Oh, goodness. Hello! 😅
Yeah, I might be interested. I used to work at Capital One. Been doing product design for 8 years now, currently leading design systems at a Fortune 10.
Will have to check out the listings. 🤔
Edit: my card mockups, for the new One folks!
I'm confused as well, on the eToro website it refers to 3 different ways to load funds.
However, it also doesn't make sense that a fraudster just "took" the funds from the OP u/Hagan18 wife's account by "guessing" account info because it appears eToro uses Plaid to connect bank accounts. Which would indicate whoever perpetrated the fraud knew the login credentials? They would of had to had SMS swapped his wife's phone as well?
NFC activation was a bit clunky in the last cards, we will likely revisit it with a new provider.
Thanks, we appreciate it.
Let us know how our existing virtual card per pocket function could be improved. We aren't likely to embed privacy.com due to cost/complexity, but we should be able to offer most of the same flexibility their virtual cards have over time, just need to know what is important first.
Wow. Well, if anything is going to turn this thread on its ear, it’s going to be this. But since you asked (not an affiliate link):
The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness https://www.amazon.com/dp/1595555277/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VSCMH970KZMXHWPVCG26
I prefer the audio book. Listened to it twice, which I highly recommend since you tend to grab on ideas as you go and the second listen makes sure you get things in the correct order.
We also have the print edition to bookmark, highlight and take notes in.
I just used the Privacy App to create an AT&T virtual card linked to my “Privacy Pocket” in One. It works fine and is a nice place holder until One implements their own virtual cards for each pocket.
If you join Privacy we'll each get $5 to spend anywhere online! https://privacy.com/join/72WU8
Great question... That is the reason I like the separate account numbers with ONE. If I only had a single account number I wouldn't have the ability to tie a Privacy.com virtual card to a Pocket. Because it uses Routing/Account numbers I can direct my privacy.com cards against any of my pockets I desire.
I've been using 1Password for several years now and like it a lot.
If you want to take it a step further you can even pair it with a service like Privacy which lets you generate virtual cards for making payments online. You can set cards that expire after a single use, set monthly limits, and even pause a card to automatically decline any transactions.
I don't use my card directly at gas pumps but do use it with Gas Buddy and it's the only way I ever pay. Only place I have ever had issues is Sam's Club. Im far too nervous about One's security and fraud set up to use my card without a pass through like Gas Buddy or Privacy.com. Are you sure you didn't have it pointed to an empty pocket?
FWIW I have everything going to my Save pocket that I share with my wife. I then have scheduled transfers to move the funds needed into their respective pockets the day before a bill is due. To spend money I have setup Privacy.com to directly pull from my save pocket and have virtual cards for various vendors. Any other day to day expenses I put on a credit card set to pull money from my save account for the amount of what I use 2 days before that bill is due.
EDIT: I manage all this with YNAB
My biggest thing with privacy.com is the ease of which I can make multiple cards coming from one account and the ease of which I can find them. I don't want 100 pockets, because I need to find the important ones instantly.
Try Privacy.com. I've setup virtual debit cards for all my pockets. So far with very little issue. I think I'm going to keep using Privacy.com even after One Finance introduces virtual cards themselves.
This 100%.
There are many services like Audible, Netflix, Hulu, etc. that just won't take ACH info.
Until pockets get their own virtual CC numbers it is impossible to move all bill payment to One unless you go with Privacy.com
I want to fully move to One because I think it's actaully way more pro-active than Simple.
The feature to move my debit card on the fly to a pocket and that it limits my spending in a pocket is more like true envelope budgeting.
The interest rate also looks much better than the current Simple rate.
But, I'm holding off on fully moving becuase it seems like a ton of work to setup Privacy.com just to back out of that in the next couple months when virtual card numbers are available.
On the fence.
Don't forget that each pocket has its own account and routing number. Wherever possible, you can set up direct bank payment instead of the debit card which avoids the need for timing your pocket switching. Amazon is one such retailer which allows a bank account as a payment source.
Additionally, I discovered through this sub that privacy.com allows you to create many virtual debit cards linked to specific bank accounts (or pockets in our case). The only downside there is that (I imagine) transactions will be approved regardless of account balance. I haven't tested this so someone can correct me.
thank you for this transparency and engagement. so awesome to see!
i don't think i would put too much effort into Virtual Cards - privacy.com is a perfect companion for One - i just set my privacy.com account to match various cards with different One pockets - it's a brilliant way to take advantage of both sites and let privacy focus on making the virtual card experience work its best (example, their browser plugin and mobile app are really good and it would take considerable effort to build your own version)
i.e. i would focus on the stuff that only One can do, such as virtual _pockets_ (some of which could overlap an underlying savings account perhaps?) and automated budgeting options.
let Venmo/privacy/paypal deal with paying others.
unless of course you are planning on taking them on as well :D
Add me to the users that are moving to a combination of OneFinance + Astra + privacy.com. It takes a bit of thought to set up and consider the limits, but I'm optimistic about this setup until OneFinance is able to build in the feature enhancements.
This can be mitigated by adding functionality for any overdraft of a pocket coming out of the spend pocket.
Virtual debit cards is the solution for the multiple account numbers issue. It's also much more secure than simple's approach. If a card (or your Netflix payment method) is compromised, the scope of the threat is limited to the $18 you have in your pocket for netflix.
Edit: I'm using privacy.com for this right now with One Finance (I'm also a Simple Refugee)
@one-MikeD is one way to manage this to have most day-to-day spending come out of a single "spend" pocket, and then replenish that spend pocket with money from other pockets after-the-fact? That obviously requires a bit more float, but is that what some One users are doing?
Also, can you speak to card transactions that are not in-person? Like for example paying a cell phone bill monthly. Can you establish a virtual card # tied to a particular pocket, so that your cell phone bill will come out of the right pocket to begin with? And if that isn't a feature directly with One, do you know if privacy.com works with One pockets today? I could imagine you could just setup virtual accounts for each pocket, to help make sure the spending comes from the right place. (as a side note, Privacy works great with Simple today, and I love it!)
Who reads most TOS? Who reads all of most TOS agreements?
I don't see the "no reason" in Simple's TOU.
Sure, I get it. It's in there to cover them. Still kinda strange I guess.
I guess it could go like this?
It took a while for Simple to implement faster ACH transfers as well. Give it time. This bit from the Simple blog back from when they sped things up explains more.
Qube is actually a lot like One and you don't HAVE to pay a membership to use it. But keep in mind paying the membership might give it more of a chance to stick around.
You can have separate bill qube just like in douugh. Each bill qube comes with a virtal card and account numbers.
You have spend qubes that you select before making a purchase or set it up to be qubeless. Qubeless is when you make a purchase and can set that purchase to come out of a qube later. You can also change the length of time the spend qube is open. You can also reqube (move it to a different qube) a transaction.
There are goal qube which are savings. Can only be created using the website. But once it's created you can see and use it through the app.
It's really not as complicated as you think once you start messing with things. There is an overview page where you can see everything. This overview page is where you see something call funding and you can use this to fund all your qubes with monthly budgets or you can also schedule repeating transfer. Automated finding is coming soon.
Honestly read qube how to on their website. It helps. https://support.qubemoney.com/hc/en-us/categories/360002629792-Using-Qube
I use venmo or Zelle to pay anyone. I use capital one for check deposits and then push to Qube. It's faster, weirdly.
I use this calendar expense tracker to help me not overspend and also plan for large expenses. Or my impluse buying. It helps me see that no, i cannot impluse buy. It shows your money flow currently and months and months ahead. I've been using it for years. It actually helped me create a budget. It's also available on iOS.
I've solved this problem on Android, with a nice automation tool called Macrodroid (see https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.arlosoft.macrodroid).
I've set up a simple macro that sends me emails for all of the notifications I wish to be able to refer back to.
However that is not perfect, because it's unable to be hyperlinked back to the event (clicking on the notification launches the application and takes you to the event), which I haven't seen a way to capture that.
There are a few notification tools for Android that have the ability to record and play back notifications, allowing for some ability to relaunch the lost notifications, but YMMV.
A while back someone tried to order some from Costco (Harland?) and that company ended up refusing to print them. Or something to that affect.
But later a little birdie told me that it was now possible to order 3rd party checks and provided this link.
I have not personally tested this.
I personally use Privacy.com for that. Skips all the BS of One plus if I move banks I don't need to update the cards. Just point that to the new bank. It's free to use (they make money from the interchange fees).
The link above has no affiliate links. Should you want if you use this we'd both get $5. Not much but it is a service I regularly use; I'm not just shilling for $5 (wouldn't even be worth the time spent typing this reply). https://privacy.com/join/3DRV4
Still think it has something to do with the unknown debit of $100?
Was that debit directly from the pocket or was it linked through privacy.com somehow?
It had a name next to the debit? And you didn't recognize it or it had nothing understandable for the $100 debit (like, "Transfer" for the description).
ONE said it was an error on their part? That also sounds strange. How do they make an error and withdraw $100 from somebody's pocket?
Did you have normal transactions that were an even $100?
Anyway, hope they take care of you.
I've got to look at Privacy.com then and see how they organize this because it sounds confusing as heck. I currently have about 12 "pockets," including Amazon, Audible, Netflix, and then my obvious Mortgage, car insurance, etc.
I received this nice response about Venmo & ACH, if it helps:
(TL;DR: ACH from Venmo Pocket kept declining. The debit card from One worked great. Sad Face because Virtual Cards not yet available, unable to use Privacy.com cards because I need a longer transaction history to prove I'm not cashback scamming, thus I must change pocket each time I use Venmo.)
Yooooooo YQTY, happy to help :D
I wrote Venmo as a customer AND One employee, and they basically told me that they are blocking some of our transactions. :/ (Authors Aside: Booo, Venmo, Booooooo)
We were able to send funds with our Debit card information.
Also, I believe if your Venmo account has funds, they will only let you send funds with that first vs. using your bank account info.
We are doing our best to get through to them around this. Thanks for your patience.
Best Wishes,
Matt Boi, Investor in GME & Fellow Crayon-Enthusiast.
The benefits as I see them.
Pockets can be created in just a few seconds. Perhaps accounts at a bank could be as well?
Then for instance I put money in a specific pocket that I'm going to use to pay something (say, my Mortgage), then I point them to the Mortgage pocket (routing and account number). They only have access to those funds. Of course this could be any type of payment setup.
Others have also used privacy.com to connect to individual pockets to pay things with virtual credit cards.
Waiting on virtual cards.
I have no idea how you all are making this work without the virtual cards.
Over 80% of my vendors won't even take ACH.
And when I tried out privacy.com, it makes you have $50 in each funding source with each pocket being it's own funding source.
Having pockets setup like my Simple expenses, that's like over 20 funding sources I have to create with $1K spread across those accounts just to get started.
That's a hard pass.
yes - pocket virtual cards are intended to help with this situation. we're actively working on them. in the mean time, you can use privacy.com as u/Trav1sty suggests, or if possible pay via ACH (and use the account number from your trash pocket). we realize this is a pain point for many and are working on improving it ASAP!
I had a handful of billers that didn't recognize the routing number and/or don't accept bank accounts. Linked PayPal to a few pockets, but it's actually kind of a hassle waiting a few days for the deposits to verify the accounts. Decided to check out privacy.com as I'd seen many people talking about using it to create virtual cards to pay bills with. Works really well and was very simple to set up.
I suggest privacy.com, you can connect it with each of your pockets and set up a virtual card for each expense and connect it to the correct pocket. Until virtual cards per pocket are available from One later this quarter, this is the best bet.
Just don't forget the daily and monthly spend limits with Privacy.com. It could become an issue if you have large payments coming out on the same day or too many payments through their service in a month.
I think this is a great solution. I swear I saw on this sub that creating virtual cards for pockets was in the works at One which would be great. I'm thinking that Paypal may work for some things also. My only question about Privacy.com thing. Does it generate a new card every month cause that seems like a hassle?
For the "International" wire transfer you need to use the one ending in 484.
It's spelled out on that page that funds need to go to the intermediary bank, so the funds don't go directly into your ONE account.
International wire transfers
Your One account is able to receive international wire transfers. Please note that Pacific Coast Banker’s Bank is our intermediary bank.
Correspondent Bank SWIFT: PCBBUS66
ABA/Routing Number: 121042484
Correspondent Bank Name: Pacific Coast Banker’s Bank
Correspondent Bank address: 1676 N. California Blvd, Suite 300, Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(Note: Please do not send any mail/checks/etc. to this address)
It's very important that all of the details are followed.
The wire will likely work fine, but if I were you I'd seriously look at using PayPal and having them send it as "Friend". Or possibly both of you getting setup with https://wise.com/.
The reason I mention this is because I was trying to receive an international wire into my business bank and the sender didn't follow the directions precisely. So, $4,000 has been in limbo for about 2 weeks. They sent me funds through PayPal as Friends and I got it immediately where even if the wire instructions had been followed it would some time for the transfer to complete.
I don't work for ONE and have never received an international transfer, so hopefully either a ONE employee might jump in or you may want to check with support. But I'm pretty sure I'm correct on the routing number to use, etc.
One other thing, there is usually a fee for sending a wire. I don't believe there is any fee for PayPal Friends. There might be something for conversion, but usually the sender pays that.
If your relative has a way to send a wire without a fee you may want to have them send a small (dollar amount) test transfer.
Went ahead and time-boxed myself to an hour in Figma to make some concept cards. I've done work for Capital One and Betterment in the past, so this kind of stuff is pretty easy to me.
Take a look at these concepts I submitted as their own post.
Paging u/one-brandon, u/one-eric, u/one-mike, u/one-andrew.
A quick Google search indicates there is indeed an Albert app on Android that performs a financial purpose. Also, on their app page, several others seem to having similar issues to yours. I'd suggest you posting your question there for a speedier response.
I have been using this one for a couple of years, and it had been great. I really like the compactness of it.