You can start with Ёлка - the closest to Spektor with clear speech.
Elliott Smith - too sweet for my taste, closest i can remember now is Сплин - Черновики: - also clear speech.
Hope Yandex music works for you.
Космос бороздя
Думал ты, наверное
Все это не зря
Прекрасное мгновение
Глядя в иллюминатор
В даль ты уносился
Юра подумал еще раз
Нажуй я согласился
Юра, прости
Мы проебали эпоху
А в ответ только эхо
Ребята, я мертвый
(Восток-Восток, какие-то помехи в эфире, повторите)
Мне похуй, мне похуй
Мне похуй, мне похуй
Знали бы вы, земляне
Как плохо в этой ракете
Куда ты летишь непонятно
И вернешься ли к детям
Словно железная птица
В небо ракета взмылась
Каким мне богам молиться,
Чтоб нахуй все не развалилось
Восток-Восток, как обстановка, доложите
Восток-Восток, какие-то помехи в эфире., повторите
Повторяю, повторите
Ха-ха, блядь
Земля-Земля, это Кедр, докладываю
Мне похуй. мне похуй
Мне похуй, мне похуй
Well, I'm not getting too inspired by 'rap' in general, and then 'russian rap' is a bad domestified copy of this imported shit. Nothing authentic, nothing sincere, nothing true to itself. Bad texts, no melody, boring commercial videos which all overagressively look the same.
But, as I said, this is more like a generalization, actually I still love a few rare pieces of Russian Rap, like this or that.
москва златоглавая, also known as конфетки-бараночки
...and I'm not really sure if it's old enough, it doesn't really sound so, more like 'новодел'
I have transform your playlist to the Apple Music, Yandex Music and YouTube videos.
Анафема..не буду вдаваться в подробности,
просто слушай перед сном:
Untouchable, Pt. 1 - лучшая. Лет 7 под неё засыпаю
It seems that dips into jazz are relatively common for rock/blues musicians. For example, here's Slade's power ballad My Oh My covered in swing style, although to be fair it was just Noddy Holder's vocals over completely different band's music.
Russian rock legend Andrey Makarevich, the leader of Mashina Vremeni started a Creole Tango Orchestra as a side project, and now he tours more with it than with his original band. Also, one of his songs also received a jazz cover, though by a different artist, but one who usually don't play jazz (original).
Yes, the track was included to the game's OST. The list of perfomers above belongs to Russian Rock. It's wide spectre of different music genres but in common it's songs in Russian, usually with social related texts. So I suggest to start with this link.
Never. Do not listen. Old Russian lullabies.
<iframe frameborder="0" style="border:none;width:100%;height:180px;" width="100%" height="180" src="">Слушайте <a href=''>Смертная колыбельная</a> — <a href=''>Евгения Славина</a> на Яндекс.Музыке</iframe>
Is Verka Serduchka a cultural icon? Oh my God....
Better try this:
the same on spotify:
Stories of russian sex/Истории русского секса
From the description:
"Every week, Ekaterina Krongauz tells stories about sex. in the first season, she talked to people of different generations about how they had sex and discussed it when the word "sex" was not yet there, and what it was like to have sex if they could go to prison for it. in the second season, there will be stories that are happening now or have happened quite recently. How do sexuality and religion get along? What do we fantasize about, how to come up with an ethical stand-up about sex and how to become better at sex?"
The episode about Leyla, a transgendered woman from the Caucasus region, is probably the most gruesome and emotionally exhausting podcast episode that I ever listened to.
""Rewind" is a podcast based on recordings from family archives sent by our listeners. each episode is a human story, illustrating in its own way a particular period in the history of russia. the time range covers the entire xx century-from the revolution of 1917 (which one of the heroes saw with his own eyes!) before the collapse of the soviet union and the first years of post-soviet russia."
Emotional, some stories are heart-touching and will make you cry but overall leaves that "feel-good" feeling that stays with you through the day.
The voice of the zone/Голос зоны
The podcast "Golos Zony" tells the story of the rap group E.P.K.T., which creates and releases its music in secret from a high-security prison colony in Russia.
Russian Rock was always mostly about lyrics not about music so... We can split Russian punk into three main eras and three main icons: 1. Soviet punk it is Гражданская Оборона(Civil Defend). Bank from my city. Everyone in the Russian-speaking part of the world knows at least a couple of their songs. 2. In the 90s-10s the lead bands in the genre was Король и Шут(King and Fool). Not pure punk, it is art-folk-punk-rock. Each of their songs is a short horror story. They have their own sound and mood. 3. Moden punk is Порнофильмы. They sing songs about politics.
Собрал плейлист на яндексе на основе предложенного , но не все альбомы нашел в версии указанной автором и брал другие версии того же альбома.
Я, как любитель послушать иногда джаз, не смог пройти мимо.
Сам не разбираюсь особо и решил прислушаться к человеку, который смыслит (надеюсь).
И по горячим следам :
два разных альбома под номером 37;
Miles Davis : "King of Blues (legacy edition)" (1959) вероятно "Kind of Blues"
Just any Russian Indi artist. Checkout yandex music, they have special stream for this
Блять, как же смешат такие коментарии. А в России что, кто-то стесняется, говорить против власти? И самое главное за это кому-то что бывает? Вот сегодня в подборку музыки мне вполне себе российский yandex music добавил вот это:
И вроде с такими текстами и такой обложкой никто из этой группы не сидит, их музыка спокойно лежит в яндексе. Это абсолютно противоречит тому о чем говорится в песне, но этих говнопанков это никак не волнует. Не знаю зачем мне вообще их яндекс порекомендовал, я такое политизированное говно не слушаю принципиально.
I think you might to listen russian rock. This is Виктор Цой, Владимир Высоцкий, Аквариум, Король и Шут, Машина времени, Жуки, Мумий Тролль, ДДТ, Високосный Год, Ногу свело! and etc.
I can recommend this playlist on Yandex.Music -
Мля. Ну если "это" для тебя что-то новое, то вот тебе и ответочка из русского рока:
Там тоже, знаешь ли, смешали и варган и горловое (гусары, нахуй идите) пение и тот же классические русский рок. А вот то, что ты скидывал, где басовая партия на весь трек, так это же "басоф больше, темааа". Скоро, блядь, палкой об пень будут колотить, а слушатели "во, новое, крутое! Вы басы послушайте как долбят".
Король и шут, Земфира, ляпис Трубецкой, мумий тролль, танцы минус, Найк Борзов, смысловые галлюцинации, наив, пурген, сектор газа, тараканы, элизиум, бригадный подряд, порнофильмы, 1,5 килограмма отличного пюре For start, try this
Since this is a language-oriented subreddit, here are some contemporary bands with interesting and funny texts.
Лорд Пневмослон - light-hearted satire, kinda like Weird Al but with originals instead of parodies and uses stronger language Комсомольск - modern indie pop-rock Серебряная Свадьба - self-proclaimed cabaret-band
Here's a link to a recent thread on Askarussian. A bunch of links there. Since a wrote my comment in Russian: Top tracks on youtube in Russia, top tracks on There's a bunch of foreign music there, but it'll give you an idea what's popular right now.
I don't know much really, but anyways... as far as I know this "old belief" poliphony is being researched and "undug" (as it was destroyed during westernization) mostly in the SpB conservatory. It's also used in Valaam Choir and gaining recognition in some other choirs, as far as I could tell.
And if you're actually doing some kind of research or having professional interest, there is public e-archive with those ancient texts, though I really don't have any idea how to use it (properly).
As for actual piece of music, I could contribute only this cover performed in a similar manner.