This app was mentioned in 259 comments, with an average of 2.17 upvotes
I recently discovered <em>CloudPlayer</em> and it's my favourite music player. It looks really nice, doesn't have awful quality album art, artist pictures (unfortunately no custom ones) and most importantly can play files from cloud services such as OneDrive.
Gapless playback, Album Shuffle (meaning "Play a whole random album in proper order, then play another one."), Playlist Sharing, all kinds of things they could do. Basically look at anything CloudPlayer does and rip it off.
Unfortunately, Google Play Music is crippled by design and prohibits 3rd party apps from integrating with it. Google has also legally threatened developers who attempted to add support for Play Music into their apps. So even if you do find an Android app who claims to support it, it may be banned from the store at any time.
Rather than trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, I suggest you upload your music to a cloud service that has open APIs such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive. Our own app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer has equivalent functionality to Play Music, but streams directly from Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. It also supports lossless streams, which Play Music does not because it replaces your uploaded songs with down-sampled or fingerprint matched MP3s. Give it a try. Happy to send you an unlock code too :)
If you want to unchain yourself from Google Play Music, you should check out CloudPlayer. It was designed as an open Play Music alternative and can be paired to Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive, instead of being limited to Google's closed Play Music cloud.
It was also specifically designed for audiophiles and supports lossless formats, gapless playback for both local and cloud-stored tracks, loudness normalization and much more. It comes with a free 30-day trial to test drive paid features. I'm the co-founder of the team behind the app.
As sid32 said, it's completely closed :( Play Music is the roach motel of cloud music: music goes in and never comes out.
However, if your library fits on Google Drive, you could try uploading it there and use CloudPlayer to manage and stream it. It's fully Android Auto compatible, it's a one time purchase and comes with a 30 day free trial. I'm the co-founder of the team that developed it.
What you're probably seeing is Google being over-eager to sell Play Music subscriptions.They are becoming more and more desperate, hiding things in the UI. If you're willing to migrate your music to Google Drive instead, I'm happy to send you an unlock code for CloudPlayer. It's a Play Music alternative that works with Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive and gives you complete control over your music without DRM, "maximum authorizations" or other annoying restrictions. I'm the co-founder.
Unfortunately, Play Music is the equivalent of a roach motel: music goes in but never gets out. Google uses technical and legal means to block developers from adding support for music streamed from the Play Music cloud. So few developers would take the risk to publish and maintain apps that would be compatible with Play Music.
If you want to keep full control and ownership over your music, I suggest you upload your library to a service with open APIs such as Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox. You can then use an app like CloudPlayer to stream, download and manage your music without being subject to Google's Play Music limitations. I'm the co-founder of the team that built CloudPlayer.
Play Music does not support FLAC for cloud files and will compress them to lossy MP3s.
We fully support FLAC in CloudPlayer so consider uploading your lossless music to Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox, which have open APIs and integrate seamlessly with CloudPlayer. I'm the co-founder and happy to send you an unlock code if you want to give it a spin.
Thanks for pinging me about this.
There was never a CloudPlayer Pro app, so this is incorrect. Maybe the OP was referring to doubleTwist Pro, which is an entirely different, non-cloud app?
CloudPlayer Platinum can be downloaded in two ways:
So to recap, this was 100% incorrect. Once a Platinum user, always a Platinum user no matter how you buy the app.
Not quite the same, but Cloudplayer is similar and supports OneDrive. It's what I used to replace groove. Unfortunately I can't remember what Groove on a phone used to look like, so that's the best I can do.
Supports OneDrive streaming and a bunch of other cloud storage services. Works great and well worth the price.
CloudPlayer is an awesome music player that lets you stream music from cloud storage providers. Right now they support Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive. I didn't like the download limit on Google Play Music, so I moved all my music into my Google Drive and now I'm using this and I'm loving it.
Cloud streaming is a premium feature that costs 5 or 6 dollars, I can't remember which. I was lucky enough to get a promo code but I would definitly go back and pay for it. They also have a 30 day trial for premium features.
I use Cloud Player
with Google Drive, it works great for me, and the Play Store entry says it works with OneDrive as well.
If you have free space on your Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox, you could upload your music from your Mac or PC, and stream it or cache it offline with CloudPlayer. CloudPlayer is an open alternative to Google Play Music giving you full control of your files (no Google Music DRM BS) and comes with lossless support among other things. It also works like a normal, offline music player if you're not into the whole cloud streaming thing. I'm the co-founder and happy to send you an unlock code if you'd like to give it a spin with your new phone :)
doubleTwist CloudPlayer comes with a (free) radio directory and a material design UI although we haven't optimized the design for tablets yet. Keep in mind that CloudPlayer is also a music player, but if you don't care for the music player features, you can hide them in the Settings by configuring the Navigation Drawer options. I'm the co-founder :)
I use Google Play Music to stream lossy versions of my music when I'm on data. If I'm on WiFi, usually I use Plex or CloudPlayer to stream lossless from my Google Drive. Spotify doesn't have all the music I want and I like keeping my own library organized more than the convenience Spotify would offer me.
If you listen to your own music (as opposed to using Google's subscription service) my strong recommendation would be to upload your files to a cloud storage service with open APIs that gives you full, unrestricted access to your music. Play Music is the roach motel of cloud music and cripples your files.
Once you have your music on a service like Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive, you can use apps like CloudPlayer to stream or download it without restrictions using the format of your choice, including lossless FLAC and ALAC, on as many devices as you want.
The problem is that services like Play Music do not have open APIs. In Google's case, developers who attempt to use unofficial APIs to support Play Music cloud streaming run the risk of getting their apps removed from the Play Store. So even if you find an app that supports it, Google can remove it from the Store the moment it pops up on their radar. This is effectively a death sentence for an app developer and as a result few developers invest time or resources in maintaining such efforts.
This is also the reason we didn't add support for Play Music in CloudPlayer, although we would very music love to and it would have been a popular feature. We chose instead to integrate with services that have open APIs, and give you complete control and ownership over your files, like Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox.
Hopefully one day Google will open up the Play Music APIs, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
All the apps mentioned here are excellent choices. If you have a ton of FLAC files and not enough space on your phone, you may also want to try CloudPlayer which can handle locally-stored files and can also stream lossless from the cloud. I'm the co-founder :)
Other popular choices with Redditors are GMMP, Black Player and CloudPlayer (I'm the co-founder of doubleTwist, that makes CloudPlayer)
But it all depends on what exactly you are looking for in terms of features and the UI often tends to be a personal preference :)
For a full-featured Google Play Music alternative, you could upload your music to Google Drive and use CloudPlayer. It can download or stream the songs directly from the cloud and does not require a local copy stored on the phone's memory unless you want to cache songs for offline playback. I'm the co-founder of the team that created the app.
If you're using Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox, check out CloudPlayer. We created it as a Play Music alternative for those looking for a powerful, fully featured player that doesn't require you to keep a local copy of your music library, saving memory and storage space.
It comes with a free 30 day trial to try out the paid features which are a one-time upgrade. Happy to send you an unlock code if you enjoy it and don't have a credit card linked to your Play Store account. I'm the co-founder of the team behind the app.
If you have less than 15 GB of music, you could upload your songs to Google Drive which has open APIs. Then you could use CloudPlayer to stream or even cache offline your music. It's a paid feature, which is a one-time upgrade, and comes with a free 30-day trial for testing. I'm the co-founder of the team behind the app.
Check out CloudPlayer which is a Play Music alternative that supports local music as well as streaming from Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. You can also cache cloud tracks offline so you don't use mobile data. The cloud features are unlocked with a one-time in-app purchase and it comes with a free 30 day trial. I'm the co-founder of the team that makes the app.
I think this works in the background:
If you're using Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive, you may want to check out CloudPlayer. Unlike Play Music, it gives you complete control over your music files without any DRM or other strings attached. I'm the co-founder of the team behind the app. It comes with a 30-day free trial of the paid features and you can unlock it with a one-time upgrade.
Depends how big your library is, if it's less than 15gb them you could upload it to Google drive, organise by folder and use Doubletwist for free
Even if you need to upgrade to100gb of drive storage is really cheap.
Edit: god damn you gboard
CloudPlayer lets you stream (or cache offline) music from Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive, so it's handy if you upload your music to one of these services. I'm the co-founder of the team that built the app.
It supports streaming in lossless audio, which is something Play Music can't do, and doesn't come with Play Music's DRM strings & restrictions.
Cloudplayer. Let's me upload all of my music to Google Drive or Dropbox and stream or download from there. Also has a great built-in streaming radio player.
You should take a look at CloudPlayer. It's a Play Music alternative that integrates with OneDrive, Google Drive & Dropbox so you can stream or download music offline. It's a freemium app with a one-time upgrade which unlocks the cloud features and comes with a 30 day free trial.
And since you have unlimited data, you could go lossless. CloudPlayer supports lossless streaming and unlike Play Music it's DRM-free so you can manage your library without any strings attached. I'm the co-founder of the team behind it.
You could try CloudPlayer, which has folder support, can work as an offline player and can also stream from OneDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive. As a bonus, any playlists you create in CloudPlayer are saved so the app can automatically recreate them from your music files on a different device or after an OS upgrade. It's free to use offline with a one time in-app purchase to unlock cloud & other premium features. I'm the co-founder of the team that created the app. We created CloudPlayer as an open Play Music alternative, to bring together the best aspects of offline & cloud music without Google's cloud music DRM restrictions.
We're completely revamping the doubleTwist sync architecture to take advantage of all the new doubleTwist capabilities and plan to release something really cool before the end of the year.
Also, if you ever decide to ditch iTunes, you could try uploading your music to Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive and use CloudPlayer. You would effectively get all the benefits of an iTunes match-like cloud solution without the subscription fees :)
If you're looking for a Play Music alternative that doesn't rely on fingerprinting for uploaded music, and is free of other Play Music drawbacks, you may want to try CloudPlayer. It can work offline, like any normal music player, but can also connect to Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox to stream from the cloud.
I'll double check with the rest of the team, but I'm reasonably confident we support Opus in CloudPlayer. I don't have an opus file handy to test with right now. CloudPlayer is free for non-cloud music so you could give it a try.
I'm a big fan of CloudPlayer. It can play local files as well as ones stored on various cloud services, and meets both of your criteria.
It's not exactly tailored to your needs, but CloudPlayer aggregates music stored locally on the phone and music stored on Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive under a unified media library. It also lets you create playlists containing items from all the above sources. It lacks YouTube or Spotify support though and we don't have any plans to add support for them as they are not "true" cloud services in terms of full file access. I'm the co-founder :)
If you want to try a Google Play Music alternative, give CloudPlayer a spin. It works with Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive so you can listen to your entire music library without downloading it to your phone. Of course, you need to upload your tracks to one of these services first, but unlike Google Play Music, they have open APIs and don't wrap your music with DRM or other nasty restrictions. You can also stream in lossless if you're an audio freak like me :) I'm the co-founder of doubleTwist, the developers of CloudPlayer.
Thanks for the feedback. We don't currently support multiple artwork images for songs within the same album but it's something we are considering adding to our newest app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer (
Doing it right requires some work as extracting artwork for every single song can have an adverse effect on performance.
Note: I'm the co-founder of doubleTwist :)
I can really recommend CloudPlayer if you plan to stream your own music over Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox.
CloudPlayer can also play local music, but then it's basically "just" doubleTwist.
I liked voice but ended up using CloudPlayer from doubletwist as it's nice to have all my audio books on my Google Drive and have Chromecast support and my progress saved across different audio books. Plus you can save them offline like Spotify playlists very easily.
Unless you have a super big library, consider moving it to Google Drive which comes with 15GB free. You can then use CloudPlayer to stream or cache it offline. I'm the co-founder and created the app specifically as an open Play Music alternative because Google prohibits 3rd party developers from integrating with the Play Music cloud.
Google, for example, lets you do it.
Personally, I use Spotify but I also have CloudPlayer and store all my downloaded shit on the cloud.
Have a look at CloudPlayer. We created it as an open Play Music alternative and it works with Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive.
It has a custom audio engine and even supports formats that Android usually doesn't support, like Apple Lossless and others. It comes with a 30 day free trial for paid features.
CloudPlayer has built-in Chromecast support and it also works for local/offline files. Casting is part of the premium upgrade, but the app comes with a free 30 day trial so you can test it out.
If you want to cast using Chromecast, AirPlay or DLNA, you could try CloudPlayer. It comes with a free 30 day trial for premium features and can cast both local and cloud tracks. If you like it after testing it out, the premium version is currently on sale.
100% correct. And Google has in the past harassed developers who've added support for playing pinned tracks for music owned or purchased by the user. Our only hope at this point is that the Europeans slap them with severe antitrust penalties to force them to open up Android, which is gradually becoming a closed OS tied to Google services.
If you're not a Play Music subscriber, and you just want to stream your own music from the cloud, check out CloudPlayer which integrates with Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. Google Drive has open APIs and comes with 15GB free storage so you can store a decently sized library in the cloud. I'm the co-founder of the team that made the app.
Our last doubleTwist and CloudPlayer updates introduced loudness normalization. The best way to try it out is to get CloudPlayer and use the free 30-day trial which temporarily unlocks the premium features. You can then activate the loudness normalization by going to CloudPlayer Settings and turning on the Loudness Normalization option. Let me know what you think!
How large is your library? We've tested (offline, non-cloud) CloudPlayer libraries with several dozen GBs of songs. Same for the revamped doubleTwist Pro.
We've had a fair amount of requests to add Mega support to CloudPlayer but it's not developer-friendly. Right now we support OneDrive, Google Drive and Dropbox and it's even possible to "chain" them together, but that's still less than 50GB of total free space if you're not a premium user :(
If you're looking for a premium alternative to Play Music, you may want to take a look at CloudPlayer which is designed to stream music from Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive and can also cache music for offline listening. The premium version is a one-time upgrade and there's a 30 day free trial to test the app before buying.
If you're looking for a free solution, try CloudPlayer. It works with both local and cloud music and has full Android Auto support. Local playback and AA support are free and don't require any in-app upgrades.
If you don't need any cloud features, and open to considering a paid app, the revamped doubleTwist Pro also comes with Android Auto support. I'm the co-founder.
You may want to take a look at doubleTwist CloudPlayer which is an open Play Music alternative that works with local music as well as Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. It can also import music from the older doubleTwist Classic app by using the "Scan Local Folder" option in the Settings.
If you're not a GPM subscriber and listen to your own, uploaded music, you may want to give CloudPlayer a try. It's an open Play Music alternative that works for both local music and cloud music stored on Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive.
Unlike Play Music, it does not cripple your music with DRM and does not fingerprint match your songs, which means you can listen to the exact track you upload even if it's lossless or explicit. I'm the co-founder so let me know what you think if you give it a spin.
The new doubleTwist beta has multiple sorting options, including by date added. You can join the beta here:
Our sister app, CloudPlayer, which includes cloud integration with Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive, also has this capability.
Google Play Music is the roach motel of cloud music: music goes in but can't come out. If you want to truly own your music, use a cloud service with open APIs like Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive. Then you can use an app like CloudPlayer to manage it without restrictions and no DRM.
Totally agree with you. The censoring issue and the fact they cripple your music collection by applying DRM to stored files so it can't be used on non-Google Android music players is why we created CloudPlayer. It's an open GPM alternative that uses Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive instead of the proprietary Google Music cloud. This ensures that you listen to the exact song you uploaded and not some matched, crippled version.
CloudPlayer's free version has a folder view and is ad-free, so you may want to give it a try. It works 100% like a normal, offline player if you don't link it to a cloud account. I'm the co-founder :)
If you're looking for a Play Music alternative with good playlist management, have a look at CloudPlayer. You can create playlists that consist of both local and cloud songs by blending in files stored on the phone's memory/SD with files stored on Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. But what sets it apart is that CloudPlayer can auto-save your playlists to the cloud for free and sync playlist changes to a new phone or tablet. This safeguards the playlist data so you don't lose them when you buy a new device or flash a new firmware. To be clear, you still need to have a copy of your songs either in the cloud or on the device, but the playlist metadata are automatically restored for you.
I'm the co-founder so let me know what you think if you give it a spin :)
Have you tried our new app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer? It fully supports Chromecast and the premium version has a 30 day free trial so you can test at your convenience. I'm the co-founder :)
doubleTwist CloudPlayer does this and it's controlled by the "Bookmarking" option in the Settings. You can customize the bookmarking threshold to your needs by specifying that you only want to bookmark audio tracks that are longer than X minutes in duration.
CloudPlayer also supports cloud streaming from Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive but you don't need this feature for your needs. I'm the co-founder.
It really depends on what you're looking for in a music player and your personal taste in UI. What's important to you?
There are several excellent players, like Rocket Player or CloudPlayer. CloudPlayer features a modern material design UI and can handle both offline music as well as music streamed from Google Drive, OneDrive & Dropbox. I'm the co-founder.
The free version of CloudPlayer has a "Scan Local Folder" option in the Settings that you can point to the folder where your music is stored. I'm the co-founder of doubleTwist, the team that created CloudPlayer :)
Have you tested with a different music app? We've created a help page for OK Google for doubleTwist CloudPlayer, but while we made CloudPlayer work with commands like "play artist" or "play album", in our testing the command "play music" was always hijacked by Play Music. Here's the OK Google help link.
If you have available space in your Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox account, give CloudPlayer a try. It's a Google Play Music alternative that can work offline or stream from your cloud accounts.
The cloud functionality is a one-time in-app purchase and you can test it for free for 30 days but happy to send you an unlock code if you want to give it a spin. I'm the co-founder :)
If you're an audio snob like me with a large lossless library, you may also want to try CloudPlayer which plays local (offline) tracks and can stream from Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. I'm the co-founder :)
CloudPlayer was designed specifically for this because we were frustrated with Play Music's use of DRM and other user-unfriendly policies. CloudPlayer can handle local music as well as stream and/or cache offline from Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. I'm the co-founder of the doubleTwist team, the makers of the app. The cloud functionality is part of the premium feature set, which is a one-time upgrade, and it comes with a 30 day free trial so you can test the app at your convenience.
If you give it a spin let me know what you think!
Why keep getting tortured by Play Music when you can use CloudPlayer, which is much lighter and can stream or download music directly from Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. I'm the co-founder and happy to send you an unlock code :)
If you liked doubleTwist, you'll love our latest app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer. It features a material design UI, better handling of large media libraries, casting support, Android Auto/Wear support, and streaming/offline caching capability for songs stored on Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. We'll be porting the new engine to doubleTwist Classic in the coming months (minus the cloud part) so give it a try now for a preview. I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
CloudPlayer is free for local music and does not have ads. There are also many other choices such as doubleTwist Classic or Rocket Player from fellow Austin developer and (friendly) competitor JRTStudio.
I've been wanting to get a group of musicians to try CloudPlayer as a collaborative tool. It pairs with Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive so you could create a shared cloud account to listen to your tracks without needing to email them. If you'd like to give it a try I'd be happy to send you a few unlock codes. I'm the co-founder :)
Unfortunately, it's not really your collection mirrored in the cloud. Play Music fingerprints your songs and "matches" them to what they think is an identical song on their servers. This is often at a lesser audio quality than the original, especially if you have a lossless collection, and can also cause errors with explicit or live tracks.
If you have sufficient free space on your Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive, you may want to try CloudPlayer which streams the exact file you upload. I'm the co-founder :)
Have you tried our latest app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer? It was built fresh from the ground up and we'll be transplanting the new engine to the (older) doubleTwist Classic this summer/fall. I'm the co-founder.
That's not very useful to Android developers as Google regularly removes from the Play Store apps that try to access the Play Music cloud locker, etc. Google even objects to developers accessing "pinned" songs stored on the phone, even when these songs are part of the user's own uploaded music library. It's also the reason why we didn't integrate with the Google Play Music locker in CloudPlayer and instead pair with Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox, which are unrestricted and don't DRM music.
CloudPlayer by doubleTwist handles both local and cloud playback. However, cloud support is currently limited to files stored on Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive, which have public APIs, so it won't help you access your Spotify music if that's what you were looking for. I'm the co-founder :)
If you are looking for a Google Play Music alternative, you may want to try CloudPlayer. It can handle all local music files as well as stream from Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. It also comes with AirPlay and Chromecast support, 10-band EQ, tag editor & artwork lookup. I'm the co-founder :)
Thanks for using doubleTwist! Could you check if Viper4Android also works with our latest app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer? I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
doubleTwist CloudPlayer has a 30 day free trial for premium features, but it's quite powerful even if you don't upgrade (tag editor, artwork lookup, advanced sorting options, light/dark skins and more)
CloudPlayer also has a manual "Scan Local Folder" option to scan SD cards in case your music is not picked up by Android's media scanner.
We'll be porting over CloudPlayer's new audio engine and material design UI to doubleTwist Classic in the coming months, so it's a good way to find out what's on the horizon in terms of improvements.
Note: I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
You may want to give doubleTwist CloudPlayer a try. You can pair it with Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive and cache playlists, albums, artists and genres offline so you don't use any data. Plus it has a switch for turning off mobile data.
If you have locally stored music, it will index it too and it comes with out of the box Android Auto support. If you like it, let me know and I'll send you an unlock code (I'm the doubleTwist co-founder.)
You may also want to try doubleTwist CloudPlayer. It's ad-free, features a material design UI and the metatag & artwork editing is part of the free version. I'm the co-founder so your feedback goes directly to the team :)
You may want to give doubleTwist CloudPlayer a try. It works in a similar way to GPM but streams from Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive, which have open APIs and no DRM restrictions:
Note: I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :) If you give CloudPlayer a try, let me know your thoughts. It comes with a free 30-day trial.
If you have a free cloud storage account with Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive, you may want to try doubleTwist CloudPlayer:
It connects to your cloud account and indexes all the music it finds. You can then save the music for offline listening on your phone (so you don't use any mobile data) or you can stream it and save storage space on your phone.
Note: I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
This is the link to the beta group:
It's technically a private group but in practice everyone can join unless they are a spammer or troll.
If you're not into betas, we'll release the Folder update to the Play Store later this week:
Note: I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
Yes, if you sync with doubleTwist you should be able to play the music in any app you like. However, on certain Android versions (for example KitKat) the Android OS does not allow apps to write data to SD cards outside designated folders.
If you don't like the UI of doubleTwist Classic, you may want to try our new material design app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer:
CloudPlayer does not sync with iTunes but will import the doubleTwist Classic playlists. It also streams from Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive, bringing GPM-like functionality without the DRM/closed aspect.
For the record, I am the doubleTwist co-founder :)
I'm a Plex and Plexamp man now, but for a while I saved my Flac collection in onedrive and used Cloud Player to stream direct from OD
Pretty decent, I'd you'd rather not self host.
I recomend Cloud PlayerCloud Player, I use it and store my music on OneDrive, but it has the option to connect to other cloud providers even OwnCloud, and supports cast to tv/chromecast
>Use it as an offline music player or link your Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive to create a giant cloud jukebox for all your music. Stream or download from your cloud accounts for offline playback.
Would you be interested in another option?
(There are other, similar apps. This one works for me, but YMMV.)
A cloud-enabled media player plus a Box/Drive/Dropbox/etc storage account is about as easy as it comes. If you want zero fuss, it doesn't get much easier.
I tried giving YouTube Music a shot 3 times this year so I can get used to the interface but I still hate it and there's a lot of features missing that Google Play Music had that I use
Fortunately, I found a good replacement few weeks ago and linked it to sync with my Google Drive. It has auto sync for my offline music which is the main reason why I used Google Play Music in the first place
The fix has been live on the Play Store for CloudPlayer for a couple of weeks now but Google has been holding the CloudPlayer Platinum update from going live.
For some odd reason, someone on the Play Store review team wants us to remove references to non-Google services (like OneDrive and Dropbox) from the CloudPlayer Platinum app before approving the release. We've been going back and forth with the Play Store review person and hope they'll reverse their decision so we can finally get the update out.
I've never exactly used this, but "Cloud Player by doubletwist" should do the job. Basically you upload your music to whatever cloud service you choose, and the player should pick it up no matter which device.
The best option though might just be YouTube music. You can upload your library there and access it from any device without needing a subscription. I hope this helps, but if not let me know
There are some apps out there that already do this.
Cloud Player for example.
Still, more apps is always a good thing!
I think the route I plan to go is this app:
and store everything in google drive.
This app has casting and background playing and proper organization as well as easy offline playback and integration.
But you can still store the audio and video on Google Drive, S3, or any other hosted storage as a service.
Seems like the real problem is the lack of a convenient universal front-end.
edit: Looks like some people have been working on the problem.
I just... I don't get it? Isn't the whole point of selfhosting to remove the problem of companies having control over your files?
If Google decides to screw you over for some reason, say goodbye to your music.
It just sounds like you want a generic music streaming app, nothing selfhosted about it.
Which cloud service do you use? I use CloudPlayer which supports Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive.
Pretty good so far.
I just found an Android app called CloudPlayer that allows me to access books on my google drive. I can also choose to have it save a book right to the phone if I need to, right from the menu of that book.
You could always pirate some music, slap it in Google Cloud or something else, and then stream it using CloudPlayer. Requires a little more effort, but you'll know it'll work.
You could try CloudPlayer (though I am not quite sure whether it buffers all your audio locally first), or you could use something like Astiga, which, while it does not technically stream directly from OneDrive to your Chromecast, does not need to buffer the audio locally on your phone.
^(Disclaimer: I created Astiga)
I'm testing DoubleTwist CloudPlayer right now, only catch is that onedrive streaming requires premium. However they do provide a 30 trial.
The app supports flac streaming which is nice.I'd say it so far is way more usable than the Groove app, and the asking price for premium, is an amount I'm willing to shell out, if it means I don't have to move my music collection from OneDrive.
This is the first giveaway I did for the CloudPlayer Platinum paid apk. I have however done a giveaway for the in-app Platinum upgrade in the free CloudPlayer app, which is the same thing. So check out your free CloudPlayer app and you'll probably see that the in-app Platinum upgrade is already unlocked for you.
CloudPlayer - Play music that is stored in your cloud backup service, directly without having first to download. Includes Dropbox, Microsoft and Google. Now beta testing folder navigation.
File Shortcut - Add shortcuts on your home screen that wouldn't otherwise be possible. I link to individual word and excel documents for quick access.
Nextdoor - Dedicated social network specifically designed for neighborhoods. Almost 100 participants in my neighborhood where no other means of online engagement has been successful. Easy invite method, including free postcards. Good for asking about contractors, community events, sharing car break-in alerts, etc
Redirect Pro - Set up rules to auto redirect specific file types or folders to other locations on your phone. I use it every day to move videos into a dedicated folder and out of the default camera location. Also to move EyeFi phone downloads from my Sony camera into designated folders. Can also redirect to your PC but I'm not smart enough to figure out how, and instructions have too many gaps for me.
Send to Kindle - Send well-formatted web pages in text only form to your Kindle device, via the Amazon Kindle email address specific to your device. Interface is showing its age but works well since only has one real function. Let's you preview before sending so you know it captured everything properly.
Shortcuts for Waze - Fills in missing Waze feature. Create home screen shortcuts to preset destinations. Then open to have Waze actually navigate to them without it first asking you to pick from a search results list
Signing Savvy - Best and most complete sign language dictionary, with video demonstrations of every word. All others I could find were incomplete and inadequate. Can keep multiple lists of favorite words for quick access (subscription required).
Touchnote - Use paid credits to send customized postcards or greetings cards in the US and worldwide, with your own images and text. Great for sending photos to family members who don't use the internet, and for not having to go to the store to buy boring birthday cards.
UnTouch - Locks screen from all unintentional touches. I use this when handing myp device to my toddler to Skype with the grandparents, so he doesn't accidentally hang up or change to the home screen. Can customize how you deactivate, e.g. I set it to require 6 rapid touches plus a pattern.
Voice Choice 2.0 - I use my Google Voice number for all calls in and out except for numbers within my cell phone family plan. If I call those via Google Voice then it uses plan minutes instead of being free. this app lets me exclude those and dial directly, automatically. Also useful to exclude for numbers where connections via Google Voice prove sketchy for some reason.
List made using List My Apps
Thank me later!
Yep, that's what we did with CloudPlayer :)
Thanks :) CloudPlayer provides a unified view for music stored on OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox and phone/SD card.
Upload your music to Google Drive and use one of the man cloud-based music players like or
Upload your stuff onto Google Drive and then use CloudPlayer.
Cloud Player can stream your Drive music as well as OneDrive and Dropbox:
CloudPlayer supports Album Artist browsing and the free version is probably all you need. I'm the co-founder.
Thanks for the CloudPlayer tip. Here's the Play Store link:
I'm using for music. It does seem to have bookmark support, though I haven't yet tried it.
I'd like to add that CloudPlayer can cast directly from Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive, using AirPlay/Chromecast.
Here's the CloudPlayer Play Store link. Let me know how you like it. I'm the co-founder :)
Some users are fine with:
you can stream from a cloud, no pc
idk anything else besides what's listed ... maybe get creative with Tasker
I use cloudPlayer
Cloud player would be your best bet
CloudPlayer this does what you're after already I think. I've been using it for ages. Really good.
CloudPlayer is great and the interface is similar to GPM
For a while I used CloudPlayer to sync for offline playing. It worked well.
Since I have a Plex server, I switched to use Plexamp at some point, even though it doesn't yet have Android Auto support. (Then again, I haven't driven anywhere in 3+ months.)
Of course, my preferred app for streaming music on Android is still a work-in-progress version of my W10/WP10 Llama Music app.
J River is solid, but not cloud based. You can stream music off your computer from anywhere.
CloudPlayer is great for Android. You upload files to Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive and can stream from there.
Jellyfin sorta like Plex but open source and free forever.
Roon Wonderful in-network streaming option. One of the best interfaces out there for audiophiles. No remote streaming yet (you may be able to hack a workaround). Expensive, but very well done.
If you're on Android you can this app. It can connect to google drive, onedrive, or dropbox accounts and if you turn off "Respect Audio Focus" in the apps settings you can record in another app while playing a song.
I also have found this to be the best audio recording app on Android
Upload it to Google Drive and use Doubletwist
I'm using Cloud Player to stream music from my OneDrive account. Works great on Android.
For an open, cloud-friendly alternative to Play Music, consider uploading your files to Google Drive. You can then use CloudPlayer to stream or download your music and have complete control and ownership over your files. It also works with OneDrive and Dropbox. It comes with a free 30-day trial for paid features which can be permanently unlocked with a one-time upgrade. I'm the co-founder of the team behind the app.
CloudPlayer maybe
If you're just looking to stream your own music from the cloud, check out CloudPlayer. We built it as an open Play Music alternative for music stored on Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive to get around Google's Play Music DRM & other restrictions.
As an open alternative to Google Play Music, you may also want to check out CloudPlayer. You just upload your MP3s to Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox and then you can stream or download them on your phone, helping you save space. It's a one-time upgrade and comes with a free 30 day trial.
pony up for the paid version. same crew that made doubletwist.
Do you keep a copy of your files on OneDrive for Groove Music? If you do, you may want to take a look at CloudPlayer. It works like Groove Music on Android, accessing files off OneDrive, but it's much more mature and fully featured. However, we don't have a companion app on Windows yet, so you may need to manually upload your m3u files for playlist sync.
Looks like CloudPlayer will play songs from your drive on AA.
CloudPlayer™. It has a trial period that makes it free, but it's worth it to play for it.
There's Microsoft Groove, which is a nice service on Windows PC but the Android app isn't great (still runs faster than GPM though). This also means that your entire music library can be stored offline on your PC and still be synced with your phone. It's the nicest offering in that regard.
There's also CloudPlayer, which I've tried in the past and not been hugely impressed with, but it might be worth a try. This relies on storage from other cloud service (I think only OneDrive and Google Drive are supported).
Finally, Subsonic is a self-hosted offering if you have the ability to host a server of your own. There are a few other similar solutions, too.
I don't believe the 3 apps that were mentioned so far support streaming from NAS. We're considering adding support for it in CloudPlayer but we have a pretty full development schedule until Xmas.
It seems like CloudPlayer could be what you are looking for.
We have this on both CloudPlayer and the new doubleTwist Classic which is in open beta.
On the Songs list, tap on the 3-dot menu in the top right and select "Sort By" to access the sorting options. The free version of the app is all that you need for this :)
Unless I'm missing something, since you have Android Auto, why don't you use an app that supports Android Auto for your non-Spotify tracks? CloudPlayer and several other players can do that.
If you upload your Music you csn use Cloud player .
If you're open to uploading your music library to Google Drive, you could give CloudPlayer a try. It's a Play Music alternative that works with cloud services that have open APIs such as Dropbox, OneDrive & Google Drive. It lets you stream as well as download songs, playlists, albums & artists and does not cripple your music the way GPM does. The cloud functionality is unlocked with a one-time purchase and comes with a 30-day free trial.
I'm the co-founder and always open to new feedback here on Reddit.
It's not quite the same, but for the last couple of years we've been working on an open music player app that can stream directly from popular cloud storage services. The app is called CloudPlayer and currently supports Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. It's been popular with audiophiles because it can stream lossless audio.
If you're looking for an advanced Play Music competitor with a cloud component, you may want to give CloudPlayer a try. It comes with a free 30 day trial, so you can fully test the app before buying it. I'm the co-founder.
Keep in mind that the Play Music cloud is completely closed, so if you'd like to use CloudPlayer's cloud features, you'll need to upload your music to Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive, which have open APIs and give you full control over your music files. CloudPlayer can also be used offline, for music stored on the phone or SD cards, and can also be configured to download songs from the cloud for offline listening.
CloudPlayer has a Bookmarking setting that can be configured to remember the position for any audio track that's longer than a certain duration. I'm the co-founder so if you give it a try, let me know what you think.
If you don't mind syncing via the cloud, you can try doubleTwist CloudPlayer and connect it to your desktop via a Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive folder. It supports all major music formats including lossless (FLAC/ALAC)
If you're into music, there are many high-quality music apps to choose from. For a Play Music alternative that works with local music as well as files stored on popular cloud services like Google Drive, you can't go wrong with CloudPlayer :) I'm the co-founder and it comes with a 30 day free trial so you can fully test the premium features before pulling the trigger on the one-time upgrade.
Might not be what you're looking for, but here's an app that lets you play songs from Google Drive.
It's on the Platinum version which is a one-time in-app upgrade:
It also comes with a 30-day free trial, so you can take your time and test it before buying.
If you want fine-grain control over your music files, one option would be to upload your music to Google Drive and use CloudPlayer. You could then go to the "Recently Added" playlist and mark it Offline. It contains your entire music library and is not capped to 500 songs. I'm the co-founder :)
We have that in CloudPlayer and doubleTwist Pro. CloudPlayer's basic app is free, so you can try the sorting to see if you like it.
It depends on what you're looking for and a lot of it comes to personal preference such as UI, etc. CloudPlayer supports both local music and music stored on Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox which can be very handy if you're ever low on space. It also comes with a free 30-day trial for paid features so you can fully test the app before buying. I'm the co-founder :)
Since you're on Windows, one option would be to upload music to OneDrive and then use doubleTwist CloudPlayer on the Android side. We'll be making further optimizations to this flow in the months ahead. I'm the co-founder so if you give it a spin let me know what you think :)
Another option is to upload music to a Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive account and configure CloudPlayer to cache it offline on your phone so you can listen to it without data. I'm the co-founder, so if you give it a spin, let me know how you like it :)
If you're looking for a free alternative, try CloudPlayer. The new doubleTwist Classic beta also works with Opus.
We have been very busy releasing new apps and updating our old ones. Have you tried our latest app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer? It's an open Google Play Music alternative that works with Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive, enabling you to create a unified jukebox, across local and cloud music files. Happy to send you an unlock code if you want to give it a spin :)
If you do most of your listening on your phone, try doubleTwist CloudPlayer which can be paired with a Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive account. This way you don't need to mess with syncing: anything you put into your cloud account will be accessible from your phone and won't be using storage on your device unless you manually cache it offline. I'm the co-founder.
It will also recognize and import m3u playlist files from your cloud accounts, so you could create an m3u with any desktop software, then add it to your Dropbox, etc where it'll be discovered and imported to your phone.
You may also want to take a look at CloudPlayer, which works with both local and cloud tracks. Casting is a premium feature but if you like the app, happy to send you an unlock code. I'm the co-founder :)
CloudPlayer has this. I'm sure there are also other apps out there that other Redditors here may recommend. I'm the co-founder of the start-up that makes CloudPlayer, so if you give it a try let me know what you think!
doubleTwist CloudPlayer lets you "ban" folders from your library and the free version should be sufficient for your needs. To ban a folder, go to the Folders view, tap on the 3-dot menu next to the folder you want to ban and select "Ban Folder". I'm the co-founder :)
We do this in CloudPlayer and the app is free to use for most non-cloud features. I'm the co-founder :)
We also have a free metadata editor built into CloudPlayer. But if you have tons of edits to do, you should probably look for an app that auto-tags :)
We also support this in CloudPlayer.
Rather than being tortured by the Play Music cloud, which is closed and may ban 3rd party apps at any time, you could try CloudPlayer which integrates with Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox that give you full control and ownership over your files. I'm the co-founder and happy to send you an unlock code :)
The old doubleTwist version is ancient and about to undergo major revamp, which is being released as a beta later this week. To get an idea of what's coming, try doubleTwist CloudPlayer, which features a material design UI, a brand new audio engine, robust handling of large libraries, metadata editing, casting support and much more. I'm the co-founder :)
We also have this in CloudPlayer. It lets you cast any songs that you've stored locally on your phone as well as cast directly from Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. I'm the co-founder.
In CloudPlayer, you'll find the option to exclude specific folders from your library. Go to the Folders view, tap on the 3-dot menu next to the folder you want to ban and select "Ban Folder". The free version will work perfectly fine for your needs. I'm the co-founder :)
The free version of CloudPlayer has many advanced sorting options and although it's a powerful music player, you can hide any navigation menu features you don't use from the UI in the Settings. I'm the co-founder :)
If you're using Google Drive for music storage, you may want to take a look at CloudPlayer. Right now it supports downloading and/or streaming from the cloud, but we'll be adding upload capabilities in an upcoming release. I'm the co-founder and happy to send you an unlock code for the premium version if it fits your needs.
doubleTwist CloudPlayer comes with a free metadata editor and artwork lookup. I'm the co-founder :)
You may also want to try our latest app, CloudPlayer. It does not have built-in podcast support yet, but it comes with an excellent, free radio directory. doubleTwist Classic will be updated in the next few months and we'll be making available early beta releases on our private beta group later this summer.
CloudPlayer, which works perfectly fine as a traditional offline player, should work for you. I'm the co-founder. Another great option would be Rocket Player from fellow Austin developer JRT Studio.
I'm obviously biased, but check out CloudPlayer. It's free for non-cloud features and we designed it to provide an open alternative to Google Play Music. Happy to send you an unlock code if you like it :)
What sort of commands? For example, "Play music" is always hijacked by Play Music.
We have implemented support for Google Now in CloudPlayer but we still receive reports every now and then of Google hijacking some commands. I believe fellow Austin developer JRT Studio has also implemented voice command support in his Rocket Player app.
There are lots of good options. You could try CloudPlayer (the free version should be sufficient for your needs) or Rocket Player. I'm the doubleTwist co-founder, the makers of CloudPlayer.
We don't have a Linux version, but if you don't mind using the cloud, you could check out our sister app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer, which works with Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. That way you could integrate with your Linux machine using a Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive desktop client. Dropbox for example has a Linux client:
Thanks for recommending CloudPlayer. Next week I'll have some big news to share about a major update we're working on :)
Here's the Play Store link for anyone who wants to try the app.
While a lot of people love Play Music, it has some serious drawbacks for audiophiles. If you're listening to your own, uploaded music, consider switching to doubleTwist CloudPlayer, an open Play Music alternative that works with Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. Unlike Play Music, which is DRM-crippled by design, these cloud services have open APIs and give you full control over your files. I'm the co-founder of doubleTwist, the makers of CloudPlayer. Happy to send you an unlock code if you like the app.
Have you tried using doubleTwist CloudPlayer with it? You can turn on the "Playlist Auto-import" option in CloudPlayer which will automatically fetch synced playlists from doubleTwist Classic. CloudPlayer also lets you configure the default screen for free and has much richer configuration options than Classic.
We'll be releasing a completely revamped Classic beta in the next few weeks. If you're interested in trying it out, you could join our private beta group late July/Aug:
You may want to give doubleTwist CloudPlayer a try. It uses the new Android Marshmallow permission model, has a fresh material design UI, and can work 100% offline with your local music if you don't care about the cloud functionality. The basic, free app is probably all you need. I'm the co-founder, if you give it a spin let me know what you think :)
Unfortunately, Google Play Music is like the roach motel of cloud music. Music goes in, but can't come out :)
Play Music doesn't have an open API for 3rd party developers. If you're looking for an open cloud-based alternative, have a look at CloudPlayer which works with Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive to create your own personal music cloud. I'm the co-founder and happy to send you an unlock code if you want to give it a spin :)
If you liked doubleTwist, you'll love our latest app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer. It features a material design UI, better handling of large media libraries, casting support, Android Auto/Wear support, and streaming/offline caching capability for songs stored on Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. We'll be porting the new engine to doubleTwist Classic in the coming months (minus the cloud part) so give it a try now for a preview. I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
One of the most flexible ways to manage a personal music collection, without DRM restrictions, "authorizations" and other BS, is to upload it to a cloud service like Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive and stream it using doubleTwist CloudPlayer. I'm the co-founder and happy to send you an unlock code. CloudPlayer also comes with a free 30-day trial so you can take your time to fully test it out.
CloudPlayer supports star ratings and saves ratings directly to a song's metadata tags, which very few apps do. I'm the co-founder. To rate, start playing a song, go to the Now Playing screen and tap on the artwork.
We're working on something similar with CloudPlayer, but it's not quite what you are looking for in its current incarnation as it streams from Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive and does not have direct integration with iTunes. It's something we may add in the future. Happy to send you an unlock code though if you want to try it out.
CloudPlayer has multiple sorting options although we don't support mood & BPM. You may like though the way we've implemented Shuffle as it's context-aware. This means if you're browsing a specific genre, shuffle will only shuffle songs from that genre. If you're browsing a specific artist, shuffle will shuffle that artist, etc. I'm the co-founder of doubleTwist, the creators of CloudPlayer.
Another app to try would be Rocket Player, made by our friendly competitor JRT Studio. I believe he has implemented some excellent sorting options as well.
If you liked doubleTwist, you'll love our latest app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer. It features a material design UI, better handling of large media libraries, casting support, Android Auto/Wear support, and streaming/offline caching capability for songs stored on Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. We'll be porting the new engine to doubleTwist Classic in the coming months (minus the cloud part) so give it a try now for a preview. I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
CloudPlayer has advanced sorting options, including by Date Added. I'm the co-founder of doubleTwist, the developers of CloudPlayer. What's wrong with Rocket Player though? Justin from JRTStudio, a fellow Austinite who's the developer of Rocket Player, is active on Reddit and I'm sure he'd love to help you.
If you liked doubleTwist, you'll love our latest app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer. It features a material design UI, better handling of large media libraries, casting support, Android Auto/Wear support, and streaming/offline caching capability for songs stored on Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. We'll be porting the new engine to doubleTwist Classic in the coming months (minus the cloud part) so give it a try now for a preview. I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
CloudPlayer supports Apple Lossless and the basic version is free. Based on your needs, I think the free version is all you need. The optional in-app purchase unlocks extras such as AirPlay/casting support, Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive streaming and a 10-band EQ. There's a free 30 day trial for the paid features. I'm the co-founder :)
You could try Rocket Player or CloudPlayer. In CloudPlayer, we made Shuffle context-aware, so if you shuffle in the Albums screen, it shuffles all your albums, if you shuffle artists it will shuffle artists, etc. I remember Rocket Player also has numerous shuffle options.
If you liked doubleTwist, you'll love our latest app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer. It features a material design UI, better handling of large media libraries, casting support, Android Auto/Wear support, and streaming/offline caching capability for songs stored on Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. We'll be porting the new engine to doubleTwist Classic in the coming months (minus the cloud part) so give it a try now for a preview. I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
If you liked doubleTwist, you'll love our latest app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer. It features a material design UI, better handling of large media libraries, casting support, Android Auto/Wear support, and streaming/offline caching capability for songs stored on Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. We'll be porting the new engine to doubleTwist Classic in the coming months (minus the cloud part) so give it a try now for a preview. I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
If you liked doubleTwist, you'll love our latest app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer. It features a material design UI, better handling of large media libraries, casting support, Android Auto/Wear support, and streaming/offline caching capability for songs stored on Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. We'll be porting the new engine to doubleTwist Classic in the coming months (minus the cloud part) so give it a try now for a preview. I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
CloudPlayer is a beautiful blue :)
To stream music directly from Google Drive, use doubleTwist CloudPlayer. It's a cloud-enabled music player that works with OneDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive. I'm the co-founder of the team behind CloudPlayer and happy to send you an unlock code if you decide to give it a spin.
The functionality you described is pretty basic and you have many good choices. It all comes down to personal preference and look and feel. In addition to the excellent choices mentioned by sid32, you could try Phonograph, Black Player and CloudPlayer. I'm the co-founder of the team behind CloudPlayer and despite the name it does not require any cloud component and can work 100% offline :)
I haven't tried it with WhatsApp, but CloudPlayer has a sharing feature for all offline tracks. It's visible in the Now Playing screen and it's part of the basic feature set so the free version is all you need. I'm the co-founder :)
We also support Android Auto in CloudPlayer. Let me know if you encounter any issues.
There are multiple ways to do what you're looking for:
1) Use an app that has a built-in tag editor (GoneMAD, Rocket Player and CloudPlayer can all do that. I'm the co-founder of the doubleTwist team, which built CloudPlayer :)
2) Use any app to make a playlist, which you can rearrange any way you like.
3) Use an app that has offers multiple sorting options for albums (alphabetic, track number, etc.) I think all the apps mentioned above do that.
another one that's better than Google Play music for AA is Cloud Player
Will try Jetaudio and compare
CloudPlayer has shuffle by album, artist and more. The free version would work perfectly well for your needs. I'm the co-founder :)
You can't go wrong with any of the apps mentioned here. GoneMAD and fellow Austin developer JRTStudio produce excellent apps. You could also check out CloudPlayer. Despite the name, it works offline too, and comes with Chromecast and AirPlay support. The Chromecast feature is not part of the free version of the app, but CloudPlayer comes with a 30 day free trial for paid features. I'm the co-founder :)
doubleTwist Classic Player is being rebuilt from the ground up this summer so you may want to check out our latest app, CloudPlayer instead. We don't currently write the ratings to the embedded tags, but that's planned for a future release.
If you give it a try, let me know what sort of gestures you would like us to support.
You could also try our latest app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer which has an updated UI, better handling of large music libraries, and a 10-band EQ among other things.
CloudPlayer will also do the trick. You'll find the delete option in the 3-dot menu while you're browsing or playing songs. You can also delete entire albums, artists, etc. The free version is all you need. I'm the co-founder :)
CloudPlayer has FLAC and Chromecast support. Casting is not part of the free version, but all premium features come with a 30 day free trial for testing.
If you encountered a problem with doubleTwist, please post on the help forum more details about the error you received so we can assist you.
We also have a new app which you may like but it does not yet support direct import of playlists from iTunes.
Just to rule out it's not an SD card issue, does it show up if you use a 3rd party music player?
For example, try downloading CloudPlayer and go to Settings > Scan Local Folder to navigate to your SD card's music directory.
Thanks for the referral :) This is the CloudPlayer Play Store link. The cloud features come with a free 30 day trial and if you decide to upgrade, it's a one-time thing, not a subscription.
To sync individual songs using doubleTwist, drag and drop any song from inside iTunes to the doubleTwist Sync window.
If you are looking for a cloud-enabled app, you may also want to try doubleTwist CloudPlayer, which is doubleTwist's newest app and can hook directly to your Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. It comes with a free 30-day trial for the cloud features, but let me know if you want an unlock code (I'm the co-founder)
Make sure to try doubleTwist team's latest app: CloudPlayer
CloudPlayer is a Google Play Music alternative that works online & offline and it can stream from Dropbox, OneDrive & Google Drive in addition to locally stored music.
For cloud support, try doubleTwist CloudPlayer. It comes with a 30 day free trial that unlocks all premium cloud features.
Does this also display correctly for you on doubleTwist CloudPlayer? It uses a different engine than doubleTwist Classic and I'd be curious to see if it also displays the tags correctly.
Could you check to see if this also happens to you with doubleTwist CloudPlayer?
I imagine this is a CM issue, but CloudPlayer may behave differently as it uses a different audio engine from doubleTwist Classic.
Note: I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
You may also want to take a look at doubleTwist CloudPlayer, which works with both local and cloud files, features a material design UI, 10-band EQ and casting support for Chromecast/AirPlay.
It's a free download with a 30-day trial for premium features but if you decide to give it a try, let me know and I'll send you an unlock code. I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
If you have some free storage on Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive, you could try doubleTwist CloudPlayer, which works as a regular offline player and can also stream from the cloud. It can save music offline to both internal storage and SD card.
Note: I am the doubleTwist co-founder and replied here since you mentioned us :) If you give CloudPlayer a try, let me know what you think!
On Android, you can download CloudPlayer, pair it with your OneDrive account, and it will index all your music. It will also let you sort by Artist, Album, Ratings, etc and has a 10-band EQ among other things. It's a free download with an in-app purchase and comes with a 30 day free trial.
Note: I am the doubleTwist co-founder, a small start-up out of Austin. If you give CloudPlayer a try, let me know what you think :)
Very odd. If you are storing the files on an SD card, it could be related to SD card permissions.
Although I doubt it would work if even ES File Manager can't handle deletions, you could try doubleTwist CloudPlayer and see if it behaves any different:
Note: I am the doubleTwist co-founder :)
Another one to look into is doubleTwist's newest app, CloudPlayer
It works online or offline and can play music stored locally on the phone or streamed from Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive.
Note: I am the doubleTwist co-founder. We'll also be revamping our AirSync app in the coming months, so keep an eye out for updates :)
Have you tried doubleTwist CloudPlayer for cloud streaming? It supports Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive. We released it over the summer and I'd love to hear your input if you give it a spin. It comes with a 30 day free trial for the cloud & other premium features.
Note: I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :)
Give doubleTwist CloudPlayer a try. It's our latest app, featuring a material design UI and a new architecture optimized for Marshmallow and Lollipop. It works online and offline, with music stored locally on the phone or on Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive and comes with a 30 day free trial for premium features.
Disclaimer: I'm the doubleTwist co-founder and would love to hear your thoughts if you give CloudPlayer a spin. We'll be porting the new engine to doubleTwist Classic in the new year.
You may wanna try our newest app, doubleTwist CloudPlayer
It supports casting for both local files as well as for files stored on Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox. It also comes with a 30 day free trial. If you give it a spin, let me know what you think!
Note: I'm the doubleTwist co-founder :) here it is. I have premium, so I am not sure about its free capabilities. You need to have either a drive, skydrive or Dropbox account.
I'm mostly interested in streaming from companies who have mega catalogs (60 million+), but I do see the draw of self-hosting options.
Out of curiosity, I was just now poking around and found some possibilities worth checking out (though I know little about them)
I might play with some of these later. Kodi looks interesting - similar to Plex but maybe more awesome, dunno :)
What you're basically looking for is secondary sorting. For example, in our app, CloudPlayer, we have multiple sorting options so you can browse your albums by artist, year, etc but we haven't yet implemented secondary sorting, that would let you sort by artist AND year. It's something we've been wanting to add but we haven't figured out yet how to present it in the UI in a way that doesn't look horrible or unnecessarily complex.
For subfolder support, you can also try doubleTwist CloudPlayer. If you go to Folder view, you can tap on the 3-dot menu next to a folder and select Play. This will start a play queue with all the songs in the folder, including subfolders. You can then tap the shuffle icon on the Now Playing screen to shuffle. Now that I think about it, a shuffle option in the menu would be ideal since it would save a step. I'll talk to the team about it (I'm the doubleTwist co-founder.)
Not free, but the best one out there.