The Julius Caesar love among the modern far left is from the author Michael Parenti who is also a Serbian war crimes denier.
If any of you are curious about life in North Korea and the difficulty and danger in defecting, I'd highly recommend <em>Nothing to Envy</em>.
It contains the tales of a number of defectors, the reason they left, and how they escaped.
The one that always sticks in my head is the doctor who was starving to death in North Korea, but snuck across the border to China to steal food, and then planned to come back home. She was so brainwashed that even when starving to death, the thought of actually defecting was unimaginable to her. What ultimately broke her was when she found a bowl of rice and meat just sitting outside some Chinese home; she was completely dumbfounded because she hadn't had rice in years and couldn't understand why someone would literally leave such a bounty outside. She eventually realized what it was: table scraps for the family dog. Only once she realized that a dog in China ate better than a doctor in North Korea did she finally make the decision to defect.
Hell of a book, and some incredible stories.
I just gilded all the “Hillary Clinton exonerated” posts. Feels like a great way to start the morning.
On a totally unrelated note: I recently got this heated bed for the kitty. She’s been tormenting me for about 2 weeks...deliberately choosing to nap right next to it while turning her nose up at getting inside. But I woke up this morning and she’s in! And lol is she in — she hasn’t moved all morning except to roll around in bliss. 10/10 highly recommend it, especially with winter coming.
I'm sorry, you have enough money to found, edit, and start a magazine but not to pay $6k in debt?
EDIT: And a published book?! You, sir, can fuck all the way off along with that Republican dickhead who said he needed a quarter million a year to feed his family.
She posted this about an hour ago:
> The rest of the world doesn’t understand why we have the Second Amendment. > > They don’t get that because of it we don’t have to ask for their approval.
Bernie is a Civil Rights icon for the following reason: Because going to the March on Washington was the ultimate expression of support for the Civil Rights Movement and the only thing they ever did to fight for their rights. Which is why Mitch McConnell is also a Civil Rights hero*.
*Ironically, Mitch McConnell has done more than Bernie for Civil Rights in his career.
This is a really depressing read.
One woman was pro-LGBT rights and pro-Planned Parenthood but voted for Trump because Obama was too supportive of BLM. Another cited getting our country out of debt and making the military strong as her most important issues and then somehow landed on Bernie in the primaries. Another Obama volunteer and die-hard Bernie supporter voted Trump because she thought he would bring back jobs. A die-hard 2008 Hillary supporter and Obama 08/12 voter was convinced to vote for Trump by her 8-year-old son. Another thinks we don't do background checks on immigrants. One of them cited Vince Foster.
Honestly, reading that makes me want to give up.
Two things he should read if he ever gets his head out of his own ass:
The Nation He Built: An article about how Obama saved our economy and enacted a staggering number of progressive policies while doing it, and how he did so at the expense of selfish political gains.
Audacity by Jonathan Chait: A book about the realities of the political, economic, and foreign policy landscapes during Obama's presidency, and how he navigated those waters to transform our country in positive ways while saving us from economic collapse.
Obama's only failure was in PR. He was too busy doing his job and didn't waste time praising himself and his party. That's why people still don't understand the depth and breadth of the progressive change that he managed to achieve.
Yes, the Democrats lost a lot of seats around the country, but that was largely because the president's party always loses seats, especially during recessions. And hyper-partisan gerrymandering after the 2010 midterms made it even worse.
And we can't forget how the liberals who helped elect Obama completely tuned out and abandoned the fight and let the Tea Party control the narrative going into the midterms. Where were they during the health care town halls? Why weren't they out there screaming back at the crazy "death panels" people? Instead of being the louder voice and giving Obama and congress the political momentum to push for more progressive solutions, they just quietly bitched to each other about how Obama wasn't magically making all of the dreams that they projected onto him come true.
Part of the reason Libya's transition to democracy has been so difficult is because of Qaddafi's policies: prior to the revolution, Libya had few functioning government institutions aside from the army and the Mukhabarat. In theory, this was because Libya was supposed to be a direct democracy run by popular councils instead of a central government; in reality, it was because Qaddafi was an autocrat who governed by decree and didn't want anyone challenging his rule or questioning his decisions. The NTC essentially had to create a government from scratch and it was difficult to do so because of the different militias and tribal groups which challenged the Libyan government's authority.* In any case, the current civil war in Libya is less a result of Qaddafi being deposed and more a result of the General National Congress refusing to recognize the results of the 2014 election and establishing their own splinter government in Tripoli.
*Alison Pargeter goes into detail about the hurdles facing the NTC in her 2012 book, <em>Libya: The Rise and Fall of Qaddafi</em>.
Chasten's book gives a much more recent account of growing up in homophobic surroundings (and the struggles of navigating college and student loans). He also writes a bit about the homeless LGBTQ+ kids he met all over the country.
Most days, I feel optimistic about the future of the country. It looks like Trump's stupidity and incompetence is going to be the undoing of his Post Office scam, and the country is turning against him.
Then I see that yet another QAnon qultist (and this time, a 9/11 denier!) won a GOP Primary for a red district, and is going to Congress in January.
Stupidity will be the death of this nation. We are headed to a future where Nothing is Real and Everything is Possible
Well, I'm an idiot. I was driving fence posts in the backyard earlier and managed to somehow slam myself in the head with the driver (one of these). Basically imagine slamming yourself in the head with a 20lb dumbbell. Gave myself a concussion, a lot of bleeding, and a trip to the ER.
I swear I always get injured in the dumbest ways.
"Franklin and his crew of college activists immediately became conflicted
over how to achieve their well-intentioned and often lofty goals, which
also included ridding the U.S. of racism and police brutality,
elevating the voices of minorities and women, reforming the prison
system, and of course, getting the country out of Vietnam. While the
group had originally focused on local issues or racial and economic
justice, they soon turned to more ambitious action: They aimed to be a
catalyst for an armed communist revolution in the United States."
Gosh how could they possibly fail? Lack of twitter clout, probably.\_source=pocket-newtab
Russia has create own search engine, far superior in knowledge terms. Putin himself seal of approval stamped. All sites linked official source of state. Only true facts provided. Americans like self do well to use Yandex. Escape grip of evil establishment Clinton News Network.
I watched the entirety of the video where he clocked a man who was doing graffiti. People keep saying they've seen the police do worse. Sure, that's true but isn't that what we are trying to stop? Unnecessary violence from police officers? What's gonna happen when it's something worse than graffiti? It's a very long video and the assault is at 5 mins or so.
I hope no one is taking what I'm saying too personally. I just hate the circular firing squad. If we're going to accuse and criticize other people for it then we shouldn't participate. I want this to die down quickly because it is inane. I hope you have a better day tomorrow, btw. Stay positive. Read The Art of War. Read anything, really. Arm yourself with knowledge and passions will be tempered and focused.
You motivated me to make a main post about the 14 features of fascism ... you are paraphrasing Umberto Eco:
>The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”
The enemy must be weak so we can feel superior to them but must be strong so that we must band together due to the threat they pose.
Well, Amazon let me down and my package is "delayed in transit". Hoping I'll get it tomorrow (it's in Elizabethtown, under 25 miles away, so they can't have missorted it THAT badly), but I had hoped to get to work on my new Retropie today.
I did get the controller yesterday, though. Lookit this chunky boi
Well that’s good news for Missouri women too because sadly women in my state are going to need to go to Illinois to get their constitutional right.
I hate my state so much.
I tired to find what the report options were for my own curiosity. Didn't find them, but did find this press release from this week.
That number surprised me. I mean I know video game online communities are beyond toxic, but over a quarter of a million bans over the course of a year is a lot.
Podcasting doesn't require a bagful of equipment. Marc Maron spent several years recording WTF on the lowly Zoom H4n, which is less than $250 from Amazon, and which fits comfortably in a shoulder bag. Ms. Grey is just keeping up the grift.
just a heads up - The Complete Calvin & Hobbes is heavily discounted on Amazon right now, in both hardcover ($140.49, down from $195) and paperback ($63.36, down from $125). figured there might be a few people who might be interested. this is the multi-volume box set that came out about 15 years ago, not just a collection of the various smaller collections. it's a good holiday gift, if nothing else
Ok, after much looking I think I found a different trail I can handle that won't give me altitude sickness. Its not as long and the elevation change isn't nearly as dramatic. It still goes up to 10k feet but it only changes 1.6k in elevation rather than the 3k+ that the rest of the trails around here seem to do. I did not realize before coming out here that we were in some of Colorado's highest mountains. The entire state's 4th and 7th tallest mountains are visible from where I am currently sitting.
Ok y'all. I am not in perfect shape but I am tough hiker. I'm a good hiker. I've hiked super challenging trails in Australia, New Zealand, Big Sur, Pinnacles, Linville Gorge. That being said, I did not expect how hard truly high elevation was going to be on me. I feel like such a pussy right now. I only hiked about 5 miles of the 12 I wanted to hike today because I just couldn't breathe. I couldn't push myself any further. I feel very disappointed in myself. This is the trail. It was right around 10k feet in elevation I had to stop.
Really wish I had made it to the lake.
They probably thought the title was really clever.
Y’all wanna know how to take popcorn to the next level?
You pop up a bag of popcorn, dump it in a big bowl, and then dust it with Parmesan and some of this.
My family has been eating popcorn this way for years and it is INCREDIBLE.
My Dad loathes Orange Hitler and loves Barry O., so while brainstorming for Father's Day gifts I put in "obama trump" into Amazon.
Two arrests for protesting in 2011, 2018 but the rest involves the DUI thing
> Two of Randy Bryce's arrests were more recent -- in 2011 and 2018 -- while protesting the policies of Ryan and Wisconsin's GOP Sen. Ron Johnson, but the majority of Bryce's arrests stem from a single incident of driving under the influence, including three times for driving with a suspended license.
Even with his light record, he has a few controversies that haven't gotten attention, particularly with PoC in South Bend regarding "code enforcement" fines that disproportionately affected black and latino neighborhoods and demoting the city's first black police chief, Darryl Boykins, for recording white officers making racist statements. But, y'know. It's not a lady sending emails on a private server, so idk if anyone would care.
You might be interested in trying: SLSON Cat Recovery Collar Soft Pet Cone Collar Protective Cotton Cone Adjustable Fasteners Collar for Cat and Puppy, Yellow
Thank you for this. On the topic of popcorn, I would like to make a plug for the whirly pop. I have been making stovetop popcorn for years using this, and I've never looked back at yucky old microwave popcorn.
And believe me when I tell you it's easy and maybe even faster than m/w popcorn. I'm lazy as crap so I know what I'm saying.
(2 Pack) Encased Holiday Santa Beard Face Mask Costume for Adults for Christmas 2020 (One size fits all)
This seems lit lmao
Imagine grocery shopping in this
Anyone got any weird shit during the Prime sale day? I shouldn't say weird shit. Kinda mean. I should dress that up with something fancy. Like say uh pfft a new curio for your collection.
Anyway the weird shit I got was this toilet night light. Changes like 16 different colors. I have zero use for this. Probably the worst $6 I spent. I love it.
my kitchen is finally purple & my bathroom is finally pink! i also may have inhaled too many paint fumes today, but that's besides the point
also, i consider my swanky new diamond-shaped cabinet doorknobs i just finished installing to be a good omen for joseph r biden jr in november, lol
operation psychobarbie dreamhouse is in full effect
evil, paint-splattered smirk
tosses hair over shoulder
as someone who's been called 'cereal's biggest hype girl' before, i got you bro
also, try fruity lucky charms & chocolate lucky charms
Why you can't do it directly from the app, I don't know, but you can change how the subtitles look. Just go here ->
Fwiw, Glow kinda drops the sex scenes partway through. At some point you see Marc Maron's ass, but that's about the last I remember. Nothing as full on as the first episode.
If you're at all into cooking shows, Great British Baking Show is pretty damn great.
Reviews are pretty funny though.
Black Panther is the only MCU film I've seen. Not even interested in the others. (Sorry Tessa.) Just like Into the Spider-Verse is the only Spiderman movie I've seen since Tobey Maguire's spidey. I'm still kinda numb from this. My favorite Christmas tree ornament is Black Panther. It's still so hard to believe.
if you're set on taking it in person may i suggest this
You take that back! Her book will change your life!
.../s It's 25 pages and click the 'look inside' on the cover photo for an example of how she wrote it lol
So why did his campaign say he “misheard” the woman and reaffirmed his support of the Hyde Amendment last week?
What makes MS senate difficult for the GOP this that is that it is a special election without primaries, so election day is basically a jungle primary.
Americans don't care about the DNC and 1 in 3 probably think it's a gynecological procedure. If the Democrats can't get Americans excited about the DNC, Republicans certainly aren't.
I was tempted as well, but the UK reviews all talked about how he wasn't reflective enough about what went wrong.
Meanwhile, Sasha Swire (her husband was a minister and she was close friends with the whole gang) published her diaries from 2010-2019 and it's basically a ruthless, gossipy drive-by on the Cameron-May era governments
It is at this moment $11 and change but it wasn't originally that price. Amazon as well as Verso show the original price at $16.95.
$444,937 divided by $16.95 is about 26250 books. /u/Mrs_Frisby's math checks out.
If this isn't allowed, please let me know. But I saw this on build a pc sales and thought to share
In general, you shouldn't use laptops for gaming because you can't replace the parts as they meet EOL failure, but if you're sold on only a laptop, this might be alright.
Always make sure the 16 GB RAM is single stick. RAM is only as fast as the weakest (smallest) RAM stick on the motherboard
Information about the rioters is sparse so far because of ongoing investigations, but one thing from the super obvious jackass stood out:
>He appears to have an affinity for firearms, likes to fish and shares macho memes.
Point 12 on Umberto Eco's list of common fascist features is: Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”
That's traditional patriarchal machismo. What does machismo look like from a left-wing authoritarian view point?
The world is kind of shitty lately but this episode of Planet Money was totes adorbs and really made me smile. If you need a smile and you like Puns and Space and Squirrels on mission patches give it a go.
You repeat literal Fox News/Rush Limbaugh propaganda (the dems hate the rich! they are communists!) to defend Reddit's favorite billionaire and we're the hive-mind lol.
Last time I checked, Michael Bloomberg endorsed Hillary Clinton and spoke at the democratic party convention. And he recently pledged to donate $80 million dollars to help Dems get elected and control the House.
Here's Bill Gates saying that people like him (rich) should pay more in taxes:
Meanwhile Elon Musk talks trash about the press, unions and donates to Republicans. You can be wealthy without being Republican-helping scum. There's a difference.
My parents (who are likely in your grandparents age range) absolutely loved some silicone grips I got them. I got them from Pampered Chef but can't find them on their site so maybe discontinued. They were like these
Oh really? Quality concerns or ?
These have like 200k reviews I think: Amazon Basics Microfiber Sheet Set, Queen, Bright White
I’m telling you, that weighted, heated blanket is fantastic.
E: here’s the link if you’re interested: Pure Enrichment® WeightedWarmth™ - 2-in-1 Weighted Body Pad with Warmer (32” x 21”) 6 lbs, 3 Warmth Settings, BPA-Free, Non-Toxic Beads and Soft Micromink — Ideal for Back and Shoulder Pain or Cramps
I'm sorry boo :(
Do you go to therapy at all? I stopped going after covid (I don't like doing therapy virtually) and noticed myself falling back into a slump lately.
I also HIGHLY recommend this book:
A friend of mine gifted me a copy of it a few years ago and it's been super awesome. It's a daily passage thing, but you can also flip through it and find at least 3 or 4 different passages on whatever you're dealing with on any given day. Do you think your wife would be willing to read it with you over morning coffee/tea? My friend and I used to call each other every day and read the daily passage and discuss it for a bit. We both find it super helpful! I've recommended that book to multiple friends and they've all found it helpful.
But yeah, look into meds! Not gonna lie, it can sometimes be a pain to find the right one, but once you find it, it's awesome. And sometimes people do find the right one on their first try.
Came across the McKinsey Insights app and it's fabulous! Lots of great info, all for free.
Thanks Pete! ❤️
Android link -
I took AP Econ and will probably take a College Intro Econ class, so here’s my AP Econ stuff:
I got the 10" La Creuset Signature Skillet for $100. It's full price is $180. It seems to still be on sale actually, though a lot of the colors are out of stock. I really like this thing. I still have my 12" Lodge cast iron pan that is great, but it's so much more work to maintain to keep the seasoning. I only use it when I want the Le Creuset isn't big enough. The Le Creuset has an enamel coating so you can wash it with soap and don't need to keep seasoning it after every use.
> Do you recommend a dutch oven?
Absolutely. I think everyone should have a Dutch oven. It is my most versatile cooking vessel, and the one I use the most. You can make soups and sauces because of the high sides. The heat retention makes it great for searing, especially something you then want to roast in the oven because it's oven safe. You can make almost anything in a Dutch oven.
I got this Lodge one on Black Friday for $44 and it has been such an amazing value at that price. I think the Lodge is a better buy than La Creuset even at its full price of $70. I haven't owned one yet, but I can't imagine it being worth over five times as much. The Lodge is very high quality.
> What do you use the garlic press for
It's a quicker way to get minced garlic. Pressed garlic isn't exactly the same because you press out some of the oils, but it's so much quicker than mincing with a knife.
Do that then. Shouldn’t be too hard. Remind him of Florida 2000, the role third parties played in that debacle*, and recall the eight year parade of horribles under Dubya which could have been avoided with a Gore Administration.
It wasn’t just Nader either. The absurd number of joke third parties which qualified for the Florida ballot combined with the confusing “butterfly” design meant that Pat Buchanan (!!) got huge numbers of votes in majority Jewish precincts in Palm Beach County that were obviously intended for Gore. They were very elderly precincts too, so due to age and they couldn’t see the confusing ballot well. FFS, Buchanan is an anti-Semite! Third parties are a cancer in many ways. If y’all haven’t heard about this and are interested, read Jews FOR Buchanan:
It's also the easiest way to sink any deal, suppose the adult daycare center will not agree to that.
Bolton is already talking about the Lybian model, which is one way to get a deal NoKo will never agree on.
He got massively fucked over by Donald, after his glowing bullshit press conference, Donald nominated him for promotion to rear admiral O8. That promotion was barely in the Senate before he picked him as VAsec, where he was seriously scrutinized (for the first time?). Guess he can also say goodbye to that promotion.
Also this piece by an ex Obama aide on Jackson, why they were so glowing about him was interesting: <-- something everyone involved in open-source development needs to read, especially the fuckwits who lost their shit over FreeBSD's CoC.
Not that they'll learn anything from it, because they're white male supremacists, but at least they can't claim ignorance anymore.
Bennett tells Likud hecklers: Your screams are as loud as your failure
I may not like the guy politically, but if he shits on the Republican boot lickers in Likud, that might be enough.
I think this is the one I bought a while ago. The company should have more affordable options somewhere since I know I didn't pay that much.
I have this which was recommended by Scott Manley.
I like it, although I had to use my own tripod because the one this comes with was too short for me. The backpack is nice and easy to travel with. Also you'll want a moon filter to remove the chromatic aberration.
I enjoyed “Wellington’s Rifles” by Mark Urban. Wellington was one of the first to deploy “rifleman”, to devastating effect against the French. Some French units had a 70% casualty rate amongst their officers because of soldiers being able to pick their shots, and fire independently. Follows the 95th rifles across the peninsula wars in Spain up to Waterloo.
I just checked online and they have the Zatar I noticed was being used in a lot of recipes in the book. The chef is Israeli (I think) and his restaurant is in London. So its informed by a lot of middle eastern spices. Zatar probably isn't that obscure but I live in a small town in Kansas.
Are you particular about what kind of salt you use? I have been using Sale de Cervia for about a decade now. Good shit.
I can't find a source now that isn't right wing trash. I think it's mentioned in this book. I originally read pictures taken of the relevant pages in the book, but have no idea where to find those pics right now.
Anyone got something more reliable or the pics I'm talking about? I never would have originally believed it if it was only reported by trash like the dailycaller and freebeacon.
edit: I specifically remember a quote being something like "so I had to tell him 'Bernie I love you and all but you've got to go, nothing is getting done because everyone just wants to hear you talk"
oooh that looks fun! there should somehow be a virtual ess game night or something. u/itsnotnews92 is the logistical genius around these parts, make it happen pleeeeease
lmao, i literally own that jumbo four-foot tall 'connect four' game they're shilling in the recommended products
This is what was recommended to me by a friend, and I have since bought one for my dad. So far no complaints, but it might be a little pricey.
My justification to myself when I bought it is it won't get cheaper once the next wave of lockdowns during the fall/winter but you probably could find something cheaper.
I literally bought a cheap condenser microphone from a Chinese company off Amazon for $12 (must have been on sale, it's going for $20 now) and I get way cleaner audio from it than this guy. I get compliments in games sometimes because people are used to shoddy headset mics.
I've also noticed that a ridiculously high amount of people don't understand how to set their levels and end up peaking every other sentence... it's like 30 seconds to set that shit up...
So do I, where it makes sense. Capitalism doesn't rule out public ownership at all.
That's an example of what I'm getting at by saying Republicans and Libertarians aren't capitalists, they're just assholes who throw the word "socialism" at anything they don't like because they know people are afraid of it. Government regulations and public ownership of some things aren't "socialist", they're necessary. i.e. how the fuck is an economy supposed to work if all roads are privately owned? Or if an electric utility can put anyone that poses a threat to them out of business by simply refusing to serve them?
tl; dr - fuck Libertarians and their corrupt, horribly distorted take on The Wealth of Nations
So is Bernie running now and Trump being president. None of the conspiracies make any sense but they dont have to. It just has to be an enemy that is simultaneously all powerful and weak at the same time. It is actually a key part of fascism.
First of all enthusiastically and unequivocally are two different things.
Just saw an interview with her on CNN where she's singing a very different tune saying the dems should focus on turning out new voters. She hasn't bashed the dems since she won even when she was given the opportunity by the CNN host. As long as her entire campaign doesn't focus on bashing dems thats good enough for me.
They should be anonymous, and the instructor shouldn't receive the results until after the course ends, but check with your school.
Edit: there's also this:
I normally wouldn't recommend it, but your instructor sounds like a dick.
I suppose you CAN just say anything and make it sound plausible.
You got some numbers?
Don't worry, I got some numbers.
US Pop 2012 - 314.8 million
US Pop 2016 - 324.1 million
So the total population goes up by 10 million. About a fifth to a quarter of the population is under 18. Adult population up by 7.7 million between 2012 and 2016. Voter turnout goes up by 7.6 million. The same numerical amount, but a much higher proportion.
I mean, really, you brought <em>no numbers?</em>
>It is estimated that 138.8 million Americans cast a ballot in 2016. 65.9 million of those ballots have been counted for Clinton and just under 63 million for Trump, representing 20.3% (Clinton) and 19.4% (Trump) of the U.S. Census Bureau estimate of U.S. population that day of 324 million.[246][318] Considering a voting age population (VAP) of 250.6 million people and voting eligible population (VEP) of 230.6 million people, this is a turnout rate of 55.4% VAP and 60.2% VEP.[1] Based on this estimate, voter turnout was up compared to 2012 (54.1% VAP) but down compared to 2008 (57.4% VAP). A FEC report of the 2016 Presidential General Election recorded an official total of 136.7 million votes cast for President — more than any prior election.
So it wasn't a 20 year low. It was higher than last cycle.
I'm lucky enough to afford to pay for the NYTimes, but for years before I did, I was using a free service called "Pocket" which also has free Android and iPhone apps.
I do not in any way benefit from telling you about Pocket.
Anyway, you can read NYTimes articles from within pocket without a problem. While there are paywalls it doesn't work past (Wall Street Journal for one) it works with most.
Not only does it let you save unlimited articles with tags that you can read later, but it reformats everything in an easy to read format, stripping out the ads / popups. There are widgets for Chrome and Firefox. The mobile apps let you download your saved articles onto your device so you can read them offline.
There is premium service, but I've never used it.
I think Americans are a (fascinating when it's not frustrating) combination of naive, unshakeable idealism and deep, unproductive pessimism. Every nation has its contradictions and that is America's and it arises out of our troubled history. We're a nation that still cannot face its racist, misogynistic, exclusive, violent, hateful past with unflinching honesty and reconcile it with the great, modern, progressive, inclusive future we want and pretend to be.
I read someone's comment on and he put it quite well: "Barack Obama, a Harvard education biracial married father, was everything America pretended it was. America IS Trump, a narcissistic, thrice divorced “billionaire”, who tweets too much and is loud and wrong about everything. For 8 years we had this incredible black man stand as the face of a “post racial” America but that’s not what this country is. We’re out of shape, broke, with a spray tan. This IS Trump’s America, and we deserve all that shame that comes with this fact."
The ABA walking back a promotion of an anti Trans book is hardly a “book burning”. The book is still available, with overnight delivery, from Amazon.
I HIGHLY recommend: Pure Enrichment® WeightedWarmth™ - 2-in-1 Weighted Body Pad with Warmer (32” x 21”) 6 lbs, 3 Warmth Settings, BPA-Free, Non-Toxic Beads and Soft Micromink — Ideal for Back and Shoulder Pain or Cramps
I mean apart from Kosher dietary law a lot of Jewish cooking is extremely similar to that of their respective Eastern European nationality. Consequently, I gave my wife said cookbook last year.
In terms of a meat substitute, I would think lentils and rice would be pretty close to the desired texture.
> Turning to Reddit for stock advice is kinda like asking a four year old to do calculus.
If you like non fiction, I recommend Cartoon History of Time (note: NOT Larry Gonick). I also thought One, Two, Three, Infinity was a great read.
The recipe calls for a loose bottom tart pan. I do not have one of these, I'll probably use a regular pie pan. I could also use my spring-form cake pan though it won't be as pretty. You could also use a pre-made pie crust, as you would a quiche.
Here is the full recipe
Its a bit time consuming, looks like.
Edit to add: fuck it I just bought a tart pan from amazon that should be here tomorrow or thursday.
Congratulations! The interview went fantastically well. You're perfect for the job.
We're going to need one of these for the office.
What Happened is the third best selling biography on Amazon (the audiobook is #6 and the Kindle version is #9), and the best selling political book in any category.
It's the highest selling women's biography (with the Kindle and audio versions coming in at 3 and 4). The book is all 3 of the highest selling political memoirs and also the highest selling civics book.
What Happened is also the #1 bestseller in any category.
Bernie's new book is claiming the high number of..........#714. His last book is #13,503.
Did Amazon make it verified reviews only? I saw it at 3 stars yesterday.
Also how is it? I'm about to finish the book I'm reading soon, so I'm thinking about potential reads. I also have a copy of Hyperion as well, but I wanna weigh my options before committing to a new book.
I'd recommend the FlashForge Finder if you're looking for one. I bought this one and it's never let me down. Very easy to get started and is a little faster/better quality than the Ender products.
I guess I should add mine since I'm the one who asked the question.
If I'm just making noodles without adding anything else, Samyang Spicy Chicken is easily my favorite.
Lately I've been on a kick of these. tbh I originally just bought them because I thought the cow was cute, but turns out they're Samyang brand too (I actually didn't even realize until now when I was looking them up).
I like to boil and drain the noodles. Then take the seasoning pack and mix with water to make a bit of a sauce. Add Hoisin sauce, oyster sauce, some MSG to taste, and a small dash of sesame oil. Then cook the noodles in sesame oil for around 30 secs, add the sauce. (/u/krissym99 this is the lazy way to fancy up any ramen! Hoisin sauce and oyster sauce will bring any dish up to 100 with very little effort!)
If I'm not feeling lazy, I'll add scrambled or hard boiled slices of duck egg, bits of whatever meat I have on hand, sesame seeds, and green onion.
I pretty much never eat it as a soup.
I was looking to replace a cheap LG soundbar recently and I came to the conclusion that unless you want to spend a ton of money on a high end setup, soundbars are just not that great. I ended up with a pair of powered bookshelf speakers and subwoofer. It's been very good for movies and excellent for music. It takes a bit more effort to dial it in (speaker placement and adjusting the subwoofer settings) but it's just hard for a soundbar to match the sound of larger speakers. There are a few other good brands out there like SVS, Edifier and Audioengine that make good powered speakers too.
2 things, because mine sucks so much and I really hate it :/
1) you need the right pen, which I’ll link in a second. I’ve tried every pen out there and it’s by far the best for my shitty handwriting in my experience. Like, a noticeable difference. Plus, everyone who’s ever borrowed one immediately reacts with the sentiment “holy shit this pen is awesome and my writing looks amazing”
2) I saw this in a YT video ages ago, and it definitely helps (when I remember to do it - but I always do it if I need to write something “important” or official) - you could probably find a tutorial that better describes it because the visual was helpful but I’ll try my best here - basically, you want to write with your shoulder. So, position you hand comfortably at a slight angle with your forearm supported. Relax your wrist and fingers, and write from your shoulder, if that makes sense? Do some arm circles first - like big and small ones to get your shoulder and arm loose first. E: this post details better what I was trying to say —
E: pens: TUL Gel Pens, Retractable, Fine Point, 0.5 mm, Gray Barrel, Blue Ink, Pack of 12
They come in other colors too but it’s the TUL retractable .5 gel pen. Note specifically the size of the point.
We have rented a jeep for this tuesday to go up a primitive road in Great Sand Dunes Nat'l park and we were planning to do this hike. High clearance 4x4 is the only way to get to the trail head. I am hoping that the 2 hour long ride up to the trailhead helps me acclimate to the elevation. If not then oh well. A lot of people rent these jeeps for the primitive road alone, so that will be fun on its own.
I now realize that you're conducting the interview and not being interviewed. I've been on vacation for too long, my reading comprehension skills are basically shot.
Anyway, the most annoying thing I've experienced in any video meeting is the other person not having their Zoom setup working in a competent fashion, so try to focus on that. (Audio/video quality) And I guess in this case also have some empathy if the interviewee is having technical issues. If at all possible you might want to let them know ahead of time to try and test their setup -
It'll save everyone a lot of time if they're not messing around trying to make their headset work.
I think he comes off a bit smug online, but he's pretty great on podcasts. For instance, I was so incredibly impressed by the work he and Ezra Klein did breaking down some wonky things about what a Biden vs. Sanders presidency would look like.
I get that it's not the same, but there are a couple of Chrome extensions out there that let you watch stuff on Netflix simultaneously with friends.
Scener and Netflix Party
(I'm not vouching for either one, haven't used them, but heard about it on the radio the other day so I figured I'd give it a mention)
Barnes and Noble but Amazon still has one for 2021. Ebay might be cheaper..
I think the 2022 ones come out around October or November.
> Here's my secret: Heating pad with a weighted throw blanket on top. Fold the blanket a few times to get some good weight, depending on how bad it is.
That’s too much work lol this is what I’m working with and when I say it’s been lifechanging - that is an understatement:
Pure Enrichment® WeightedWarmth™ - 2-in-1 Weighted Body Pad with Warmer (32” x 21”) 6 lbs, 3 Warmth Settings, BPA-Free, Non-Toxic Beads and Soft Micromink — Ideal for Back and Shoulder Pain or Cramps
I recommend picking up a bunch of lolipops too. Snack on one any time you feel like having a cig, it satisfies the oral fixation. I know some people use toothpicks or stirrer straws, but I like lolipops because you can finish them like you'd finish a cig.
there are bed sheets & pillowcases woven with pure silver specifically for people with sensitive, inflammation prone skin
they usually are marketed as being anti-acne, just make sure they're legit ones. they often cost a little more but it's worth it & they feel great