back and forth per my calling his hand. I'd just leave it alone, though many there know I've been spreading the word from WSS as soft sell to bring awareness to WSS. I'm DaveBaldwin over there.
There are some great folks over there. On Gab, I've had the problem of not liking some folks who throw around anti Semitisms and all that, so if I see it, I block 'em and don't have to worry about their shit.
My favorite tweet of the pandemic was from el gato malo (who sadly got kicked off of Twitter for his purely factual tweets, but is back on Gab): "Maybe the answer to the Fermi paradox is that no society can survive social media."
Watch the bodycam. How is the officer "staying back" going to protect 2 people from being stabbed?
That was 30 minutes after posting it (notice the time stamp). It’s gained about 1,000 / hour since, although the rate you’re laughing at is roughly 2000 / hour.
Also keep in mind he personally isn’t on gab. This is just an account posting his briefs / statements he releases to an official platform owned account.
WOW. Go to Gab, they have both a Silver Investing and WallStreetBets group. I'm trying to do the 'gentle' on drawing those folks over here to share info both ways. Just be patient since Gab is still trying to catch up (not far back they gained over 30 million folks all at once).
I mean yah... just type in on your browser and watch it struggle to breath... when/if it eventually loads.. try using it... it's pretty garbo right now. I know their user load has overwhelmingly increased... but until they scale up properly.. it is really bad to use.
Apple, Google, Amazon and other web hosting services need to get onto shutting down and the GAB app. Here's one user who is spewing hate across the platform....
BTW if you’re looking for Trump’s little place on Gab...
He hasn’t been active in about 4 days, though. Maybe he’s taking some time to formulate a new supervillain alliance?
à peu près partout, hiers. Les serveurs étaient très lent, donc c’était peut être les ultra forcenés qui s’acharnaient, c’est vrai que ca a l’air plus tranquille maintenant. Hiers, c’était remplis de délires Qanon, et tout le monde avait l’air de croire que trump était sur le point de déclarer la loi martiale et prendre le pouvoir pour toujours.
En regardant je vois de jolies perles (par exemple mais rien a voir avec hiers. Si tu veux vraiment souffrir à tout ce qu’il te faut, mais c’est de la triche
I took a look at Gab and theres a threada thread there about how betrayed the users feel and how they wont be voting for Republicans anymore bc they were mean to trump or something. Aight guys I'm cool with that
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Big Tech is working overtime to censor the President of the United States and disenfranchise his supporters. What we are witnessing is a coup attempt by the oligarchic tech, media, and political establishment. Twitter has censored the President's election night tweets, preventing anyone on the site from engaging with or retweeting him. You can find an uncensored feed of the President's tweets on the RealDonaldTrump Gab account.
Here are some key quotes from President Trump's Victory Speech, which can be watched in full here on Gab
"This is a fraud on the American public."
"This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election, frankly we did win this election."
"Our goal now is to ensure the integrity for the good of this nation, this is a major fraud on our nation. We want the law to be used in a proper manner. We will be going to the US Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop. We don't want them to find any ballots at four o'clock in the morning and add them to the list. It's a very sad moment. To me this is a very sad moment. We will win this. As far as I am concerned, we already have won."
now that you mention it, do you remember they reimplemented p2p 7 months ago?
i wonder why they didn't continue work on that or actually use it because it worked perfectly fine ~~after my bug report~~
>Apparently, opposing BC’s radical sex ed curriculum, which foists dangerous gender ideology on children, is beyond the pale. Throness, at least, has noted that he will continue to advertise in the magazine as he shares its “Biblical Christian values,” noting that “Biblical Christians follow their Lord in their sexual practice. They don’t attack other people, they don’t condemn other people, because Jesus did not condemn other people. They withdraw from sex outside of a marriage between a man and a woman. That has nothing to do with intolerance, it has everything to do with following their conscience and following their Lord.”
Jesus did condem others though. Remember how he ranted towards those who "wouldn't inherit the kingdom of God"?
And what do you mean "dangerous gender idealology"? Act7ally being open minded about biology?
You gotta love fallicious reasoning. >Trump appointee Merritt Corrigan fired from USAID amid anti-LGBTQ tweets
>Cutie Merritt Tweeted, "Men aren't women." That'll get you fired, even by the Trump people. Disgusting! Two photos of the jobless cutie below
He thinks cute people are good by default... or is a pervert. Because people in a position of power who think gays aren't deserving of the same rights as others are certainly objective right?!?
They look good.
I grew some peas on paper towels. I used a little Kelp.
I bought a plant and made cuttings. Make sure to taste it first. There are varieties of Portaluca that aren't good for eating. I love munching on this stuff myself. Most people think it's just a decorative flower. They don't realize that Purslane is a true superfood.
The problem is that the media always say that he said something other than what he said. For example:
And this will miraculously make test reagents appear in the lab(s) of the state's public health system? Which will ... accomplish what?
The virus is out there, containment was doomed when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) "let the bat out of the bag," you want effective actions? Urge her to take mitigation steps today.
There's reasons the nation's colleges are moving to remote teaching, the nation's sports leagues are canceling their games, etc. etc. See "The most important graph in the world", and don't let your state become another Hubei province or Lombardy, with hells one Earth like Wuhan.
I looked up the quote and he's literally just some asshole on Gab, which is basically where all the right-wing dipshits congregated when they started getting kicked off Twitter.
Here's another relevant one, Vox threatening to use the libel laws of... Anguilla (?) (a country that does actually exist):
>It does and is currently looking into the libel law in Anguilla. This part of the Libel and Slander Act is fascinating.
>Slander of women
>8. Words spoken and published, which impute unchastity or adultery to any woman or girl, shall not require special damage to render them actionable.
The context is trolls were mean to Vox Day (who's been expelled from 147 platforms through no fault of his own) and Gab's old TLD (.ai) is for Anguilla. Muh jurisdiction hopping!
They have a wide array of services including the aforementioned domain registry, they have paid email, VPS, and a ton of other services. I can't speak for Rob Monster (CEO, great guy, very responsive on with username @Epik), but I imagine it's a gateway offering into their other products.
I use and I also have all my domains registered thru Epik. No complaints at all.
I know Mikemikev from Kiwi Farms. He's literally insane and has his own thread there.
Although banned on Facebook and Twitter, he still has a gab account:
You can check out and other platforms that have been shut down unfairly. When other federated places wouldn't ban they got warnings from many services/publishers not just Apple.
People have even lost their domains over this. Just check twitter, fediverse, and even github comments you can see them fighthing.
There are several other instances but the gab one is ongoing right now so you can see it live.
Lovely :) I have asked people on Gab to tip to you this time ;)
You can also add other cryptocurrency addresses if you have them btw., for example BTC. Maybe that will bring you more donations. ;)
assuming that you're not being sarcastic: free speech twitter replacement: and (as pointed out above), browser extension (search for it if interested) and now browser: SerialBrain what are your thoughts on facebook libre? Is this mark of the beast buy/sell territory along with a global currency aspect? Is this in retaliation to the losses the Cabal has already taken via Trumps winning?
Trouble ahead...
> Gargron, who created Mastodon (the software Gab is going to fork), is already encouraging app developers to blacklist Gab's domain from their Mastodon readers. He will also no doubt enforce the requirement that Gab make any changes they make in the Mastodon code public.
> It's likely that Apple and Google will demand Gab be blocked by all apps.
They should just sign up for a Gab account, a platform specifically created for the ALT-right to spread all their racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and bigoted ramblings. I recommend everyone to take a look at what the ALT-right wants to spread all over the internet with impunity. These are poisonous ideas intended to infect the minds of the ignorant, while they use the First Amendment to justify and safeguard their harmful ideology.
> Don't you know that it's a scary nazi site?
Well yeah, I mean this is the first comment I saw when I looked at the front page of gab for the first time, earlier (it's still on the front page).
So yeah, there are very few or zero liberals, duh. But my point was, when liberals do wander in, are they treated better than reddit treats conservatives (e.g. DuncanIdahos7thClone freaking out because a few comments were at -3 karma).
It's funny. practically begged Trump to boycott Twitter in favor of their site after the Pittsburgh massacre because they were losing any sense of legitimacy they might have had before. The best case scenario is that Twitter and the President have an unspoken relationship, but the worst case is that they are actually working with the President.
While I generally agree, Big Tech is scared of Dissenter.
I sense that people are willing to follow what others do, and the cutting edge is now using DuckDuckGo and Dissenter instead of Google+ (heh) and Google.
You cite Wikipedia as source which uses the information that is passed on through the left wing media which wants to keep it monopoly. I think instead of citing from this circle of misinformation one should always go to the source directly. Here I have for you the important part of the community guidelines Threats and Terrorism:
Users are prohibited from calling for the acts of violence against others, promoting or engaging in self-harm, and/or acts of cruelty, threatening language or behaviour that clearly, directly and incontrovertibly infringes on the safety of another user or individual(s). We may also report the user(s) to local and/or federal law enforcement, as per the advice of our legal counsel.
Gab follows the U.S. Department of State’s definitions of terrorism and list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s proscribed list of terrorist groups, organizations and/or individuals.
And here the entire guidelines :
It's really weird to me that people equate their First Amendment rights with the right to use someone else's platform to spread their opinions. Some platforms are more flexible than others in this arena; will only suspend your account if you're using it to spread porn or encourage violence against other groups and I know for sure that Gab is voluntarily working with law enforcement in that synagogue shooter case, for instance. But any platform that would do that to you is not one that you should want to be a part of, so...