Just a tip for anyone who plans to attempt this. Do not use a tow ball to pull anything like this the way he showed in the video. Those trailer balls aren't designed to work like that and they can suddenly snap off, and become a projectile. There is an actual towing clevis you can install into your receiver that allows you to attach a strap that is way safer.
Smittybilt 29312B Receiver Hitch D-Ring with 3/4-Inch Shackle for 2-Inch Receivers https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B001CF1A7O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_gxnlCbRVE17JK
I keep this guy in my glovebox for such occasions. That works too though LOL
EDIT: Yes, I get it. There’s dozens of cheaper ones out there. Use any one you want. The point is that it’s a card holder with a key ring.
Sorry to say but it's just because you're using Firefox, its on all HTML5 videos. That text is not something web developers have control over.
Just FYI you can fit these filters on almost any car for less than 20 bucks: https://www.amazon.com/Bosch-6055C-HEPA-Cabin-Filter/dp/B01JYSX028
(And they are pretty common in cars of that price range anyways, it's just typically not being marketed as "bioweapon defence".)
Here's my perspective: it's not that GM doesn't have the ability to do it, it's that they're categorically incapable of doing it as an organization. It's The Innovator's Dilemma. The massive, ruthless, and efficient organizations that carmakers have had to become over the past century (notwithstanding bankruptcies and taxpayer get-out-of-jail-free cards) simply don't have room in the entrenched bureaucracy for that kind of disruptive thinking. It's not their fault, it's just the way they are. And it's why I'm waiting for a Model 3. Tesla is a huge disruptor in many ways. Over-the-air bugfixes and upgrades? No dealerships? Long-distance interstate high speed charging network? Vertically integrated residential renewable energy solution? Count me in please.
Could be. Here's Musk on the quarterly call:
> ...we’re going to unveil the Tesla home battery [indiscernible] consumer battery that will be for use in and people’s houses or businesses, fairly soon. We have the design done and it should start going into production probably about six months or so. We probably got a date to have sort of product unveiling, it’s probably in the next month or two. It’s really great. I’m really excited about it.
/r/pcmasterrace /r/gloriouspcmasterrace http://www.gamespot.com/forums/system-wars-314159282/pc-masterrace-subreddit-banned-30938142/ This was the reason the frontpage was covered in tax posts ~ a month or 2 ago. (This is /r/gaming)
$20 parking mat from Amazon. I've been using it and it works great .. and doesn't hit you in the head when you're walking through the garage. ;)
Neat. How about we link that up to Google's Assistant, too? I get the impression that Tesla prefers iOS to Android. For a while the iOS app was definitely the better implementation.
Also, I'd love to see Android widgets. I'm using Dashboard for Tesla right now, and it does all kinds of cool stuff.
I don't see why not using the Tasker app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.dinglisch.android.taskerm&hl=en_CA
>slashed tires
My friend in college carried a Valve Core Puller ($1.63 USD) in his car. I never saw him use it, but he said he had. When someone would park like an asshole, he said he would use the valve puller to remove the core, then would lay the core next to the tire. The tire would go flat very quickly, but no damage would be done. They would just need to get one of the same tools, put the core back in, then air it back up. Mostly just a costly lesson in time and hassle.
* I'm not a cop or lawyer; I'm just relating a college story. Perform these actions at your own risk. ;)
I bought one off of Amazon for $20 just like that one but it also has a spot to stick the charge handle to keep it dry.
Check this out at Amazon.com BMZX Charging Cable Organizer, for Tesla Motors Wall Mount Connector Cable Organizer Bracket Charger Holder Adapter for Model S Model X Model 3(Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0799GVJWN/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_ia3eEbVT165NB
I love what Elon is doing with Tesla and SpaceX, but you'd have to pay me a whole lot of money to put up with the stuff I've heard about both those companies. Most of the stuff I've read mention being underpaid in some way, I've heard some crappy stuff from interns about being essentially required to work 60+ hour weeks, and Elon's statements in interviews don't inspire much confidence either....
>If you're joining Tesla, you're joining a company to work hard. We're not trying to sell you a bill of goods. If you can go work for another company and then maybe you can work a 40-hour work week. But if you work for Tesla, the minimum is really a 50-hour week and there are times when it'll be 60- to 80-hour weeks.
Expectation of 50 hours a week minimum? Screw that. Unless they're paying very well above average, I would not want to take that job.
If anyone's thinking of covering it, here's a tiny little sliding cover.
You’re partially right: TRADITIONAL car manufacturers have really low margin.
Tesla margins are at least 3x better with some sources estimating to be as high as 29%.
Sources: https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-record-q1-2021-gross-margin-average-cost-decrease/
I've seen this recommended on the Tesla Facebook discussion. It depends a bit on whether the color is removed or the material is actually scratched - and I can't tell from the photos.
If the material underneath is actually scratched away you might need some sort plastic/vinyl repair.
If this is sort of scratch mark made by the material being left behind - like chalk or something leaving a mark behind - then I'd clean it with something like this:
I keep a spray bottle of ONR detail solution and some microfibers in the trunk. The stuff is magic on windows, great for spot cleanups (bird poops!) and safe on all interior surfaces. I can recommend it enough.
OPT Optimum (NR2010Q) No Rinse Wash & Shine - 32 oz. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D8DR0AO
Ah - can it come under 60,000 euro in Germany? So close:
> The money will be disbursed on a first come, first served basis for cars priced no higher than €60,000, said finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble.
That would also be a big middle finger to Germany's government, which may have chosen that limit on purpose to exclude Tesla. I'd love for Tesla to price it at 59,990 euro :)
Ditto here - have 2 small kids - everything just cleans up easily. I also got a cover for the back seat that works very well. You can search on Amazon for:
>Backseat Protector for Any Car, Truck and SUV. Made of Waterproof, Scratch Resistant, Machine Washable, Non-Slip Material by Rumbi Baby
That thing has been amazing- and folds up easily to throw in the frunk if I want the back seats uncovered.
edit: Was trying to avoid the link since I wasn't sure of the rules on that front - here it is:
and for context, here's the tunnel route under West 120th Street on OpenStreetMap:
The base of Monty Python watchtower is on the right-hand side of the video at ~1:08 and again when reversing at ~1:15.
For Android users, there's Tasker and the Tasker Plugin for Tesla. These apps all take advantage of the Tesla API.
I've set up numerous automatons with these such as auto setting the climate before I leave work so that my car is heated up or cooled down based on the weather. Now with V10, I've made it work with the defroster for the winter!
I also have it auto shut off my charging if I am at home at 11am and it's currently plugged in on a weekday. This is because my electricity rates are higher between 11am and 7pm. This is great for days when I work from home, am sick, or it's a holiday.
I've got more. Let me know if there is interest, I can post more info.
Same product but sold in freedom units: ~~https://amazon.com/dp/B001CF1A7O/ref=smi_www_rco2_go_smi_5171374337?_encoding=UTF8&%2AVersion%2A=1&%2Aentries%2A=0&ie=UTF8~~
/Edit thanks to u/watada below. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001CF1A7O
500GB SSD, $50 off.
Better than flash drives, doesn't overheat. Very small form factor (a bit more square than a credit card).
Samsung T5 Portable SSD - 500GB - USB 3.1 External SSD (MU-PA500B/AM), Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073GZBT36/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ZWolDb3KPTTTN
Elon mentioned a while back about using the Model S drivetrain to make the Lotus Esprit submersible functional again... I guess this is the first step!
>To be honest, even the "affordable" used ones are a stretch for my budget. I'm looking on cars.com and filtering on Model S under $45k. What I'm seeing are a lot of 2012s and 2013s with the 60kWh battery and between 40,000 and 100,000 miles.
It's a used luxury car. Not something you should stretch your budget for. If you wouldn't stretch your budget for a comparable BMW and Mercedes, you shouldn't do it here.
>I'm reaching out to you fine folks to get your opinions on the dependability and reliability of Model Ss that fall into the category above. The 60kWh battery meets my needs for distance, but do cars from these years have known issues I should be aware of? I remember reading about drivetrain issues that required a total swap; how prevalent are major issues like those in your opinion?
There isn't really a consensus. Tesla says the issues have been fixed, TrueDelta data indicates reliability isn't much better, although the most serious issues (complete electrical/drivetrain failures, etc.) seem to have decreased. Consumer Reports has fluctuated between average and below average for the Model S, citing "drivetrain, power equipment, charging equipment, giant iPad-like center console, and body and sunroof squeaks, rattles, and leaks" as the main problem areas.
>Basically - I'm a buying someone else's headache or is a used Model S a solid investment? Thanks for any input you can provide!
It seems to be a crapshoot. Some people have had zero issues, others have had multiple drivetrain replacements in a year. But again, it's a used luxury car. The expenses are always going to be higher than a generic econobox.
Hope that helps.
I’d argue that’s too low, you want something higher up like this so you don’t tilt your head too much: Jowua Invisible Foldaway car Mount for Tesla Model 3 / Model Y, 360° Free Rotation, Innovative Silicone Roller Design, Compatible with Phone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro and Other 4.7-6.5'' Smartphones https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08V4MVDZZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_MFTY01R5S76AH8FPDKSY
Sucks man. I feel for ya. I was even considering these from Amazon... https://www.amazon.com/Window-Alarm-Packs-Vibration-Compatible/dp/B07H2VDM5G
Right now I’ll just do my little sign, and increase the countermeasures after a break in.
For the record, this is the album and correct album art...
It is a cheap meter off amazon, I have tested it against other meters and it is very accurate, I 3d printed the case to keep wires contained and screwed it to the wall. Every month I reset it and save the KWH usage to an excel sheet. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00YY1KOHA/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
You said last year that, "Five or six years from now I think we'll be able to achieve true autonomous driving where you could literally get in the car, go to sleep and wake up at your destination." Is that "we" Tesla, or humanity in general? And is your prediction still for 2019 or 2020?
TL;DW: You can replace the spring in your frunk latch mechanism to allow the frunk to close much easier.
Spring on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Prime-Line-Products-SP-9604-Extension/dp/B008RFOXPI/
A similar spring is sold at Home Depot, search for model number 16086.
Yeah. This feels really shady.
EDIT: Apparently, the source for this is actually the user manual in the car. I don't have AEB yet (it also appears to be a somewhat limited roll out) so I can't check:
The idea that the release notes say AEB IS HERE! but only the user manual lists the 28 MPH limit is really slimy.
>As intrusive as it is incompetent, Drive Pilot is a dead end as Level 2 AD, and a catastrophe as anything more. Is it safer? You’ll suffer through an upper body workout waiting to find out. I hated it so much, I didn’t want to use it. If you don’t use it, it can’t make you safer, ergo, it’s useless, and you’re only as safe as your skill, just like everyone else for the last 100+ years.
>Drive Pilot had a nasty habit of disengaging in good conditions before sixty seconds were up, with no obvious warning except the green steering icon going out, and lane drift. After the third time, I actually felt fear.
>Another disaster. This is actually a dangerous product. The car will steer itself into oncoming traffic. It oscillates between lane markings like a drunk driver. No setting or speed is sufficient to compensate for the utter failure of this functionality.
Hahahahaha. He just shits all over MB. Like the previous review, says itll steer into oncoming traffic and doesnt warn you.
Anyone pass this on to the /r/cars or /r/mercedes_benz guys yet? Between this comparison and the last similar one I'd love to hear what the MB fans will come up with next. I'm going to go with "MB purposefully nerfed this to be safer! They will kill Tesla next iteration!".... Except both reviews say it isn't safe and a huge embarrassment. Oh and MB is now 3+ years behind. And will be 4+ years behind even if they get their ass in gear and actually improve for the next model.
A brand-fucking-new 2017 MB can get crushed in driver assist comparison to a 2014 Model S. Hilarious.
edit I sent this review, and all the other reviews to Consumer Reports email: http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/about-us/customer-service-main/email/index.htm asking them to address it
Something like this with different wording.
At least will give them a scare from 200ft away until they get to car and read it
This one has been floating around since last week with dealer plates and a nice "Model 3" license plate frame.
Aren't we (as a civilization) going to need lots and lots and lots of gigafactory-class facilities very rapidly in order to replace a substantial fraction of cars with EV's?
One GF can produce enough for 0.5 Mcars/year, and the current total production rate of cars is about 60 M/year, so we need something like 120 gigafactories.
Sounds like a job for China, actually.
So I use a GoPro with a magnet mount. On the windshield I have another magnet with double sided black 3M tape attached. I recommend GoPro Hero 7 for best stabilization ��
Magnetic Phone Car Mount WizGear... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M0DUVZV?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Selens 1 Piece Three-prong... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LERFCW8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
This semi-gloss should do the trick. See this is what reddit is for, with your knowledge of what his car needs, and my knowledge of where to get it, we are saving people money.
Hmmm sounds great and all but Tesla does not agree with your assessment.
Seems there may be a discrepancy somewhere here...oh and by the way, I can assure you that Tesla is not making current and future pricing decisions based on the happiness of current owners. Pricing decisions are determined by market demand and sustainability within the class/segment for profitable businesses. The price charged will be what the market can reasonably support. Tesla is not a charity.
The last time I checked there were even less available inventory cars than last year at this time, and virtually all subsidized efforts at least with respect to the 75D versions is gone. I wonder where all these cars have gone?
Interestingly, despite all the Model 3 deliveries, two loaded S100D’s are currently staged side by side in the delivery bay for tomorrow as I enjoy charging on the included benefit. Fools I tell you, fools! Have they not heard of the Model 3?!
Nonetheless, despite the frequent comparing of old and aging S’s with retired packs to brand new 3s, or the continued approach to these cars as if they are in the same class at all, I personally have a deep and genuine gratitude for every 3 owner. You are contributing to our future both environmentally and otherwise. You are buying full retail, fully loaded cars, priced with zero discounts or manufacturer incentives. In this rare instance group think is actually beneficial to the whole.
Without you I am honestly not sure there are enough buyers in the premium segments to ensure the survival of Tesla or to support this infrastructure they have built...but as you accurately point out; we made it possible...so well...guess it’s your turn.
Footage appears to be from the single-storey temporary container-based office block, located on on the east-side of the site.
Opening external shots are from the diagonal pipe-bridge at the north-west corner connecting the general assembly building to the utility building:
Bush blocking the view a bit, but here's one from New Zealand: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipP2I8ZIIzlldnvpNzH5OZm2WJV7vDa9kP7MtD-aQaL19bb51wSRwfIrHf3AwzuQ-g/photo/AF1QipN5BaBA-mMUgHBrtqCo8KBKZnilWU83W-5unadb?key=Q2xNd09Wam91b29IZVJNNDFBeFYyYktpcFJPbVln
BlackVue 750s. 2 channel. With the phatest card possible. Get the magic pro adapter to hardware to fuse box. They sell in amazon.
Blackvue DR750S-2CH With Power Magic Pro Hardwire Kit 2-Channel 1080P Full HD Car DVR Recorder 16GB SD Card | BlackboxMyCar Decal Included https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0759Y4V6D?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
My bad. We saw it at the Squishable store in Chicago a few weeks ago but amazon has it.
Squishable / Comfort Food Avocado Plush - 15" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071XK1T4T/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_e3aeDbWEKZNDG
He installed stronger struts on the frunk with these.
A better perspective on this is that Tesla is now valued much higher than Fiat Chrysler ($FCAU)... around $33B to $19B.
FCAU has 40 factories globally and sells close to 5M units a year. (This also includes brands like Alfa, Maserati, and Ferrari)
TSLA has 1 factory and struggles to make 50k units a year.
FCAU has a price/book of over 1/1, which is pretty normal for most profitable companies.
TSLA has a price/book of over 40. That means growth speculation is so high that it's valued at 40x is current book value.
Fundamentally TSLA makes absolutely zero sense to invest in, it's all insanely overhyped speculation that will bust eventually. Elon Musk himself has said that Tesla won't turn profitable until at least 2020. If you put a different name and stock ticker to these numbers, everyone here would be calling to short it into oblivion.
For some more perspective, Honda has plant in Ohio that makes Acura TLX, ILX and Honda Accords (similar size as the Tesla factory in Fremont CA) that can pump out 50k cars a month. They are light years behind in production capacity and efficiency. Even if they all of a sudden had the capacity to supply every single order, they still wouldn't be worth investing in at this point because it is so overvalued.
I am a big fan of Tesla as a company and a product, I'm a subscriber to this sub, I work in the automotive industry, and I've taken a tour of the Fremont factory,... I hope that they prove me wrong, but I wouldn't put my money anywhere near Tesla until the overvalued bubble bursts.
Go ahead and downvote common sense...
need to order a set of these Valve Stem removers
I read on several forums that this is a perfect match. I ordered, but haven't actually used it yet, so I can't give you my personal endorsement.
>Source: I just finished his Disruptive Innovation course in July and we actually discussed this with professor Christensen.
Wow. It's pretty devastating for an article based on The Innovator's Dilemma to be rebuked by the author of The Innovator's Dilemma.
Very exciting, something I've been waiting to see for a while.
An excellent article by Randy Carlson explains how free charging is possible.
/u/FredTesla - Great article. I'd absolutely love to see details of the financials for this deal. Is it revenue neutral, positive, or negative for Tesla?
> http://www.consumerreports.org/cars/tesla-reliability-doesnt-match-its-high-performance
I'm waiting for a chance to get back in. This might be it. I foolishly bought at $30 and sold a little over $100...
Here you go.
OK, I'm calling it: This is an A/B test. They are basically testing which version of the sales page ("motor" HP, "real" HP, no HP) leads to the most sales. Expect it to be consistent in probably 3-4 weeks again. In the meantime, you will all see different versions of the sales page.
For more on the topic: https://www.optimizely.com/split-testing/
The second Tesla Master plan title was a spoof on this ridiculous 90's movie https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/hot_shots_part_deux/
Elon said at the Gigafactory Party last night that no one got the joke.
In the movie the villain is Saddam Hussein, both the Tesla Master Plans and the Hot Shots movie are taking on an evil oil regime.
Ordered same. They are very good but passenger side curles up when I accelerate. I think any matt not tacked down would in P3D :))
ToughPRO Floor Mats Set (Front Row + 2nd Row) Compatible with Tesla Model 3 - All Weather - Heavy Duty - (Made in USA) - Black Rubber - 2019 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0792RW471/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_dU3jDbY6G02XB
If I NEED to charge I carry around a little padlock for the J1772 release button (little hole under there most of the time). Nothing someone with wire cutters or simple lock picking skill couldn't bypass but adds enough trouble and property damage I figure they are more likely to leave it alone.
Not likely. Tesla inspected it and gave the sign off. The install is super simple and there are no exposed or stripped wires. The way the dashcam connects to power is through a cigarette lighter adapter wired to a inline fuse 12v battery terminal connector. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00G8WLW2Y/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Thank you! It's an honor to hear from an OG Roadster tech. I'm assuming you're in the group photo and your signature is on the ESS in the #2500 build book - https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPs5D09Z4DTlOd9E8vIgRG31ZdXGzOFWtyHm3oBPl50x1uNrK__EHTG7gu-jB5U4A/photo/AF1QipM-Ez7fkYkqTWJ8CElXhnlJpXeLVreKEfHwDuHA?key=d0ItYjhiQVFqWmJxNlJCUExuN0RQb0Z3VUVPSTh3
Burning question... was 2500 one of the "Final Edition" cars? I know that the US "Final Five" were #1460-1464. International "Final Four" followed a different VIN sequence.
Officially? End of this month. Actually? Who knows...
> Operator: Our next question in queue comes from Ben Kallo with Robert W. Baird. Please go ahead. Your line is now open.
>Ben J. Kallo - Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. (Broker) Hi. Thanks for taking my question. As far as the Model X goes, last time, Elon, you talked about configuration in July and I understand with the slippage. But when can we start thinking about configuring cars – we have orders out there? Customer have orders. And then with about a month away from deliveries, when do you expect to show it to people?
> Elon Reeve Musk - Chairman & Chief Executive Officer We're probably into upper configuration and two or three weeks of the X. So that should go live on the website before the end of August. In terms of the initial deliveries of the X, that's sort of consistent with what we predicted on the last call, which is end of September.
Using OpenStreetMap isn't that easy though. OSM is just the data, you'd need to host the mapping tiles, the routing service, and so on.
They could use Mapbox, which uses OSM data but charges for their maps and navigation. My guess is that they're going to see a lot of new customers when people look for options to Google. Where I live OSM data is already much better than Google's maps anyway.
Easy fix for ICE is to have some of these handy "You Are Illegally Parked" Parking Violation Stickers By SmartSign | 5" x 8", Pack Of 50 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00895YTMI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_xXqGCbMYR772S
There is a handle that fits on the door catch you can buy...handle fits in body part of door latch ..another option
They sell them on ebay and amazon in other colors.
Source: Got my wife the green eyes
This is my future living room.
You might get a little more traction if you posted a few sample images of your question. Linking to the gallery with thousands of images is a little unreasonable.
I'm presuming you mean this circle?
Based on another post I read somewhere I just bought a SanDisk Wireless Stick 64GB currently on sale at Microcenter for $29.99 instead of the normal $59.99. What's cool about it is that it has built-in wifi and a battery. Right now the car is in my garage and off but I can copy files to and from the flash drive over the wifi connection. That means you could not only grab the dashcam video but also copy mp3 files to the car. Can't wait to get v9 to try it out.
Edit: Amazon link as well
Close. It’s this one. Picked up a bunch of them when dewalt had a big sale. The have a cool modular wall rack.
DEWALT DWST08130 ToughSystem Suitcase https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M3SP97Z/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_R3B0DbVARKYQT
In the book The Future Perfect, people routinely sleep in their cars as they drive around the city.
Mainly because both rent and parking are incredibly expensive.. :/
(don't judge it by it's cover... it's bad, I know, but the book is probably the most accurate yet still kind of dystopian future I've ever read.)
Not me, but then, I don’t know all of the possible things that might be illegal. Do you?
Or illegal activities I haven’t done, but that a cop could construe evidence of.
For the same $59, I got this 200gig one which has built in WiFi for remote streaming/download to any mobile. Now it’s $67.
SanDisk 200GB Connect Wireless Stick Flash Drive - SDWS4-200G-G46 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0198QE5MA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_YdSWBb9QP652P
I think this is the best solution. Pay the $100 this month in good faith and agree this is how you will do it moving forward. Would only work if Home is where you exclusively charge though.
Or get a kill a watt... P3 P4400 Kill A Watt Electricity Usage Monitor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00009MDBU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_wLmFBb12NNQSW
True, but I just looked at the Porsche website the other day (was interested in the Macan) and the number of options gave me a headache. Seriously, the permutations were off the hook. I felt like I would need several days of research to figure out what I really needed. I was reminded of the old book <em>The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less</em>.
That's not to say Tesla Model S couldn't use some upgraded features, but sometimes it's nice just to have a few options.
I think if you ask/search online, you're certainly going to hear from other people who have had similar problems. Unfortunately, this gives us almost no information as to how prevalent such issues are in the real world: your answers are liable to suffer from severe selection bias.
Of course, it's totally possible that lots of people are having tons of problems with their cars...but in order to determine that, we would have to use a much more statistically sound method of investigation.
Consumer Reports does have some slightly more significant findings, that they share here: http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/video-hub/cars/hybrids--alternative-fuel/is-the-tesla-model-s-reliable/14786539001/3844761619001/
TL;DW: Their results suggest that Model S has roughly average reliability when compared to other luxury sedans, and that reliability seems to be improving over time.
No it's not, investing is about investing funds towards a productive purpose.
Putting your money against someone else's is gambling, or trading if you want to be fancy.
Differentiator is whether or not it's a zero-sum game. Investing has the chance at creating true wealth, gambling only allows it to change hands.
Edit: For all you haters - http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/12/difference-investing-trading.asp
Treat them differently, and educate others this way. It's a mindset that should be reinforced so that new traders understand the difference between gambling and investing.
DEWALT DWST08130 ToughSystem Suitcase https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M3SP97Z/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_R3B0DbVARKYQT
I used a scrap of kaizen foam from another project. But any foam will do. Closed cell foam will age better and not absorb water.
Fastcap Kaizen Foam 57mm (2-1/4") Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007J2JJYK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_TaC0Db2YE2QW8
You do not need to have electric power lifter for the frunk to open automatically. Just two stronger coils:
Samsung T5 Portable SSD - 500GB - USB 3.1 External SSD (MU-PA500B/AM), Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073GZBT36/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_iH9oDbTNABKDA
500gb ssd card from Samsung that is just about the size of a credit card but thicker. Used it for a month and it is running strong and nowhere near full.
I’m using this: Transcend 32GB JetDrive Go 300 Black Plating (TS32GJDG300K) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01AZ5KCNO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_6u7OCbM7W6AMA
It works well for what I’ve needed so far. I’m not sure how quickly it’ll fill up once Tesla starts enabling more cameras (max compatible size is 32gb). The footage is easy to review, just plug it into your phone, the app opens, and you can view the video files.
Warning though, you max out at 32gb with this system as the dashcam requires FAT32. I found a work around online to format drives larger than 32gb as FAT32 but the built-in software to couple the drive to your phone for file viewing got destroyed in the process and wouldn’t work afterwards.
Some say even touchless is dangerous (due to grit being recycled through). I either do two bucket or use Wash Wax All with microfiber cloths (1 to apply and 1 to dry). I keep a kit in the well in the trunk particularly for wiping bugs off.
Ordered this $6 USB splitter: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01KX4TKH6/
Car Configuration:
1 USB into NOMAD
1 USB into Splitter that then splits the Power (Red Elastic on Wire) into NOMAD and Power+Data into flash drive.
Everything seems great, pulled dashcam footage from a few drives and wasn't missing anything and NOMAD keeps my phone charged. Will see how it keeps up over the next few weeks.
Yeah, because you totally can't buy cell blocking fabric on Amazon
EMF RF RFID Cell Block Wave Shielding Fabric 43" X 5 Yards Blackout Faraday Shield https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LE8TA16/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_4hDSAbQJBX8MK
Edit: also, Teslas have been stolen, including the model S, so there are smart thiefs that know what they are doing.
From July: Mercedes Pulls Ad That Made New E-Class Appear to Drive Itself
I got rear ended and my repair took 8 months due to Tesla parts delays. Afterwards, they sent me a list of what parts took the longest, and the worst part was...... 90 days..... for the plastic rear appliqué -- a cheap piece of plastic that Tesla produces in-house. Rivets were also a problem in my case.
But if you use non-GAAP numbers, yes - I believe 2013 was and 2014 should have been profitable non-GAAP. But earnings must be reported using GAAP, and Tesla's R&D and lease accounting put them into the negative using that method.
In recent history, Tesla has only had 1 GAAP quarterly profit, Q1 '13. It was banner quarter for ZEV credits and was before Tesla's hybrid lease program.
This could be something like more advanced Autopilot functions, compared to the Model S. They've apparently put a ton more work into the doors, so perhaps there is something new and interesting there.
Elon wasn't specifically talking about the Model 3, unless you're talking about a different part of the conference call.
Here's the exact quote from an unofficial transcript.
>Elon Musk: I think we’re going to be okay on the demand side for this year, and I mean, maybe something changes next year but I think we’ll be okay and I don’t think we’re going to have to do a bunch of advertising or [indiscernible] with the dealers or anything like that this year and or discount the cars or anything like that. So if I can do an emphasize that whenever you feel like this celebrity or some prominent person driving a car they all paid full retail. There was no discount. We didn’t give them a car they are buying a car and they are driving because they really believe in the car not because someone paid them or they tend to do. So regular credit [indiscernible] car. So yes, I think we do have a secret weapon on the demand side that will probably start to deploy later this year for the demand generation. We’ll [indiscernible] it isn’t totally necessary, that I think and it could be pretty interesting, I could work against the dealers.
BS, Amazon had to raise money and almost went out of business more than once.
>Bezos: “The riskiest moment for Amazon, Charlie, was at the very, very beginning. I needed to raise $1 million at a certain point, and I ended up giving away 20 percent of the company for a million dollars.”
>I had to take 60 meetings to raise $1 million, and I raised it from 22 people at approximately $50,000 a person. And it was nip and tuck whether I was going to be able to raise that money. So, the whole thing could have ended before the whole thing started. That was 1995, and the first question every investor asked me was: ‘What’s the Internet?'”
https://www.fundable.com/learn/startup-stories/amazon >Follow on Funding - Amazon raised a series A of $8M from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers in 1995. In 1997, Amazon went public to raise additional capital.
If you think Amazon never had to raise money you are just to young or too dumb to know better. Either get off my lawn :) or admit your stupidity!
I literally lost track of the number of times I read about how Amazon would never make a profit and would go bankrupt.
I made my own mattress.
Wasn’t quite comfy enough so I added this
Twin XL fits perfectly.
For the drop, I want to custom cut some foam boards or maybe drywall sheets. For now I have some random foam pads I had and a few beach towels folded. It’s good enough where we don’t feel the bump when sleeping.
I use this: https://www.amazon.com/Pikibu-180-Degree-Definition-Clarity-Mirror/dp/B00AGJFNCA
Clips perfectly right over the regular mirror, you can't even tell it's not supposed to be there. Bonus, it covers so much that you can also see your blind spot via the back side windows.
BTW, for anyone wanting to do something like this, the technology is there. For example, these:
are foldable. You could have 8-9 in the trunk and an inverter and do real level 1 charging. If you really wanted to get crazy, fold down the rear seats and put something like 50 or 60 of these in:
You'd be able to do something like level 2 charging.
Both of these would require inverters and possibly even some kind of battery buffer to keep the Tesla happy when things are cloudy. I would expect lots of issues as this isn't anyone's primary use case.
The thing that amazes me are that panels like this exist and don't cost all that much (historically speaking). The idea of carrying around 8kw worth of panels in a small car would have been laughable just a few years ago.
you’re also low on blinker fluid. Critically important in electric cars. If it’s low, it may burn out the herculator.
Blinker Fluid - Sticker https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07623QT6K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_dyspCbB0Q1Q75
Yeah, bluetooth controllers are a thing. Controlling your tesla with this guy would be orgasmic.
You are right. And it doesn't apply only to TV, but other media as well.
There's an excellent book about the subject: Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator
Laser wire is brighter and lasts longer, but it's $200 compared to $12 for El-wire.
Here's the kit I used: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071FNV4NJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_6DnaBb629SDJ1
I just plugged it into one of the USB ports and ran the wire. Super simple. The dash holds it in place. I used on piece of tape behind the screen, tucked up under the dash, to secure the middle so it didn't sag.
I think they should make special unpainted, polished aluminum Model X's to harken back to the days of the astronaut transfer van and put the same stripes down the side as well.
You didn't include the first part of the tweet.
> Investor support is confirmed. Only reason why this is not certain is that it’s contingent on a shareholder vote.
While it's possible to read the "this" as referring to the whole deal, it generally refers to whatever idea is in the preceding sentence. For example, in the following sentence, "this" refers to the saucepan and contents.
>Put the butter, chocolate and sugar in a saucepan. Heat this over a low flame until it melts.
You can choose to interpret "this" as referring to the deal, but generally it refers to whatever is most immediate, which is "Investor support" in Elon's tweet.
Didn't know if this was appropriate for posting outside of the daily thread (mods if it would be okay lmk and I'll repost there), but would anyone be willing to help me out and take a short survey on Model 3/Y windshield wipers?
I’m a graduate student at Georgia Tech and am taking a class on Human Computer Interaction. I’m also a Tesla owner (Model 3 and Y) and for one of my projects I have chosen a redesign of the windshield wiper speed control interface.
Would any Model 3/Y owners (or anyone else familiar with the interface) be willing to help me out by taking a short survey? This survey is intended to gage owners’ perceptions of the necessity (or lack thereof) to manually control windshield wiper speed and the ease of doing so since it’s not a function available on the control stalk.
Please note – I am NOT affiliated with Tesla outside of being an owner, the results of this survey are being collected for academic purposes (that being said, if anyone knows someone inside Tesla who would be interested to see the results, DM me and I’d be happy to share).
There is no compensation for this survey other than the satisfaction that you took a few minutes (less than 5) out of your life to help someone with their homework =)
If anyone here is interested in results of the survey or my redesign efforts, contact info is available at the end of the survey.
Here’s a link to the survey:
Many thanks to anyone that takes time out of their day to complete this.