KAIP Icons (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ttop.kaip_prime)
KMZ (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kmzdsgns.kmz)
Top Real Material Design icons. Don't get fooled by those icon packs with black shadows and batched files.
Here are the most materialistic icon packs, IMO.
Not an app, but probably the closest thing. Elements and Calculator
Could you please make it like this? Asking Michal Feltl to use his beautiful mockup.
His dribble
Edit: It should be such an embarrasment for a company if its users have to decompile their app and actually make newer end usable version. Plus the fact that they were bought for 8b, and still doesnt give a damn about actually working on its app. Few weeks back I sent long email to Whatsapp about redesigning their app, with Michal Feltl´s concept, but they didnt respond me back cause, why should they? They dont care.
Work on the colors a bit, perhaps pick one of the primary colors from the guidelines. and run it through adobe's color tool to see what matching tones you can find with this. Make your secondary color, whatever you pick, a little more washed out so they aren't competing with each other. I'm not sure what goes well with that royal purple, but its a cool base IMO.
Also, on the edges of the canvas where you have drop shadows, they end before the canvas ends. Run your shape a little more off of the visible canvas area to ensure that your drop shadow runs fully off the canvas and it doesn't stop like you're seeing in your image. (your bottom shadow actually looks correct here)
Your three drop shadows don't seem to match very well. The middle one is darker then the outside ones. I like how they go from big to small, but the opacity of the shadows should reflect that more.
Lastly, you have a bit of opposite symmetry it looks like with the top and bottom pieces the same size, then the two middle pieces similar as well, but if you look at the top right and bottom left corners of the canvas, you can easily see they don't quite line up with each other. They both would probably be ending their shapes right at the corners, or if not, should at least match with each other.
It's a great start though, I think you've got a good grasp on the concept of material design, you just need to work on the fine tuning of it all. Good luck!
Material Files
F-droid: Material Files (Open source Material Design file manager) - https://f-droid.org/app/me.zhanghai.android.files
Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.zhanghai.android.files
If your information contains a summary, you should use a list simply because summaries are never guaranteed to be similar in size. If you put a summary inside of a card, you'll either need to truncate it with a link to see the entire summary, OR you'll need to use a grid system of some kind like this and you'll end up with columns that don't match up in height.
This might not be the best approach, but perhaps you could keep the card simple but when it gets clicked, you put all of that extra stuff in a dialog box instead of navigating away from the page?
I suggest you use yellow #FFF100 which is the complementary colour to your purple #5600FF. If you want something different, try green #09B224 which is a triad of your purple.
Cool color tool here.
Looking good!
This is the perfect time for me to point out something about MD that's been bugging me for a while now:
Does anyone feel like Google made the checkboxes way too small for finger taps? MD checkboxes are pretty small, I think.
I think a larger version of these checkboxes (including that nice animation) would be a better choice for our fingers.
PS - For those developing to-do list apps: I think it'd be nice if you set it up so when a user taps the checkbox, the list item also ends up being stricken with a line through it (even better, make it optional in the settings, so it can be toggled on/off according to user preference) :)
I would not use tabs for different menu options. This makes it feel like a multi-page form, which are the bane of every user's existence. My first thought would be to do a typical, albeit a bit lengthy, 1 page form.
Also problematic is, arguably but traditionally, tabs are used for different sortings of the same content. I saw arguably because over time they've began to be used for a other purposes, but not necessarily for the better.
Specifically the design spec on tabs says:
> Tabs enable content organization at a high level, such as switching between views, data sets, or functional aspects of an app.
For the FAB button it's usually used to initiate a task rather than complete one. By that I mean you would use a FAB to "open up a send email form", but you would use a different button to actually send the email. Typically that "complete task" button would be up in the action bar. I can't seem to find an screenshot of the compose screen, but Inbox does this very well
As for the editText/Title it feels OK and makes sense, but I'm not positive and can't seem to find anything in the spec about using titles appropriately. Truthfully I'd need to feel it out in a prototype to tell you 100% either way.
Hey all, after months of really hard design and engineering work, we've finally updated our app for Material Design! Would love to hear what you think, and any feedback is welcome. By the way, this is an ongoing project and we've only started to put in the animations. Feedback on that front is also welcome.
Here is the design page: https://www.behance.net/gallery/24942269/Photo-Editor-by-Aviary-(Android-Material-Design)
And here is a link to the app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aviary.android.feather&hl=en
This is a pretty good starting point, it's a pretty comprehensive and editable GUI kit. Pretty easy to edit and manage without previous photoshop experience
Also to add, check out the material design docs! Really helpful!
If you're referring to the destinations, the spacing from dot to text and dot-to-dot is using the exact ratio that WMATA themselves use.
In terms of design I'd replace the pictures with an icon of some sort, otherwise everything looks great!
If you're serious about making this app, please consider adding some of these features, I've used a lot of timetable apps and none of them are that great.
So far Classnote: Simple Timetable is my favourite timetable app, although it's still missing some of the features I mentioned.
Just some thoughts:
Now that I think about it, you can basically copy the play store's or play game's title bar and tabs. link
There is a library which adapts the MDC web components to angular:
And of course there is Angular Material:
Here we have used the latter very extensively; would like to try the former just for variety, but we heavily use mat-table / cdk-table and MDC Web does not have anything with that level of power/abstractions.
I sent this mock-up to the developer of the app Progression (hands down the best workout tracker on Android).
He liked my mock-up and told me he would take it into consideration when he redesigns the app for Wear 2.0
I don't think it is against the ToS, I've not seen it in there having read it multiple times . It does say the following: > Provide a web view of a website not owned or administered by you (unless you have permission from the website owner/administrator to do so)
Which applies if you're just showing a webview
Examples of this being applied are the lack of "Developer Console" or "Wallet Merchant" webview apps from the store, yet there are apps that parse the console and/or wallet using jSoup or similar libraries that are fine.
It's not the first time I've released an app like this, I had one up for a couple of years that parsed and displayed news from Android Police, I even contacted Google about it when they warned about a strike with it (turned out it was the name, it has to be x for Android Police not Android Police x, that was a new policy at the time), and they were fine with it
I will be careful displaying brand names though, I'm aware of how picky they are for that
Interestingly, there are apps that do what I'm doing for the UK site for the US version, such as this one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.danopia.mobile.laundryview and this one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.maths22.laundryview
All they have is disclaimers, they even use the brand name and it's fine it seems. I'll send an email to Google anyway just in case
Give KMZ icon pack a try. Not many icons right now, but he's updating it regularly and the dude is super meticulous about conforming to guidelines. He singlehandedly played a part in the revamping of the product icon guidelines on www.google.com/design
Additionally, Cake Pop Icons are doing the same thing but their apk isn't out yet.
Damn you made me realize I didn't even attempt to use the correct color scheme, it's like I completely forgot. I saw this concept and was like "Holy crap, I have to do this a reality!": https://www.behance.net/gallery/18772605/WhatsApp-Material-Design-Concept-(Android-L)
I will try the correct colors, I'm quite certain it will look better than the current lime green.
EDIT: Here's what it looked like up until now, if you are interested: http://imgur.com/a/pSJF6
If you go to C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\Google Now for Rainmeter\@Resources and open up Variables.ini, all of the different settings are there.
For editing the weather, you're going to want to check out the "Location=" line. The current code afterwards is for Campana, Argentina but you can modify your locatio by finding your weather code on Weather.com.
To find your weather code, let's look at New York City for an example of what to do. When you search NYC on Weather.com, the URL is this:
The code for NYC is "USNY0996". So when you want to find your code, take everything after the /l/ but not including the :1:US.
Most resources from official Google website are made for Sketch (Mac OS) and Adobe Illustrator.
I'm personally using <strong>Gravit Designer</strong> and even tho it's not perfect, it's pretty good especially if you turn on the grid functionality. Unlike above apps, it's free.
A lot of designers I know have been using <strong>Figma</strong>. I haven't personally tried it yet but I've heard a lot of positive feedback about it from UI designers. It also has free plans.
Of course, it's a little out of shape because I haven't worked on it since high school (2 years ago) but here is its github and play store listing
Have you seen the Google I/O app? It has a lot of the same interactions as your app does.
Just my initial impressions looking at some of the features, you should combine many of those features.
Speaker bio, surveys, ask the speaker, voting, slides -> all condensed into buttons in the talk's specific agenda listing. This would also improve UX because your users wouldn't be overwhelmed with features while still keeping it functional.
I'd imagine there are many other work flows that could be integrated into single views as well.
But seriously check out the io app, it was made for Google's Dev conference which seemingly has a ton of overlap with your app.
This one is pretty cool: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.primer. It kind of pushes what material can do.
If I may suggest, this looks very nice.
I currently use classtime for this, and would gladly switch over.
Will your app support Android Wear? That's the only feature I would need to switch over.
Hi Michael, I was just wondering what are your thoughts on my app Chromer's icon. Chromer brings chrome custom tab concept to all apps. It is light weight and a fast browser. Here it is https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=arun.com.chromer
I am not a designer myself. Many on G+ suggested to approach you considering your work on Phonograph. My app is very young only a week since publish. Would love to take your help.
I don't know how perfect the material design is, but Fuelio has been amazing to me so far, and it's free.
Fuelio on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kajda.fuelio&hl=en (edited to add link properly)
Just put it on the Store! I went with Queuegle for the name - I'm sure it'll be fine :P
(I haven't added the other search options yet but they'll show up at some point soonish.)
edit: Just noticed it's showing as incompatible with my devices - must've missed something on the setup page. Will be fixed asap.
QuickLyric (Fetch and display song lyrics) - https://f-droid.org/app/be.geecko.QuickLyric
Thank you for your contributions to open source. I've been using your app for months now and it works very well. Are you considering releasing QuickLyric on Google Play or is it going to stay just on F-Droid?
Hmm not sure where to find one, but I looked up some links for you that could be useful:
It's an Angular wrapper for d3. Show him that repo as well. I can't imagine why anyone would be against d3.
Here's the other options.
Material Files
F-droid: Material Files (Open source Material Design file manager) - https://f-droid.org/app/me.zhanghai.android.files
Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.zhanghai.android.files
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appcauldron.advancedappmanager
what are the colours you use in the logo? It looks fine to me but I woudl not have called it green on purple (more like yellow on violet). The font on the third page looks a bit big though, should that not be scaled down a bit?
Video showing off new screen transitions feature for Wire Flow app @ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ludomade.blueprint - app is kind of like POP plus a simple vector art tool, but way more polished
I agree with /u/cherlyy, the counter looks boring and uninspired. Maybe have a look at different clock and expense apps, what they do to make counters more interesting. You could make it look like Google clock with a ring around it showing how far into a day one is or maybe how far from having a new longest streak one is (compared to previous streaks). You could add personal statistics and diagrams on the average length of a streak, most dangerous time of day for 'breaking' and so on, and maybe show additional motivation when the user gets close to his average break time, maybe give an achievement for reaching a new longest streak. If a user is looking at the app for more than 5 minutes (or 2, or whatever, I don't know), he might be trying hard to not fap right now, so maybe show an additional motivational popup or a cat picture after some amount of active time...
Making the app minimal is ok, but minimal doesn't have to mean boring.
Edit: Also the app icon looks very generic and unrelated, together with the name 'NF companion' it took me much longer than it should have to understand what this app is for. Rather use a stop sign or a crossed out hand, maybe.
My school is from quite a techy group of schools, Ryan. They have their own journalism network and stuff. Several schools in Mumbai. This app looks okay.
Which college?
Hey, my name's, Sean and I'm working on my portfolio but here's a quick look at some of the things I do: "https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=B73CCF2315E27BEE!6344&authkey=!AJ63h6yQluhckgQ&ithint=folder%2cpng". Also, I did icon packs with material colors and shadows. I'll take my time and make you something and if you don't like it you don't have to pay. E-mail me at "" if you're interested and I'll get to you as soon as possible!
We've just created "Ike Todo List", a playful todo list in the spirit of Eisenhower's priority matrix. You can view the designer's process behind the material design animations here:
Let us know if you have any feedback!
I've just started designing for Android so I may not have the best for this but in my learning queue there are some courses of udacity (https://www.udacity.com/courses/android) that look like a great start. Do not be scared by their price, you can access course material for free. You can learn a lot this way and enroll in a course if you fell that you need more guidance and a certificate.
Thanks for responding. Anyways, I agree with /u/KaemoZ that it's actually placeholder loading as specified here (Medium post): https://medium.com/anatomy-of-web-interface/placeholder-loading-ui-bbaf2222f95f
And there's a working Codepen demo (Facebook UI): https://codepen.io/nurulishlah/pen/beEGVE
Thank you for the right explanation. But what about new vector icons? Many websites for vector icons (I use in slides) distinguish material design 2 and 1 for icons. So, are the new icons just a google custom theme?
For example i am using: https://icons8.com/icons/material
Figma is free, and you can import Material Design components using this library. Figma also publishes Figma Mirror, which lets you try out a prototype on your phone. I would try Figma first.
Angular Material has a more complete implementation, including multi-select and grouping:
> Star our repo on GitHub!
That comes off as pure click-bait. Don't beg for upvotes or stars, it's pathetic.
It kinda depends on the reason behind why the Lead wasn't comfortable using that library. You could probably use google charts but really any charting library should be customizable.
I had a thought that it could be 7 columns: 1 for the nav bar and then 6 on the right side. That way, you could maintain the 6 / 12 columns for the core page while maintaining the left hand nav. Then, to just use a sandwich bar when you get to a certain width. What do you think about that option?
The navigation drawer is usually not a part of the 12 column layout. The width of the drawer is mostly fixed for some screen sizes, i.e from Size A to Size B use X px and from b size B to Size C use Y px. There would be a lot of cases that you would have to look at if you go the column route. 1 column might look great in a Wide Screen 1 column could look small in a screen with Aspect Ratio of 4:3, 2 columns might look grear 1 column could look very narrow in a Tablet layout, 2 columns could look very wide. For mobiles, even though the drawer is hidden away, 11 columns might be what you want to do.
Also there is no standard which says that there has to be 12 columns in your layout. Many frameworks allow you to modify the number of columns, the gutter width and so on so forth.
For bootstrap you can find these options at https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.4/layout/grid/#variables
You should be able to find such options in most major frameworks.
Sorry @all
I've started developing this app one week ago. I would prefer not to talk about this, since I'm also trying to write a couple of blog post while I'm developing it.
By the way it'll be an (unofficial) app for Ghost :) Until now I've only implemented authentication. And the code is not yet available on publicly on github (need to choose a proper License) :)
Hope this is satisfactory :) For more I'm here
/cc /u/scottrobertson
Very nice! I really wish it looked like this! I can't believe Google still hasn't updated their web interface...
As for feedback, the Google logo in the header is off. It should be left-aligned just beside the hamburger menu and "Calendar" should be printed to the right of it in Google Product Sans. Check https://hangouts.google.com for reference.
I made a simple Android app which lets you track your food intake charted against your weight, so you can find out how your food intake impacts your weight.
As you can see from the screenshots, I used Material Design 2/Material Theming for the user interface.
Of course, but I'd like to match the padding and colours exactly.
I did that thanks to the help of the brilliant Developer Assistant app, which is like inspect element for apps.
JotterPad could really use a nice icon, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jotterpad.x It's a beautiful app, but it has an extremely basic icon that doesn't convey what the app has to offer
Units could also use a new and better icon, though because the app has little branding it would be easy to apply the icon to lots of unit conversion apps https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.calintat.units
Keep up the great work! I love your icons~
If you're looking to do pro bono stuff, ARC Browser is a great emulation frontend for Android TV with probably the worst icon I've ever seen. Double check with the dev to make sure he wants to replace it though, I know he likes the retro vibe but the execution is just awful: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.floatingpoint.android.arcturus
On a side note, do you do commissions for iconography? Your work is incredibly well done imo, and there's a chance that I'll be looking for someone to design an icon and/or logo sometime in the next year or so. Paid, naturally. PM me if you're interested.
Keep up the great work!
I like the hero image for the subreddit. Let me know if you have any specific questions. Repost for reddit dev here. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dodgingpixels.repost
I am surprised to hear that you guys in the US don't have state wide train apps.
This is what we have in the UK and burn in hell whoever designed it.
Great! I only have a couple right now, If you have the time would you be able to do:
Flappy Bird (I know it's lame but it's good for killing time :P)
Thought I had more but looking at what you've already done I can't think of anymore haha. Thanks and good job again with the icons!
I know what you mean. I'm not a dev (I know some java and javascript, but far to less to make an app) and only do design stuff as a hobby, but I made some app mockups to become more familiar with material design. Some day I would like to create an app on my own, when I have more time and an actual idea.
I also found it difficult to find nice images for the app drawer, not every app gives you something to begin with and it should be interesting, but not distracting. Usually I use some kind of subtle geometric pattern in the main or accent color. The app Pattrn has very nice patterns. I also don't like the list starting at the top.
looking forward to see the improvements!