So, I am a Christian, but I also believe that this is an overreach of the separation clause.
That said... which Bible? I read HB1626 and ACA 6-16-145, and neither specifies it only says "the Bible" not The Holy Bible" or a specific translation.
Not only are their many different Christian Bibles, but I wonder if 15 kids could request a study on the Bartender's Bible or the Satanic Bible and under this law a school would have to offer it?
COVID-19: There have been approximately 555,486 deaths reported worldwide. In the U.S, 133,291 people have died of COVID-19, as of July 10, 2020.*
Flu: The World Health Organization estimates that 290,000 to 650,000 people die of flu-related causes every year worldwide.
In the U.S., from Oct. 1, 2019 – Apr. 4, 2020, the CDC estimates that 24,000 to 62,000 people died from the flu. (The CDC does not know the exact number because the flu is not a reportable disease in most parts of the U.S.)
The COVID-19 situation is changing rapidly. Since this disease is caused by a new virus, people do not have immunity to it, and a vaccine may be many months away. Doctors and scientists are working to estimate the mortality rate of COVID-19, but at present, it is thought to be substantially higher than that of most strains of the flu.
*This information comes from the Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases map developed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering.
The Arkansas Democratic black caucus, is hosting a meeting on how Georgia flipped blue.
Their post:
Georgia is still on our mind. Just how did this traditional "red state" turn blue for Biden and then flip two senate seats in a runoff?
Join us for our monthly panel discussion as we hear from those who played a part in the victory.
Saturday Business meeting - 11:00 am Panel Discussion - 12:00 pm Register in advance for this meeting:
Sounds like Ms. Brickell has pretty much cracked it, doesn't it? She has a book about this but it's out of print.
Would really be interested in a well-made documentary on this.
Eureka Springs is definitely worth a stop on the way down -- one of the more unique spots in the country!
Camping is good at Lost Valley (can anyone confirm if it's still open), Kyle's Landing, Steel Creek. These are the most popular spots. Lost Valley is truly a lovely place to camp.
Don't miss the Glory Hole, either!
Enjoy your trip! The Buffalo is really underrated as a recreation destination and is extremely rich in beauty.
Jesus, you're either really dense or not even trying. Nearly every online schedule lists the channel next to the game, even if it's not on their network. Here's the link to next week.
> You have no choose if they remove Net Neutrality.
Tommy opens a lemonaid stand on his street. He offers a great product for a great price and is rewarded with lots of happy customers. However, Tommy gets greedy and decides to triple his prices and water down the lemonaid to make more money. One of the customers complains and her daugher Sally opens a stand of her own just a few houses down. Sally charges half of what you do and doesn't water down her lemonaid. Now Sally has all of Tommy's customers - even his mom.
> Arkansas is already under Comcast monopoly.
False, but again, this is mostly irrelevant as net neutrality will not magically give consumers more ISP choices.
> Economic history shows that business will reach monopolies without the government regulation.
Negative. History shows that 99.999% of monopolies occur when government creates them.
> Look up Antitrust Laws.
Already have. Read this. TL;DR anti-trust laws historically punish entrepreneurs for driving down prices. They are anti-consumer.
> Also you're not paying cheaper for sites you don't use, and saying "oh well I don't use these kinds of sites so it isn't detrimental to me" is shitty because that's why cable television is so shitty now.
Totally wrong. The government regulates broadcast TV! I would cite that as a huge reason netflix, amazon prime, etc are doing so well. Your position is to extend this regulation to the internet too! Granted, I concede that the Obama Administration did a good job of not using title II powers but that's only one administration.
>Also site a source about MetroPCS incident.
You can buy hemp oil from Amazon or a natural foods grocery store and make your own. Hemp oil has a strong taste, but I’ve used it in cakes and it was fine. You can use it in any dish where you’d use vegetable oil.
Call this number at 6am: 501-534-6304.
The lines open at 6am. I got through on my second or third try. You can also try using an Auto Redial app.
After sunset you don't have the radiant heat. Lows should be around 70°F.
Tell your corporate overlords about these.
Oh shit, I forgot all about Golden Leaves. If it's like it was when I last went there, it should be about what you're looking for.
Hold on, I'll find you a street view of where I remember them.
Also if you want, bring a couple of empty jugs, you should still be able to fill them with spring water for free.
Edit1:Looks like Golden Leaves is still here.
Edit2: It looks like they may have taken the spring taps out, but check in this parking lot while you're headed to the book store.
Also, would you mind taking a couple of pictures for me? I'll PM you the locations if so.
Mmm, back around 1999/2000 there was a place called The Witch Shoppe.
I still have a business card of theirs from back there.
The address is listed as 722 Park Avenue, and I believe that link points to the place it was.
I tried their website address on this card, but it doesn't even 404, it just goes to Server Not Found.
A couple of quick searches show the business last mentioned around 2003/2005, so I'd say it's gone.
The phone number is now for an escort service, so I suppose that's something to do....
The biggest thing about weather in Arkansas is that it changes a lot from day to day. Inconsistent. We joke about it.
Here's the historical data from December last year. Having 70 degree days is unusually warm for winter, below 20 unusually cold.
It's not going to be like Austin. But it's also not going to be like Seattle. We do have bright clear days, even if it's cold. If anything, I think it's our autumns that can be more gray and rainy. But again, inconsistent.
This information comes too late for those who scheduled medical appointments but for others' futures, Amazon still has emergency contraceptive (aka Plan B or morning after) pills available for preventive medication. The price has doubled since I ordered a supply this morning, so I encourage anyone interested to order now.
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills
This is the workbook my therapist has just recommended that I purchase. I haven't opened it to work in it just yet but we have been practicing some things from it that have helped. (R.E.S.T.) It feels weird to try and retrain my brain and it's exhausting to constantly correct my thoughts but if I don't try, it will never change for the better. I hope this helps a little bit, and for the record I relate to some of what you've mentioned here, OP. I miss having friends, people to speak with about things. I miss knowing who I am and WHY. I miss having plans and things to look forward to. If you're looking for an outlet, my inbox is open and I don't mind being for you what I'd like to have for myself.
Well, you're currently outside of the normal enrollment period so unless you have a "qualifying life event" that puts you into a special enrollment period, you may have to wait. Your best bet outside of your employer is probably going to be through the exchange, though you can look at for more info.
Trump eventually told people to get vaccinated and it didn't make any difference. Now Donny has moved to and continues to spew his election fraud rhetoric to his followers.
Get an atlas of the state and some of Tim Ernst's guide books and discover the special places for yourself.
Long range forecast is calling for highs in the 50s and lows in the 30s.
I haven't hiked it and don't know about campsites, but I know people that have and they mentioned there are a lot of water crossings. Maybe there's some info here:
> The United States seceded from Great Britain and wanted to continue owning other people.
For fuck's sake, that's not why they seceded though!
> Defending the Confederacy is no different than defending the United States of America's right to independence.
It absolutely isn't. First of all, there's no such thing as "right to independence." The only reason you ever want independence from a country is because that country is forcing something on you that you don't want, and then the whole point is that there is no right to independence, you have to fight for it.
Second of all, the reason that these are completely different is because the U.S. fought for independence because they were being unfairly taxed. The Confederacy fought for independence because they were upset that their business of owning people was being messed with. Two very very different things. I honestly don't understand how anyone could support the second one.
> People have the right to secede...secession is the right of people so long as it's done so through a democratic or otherwise fairly representative process.
Um, no it's not. It's definitely not legal for a state to secede, no matter how "democratic or otherwise fairly representative" the process is. If you don't believe me, just check out the Supreme Court case Texas v. White, which decided that "the United States is 'an indestructible union' from which no state can secede."
> So would you say that it's wrong to defend the United States' independence from Great Britain since Great Britain abolished slavery long before the US did?
You realize that this doesn't make any sense, right? Great Britain didn't abolish slavery until 1807, a full 24 years after the U.S. left. The American revolution and GB abolishing slavery were in no way connected.
There was disapproval and dismay for much of what he said, I don't think that qualifies as constant heckling considering the definition I've quoted below. It seems that a more ad hominem intent/tone would've been necessary for that to have been heckling. I didn't hear any insults to him directly, but to his actions and ideas which are firmly under the scope of what is appropriate for citizens to speak up about. I'm open to being proven wrong, though I wouldn't expect any group of 2k people to have someone trash talking in it- regardless of political affiliation (see the misadventures of candidates' campaign rallies of recent past, there's plenty of dirt).
> to harass and try to disconcert with questions, challenges, or gibes
To Cotton's credit, he didn't cancel like many other congressmen have. He, as always, stuck to a party line 95% of the time pivoting and side-stepping hard questions like a proper sophist.
When I kept reading I saw they opened a store on restaurant row in Dallas a supposedly popular stretch of munchie stations
The upper Buffalo will be too low to float this time of year. I’ve hear the lower is getting that way too since we have been in a pretty bad drought. You can camp and float with dogs, however dogs are not allowed on the Buffalo River Trails.
Speaking of drought, you probably won’t find many waterfalls that are running. You may call the rangers before you decide on a location.
Just from experience, there may be better places, but I would try Haw Creek. There is a swimming hole/waterfall at the camp ground. Plenty of waterfalls nearby to hike to, and all the trails are dog friendly. Here is a map.
Also as cubicleninja said, most caves in Arkansas are closed to prevent the spread of White Nose Syndrome. Don’t go into a cave unless you know it is still open.
You don't know what you are talking about and you are spreading misinformation.
For anyone who wants to listen to an ACTUAL expert explain the risks, listen to this podcast with Michael Osterholm.
Here are his credentials:
Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota
Edit: people like the idiot I am responding to are gonna get people fucking killed. Please don't be a fucking moron like this guy, and listen to actual experts, not deranged politicians with vindictive agendas
Too bad hand sanitizer does FUCK-ALL for corona. It is spread through the air, so what people should be buying is N95 respirator masks
Edit: For anyone who wants to listen to an ACTUAL expert explain the risks, listen to this podcast with Michael Osterholm.
Here are his credentials:
Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota
Yea programming is tough. I'm more of an artist than a programmer myself, but in the past few years I've gotten pretty good all thanks to a simple training series I found. It's so clear and to the point, and its for absolute beginners.
Take a look at this:
Learn one chapter from that series a week (That's what I did) and you will know how to program by the end of it. Then you can use a program called Unity 3D to make games.
(After the programming series) Go here to learn how to use Unity:
When you finally get a basic understanding of unity, I recommend making something simple. For example a cube that you move left and right with obstacles coming toward you that you have to dodge.
If you’re into hiking, I’d recommend checking out sites like these and then search for Airbnbs in the area. My friends and I rent out a cabin for NYE each year and hike the next day. Haven’t had a bad experience yet.
I personally think Hot Springs is overrated, but that could just be me being a snooty Little Rockian.
Here are some numbers that might be helpful if you need contact info. Wish I could help more, but I'm packing to leave Arkansas in a couple of days. Good luck!
IMO, you can't go wrong with a Roostertail. They come in a ton of colors/sizes, are relatively cheap and they also come in different hook configurations for those places where you need barbless hooks. I've caught everything from panfish to bass to trout on them.
The Buffalo River Trail runs from Ponca to Pruitt and the Old River Trail follows the river. In the fall when the river is low, you can combine parts of each trail with the various access points do a number of hikes of varying length. The Trails Illustrated Buffalo National River West map is an excellent resource for planning.
You can add what is called a back flow preventer. It’s a shitty task but will be cheaper if you do do it yourself.
Canplas 123254PK1 ABS Fullport Backwater Valve, 4-Inch
Seems like you have some good suggestions. Hopping on to recommend this book. Outfitters sometimes have it, and local libraries will too.
Arkansas Dayhikes for Kids & Families: 105 Easy Trails in "The Natural State"
There are lots of great trails around the Buffalo River but the age of the kids make it a bit limiting.
The Whitaker Point (aka Hawksbill Crag) trail is one of the most popular in the area and will be packed that time of year. The trail at Lost Valley is another to consider although it doesn't offer the vistas that WP does. The Goat Trail out to Big Bluff is another popular trail but it's 6 miles round trip.
The Buffalo River Trail and Old River Trail offer a lot of possibilities (starting from Ponca, Steel Creek, Kyles Landing, or Erbie. There are a number of old homesteads that aren't too difficult to get to and the hike from Kyles to Hemmed-in-Hollow isn't too difficult although it crosses the river a number of times but the river is typically very low in the upper reaches that time of year with the crossings being shallow. A good resource for trails and homesteads in the area is the Nat'l Geo. Trails Illustrated map here.
The Arkansas Grand Canyon isn't much IMO, basically just a view into an Ozark valley. I love the Ozark Cafe and have been there many times but am not familiar with the Blue Mountain. There's also a restaurant in an old gas station in Low Gap (about halfway between Ponca and Jasper) that gets good reviews.
There are fields near Ponca where the Elk gather for feeding in the mornings and evenings, always a popular spot.
The upper part of the Buffalo (Ponca to Pruitt) is too low to float now. The middle and lower are low but floatable. See river conditions here.
When it's hot and the upper is low, as it is now, it can be fun to hike the Old River Trail that follows the river and crosses it numerous times with ample opportunity to get wet and swim. Get the National Geographic Trails Illustrated map of the western part of the river as it shows the river, the trails, mileages, old homesteads, and scenic spots. Link here or Buffalo Outdoor Center in Ponca may have it.
The hikes to Hemmed in Hollow, Lost Valley, and the Goat Trail to Big Bluff are great as are visits to the Villines homestead, Granny Hendersons House, and the Parker-Hickman homestead near Erbie.
Be sure to have plenty of insect repellent as the chiggers and ticks will be out.
With the limited indoor and sports activities this year because of Covid-19 the Buffalo and other outdoor venues in the state have been packed.
Standard size MERV 13 for your house. Not that expensive. I can't even find one for sale on amazon less than MERV 5.
First Alert Battery Powered Smoke Alarm with Silence Button, SA303CN3
When would you be going? How many miles a day do you want to hike? The Buffalo River area between Ponca and Pruitt offers what you're looking for either one-way or as a loop using the Buffalo River Trail and Old River Trail. There are also other trails and features in the area to explore. The National Geographic Trails Illustrated map of the western section of the river is a great planning tool and shows the river, trails, and scenic areas.
I live about 30 miles outside Little Rock, towards Pine Bluff, and I get the same channels, and also struggle with 2.1 and 11.1, and sometimes with 7, my antenna is on a 20 foot pole.
We have tried the Channel Master 4228 antenna
and the Esky HG-996 Remote Control HDTV Outdoor Antenna
both get the same channels, the Esky HG-996 is mostly cheap plastic and likely wont survive very long.
I know you don't want to buy her anything, but this book is a great list of trails in central Arkansas with detailed information and photos. I'm at work right now or I'd just tell you what's close to Conway.
Oh for sure, several of my friends were too small to go to a division one school like the UofA after high school. A couple went to UCA and a few went to stAte by their junior year they were as big as any Razorback and just as strong. Toledo was a good team and our defense held them to just 16 but our O-line just couldn't run block.
I always have fun at razorback games even if we loose. I can't find my old barnoculars but I'll some whiskey in there somehow.
This site has a lot of trails in and around Little Rock:
Some recommendations: Pinnacle Mountain Two Rivers River Trail Burns Park
This book (can get Kindle Version pretty cheap) has even more trail maps and descriptions:
You should try out the Google VR Cardboard Camera App next time you are up there they have one for the iPhone and Android Android: iPhone:
I personally haven't tested the camera version but being too disabled to make that hike anymore I think it would be neat to take "a walk around up top" in VR again. If you wouldn't mind.