25 minutes to respond during sleeping hours is insane especially if they're only notifying you once, but this looks like it could do the job https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.messagealarm
I recommend using LaTeX if you want to develop a CV similar to the pictures provided. You can find a rake of templates on Overleaf (a LaTeX editor) and you just have to swap in your own info. I use this template with some altered colours and fields.
Nice 110 x 60 powered one on Amazon here, if you don't mind rolling the dice on import
I did this interview a few weeks ago and got through to the final stage, which I'm just waiting for the result of now. For the stage you're at, I got something similar to this: https://leetcode.com/problems/same-tree/description/ which wasn't too bad. You'll be using an online shared code editor which won't have any ability to actually run the code, so don't worry too much about having code that builds and passes any specific tests like the hackerrank (obviously though the code you write should still be syntactically correct), it's more just for them to see can you come up with a solution to the problem. You'll be expected to know the time complexity of the solution you come up with so make sure you know your big O notation.
I will say if you're not one for doing leetcode questions knowing common data structures and algorithms is a must regardless of leetcode or not.
Other than that the rest of the time was dedicated to behavioural questions, I can't remember exactly what I was asked but as long as you have answers prepared that apply to the leadership principles you should be grand.
OP: based on your other posts it sounds like you're early in your career (sorry if I'm wrong). I know hearing that something that you build it "somewhat useless" is not fun, but you need to change your viewpoint on feedback. The last question that u/Yolo19966 asked "What makes your site different?" is the clincher. If you can come up with a good answer to that, you're in a good place. If you can't, iterate on it until you do.
If you can take feedback well and turn it into actionable improvements you will do very well as an engineer. Come to appreciate direct and candid feedback, and seek it out. It'll make you great to work with and make your life easier too.
PS: for side projects check out https://www.indiehackers.com/ for some inspiration and advice!
I’m not a developer, but I do work for Stripe in Dublin. For me personally, it’s been a fantastic company to work for. It’s somewhere where I’ve felt I’ve been able to advance my career given the high complexity, high impact nature of the problems we’re trying to solve.
I could probably write a nerdy diatribe about why I find payments and moving money so interesting, but I’ll spare you for now. If you want to learn more about the culture and what it’s like working at Stripe, I would highly recommend reading this guide .
Let me know if you have any questions!
Really beginner friendly resources are https://www.freecodecamp.org/ and https://www.theodinproject.com/
I'm currently going through both and finding them really helpful! Maybe go through youtube and look up some reviews for different resources too!
This site is great for typical interview questions, you’ll start to notice patterns in the type of questions asked too which you’ll be able to apply to new questions you might get asked. If your stuck on any or want to check your solutions too I found a channel called ‘neetcode’ to be good
The problem is that most of humans are morons. Sharing pictures of naked toddlers, answering to questions "where do I leave my bag once I'm entering my home", publishing images of a new credit card on social media accounts (yeah - both sides of the ccard) and so on. They have no clue what's in T&C and they really believe that adding silly statement like this one from the article will solve that problem.
We can add another legislation and then yet another but homo sapiens sheep don't care. The very same way as the real sheep.
We can require by law to add to T&C some kind of Joe Bloggs friendly TL;DR version, like in this service. I think there is something similar when you're got a loan documents to sign up. But you can't physically prevent adult person to walk naked on M50, drink 3 litres of sodium hypochlorite solution or swallow some pill bought in night club from a random fella.
You can teach them however that such activities will hurt them or even kill them.
Education. Kids with smartphones installing applications with wide range of privileges - that can be covered and explained in primary school. Teach them to think and let them make conscious decisions.
Unfortunately I understand that conscious citizen, able to think, diverse news sources and ask questions is not the top priority for most of the politicians :)
EDIT: Typos, wording
I uploaded the pdf to that Grokking book to this website.
If it doesn't work, you can find it at libgen(dot)rs.
The Odin Project (https://www.theodinproject.com/) is really good as a free self-study course which forces you to learn by building projects yourself, with none of the hand-holding of tutorials. I found I just wasn't retaining much through Free Code Camp.
I started that at the start of the year and enjoyed it so much that I'm now doing the Software Engineering & Database Technologies (100% online // 2 years) conversion MSc at NUIG, which I'm really enjoying so far, but haven't been doing it long enough to give you a proper review.
You can opt to sign up for one year initially and graduate with a level 8 Diploma, or take the access route onto the MSc year. The Diploma is, as far as I know, available through Springboard.
Hope this helps!
A lot of CS courses in 3rd level cover a broad range of topics in the 1st year to give new people a chance to see what parts suit them best. Do you have an idea of what part might be of particular interest to you?
Try some of these resources in your spare time if you want to get an introduction to the area. Im not affiliated with any of them but have found their free stuff useful in the past!
Scrimba - Nice video/editor component
Egghead - Broad Range of Stuff
Best of luck with it anyways, it's a really rewarding area once you get into it.
Student deal is €0: https://www.jetbrains.com/community/education/#students
I was able to get it when I was a student here.
So I originally bought the toolbox because it was nice to have a single IDE for Python/JS and for both of these it was a way better option than others on the market. It's still better than VS Code for Python, but I write way less Python these days, and I mostly use VS Code for JS/TS.
For Java support it's still got no competition.
So the questions are:
Since you're a student and can get it for free, I'd just try it out and see if you like it enough/use paid features enough to buy it.
>do you know any other course industry standards that employers would be interested in
Anything related to Amazon Web Services is probably in high demand
> I've always seen them as a nice to have
Also - you need to have a few certified people in your company to be able to get the AWS partner cert. And that is helping with sales and tenders.... :)
Something like python might be a bit easier to get into. In my experience programming is either something you take to or don't so starting with an "easier" language will make your start into programming easier and can start deciding if it something you see yourself enjoying doing as a job.
Have a look at http://www.codecademy.com/en/tracks/python
Honestly my uni was fair useless when it came to helping students get places so I wouldn't worry about missing any resources being remote. With regards to finding companies honestly just spend a couple of hours sifting through Glassdoor/LinkedIn/Google Maps just for names and you'll find loads of them and then it's just a matter of applying to as many as you can manage.
Do definitely tailor your CV as much as possible to the roles, even if they're only intern / entry level (front-end projects/javascript for front-endy stuff, etc). I'd recommend a LaTeX template, here's a popular one but there's a lot of variety floating about on Overleaf: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume/syzfjbzwjncs
Also there's usually a bunch of information on each company's interview process on Glassdoor though for smaller businesses it can be hard to know what to expect.
As well as the ones mentioned, https://www.codility.com is used by a number of employers to carry out technical tests and they have a "training" section you can sign up for.
Which has the double benefit of practicing coding challenges and getting accustomed to a platform used by employers.
Highly recommend Private Internet Access and no traffic logs for $40 a year.
If it's a LAMP stack it's a Linux machine. Use SSH with a passphrase and key (no normal password/user access), close most of the ports unless your software is communicating over that port, change any default stuff e.g. new user not root, setup ufw, be sure to have an SSL/TLS cert.
The two following URLs might be useful:
I've always looked at meetup.com, but I've never attended any meetups. Do you go to wins specific to the tech your interested in (In my case PHP and Javascript). Or go to generic ones. It sounds like I need to start going regardless.
I plan to learn Node + React over the next year, so hopefully, that increases any prospects into the future.
Basically any ISO copies from yesterday are maliciously corrupted and should be deleted. Clem afaik works as Project Lead for Linux Mint in Ireland, it's always the Linux distro I recommend to friends as it's basically a Celtic Ubuntu. Mint is also one of the most popular distros and Clem is now recommending all forum users reset their passwords.
The 2 best that comes to mind are:
Digital Ocean! this link will get you $100 off for the first 2 months.
Linode is like digital ocean but with less features in offerings & less locations, but it's infrastructure is totally solid.
Good advice you got here. I'd add one more that I think is critical: you believe you did great in those interviews, but just in case, look for videos showing how to solve coding problems in interviews (example) and practice coding problems in sites like hackerrank.
Its Number26 a german startup bank. They've a great app, cool card and no charges.
I swear by them, when you make a transaction you instantly get a push notification detailing the transaction - you'll be surprised how often you'll get peach of mind from this.
(Yes it works in Ireland)
Heres some pictures of the event
Congrats to Book-E who won apparently.
Kraftwerk, Philip Glass, Jonas Hellborg, Queen instrumental, Hans Zimmer, John Williams, Infected Mushroom, a wide range of electronic, soundtracks from computer games, movie soundtracks without lyrics: Das Boot, Siesta, Kontrol etc, lounge music from Jamendo, Spotify premium, classical and so on.
Disclaimer: some of the mentioned above I can listen only while working - I can't stand it otherwise :)
This resource might be useful
I always go for the same laptop -- 13 inch MacBook Pro. Can run virtually all OS's, great screen, battery life and is light. Though one of the lads needs in the office needs a fairly mobile machine for presentations and he doesn't want to go with Apple so we're looking at Microsoft Surface Pro 4 should be out in Ireland shortly.
If you have a server in which the IP address is in Ireland and you wish to set your mother up who lives outside Ireland and she uses either Windows or OS X. Assuming the server is Linux you probably want to set up a SOCKS (v5) proxy. Assuming you're using SSH Keys to authenticate and have disabled that annoying SSH timeout that comes by default.
What will this result in: Browser will now think its wherever the server is.
You can set this up so all you mum has to do is open a terminal, press up to load the last instruction and enter to execute ssh user@ipaddress C D -port and then open Firefox which can be a dedicated browser to these manual proxy settings while she uses Internet Explorer/Chrome/Safari for everything else thats not RTE.
How about you apply some of that cloud practitioner knowledge and check out Amazon's text to speech service: https://aws.amazon.com/polly/
You get 5 million characters for free, I assume that will be more than enough for you needs, but PM me if not as I have free credits that I'd be happy to put to use.
Make sure you subscribe to /r/learnprogramming, /r/learnpython and other coding ones too- you'll come across questions you didn't realise you had and the first time you read someone else's question that you know the answer to is a special moment.
If you want to keep having a look at java stuff, Processing is a [good](/r/processing) way to go- it's a stripped down and simplified version of java for artists and designers so there's loads and loads of resources and tutorials and it's a handy way of getting your head around conventions and syntax.
I would recommend trying out some of the free online courses (there are tonnes these days). I'm a web developer so I would recommend https://www.freecodecamp.org/ because it's 100% free and there are always a bunch of jobs for Web Devs.
Maybe try Tunnelbear
I think /u/leopardkhan uses it so he can give you better feedback on the user experience of the app but It looks like something you want.
DevelEire TunnelBear Thread
Cool, yeah I'd like to see your project.
Here's my one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stopthepopgame.stopthepop https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/stop-the-pop/id1166315634?ls=1&mt=8
First thing to know is the difference between git and github. Now that you know the tool ia called git you can easily find help online. The official book is really good https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2
I thought the Economist had a much better article on the same thing. It's here as a PDF because it's normally behind a paywall.
Another good tip that somebody gave me and turned out to be true: look at meetup.com for meetups related to what you're interested in working on in Vancouver. The companies that sponsor or host the meetups are invariably hiring for those roles.
You should be able to get the company to cover your flights and give a relocation allowance. You'll probably need to furnish an apartment so make sure you ask for this as it is expensive to move country.
Apparantly you can use google alerts to target specific websites
You could try using a service like ifttt.com with google alerts to get notifications
Or go the whole hog and create a small app that talks to google alerts API
"Code The Classics Volume 1" (https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1912047594/) might be a good one to get kits interest in programming through simple games.
Each chapter presents a clone of a classic game like Pong, Frogger, Bubble Bobble, Sensible Soccer etc and discusses the design, algorithms and a walk through of the demo source code along with the history of that particular genre and discussions of related commercial games.
All the source code is in Python with very little external dependencies. It shows how games were written before modern data driven games with game engines.
I think it's a nice way to get kids into programming using the appeal of simple games.
The only problem is the games are "classics" and might not be familiar to many 13 - 19 year olds. I recall showing my nephew the Atari 2600 game "Centipede" and I'll never forget the look of disgust on his face ... needless to say he received a compilation of 100's of Atari 2600 games for his PS4 from me that Christmas just for revenge ;)
Onyx Boox Note 3, prob the best piece of tech I've bought in years. It's my everyday goto for reading, note-taking, studying, etc. It has decent proprietary apps but it also runs Android 10 and you can opt in to use the Play Store.
For retaining the stuff I read I use Obsidian, which works across all my devices (including the aforementioned Onyx e-reader tablet).
Oh my. Read this before you apply:
Disrupted: Ludicrous Misadventures in the Tech Start-up Bubble https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1786491028/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_3V3F6JXNR5TSQT9AFJ1R
Even if you think the book is bullshit it’s a cracking read.
Hey! I guess the main thing you will be missing is algorithms and data structures.
I bought this (Grokking Algorithms: An... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1617292230?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) a while back, I didn't read it much as it ended up being more for someone who has never looked at them before. There's definitely a free pdf floating around the internet if you are that way inclined.
If you're looking for internships make a GitHub and throw any projects or assignments from college on there. It will go a long way as it will show that you can actually code :)
Let me know if you have any other questions and I'll try to help!
Heres a link to the Hacker News one - at least its interesting to compare the commentary on both threads as usually you can't account or control because the times and submission users are different. Hacker News commentary seems far more clued in in my opinion.
If you don't mind studying online you should check out the Udacity course on front web development. It's a course collaborated with Google and GitHub and their certification is well recognized in the industry as well. Apart from that their instructors are really good and they have well designed projects that really pushes you to the edge. They teach from zero to hero.
Use Google Firebase to make the backend for your app. Then use Angular or React to make your front-end. There are plenty of tutorials online to take you through this, and it will give you a good start on what web dev mostly consists of.
Here's a good tutorial link: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-build-a-todo-application-using-reactjs-and-firebase/
I would recommend https://www.freecodecamp.org It’s not so short and it’s online, but it’s very good and you will acquire most of the skills needed to start working. And it’s free.
You could also look for some course at coursera.com
Khan Academy videos are great if you're rusty on math.
For programming work your way through JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures on FCC. Even if you learn a diff language on course, it should get the basic concepts over. The dark secret of development if that about 60% of it is just for loops and arrays. Sometimes you load the array with stuff from a database. Sometimes you have to output the array to a table.
I'd probably would say Gentoo. I think you're right about Slack
I recall a long ago I had a mate from California in my CS class. I watched him starting to install Slackware with a book in LG12 and all I remember thinking was "Fuck that" and went straight to Ubuntu without a second thought.
For OP:
android nanodegree. the individual modules are listed on the bottom of that page and can be take for free. you only pay if you need support:
Momentum have an android course, not sure what it takes to qualify.
I just finished interviewing at a medium sized company , the question that I got asked was basically these ones
I struggled massively with some of the questions on leetcode and hackerrank some of them are genuinely tricky don't let that discourage you.
I'm 6 months into the HDip in Waterford IT. Semester 1 covers Java (the first few weeks is based on processing to teach you the fundamentals), and web development using the play framework (1.5.3, java based). Semester 2 seems to cover javascript, node, databases & computer systems. From what I can see, this is going very JS based, so would suit a web dev to do.
Some good advice in the other answers. You can program on windows, MacOS or Linux. They all support the most popular programming languages. I would start learning with Python and or Javascript. Languages all have similarities so once you get good at one it's easier to learn others. The best thing about learning to program is that once you have a computer and internet access more or less everything else is free. Automate the boring stuff is good but it depends on where you're interests lie. I learn better through visual demonstration and if you are the same then I would recommend the coding train which is a great youtube channel. Some of the Processing.org tutorials on that channel are a great way to start to learn programming that has visual results.
When you're up for a challenge I'd recommend checking out www.codewars.com
It has some interesting coding challenges. Going through solutions should also teach you a bit, but it's more aimed towards people with some dev experience
I am currently learning about freelancing, and my goal is to be a full time freelancer soon! I had a part time VA before for 5 months, I really enjoyed the tasks that my client wanted me to do. But, I had to quit since I still have a full time job in a corporate world by then. :-)
It’s already common in some compaines. Gitlab have been remote for years and they have a transparent pay scale that shows how much you can earn and the scale for different locations.
It’s not always to do with WFH, it’s to do with location.
with a couple of USB hubs.
I keep both laptops plugged in separately. Everything ultimately runs through the hubs and the switch box, so going from personal to work and back is as simple as switching a button on the box.
I have about 6 different USB peripherals. A couple are power hungry, so I use a powered USB hub.
How much is the droplet? One of the 5 quid ones? I self host a bunch of shit on an 8e/mo hetzner server. Voip, sites, bots etc. all concurrently and it stands up well. Could prolly run a fairly large matrix server on one of their 2e/mo lads.
Something like the above is what I used. People seem to argue about whether a CV should be 1 or 2 pages. I liked 1 personally because I didn’t have enough to fill 2 pages without waffle. Use Latex if you can.
Advice I was given that worked for me and got bites from a lot of the big names: - Since you’re not a graduate put your experience first, then education, then projects, then skills. - Only include skills you’re comfortable being asked about. No need to put in C# if you’ve not touched it in 3 years and only did a semester long module on it. - Make each bullet point informative. Swap “I was a developer on a Java project” with “I led the development of X feature. The result improved the performance by Y%”.
Take some web developer classes on Udemy.com. I am taking one that was originally $200 and was marked down to $12.99 and it is an awesome class, very in depth, the instructor is great and there is even a Discord server to connect with others in the class. And I'm 36 and in a career change arena as well. A content and digital marketer who is now ramping up my skillset and also adding in WordPress, UX/UI design and web development to the mix. I get what's you're going through. It's tough but it's worth it and the learning journey is awesome. Also, utilize Meetup.com to connect with others in your field. You got this!
I've been a long time contributor to a programming language (https://nim-lang.org) and it was probably the best I could have done for my career (I started in high school).
Other things you can contribute to:
Games - 0AD
Web apps - Discourse, Mastodon
Crypto - Basically every crypto out there is open source.
Almost every open source project centres around GitHub. If you are not familiar already with Git then you'll gain knowledge about it quickly through open source. You'll also meet a lot of people which will help you build connections and get a job in the future. They'll also teach you a lot.
If you can't find a project to contribute to then just look at the software you use daily, it's very likely there are ways you can make it better.
Hope this helps
If you’re really looking to up-skill yourself and have the time for it I’d recommend looking at GatsbyJS, it’s a static site generator for react, it’s incredible fast. The templates they have that can easily get you started and help a lot with the CSS etc. Simple Gatsby sites which would suit your use-case can be hosted on Netlify for free straight from a GitHub repo.
Edit: and as for pricing it really depends how many hours you pump into it and how complex it is I guess.
The Jobs i have applied for normally link you to a branded page on HackerRank (or a similar website) and ask you to do two questions. https://www.hackerrank.com/
One is usually around configuring and working with arrays and the other is more difficult and you need to use maps, trees or complex sorting to solve.
The other type of question I get a huge data set and have to do something with the data.
For example a job for a price compare site give you a Spreadsheet of 200 holiday apartments with rent prices, min/max capacity and holiday lengths. Determine the best fit for 10 different sized families on a certain budget looking to stay for a weekend/week/two weeks etc.
I've never been given a Question about consuming data from an API and I would have no idea where to even start.
I really like to know if there is a site or course (or public API) where I can start to learn how to handle these problems because at the moment I wouldn't be able to even set up my environment
In the interview/test, give yourself time to breathe, evaluate the task, think of a possible approach, step it out with pseudo-code in comments for each step, see if your logic seems right, then start coding. It's better than just hammering out line after line and hoping things work. If someone is watching, think out loud, say what you're going to try before you try it, etc.
What are you using for practice? Something like Code Wars? The site is full of the kind of "you'd never be doing that in the actual job" stuff that seems popular in coding tests, it might help you get in the mindset. https://www.codewars.com/
Very possible to land a job from self-learning.
It teaches you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby and some Git/GitHub.
I started this ages ago but I'm a nightmare for self discipline, so I'm in doing a BSc in college now but there are many people who used theodinproject to gain jobs in the industry!
No but I know someone who works for FIT and I work with students on the course. Each student interviews with and negotiates their terms with their employer. FIT just facilitate it. It depends on your experience and existing qualifications. It seems like an ok way to get into software development from a different field.
With your existing degree you might be better off going down the other road though. There are some degree holders on the course at the moment.
Edit: Unrelated to fit, if you're looking for a decent side learning opportunity try The Odin project.
One of the founders is an Irish developer.
The submitted link seems useful for constructing reg expressions and this one is useful for understanding one thats been constructed
([A-Z0-9]{1,2})[ ]([FGHJKMNQUVXZ])([0-9]){1,2}[ ](COMB)?[ ]*(Index|Comdty|Curncy)$
And a visualiser as an ATOM plugin -- couldn't find one for sublime though.
Few ideas:
If you've done personal projects in the past then make sure that they are online. Have you got a portfolio website?
I'm trying to hire software engineers right now, the most important thing that I look out for is initiative and self-motivation. All of the above would impress me, but most importantly you will be bettering yourself and build self-confidence.
I'm not much of a webdev myself, but if the site is that simple you can try to set up some Jekyll instead. They can be even hosted on gitlab.
My page on ESO builds, for example: https://divnyi.gitlab.io/weird-eso-builds/
If they need a site, this might be a cheap and cheerful solution - it integrates with Stripe and you show different stuff to members and paid subscribers, and it handles unsubscriptions for you: https://ghost.org/integrations/stripe/
I use Quire. One of my favorites.
It's a free work management software with agile features such as kanban board, offline syncing, easy collaboration, priorities...etc.
Not much of a fan of Jira tbh, I found it kind of difficult to use.
I dunno of any store that lets you try. You can order a key tester, it's an extra cost, but lower than a full keyboard : https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mechanical-Keyboards-Testing-Retooled-Sampler/dp/B08JPK8SBM/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=2RLPFW9YIYRT&dchild=1&keywords=mechanical+keyboard+tester&qid=1635787111&sprefix=mechanical+keyboard+tester%2Caps%2C83&am...
You could try one of these.
I got one of these these last year when we started working from home and it’s great.
The only issue is that the base/extendable part is a bit low so I swapped it out for the base of my old chair which was a bit higher.
Other than that it’s really comfortable.
I've been using this https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01N6GD9JO/
as a usb hub between a work laptop and pc. Works well with rgb mouse/keyboard, web cam, mic. I one case I have an extra hub plugged in as the devices mentioned before take up more spaces then the hub switch allows by default. Works fine, they have a power supple interface to help work devices but I haven't had to use it yet.
I have one of the Elecom trackballs and it's weird to get used to if you haven't used trackball but it's grand. I've had lots of wrist problems due to my hobbies of playing guitar and rampant self-love and this has definitely stopped a lot of the pain I had when using a mouse. There is a fast and a slow setting but I've never bothered with fast as I don't use it for gaming.
Here is one on US Amazon but you can get them easily over here. I even snagged a left-handed one but that was an import job from Japan.
I have this feeling sometime too. But before you do anything drastic, read this. I highly recommend it. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Imposter-Cure-mind-trap-imposter-syndrome/dp/1783253061/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=68233748814&dchild=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwq_D7BRADEiwAVMDdHvz_10nLcwR44924Zg9tEUoeJ9DrxpO-oDSkx3AG4cHHz7oXKNtinRoCbZ8QAvD_BwE&hvadid=34428...
If it's good enough for James Foley to move country and start a new life whilst leaving his family behind, then it's good enough for me!
This is actually pretty amazing. I especially like how Code Complete 2 was pretty much voted as the greatest dev book ever before the poster edited it to include a tonne of other books. I got a copy over a year ago and still haven't read it (I'm going through some language specific books right now and I'm saving CC2 for a few years from now, when I can really appreciate it).
It's simple. I work in an 100% IT company, more then 80% tech people. They have a small library. Until a few months ago - there was not a single technical book in it. All of the books were self-help bullshit like "How to succeed in business", "n ways to get rich", Golemans stuff, marketing this and that. It was all brainwashing new age bullshit. After they employed a few foreigners, books like "Effective Java" or similar started appearing. And that is very illustrative on the local mentality - it's not HOW you work - it's how you PRESENT YOU WORK.
And it's everywhere. I mean a simple electronic repair shop having IVR that never stops repeating how great they are (it made me crazy to wait for the "agent" to answer) but without ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, that SMS parking company bragging about their super-tech when they merely charge your credit card on a sent message. And all that marketing goes way beyond good taste - it's overwhelming and irritating.
I do respect Irish tourist industry though. They are experts in selling everything with a very good approach and not too expensive. But it's not tech, so it's a different beast.
What I want to say is - some things considered as NORMAL and ordinary in other countries, here are marketed like a space-ship industry, so I literally stopped taking seriously most of things here. I first check from 3rd party sources before wasting my time and money.