ShutUp10 is a good way to disable most of the hidden stuff.
You will have to restart several times tho, run the program again and check if settings are applied. This is NOT a problem with the program itsefl, but rather how those things get disabled in windows itself.
Everything by VoidTools. Very fast file search which builds an index for searching and is nearly instant. Can remember removable disks and search for files on them when they are off line.
It probably isn't Explorer itself consuming the memory. It probably is a misbehaving shell extension that is leaking memory. Unfortunately some applications "helpfully" install shell extensions without informing the user and it is not uncommon for some of those shell extensions are buggy or written improperly causing all kinds of problems.
I suggest running ShellExView or similar utility and taking a look at what shell extensions you have installed, particularly those that are not published by Microsoft.
Source is here:
I'm confused why many devs don't add a screenshot of their application to their README. Thanks /u/jenmsft for adding a screenshot to your writeup.
> Not to mention, open source commonly lacks good uninstallers.
There's a portable version too
Direct download, 64 bit:
I use TranslucentTB, which you can get via the Store, or if you want a regular download, here: -
It allows you to set different states for the taskbar depending on the circumstances, so for example, I have it set to be opaque when a window is maximised.
Even though Microsoft doesn't officially give you an option to turn off web results (in the Home version), there are some guides online you can use to disable them.
We're working as hard as we can! We've got a spec open, we're prototyping, working with the Settings App folks to get the UI in the Settings app, it's all coming together - it's just one of the trickier pieces of architecture. Mainly because we don't just want to make the Windows Terminal the default terminal - what we'd really like is to allow users the ability to pick any terminal application as the default on Windows (and have them still choose the Windows Terminal as their default 😄)
Just added this to the Wiki:
It's compression, so extra CPU power is required to decompress the program files as they're needed, however the XPRESS algorithm is highly efficient and designed for minimal CPU overhead. Any reasonable CPU will have minimal to no performance impact, and those using slower HDDs may even see a performance improvement as the smaller files can be transferred to the CPU much faster for processing. See the Microsoft doc here
I have accepted that it just doesnt work, I installed "everything" it gives you literally everything and is amazingly quick.
It's the first thing I install in a fresh windows installtion, I don't even touch that search bar.
MS seem to be aware of the problem, so if you have telemetry on and Avast/AVG installed, MS should be able to delay 1803 upgrades.
Before people start preaching Windows Defender for all use cases, outside of this (admittedly, pretty bad) edge case, 3rd party AVs still seem to have superior numbers. Better protection, better performance and less false positives.
Main upsides of Windows Defender are:
Also, this is a post about a news article about posts from this subreddit. We've come full circle.
I would give up on windows explorer, I have. I would look into the two applications everything and directory opus. They will both make windows easier to use. If anything I would get "everything" since it's free and will solve the problem with the search.
This might help, Note if you're running home version that many policies can be done using a registry entry.
Here's the thing, Fuck them for believing automatic driver updates would ever be beneficial to the end user. I've upgraded probably 15 machines and I've had 5 with failed drivers due to them installing their "best fit"
I spent more time figuring out what happened than it would have taken to just leave me some nice Yellow Exclamations in the device manager. I'd rather know it's fucked up than them to report everything's peachy and the device not work.
This is what happens when Microsoft tries to be Apple.
edit: spacing
> All BE is, is MPC with a skin.
Why even spread such lies like this when MPC-BE is open source and people can just check? MPC-BE has had more active development than MPC-HC for years.
/u/The-Choo-Choo-Shoe Please see here instead of propaganda.
I prefer ProduKey instead; Magic Jelly Bean KeyFinder doesn't read BIOS keys, requires installation, and has been replaced by Recover Keys which cost $29.95. No thanks.
This new feature is now available in the latest version of Chrome Canary:
Hijacking top comment to mention constantly neglected PicoTorrent — minimalist interface & size, open source, portable if you want, active development, latest standards and of course, free.
u/jenmsft, I sent/upvoted feedback about a year ago, the official answer - the bug is addressed in build 19541, which was released in January 2020, but since apparently Windows 10 21H2 and higher will be based on 20H1, is there a chance the fix will be included in 21H2?
DisplayFusion - it is the best multi-monitor management tool I've ever used. Loads better than what's included in Windows, that's for sure. $25 US for a one-computer license.
It's based on a full reverse-engineering of the way XP activation worked. XP's WPA activation is based on 10 components and you can change any 3 without requiring a reactivation, but on the majority of machines, the mobo will account for at least 3 of those components, and few people upgrade or replace a mobo on its own with absolutely no other changes.
I don't think any real work has been done on reverse-engeering the HWID system in Vista and onwards. The closest thing to real info that we have on that is the privacy policy for the Windows 7 WAT update (ZDNet article).
This might be caused by some old programs that mess up the hash making it invalid, and forcing Windows to "fix" the association. See here
It works as intended. Open Origin.VisualElementsManifest.xml in the same dir as origin.exe, you'll see
Delete the .xml to use the default color or change "black" to any other color (common names or hex):
[Edit] Oh, and you'll need to force Windows to refresh the tile. Change something in the origin.lnk file and hit 'Apply' or use some other method.
The release will be 29/07/2015 00:00 (UTC-06:00)^1 . You can look here to see the release date in your time zone.
Keep in mind Microsoft will do a phased rollout. First windows insiders will get access afterwards other people. It can take weeks before your computer will be eligible for the upgrade.
[1] source
If all you want to do is test the drive to make sure it's ok plug it into your uncle's as a secondary drive and run some benchmarks on it, Passmark will test performance and CrystalDiskInfo will check for errors.
Disabling Fast Startup does not prevent Windows 10 from restarting apps on next startup. You’ll have to shut down the system differently.
"Everything" is one of the first things I install. Builds an index using the NTFS file-system, effortlessly keeps the index updated (can index NAS as well), and then presents results instantly as you type. Wouldn't know what to do without it.
It's my pleasure to finally, after a really long hiatus, the release of TranslucentTB's next version. It adds a couple of things that where long asked for, such as a fluent style option for the taskbar (on build 17134 of Windows) and fixed the ghost UWP apps that dynamic windows saw. (a pretty frequent problem)
It also increases the reliability of dynamic Dtart, and adds two new modes, dynamic Timeline and dynamic Cortana.
You can download it from the store here and read the release notes linked by the post for all the details.
Please close the older build of TranslucentTB before upgrading, as the migration from an event to a mutex to detect single instance causes a name conflict in the kernel object manager if the event is not destroyed before opening a mutex with the same name.
Feel free to drop a message on our Discord or create a GitHub issue if you have any problem.
There's a lot of apps that get the images off spotlight and just apply those without the buttons. I use Dynamic Theme, not because of the buttons (I don't mind ads, like at all), but because it automatically saves the images to my hard drive. Works nicely and can also do it to your desktop if you want.
This is also a really good overview of why not to worry so much:
Also why WiFi sense is not a security risk:
There are many alternatives, Launchy is a good one but I will insert my two cents.
For blazing fast file searches go for Everything Search.Everything Search. You'll love it. I don't know why Windows' file search still sucks after all these years.
As for a launcher, try WoxWox. It has a variety of plugins and is themable. Although I would recommend you downloading a fresh build instead of the latest release. 183 is still buggy with Windows 10 (I contrib on github to it, and yes we need to make a new one like yesterday). There is a getting started guide there too so you don't feel overwhelmed.
Or you could just install the free and open source 7-Zip which supports a smorgasbord of formats:
> Supported formats:
> Packing / unpacking: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM
Use Fiddler to monitor network traffic of the app. It can also do HTTPS traffic decryption
Had the same problem. Found this post and followed the directions for removing references to a user account that was no longer on the system. The update worked immediately after making those changes.
[edit] Oh wow. Gilded on my first (real) post. Thank you, kind internet stranger! I am honored.
What's the rationale for saying that?
Windows 11 Specs confirm that the UWP App is being removed from the clean install process (i.e.: users have to manually find it in the Store), which is a downgrade from Win10.
And at Build 2019 (admittedly 2 years ago, but haven't heard anything contrary since then) the head of OneNote said they would be merging back into Desktop.
Have I missed something? What makes UWP still the primary version?
Is this what were calling old hardware now?
Granted it's not gaming hardware but it's reasonable to think a small business or somebody's grandma might still have one of these lying around.
It's not Pentium III is all in saying people...
OK, what do you make of this, from 6.0 that just came out by sheer coincidence?
>Added support for using Hyper-V as the fallback execution core on Windows host, to avoid inability to run VMs at the price of reduced performance
Try LibreOffice. But I don't recommend their opendocument format for saving and instead prefer .docx format.
I've heard to export your resume in pdf format to ensure prospective employers see the file as you intended (LibreOffice has an Export as pdf option).
> I shouldn't have to change permissions from every file manually, there should be a simple way to give myself full access.
There is and it's called running as TrustedInstaller. Use this to launch a third party file explorer such as Explorer++ or even 7-Zip with TrustedInstaller permissions and this will bypass all NTFS permissions. However the WindowsApps folder is protected for a reason and you shouldn't be manually messing with the files located there.
As far as I'm aware there's no way to find more detail than that from Settings in Windows, unless maybe you reach out to Microsoft directly. As others have suggested, looking in Task Manager sorted by Network might help too. It might also be worth installing an application to monitor network activity. I don't have any personal experience with using applications like it, but there's a long list of them available.
Late to the post, but I think the culprid was TunnelBear as I've suspected.
You have to uninstall TunnelBear as disabling does nothing. For some reason manual DNS settings were also dropping.
So thanks guys! And oh, uninstalling TunnelBear is heartbraking, just click "uninstall" and close your eyes until it's done :)
I'll just write some meta keywords here so that this post comes up on searches:
DNS windows firewall resets empty empties reverts revert changes automatically
settings - system - display - "change the size of ..." --> 100%
assuming you have done that -
that goes without saying. removing the snap tool for another screenshot taking tool etc. wtf? how the hell had a problem with the snipping tool as it was? it's just insignificant busywork for microsoft devs instead of tackling the real-use issues and the loads of feedback the insiders provide but MS ignored.
I'm really starting to believe there comes a point in every application's/operating system's lifecycle when developers rather make changes just for the sake of changing something, however minor, instead of doing the actually laboriuos and boring process of achieving and maintaining software stability and compatibility.
that's a common phenomena on linux where people rather waste time on a file manager or audio player #435 rather than fixing the issues all the previous iterations had ("wiping the slate clean"). now it's infected windows as well.
You're welcome :)
If you have a look at Disk 3, you'll see it's absolutely pegged. I'm not sure if you read my bit about performance, but basically your CPU is blitzing along much faster than your drive can give it information, resulting in low CPU usage. If you were to try compressing on an SSD, the CPU would be a lot more hard hit :)
Also, when you've finished compressing, would you mind sending me a screenshot of the final compression, or opening an Issue on GitHub and posting the details? I want to add it to the wiki list even if the compression isn't great so other can see if it's worth compressing their games :)
Sadly, this happens all the freaking time with Windows 10. Windows 10 is programmed to download crapware such as these two titles automatically from the Windows Store when you first create a user account on your PC. There is no way to fully prevent this behavior unless you are running the expensive Enterprise edition of Windows 10. However, as far as my considerable experience with Windows 10 indicates, this should only happen once. To get rid of this junk, simply right-click each item and click Uninstall. (All apps installed this way are specially designed to uninstall cleanly.)
For future reference (or if this problem ever reoccurs, which it should not), I would recommend using a program called O&O ShutUp10. This is a completely free Windows 10 configuration tool designed to help users take back control of the numerous ad-slinging and data-slurping "features" of Windows 10. I will caution you to not just blindly check everything; this is a very powerful program, and it is possible to break a Windows PC via incorrect changes. To fix your specific problem, I would recommend searching for "Disable automatic installation of Windows Store Apps" and flipping that switch, and that switch only, to enabled. (Feel free to browse the other settings in the app and configuring them to taste, but this is the only change that is required to stop Candy Crush et al from reappearing.)
If you have any questions, I'd be glad to answer them. Hope this helps!
No, the next Feature Update is called the Creators Update, and it will most likely be released in March 2017. *Additional feature list.
There will of course be a regularly scheduled cumulative update on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, which is Dec 13th. > And we wanted to do the same as on Steam, and put a price-tag on Krita in the store. Publishing Krita on the Store takes time, and the Krita project really needs funding at the moment. (Note, though, that buying Krita in the Windows Store means part of your money goes to Microsoft: it’s still more effective to donate).
I've had this before, caused by a problem with the Windows Store making all UWP apps malfunction. (esp. look at cache reset here.)
If you want to calculate right now.
Old windows calculator:
ShareX was named as ZScreen before and was released on 2007-08-24:
But later I was started new project named ZUploader. ZUploader first version was released on 2010-03-28. It was initially just supporting uploading files but later slowly it keep getting every feature from ZScreen including screen capturing but all features was rewritten from scratch to be better coded. Mainly because when developing ZScreen my coding knowledge was not good enough. So rewriting with better knowledge would result better program.
Later we thought it should have new name because it is not just uploader anymore and also is capable of screen capturing. On 2012-06-09 ZUploader was named as ShareX and was replaced ZScreen fully.
There is Terminal app with Fluent Design, but unfortunately there is no opition do download this app from Store, for some reason :/
If you want notification mirroring that ties into the action center right now, check out Join for Android. It has a native Win10 app and ties right into the action center and can take actions on the notifications. It also lets you push files and links from one device to the other, integrating directly with the Windows 10 share menu, so it's very easy to use with Edge, for example (it also has a Chrome extension if you use Chrome).
They're actually in the process of building a new Firefox browser on Android. It's currently called Firefox Preview. . Not sure if it's going to be a completely brand new app, or if it's just for testing features to implement into the current app.
Use Spybot Anti-Beacon to disable all of that and lots of other stuff that nobody likes.
It's especially good with Windows 10, but also blocks telemetry stuff from Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 too.
> It lacks "Search highlighted text" and "Search Image in..." features.
It's called "Ask Cortana"
> Microsoft Edge features like reading list and Web Note do not interest me the least
Edge has more features than that
Also features like reading list, set tabs aside session manager and web notes result in less need for bookmarks.
Bonus, due to Edge being UWP, it has better fullscreen (youtube, videos etc) handling (windows taskbar and titlebar appear while hovering with mouse), among other things.
Yeah, if you want a Zune-like experience out of the box, Dopamine is definitely what you're looking for:
That said, while I loved the Zune software, I've moved on to listening to music via streaming services, so Dopamine doesn't get much of my use anymore. I just have a desktop shortcut of Google Music added to my taskbar these days. Not ideal, but it gets the job done.
Edit: They only show the dark theme in the screenshots for Dopamine, but there is also a light theme.
ok. how about taking a step back for a bit. look at what Everything is doing. how they do it. Buy it if you must!. Compare it to what you are doing. Is there anything you can make better/more effective/more efficient with what you learned? can you integrate some of their features into Windows search/Cortana?
I know you have a good eye for good software. for instance, you realized Swiftkey was doing all the right things and you bought it and integrated into Windows, now would be a good time to send David a check and integrate that as well.
I never liked Windows file search, I use Everything (look at the faq for full info). I know this does not fix the problem in Windows but wanted to share something that works for me and might be a solution for you.
Searching for "(1)"
should do the trick. Special characters like parentheses are often used for more complicated search queries, but surrounding them with quotation marks will cause them to be treated like normal.
Incidentally, there are also various programs out there that can automatically find duplicate images for you, even if the filenames aren't similar. I personally use Anti Twin.
> remove unnecessary temp files?
If you're on the April 2018 Update, you can use Storage sense to automatically clean up unnecessary files.
> registry
I'm pretty sure you don't need to 'clean up' the registry. MS doesn't recommend it either.
Just use the windows 7 versions of the games, from before microsoft went nuts:
It's not like there's been major advances in solitaire technology...
Why would you assume that a core Windows program that's now getting tons of updates and easily competes with paid antiviruses (according to would be garbage forever? It's not perfect, but at least they started working on it.
You can switch to Linux Mint already. Just install Windows in VirtualBox on Linux Mint and use MS Office that way. Almost all windows software's work perfectly fine on VirtualBox. You can download VirtualBox .deb file for Ubuntu 16.04 and install it on Linux Mint 18.3 by double clicking it.
Your key is embedded in the motherboard and was recognized when you installed. If you want to check what your key(s) are, use this app. No install needed. Just use the x32 or x64.
You're on reddit, and in a Windows 10 section. You are probably a more savvy PC user than most others out there. Yet recent studies have shown that huge swathes of PC users barely even possess basic computer literacy:
Just look at those numbers. In the US, only 30% of people are able to use software to accomplish tasks which require any sort of intuitive reasoning. Those numbers aren't much better for other countries.
The app store model is revolutionary for users - not those who are already tech-savvy, but those who are not. Previously, the idea of searching the internet to find a trusted web site to download software from was a daunting (and unsafe) experience. Sure, if you know what you're doing, it's fine - but it's getting to that level of competence with computers and the internet that is the challenge, and the vast majority people do not reach that level. Centralized store platforms take the pain out of finding software, updating it, and remove many of the security risks associated with downloading random zips and executables on the web and running the contents with full administrator permissions.
It's not about "turning PCs into phones". It's about providing a centralized user experience to find and download software. For most people, this paradigm is making computers and their more advanced functionality accessible in a way it has never been before.
Pushbullet - pop-up in bottom-right, similar to Win10 notifications, keeps a history like Win10, accessible via the notification area. You can even reply to SMS messages from the desktop.
You mentioned not wanting to be dependent on Google? Pushbullet has nothing to do with Google...
EDIT - Oh, yes - they have a stand-alone client now. Didn't think about the Chrome extension/Google reliance.
Fire up Process Explorer, double click on the explorer.exe process, go to the "Performance Tab" and post a screenshot.
Then close that properties window, and while keeping explorer.exe selected, hit Control-D, which will open the lower pane showing what DLLs are loaded into explorer.exe. Sort by Path, and then hit Control-A to save it to a text file. Dump the text file here.
The usage is real if the "private bytes" or "working set" values are high. Virtual Size has nothing to do with physical memory usage.
The cause is usually something third party, whether it be something you intentionally installed, or from a virus/malware.
If you have anything installed that integrates with the context menus in Windows, consider uninstalling that. WinZip, 7 Zip, TortoiseSVN, Virus scanners themselves - these run some parts in explorer's process, and if they have memory leaks it'll cause your sort of problems.
Scan the list of DLLs that show up as loaded into explorer.exe, and see if anything looks suspicious. Find out what installed it and uninstall it. That's what I'll be doing if you post the list.
Any action that you take to try to fix this will usually only show up after explorer.exe gets restarted. You can do that either by 1) rebooting 2) logging out and logging back in 3) manually restarting explorer.exe while logged in (for instance, in process explorer, right click on explorer.exe and click restart).
There are a lot of Google-specific parts in Chromium, Chrome just adds further branding, proprietary codecs, auto-update and the Software Reporter Tool.
There are projects such as Ungoogled Chromium that aim to take Chromium and strip away everything Google from it.
Eh, good luck with that, app stores are here to stay and Windows is hardly the only desktop OS borrowing the concept from mobile: macOS' predates Windows' by a year and though Linux distros don't use the term because they don't charge for the content within package managers these days are for all intents and purposes essentially app stores.
There's a free alternative called NetSpeedMonitor which serves a similar purpose, here's a screenshot from my Win 10 desktop.
It used to be available at but the author nuked his website for some reason. If you search around you can find various download links, here's one for the 64-bit version: (use the Direct Download Link to avoid cnet crapware)
To install it you need to right-click the installer, go to properties, then select compatibility mode.
If it doesn't show up after installation, right-click your taskbar and enable it under toolbars.
I recommend you change the font to use ClearType with Segoe UI Size 9 to fit with the other taskbar fonts.
"you seem to be too satisfied with your OS, let us upgrade that. Oops, you have a question, let us redirect you to this easy to navigate and extensive legit excuse for win10 troubleshooting. Oh, is your trouble concerning connecting to the internet? Well then Answer tech has ended the chat"
This tool has always been incredibly helpful to me for finding the causes of bluescreens, especially if it's a driver problem. Simply open it, select the latest dump (same date as the BS) and look in the lower panel what file has caused it. Google the file and the BS description ("Kernel_Security_Check_Error") and you should hopefully find someone else with the problem and a solution (or at least a cause).
+1 - this comment adds to the discussion and provides an opportunity to educate. Don't understand why someone would downvote this comment.
The only requirement for 802.11 MAC addresses is that individual stations have distinct addresses within the local network. A protocol that negotiates the address such that address-space collisions are avoided is sufficient to meet this requirement.
While the RFQ docs do imply that a static MAC assigned in firmware is necessary to avoid address space collisions and is certainly preferred for simplicity, this scheme makes it simple to track devices over time and do things like target advertising to your cellphone when you walk into a grocery store per this article from 2013:
So to enhance privacy without detracting from the functionality of 802.11, except for a millisecond delay on initial connection, using programmable MAC is just fine.
In addition to the ones in the OP:
"StartupDelayInMSec" is also nice for increasing delay, I find it useful for not very fast computers with a number of startup apps, to give time for Windows services to settle.
The github tool posted in this subreddit a while back also does the hosts file mod, without the hacky complexity. Did you try it?
Edit - this one, it's open source and safe.
Wot has a quite shitty score for your page. When looking at the wot-scorecard for a (& the only) comment says > Redistributing reverse-engineered source code illegally as his own work.
I would really love to hear what that is all about. (No offense, bruah)
3D effects with sound are in the photos app for a long time, and you can add text, some time ago I made this gif with that app.
Does Cortana still work? Ask her to open the control panel. Select the Fonts icon (folder with an A on it) and then the first link to the left is the font settings. The button on the screen will restore default font settings. Maybe that'll work.
If not, try this.
If not, try /r/techsupport.
Grover Podcast which was mentioned in the article -
Using it for almost a year, excellent application. Only thing that I am missing is cross devices syncing and Android version would be great too.
GNOME announced it 5 days ago and do not cite the GitHub acquisition as the reason. They have been planning this move to GitLab, it isn't a knee jerk reaction
They have two new skins starting with v17:
Personally, I still use the "Titan" skin by marcelveldt, but Estuary is an enormous improvement from the terrible Confluence skin.
Kodi still takes putting some effort in to get it working the way you want it, but I gave in ~18 months ago and switched to it from WMC and am very happy with the switch. That extra effort comes with a ton of possibilities (like control of my Hue lights in the living room to dim when a movie is playing, just for one example). But once your initial setup is done, you can just generally leave everything and not need any additional maintenance. And now with it being in the Store, I won't have to manually keep my three PCs all up to date, so I'm very excited about this.
I don't see how they could see any hope for success. The thing is called « Teams », it screams work and business. I don't see anything that would make me ditch Discord to use that. I could even use Discord alternatives like or rocketchat, but Teams ? No way
I've noticed that and RES runs much better than the redesign in any browser I've tried so far - and not just because it's faster, but because it's less garbage...
If this site is right you are using a 15 years old software. Who know why it's abbreviated. Maybe they use a deprecated API call and get weird result. Maybe your temp isn't exactly temp but have some non ascii character and ACDsee can display it right.
Just a heads up, the mobile link will open all pushed webpages with Edge.
SearchWithMyBrowser can fix that. You can download it on GitHub or get it on the Windows Store for $1 if you feel like donating and/or want autoupdates (currently rewriting it from scratch to also redirect search engines when searching with Cortana).
This is intentional and was removed as a legacy/deprecated feature:
It was surprisingly difficult, but I did find a free piece of software that will play blurays (assuming you have a BD drive of course). No setup required and it supports menus and selecting different audio and subtitle tracks.
Leawo Bluray player:
OPs screenshot doesn't have enough information to make a determination. A more powerful tool such as Wireshark can decode the actual traffic.
If OP isn't using any IPv6 applications all that traffic can be attributed to the exchange of routing information that needs to be shared across the tunnel. A sample I've taken from my own network shows about the same frequency of traffic and it's all routing related. Nothing sinister (or even interesting) going on here.
Despite Windows Defender is not the most resource-friendly and safe anti-virus according to AV-Test, I have had no problems at all. Besides, there are no registration procedures.
However it is recommended to use modified hosts file in addition to (any) anti-virus as well. You will increase protection against thousands of malware websites and significantly speed up internet browsing speed.
I don't want to say they "invented" this, I don't know. But I do know this was around before Apple introduced their nightshift solution. So I was wondering why they don't just use f.lux which has been around awhile. If you read the article...which I presume you haven't, they mention about f.lux.
I have the same problem.
So far I've found that it's likely caused by a faulty driver, which I'm currently investigating.
The steps I'm currently undertaking are these:
Will update when I have more news, because this is making me very frustrated.
I have succesfully fixed the issue (for me at least) by simply updating my network drivers from Killer. Download here: -> Install (requires 2x restart) -> immediate effect with only 10-20% memory usage whereas before I would have 90-99%.
If the above doesn't fix it for you, try manually disabling the network data usage driver (the culprit) by following these steps:
Open up "regedit" and go this key. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Ndu
Change the "Start" value to 4 (to disable it).
A while ago I found an app called Everything that works really well - the search is pretty much instant and can find anything, is really customizable and works full-text. Highly recommended, haven't used Windows search since (as I wasn't really able to find any files on my 3 disks without waiting a year or two)
^^also ^^paging ^^/u/vikramdinesh ^^in ^^this ^^reply
What problem is actually solved by introducing tabs to File Explorer UI? I can see tabs might look useful at first, but then I cannot come up with a scenario where the typical workflow benefits from using tabs.
It looks like Flipboard is still using the old Metro/modern interface rather than the newer UAP interface that apps are moving too. It likely hasn't been updated in forever. Their email is , I'd contact them to see if they are going to update to a Universal app anytime soon
Regarding sharing, you have to do the old Windows 8 way with the sharing charm. In the upper left is the three lines that bring down a dropdown menu, click that and press Share. This will bring up a menu on the right, where you can share the content too. On a default Windows install there is no way to share to clipboard, so if you pick Mail it will start a new email that has the link you can copy paste. If you want to save a step, you can install "Clipboard" app, which will add a clipboard option to the share screen
Clipboard -