I know Mikemikev from Kiwi Farms. He's literally insane and has his own thread there.
Although banned on Facebook and Twitter, he still has a gab account:
No, it's all looks factual.
"Yes, I have prostate cancer, precisely diagnosed, and I read some of the literature. In consultation with my urologist, and based on opinion in the New England Journal of Medicine, I disregarded standard recommendations for surgery, or radiation, and chemo, and opted for "watchful waiting," and also to tighten up my HFLC diet, which had gotten sloppy. I continue to monitor the situation, and will for the rest of my life." - Abd Lomax
You are a fat old man pushing 80, in your other comments you admitted you have a blockage:
"Yes, I have a diagnosed blockage, obviously not complete, but definitely of concern, showing up in a nuclear stress test." - Abd Lomax
These are the last years of your life but instead of using that valuable time you troll the internet all day harassing more people.
Not sure about 1,2
Things like what OP claims is possible but if it's true it means someone from inside the chatroom knew about it's hosted content and got it reported, which is how matrix aims for people to govern their hosted content.