>"Ich glaube auch, dass wir in vielen Bereichen deutlich sicherer sind als der Marktdurchschnitt", so Stalf. "Es gibt einfach Bedrohungsszenarien, da müssen wir uns ständig weiterentwickeln."
N26 ist die einzige mir bekannte Bank die keine möglichkeit anbietet, Transaktionen irgendwie über einen zweiten Kanal zu verifizieren.
Generell liest sich das hjer wie Marketing-Gewäsch von jemanden geschrieben, der nicht wirklich Ahnung von IT-Sicherheit hat.
N26 hat bei mir noch keine Probleme gemacht. Ich bekomme sowohl vom Finanzamt als auch von meinem Arbeitgeber regelmäßig Zahlungen. Einziges Manko (aber in meinem Fall verkraftbar) ist, dass man keine Bankfiliale hat wo man Bargeld einzahlen kann. Es gibt aber Alternativen: https://n26.com/de-at/cash26
Den Vergleich hast du eh auf: https://n26.com/en-at/plans
Einziger Vorteil der Metall Karte:
Generell muss ich sagen dass eigentlich beide kostenpflichtigen Konten eigentlich unverschämt teuer sind - die traditionellen Banken sind im Vergleich dazu viel günstiger. Ob sich N26 You auszahlt kannst du dir ja selber ausrechnen: Einziger Unterschied bei Auslandsgebühren ist, dass bei Bankomatabhebungen im Ausland nicht die 1.7% Gebühr anfällt. Erwartest du dass du im Jahr mehr als ca. 7000 EUR auf Bankomaten außerhalb des Euroraums abhebst (Kartenzahlungen sind da nicht inkludiert, die sind sowieso auch im gratis Konto kostenlos)? Falls nein: N26 You rechnet sich nicht wirklich.
Und bezüglich der inkludierten Allianz Insurance: Schau die da einmal die Bedingungen genauer an. Die Goldkarte von der Easybank ist da meiner Meinung nach um einiges besser. Außerdem ist es eine richtige Kreditkarte vs. Debit Card so wie bei N26 - Debit Karten sind bei den meisten Autovermietungen eher problematisch, besonders in den USA.
Occhio che in Italia il conto non è del tutto gratuito, esistono dei limiti di utilizzo minimi:
> In Italia, Francia e Spagna siamo contenti di offrire gratuitamente una Mastercard con il tuo conto. Per far sì che rimanga sempre gratuita, devi semplicemente usare la carta per i tuoi pagamenti con una media di tre volte al mese durante i tre mesi successivi. Il conto corrente N26 Bank rimane gratuito se effettuerai almeno 9 pagamenti ogni tre mesi. Puoi farne tre al mese, nove tutti insieme o come preferisci tu. In caso contrario una commissione trimestrale da €8,70 (€2,90 al mese) verrà applicata al periodo durante il quale la condizione non sarà stata soddisfatta. Questo non vale se hai meno di 26 anni o sei un cliente di N26 Black. Un pagamento può essere la spesa al supermercato, un acquisto online o un abbonamento: insomma qualunque cosa eccetto un prelievo presso un bancomat o ATM. Inizieremo le verifiche il 1 Maggio 2017, o dal mese successivo a quello di quando hai fatto la verifica dell’identità.
Sorry, the netherlands is beating you ;-) Reading the 4 cups average a day i'm severely dissapointed in my fellow country(wo)men. 4 cups is rookie numbers.
Here: https://n26.com/en-es/blog/pay-self-employment-taxes-in-spain-with-n26-business
"N26 is not a collaborative entity of the Spanish social security system or the Spanish tax office. Therefore, it’s not currently possible to pay taxes from your N26 account, including social security contributions for self-employed workers, VAT, personal income taxes, or payments under the NRC system. You also can’t receive government benefits such as pensions, unemployment allowance, guaranteed minimum income payments, etc into your N26 account. However, you can receive certain kinds of tax refunds, such as those for overpaid personal income tax."
Number26 is a new player focused on the younger/online generation. Free MasterCard, 3 free withdrawals per month from any ATM (and always-free withdrawals at over 7000 grocery stores and shops) and a big plus is instant(!) notification to your mobile for any transactions. And you can deposit cash at those 7000 locations as well (<100€ = free, above that a 1.50% fee applies). And their card looks rad.
Not a chance this is happening anytime soon. This isn’t like an app just launching in another market. This is a full on bank and every country has its own financial system. It takes a lot of time and resources. It took a lot of time for Monzo to get a banking license in the U.K., let alone the time that came after that for them to start offering accounts. We’re talking years on that. They’re only just dipping their toes into the U.S. market, which is a lot more desirable to them.
It’s probably best to consider one that’s already serving France or the Eurozone, such as N26: https://n26.com/en-fr
Yeh, it looks like it https://n26.com/eu/pricing/
I can't understand how they think it's ok to just change their pricing without at least sending out an email.
I have no problem with this fee, I think 5 ATM withdrawals a month is more than enough, but their lack of transparency pisses me off.
> O "catch" é o serviço de merda que prestam ao cliente. Existem outros bancos tendencialmente "grátis" com serviço superior mesmo em Portugal (BEST, BIG, CTT, etc...)
Para mim o banco com a melhor plataforma. Acesso a fundos, discriminação brutal da tua carteira, site muito bom. app boa. bem transparente.
Para mim o mais transparente. Apesar de online e a app não serem grande coisa nunca me cobrou por merdas ou tentou meter uma taxinha aqui ou aculá. Cartão com NFC gratuito e já veio dizer que n vai cobrar pelo mbway. Super fácil abrir conta.
Depois claro, o obrigatório Revolut e N26
N26. Pri FURSU prijaviš nerezidenčni račun in zastonj uporabljaš. Vse transakcije spremljaš na appu ali spletu imaš pa Mastercard.
Imajo pa menda že več komitentov kot NLB. (če te skrbi kredibilnost)
BaFin, the German banking regulator, has limited the number of accounts N26 are allowed open each month to 70,000.
It could be related to that. Links:
Einer der hilfreichsten Artikel: https://n26.com/de-de/geld-abheben-im-ausland
Und dann würde ich einen passenden Geldautomaten über den Mastercard Geldautomatenfinder suchen: https://www.mastercard.de/de-de/mastercard-fuer-sie/support/geldautomatensuche.html
Les crédits à rembourser et les bagnoles, c'est des choix. Les gosses je peux pas me prononcer, mais cet article dit que c'est < 500 euros par mois: https://n26.com/fr-fr/blog/combien-coute-un-enfant. Un appartement en centre ville à Paris ou NYC c'est ~3 000 euros. Donc après gosses et loyer, il te reste ~6 500 euros par mois pour tes dépenses quotidiennes (restos, bagnoles, vacances), ou 200 euros par jour.
Since end of June 2020, n26 has partnered with TW for foreign transfers https://n26.com/de-de/blog/transferwise-auslandsueberweisungen-leicht-gemacht
I‘m an N26 customer in Germany. And I also have a separate TW account for foreign exchanges/transfers.
IIRC, between Revolut & Transferwise, there‘s little difference in end product of foreign currency transfers, except the tiny difference in fees (on certain days, Revolut is free up to a certain limit) and IIRC as well, Revolut has the upper hand with larger transfers, like €10k stuff, but I could be imagining that one...
My end opinion here would be, skip everything and just use TW.
You can also look into N26, which is a bank that uses TransferWise to transfer fees.
It’s pretty fast to set up a bank account at N26. https://n26.com/fr-fr/
They also just started operations in the US
it's allegedly opening first half of this year. So hopefully by the end of June, which is before simple stops their bill pay.
N26, a bank HQ'd in Germany, offers a MasterCard Debit. https://n26.com/mastercard/ They offer accounts in many EU countries.
It's also not true that the UK is the only exception in offering Visa/Mastercard debit cards. At least Ireland banks offer Visa/Mastercard debit cards from most banks.
I'd recommend you open a bank account with N26 black to enjoy fee-free ATM withdrawals at interbank rates in currencies other than EUR. That's what I use when I need access to Euros and I never had any problem.
Ake je MasterCard u mailu pitaj kako je online transakcija prošla bez 3D autentikacije
Morao si dobiti SMS kojim potvrđuješ transakciju ili se moraš ulogirati na NetBanking i tamo potvrditi transakciju.
Aki je VISA kartica onda postoji VISA secure
Isto kao i gore, samo drugi izdavač kartice.
Ako si preko aplikacije potvrdio transakciju onda - jebiga.
Možda fraud pomogne, možda ne.
Jer si ručni potvrdio transakciju kao legitimnu.
Que bueno que ya estes planificando tu partida!
Respecto al dinero, podes salir con hasta 10.000 usd sin declararlos (creo que es obligatorio solo si llevas mas que ese monto). Te recomiendo que te compres una riñonera portavalores para llevar el dinero oculto (como esta) y un portavalores colgante (como este) donde llevar el pasaporte y algo de dinero por cualquier emergencia.
Para abrir una cuenta bancaria, siendo ciudadano italiano no creo que tengas problemas. Deberia de ser tan simple como presentarte en una sucursal bancaria y pedir que te abran una cuenta. Una opcion simple y eficaz para tener cuenta bancaria en Euros es N26, un banco digital con IBAN y respaldo de un banco aleman.
Recomendacion: Intenta conseguir trabajo antes de cruzar el charco.
Mi az, hogy nincs ingyen az se :D nincs limitmódosítgatás, milyen limitre gondolsz? Utalgatás meg literally csak akkor kell ha épp csak és kizárólag mastercarddal lehet fizetni. És mivel mint mondtam az instant, nem kell előre gondolkozni se.
Ezt a pénzvisszakapást nem igazán értem, főleg h annyit ami kifizeti önmagát. Ha ingyenes mit kell fizetni?
En tak berljiv članek. Nisem nič researcha delal še na netu, ampak kolikor vidim, se to nekako sklada. Glede na to, koliko skopuški si, verjetno med 150 in 250. Verjetno bolj proti 2. številki upoštevajoč inflacijo.
Virtual is free, real debit MC is €4.90/month. Pricing page.
The only free credit card is offered by DKB as far as I know (there are reports that they plan to abolish it). While "free" debit is available in Revolut (with €9 delivery fee). Everyone else offers a Girocard (EC) in their "free" plans where it's required to deposit €500-1000/month i.e. use the account for salary.
Buenas tardes. Al abrir una cuenta en N26 (banco digital aleman) se debe declarar Argentina como residencia fiscal siendo el origen de los fondos de Europa y teniendo residencia en otro pais de la Union Europea donde ya declara y paga impuestos a ingresos personales?
En tal caso, uno estaria obligado a declarar ambas residencias fiscales o podria solo declarar la del pais donde esta viviendo?
Moneybeam should be free. Instant sepa is 49 cents for standard plan, free for all premium plans. So if you really send instant sepa multiple times per day you can always get N26 smart for €4.90 per month.
Je pense que tu peux acheter des SIM comme ça, mais je sais pas ou. Sinon tu as plein d'offres pas chères - https://www.frandroid.com/comparateur-forfaits
Aussi, pour la banque, est-ce qu'il faut impérativement une banque française ? Je connais beaucoup qui utilise N26. Selon ta nationalité les banques françaises peuvent être très chiantes, plus que normale je veux dire - elles sont déjà très chiantes...
Well, good question. I would like N26 to answer this as well. Why the hell they won't have option to do ACH transfer out of my account.
Do me a favor, go to N26 US website and see if you find anywhere a mention of how to transfer money out of your account other than spending it using debit card.
Here I will like the website for you: https://n26.com/en-us
Free money ayyyy
Important: after you sign up, you need to add money to your account and make a purchase of at least €50 (two €25 purchases doesn't count). After you do this you will receive a €50 sign up bonus.
This offer is available in these countries: Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, the Netherlands, Finland, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
More info: https://n26.com/en-eu/invite-friends
Would really appreciate anyone using my link https://n26.com/r/rolandh2991 or code rolandh2991
Bin bei N26. Wenn du da die kostenlose Option wählst, kriegst du ne kostenlose MasterCard, aber keine Girokarte. Ist im deutschen Einlagensicherungsfonds, also legit. Es ist ne komplette online Bank, also ohne Filialen und insbesondere kannst du kein Geld einzahlen. Support gibts online. Im allgemeinen super, kostenlos und kann genau das was man braucht und nicht mehr.
Hier ist mein promocode, damit bekommst du 15€ Startkapital for free: https://n26.com/r/clemensd1619 (Nur zur Vollständigkeit: sobald du 15€ ausgibst über das Konto, bekommen ich einmalig auch 15€. Kostet dich aber nichts extra.)
Use my referral code and you'll earn € 50. All you have to do is use your new N26 card to make a purchase of € 50 or more. Use pedrohep3636. https://n26.com/r/pedrohep3636
[Maybe it only works in France]
Jeg har været momsregistret ved siden af alm. arbejde i mange år og det er faktisk et problem at de hurtigt koster rigtig mange penge (relativt en lille omsætning) og behovet er minimalt. Jeg ville rigtig gerne bruge en online bank som feks. https://n26.com/ men den kan ikke bruges med Skat Nem-Konto. Savner et dansk alternativ - forstår ikke Lunar business skal være så dyrt.
Men teknisk set som enkeltmands virksomhed fungerer, så kan man vel oprette en gratis Lunar privat konto og bare bruge den til firmaet? Så er det adskilt fra ens privat konti og er gebyrfrit inkl. et VISA kort til firmabrug?
It would be nice of you, if you would use my code, Im a student and I need a new office chair very badly.
Here is my referral code😊
Use davidr0720 or my direct link -> https://n26.com/r/davidr0720
Would appreciate it if you would help out a student. Hey! Öffne ein Konto bei N26 mit meinem Gutscheincode und entdecke, wie einfach Banking sein kann. Nutze davidr0720 https://n26.com/r/davidr0720
Sign up . It's referral link, on first transaction you and me will get 15€. Submit your credentials. Pass easy KYC. You will get an IBAN number and free debit visa card. 4 fee free ATM withdrawals per month. Then you will connect first an IBAN to your PayPal account. After 3-4 working days you will receive couple cents from PayPal. You will have to log in to your PayPal account and confirm the worth of transaction. Done. PayPal is verified. After that you may connect debit card too
So if there's no way to downgrade your Dutch bank account into a fee-free version, it doesn't make sense to keep it. Instead, open a free Euro account with a German bank like DKB (well-established) or N26 (relatively new, app-only). That way you still have an account in your home currency, and since SEPA transfers are free, your can then transfer the remaining money from your Dutch account to the new German one.
If you need recommendations for your Swiss bank account, let me know.
Feel free to use my code. Thanks in advance! Hey! Sign up for N26 with my referral code, earn $/€/£ 15 and see how easy banking can be. Use referral code konstang4519. https://n26.com/r/konstang4519
To answer 5: Have a look at N26. They offer service in English (https://n26.com/en-de) and are known to accept expats. Also for sure one of the cheapest banks, but not the best service.
For sure the German bank I would use if I could not speak German.
My N26 card came today... it says this:
“Invite your friends
Share your invite code and when they spend £10 with their card in a store, you get £10 from us.”
All I did was transfer £10 over to the card instantly then visit a petrol station and get £10 fuel. Will report back if it works but feeling fairly hopeful. My referral if anyone wants..
Hey! Sign up for N26 with my referral code and see how easy banking can be. Use timb9381. https://n26.com/r/timb9381
Zdravo iz Slovenije!
Imam N26 i radi super. dok trebaš, možeš da koristiš moj bonus za 10€ za nov račun:
Samo ne znam, jel je mugoče otvoriti račun sa hrvatskim adresom?
Get 10€ for signing up with N26 through this link https://n26.com/r/christop8080
Join more than 2.000.000 N26 customers enjoying the simplicity of N26 — banking.
Referral Code: christop8080
Hello, it appears you tried to put a link in a title, since most users cant click these I have placed it here for you
^I ^am ^a ^bot ^if ^you ^have ^any ^suggestions ^dm ^me
If you absolutely need a _Dutch_ bank account, I'd recommend ING, see https://www.ing.nl/particulier/english/new-account/index.html
As you're not an ING customer yet, you'll have to book an appointment online with one of their offices. Unfortunately that part is in Dutch, for which you could find help with either Google Translate or a local.
As an alternative, you could open a free account at n26.com which will do the entire process in English and online. Only point of attention: You'll initially get a debit MasterCard, acceptance of MC here in the Netherlands is quite rare. But with a €100 balance on the account, you can request a debit Maestro card, which is accepted nearly everywhere here. And it's not really usable as a savings account, as they don't offer any interest on your balance. At the other hand, for other major banks that interest is next to nothing, so what's the difference :p
For now, just stay away from credit cards and the possibility to do overdrafts (having a negative balance, "rood staan").
Probably they’ve used the N26 for illegal things. Who knows 🤷🏼♂️ but they should violate the rules to be blocked. That’s my theory. (Read the bank terms and conditions before opening an account. That’s not a ton of papers. https://n26.com/en-eu/legal-documents/account)
As for me, I’m a happy user for more than 2 years. No complains at all! It just works. Super happy. Recommend.
I didn't notice their disclaimer. It is actually not just "where Apple Pay exist". It is less countries than that:
Apple Pay is only available in United Kingdom, Germany, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, and Spain.
Not sure why really.
New to N26?
Use this code or follow the link and earn €10 after activating your card and making a €15 purchase.
Code: eduardoq0984
Link: https://n26.com/r/eduardoq0984
Get 10€ for using my referral: https://n26.com/r/lucas0666
Use code: lucas0666
and you'll get 10€ directly to your N26 account after you use your card to spend 15€.
You should consider the type of airports you're visiting and with which airlines as that will have a big impact on your decision. I travelled a lot a couple of years back (a few dozen flights) and only about half of the airports I visited had lounges that were part of any program (most smaller airports are lounge-less).
You can expect to pay about £50 per person for lounge access out of pocket. A lounge pass is a great deal if you expect to visit lounges at least a few times (especially with a guest) and which guest pass you choose will depend on airports.
The gold standard is a Priority Pass, they have a few different membership levels, the top level is £339 per year and will give you unlimited visits for you and one guest. You can buy the priority pass yourself, or you can get a free priority pass (at the top level) if you have an American Express Platinum Charge Card, which has a £450/year membership fee. The other lounge program I know of is LoungeKey, which is apparently run by the same company as Priority Pass and serves mostly the same lounges which, in theory, makes it a no-brainer compared to the Priority Pass given it's so much cheaper, however I'd recommend checking out which lounges at your departure airports are serviced to compare them for yourself. Note that LoungeKey doesn't include free guests, you'd have to upgrade, but I think that takes the total price to <£250 still.
LoungeKey is included in the Curve metal card, but also the N26 Metal Card which is £15 per month.
N26 charges the Mastercard rate for currency conversion while paying with the card and Transferwise rates(https://n26.com/en-es/transferwise) for transfers
As long as its a SEPA transfer it should be converted to euro
N26 is available in other European countries, like France or Spain, and they propose Apple Pay there. Example
The funny thing is that it's a German bank even for non-German consumers. When you open an N26 account from France or Spain you get a German IBAN. And Apple Pay.
Hopefully Revolut will address this issue, because they're quite wonderful. In the meantime I've been using N26 which works well with Kraken, although I think their UK version is still in closed beta.
N26, o DB ContoCarta. Entrambe non hanno alcun costo (neanche di sostituzione) ed anche i prelievi in valute estere non prevedono fee, ma solo un tasso di cambio più alto (1.7%, che consente di fare prelievi più frequenti senza pensieri).
Its Number26 a german startup bank. They've a great app, cool card and no charges.
I swear by them, when you make a transaction you instantly get a push notification detailing the transaction - you'll be surprised how often you'll get peach of mind from this.
(Yes it works in Ireland)
N26 soll ganz gut sein was Online-Zugriff angeht, und du kannst es auch online per Videochat eröffnen.
Hast du einen Wohnsitz in Deutschland? Könnte mir vorstellen, dass das bei den meisten Banken in Deutschland notwendig ist. Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt auch nicht ganz, wofür du ein deutsches Konto brauchst, wenn du eh immer nur für ein paar Wochen hier bist. Bei N26 kann man zumindest am Anfang einen ausländischen Wohnsitz auswählen, sieht also gut aus.
Ho aperto un conto N26 in Germania un anno e mezzo fa circa in aggiunta al conto che avevo già con un’altra banca per avere una carta ricaricabile da usare online, e perché qua va un sacco il contante, ma usare un bancomat di un altro istituto è costoso. All’epoca N26 prometteva illimitati prelievi gratuiti.
App figa, sito figo. Tutto bello. Ma non userei mai N26 per lo stipendio:
Ho avuto problemi durante l’attivazione della carta, riuscire a parlare col supporto è stata un’impresa;
Quando la scorsa estate si sono accorti che non ci stavano dentro coi prelievi gratuiti, hanno chiuso un sacco di conti senza dare spiegazioni, e dopo qualche giorno hanno introdotto la “fair use policy” per la Germania. Si vede che non lo sapevano, che qua la carta di credito si usa solo al supermercato o nei locali per turisti /s
Fino a questo autunno, avevano problemi di sicurezza non indifferenti
According to their website on their Maestro card, it's not a Girocard (EC card). They have this to say:
Hey Marcel, dies liegt oftmals daran, dass es sich bei unserer Karte nicht um eine Girocard (veraltet: EC-Karte) handelt und mit dieser nur da gezahlt werden kann, wo explizit Maestro angenommen wird. Eine Girocard ist unsererseits nicht geplant. Grüße, Dani von N26
If you only plan on putting "some euro" in the N26 Invest, take a closer look at the fees and compare to different banks (https://n26.com/n26-invest/). You can avoid this ~1% fee if you set up an ETF plan yourself.
It's also worth noting that N26 Invest is being handled by Vaamo (vaamo.de).
> include credit cards
Debit cards, not credit, as far as I know: https://n26.com/mastercard/
If you don't need a real bank (staying here just for a year you probably don't), N26 is a great choice - easy to open and foreigner friendly.
They also sneaked in a €10 charge for replacing a card set to come in on the same date. Cash26 is still free though but I will probably be using my comdirect card for cash withdrawals now.
Probably a bit better than randomly shutting down peoples accounts but still a pain anyway
well if you’re in Greece and you want to use cash to top up, I suggest you to open N26 account. it allows you to top up cash at Bazaar supermarkets via Cash26. more info here maybe not the quickest solution but in case you need it in the future.
No matter where you go in life you will find someone offering a service for cheaper than the other guy.
But at the end of the day if you want to use any of their services they have a full right to charge you for it.
N26 have a great article stating the hidden fees most banks have even if they tell you they are free.
I am well aware I'm promoting N26 which is a bank who are doing exactly what revolut are doing but for the purpose of the argument you can clearly see that all these "free" banks aren't as free as you think they are.
> Generally, domestic bank wires are completed in three days, at most. If transfers occur between accounts at the same financial institution, they can take less than 24 hours
> If you’re sending money to another country, however, it may take as many as five days for the recipient to receive their funds
> For transfers made using a BSB and account number, the funds will be available in the recipient’s account within 1-2 business days.
> For paperless transfers in euros, it usually takes one or two working days, according to EU payment guidelines
There are some exceptions, where same bank transfers, or some programs like PayID in Australia. But those are exceptions. The norm is 1-2 business days. Longer for international. If you google "bank transfer average time" you will mostly see results backing this up.
Anecdotally, whenever I transfer money between banks it always takes 1 or 2 business days(mostly 1) to arrive. I'm in Euro zone and transfering Euros. It can be a bank in the same country or in another country, time stays. Only exception is when transfering to another account in the same bank, then it takes seconds.
Pozdravljam odgovoren in premišljen pristop k temu!
Pravim samo, da nikjer ne piše, da se to od tebe pričakuje oz. da ti je treba. Če je želja, je pač želja. Pomembno je, da svojih želja ne postaviš pred dobrobit svojih potomcev. Potem maš te raja varjante - dvosobno stanovanje za petčlansko družino, zato ker so pač "hotl" met otroke.
FYI: Cena otroka je 250k in več do 18 leta. Tle je fajn tldr članek na to temo.
Online it says they do Spanish IBANs now--this could be a new-ish thing--but I don't have any direct experience: https://n26.com/en-es/blog/local-iban-spain
Definitely problems getting certain types of payments with a non-Spanish IBAN--that's why everyone needs at least one account to receive tax refunds, etc.
One my friend ask me to post the message
Hello amigos !
I'm searching for people who can verify N26 (https://n26.com/en-eu) account for me.
Need it for bet365.
I will pay for it 💶
All the best.
Contact @LIvebettingPinnacle
N26 gibt definitiv nur eine Master Debitcard raus. Siehe auch den nachfolgenden Link. Dort wird immer von einer Mastercard Debit gesprochen, niemals Kreditkarte: https://n26.com/de-de/mastercard
Während man momentan bei der DKB eine Visa Kreditkarte kostenlos bekommt, gibt es zukünftig nur noch die Visa Debitkarte kostenlos. Visa Debit ist quasi das selbe wie Master Debit, nur eben vom anderen Anbieter.
Der Haupt-Unterschied zwischen Debit- und Kreditkarten ist, dass bei einer Debitkarte das Geld direkt vom Konto abgebucht wird. Du kannst also nur über das Geld verfügen, dass du auch hast. Bei einer echten Kreditkarten (Charge) bekommst du aber einen Kredit, den du später zurückzahlst. Dadurch kannst du die Karte einsetzen, bis dein Kreditlimit erreicht ist, unabhängig davon wie viel Geld du auf dem Konto hast.
Ein weiterer Unterschied ist, dass auf einer Kreditkarte ein Betrag vorgemerkt werden kann, ohne ihn tatsächlich abzubuchen. Das machen Autovermietungen und manchmal Hotels, für eine Kaution. Da dies mit Debitkarten nicht möglich ist, werden diese häufig nicht akzeptiert.
Wenn du keinen echten Kredit brauchst und keine Autos mietest, reicht eine Debitkarte vermutlich aus.
Ich bin auch bei der DKB und habe mir vorsorglich bereits eine neue Kreditkarte von Barclays besorgt. Bisher bin ich zufrieden damit. Da ich außerhalb von Pandemiezeiten gerne reise, möchte ich eine echte Kreditkarten haben.
Hanseatic Bank soll wohl auch eine gute Option sein. Kostenlose Girokonten mit kostenloser Kreditkarte gibt es kaum noch.
Such mal auf https://www.finanztip.de/ nach Kreditkarte. Da werden sehr viele Finanzthemen erklärt.
N26 has a deposit limit of €50,000 before they start charging negative interest (0.5%pa) if you've created an account in the last year and a bit.
> *Up to €50,000 balance, after which a deposit fee of 0.5% p.a. may apply. Please find the Terms & Conditions here.
Your mom is bulgarian but is she actually in Bulgaria?
Taxes are a weird thing that barely anyone understands and you're probably better of paying someone else to do it for you.
According to google:
> Do you have to pay tax on foreign bank accounts?
> Things get more complex when more than one country is involved. As a general rule, you should pay taxes for the country you live in, but not elsewhere.
> If you earn interest on savings held in a foreign country, you will generally be liable for tax on that income in the country where you live. For example, a French national living in Germany might earn €1,000 of interest on savings in a French bank account. That €1,000 should be taxed in Germany.
> To avoid accidentally pay tax on the same income in two different countries, many countries have “tax treaties” (a.k.a. double taxation agreements) between their two nations, which are agreements to make sure this doesn’t happen.
With that being said... why the fuck don't you have your own bank account?
Doci ce ti hrpa drugih sa istim uslugama, npr n26 - https://n26.com/en-eu
Nije revolut tu unique po nicem, samo se vecini drugih slicnih firmi koje su zapravo i banke ne da zajebavati sa kunom. Jednom kad udemo u eurozonu otvorit ce se i drugih (boljih) opcija od revoluta. Do tad je revolut go-to.
In Germany my humble answer to the question is no.
The amount of Euros you choose to keep in your EF is clearly individual. In my case (freelance, homeowner, ex-pat, sole-provider and family father) I keep a rather large emergency fund. The best options I have been able to research in Germany are WELTSPAREN Tagesgeld (https://www.weltsparen.de/tagesgeld/ ) , maybe if you choose, stay away from whatever countries you might consider sketchy and look to the countries north of Germany where you might get 0,20%p.a. depending on the amount you desire to park there AND N26 EasyFlex savings (https://n26.com/en-de/easy-access-savings-account). N26 offers just about the same options. At N26 expect a minimum initial deposit of 500EUR and 2 working day delay on all withdraws.
If anyone here finds a better options where the funds are NOT invested i.e. an EF by definition and not a speculation I would also be fond to hear their discovery.
> Bank probably takes a cut on fees and exchange rate commissions.
Fineco will be very cheap. Just open a muticurrency account with them, you can receive dollars or swiss francs directly via SEPA; when you choose to exchange currency their rates are lower than Wise.
Yo cuando me fui lleve 10000 usd. Pero te recomiendo que siempre lleves un poquito menos por la ambigüedad de hasta 10000.
No declares nada. No hace falta.
Abrite una cuenta en n26: https://n26.com/ la abris desde el celular en 30 minutos. Sin mantenimiento mensual. y te dan una tarjeta de débito.
What I currently did was make a 2nd steam account with a VPN to germany.
So my 2nd steam account is currently sitting on Germany as store and I can see Lost Ark in the shop.
The problem currently is that I dont have money on it. I tried friending the 2nd steam account to my main account so i can gift steamcards but that doesnt work yet. As the account needs 5+ dollar/euro first before that feature is opened.
My current thinking is either opening a german bank account (N26.com for example) and work around that issue here. Or, I just ask my german friend to put some money on the account and I wire them the money back.
The 3rd option, --which I am also considering-- is just waiting until the game is released, miss out on the 3 day headstart and just get the game "free".
The only problem with option 3 is that I don't know if I want to purchase anything in the future if it will be through the steam platform or you connect directly to Amazon for payments. In the case it goes to steam I need to enable the feature to be able to send giftcards.
FYI €21 a month is insanely high for a bank account, my bank account is €1/month (Rabobank), and then €1.50 for the debit card.
Get an account at a bank like N26 (should be available in every EU country), they're pretty crypto friendly, and they even have a whole information section on their website about it: https://n26.com/en-eu/blog/what-is-cryptocurrency
>Then of course you’ve got the banks which just decline the charge point blank and don’t charge a fee.
This is the most common from my experience in EU and in my country in particular. You can have a credit card and pay over the limit of course, but if you have a bank account with a debit card the payment simply is declined. Which imo is by far the best way to go about it.
But I've also seen banks which offer certain accounts that do allow overdraft, or offer it as an option. If you want an example checkout N26, an online bank that offers free accounts in the EU, where you have to apply if you want to activate overdraft on your account.
Registratie gaat super snel!! Binnen 15 minuten na de registratie en ID-check kreeg ik al bericht dat de rekening geopend was !
Op dinsdag aankopen gedaan (bij Lidl) door de kaart te koppelen aan mijn Curve kaart en op donderdag stond de bonus van € 50 al op mijn account van N26. Dat is lekker snel en snel verdiend.
Ik zou het leuk vinden als de volgende mijn link zou gebruiken :)
De losse code in de N26 app = alberdin0591
Codice: simones6086
Link: https://n26.com/r/simones6086
Invia il codice e, dopo che il tuo amico avrà speso 10 € con la carta N26, tu ricevi 10 € e lui 5 €.
Goeie actie! Is een betrouwbare Duitse bank.
Tip: Bijpinnen werkt prima ;)
Zou het op prijs stellen als iemand mijn linkje gebruikt: <strong>https://n26.com/r/rolandh2991</strong>
Of gebruik code rolandh2991 in de N26 app
Super veel dank als je hem gebruikt 🙏
To get your €50 bonus, you have to open a N26 account before September 30th, 2021 following this link : Bonjour, voici mon code de parrainage N26: https://n26.com/r/valentiq3327
Then make a payment of €50 or more with your N26 card (either your virtual or physical card).
N26 will reward you with €50.
Wat een fijne actie. Dat is wel heel snel verdiend. Binnen 10 minuten was ik helemaal klaar inclusief klantacceptatie.
Mijn tip: kies voor het gratis pakket met een virtuele kaart. Deze koppel je vervolgens eenvoudig aan Apple Pay of Google Pay.
Ik stel het erg op prijs als je mijn reflink gebruikt. Alvast bedankt!
Je kunt ook een online betaling doen voor de bonus, ik deed het zelf door crypto op mijn Binance account te kopen! Hopelijk maakt dat het wat eenvoudiger voor iemand.
Ook heb je de optie tussen een normale betaalrekening of een zakelijke rekening en beiden hebben geen maandelijkse kosten oid. Super laagdrempelig!
Hier ook mijn link als iemand interesse heeft om te delen: https://n26.com/r/luukh0926
Bij deze mijn code. Al vast bedankt voor het gebruiken
Want to try out N26? Use my referral code and you'll earn € 50. All you have to do is use your new N26 card to make a purchase of € 50 or more. Use edwinv4107. https://n26.com/r/edwinv4107
Uitstekende tips in deze thread! Met onderstaande link kan je ook nog 50 euro pakken!
Want to try out N26? Use my referral code and you'll earn € 50. All you have to do is use your new N26 card to make a purchase of € 50 or more. Use robv5589. https://n26.com/r/robv5589
Hoelang duurt het ongeveer?
Want to try out N26? Use my referral code and you'll earn € 50. All you have to do is use your new N26 card to make a purchase of € 50 or more. Use stevenb7817. https://n26.com/r/stevenb7817
N26 werkt lekker, de bonus ook snel in de pocket! Wil je geen €50 uitgeven.. Koop een pakje condooms bij de lidl en pin €50 bij. Meteen je bonus binnen!
Mijn reff ID en link : albertub0789.
Ps. Je moet een transactie hebben van €50 of meer. 3x €10 en 1x €20 werkt niet.
Well it passed so long, I think it was N26 it allows you to pay without conversion fees.
It doesn't allow you to speculate on currency value but it allows you to avoid exchange fees while travelling.
Codice: simones6086
Link: https://n26.com/r/simones6086
Invia il codice e, dopo che il tuo amico avrà speso 10 € con la carta N26, tu ricevi 10 € e lui 5 €.
Except that their app is over complicated, especially in comparison with the N26 one. You can use N26 everywhere in Spain, except for governmental stuff. Like for example paying your taxes or getting money when you are unemployed (ERTE). They said they are working on it, but it might take a while: https://n26.com/en-es/blog/letter-from-our-general-manager-customers-are-top-priority
I would recommend getting an ING account (just to be fully compliant) and N26 as well. After a while you can check which one you like the best for everyday banking. But keep both as they are free anyway.
Apri il conto N26 e ricevi 30€ con questo codice:
Oppure usando il seguente link:
Dettagli: Riceveremo entrambi 30€ quando avrai aperto il conto ed avrai speso i primi 30€.
Grazie, spero ti sia utile, un saluto!
Careful with N26 In Spain, even with an IBAN starting with ES, Hacienda doesn’t like them because they aren’t a collaborative entity https://n26.com/en-es/blog/pay-self-employment-taxes-in-spain-with-n26-business. That was an issue for me being self-employed, but I don’t know if it would affect anyone else with other government related stuff or some other entity.
We both get 50€ when you make your first 50€ single purchase and enable your physical mastercard https://n26.com/r/spyridoi4431
Important: after you sign up, you need to add money to your account and make a purchase of at least €50 (two €25 purchases doesn't count). After you do this you will receive a €50 sign up bonus.
Is Revolut still blocking payments to/from crypto exchanges?
N26 works well for me but it'd be nice to diversify and spread out withdrawals to multiple accounts.
https://n26.com/r/tomnicog9349 feel free to use my referral link for n26 - you get eur50 and so do I :)
They are asking for your personal address - so that should be where you are personally resident as of now - The Netherlands.
Where your business (and it’s other oweners) is resident/registered can be different - and that’s fine. That’s the case for many people.
The reason they ask for personal address details is they need to do KYC (know your customer) checks. It’s completely normal.
N26 is a fully regulated bank so that should be fine:
Are you sure?
For what I can see in the website there is no N26 in Ireland and I'm sure in italy you can only receive sepa instant (and for what I can see here
the same is true for Germany, France, Europe, Austria, Spain and Swizzerland).
It is true that you can send regular Sepa (that are really fast for a regular sepa, usually the same day but not on weekend or holidays) and it is true that you can receive sepa instant, and you can send a moneybeam (like a sepa instant free only for people with N26) with no limitation for what I know... But there is no option for outgoing sepa instant even if you pay.
Also usually the limitation of sepa instant should be 100'000€ without any limitation per day, at least that's true for other banks that I use that have outgoing sepa instant.
We both get 50€ when you make your first 50€ single purchase and enable your physical mastercard https://n26.com/r/spyridoi4431
Important: after you sign up, you need to add money to your account and make a purchase of at least €50 (two €25 purchases doesn't count). After you do this you will receive a €50 sign up bonus.
I am unfamiliar with "sort codes" but it seems in the UK you haven't given enough info out to have them access your account. Those are numbers someone would need to transfer you money.
> The average cost of raising a child is upwards of $200,000 dollars in most developed nations.
Parts of the US is not most developed nations. :)
It is a personal decision. Burnout from the workplace is one as well. I think that for one to truly be happy, one must not identify solely with their career. There are some studies on older/dying people, none of which wish they'd spent more time at the office.
But yeah, I get that when you're 20something or barely 30ish priorities tend to focus on financial security.
Edit: found this https://n26.com/en-eu/blog/cost-of-having-a-baby but I guess Germany or France are not that developed as most nations.