You’re downloading the intel version of zoom. Rosetta is the “translation layer” that lets your non intel Mac run intel software in emulation. It’s fine/safe/free.
BUT: get the m1 version of zoom. It will perform better.
I know zoom has been in deep shit for not ensuring End to End encryption and stuff like that with their general product, but this particular product likely does offer the HIPAA-compliant stuff (my Girlfriend's agency used it until they went to MS Teams).
No agency in the world would be caught dead using something that would flag them in an audit. It would be a mess to say the least
Speak at the special city council meeting this Friday at 11:30am.
You can attend via Zoom or phone
1) By phone (888) 475-4499. Webinar ID: 971 4719 4171. Click *9 to raise a hand to speak.
2) By online
My reply was in blue, but another cringing friend's response to follow was better than mine. I am more than saddened by this opportunistic use of this funeral to peddle MLM.
If you just have to know which company is wonderful enough to peddle to funeral attendees, I put the link here so you can learn more. Starts at the top of the hour.
Spoiler alert. It's Zija.
Edit: Typos
This is not my main field of study (though you may have watched the webinar I did recently which covers Shakespeare’s connection to the fascinating conundrum of Precession — — Password: YogiBard.)
My understanding is derived from The Holy Science (a book by Sri Yukteswar, the guru of Paramahansa Yogananda). In it he states “From 11,501 B. C., when the Autumnal Equinox was on the first point of Aries, the sun began to move away from the point of its orbit nearest to the grand center toward the point farthest from it, and accordingly the intellectual power of man began to diminish. . . The period around A.D. 500 was thus the darkest part of Kali Yuga and of the whole cycle of 24,000 years. . . From A.D. 499 onward, the sun began to advance toward the grand center, and the intellect of man started gradually to develop. During the 1100 years of the Ascending Kali Yuga, which brings us to A.D. 1599, the human intellect was so dense that it could not comprehend the electricities, Sukshmabhuta, the fine matters of creation.” (I guess we were ALL trolls back then! Isn’t that interesting? Shakespeare came at the very end of the last Kali Yuga or Dark Age… when he was definitely most needed!)
So according to this most revered sage, Sri Yukteswar, we’re presently 418 years into the Ascending Dwapara Yuga. Thus the height of the next Golden Age (Satya Yuga) will be A.D. 12,499.
Hang in there… it’s getting better all the time! Only 10,482 of your Earth years to go. :)
Pete is speaking today at this event near the end
The United for Infrastructure 2021 Kickoff Event May 10, 2021 from 12:00 PM–3:00 PM
> Keynote Conversation: Administration Leadership and The Transportation Agenda The Honorable Pete Buttigieg, U.S. Secretary of Transportation
>Moderator: Brendan Bechtel, Chairman and CEO, Bechtel Group, and Chair, Business Roundtable Infrastructure Committee
> Register:
Hello! I am Ludmila Yamalova, a U.S. qualified lawyer, practicing in the U.A.E. for the past 13 years. I will be hosting a FREE legal webinar, catering to issues relating to Family Law and that of divorce, in accordance with both current and upcoming legislation.
Feel free to join me today (May 26th), at 4:00pm GST.
Joining link:
Here’s the link to the lovely webinar with the author and illustrator of the children’s book Mayor Pete. Fingers crossed the link works.
Download the .deb file from here and double click to install:
While choosing the downloads, select Ubuntu 14+ because you probably have ubuntu 18/19/20. Then choose 64/32 bit version according to your operating system. If you don’t know how to check the bits, roughly speaking, computers with around 4 GB or more of RAM use 64 bits
> About your installation part I totally disagree. It's not always that case always. Until and unless you visit Github to install certain program.
It is the case with Zoom, which is not on GitHub, and explicitly named by OP:
And it doesn't really matter if it's always the case or not. It matters if popular software does this, because if someone can't figure out which version they need to download and remember that on Windows it's always just a one-click download solution, they aren't gonna stay on Linux.
Zoom abuse form:
If anyone gets the Event / Meeting / Webinar Link or ID then please post or message it, or just report it using the form above.
Zoom goes to a lot of effort to hide the fact that it has a web app. If you form your links like, you can join a call from your browser. Sometimes it will give you a "join from browser" link. (I'm not sure what the criteria are, but I don't think it shows that link on Windows systems. You can still totally just paste the room number into that link though.)
You can also just... run it in a virtual machine, lol. Like, it's pretty easy to just install Ubuntu in Virtualbox.
At 3:30 you can join a NH Organizing Event with Pete. Register here for the link:
The social media team is having a big relaunch for the debate but they do need volunteers. (There are more volunteers than staff on the social media team.) I'm on it but I am the main organizer for my area and I have a full-time job. We need any and all the help we can get.
The last training before the debates is tomorrow at 8pm EST so there is still time to get involved.
June 24th @ 8 pm ET:
They have a board meeting today at 3pm, if someone wants to join and voice they concerns
Special Meeting
Thursday, July 2, 2020
I posted here about this last week when I needed to rent thousands of dollars worth of video equipment on a tight budget and short timeline. Nobody had what I needed. Then, I found everything I needed for free, right at my local library.
Today I learned anybody can join the Libary's E Street Studios (Virtual) Media Maker Meetup.
They are usually the last Monday of every month from 6-7pm but this month it is on May 24 (because Memorial Day). Here’s the link to sign up:
As a teacher I would LOVE this feature as well. I want to honor my students feelings and anxieties about having their cameras on, and at the same time it is really hard to teach to blank screens when so much checking for understanding comes from nonverbal cues. Here’s a link for Zoom Feature Request Feedback. I’m going to being making your suggestion and recommend you do too!
Direct link without the signup page:
In-browser player without their spyware installer:
A spamhole account:
[email protected]
/ .ics(#&zZx2K.))
Here is their zoom training for phone and text banking training.
Friday, November 13 at 6pm ET:
They had another one yesterday, and there were over a thousand people. I think they have all the text banking they need. They need more phone bankers. Lots of people in Georgia with only a landline they said.
Good point! PFA alumni Samantha Steelman had a GA runoff support guide that also included this step:
An interesting one was to search for friends in Georgia on Facebook and have a conversation with them (digital doorknocking!)
One of my volunteer slack posted links to sign up for text banking and phone banking training for GA runoff coming up with Fair Fight Action:
Training and Kickoff Call - Thursday, November 12 at 6pm ET:
Training and Kickoff Call - Friday, November 13 at 6:00 pm ET:
I'm sure you have a method for these upcoming things, but I just heard about these 2 to add to your inventory of upcoming appearances. Both are free.
Southern Illinois University, Sept 24th. Noon CT
Tufts University, Sept 16th, 5:30 ET
Here’s the official list of all the recognized Greens running in 2020. The database also includes every Green that’s ever ran for any office since 1985. Here’s an upcoming event you can go to & learn more about some down ballot candidates. This is some past events Howie’s done to elevate down ticket candidates running around the country.
20% of farmland is farmed to get maximum profit despite being unable to produce, because of location or conditions. It's usually rented land where the farmer cannot excluythe crappy part from the major parcel.
If no till farming, and cover crop methods were used, this would greatly reduce weed issues (and fertilizer over application).
Wow you actually have to RSVP
Alexa Bliss is such a great role model. She is so strong, intelligent and well-spoken. I think she'll be the perfect candidate to lead this discussion given her history of overcoming body dysmorphia and anxiety. It will be interesting to see what she has to say especially seeing how so many people look up to her.
Feb. 26 Textbanking Training: You should have received the below info in an email after signing up for the training session at
here is the link and number for the training TONIGHT at 8PM EST: Meeting ID: 878 548 331 Password: TEXT
One tap mobile +16465588656,,878548331# US (New York) +16699009128,,878548331# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 878 548 331 Find your local number:
In terms of video options, Zoom video conferencing may be one possibility, though I'm not quite sure how it handles the liveswitching portion of multiple presenters on-screen at once.
I've seen some podcasters use Facebook live with the new capability of bringing guests in for portions of the event. It seems most suited for one or two hosts in the same location bringing in one remote guest at a time.
There's also a new service that I haven't gotten to try out yet, but the marketing copy sure makes it seem promising, called Streamyard.
I appreciate the work, and I hate to be "That GUY," but why read the book when you can watch the movie?
In reply to this, according to Zoom's ToS, the minimum age is 16.
"Zoom is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 16, unless it is through a School Subscriber (as that term is defined in the Services Description) using Zoom for Education (K-12)."
It's important to note that, although you can bypass this age requirement with Zoom for Education, most schools will use the "default" Zoom.
Still, Discord offers no "Discord for Education"
Edit: Source here (at §7)
How to participate in City Council meetings:
Meetings on Tuesdays, Twice Monthly – 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Video Zoom Meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Meeting ID: 176 727 634
Passcode: 714097
View Full Meeting Options
How to participate in City Council meetings:
Meetings on Tuesdays, Twice Monthly – 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Video Zoom Meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Meeting ID: 176 727 634
Passcode: 714097
View Full Meeting Options
For some reason, I completely disconnected "ZoomInfo" and "Zoom". When you said "But that's how Zoom get's their data", I thought you were referring to Zoom, the videoconferencing company.
hi, may ongoing webinar po si jowa (it's her and her teammates working the back end of this) for MSMEs, which is called Online Business Recording. medyo malungkot siya na kaunti pa lang ang attendees, so please if you have time, you may register here or watch their FB live here because this goes towards her work performance.
let me know po sana pag makakanood kayo, this would mean a lot for her and for me. hehe
a little context:
Paano magagamit ng mga micro and small entrepreneurs ang online tools para i-record ang kanilang business transactions?
Samahan kami sa aming unang Show Me, Teach Me (SMTM) learning session ng taon upang makakuha ng praktikal na mga tip tungkol sa online business recording mula sa aming resource speaker na si Atty. Johnson Ong, isang certified public accountant at educator.
This capacity-building program for MSEs is in partnership with the DTI.Philippine Trade Training Center - Global MSME Academy.
EDIT: 200 pala target nilang zoom attendees, they're currently at 50. (help)
“Don’t expect any company that already uses Office 365 to become new customers of Zoom or Slack”.
Zoom literally grew its list of high paying clients (over $100k PA in subscription fees) by 90% last quarter alone. All those are large companies with full Microsoft office subscriptions and they still chose zoom because they felt it was the better video conferencing product.
Just a few of the clients: Nasdaq, Uber, Fox, AB InBev
Hosted by Eve Bergeron of Trader Vic's, join us for an informal meet up and discussion with Jeff "Beach Bum Berry" & Mrs. Bum!
Topic: Beach Bum Berry & Mrs. Bum
Time: Apr 24, 2020 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 943 2415 7436
Password: 172013
The zoom app is shady, but zoom also has a web client that runs entirely in your browser. They don't advertise it as much, but it exists.
Instead of just use to use it. You will need to create a zoom account and log in though.
For a sobering explanation on why, listen to the Colorado Medical Society's Physician Town Hall on COVID 19 from last night:
Around 29 minutes in a member of CDPHE gives an account of the PPE supplies for the state:
>I don't think there will be enough PPE. I don't think the supply chain will normalize. Last week we were given an allotment from the federal government. Colorado right now currently has 49k N95 masks, 115k surgical masks, 11k gloves (55k pairs), 22k face shields ...I anticipate getting additional supplies. I anticipate it will be about as much as we've gotten ...and that might be it. We really need to conserve what we have. Your state doesn't have anymore -- your local health agency certainly doesn't have any more."
The state is out. Supply chains are not expected to normalize any time soon.
Ideally, you want N95 and surgical mask together (N95 keeps bad things out, surgical mask keeps bad things in).
You are probably downloading the zoom mobile app. You should be getting your download file from here:
As others have said, the Linux and Windows zoom clients are almost identical.
You have reason to be skeptical. Here’s the zoom call that will at least get you up to speed..
We need to verify some details about this event first. Were execs from NBME hosting it? Who answered the question? What was actually said? Etc. idk if it makes much sense for a premature decision to be made before the official release of the decision.
Edit: found link to the event:
If OP’s info is correct and that was said during the meeting, then that might be correct.
I wonder if there is anyone that who attended that meeting who can directly corroborate that.
Weird that this meeting was over 4 hrs ago and this info is just coming out now?
It will be good to walk through that fear ("introvert") someday.
In pandemic times, most meetings are online. I've often heard and I think it's a good point, that the best thing for a newcomer is to quiet her or his mind and just listen.
Finding speaker meetings, either near you or in New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, or anyplace that speaks a language you understand might be a Good Thing.
Most of these online meetings are on an app called Zoom and you can join a meeting and often just leave your camera and microphone off and just listen.
Dropping into one or more of these meetings per day and not drinking between the meetings might be a good start.
Make sure the sandbox or virtual machine has access to your mic and cam.
Do some tests before the actual call to make sure everything works alright, specially if it's some sort of job interview.
NA Meetings are available anytime and anyplace via Zoom.
Here's a link to finding Zoom meetings- Local virtual NA meetings.
If that isn't an option you could read some of our literature- it was written especially for you!! Start here: NA Basic Text.
Welcome! It is not where we were that counts, but where we are going.
***Important updates on the Delta variant, our protocols, early treatment and more during the FLCCC Weekly Update with Drs. @PaulMarik and @PierreKory. Wednesday, August 11, 7PM ET. REGISTER:\_2CY5VGh7Rk6NeDPZOpzKyQ
I would have not done that. I try as much as possible to run only native arm64 apps on my M1 Macbook. I would have canceled, delete this version of zoom and download again the Apple Silicon (arm64) version of zoom
Hello people!
Since YouTube won't allow me to stream I've decided to make it a zoom meeting.
Here is the link.
Meeting ID: 932 861 6218
Password: t8vX2A
Everyone is welcomed!
Starts at 5:30 Pacific time!
When: Jun 15, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: APA Webinar - A Conversation with Lordstown Motor’s 3 Top Executives
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Great news, was holding 300 already, topped up another 200 today at 5.6.
This is not the image of a bad news Webinar.
It uses PINK as it's primary colour, it would literally be disrespectful to use Pink if the news was shitty. (breast cancer awareness charities use pink)
NORML KC Executive Director Jamie Kacz will be joining Greater St. Louis NORML in hosting this zoom event tonight featuring the wonderful Rep Peter Merideth! Rep Merideth has been hard at work introducing legislation to make our medical cannabis program better. Tune in tonight at 6:30pm!
“Join us tonight for the greater STL NORML Chapter meeting where we will have Peter Merideth as a guest to talk about tall our regularly scheduled info and hear a little from him about his experiences this past session, medical cannabis legislature and more. Live streamed on Greater St. Louis NORML FB page too.
Topic: Greater STL NORML Virtual Chapter Meeting Time: May 27, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 962 2186 2148 One tap mobile +19292056099,,96221862148# US (New York) +13017158592,,96221862148# US (Washington DC) “
There is a digital convention going on in Germany right now. The English Meeting will take place at 17:00 GTM+2 today. So, if you can take hold of a laptop, go there and listen up! We all faced the first 24h and than another (they'd been bad) and than another (they been worse) and than another (they'd been a little better) and even 24h more (they'd been fucking hell). But it is getting better! Try! You have nothing to loose, but so much to win!
The International Advocacy Office is going to be hosting MEALS AROUND THE WORLD next Wednesday on Jan 20th at 8-9PM PST!!! Here we’re going to be showing off some of our awesome cultural foods with the rest of you all!
It’s going to be fun, educational, and most importantly delicious!
Also please feel free to join the meeting with your own meal too! If you bring one from your own culture, make sure to show it off so the rest of us can enjoy it too!!!
You can register for the meeting here
Hey everyone! I volunteer with AHS and I wanted to let everyone know that this is happening. Here is the message: You are invited to a virtual COVID-19 Community Conversation with post-secondary students on Thursday December 10, 2020 from 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. This discussion is jointly hosted by Alberta Health Services (AHS), the Alberta Students' Executive Council (ASEC).
With several developments over the past months regarding COVID-19, AHS wants to talk directly with post-secondary students across Alberta to develop a shared understanding of the pandemic and how we can look after each other. You have the opportunity to hear from Dr. Kristin Klein, Medical Officer of Health with Provincial Population and Public Health, and a portion of the session will be reserved for your questions. There is an opportunity to submit your questions upon registration, to you can email them to .
To register, please visit
Please join us – your participation and input are needed and important! Forward this invitation to your friends; we are hoping for a large turnout!
Joanne Ballance, MPNL Senior Advisor Community Engagement and External Relations
On Behalf of All Staff of Volunteer Resources
You actually can on a computer! To be able to do it, go to your Zoom settings online (you'll need to login with SSO, if it asks for the company domain just type in "ucsb"). Once you're logged in, you can find a setting titled "Join different meetings simultaneously on desktop". Turn that on and you're set for future meetings!
The Neoliberal Project is hosting a Zoom Happy Hour tonight after the debates from 10:30PM to 12:00AM Eastern time. Sign up here to chat with other shitlibs about how you think the debate went.
More details are available in this thread.
The only backlash you'll get is from admins and professors from the universities. I've noticed their main argument usually is there's substantial costs for going online. This is simply not true (coming from IT team from my university). Our professors (including my grad supervisor) are given option to use our school's online lecturing system or Zoom. If you choose Zoom, that's approximately 2K USD per year for 300 students per professor and it's unlimited use within the year ( This is the cost of what a single student, out of hundreds, would pay for the course.
Also, another argument I've seen a lot is that they're trying to offset costs of lost international students and lost 'profit' from residence/shops within the school. If you look at these costs (financial statements are readily available for public universities), majority of university is losing about in total 10 to 15% of 'profit'. The counter argument is, it's highly unethical to offset these costs to students who are already struggling from the shitty economy because of the virus. Also, universities often have hundreds of millions, if not billions, in endowment where a portion of this endowment is supposed to be used for emergency situations like the one we're in right now. But guess what? They don't want to use it!
Lastly, the lack of transparency and lack of empathy for the students is just disgusting. But hey, I guess this is what happens when you turn education into a business.
If you are an account admin, you can log into the dashboard and it will give you metrics of the meeting and will show you reasons why a user disconnected from a past meeting. Clicking on a particular client will show you bitrate, jitter, packetloss, cpu usage, etc.
They do have pricing plans. IIRC Zoom also has an advantage over similiar apps in that their infrastructure is better for scaling. Therefore they can offer free/low-cost services for a wide range of customers. There are ofcourse drawbacks to this but if you want to use zoom professionally you should buy their plan anyway.
The National Council for Behavioral Health is having a Self Care and Stress Management webinar tomorrow afternoon as part of their COVID-19 Learning Series.
Not sure if we can stream the event, but you can come sit with us for the rest of December.
Daily Holiday sits every weekday 7am pacific time. Join Zoom Meeting
Wednesday Night Q&A, 7:30 pm Join Zoom Meeting
I wonder if you could put all those things into some kind of box that lets you use Zoom, or some other meeting or video conference software. Then the 'mirror' device could just be any computer/device that would run that meeting client.
Also, the room can then be used for video conferences.
Meeting link:
Passcode: 856904
Or Telephone:
US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799
Webinar ID: 945 8906 6464
Passcode: 856904
Meeting is at 5:30pm tonight on Zoom. There will be an opportunity for public comment (which is likely to take quite some time — 120 people are already signed up to attend). Feel free to email comments to / as well.
Zoom user quick start seems to cover it well.
But it's pretty much:
Download the app from or your preferred app store.
Find a meeting you want to join, note its meeting ID and any password
Launch the app and click Join - enter the meeting ID, your name or "handle", and then the password if there is one. Real first name and last initial are the most commonly used handles.
When you start to join, you're prompted about whether or not you want to turn on the computer camera and microphone. You can also turn them on or off while in the meeting.
When in the meeting, there are buttons on the bottom of the window that only become visible when you hover the mouse in that area. (This info from a Windows PC user - tablets, Macs, phones may vary - Chromebooks area about the same.) They include mute/unmute microphone, Video on/off, a "Participants" button, and a "Chat" button.
The "Participants" button brings up a window on the side showing a list of the people in the meeting, and is useful where one can "Raise Hand" - raise a virtual hand in some meetings. Recent updates to the Zoom app on MS Windows (and presumably other platforms) have moved the "Raise Hand" function to a "Reactions" button along the bottom section of the app's window.
The "Chat" button brings up a text chat window, used in various ways in different meetings - sometimes it's just general babble, "Hi Tony!" and sometimes it's used to convey meeting information like sponsorship contacts, links to AA websites and such. At some meetings this is disabled to avoid distractions.
To be fair, I've had recruiters (in the UK) for 100% legit jobs be secretive about the company name until the first call before. They want to know you're interested before they give any identifying info. It's really weird. They drip feed details until they know you're definitely willing to apply.
Worst one for this is salary, I hate going through sending someone my CV/Covering letter and an entire call with some rando recruiter before finding out the salary is half what I'm earning. Thanks for wasting my time.
Anyway, u/skeri6 point is sometimes recruiters are vague. links should be legit and will take you to a page that will open your zoom app (so you shouldn't need to enter details into a browser). As with any interaction with a stranger though, just approach with caution just in case it's an MLM or something as the user above has said.
How to participate in City Council meetings:
Meetings on Tuesdays, Twice Monthly – 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Video Zoom Meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Meeting ID: 176 727 634
Passcode: 714097
View Full Meeting Options
Zoom Call for AMA for the first 45 minutes (
Then please post your questions here. About to go live in 45 minutes!
Your updated code is in error. OutputFile should be a complete filename, ie "C:\MyFolder\ZoomInstaller.msi"
The issue that I am seeing is that they don't list a version number online and the version number is also not listed in the File Information. That may make it difficult to know when you need to download the newest version.
This worked for me:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing -OutFile C:\TechSupport\ZoomDirect.msi
And if you're wondering how to take a link for a meeting and join with the web client, just modify the URL! It's super easy. ->
Just replace the 0s with your meeting id
Yes I am going to ask this question. The webinar is from 1-2:00pm EST. Here’s the link[LSAC webinar](
Hello u/m0rtalityy, it appears you tried to put a link in a title, since most users cant click these I have placed it here for you
^I ^am ^a ^bot ^if ^you ^have ^any ^suggestions ^dm ^me
Personally love this one:
Anyone Anywhere AA
We are a non-geographic, audio-only, AA group that meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 pm EST and Wednesdays at 8:30 pm EST. Our Tuesday/Thursday meeting is a story discussion and our Wednesday meeting is a literature reading discussion. All meetings are audio conference calls that can be accessed by telephone or online using the Zoom app (please disable your video before joining). To join via Zoom, click on this link:
Meeting URL:
Or install the Zoom app and manually enter: Meeting ID: 973-955-6491
Or by telephone dial one of the numbers below and enter Meeting ID: 973-955-6491: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) +61 (0) 2 8015 2088 (Australia Toll) +1 647 558 0588 (Canada Toll) +52 554 161 4288 (Mexico Toll) +64 (0) 9 801 1188 (New Zealand Toll) Other International Dial-in Numbers:
IIf you have any questions about the meeting, please contact:
Skype, google face time (they have a dwarf's beard and helmet), gotomeeting, gotowebinar, almost anything but frickin' f/b, is that really a still a thing? Have you all learned nothing?
edit: Zoom was the other one. Probably my favorite too.
Yes as a matter of fact i do have an update.
On Monday i had an interview with Spot the difference, which is an outsourcing company. About an hour after the interview, i got a call from a UPS representative, She wanted to schedule an interview with their package handling department after seeing my reddit posts. Not sure how she got my phone number but cool, i had an interview scheduled for 2 pm. so after racing down to the Panera ((i got the call in jersey city)) i opened my laptop, downloaded the thing, and had the interview. I received an email about 30 minutes ago saying my intake process has been scheduled for 10 am on the 24th. After logging into my UPS account, i filled out the forms 8850 and W2, and my direct deposit form.
As far as i can tell, after my intake is done this Friday i start Monday. Full benefits, 25 hours a week, $10.35 an hour, i get to join a union (whatever that means) and i'm guaranteed a raise after a year. So now the plan is to save as much as possible. Hopefully i can stay at the shelter long enough to find more permeable housing.
I have also received interview offers from a door manufacturer, a concierge service, and the guy i gigged for a few days ago ((apparently I'm a good babysitter/chaperone)) at the time of writing this, UPS has the highest paying offer.
>ODU was just getting started in distance learning in the late 1980s, and if what the wife of a friend who used to work in that corner of the university tells me is accurate, they're quite good at it. If they don't provide good resources for remote one-on-one meetings with faculty/TAs/etc., everybody's gone enough bandwidth that Zoom (free for personal use and lots better than Skype) is a viable alternative.
Seconded. ODU is a national leader in distance learning...their CS courses designed by Zeil are excellent (and usually auto-graded). I also highly reccomend Dr. Bogack's classes (online and off). His online linear algebra classes was one of the best classes I have ever taken.
Verbal Beginnings has a free virtual CEU event this Wednesday discussing Trauma-Informed ABA! You can find out more info and register here.
When: Jun 15, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: APA Webinar - A Conversation with Lordstown Motor’s 3 Top Executives
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
When: Jun 15, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: APA Webinar - A Conversation with Lordstown Motor’s 3 Top Executives
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
$SNDL CEO Zachary George will be doing a Fireside Chat at the u/cantorfitzgerld
Canadian LPs Cannabis Forum on Monday, June 14 at 12:00pm ET.
Register for FREE here:
We're in the midst of a pandemic, and self-tapes with virtual readers has become the norm.
As the person who responded in your last post said, the echo is due to your reader having the volume up too high, so when you speak and your voice gets played back on their side your mic picks it up twice - which leads to a feedback loop.
Best way to circumvent this is to either have your reader wear headphones so the feedback loop doesn't happen, or use a different video conferencing app that eliminates this.
Free industry standard here in Canada is Zoom and it by default eliminates your voice from the video chat.
Use it to get your reader live, then record your performance in a different program or device.
You got this!!!! We got you. Staying sober minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day is a win.
This is a meeting I go to on zoom. The people are dope af and it’s saved my life. You can legit log on, turn camera off and go on mute if you need to.
7:30 PST
feel free to message me if needed. Stay strong fam. You got this
I can't find it at the moment - but there was a question / comment on merge/ticker flip in their presentation earlier this week.
Im sorry you are having a hard time but that is so awesome that you posted. 🙂 I suggest you check out an online AA meetings anonymously and just listen to people talk and see if you identify. Here is a link for a 24/7 meeting. I wish you the best friend. IWNDWYT
The Arkansas Democratic black caucus, is hosting a meeting on how Georgia flipped blue.
Their post:
Georgia is still on our mind. Just how did this traditional "red state" turn blue for Biden and then flip two senate seats in a runoff?
Join us for our monthly panel discussion as we hear from those who played a part in the victory.
Saturday Business meeting - 11:00 am Panel Discussion - 12:00 pm Register in advance for this meeting:
She’s getting scammed if she’s paying that. She may be confused and it’s her total donations but even that sounds like a lot for someone on a fixed income.
If she is paying that and has some “direction” in writing I’d contact the authorities for abuse of the elderly.
BMJ run webinar on schools in a few weeks. epidemiologist and "thinks schools weren't made safe enough and were driving transmission" campaigner is disappointed by the speaker list.
Today at 2pm (GMT +1) there will be a book launch for ‘Bàtà Mi á Dún Ko Ko Kà - A Biography of Níkę Okundaye’ written by Kofo Adeleke, about the art, times and philosophy of the Nigerian female artist Chief Nike Okundaye.
Join the event on Zoom.
Event:Nike Book Launch Event Time:2020/12/19 02:00 pm Africa/Lagos (GMT + 1)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting Code:980 7938 9379 Password:511699
Well if they were actually reconnecting wouldn't the log have " <Student Name> got disconnected from the meeting. Reason: Network connection error"
Also in the zoom admin panel you can goto the meeting click on the students name and check if they were sending / receiving video / audio packets
But I don't THINK there is an even recorded in the logs for name change.
In my area (California, SF Bay area) that's almost the only option! Seems like about 90% of the online meetings use Zoom. to download the app.
Find your local AA website and bookmark it. should lead to your local AA website.
Then fnd meetings from your local AA website, or if you wish, check out other regional websites or for a 'global' list of online meetings.
By and large, turning on your camera is optional.
> So nobody at the district understands privacy, either.
Explain please.
Maybe you’re new to the DSA? We have A LOT of overlap with the GPUS. Almost all of the GPUS are elected locally. Unfortunately, in about 40 states running a presidential candidate is required for maintaining ballot access. Which is obviously an impossible hurtle for most independent parties. So the majority of independent progressive parties unite behind a single candidate to maintain their ballot lines. The presidential campaign is what allows down ballot candidates to be able to run at all. Coincidentally, someone asked the same question in the AMA
Here’s an upcoming event with two DSA members who’re running as Greens, for anyone interested. Some DSA chapters and caucuses have endorsed the Hawkins/Walker Campaign too. I’m not sure if you know but Hawkins/Walker is also nominated by our sister org, SPUSA
Not really...previously you could use SSL decryption and block the login pages. However, some update that Zoom rolled out essentially broke it when using SSL decryption. At that point we had to turn off the SSl decryption for, otherwise the students couldn't get to their meetings/classes. I think the best option for now is to only allow it during school hours and block it completely after hours.
I don't believe Pete was involved in the discussion, but here's the link - hat tip to u/Librarylady2020:
Edit: Wait this doesn't actually have Pete in it, sorry!
So here's the link, here's the code: 977 5367 2728 here's the password: 8Wj3T0
Do something funky and please name yourself "Mark Zaitsev",i really want to destroy my history teacher.
If you do a little reading you will see it does offer end-to-end encryption. People are getting hacked because the didn't RTFM.
I think that means they want all lectures to be delivered via Zoom (teleconferencing software):
So like there will be a Zoom link in canvas to click open during the normal lecture times. The instructor can save a recording of their session and post it.