If you haven't downloaded the MyCville app you can do it here: Android Apple
Open up the app and top left menu click :
Submit new request - then- Report an issue- pick trash- address should auto fill but it is easy to enter- take photo (optional)- and then submit.
You will receive a confirmation and then an update.
On the other side of the coin, it might be worth also adding the ACLU's app for documenting/reporting police misconduct / rights violations: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.aclu.mobile.justice.va
Balance to the force or yin and yang or whatever. They actually sound like very similar apps, just sent off to different servers.
Side note: I've not really looked into the privacy or TOS, etc. of either app yet, so I'm not sure if I will actually install them. Plus, under a state of emergency your rights may be different from normal, IANAL. Finally, to be clear, as of right now I'm glad to have the increased police presence even if it's overcompensating for the weak response last year with a heavy dose of security theater.
Lemme give you a heads-up, that took me about a year to figure out: they do not stick to actual, tested medical practices.
Last time I was there, a doctor provided me with a written prescription for an "earthing sheet" and another for something called "Restore." An "earthing sheet" turns out to be a sort of a tarp that you plug into a grounded outlet, and you put your bare feet on it, and something something you're grounded into the earth. And "Restore" turns out to be — I am not making this up — "magic dirt water." Literally dirt mixed into water. It was something like $40 for a month's supply. Downtown Family Medicine sells it right there, from a stash behind the counter. In an amazing coincidence, it's a product of a company owned by a guy here in Charlottesville who used to be in business (maybe still is, idk) with a doctor at Downtown Family Medicine.
And that was the end of my time with Downtown Family Medicine. (I thought about complaining, but realized there was no point, since they sell the dirt water right there behind the counter. This wasn't about just one doctor.) If you want doctors who are not constrained by science, they're probably your folks! If that's not your bag, look elsewhere.
If you can reach your ducts get this and do it yourself for a lot less. Purchased this last year and worked like a charm. Took about 20 minutes going back and forth to get all the dust, lint, etc out. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SQYX2FH
Meeting is at 5:30pm tonight on Zoom. There will be an opportunity for public comment (which is likely to take quite some time — 120 people are already signed up to attend). Feel free to email comments to / as well.
It's true that premiums have gone up since Obamacare, just as they were going up before Obamacare was passed. The change from this year to next year is especially bad because Trump is ending the cost sharing subsidies. This is causing insurers to leave the exchange and others are raising their premiums at unprecedented levels. Obamacare can't function without the subsidies, and by killing them Trump and Ryan can call Obamacare a failure and increase pressure for repealing it.
This looks like it could be this cat... https://nextdoor.com/news_feed/?post=181828564 - seems a long way for him to have traveled but I do hope it is!
I proposed around this time of year on the top of Little Calf Mountain. It's a bit to the north up Skyline Drive, and then a < 3 mile hike to summit, which is has a lovely view of the valley.
Basically a shady redirect website. You're contributing to a clicker and ad revenue for visits while the site itself just links you to indeed.com.
As many Redditors have commented, there are many, many trails. For easier hikes, I would check out kid friendly hikes. I don't know what is strenuous for you, but the hike to Jones Mountain Cabin is always nice - you can go a number of different routes, but I really enjoy the hike to Bear Church Rock, which is about a mile before the cabin (which is locked up unless you rent it from PATC). I see dogs on the trail all the time but rarely do I see more than a few people on each trip.
There is a small convenience store right before you get to the trailhead. They sell awesome BLT sandwiches.
Plenty of stuff to do in Cville, but it does help to have a good social group to go with. Cville seems to be very couples-oriented, which can make it tough for a single person by themselves. Look into meetup.com for groups that might interest you.
I've never lived in Richmond, but if you're currently living downtown Richmond then I'm going to guess that Cville will be a step down. OTOH, for the size of "city" it is, the array of dining etc. is quite impressive. It's just the inevitable effect of population size/density that makes the difference between the two.
Also keep in mind that Richmond isn't that far away, if you wanted to go back on weekends etc.
Oh, wow, that looks cool! I'm only just getting into RPi, so I'm just looking to start some lightweight stuff. I'm currently working on a Pi Hole. https://pi-hole.net/
I'll look for that Makers club. Does it include things like 3D printing?
It’s too late for this year but try it next. I live by a pond and we hang them in the spring, and there are barely any skeeters all summer.
Have you tried treating it with this first
It works with bamboo and other woods and is food safe. It's deluxe!
if you have prime and are on a budget this is 50% off today
If you are just looking to paddle around a lake, I would like to recommend getting a $90 inflatable intex kayak and spending the rest of the spring, summer and fall at Beaver Creek.
If your child is in the city or county schools they should have them available for those wanting them. Just ask their teacher or the office.
Otherwise, they are pretty readily available for order online now and there have been no shipping delays recently. These are the ones we use for our kids and they fit great. These are also the same ones the schools had at one time. https://www.amazon.com/MISSAA-Disposable-Protective-Earloops-Children/dp/B09TTFW5DZ/?th=1
I was curious on that as well. Started a t-shirt company but looking for donated shirts. Why not ask for donated coloring as well. Maybe free labor to make them.
Anywho, you can get an 8-pack of new white shirts on Amazon for $20 which is probably similar to what you were paying for used ones from Goodwill.
Yesterday to today was more than 24 hours below freezing, obviously. But prior to that, the last time the airport recorded 24 hours below freezing was January 30 through February 2, 2019. That was 67 consecutive hours below freezing.
In January, Charlottesville experiences an average of 4.6 days with rain and 1.2 days with snow. Average total monthly snowfall is 4.5".
So 6-12" of snow in one storm is extremely notable for the area. I'd prepare to see a lot of discussion about it around here in the coming days as we see whether it pans out.
according the the latest update on the kickstarter page:
>At our Grand Opening on May 25th, we hosted a Rainbow Rush 5k, two bands, spoken word, acrobats, a community planting, a graffiti stencil demonstration and a "plarning" workshop. During the festive day, we had 500-600 visitors and recorded 125 bucket-list items, 110 dreams - plus a half dozen spontaneous new pencil works on our doodle desks. Whew!
I recently became active again on FreeCycle Charlottesville which had been a Yahoo group but is now hosted here. I thought it had broken, but it works again.
I highly recommend these kind of shoe grip things. They go on and come off real easy, they stretch easily to fit everything of mine, and most importantly, they absolutely work.
Haven't had any trouble with icy roads or sidewalks. I only wear them when there is actually snow and ice about, they aren't ideal to wear when the places you are walking are 95% cleared. Yaxtrax are better for that kind of thing.
Just did St. Mary’s Wilderness this past weekend. Its all along a river so no spectacular views but the river is beautiful. Prepared to get a little wet.
I did Chimney Hollow Trail last week. A nice, steep climb with some pretty views and stream crossings. I didn't go all the way to Elliott Knob, though.
If you want a less steep but still hilly one, Trimble Mountain is nice too.
Last weekend I hiked to White Rock Falls. It's a bit of a drive because you have to get on the parkway at Wintergreen. But the falls are especially full in the spring.
Can we get a link to the event instead of DJ Spam? Time, cost, etc?
Edit: yanked this from the r/UVa thread:
He is playing starting at 10:30 for the after party of a benefit for Light House Studios, a Charlottesville non-profit that helps youth create film's. The benefit dinner is more expensive and starts at 6:30, but this is for a younger crowd. $20 includes a free drink ticket and music all night. Cash bar all night. Event: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=269011896444056
This doesn't help you now, but it may in the future. I bought this cheap power inverter which allows me to charge my laptop in the car. I also use my phone as a hotspot. Less than ideal, but it allows me to check my email, use teams, etc. The inverter is also great for roadtrips.
I’m not sure they make those. But they make good KF94 masks for toddlers and young kids. For example: [20 Pack] Dr.Puri New Micro-Dust Protection Face Premium Mask (KF94) White Small https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08N66VVKL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_25V8NAMSEKQY9SNPR4HJ
Ting employee and cord cutter here, just popping in with some options. There are a couple of ways to watch BTN without cable and they vary in prices. Sling is probably the best way to go with the Sling Blue + Sports Add-on but other companies have other offerings as well. This article has a breakdown of all the options.
I just got an email from Nextdoor about a cat thats been hanging around someone's house in Glenmore. The thumbnail pic looks similar to your missing cat. Unfortunately I can't login to Nextdoor to confirm right now. Working on it.
Edit: got in to Nextdoor. Might not be your cat. Sorry if I got your hopes up. Not sure if this link will work for ya: https://nextdoor.com/post/149406516?init_source=copy_link_share
meetup.com . Try some groups based on your interests, and/or just a general social group for entertainment. Good way to meet people and find interesting locations and events locally.
I’m really surprised that nobody has mentioned the GAME CHANGING food that Purina has that makes cats produce less Fel D 1 which is the protein that we are allergic to :) Reduces allergens by 47% after a couple weeks of feeding. And it’s pretty good stuff!
Purina Pro Plan LiveClear With Probiotics Allergen Reducing Adult Dry Cat Food & Cat Shampoo https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0848R7D13/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_MN803RDYFA4A5X7BN73G?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I am (used to be, can be) deathly allergic and with this food and daily allergy meds I now have one resident cat and I also foster cats from spca. My cat (domestic shorthair Russian blue mix) sleeps in my bed w me every night next to my head, I can rub my face in her belly and not even sniffle!!!
There is also a dry shampoo but idk how much it actually helps? I swear by the food though.
Regular brushing also helps especially after you start them on the food to help get old dander off.
Good luck!!!
Instead of expensive filters I just have 20” box fans with 20 x 20 x 1 HEPA filters (You can buy packs on Amazon for pretty cheap) in every room that the cats frequent.
If you're willing to go up to the SNP/Skyline Drive, you should check out Doyle River Falls (https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/virginia/doyles-river-falls-trail). It's a relatively easy out-and-back hike with a very nice set of falls.
I don't know who needs to hear this, but Roots is apparently now offering individual topping and dressing delivery... so you can hypothetically bulk buy and recreate your own Roots bowls with little contact required. Been avoiding restaurants entirely so I am pretty hype about this.
>Is there a relatively safe route to bike from cville to crozet? Ive been trying to figure out safe ways to connect cville to other rides safely.
Reasonably. When I come into Charlottesville early, I tend to stay on 250 more than I would at times of higher levels of traffic.
This is a bit longer route, but it's reasonably safe, and you're on 250 for only a bit.
If you get an Amazon gift card, you can always spend it on a coin counter... and then charge your friends to sort/roll their coins :) Here's a link to the cheapest one I could find -
Make your own! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071VTXCTR
No really, Carpe Donut has the exact same kind of apple cider donuts, and though their storefront is closed (they say they are still at the market on their website but I don’t have an account to check).
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