I agree discord is a shit platform for privacy. I also think that most of the time the top one priority is to create a community with a low entry barrier so anyone can organize and work together. And discord works well because a lot of people use it.
But again, if your group can move to another platform where you have privacy that's amazing and you should definitely do it. Try element.io to replace discord or signal.org to replace telegram and whatsapp.
Matrix is great! Its a chat protocol that has many front ends your users can choose from. The most popular front end is Element.
Why use matrix?
At its core, the protocol is just for routing messages between clients and servers. This means you can join multiple servers (hosted by other matrix users). There's also bridges between other chat services so you can do all your communication in one place.
Also, with Jitsi integration you can do video calls directly in the app.
I'll use this comment for a shameless plug for the Matrix protocoll and their main client Element. They have end to end encryption by default that works across mutliple devices with users across multiple servers. All code and specifications are completely out in the open and thus independently verifiable to be secure, you can even host your own entire infrastructure if you want and still stay in touch with people from other matrix servers.
Element https://element.io/ as a way to access the Matrix works really well and you can link any identifier you want, ie phone, email, id. It's e2e encrypted and decentralized; you can message, as well as do voice and video calls. The problem is getting people to adopt it socially. For me Element it's superior to Signal, but few know about it.
Oh cool. Another one of those apps linked to real world identifiers. No way I want it linked to my phone #, and I don't necessarily want everyone I want to message to have my damn phone number. Once again, the masses flock the wrong way.
Should be going to matrix.org / element.io.
Decentralized, e2ee, and anonymous.
I don't see how this is "stunning". We've seen the videos and pictures. We know they got in. This doesn't really tell us anything more than that, and that people will never understand that sharing data on social media can be dangerous, because you never know when that data can be dumped or hacked.
What scares me is the thought of messenger application/sites being hacked and having all that history become available to the world.
I've never liked that prospect, but seeing this happen has made me dislike it any more, even with most of the e2ee chat programs, I loathe the idea of their requirement for identifying information, like phone numbers or e-mails.
I'm glad there's matrix element.io, I just wish that when people would finally get sick of policies of things like whatsapp that they'd make better decisions of where to flock. Signal is actually pretty good, but not when they require a phone number - that's a no from me.
I don't see how they could see any hope for success. The thing is called « Teams », it screams work and business. I don't see anything that would make me ditch Discord to use that. I could even use Discord alternatives like element.io or rocketchat, but Teams ? No way
I'm replying here because it'll probably stay at the top of this thread... The Element team has published a blog post explaining the situation: https://element.io/blog/element-on-google-play-store/
Ja, leider. Es ist aber nicht schwerer als E-Mail. Man sucht sich einen Server, meldet sich dort an, dann hat man eine Adresse die ähnlich wie E-Mail aber etwas anders @Nutzername:server.org oder ähnlich aufgebaut ist.
Dann kann man diese weitergeben, und jeder (auch auf einem anderen Server) kann einem schreiben, anrufen, Videoanrufen. Man kann auch Gruppenchats machen. Gibt auch öffentliche Chaträume, die man betreten kann.
Gibt auch verschiedene Clients, wie z.B. Element.
Both are good for privacy apps.
Session doesn't require phone number to register also doesn't work as default SMS app.
> Can either of these apps replace my SMS app I use for texting and retain it's secure features?
Only Signal
> Some people said Matrix is a really good thing to use but I don't know if it even has an app yet.
https://element.io/ also cross-platform
I'm still surprised that Discord, a completely closed software, is "so hot right now" in dev communities.
As far as I can tell, Element.io & Matrix (previously known as Riot) have most, if not all features that would be needed for a dev community to work properly on a day to day basis (unfortunately, I haven't been actively using it for a while, because all places I've worked for the past 2 years used either Slack, and now the crap called Teams is shoved in our throats everywhere; but as far as I can tell, the first company I've worked for, still uses it to connect every remote employee, which is actually 100% of the company). Since last time I've used it, it seems they've come a long way since their humble beginning, so unless there are some killer features only available in Discord / Slack, I really see no point why everyone is so happy using proprietary software and allowing them doing god knows what with data they mine from your devices.
They do provide matrix server hosting as a service: https://element.io/matrix-services
But yeah you pretty much summed it up - Riot/Element/Matrix hasn't had as much time in the oven as the others and on top of that - they probably need more time than the others, due to the decentralization and encryption they've implemented.
Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/urbanmicah
Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
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Seen a lot of debating from those (like me) who don't usually call on Discord and hate accidental calling and others who don't want a prompt in the way. The solution is very simple..
A toggle in settings among the rest of the other voice toggles. By default there would be no prompt, and the toggle enables the prompt for those who wish to opt into it. Problem solved for everyone.
Also, in case anyone is wondering, this is from Element.
>If this is really her, that's bullshit.
it is her reddit account she changed to infinity queen then goddess also her mods in the element.io channel say to leave and they lost contact to her.
This is why we need to be using decentralized platforms. Any centralized platform is going to be extremely vulnerable to censorship. As of now, Element is probably the best decentralized alternative for discord, although, do keep an eye on Session in the long run since it's fully decentralized (right now, Session is too bare bones to be useful, but it's still very early in development).
Yes, element.io (https://apps.apple.com/app/vector/id1083446067) is an all-in-one secure chat app, and all it's apps and the server side software are open-source.
matrix est un protocol de communication décentralisé. Tu peux t'y connecter avec le client de ton choix. Le plus complet est sans doute element: https://element.io/
C'est le choix d'entité comme Mozilla ou le gouvernement français.
Nope. The protocol underlying signal is neither federated, nor multi-device.
This, combined with the fact that you are not allowed to build your own client does leave the door wide open about speculations as to why OpenWhisperSystems would want to force their proprietary client unto you.
If you don't like it, I suggest you get your peeps to move to Matrix, e.g. using Element.io (aka. Riot on mobile)
I and my friends have been using Matrix lately via element, formerly known as riot.
It's a good alternative to Discord, especially since I highly value being able to self-host the server.
Just wanted to add that there's also element matrix services for hosted matrix homeservers, and that would help support the team. Im not sure what the pricing on it is though since you have to contact them.
Like the other comment said, look at the comparison table. But here's some I like:
For Desktop/Mobile/Web: Element or Fluffychat
There's also a nice terminal client called gomuks.
Element.Io uses matrix (they're the former Riot.Im) and the client looks pretty similar to Discord except it doesn't have the bs features that Discord has, AND it's open-source, so i suggest we all migrate to Element.
To wszystko prawda – w niczym tu sobie ja i Wikipedia nie zaprzeczamy :)
Ale nie jestem fanem rzucania słowami "open-source" tak jakby to była faktyczna praktyczna zaleta. W przypadku Signala jedyna zaleta jest dla tego, kto chciałby sobie zrobić własnego Signala, z kompletnie oddzielną siecią i inaczej brandowanym klientem. Dla użytkowników Signala jego opensourcowość jest niemal bezwartościowa.
Jako nie-do-końca alternatywę, ale przykład tego jak to zrobić „dobrze” spojrzałbym na https://element.io/ – tam można sobie postawić własny serwer, napisać własny klient i nadal będziemy mogli rozmawiać ze wszystkimi obecnymi użytkownikami tej sieci.
Sub is back. Also, I really wish people would realize just how awful discord is, not just from a censorship perspective, but it's also a complete disaster from a privacy perspective. Element is a pretty nice alternative, maybe not ideal, but definitely beats being spied on and censored.
Maybe one day people will realize that a centralized proprietary platform isn't ideal for free speech and open discussion.
I highly recommend that anyone who cares about freedom jumps on Matrix. I've been using the Element client and it works great. Matrix is a decentralized messaging platform, it doesn't depend on any single organization.
Element (matrix) comme alternative à Discord qui est un vrai cancer.
Sinon bah va falloir faire dans le mainstream avec Slack ou Teams. En vrai Element ça devrait le faire, fair le groupe et donne le nom de l'app pour ceux avec téléphone.
Not directly, but via a matrix bridge https://matrix.org/bridges/
There is also a ready to use service element one https://element.io/blog/element-one-all-of-matrix-whatsapp-signal-and-telegram-in-one-place/
In the same line as other comments, Matrix is becoming a viable option for bridging other messenger protocols into one place (e.g. https://www.beeper.com/ or https://element.io/element-one)
It would be interesting to see an app like this take advantage of those and become a one-stop shop for messaging while allowing Matrix devs to handle the maintenance of the bridges. Then it would work on Plasma Mobile and desktop Plasma.
Looking forward to seeing how all this develops!
If you want to be extra cool, you can use Infinity for Reddit if you are on Android, as well as Element to talk in Matrix chat rooms
Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/Genghis__Kant
Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
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Well, if you read the quote in the grand-parent comment, someone can "take the code and create a client that doesn’t censor as broadly" (ie. include CP). Odysee the company would not be responsible for their content (and they wouldn't host it themselves).
I don't know much about the fine details beyond that. I will have to read up on the LBRY spec to understand how all of this works under the hood. Or you can just drop by in their Discord (last I interacted there, they were very helpful in explaining things to me).
Decentralization in mass communications (which blockchain, among other things^1, enable) is new to human history.
^1 For an example, see the section "How does it work" in https://matrix.org/ (See also https://element.io/ if you want user-facing chat software that is decentralized; people host their own Matrix instance to interact with others; unlike Twitter, there is no central party that can censor; you can get banned from individual rooms by room admins though).
Check out Session. They use onion/relay of messages for anonymity out of the box, and do not collect identifiable information. Very simple to adopt. I like they cannot be shutdown if a government, organization, or people want to cancel/censor a platform for any reason. Signal can be blocked, and require users to run/configure proxies.
Element + Tor.
You can also run Session + Tor if you want redundant layers of protection.
I also don't use a phone for privacy/security/anonymity.
Another one to keep your eye on is Berty when final released.
There's others, but they become more niche for adoption or require more setup for anonymity.
Ah right, that makes sense. I'm running my home server for years now, it got better over the years. So here's hope situation will improve further.
I think the other comment was about low barrier to entry for regular users that are happy to just use account on matrix.org or some other service.
If you insist on having your home server, but don't want to manage it, Element offers managed service starting from $10/month (this is for 5 accounts): https://element.io/element-home
It's a bit more than really cheap VPS to run your own home server, but it's fully managed for you.
The most "discord like" and most well known one atm is the Matrix protocol. I won't bore you to death with how it works, all you need to know is, if you wanna use Matrix, you need a Matrix client. The most popular and complete one is Element.
Though whenever the topic of discord alternatives comes up, I always gotta bring up IRC, because it's been around since the 80s, can be ran in a toaster, will never turn corporate, and will ALWAYS be here with us until the end of time!
And lastly, another cool one is Tox. This is the one you use if you REALLY want peak privacy. It's peer to peer (so there's no central server where the messages have to pass through) and it's end to end encrypted. It supports text, files, and even voice chat! However, it is a little bit rough around the edges, so it may not be easy to convince your friends to move to Tox.
Il problema di cui parla u/MioCuggino è che signal inevitabilmente dovrà gestire un traffico dati sui loro server non indifferente e eventualmente insostenibile ("Linux" da solo non è un entità che gestisce server tali quindi non ha questo tipo di problema), come tra l' altro è già successo negli ultimi mesi e è stato giù per un po'.
Questo in realtà credo che sia anche la loro principale falla dal punto di vista della sicurezza: va bene che la privacy viene rispettata perché hanno una buona crittografia, ma comunque tutti i dati di "contorno" vengono salvati e gestiti da loro. Esempio: per registrarti serve il tuo numero di cellulare e viene importata la tua lista contatti, dopodiché ogni messaggio che mandi ha il contenuto offuscato ma mittente, destinatario e orario di invio messi bene in mostra...sono metadati non di poco valore dal punto di vista di informazione che rivelano.
La soluzione a entrambi i problemi risiede quindi in sistemi decentralizzati, peer to peer, federalizzati, o quel che vuoi; essenzialmente roba che non gira su server mantenuti da un ente centrale. Quello che mi interessa di più è Session che è da qualche mese sottoposto a un security audit ma è un po' che non ci sono aggioronamenti (comunque è tutto opensource quindi volendo scrutinabile da chiunque, l' audit sarebbe una conferma in più). Altri che conosco meno sono BRIAR, o Element, sicuramente ce ne sono altri.
Next to /u/redditor_1234's comment I want to point out that the EU released the Digital Markets Act last month that says in the future large online communication gatekeepers, i.e. Messengers like WhatsApp will have to allow interoperability with other platforms or face fines of up to 10% of revenue.
This means that even though right now you cannot selfhost Signal we will see a future where Signal users are able to communicate with Matrix users which can be selfhosted. Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised to see a joint statement from Signal and Element in 1-2 years from now announcing interoperability.
Good to know. Still don't like phone registration requirement.
element.io asks for a username and password - everything else is optional. I'll still take that. Plus I don't need a phone to use it, but there are apps for it.
Of the 'standard' app-store type messaging apps, Signal is arguably the most secure.
I've read that Matrix messaging system, and the apps that use it, are supposedly the most secure form of messaging out there. Check it out.
I'm personally quite the fan of Matrix (protocol) / Element (client) myself.
I haven't actually used Signal personally, only read about it and visited the site. Voting Signal though since it's probably the best option out of ones specified though.
On matrix you have bridge https://matrix.org/docs/projects/bridge/mautrix-signal
There is a new service that connects signal, whatsapp, telegram on matrix/element https://element.io/element-one
Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/fgjhdstuhc
Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
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I also use [matrix:\\] element.io -- their new {Spaces} beta feature is nice because it allows a similar experience to Discord where a server, eg "Archlinux" can be broken up into multiple chatrooms: "Troubleshooting", "Off Topic", "News", "Package Update Bot", etc...
I think it's more complementary and highly recommend it, but I think threaded discussions serves a different function that people want in social media also.
Hvorfor har i ikke en telegram kanal, så brugerne kan samle sig et sted, som ikke er i konstant fare for at blive lukket ned?
Det kunne også være Signal, Discord, IRC, Slack, Element.io osv.
Matrix recently introduced spaces (beta) which in my opinion is already a better implementation of discord “servers”.
That’s on top of Matrix’s decentralization, end to end encryption, and generally much more privacy friendly design. Matrix is also very possible to self host.
One thing that’s also being worked on is discord style “voice rooms”. That is currently a WIP though.
adi1090x Just relax, toxicity is inevitable in any community.
It is easy just to dump everything. It is heartbreaking, that after so much effort, in response you get this bullshit..
Some people are just immature, destroying everything before they leave. Nothing constructive. "All in as I want or self destruct."
Meanwhile we might have some ultra fast growing FLOSS platforms like "Matrix/Element"
I don't use Discord myself. And I don't thing that we should. Not to avoid it, but to prioritize something greater, while there are other "Element" like communication platforms, which reflects the values of GNU/Linux in general.
We will come up with something very soon.
It is frustrating. I have seen that in my life too. But lets continue moving forward, learn from it. If someone wants to move backwards, so be it, just don't be in their way, as it can only go that far..
r/archcraft Reddit sub will be here as long as the Reddit itself will be here.
All of this is just the beginning.
Use Element for that, Element is both a personal messenger and a social media too which btw is also encrypted and phone number is optional. You can use Element for joining nice groups.
I would use Matrix Protocol.
You can get clients that will connect to it.
Once there, just use the search bar, for whatever you have in mind.
Here is the link for the conspiracy room.
Considering it’s an open source project, personally I prefer matrix and element (both open source) instead. Recently the spaces feature was launched in beta, which basically is matrix’s and element’s implementation of discord servers/slack workspaces.
You’re talking about EMS, which is completely optional, you don’t have to pay a hosting company to have your own little corner, spaces just dropped, and you can use it to make your own bundle of rooms with your friends and such, much like a discord server. Just sign up for matrix.org and they’ll handle the rest, and you have the option to go anywhere else (envs.net, mozilla.net, gnome.org, etc.), you don’t have to pay.
If you are looking for an open source alternative you might be interested in these (element.io is the most Discord looking) or there is also revolt.chat. I've poked around and it seems promising, it is still in beta though. If you join their Discord I'm sure they will let you in.
She also used gender slurs and stuff which got her Infinity queen acc suspended from reddit. ( hence why she made Infinity goddess and then her element.io which is now dead also)
iMessages, when backed up to iCloud, are NOT end-to-end encrypted. Apple still holds the keys to decrypt them once they’re in iCloud. Whatsapp, which uses the Signal protocol, is always end to end encrypted.
That being said I wouldn’t ever trust Facebook to not try to change that.
If anything we all need to move away from centralized chat. Centralized chat is vendor lock-in and we lose control. The matrix protocol is an attempt to modernize chat in a decentralized fashion. This is the way.
You should be able to register at https://element.modsr.gay/ or use the element app (https://element.io/). Google recently banned element from their app store, so you have to sideload it if you're on Android.
Google has pulled apps for far more nonsensical reasons than this, because their app review people are lazy fucking morons, and Apple will pull an app because a URL might, through enough clicks, lead to an alternate payment page, or because it mentions support for another platform.
Element says they actively moderate the servers they host themselves, so your problem isn't with "censorship", or you'd be against them as much as Google.
Maybe Element (working on Matrix.org protocol) is more fitting for such usage. It's maybe for oublcit and private chat room and have much more tools for screen sharing, file sharing, ... You can use on mobile with an open source app (from F-Droid or Play Store) and from web with a webapp.
It's like a replacement of Skype, Meet, Zoom, Discord or Slack. So it's much more close to group work.
I'd recommend checking out Element, it's free/libre and open source, it can be self-hosted (so no fears of censorship), doesn't collect data, and it's part of the Matrix network, so you can communicate with anyone else who has an account on the Matrix network, even if their account was registered on a different server.
I recommend matrix through element.io. It is like discord, but anyone can create an account using their own server, and it can communicate with any other servers similar to email. This way only server hosts and legislation could restrict the community.
Matrix is a federated instant messaging and VoIP service that lets you host your own, uncensorable servers, or join one ran by likeminded individuals. It has an open source protocol and quite a few clients implementing it so you can try them out and find one you like. I use Element on a Linux desktop, but it has Windows builds as well.
Telegram definitely can take channels down, and they do quite often. Signal groups can't be taken down unless Signal itself goes down (which could happen, they are a centralized service), but the problem is that you need to give your phone number. Currently the best alternative would be Element, which offers some amount of decentralization, though, in the long run, something like Session would be ideal since it's almost entirely decentralized, but as of now, it's too early in development to be useful.
There is a decentralized service like that. And it's E2EE so even if somebody has your chat history on their servers, there is nothing they can do with that gibberish, but (and a big "but") that only if there is no vulnerabilities in their protocol.
A replacement for Signal/Telegram which solves the issue with centralization is Matrix and their awesome official client [Element](https//element.io/). It has strong as signal e2e encryption and all the features you expect :D also there are several other unofficial (and very good) clients.
Conduit is a new implementation of a Matrix homeserver: https://conduit.rs
Matrix is a secure, private, decentralized, open source messaging platform. Check out https://matrix.org and https://element.io
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Depends because you have it linked to your iCloud or whatever email you use or bind it with your phone number. If you choose to bind it with your phone number it will appear on your iPhone but not on your monthly bill as it’s only data and not trackable.
I highly encourage people to use a VPN like NordVPN.com and https://getsession.org/ or https://element.io/. Alternatively Telegram is good too. For me I use telegram for work and friends so I try my best not to mix things up.
We should all start looking to move away from Discord. Just search reddit and you'll find loads of stories of people getting unjustly banned from Discord.
I was on a large Discord right-wing meme server. Not hardcore white supremacy stuff, just the type of memes you would see on /r/Conservative. I like memes. One day, Discord banned the server and all the users. Like 1000 people. I barely even posted anything there. I just went there to look at memes. And now my discord account, that I rely on for many different things, is disabled for "inciting violence." When I appealed, they said banning me for inciting violence was a mistake and that I am actually banned for TOS reasons. Obvious excuse. They sent this form email to every member who appealed.
I tried posting on /r/discordapp and you can see the result:
Look into Element (previously known as Riot) as an alternative https://element.io/
Created a script to change the theme of Element based on your wal colorscheme.[element-wal](https://github.com/acxz/element-wal)
[dotfiles](https://github.com/acxz/dotfiles) sysinfo: see the neofetch colors: using everyone's favorite, pywal bar: polybar chat: [Element](https://element.io/) wm: i3-gaps-rounded term: alacritty
sysinfo: see the neofetch
colors: using everyone's favorite, pywal
bar: polybar
chat: Element
wm: i3-gaps-rounded
Created a script to change the theme of Element based on your wal colorscheme. element-wal
Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/FootAdministrative65
Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Anarchism) if you have any questions or concerns.
Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/DarthRec
Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Anarchism) if you have any questions or concerns.
Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/greece666
Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Anarchism) if you have any questions or concerns.
Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/explorerofbells
Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Anarchism) if you have any questions or concerns.
Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/explorerofbells
Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
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We tend to discourage Discord here, but *shrug*
> Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/{{author}}
> Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
> Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
> For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/DumbNeurosurgeon
Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
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Someone mentioned Signal Bridge, but EMS now has a hosted Matrix/Signal bridge offering that sounds like it was created for cases just like this one:
(Disclaimer: No affiliation, and I’ve never used the service.)
Ik ben zelf verschrikkelijk fan van Matrix en raad iedereen aan om dat te gebruiken (via bijvoorbeeld de https://element.io client) in tegenstelling tot Signal. Ik wil echt niet dat de wereld afhankelijk wordt van een andere gecentraliseerde partij.
Meh, if you lookup "Matrix" then it might be, but you can just point "normal users" to a client like https://element.io and suddenly all the complexity is taken away.
In that sense it's like email. If you lookup email it sounds quite complex and confusing, but just give them a nice client like Outlook or GMail provide and suddenly almost everybody can do it.
Not a problem! Those integrations will definitely be a premium feature, as we will have to pay monthly for access to weather APIs. We will make sure to keep you posted on the development, and we really appreciate the support!
Also, hell yeah, we actually use Obsidian ourselves! We will consider a Discord for sure, however we were also thinking about using Element as it is more geared towards privacy (end-to-end encryption and the works). We will make sure to keep you posted on this as well.
Before I continue, the fact that Matrix and XMPP are protocols and not applications makes it a bit silly to compare to Signal and other messengers from a user perspective. Thus, while selling "Matrix" makes sense our niche r/linuxmasterrace group, that's confusing to the general public. It makes more sense to compare e.g. Element to those.
And it's not that there's anything particularly hard with the way that Element (or most other apps) implement Matrix. They do a pretty good job IMO, but it's precisely the fact that it doesn't allow phone numbers as identifiers that makes large scale adoption hard: nobody wants to add every contact manually, especially not if you already have them in another messenger. Adoption needs to be as easy as it can possibly be and I think this was one of the brilliant features in the early days of WhatsApp: it was a drop-in replacement to SMS and phone calls, no need to ask everyone for their ID. Now Signal is also a hassle-free drop-in replacement to WhatsApp.
Discord also logs every running process on your machine, is incredibly easy to be infiltrated, and will hand over your data to authorities without a second thought. If you want a group chat, use something using E2EE like Matrix/Element that - while not perfect by any means - is miles beyond something like Discord.
Not many people know but there is a pretty great piece of software called element: (https://element.io/). It’s open source, federated, and best of all you can self host it. You could use the matrix.org instance or any other server that hosts it if you don’t want to host it yourself. It’s really popular in the open source community.
/u/Savage57 touched on this already, but just to drive the point home, we have an AutoModerator rule that posts the following on posts linking to discord:
> Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/{{author}}
> Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
> Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
> For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
Somewhat related: a ton of crypto communities use Discord as their main chat platform, which is extremely centralized. Why haven't more people embraced technologies/platforms like Matrix/Element or IRC? It seems a bit disingenuous to me when I hear people touting the underlying principles or benefits of web3/cryptocurrencies, but not adhering to them (e.g., how many people use Coinbase, OpenSea, Rarible, etc.).
I understand centralization makes it easier to scale and grow a technology, but maybe there's some middle ground where things can be truly decentralized yet still discoverable and easy to use.
Finally catching up to Element.io and the Matrix ecosystem... oh wait nope... I forgot they still have the 2K character limit, 8MB upload limit, and nitro garbage. Oh and a number of privacy issues over the years.
Matrix is better, trust me.
https://element.io/ (the "default" client for all platforms, but there're many others)
As with all messengers, the hard part is convincing everyone else to join. In the case of Matrix, it's generally more techy communities that use it (the kind you'd find on IRC in the past).
Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/FSP_Leader
Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
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> Even if matrix.org closes one day, you can simply create an account somewhere else
And if you can afford to pay for services in the meantime, you can vote with your dollars and make sure there will be other services. Eg: I pay now for an personal server, rather than using the matrix.org central server.
> And also, there is a lot of work being done on p2pmatrix, where every client also includes a server.
+100. This is super exciting.
OP thinks Telegram's un-audited closed-source encryption algorithm which is turned off by default is better than WhatsApp's encryption which is open-source and audited... Telegram has no encryption by default, you have to explicitly turn it on by creating a secret chat.
If you want true encryption and privacy, even Signal doesn't offer that (they ask for phone numbers), get yourself Element.io or since we are in a crypto sub, then I also suggest Status.im
Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/Equivalent_Fold1788
Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
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> You can spin up your own server and as long as you take your own security practices seriously
Right but I don't think most people even bother creating their own server.
> Messages themselves are end to end encrypted at the client in Matrix, though
Only recently did element.io make E2E mandatory, earlier it wasn't. Even now, some matrix clients don't encrypt rooms and groups by default.
> The Matrix team are taking security pretty damn seriously at this point with multiple yearly audits and reasonable/timely disclosure procedures.
and that's good, I use matrix too but I feel like we have an unfair bias towards them because of them being FOSS and Federated. If Telegram or WhatsApp had messed up like Matrix did (unintentionally or otherwise), we would have been there with our pitchforks.
It's effectively a messaging protocol like xmpp but a lot more modern. I think for a while it was funded by the French military.
You would use a client to access it the main one being element
We could use the matrix network. There are open source apps for all the major operating systems. I use Element personally for Android and Linux. I think getting people used to decentralized is going to be key in stopping censorship and defaulting e2e to help people feel safe to speak openly.
If you're looking for a really good alternative that's decentralised, check out Matrix. https://matrix.org
There's several Messenger Apps, the most developed (but with many very promising looking alternatives) would be Element. https://element.io
I've been using it since the first beta some years back and it's improved dramatically.
Please note that the following warning is solely about Discord, and is by no means a reflection on u/tastydeathcaps
Warning: Discord is not private. It is proprietary software that has been shown to record not only everything you say in their app, a history of your IP addresses and devices used to access it, as well as every process running on that device, but they will also submit that information to law enforcement without a fight.
Discord servers are also notoriously easy to be infiltrated, whether it be by cops or fascists.
For truly private conversations, we recommend always making sure you personally know and trust every person in the conversation and that you use open source software that can make use of encryption to protect yourself and those with whom you're speaking. For SMS/MMS messaging Signal or Session are recommended. For group chats, try something like Matrix/Element.
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