Definitely! This is just a prototype I made up in figma.
I started learning the basics of figma while earning this google design certificate and then from there just found lots of tutorials on youtube for specific things i wanted to incorporate.
And now I'm on the final step of actually publishing the design and programming it to be fully functional. Hope that helps!
According to the design planner (specifically beatmap info), there's a collapse/expand button for the beatmap background, and the choice will be remembered. It's just collapsed by default. Also, I might be misunderstanding, but it looks like the beatmap cards will have an option for the background to take up the entire card again eventually. I agree though, I primarily identify beatmaps from their backgrounds, especially since a lot of song titles aren't english.
I designed an app like this as a case study for my portfolio, but built it as a standalone app that would pull data from UDisc so it wouldn't clutter up the app itself.
Here's the prototype.
I used Figma, a free UI Design / Prototyping tool similar to Sketch. It's been really awesome to work with thus far.
I got the original images from each team's respective wikipedia page. The logo is an SVG (scalable vector graphic) file, which you can edit.
all made from scratch in Figma
Link to duplicate:
I assume you mean more prototyping and wireframing than a presentational showcase mockup.
Figma is free, cross-platform, and can be run in the browser or as a desktop app on Mac/Windows. Lots of framework templates around the web if you are trying to match specific components. Easy mirroring on devices. You can do basic interactivity (tapping an area to go to another screen).
Otherwise, I work with whatever the client wants. InVision and Sketch are great too.
Update, I found a Figma plugin for Auto-Correct:
You could use figma. It's free for individuals to use.
and there are free resource kits out there to get you up and running pretty quick too.
I've tried to make the elements that we need while working on a product.
The buttons, inputs, paragraphs, etc can be customized and you can continue your design process.
Here's the link:
Thank you!
You can check out the interactive model here. For the full experience, buy a Wind Break/Accurate River
Figma Link:
Used Anima create input field.
It is my first bad UI, hope I did it in correct way!
This might be more for the creative side — but I use this Figma template for building diagrams for my not-tech people at work. For me it’s easy to just search the name of the asset I’m looking for (cause like you I don’t really know the icons, but pretty familiar with the resources themselves), and then add text to it in the diagram like normal. Hope this helps someone and as a side note I don’t know if that template is/will be updated.
I'm a Product Design Manager at GitLab, and you are 100% right, we would be more than happy about any kind of contribution! 🙂
You can either reach out to me, have a look at our design system (, or watch our UX showcases to see what kind of problem designers at GitLab are solving (
Figma. Figma is the answer. It works similarly to Sketch. It is cross platform and free to use, although it has a paid version but it is really only needed as a company. You can use it on the web aswell as a desktop app both versions works great. It's great in regards of collaboration due to the fact that multiple people can edit the same project at the same time, think Google Drive (docs, sheets, etc).
We, as in me and my colleagues, use it for all the web and app designs we make and it works great. I really recommend everyone to try it out.
> Are there any steps I'm missing? Is the Photoshop file even important or do you just skip the PhotoShop and just go straight from wireframe to code?
All those steps are important, but if anything you skip the wireframe part and spend most of your time in the design app.
Pretty much every designer I know uses one of the following programs for design. Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD. The good thing about these tools is everything that is created in them can be translated to html/css. Photoshop you can do some crazy ass shit that won't even be possible in code. I don't even know anyone who uses photoshop for web design who isn't just a person stuck in their ways.
You can check out the Figma prototype here
NOTE: This is just a fun exercise in hopes to communicate my desired organization. The project goals were simply to improve the overall organization of features by grouping like items together and ensuring that the color scheme in the app (using the Envel brand colors) made it painfully obvious which Envelope your card is pulling funds from.
Maybe next weekend I'm hoping to add ideal flows for:
Just wanted to get these designs out of my system as I, like so many of you, are switching from Simple and I'm desperate for a simple, easy to use, enjoyable banking experience. Enjoy!
It's only a simple prototype in Figma but here is the link if you want to play with it
ATM I've only built out "Timedoor" & "Directory > Branching". Link to the design file here
Oh, goodness. Hello! 😅
Yeah, I might be interested. I used to work at Capital One. Been doing product design for 8 years now, currently leading design systems at a Fortune 10.
Will have to check out the listings. 🤔
Edit: my card mockups, for the new One folks!
I used Figma, I've also just created this template so you can play around with it here:
I think your best bet would be figma community files. Here's an example -
The main reasons of why you should go for a MacBook Pro is IMO - the trackpad, UNIX-like OS with Adobe/Sketch software, build quality and battery life. As stated before you should go for the previous year model of the MBP. The OSX operating system is also by far the best polished out there.
This is my primary choice but I only live in the terminal and Chrome browser with an occasional Sketch/Photoshop session every now and then.
However a Dell XPS is not a bad choice either. You could rock a solid Linux workstation and have Figma (great web based software) as a replacement for Sketch. You're out of luck with Adobe though.
With the XPS you can buy the 32gb RAM with 1000GB SSD model as well and have a beast of a machine for roughly the same price as a much weaker MBP. The trackpad on the XPS is the best of all PC laptops but it's still no way near the feeling of the MBP trackpad.
For those who wants to see the way how osu!(lazer) and osu!web would look like when it is finished ( Some things are still Work In Progress and the results might be different in the final version but this is the closest thing it would be when It is imported to both "lazer" and web ) This link was taken from Discord osu!dev:!-Figma-Library?node-id=0%3A1
Credit to Flyte who made all these re-designs
here's a workaround without using an actual brush tool, just duplicate the file and play around with it.
Hope you find it useful.
I think there are a couple of things that make this design look off:
Addressing those issues would make a nicer design. I tried a quick implementation that you can look at:
Let me know what you think and if you have further questions :)
That's right! I created a single component called "Table Column" that has 11 variants. That allows me to quickly swap the data type by just changing the variant. You can preview the file here to see how things are built. It's on the Data Table page :)
I use Figma every day for work and would love to help if you have any questions about components, variants, responsive scaling, etc.
In any case these look great! Would love to help if you need any.
I actually am going to start a new project in Figma to build the UI of Satisfactory soon as well. Just finished a Zelda BOTW UI Kit using Figma to plan out blueprints like how you have it here is awesome. If you want to try diagram tools, maybe try whimsical. I use it to make some great diagrams.
In any case, I like this. Great job :) I just need to get to this point in the game lol… I usually end around when I unlock Nuclear but never build it lol.
Ignore any typos or lorem ipsum if it's still there, minor things. These are my super quick redesigns of the DCS homepage. Moved some things around, prioritised some other items. Increased contrast on a few colours including that Yellow they use. Idea is to have some hero sliders that really show off some of the planes and scenery.
This was a little over 2hrs work/play using Figma which is free and a game changer for UI design.
Crit away kids!
Yeah your job is to anticipate their questions. But you should set up a meeting with them where you walk through it and let them ask you questions. I guarantee they will bring up things that are blindspots for you. That's okay! You want to bring them in some the collaboration process makes their lives easier and they don't have to figure out design shit for you.
Make sure they know how it responsively works. Ask them if they want more than three breakpoints—Desktop, Tablet, Mobile. Figure out what happens on extra large screens by maybe setting up a max width before margins appear. Make sure your assets are exportable and they know what type of asset (ie. SVG vs PNG vs JPEG) should go where. If you're using PNGs and JPGs, use imageOptim (free) to crunch down the file size. Somewhere around 80% of users who abandon sites do so because of slow loading.
As far as the sequence of the user journey, ask yourself, "Where am I coming from? Why am I here? And where do I want to go next?" That's a good way to start annotating your designs. Try to think of not just the happy paths, but the recovery paths.
Read up on this developer guide. Figma to react.
Good luck.
I have actually been thinking of doing something like this lately… and created a discord server for it as well, but haven’t really hit go yet as I have been toying with the idea of making a Udemy course on creating design systems for a bit.
For reference, I made this Zelda BOTW kit a couple of months ago and have been wanting to start another one, but also try and collaborate and teach others as well.
Heck, here is a link to the discord to the channel I made called Figma Mentors. Maybe it can become something, but I have ADHD and love starting projects and then stopping them once I realize I am starting too many to keep up in the air haha.
Anyways, I am happy to discuss. And also happy to meet other designers to expand my community.
You thinking something like what I did with the Lizard spearmen here? I am new to Figma and have no idea what all it is capable of but honestly it was not too bad. And in the original OP's defense his art is a bit more subdued and works better with the white I think.
The battle is not until next week but I will give Roland your best wishes. Also I am realizing I need an apostrophe...
Hmm. This is interesting, because I honestly have thought of something like this, but from the other end. I have a lot of experience with Figma, setting up design systems, designing, etc, and have always wondered how I could share in a way that helped others. (Have thought of videos, teaching, courses, etc… I really don’t know) but I am happy to help others.
Usually I have a separate design tab in Figma, where I work on the interface and its elements such as buttons, icons, etc. This plugin is always useful, it is essentially an aggregator.
They did an update in copying and paste this week you can explore this file and I think it will answer all of your questions
>But fuck me will figma hurry up and add a good spellcheck help a brother out.
There are a few spell check plugins you can use until spell check functionality (finally!) gets built into the program.
Of course not! I choose the color on my own and the illustrations are coming from Figma Community! It is total free to use!! this is an amazing community that I just notice that not a lot of people heard of it. 😅😅
You are probably looking for a tilable image:
Also, I've seen plugins that simplify creating new patterns.
I'll also put a big +1 for Figma.
As a related-unrelated tangent that I can't help but go on is that on top of being a really fantastic design tool, Figma offers what I think is one of the absolute highest quality web applications you can find on the internet in 2020.
If you (or any passing by Redditor) have the time and interest take an afternoon to read through Figma's Engineering Blog. The engineering team over at Figma is doing some absolutely incredible work that is often running up against the absolute cutting edge of web technologies today. It's super cool to read about.
And here is the Figma file in case you want to copy and modify:
Running macOS software on Linux is going to be ugly at best. There isn't really an equivalent to what Wine does for Windows binaries.
Check out Figma, it is heavily inspired from Sketch and can even import Sketch projects.
Your best option to keep a similar workflow is to find native Linux alternatives to the software you like whenever possible. is a good resource for that.
Try Figma. It's got nearly everything Sketch has except very specific plugins which only advanced users use but it works on every platform because it's web based (But has better performance than Sketch TBH).
It's a huge waste at this point to invest in a Mac OS just for Sketch.
> If Adobe and/or Sketch supported Linux then I'd probably favor that.
I work at an agency and our designers use Sketch. Which then gets put into InVision so being on Windows does not affect me at all.
However, a friend and I were looking for something similar to Sketch for a side project and came across Figma. Now, I haven't used it yet, but it looks very promising and is available for all environments. I believe it will also import Sketch files.
I'm pretty sure you can.
Someone even remade the entire Breath of the Wild interface in Figma (though probably used other stuff for designing as well)
They do have a style guide with exact spacing and sizing guidelines for every WinUI component in windows including the titlebar.
The main problem here is that UWP doesn't officially support icons in the titlebar, so the developers need to hack it in on an app-by-app basis.
Awesome! Great job! Now I’d like to see you do it using components! :)
I did a similar case study: Figma Community - Spotify mobile ui
I think you’re misreading the documents linked. Also, Figma has done some wonderful work on general security (especially if you’re on the organization plan). You can read more about it here Is the best blog on the subject.
To answer the api call— So you need userid tier and api call count, you could store the key as a userid and value as a stringified JSON object. Chances are you’ll be using that user object at other points during the resolution.
Why are you building these sites rather than creating flat mockups? Check out Figma if you don't have Sketch or Adobe XD - it's got a basic free plan.
Realistically though you shouldn't even be mocking up custom designs for potential clients, you should create yourself a portfolio of work that sells your skills and sell yourself to the clients by explaining how their business would benefit from hiring you. If you create a working demo for potential clients you're devaluing your work and you'll find it much harder to get them to pay what it's worth - after all you were happy to create a fully working website for nothing simply to get them on board.
If you would like to mimic as it works inside the reddit app I would argue to not go for either a UIScrollView or UICollectionView as neither of them are optimal for what you would like to achieve. Bear with me.
I made this quick wireframe of how this works, you can check it out here - it's a Figma link.
Basically you have your UIView which adds a content
(naming doesn't really matter), let's go with contentView, as a subview. The contentView should be 2 * view.width
with an initial x offsetof view.width *
As there's no swiping or scrolling on that component in the app you just add a tap gesture recognizer to the view (not contentView). In the selector of the tap gesture recognizer you check if the touchPoint.x < view.width * 0.5
, if that's true you animate the offset x of the contentView to 0, else you animate the contentOffset xto view.w
idth, do these animations with a UIView spring animation of like 0.3 seconds. If you tap again after you have adjusted your offset x to show either side you should just animate back to the initial offset x. While on the topic of animations, pass .beginFromCurrentS
tate as a animation option. That will make it possible to spam the button and have seamless animations without having to lock the ui like they do in the reddit app.
Hope this is to any help!
Android apps aside, HIGHLY recommend Figma
Have been using them for a couple years now and it's just a browser-based editor. Works beautifully. Quick. One of the easiest vector/image editor tools I have used.
I'm just on the free plan by the way.
You can find the file here and duplicate it, don't hesitate to subscribe to my profile on Figma community if you want to, have fun:
collected follwing relevant points related to staking which might aid decision making
a)If staking multiple nodes, stakers cannot choose the distribution of stake. When a staker stakes more than one node operator, their stake is split algorithmically based on the total amount of POLYX the user decides to stake. To balance the amount of POLYX staked across operators, the operators with more staked will receive less of the user’s POLYX and those with less staked will receive more. Balancing the staking mechanism in this way helps to further secure the chain.
b) polymesh staking design demo here
c) from polymesh tokenomics
The Node Operator commission, a percentage of block rewards claimed by the Operator, is subtracted from that Operator’s payable staking rewards. For Polymesh mainnet launch, the maximum Operator commission will be set to 10% and is subject to change via PIP.
Remaining block rewards are split as a percentage of POLYX staked on the Node Operator. This includes the Node Operator's stake.
based on point c, it appears that for operators with higher commision, lower rewards get distributed to stakers as a result of subtracting the commision from operators payable staking rewards...
So i would choose any operator with lower commision and distibute it evenly to spread my risk(if i choose only one and that gets busted then my entire stake is at risk)..
Okay, after viewing your file I think I understand better what you're trying to do.
Short answer: This isn't how components work, unfortunately. It simply won't work.
Long answer: The reason this doesn't work is because the purpose of master components isn't to be edited with new information/text for it to be propagated out to the instances. They're more of a placeholder so that the instances can be created for quick prototyping and editing.
As you discovered, you can't put master components inside of components because that's simply not how they're designed to work. You'd need master components for each new slide you create which simply defeats the purpose of the components as a rapid prototyping tool.
That said, you can create multiple slides with their own master components and instances. The slides will just have to stay frames and not components.
I agree with your second paragraph, but not the first. I don't think there's any problem with OP using Figma's free plan for this project.
From Figma's FAQ page:
>Starter plan
The Starter plan is designed for individual and very small teams to get started with Figma. You get unlimited files in the Drafts space, which you can share with unlimited viewers. Additionally, you can co-edit with unlimited editors in the Team space on up to 3 files (limited 3 pages per file).
Check this plugin called Style Organizer. Let's say your H1 is Lato, size 30 (and you saved it as a text style) it finds all Lato, size 30s and you can easily merge them as H1. Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but it is pretty good, works with color styles too.
Leverage and existing front end framework.
Have the designer and developers work from the same library.
For Example: with
Oh, I see. That's actually a free illustration pack from figma with some adjustments. You can check it out here, they are of excellent quality. I'm not a designer by myself, so I definitely wouldn't be able to do something like that
You can practice your design skill on figma by imitating other's website or system. Remember to find a suitable UI kit which would save you a lot of time! For example, if you are designing a website, you can download Material Design UI kit, or if you are designing a desktop app, you can download VsCode UI kit.
Alright, here it is: (this is a clickable prototype btw. click in an empty area to see what you can interact with)
I kept the current layout, but used Material design components to make it look nice without losing anything you currently have on the site. I only designed the desktop layout but the mobile version will have the exact same design except there will be 1/2 cards per row and a hamburger menu on the right.
This is a rough prototype I quickly put together. Didn't have time to polish it even more (I definitely may have broken some material design guidelines here), but I can finish it later if you decide to use it.
Let me know what you think!
You can apply a grid to any frame. So, frame your section and you're able to apply grids, constraints, auto layout, etc.
This is yours right? I always use this for crystal farming. The Amethyst Lumps show in the Home menu but I don't think the Inazuma locations are available yet.
Figma has its own getting started resources and videos that can help with this.
Also think the reason people aren’t being direct is figma is a UI tool and you asked about it in a UX subreddit which has made people point out that there is a need to differentiate between the two.
Aaaaanyway yea check out their YouTube channel tons of good stuff and hope you enjoy the tool it’s fantastic and only getting better.
Depends on company/team size. As u/tildesigndouspart said, bigger companies will have design systems (libraries) established that contain just about every type of UI element you'd use in the app/website. It includes color, icons, layouts/spacing, typography, buttons, inputs, forms, etc - literally everything. So when it comes to designing the product, you have building blocks to choose from and it's like piecing together a puzzle. Take a look around at Uber's Design System on Figma for a good idea of what these design systems contain.
Now with startups or smaller companies that don't have established products, yes there will be more Googling of how to design specific elements or flows. Overtime the Googling will settle down as the design system becomes established, and I assume devs will follow the same route as they improve their knowledge of code. But devs do experience a lot of technical issues that UI designers won't run into as much, so yeah they'll be doing more Googling than us in general.
Apple can afford to put that much time and money into TINY features, and it's probably worth it with how many users they reach around the world. Rather than Googling what to use, Apple studies these things in depth then builds them out from scratch which leads to innovation. LOTS of work goes into the tiny details at those companies while most smaller ones can't afford it.
In my career I've gone from Fireworks > Photoshop > Sketch > Figma. Been using Figma for about 2 years now, and absolutely love it. They have a free tier so you can try it out:
Here's the data table file:
It's part of my larger design system, if you wanted to check it out, too!
For reviews I use a combination of IBMs playbacks
And thankfully Figma makes PowerPoint like presentations possible so any information you have collected and synthesised from research can be reused in a quick presentation...
Try these cool templates from
Hope this helps
If you need any help trying to figure out accessibility ratings you should try Stark. Also available for Sketch. Only drawback is that it doesn't work with gradients.
Figma for working links:
Congratulations to January's featured creators: u/CanineCraver, u/GIvan287, and u/FietjeGold
Great Article! It was an article that you posted several weeks ago that inspired me to work on my game portfolio design.
Zelda BOTW UI Kit
World Map Illustration - Learning
Thanks for your inspiring post earlier!
This is the link. I just called it "Test Fill"
EDIT: So I can now see the red when I click through the link. It must have been a bug after all.
I was wire framing a budgeting app.. came up a concept where you’d set the budget of a “pocket” on a regular cadence and would get a burn down chart to visualize it. Was thinking there could be a savings account that takes remainders at the end of the period into a savings account.
Would be down to brainstorm on design sometime!
I updated the Figma prototype (you may want to hit R on your keyboard to start it from the beginning if you want to see the animation).
I've taken a glance at your design, I think you can improve your design by considering these suggestions:
- Using a combination of typefaces include Serif for Page / Section titles and a minimum one for paragraphs and other UI elements.
- using Cream color just for special sections.
- Avoid using neu-morphism, Just use high contrast colors for buttons.
- Your design subject is amazing, so You can use video for your homepage cover, Also, you can show a 3d model of some products that users can spin them
I posted something similar a while ago. I did some research for job ads and could only find results for "Audio plug-ins developers". Couldn't find a differentiation between GUI Designers and programmers.
I made a plug-in myself and can tell you Photoshop might be more suitable for this as you need advance image manipulation features.
Take a look at the case study
You can create an arc from an ellipse.
Then create 2 triangles. Union the right, subtract the left.
Now you can duplicate it 3 more times to get an entire circle..
Here's an example I created quickly.. it's rough around the edges, but I hope you'll get the idea:
Did you team try Figma instead of Sketch? I just started learning how to use it because I keep being told it’s the best way to hand off work to developers.
Which visualisation are you interested in to learn more about? The main architecture was drawn in Figma. Here is the link if someone wants to use or modify it:
Cross-platform UI software with real-time collaboration and a revolutionary (and *much* more intuitive) re-thinking of the way the pen tool works. Free for individual use, with excellent paid features to help scale to the team and org level. It's fundamentally *extremely* similar to Sketch outside of those features.
Most resources from official Google website are made for Sketch (Mac OS) and Adobe Illustrator.
I'm personally using <strong>Gravit Designer</strong> and even tho it's not perfect, it's pretty good especially if you turn on the grid functionality. Unlike above apps, it's free.
A lot of designers I know have been using <strong>Figma</strong>. I haven't personally tried it yet but I've heard a lot of positive feedback about it from UI designers. It also has free plans.
I use Figma on my 13" MBP running 2.3GHs i5 8GB for reference.
What is your MBP running? Also I'm not sure if it may make a huge difference, but I also use the Figma app for Mac (
Lmk if perhaps switching to the app maybe makes a difference if you've been on a browser tab instead!
Ah yes to add to this point there is also an installer which you can install local on your desktop! I mentioned that but no worries.
A nice thing is that Sketch and Figma play nicely together so if you have assets from Sketch you can import them into Figma (but not Figma to Sketch at the moment). You can also export to InVision but I don't see a reason to since Figma now has prototyping tools built into it.
Look for templates, look for other designs you like, copy and adjust them to your taste. Try to give them your personal spin. Photoshop seems sometimes a bit overcomplicated for web design. Have a look at Figma, it's similar to Sketch or Adobe XD, but runs in the browser (desktop app apso available) and is free for basic usage (enough for personal projects).
The best alternative I found for Sketch is Figma ( It's a browser-based app (with a free tier), but it's lightning fast and actually works better than Sketch in many ways. Many of the concepts in Sketch translate directly into Figma so you can keep using Sketch tutorials.
Haven't extensively used them all but I've taken a liking to Figma which has a free tier
Was primarily using Photoshop or sketching with my Surface Pro before, but snapping for layouts make things go waaaay quicker though I'm sure most other tools do the same.
There are a ton of other great features for a efficient workflow so definitely take a look at it.
I'm the UI designer for my company and came across the same issue a while back. For a while I used Zeplin to hand my designs off to the devs:
But recently I've transitioned to Figma which streamlines things even more:
There is a reason a lot of people have switched to Sketch for UI. It is built from the start to be much, much simpler than photoshop, and is made specifically for UI. It is far better for designing UI than photoshop. I've used sketch professionally for almost 3 years.
Since you aren't on mac, there are also a few promising alternatives that will work on windows. They don't have the same level of adoption as sketch, as they are newer or not officially released yet, but check out Figma, which is browser based and Adobe XD, which is in beta
If anyone wants to fiddle around with the desktop prototype:
You can also use Fluent Web Components (@fluentui/web-components), which have been updated with Windows 11 theme recently.
It does look good but there's a few things I would change before this was published.
As another commenter pointed out, almost half of the map is being blocked by the scooter and there's also the text below that says "Scanning Rides Nearby" if this was on in iPhone then half of the text would be blocked by the home indicator.
I'd highly suggest using a UI kit. Here's one for iOS 14:
I noticed the font on the clock at top left isn't the iOS system font as well, not a big deal but using UI kits helps with aesthetics.
In my opinion, the best thing you can do is start by learning to use a prototyping tool like Figma. That way you can make a professional-looking design and have that to look at as you try to code it up. Just coding CSS/HTML without having any idea what you're even trying to make is difficult.
After that, as others have mentioned, take on a framework like React, then learn to use a component library. Material-Ui is one that is commonly used.
I made this using Figma, here’s the link.
I didn’t really proofread the dates yet so just ping me if you find errors!
Glad it worked for you, also just saw this on twitter:
Looks like we’ll have a new option available to us for a wallet soon, and I believe ledger support should be available in q4.
So you want a master slide component and have the nesting but retain the inherited overrides in the example on the right.
I don't see how you'd achieve this without 4 unique masters (body, master, site link, cta) PER slide, and that isn't supported. Probably due to complexity and limited use case. Maybe you could join waitlist for the Automator plugin as this could be automated process?
Just did a test. So much faster and easier to use than
It generates so much code though. It could be that our designers are adding a lot of boxes in boxes instead of adding padding. Like 5 times the amount of code that is actually needed.
I'm blaming my designers 😄